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Dream Lover ~ NC-17 Fic~ New

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Old 23-11-2003, 10:20   #1
Aeon Aeon is offline
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Wink Dream Lover ~ NC-17 Fic ~ Update

This is my first tATu fanfic. Feedback is very much appreciated!

Yulia never kissed lips so soft and a mouth that tasted as sweet. She moaned and her pulse quickened. As her hands ran through hair that was red and long her mouth opened allowing her lover's tongue to slide inside her own mouth. Their tongues intertwining as their bodies slid against one anothers, soft bare skin on silky smooth skin..soft long fingers stroked up her thighs and she started to feel a warm wetness start up between her legs ...
*Du..du hast mich..thump thump..du has mich gefragt*

Yulia instinctively thrust her arm out and hit the doze button of her radio clock. Groaning she put her arm over her eyes, remembering she was having one hell of a wet dream. Her right hand slide inside her panties feeling the wetness that brought reality to the dream. Damn.. why did the alarm have to go off just as things were getting so intense? Who was this girl that she was in the midst of having such a good time with before the rude awakening of Rammstein pounding in her ears? She laid still trying to remember as much of it as possible. It wasn't anyone she recognized. She remembered red hair..creamy skin with excited they both were and feeling feelings she never felt for anybody before. Sighing she threw off the covers and started to go thru her morning routine before heading off for school...

Lena was mulling over breakfast anxiously thinking about what her first day at a newschool would be like. Her shyness made it very difficult to make friends and she's always been taunted for being a nerdy bookworm by the other kids. Swallowing the last of her orange juice she grabbed her books and headed out the door. Her last class finally arrived and since it was choir she was both relieved yet nervous at the same time. Singing was always her favorite thing in the world yet the newness of the surroundings and people worried her a little. As she turned the corner to the hallway where choir class was supposed to be she was startled out of reverie as she found herself tripped half over what turned out to be somebody tying her shoelaces. "Hey! watch where you're going!" Yulia started at the shocked new girl. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you down there..umm.." Lena started to blush as the spiky dark haired girl stood up. "oh..its all right..not your fau.." As blue eyes met grey, Yula's mouth stayed open and she stood transfixed as if time stood still looking into the most lovely eyes that captured her whole being. Lena started to wonder if she just grew antanneas the way this strange, yet very cute looking girl just stood there gaping at her. "Well umm I'm new here and I guess I wasn't paying good enough attention..anyway, I'm sorry." Yulia uncousiously jerked herself awake from her own reverie. Get a hold of herself girl and stop acting so wierd. . "Oh its ok, my name's Yulia..which class are you going to?" "I'm Lena..and I have choir with Ms. Tesla", replied Lena as she started to notice the most amazing blue eyes she's ever seen in her life. "Well that's my last class too. Come on, I'll go with you." She smiled and Lena started to relax as she they walked into the classroom.
After choir, which went better than Lena expected, since she finally made a new friend and was introduced to a few of the other students, Yulia suggested they walk home together since they both lived in the same direction. "So, how did you like your first day at this school?" Yulia still tried to figure out why this girl had such a strange attraction for her and couldn't help but look at her as often as she could while trying not to seem overly obvious. "Well it was kind of strange everything being new and all, but it got a whole lot better after I bumped into you" Lena smiled shyly and the returning smile Yulia gave her made her feel strange..but in a way she really liked. "Well, I'm glad you did", Yulia said not knowing what else to say without scaring the girl off. She really liked this shy russet haired girl, and it was a little scary for her feeling so strongly for someone she just met. As they came to Lena's house Lena started to invite her in, then Yulia blurted "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" and Lena replied, "oh, yeah..tomorrow I'll see you, thanks for walking home with me." "My pleasure, take care!" Both smiled and waved. My pleasure..take care? Could you be any dorkier Yulia? Yulia inwardly groaned as she walked the rested of the way to her house with the image of the most wonderful face she's ever seen in her mind the whole time. I always felt much more attracted to girls than boys, but this is the first time I really met someone who I want to get really close to..but she may not even like girls that way..and I wouldn't want to lose her friendship before its even really started..damn why do things have to be so..shit and I didn't even get her phone number..I'll have to remember to ask her tomorrow..

Later that night as Yulia lay in bed trying to fall asleep her mind still on about seeing Lena the next day, she started to imagine what it would be like to kiss her lips. Stroking that smooth silky body with her fingertips..her well developed breasts..Yulia's hands found themselves sliding over her own breasts, her nipples becoming erect as she pinched them between her fingers. Soon they were sliding down her sleek stomach and her left hand slid under her underwear to find that she was already wet. She stroked her soft clit until she brought herself to climax and soon fell asleep.

