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Why aren't there more women in politics, science, and corporate ceo positions?

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Old 03-07-2010, 07:13   #1
Aisymooly Aisymooly is offline
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Why aren't there more women in politics, science, and corporate ceo positions?

Just curious. I'm only 16, but I'm planning to study science, business & economics, and politics in university. Why don't more women study these topics?
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Old 18-08-2010, 13:01   #2
dradeel dradeel is offline
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I know this was an old post. Didn't see it before now. But I'll answer anyways...

They do... by gawd they do study politics in University. At least half of the students in political science in my university were girls, but after a while when you come closer to finishing bachelor and master (under grad and grad) the women are "weeded out" ... not by force of course, but it seems like girls won't stick to it, and they fall back on psychology, social anthropology or leave the university entirely and get into other studies within health care or school etc. Also, people (and I'd argue this goes more for girls than guys, but it's certainly not by much) who study social sciences are often not very aware of what they really wanna study, and after a while they drop out. As for in natural sciences and business you'll have geeks that know what they wanna do, and so there may be less women than men here to begin with, but they stick to it and you'll see the same level of women later on.

It's not easy to explain why it is like this. Part of it is that women have a natural tendency to be stronger at the "care-taking professions" and as such you have a huge majority of women in social parts of the health care business being nurses for instance, or being assistants and teachers in schools and kindergarten etc, while men have a tendency to specialize more and do more one-on-one tasks (doctor, mechanic, administrative positions, whatever), or perhaps completely isolated tasks (like research), and as such you'll have more men doing the crazy geeky stuff. Not necessarily a rule, just an overall tendency I think this explains why less women tend to end up finishing these sorts of geeky stuff, because it's in their nature to be a lot better as people persons, while men are "asocial creatures" that prefer to play around with one special field of interest. It's just part of our genes as female caretakers and male hunter-gatherers, I guess.

But I tell you, hold on to your goals and interests and don't mind what people say, and don't care why or why not girls study something. It doesn't matter what your sex is. The only thing that matters are individuals, and you are one.
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Old 23-08-2010, 09:55   #3
Endri Endri is offline
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The signature of the thread starter makes me believe that the post was actually a spam, a more sophisticated one.

Last edited by Endri; 23-08-2010 at 10:29.
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Old 23-08-2010, 21:35   #4
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by Endri View Post
The signature of the thread starter makes me believe that the post was actually a spam, a more sophisticated one.
Hahaha!! True. I didn't notice the signature at all! I guess it was spam, but that's a remarkably sophisticated spam msg, indeed. Hehe. Probably to hide the true intents of the post, in hope of someone just happening to click on the signature...

Oh well, I guess my answer was all in vain after all then
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I have started a blog that aims to concentrate its content on politics, economics and history, with a keen interest in American politics and the American tradition of Libertarianism and Austrian Economics.
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Old 23-08-2010, 23:41   #5
Endri Endri is offline
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Originally Posted by dradeel View Post
I guess my answer was all in vain after all then
No, i really enjoyed reading it, it was inspiring, and i hope the spammer read it, too (unless it is some kind of robot copying questions from Yahoo! Answers, or smth similar.) dradeel, you have a way with words!
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Old 25-08-2010, 10:06   #6
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by Endri View Post
No, i really enjoyed reading it, it was inspiring, and i hope the spammer read it, too (unless it is some kind of robot copying questions from Yahoo! Answers, or smth similar.) dradeel, you have a way with words!
Thank you! I'm very happy to hear that! Guess it was worth writing all that after all
What I Think Tank
I have started a blog that aims to concentrate its content on politics, economics and history, with a keen interest in American politics and the American tradition of Libertarianism and Austrian Economics.
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