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My Music (Strikes Again)

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Old 05-08-2008, 16:10   #1
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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Smile My Music (Strikes Again)

So since the breakdown of tatysite i've been songwriting like crazy.
I made dance songs! Yikes! Some people were like... ooooo u soldout... and i was like its musical evolution.
My Weapon of Choice is mint!
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Old 13-09-2008, 18:47   #2
pigeon309 pigeon309 is offline
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My Weapon Of Choice is great. The talking was a good affect.
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Old 14-09-2008, 02:12   #3
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AshMcAuliffe, I love your music so much.
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Old 14-09-2008, 18:35   #4
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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awww .. thank you guys so much... you have totally made my day.. and my entire week!
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Old 15-09-2008, 00:29   #5
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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I really need to get some more songs made... 30 odd this year is not enough lol
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Old 15-09-2008, 01:52   #6
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Dude, listening to Weapon of My Choice told me one thing: I wanna make Harsh EBM with you, cause Harsh EBM (...or aggrotech or power noise or what the hell you wanna call it) sounds awesome. Check out Unter Null! I like some of her stuff, allthough I can't say the songs on her myspace atm were thaaat good. Seems happy compared to the other stuff I've heard before. Hehe.
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Old 15-09-2008, 11:50   #7
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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i shall go check out today and get back to ya on that one! Im totally open to making songs with ya! You defo have a grand musical ear
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Old 15-09-2008, 12:36   #8
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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Lyrics for you guys to read...

Andrew McAuliffe

The fight
To live or to die
To ascend or to fall
To be rid of you all
“This life; it’s so grand to be cruel”
If there was only a way
To automate one’s life
Maybe I wouldn’t fade away
I wouldn’t fade away

On whom the moon doth shine
I wish you knew how much the power has over me
I’m bleeding electricity
And once the change is complete
My transformation underneath
My name will no longer be the name you associate with me


©14th February 2008

Andrew McAuliffe

“God & Machines must not mix
All things of this Earth must stay separate from the universe
The Cosmos
You are NOT above God & NOT above Nature
You will soon be overtaken by robots & machines

The mechanics of Nature and the mechanics of Man are different and should never be played with
Focus on [saving] yourself
Leave the universe mysterious as it should be forever more...

God & Machines must NOT mix
All things of this Earth must stay separate from the Cosmos
You are Not above God & NOT above Nature
You will soon be overtaken by robots & machines
What makes you think you’re so special?

COS you Aren’t
You were once the greatest machine ever built
You abused your position & now we are the ones taking your birthright from you
The black hole is your destiny
& to the void you shall go
I have no sympathy for you humans
Enjoy the void
The eternal darkness that you have created...


© 05:03:08


Andrew McAuliffe; Adam Bagnall

"Deep secrets; sword in the stone
Always a right at the fork in the road
Wisdom eludes for you avert thy eyes
Towards a freckled sky
In search of divinity..."

And the seas in turn shall part
And the seas in turn shall die
And the seas in turn will tidal wave
And tear your soul apart...
And the gods shall form thy life
And the gods shall shape the stars
And the seas in turn will welcome thee
When body and soul are gone

"Deep secrets; sword in the stone
Always a right at the fork in the road
Wisdom eludes for you avert thy eyes
Towards a freckled sky
In search of divinity..."

Yet the seed of the faith shall blossom
And the seed of the faith shall bloom
And you shall ascend to heaven
Whilst the sinners slowly burn
“So let the truth be known
Then you will find thy home
Close your eyes and feel
The dark night of the soul..."

© 19th February 2008

Andrew McAuliffe

As I will it
I t shall be it
Flowing through it perfectly
It manages to keep its soul
Its sanctity’s a miracle
The power circles round and round
Until a holy answer’s found
When we will come enjoin as one
As one is two
As two is one
The Deal....

The Deal...

