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People.. wut does life mean to u??

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Old 30-08-2003, 14:50   #1
TaTu^HeRo TaTu^HeRo is offline
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Talking People.. wut does life mean to u??

Sometimes I wonder why I am living, sometimes I wonder what’s the gist in this confusing story of my life. I search for the answers still can’t find any, I look at the vulgar shyness that hits me when I am choosing my road, should I be honest? Or should I be honest but trick my fate and choose the other direction, then watch fate throw me in my direction facing the most incredible experience in my life. So why waste time and wonder which road to take, eventually I’ll be thrown facing that road, so why not enjoy the phenomenal feelings of falling down and then building everything from scratch. This is life to me, a rare experience that you can’t live twice, so live your life, and eat lots of ice cream helps u remove your frustrations.
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Old 30-08-2003, 15:02   #2
taty994945 taty994945 is offline
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i think ppl should live in the most standard way as possible and then die
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Old 30-08-2003, 15:06   #3
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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"Life's a b*tch and then you die" :P

Nah seriously, life is life and it's just a complicated mess... I just live it and do nothing special being neutral. :P
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 30-08-2003, 15:16   #4
EeZeReal EeZeReal is offline
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i think ppl should live in the most standard way as possible and then die
Well so far thats going to plan for me...

And I pretty much believe in the same thing.
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Old 30-08-2003, 15:49   #5
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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To me, life should be a way to learn and have fun. At the same time.

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Old 30-08-2003, 17:23   #6
cirrus cirrus is offline
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I don't know why we live, where we come from, or what happens later. I take that to mean that we should really live now. Learn what you can about those around you, understand where you fit in, and don't be afraid to live as yourself. This could be your only chance.

I don't believe in fate. If it was real, we wouldn't have to do anything but still go on a certain path. No effort = no future. I just think everything in the universe comes together sometimes, so things just work out.
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Old 30-08-2003, 17:25   #7
freddie freddie is offline
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I haven't yet figured out what life is. The idealist say that we're all here to learn certain things, but if this is the case then why is it all so damn bannal?! Seems like 20% of the people are comfortably numb without feelings whatoever, 20% are happy or at least consider themselves being happy while the other 60% are fcuking miserable.

And all of this is covered with this great big cloud of banality. I used to read LJ's from people, now I don't anymore because they literaly scare me. They are a frightning example of how unimportaint and insignificant our lives really are. But it's alright as long as you aren't bored with it I guess.

This reminds me of a verse from a song Downtown Train by Tom Waites:

...the downotown train is full,
with all those Brooklyn girls
they try so hard
to break out of their little worlds...

So my guess is the meaning of life is not to get bored and to stay excited and passionate about the things that surround you...
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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Old 30-08-2003, 17:41   #8
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
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Life doesn't mean anything to me. I'm here and that's it. I don't even think that what I'm going through can legitamately be called a "life" - it's really nothing more than an existance.
I've been on this earth for 21 years with nothing to show for it. I have no real friends, no woman, a soul-destroying job and I still can't escape my mothers iron grip! Nothing is gonna change anytime soon and I don't particularly relish the thought of living like this for another 21 years.
It's stupid. Life is stupid. That's the bottom line. I don't doubt that some people are perfectly happy with their lives and I'm sure those people are reading this and thinking what a pathetic little wretch I am but I couldn't give a f#ck. Good luck to 'em but we can't all be perfect.

"When you are living nothing happens. The settings change, people come in and go out, that's all. There are never any beginnings. Days are tacked onto days without rhyme or reason, it is an endless monotonous addition. I wanted the moments of my life to follow one another in an orderly fashion like those of a life remembered. You might aswell try to catch time by the tail." - Jean-Paul Sartre
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?
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Old 30-08-2003, 18:26   #9
cirrus cirrus is offline
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Mossopp, yeah life is stupid. sometimes. It makes people feel like they are nothing, just another body out of billions, that will never achieve anything. And some people really believe that. Thus, they become nothing. Everyone wants life to be better. That's one reason why we (or atleast I) live - the hope that one day it will all be worth it. Maybe you don't want to wait for that day. But seriously, it's being alive and enjoying what you like (even if it doesn't outweight all the sh*t you go through), or being what? dead? what do you do then?