Silk sheets were all that lay over her body as she wrapped her arms around a smaller frame drawing her own naked body closer. She smelled such a sweet and musky scent coming from her lover that made her nuzzle her mouth against her neck elicting moans from the other girl. Running her hair thru spiky black hair as the girl turned over facing her, their lips met for a mindblowing kiss. Soon she felt hands roaming over her back and squeezing her buttocks as the kissing became more intense.. *ooh.. come on ooh come on baby..she wants to be beautiful..feeling kinda sexual..getting it on..lips talking saying something sweet..she doesn't know* Jerking awake Lena rolled over and turned her alarm off. Rubbing her eyes she started to recall some of her dream. oh my seemed so..real. I never felt so excited during a dream before..and the girl..she reminded me of that cute girl I met yesterday at school..Lena you must be losing your mind..She shook her head and slid out of bed, feeling a strange sense of apprehension and excitement over seeing that girl again at school today.

Last edited by Aeon; 01-12-2003 at 06:25.
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Old 23-11-2003, 14:25   #2
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I like this!

And haven't we *all* been woken up from a dream we *really* wanted to continue?

You get a lot of detail put into just a few paragraphs. Nicely done.

Please keep posting.

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Old 23-11-2003, 23:04   #3
haku haku is offline
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And haven't we *all* been woken up from a dream we *really* wanted to continue?
*Sighs* It's happened to me a few times. *cough* Wet dreams... an embarrassing and messy subject on which i'll say no more.

Some *nice* moments in this first chapter.

PS: I'll probably look stupid asking this but i'm used to it. What's NC-17? Sounds like a boysband name. LOL
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 24-11-2003, 00:45   #4
Aeon Aeon is offline
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Lightbulb tATu NC-17

Thank you Parrish & Haku!

Haku, NC-17 means that this story may not be suitable for children under 17 yrs. old, due to sexual content. Thanks for asking that so everyone will now know, and anyone who might be offended by such content will be forewarned.

I'll be posting an update real soon!
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Old 24-11-2003, 01:08   #5
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NC-17 means that this story may not be suitable for children under 17 yrs.
Ooh thanks, i should have guessed that! LOL

Well, Parrish and i are a bit over 17 so we'll be ok.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 24-11-2003, 01:50   #6
amikana amikana is offline
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[raises hand, starts waving franically]

i'm over 17 too!! and i'd like to say that i'm *very* intrigued by this fic. can't wait for the update

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Old 24-11-2003, 04:54   #7
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Yulia took extra time to brush her hair up and gel it so her spikes would stay up for the rest of the day. Applying eyeliner to accentuate her eyes, making them look even bigger and more expressive. She finished her primping by spraying on CK 1 cologne. God, I'm actually excited about going to school today. Yulia smiled and got the rest of her stuff together for school.
When the time finally came for choir class Yulia's tried to calm her pent up anticipation by chewing gum. She hoped it would make her look casual once she finally saw the redhead that's been on her mind all day. Lena came in and quickly scanned the room spotting the cute girl she was looking forward to seeing all day and her heart skipped when she saw Yulia wave her over. "Hey Lena, nice to see you again" she said and her smile made Lena feel weak in the knees. "Nice seeing you too." She's so cute..and the way she's chewing her gum is so adorable..Lena couldn't help having a big grin on her face. "Miss Volkova will you kindly get rid of that gum! This is choir, not a gathering of cows in the field!" Yulia turned bright red and rolled her eyes as most of the class giggled and snickered. Even Lena couldn't suppress a chuckle because she found the teacher's expression so damned silly. As Yulia fumbled with the gum wad, Lena said "here, I have some tissue you could wrap it in" and Yulia awkwardly handed her the gum as Lena stuck it in some tissue she had in her bag. "Uh, thanks", she mumbled. "No problem", Lena's soft way of saying that made Yulia feel a strange warm feeling inside, and suddenly her embarrasment was forgotten.