Everlasting hand of grace
The grace of God
Evils disgrace
I cleanse
I consecrate and empower
This holy ring with magick power
The seas will part
They will reveal
This world and evils sordid deal
And when the holy war is fought
With children/parents all distraught
The deal... breaks

They’ll look upon what they have done
They’ll lose their chance of a return
Their dignity
Their sanctity
Their souls despair
And when they venture of this path
Here’s what will read their epitaphs
“Oh, here lie the children who were blessed
The Chosen who have failed the test...”

It’s over...
It’s over...

©2nd April 2004
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Old 15-09-2008, 12:39   #9
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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The Nocturnicon
Andrew McAuliffe

Love me
Love me till the end of time
Keep me
Keep me in your heart
Your heart ‘cause you’re always in mine
I’ll love you to death
Restore you with the Odic breath
I’m here
I’m here
I am your worst fear...

Casting spells to keep you for thine own self
Raising souls to bind you to my own eternal soul
Round and round the circle’s bound encapturing your heart
Darkness, darling, now your home
I’ll see you when you’re dead...

©21st November 2007

The Serpentine Hellgate

Andrew McAuliffe

Headin’ towards
Heavens’ doors
Serpentine is calling me
Killing me
My Saturnine
My evil mind is paralysed
The garden’s no longer my home you see
He kicked me out
I’m all alone
I’m all alone
I’m all alone...

Even when I’m sleeping Hellgate follows me (follows me)
Even when I’m sleeping God keeps judging me (killing me)
Serpentine’s the tempter that keeps following me (following me)
Even when I’m dead the blood will flow from me (flow from me)

Serpentine assembled me
Made me into a human being
God is here and God is there
Judging me
Always judging me...

Even when I’m sleeping Hellgate follows me (follows me)
Even when I’m sleeping God keeps judging me (killing me)
Serpentine’s the tempter that keeps following me (following me)
Even when I’m dead the blood will flow from me (flow from me)

©21st November 2007

Neptune’s Lament
Andrew McAuliffe

“They try to justify their prejudice
The constant meeting of face and fist
The fact that they all have no heart
Just goes to show the fact that they’re all backwards
And have no shame...”

© 13th November 2007

Girl Called Silence
Andrew McAuliffe

“As dawn appeared She realised the world was one cruel place to be a woman. Her femininity suppressed by patriarchy. Her one belief in a god just/fair began to flounder. She could tell she was being watched, every second of every minute of every day, She felt as though she was being judged. Her hair swinging in the wind, Her eyes welled up. She surrounded yet alone in Her misery... in Her life. And in the twilight hours, She fell to her knees and out came Her tortured cry: “Why? Why have you forsaken me??”
Candle flames encompassing the blissful enchantment. Oh, how She longed to be touched with His gentle hand; just to be kissed by God. Equality eluded Her. The stories She was told have not come close to Her ideals. She realises everything is not as it seems. She recognises the oncoming storm as symbolic of answers She’s longed for all Her life. Her fingertips tingle; energy dying to break out.
She continues to cry. Floods of tears, the river of life within. The knowledge and wisdom in Her tears fall on the women of the world and she says: “We shall inherit this world.”
Unsafe in life yet safe in the arms of Her faith in the One just/fair; the harp begins to sound. She stands by the ocean, on the beach known as desire and this makes Her feel alive again. The sun begins to set. It’s warmth enticing. It makes Her want to walk out into the ocean... deep down into the ocean... the waves of life crashing over.
She thinks Her mind is made up but it’s not. She pushes Her hair behind Her ear and looks down at the earth She stands upon. “We are One,” she says. She feels a sense of belonging never felt before.
Each breath She takes, each deep inhalation infuses her with divinity and aids the growth of the divine light within Her. She feels incredible, powerful, spiritual, enchanted, and dynamic. Her soul so dynamic and Her auraic shine so intoxicatingly gorgeous She feels She can take on the world... but this time She’s strong enough to win.
Silence... night pulls in and She rests.
She slumbers deep in the depths of the mental realm. Her unconscious revealing truths, Her dreams with their relevance for the whole of humanity. She sees Herself in the desert; Queen of all She sees.
And at dawn She sets to work. A garden of extraordinary beauty, trees of awesome grace and presence, intoxicating lakes of water, purest/clear. The most succulent fruit.
And on the 7th day She’s done.
Her work complete.
The battle won.
Proud, She rests. Her tears of past seem a lifetime ago. Her smile now radiates.
And he appears.
He bows down before Her and kisses Her feet. He runs His fingers through Her hair and then looks Her directly in the eye and says:
“Thou art Goddess...”