Like Anais Nin said "Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." No you can't always be happy. Look at Yulia with all her health problems. But you can't always feel down either. You can't be forever. That's why we die. You're 21, an adult, so live like one. Your next 21 years don't have to repeat your first. And if your life still feels like nothing, you know that there's always an alternative to living. But who knows if it's a better one...
la profundidad.
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Old 30-08-2003, 18:43   #10
TaTu^HeRo TaTu^HeRo is offline
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Things to do before it's too late.. relaxing guys.. may actually enjoy life..

1)kiss someone who's not so your type. Variety is the spice of life.
2)Watch DVDs of your favorite TV show all day (in this case watch anything about Tatu )
3)Create your own fanzine or build website.
4)Start a fan group for your favorite band (ahhhhh TATU )
5)Write a song, sing it, then make up your dance, tape it, then laugh your heads out.
6)Make a scrapbook of everything you got up to.
7)Make yourself do something you were scared of doin.
8)Seduce someone
9)Start your own fashion trend.
10)Loooooooove your imprefections (have the worst hair in the world, so wut just enjoy your time making hairstyles from hell )
11)Follow a horny dream of yours and turn it into reality.
12)Be the first one to hit the dancfloor, dance like crazy, and nevermind that you don't know how to dance.
13) Date someone who is not your type.
14) Try new things, if you're straight kiss a person from the same sex, and if you're homo, kiss someone hetro, just try new things
15) Do something like stripping in the garden with your loved one and dancing by the moonlight

Silly ones... but try them really works for me...
Все мы живем в наших собственных кругах и иллюзиях, и сомневается, что мы несем вокруг, только проявляют обман, что мы идем..

Есть надежда даже в безнадежных случаях

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Old 30-08-2003, 19:00   #11
freddie freddie is offline
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1.) I've never kissed (been kissed rather) by someone of my type. Sooooo?
2.) Oy! No thanks. I'd hate them by the end of the day.
3.) Yawn. I'm not much into creating websites. Boooring.
4.) Ditto
5.) Hmmm...possibly someday.
6.) I did that once.
7.) Get bitten by a cobra or a black mamba? I'll think about it.
8.) Oy! I'm not much of a seducer.
9.) Fashion? I have an anti fashion policy
10.) Huh? Rather not. Then I should be completely in love with myself.
11.) Yeah nice plan. And get arrested?
12.) Did it...
13.) Never dated someone my type, so #1 applies here. Did it.
14.) I'll think about it.
15.) Don't have a loved one. Can I do it myself? Hell I'll do it anyway.

Will this make me happy?
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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Old 30-08-2003, 19:11   #12
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
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More pessimisim, courtesy of Mossopp..

1) Noone seems to have any desire to kiss me. If I wanted to embark on your first suggestion, I'd need to hit said "someone who's not my type" over the head with a brick untill they were unconcious and couldn't fight off my advances!
2) I can't watch DVD's all day - I have to kill whatever spark is left inside me in by working every day.
3) Dunno how to build a website. I don't have the money to afford the nesessary equipment anyway.
4) I'm perfectly happy with this fan group/community thanks very much
5) I've spent the past 8 years writing songs. They're all crap.
6) I'd have nothing to put in it.
7) I've done that. It only got me into trouble.
8) Like that's ever gonna happen!
9) Tried that. Got my head kicked in by the local self-appointed fashion police.
10) If only I could...
11) See my answer to number 8.
12) I've done that. It was ok.
13) See my answer to number 11.
14) Ummmm...
15) Don't have a "loved one". Don't enjoy dancing alone.

*leaves before everyone gets truly sick of her complaining*
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?
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Old 30-08-2003, 19:21   #13
goku goku is offline
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Life is too short of a time in which we live. I'm not so interested in life as I am in what happens after life.
Life is also what you make of it. I think everyone should always be positive and happy..
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Old 30-08-2003, 19:29   #14
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Life is just a big game and we are only pawns in the game. But who are the players? Or we are just puppets of the puppetry, but who pulls the strings?
No, that`s not the way I think. We can control our lifes and do changes if we want. I imagine that life is a big frame and we are inside of it. There are many paths to choose, it`s like a labyrinth, but there are only one way out (death of course). So we are like animal experiment rats under vivisection. Interesting question is, who is the vivisector? There has to be someone.
So that didn`t sound very cheerful. But I enjoy life, sometimes it can be very amusing.

