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coolasfcuk 02-04-2004 23:02


Originally posted by Lux
EDIT: cool - what was your old job? if i may ask
sure :D

I worked for 1.5 years at one of largest (top 5) Architecture firms in USA and the world for that matter. A large corporation :eek: :ill: of course one learns a lot working for such a large firm, but being there too long could also drive you crazy - the 'any sort' of *sism that comes from it being the headquarters office and situated in the 'conservative' midwest :hmmm: ....... oh, but let me tell you the way one can go through life being paid lots of money for doing almost next to nothing I also 'learned' :laugh:

Now I work for one of my x preofessors who also practices at the sam time he teaches. We used to be 4 - Me and Him here in Midwest, and His partner and one guy like me in San Francisco. But as of very recently she - the partner - fired him :eek: ... so now its only 3 of us.. compared to thousands at my previous job! :flag: .... so its a lot more stressful for me... of course we do way smaller projects, but still... lots of fun :coctail:
Not to mention Jeff - the guy I work for is great and very talanted and intelligent - so its a pleasure working for him - we've already been in number of publications and in last years list of 'Most Progressive Young Firms' :D Wait couple more years and.... :10x:

shizzo 02-04-2004 23:12


Posted by me :
- Maintain awesome timing and charm.
- Create castle of cheese and sausage.
- Latch self and mind onto NS.
- Add to DVD collection.
- Switch deodorants.
I seem to have accomplished all my goals already.

QueenBee 02-04-2004 23:13

I don't even remember mine.. :ithink: *Goes to look them up and prepares to cry over her boredom* :D

*Comes back after 10 seconds* Forget it. :gigi:

taty994945 11-05-2004 08:40

QB, your's are on the 1st page, 4th post :P


Bludge as much as possible
I knew I could do it. :rolleyes:

teeny 19-12-2004 23:52

should we create a totally new one or get this one renamed?

When looking back at my main resolution which was to keep the room clean I surely managed to keep it. Cleaning the room the last year has been a 5 minute work at most. When going from meassy to clean. Well excluding dusting which I've done at a regular basis aswell.

Resolution for 2005:
* to go party a whole lot more
* to make sure family and friends know where I go party and why :heh:
* hopefully succed with getting some kind of job

thegurgi 19-12-2004 23:57

i just read my resolution from last year, and i think i fulfilled it. I definetly had a better year than the one before! weeee!

My resolution for 2005 will be:
Lose my excess weight and be more confident in myself ... which is like me saying my new years resolution will be to win 1,000,000,000 dollars... so i'll have to think about it somemore.

teeny 20-12-2004 00:04


Originally Posted by thegurgi
which is like me saying my new years resolution will be to win 1,000,000,000 dollars

that would be considered a step in the wrong direction from the start :heh:
I think you can do it, greg.. I'm hoping to cover the "be more confident" one aswell. Already did a few things this year I never would have considered doing a year ago. So I hope to make progress aswell.

You have some time still to think of more resolutions so no hurry :) The more the better I guess. Just as long as they are not interferring with eachother.

QueenBee 20-12-2004 00:06

I don't even wanna read my last resolutions! Am I the only one who finds that embarassing? :ithink:

Mossopp 20-12-2004 00:09

We should start a new thread.

QueenBee 20-12-2004 00:11


We should start a new thread.
I second that totally *Just cause its so shameful*

kishkash 20-12-2004 00:11

my 2004 resolution:

i never make new years resolutions coz i can never keep them...

*tries to think of some regardless* be a better person
hmm...well i hope i did it...and i think i kidna did...tho the stuff i do to be good just ends up back-fawking-firing in my face and i feel horrible about everything ANYWAY

i ended up reaching the goals i set out for myself and am in the position where im buying a house and all that crap...but its all so this year i resolve to:

NOT GIVE A FLYING COPULATION ABOUT ANYTHING...maybe i'll succeed...who knows :gigi:

freddie 20-12-2004 00:55

My new years resolution is to finally get a law degree, and to start making some money so I can move to Canada.

But first... I just want to get rid of this damn sadness.

kishkash 20-12-2004 05:03


Originally Posted by freddie
My new years resolution is to finally get a law degree, and to start making some money so I can move to Canada.

But first... I just want to get rid of this damn sadness.

marry me ;)

thegurgi 20-12-2004 05:06


Originally Posted by freddie
and to start making some money so I can move to Canada.

Hey Freddie, whereabout in Canada? Cause i can make a few recommendations, some really nice areas too

edit: I've decided on a good resolution. I'm gonna start physical therapy and get my right leg strong and hopefully get rid of my limp. I'll talk to my doctor and see if he can point me in the right direction, who knows maybe there is one on/near campus i can walk to (Which is pt to begin with). I'm just really sick of being slower than everyone else, and it's about time i did something about it, right? So there's my resolution... it's kind of simple cause all i have to do is say to my doctor "i want to go to a physical therapist." My appt is on the 7th, so lets see

haku 20-12-2004 06:13

Ok, this is getting confusing since people are posting in both the 2004 and 2005 threads...

This one is closed, please post in the New Year Resolutions for 2005 thread, thank you.

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