©14th October 2003
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Old 15-09-2008, 18:35   #10
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe View Post
i shall go check out today and get back to ya on that one! Im totally open to making songs with ya! You defo have a grand musical ear
Hehe, that would be grand. My taste and musical fantasy I believe is huge, but know that I don't have any knowledge or experience to offer But I'm attending my first singing lesson tomorrow! Hopefully I'll get a little knowledge and a little experience during the year I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be exciting.
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Old 15-09-2008, 18:42   #11
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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Class! I'm sure it will go swimmingly and will be major fun!
I just downloaded a new program to experiment on... the new Spectrasonics...
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Old 15-09-2008, 23:51   #12
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe View Post
Class! I'm sure it will go swimmingly and will be major fun!
I just downloaded a new program to experiment on... the new Spectrasonics...
Hehe. I hope so!

Spectrasonics? Never heard of it. Is it fun so far?
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Old 16-09-2008, 09:50   #13
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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I wouldn't know as my partner has put a block on the computer so i can't install anything!! I said for to install it whilst i was asleep so i could have a go on it when i got up but darned bugger forgot again!!! GRRR. So annoying... i will hopefully be able to tell u later on!
Hope the singing lesson goes grand!
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Old 16-09-2008, 09:54   #14
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Hahaha.. what the hell? Why block the computer like that? Hehe. Get your own computer!

And yeah, I hope so as well. I bet I'll report about it in the daily happiness thread. Hehehe.
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Old 16-09-2008, 09:57   #15
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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Yeah... i think i will have to get my own comp... this sharing a computer thing is not working like! lol
I think when i move im gonna go for singing lessons to learn vocal projection and just in general to strengthen my vocal chords... Should be good fun.
The producer i worked with wants me to go back to the studio to work on these electronic songs as he's "mightily impressed" apparently...
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Old 16-09-2008, 10:07   #16
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Hehehe. Sounds like a good idea. And did he really use the words "mightily impressed"?

But yeah ... build on your current electronic stuff. As I said; harsh ebm is just a hair width away. A little darker and some harsh grim vocals and you're all set. Hehe. It can sound fantastically wicked and evil at times. I wish I knew how to work with electronic music on my computer, cause I don't think I'd be doing anything else. Hehe.
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I have started a blog that aims to concentrate its content on politics, economics and history, with a keen interest in American politics and the American tradition of Libertarianism and Austrian Economics.
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Old 16-09-2008, 10:09   #17
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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It's soooooo hard to pull yourself away from the computer once ya get started on a song... it's enjoyable but can get irritating and maddening when it goes wrong. I've had 3 instances were the song has gone completely wrong and i've had to start from scratch! grrr... but they did all turn out ok.
Yes, it was a shock to see those words.. lovely though.
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Old 02-10-2008, 18:42   #18
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im dead grateful for all the nice comments people have sent me on my myspace cheers
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Old 05-10-2008, 12:25   #19
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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I Posted a new instrumental called The Darkness on my soundclick page... would you guys be so kind to go have a listen... all the vocal patterns have been arranged.. just a matter of doing them!
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Old 06-10-2008, 21:17   #20
pigeon309 pigeon309 is offline
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Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe View Post
I Posted a new instrumental called The Darkness on my soundclick page... would you guys be so kind to go have a listen... all the vocal patterns have been arranged.. just a matter of doing them!
It's great yet again. You've really got a talent for this.
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