[Originally posted by TaTu^HeRo
so live your life, and eat lots of ice cream helps u remove your frustrations.

I prefer chocolate
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Old 30-08-2003, 20:40   #15
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Ooo I love these survey things :P

1)kiss someone who's not so your type. Variety is the spice of life.

What? Not my type? All people are my type. If they wanna kiss me, I kiss them! It doesn't matter who they are :P

2)Watch DVDs of your favorite TV show all day (in this case watch anything about Tatu )

If only I had a DVD-player...

3)Create your own fanzine or build website.

Done like four times now :P

4)Start a fan group for your favorite band (ahhhhh TATU )

Hmm.. Well I would, but then I would risk being beaten up in school and called lesbian Why would I want that? :P

5)Write a song, sing it, then make up your dance, tape it, then laugh your heads out.

Done that too. :P Except the taping-thing. Hmm! Gives me something to think about :P

6)Make a scrapbook of everything you got up to.

I'd just get tired... But thanks for the suggestion. :P I really don't see why that would be an important thing to do before I die though :P

7)Make yourself do something you were scared of doin.

I've already done that so many times :P And I'll do it again anytime...

8)Seduce someone

*Calls Phil (TvA)*

9)Start your own fashion trend.

Why would people wanna wear socks on their heads?

10)Loooooooove your imprefections (have the worst hair in the world, so wut just enjoy your time making hairstyles from hell )

Hmm.. I'd say I already have the worst hair in the world :P

11)Follow a horny dream of yours and turn it into reality.

If you wanna know all the details, Phil is in his office :P

12)Be the first one to hit the dancfloor, dance like crazy, and nevermind that you don't know how to dance.

Well... Where would I dance? I'm underage and I never get invited to any cool parties.. so no thanks :P

13) Date someone who is not your type.

As I said, everyone is my type. :P Plus I don't believe in dating :P

14) Try new things, if you're straight kiss a person from the same sex, and if you're homo, kiss someone hetro, just try new things

Did I tell you that I've kissed a girl? :P

15) Do something like stripping in the garden with your loved one and dancing by the moonlight

If only I had a garden.... Hm.
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 30-08-2003, 21:21   #16
EeZeReal EeZeReal is offline
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*Smiles @ a couple of Mon's answers*

1)Most of my latest gf's havn't been my type..
2)Did it the other day (Family Guy )
3)Building stuff doesn't really excite me
4)Agree's with Mossopp
5)I Write and record all the time...Its not really the type you can dance to though.
6)Shouldn't be hard..I don't intend on doing much.
7)Hmmmmm I'll think about it
8)I think I'll return the Mon
9)Done, I actually re-invented the Kriss Kross trend for a while years ago(If anyone remembers "them")
10)I'll give it a go.
11)If only *Sigh* Plane tickets to Moscow (Or Sweden ) are pretty pricey for me..LoL
12)Do it alot..
13)See 1
15)No loved one anymore, Once I get another I'll give a go.
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Old 30-08-2003, 22:21   #17
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1)kiss someone who's not so your type. Variety is the spice of life.
Done that, my type doesn't want to kiss me anyway.

2)Watch DVDs of your favorite TV show all day (in this case watch anything about Tatu )
Done that.

3)Create your own fanzine or build website.
Done that, boring.

4)Start a fan group for your favorite band (ahhhhh TATU)
I'm happy with this fan group.

5)Write a song, sing it, then make up your dance, tape it, then laugh your heads out.
That would involve moving my body, so no.

6)Make a scrapbook of everything you got up to.
I didn't get up to anything.

7)Make yourself do something you were scared of doin.
There's no way i'll go near communist vampire spiders.

8)Seduce someone
Huh, suddenly going near communist vampire spiders doesn't sound that bad.

9)Start your own fashion trend.
Well, no one dresses like me so i'm definitely my own fashion trend, except no one is following it.

10)Loooooooove your imprefections (have the worst hair in the world, so wut just enjoy your time making hairstyles from hell)
I am one big imperfection, and i love myself a lot.

11)Follow a horny dream of yours and turn it into reality.
That would lead me to Moscow, then directly to jail, so no.

12)Be the first one to hit the dancfloor, dance like crazy, and nevermind that you don't know how to dance.
I'm never the first one to hit anything.

13) Date someone who is not your type.
Done that, my type doesn't want to date me anyway.

14) Try new things, if you're straight kiss a person from the same sex, and if you're homo, kiss someone hetro, just try new things
Hum, i'm definitely going to consider going near those communist vampire spiders.

15) Do something like stripping in the garden with your loved one and dancing by the moonlight
Done that, except no loved one.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 30-08-2003, 22:46   #18
Echoed Echoed is offline
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Life to me. Life is to live fully, feel the full spectrum of emotions. Life is not to die. In any way.

Life is to smile at a ladybug taking flight. Life is to shed a tear for every lost childhood.

Life sucks. Life is beautiful. Life's what I complain about. Life is what I cherish.


Quietly weaving,
Tiredly leaving,
Another today,
Again tomorrow
Together dismay,
And raining sorrow.

Le noir, la gloire... On se demande bien.
Mais comm' je t'adore, lorsque je m'endors...
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Old 30-08-2003, 22:50   #19
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
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Originally posted by THEvolkovaADDICT
I actually re-invented the Kriss Kross trend for a while years ago(If anyone remembers "them")
The back-to-front jeans, right bro?
Yeah, I tried rocking that look for a while but it's kinda hard to walk when your kecks are on the wrong way round!
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?
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Old 30-08-2003, 23:59   #20
Tom Violence Tom Violence is offline
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1)kiss someone who's not so your type. Variety is the spice of life.

I have done this. I didn't like it. Still, it was a line in the sand for my self-esteem.

2)Watch DVDs of your favorite TV show all day (in this case watch anything about Tatu )

My sister and I developed a short-lived tradition of watching Red Dwarf videos all day on Christmas Eve, back when it was still the type of exciting day that merely had to be subsisted through.

3)Create your own fanzine or build website.

I have done this. It looked quite proffessional. But I found it an entirely unrewarding venture. Same goes for most pursuits I have indulged in.

4)Start a fan group for your favorite band (ahhhhh TATU)

This place is fine for me.

5)Write a song, sing it, then make up your dance, tape it, then laugh your heads out.

I can't sing or dance. I tried for four years to form a band but no-one wanted to make the music I wanted to.

6)Make a scrapbook of everything you got up to.

I used to keep a diary. I tried to artifically impose a coherent narrative on my life for about six months. These were perhaps the most regrettable six months of my life.

Life does not build up to motivated pay-offs in the way films do. There's no reward for being patient or pleasant or romantic. Obvious enough, but a lot of people never learn this.

7)Make yourself do something you were scared of doin.

Yes, I suppose.

8)Seduce someone

Who? I feel little connection with the great majority of people I meet.

9)Start your own fashion trend.

If I did this, it would be by accident. It's not something I'm going to go out of my way to achieve.

10)Loooooooove your imprefections (have the worst hair in the world, so wut just enjoy your time making hairstyles from hell)

I have an unstylish haircut and I like having it. However, I'm much more keen on working to overcome my imperfections. Identifying imperfections and then meandering through life without doing anything about them is simply lazy.

11)Follow a horny dream of yours and turn it into reality.

I'm the one who is moving to Moscow.

12)Be the first one to hit the dancfloor, dance like crazy, and nevermind that you don't know how to dance.

This I have done. A few times. In the safety of Offbeat, where no one can dance, and where my friends want to dance to the same songs as I do.

13) Date someone who is not your type.

I did this. And, In other circumstances - if he had different friends - he might have been my type. I saw this, I saw him for what I saw he could be. However, trying to change people is not recommended.

14) Try new things, if you're straight kiss a person from the same sex, and if you're homo, kiss someone hetro, just try new things


15) Do something like stripping in the garden with your loved one and dancing by the moonlight

I went barefoot in the snow on New Year's Day, just to see what it felt like. I was on my own. And, apart from my feet, fully clothed. My finding? It felt bloody cold.
Stay in the underworld with me.
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