On the way home from school they kept laughing as Yulia made her hilarious impersonation of the teacher, her nose wrinking and high pitched voice, followed by mooing noises, sending Lena into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Yulia remembered that she wanted to get this girls phone number before she forgot to ask again. "Lets exchange numbers so we can get together outside of class", words which made Lena feel happier than she's ever been. "Yeah, well why don't you come over to my place and we can listen to music and I'll give you my number. "Okay, sounds great" Yulia eyes lit up and both started to laugh, feeling happy and a little nervous.
"Grandma, this is Yulia, my new friend from school". The older woman paused from her cross stiching to give Yulia the once over. "Hello, dear". Yulia gave her most charming smile.."Hello, nice to meet you ma'am". We're going upstairs to my room now grandma". "Okay hon, have fun". Lena took Yulia by the hand and led her to her bedroom. Her hand feels so good in mine..Yulia's body temperature started to rise from the contact.
The first thing Yulia noticed when they reached Lena's room were the pink walls. Bookcases were neatly stacked with lots of books. "Wow, you really like to read, huh"? "Yeah I do", replied Lena, enjoying Yulia's exploration of her room. She had intended all day to get her here, and she was feeling very satisfied that it was now happening. "How cute, you really love Sailor Moon". Yulia picked up a stuffed Luna cat doll on her bed, which had a few other stuffed toys on it. Lena smiled and looked thru her cd collection, "anything you'd like to hear?" The dark haired girl plopped next to Lena on the bed glancing at the cd's. Lena couldn't help but notice how nice she smelled and turned to her admiring the closeness of her beauty. Gradually Yulia looked up and found her blue eyes captured by grey. Although it lasted but a few seconds the moment seemed to last forever. "Beautiful.." mummered Yulia. Lena's mouth opened in surprise not sure whether she heard this or if her ears were playing tricks on her. Noticing Lena's blush brought Yulia out of her trance and she turned her attention back to the cd's. "Um that Chris Isaak cd is a good one" Yulia found herself saying. The redhead looked down at her cd's and took out the chosen one and put it in the player.
The world was on fire No one could save me but you. Strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you...
As the music played both girls sat on the bed facing each other. God, I just want to kiss her so badly.. Yulia reached her hand over to brush back strands of red hair covering Lena's face. This simple act sent tingles all thru Lena's entire body. Their eyes met again and Lena's heavy lidded gaze into Yulia's allowed instinct to take over. Yulia slowly leaned forward and her lips met with Lena's. Both never experienced such sensations... tender and electrifying all at once. Both Lena's hands ran thru Yulia's short black hair and the smaller girl reached behind her neck bringing each other even closer as if to devour the other. The kissing increased in intensity, Yulia's tongue stroking inside Lena's mouth, both reveling in the taste of the other. "Leeennaa!" Both startled girls jumped at the yell from downstairs. "Lena honey, can you come down?", her grandmother called. Lena cleared her throat and stood up went to open her door and said, "yeah, what is it grandma?". "I've got a charlie horse that's killing me and really need your help. Would you please get some of that bengay and rub my legs?" "Um..yeah ok, just give me a minute ok?" Lena turned feeling embarrassed at the mood breaking interruption and shyly glanced over at Yulia. The smaller girl was giggling and Lena smiled, "I'm sorry...I mean about my grandma.." "Well I guess I should go and let you go down and help her." Yulia's smile warmed the redhead's heart. Raising an eyebrow Lena said, "well you could stay if you wanted to and rub her feet while I do her legs?". "Um, well as tempting as that sounds, I think I'll have to pass on that one", Yulia continued laughing as she stood up. "Before I forget again, let me write down my number so you can call me later." Both girls exchanged numbers before heading downstairs. After saying their goodbyes Lena, still trembling from thier intimant kiss in her bedroom, tried to collect herself and went into the bathroom for the stuff to help out her grandmother.

Lena lived alone with her grandmother and having finished dinner went up to her room. She kept replaying the kiss in her mind. Yulia's mouth had tasted like peppermint, sweet and oh God, how she smelled so good, she wanted more and was a little afraid how strongly her desire was for this little dark haired girl she only recently met. There was a connection between them she couldn't explain. How could something that felt so right be wrong?

Yulia laid in bed hands folded behind her head looking up at the ceiling. I hope I didn't scare her off, kissing her just felt so right. She kissed me back, but what if she's had second thoughts by now. Should I call her and find out, or wait to see if she calls me...? These thoughts kept going through her mind, her heart felt like she had filled an emptiness she never realized until now had always been there. When the phone rang her heart jumped and she grabbed the phone. "Allo?" "Hi it's Lena", her voice sounded like warm velvet in Yulia's ears, caressing and tantalizing. "I'm happy you called, was laying here wondering if I should call you." Lena smiled, "well I've been thinking of you too". "And what have you been thinking about me?", Yulia's voice quavered a little, hoping her response would be a warm one. "That I've never kissed lips so soft...", Lena replied. Yulia let out a soft sigh. "I've been thinking the same thing too.." "I'm just not sure what all of this means..I mean I don't know to make of all this..its all so new to me." Lena stuttered out a bit, not sure how to express in words these new feelings she was experiencing for the first time. "I know what you mean Lena...I don't want to scare you away..I only know I want to see you again..if you want to that is.." Yulia replied hopefully. "I want to see you again", replied Lena softly. Overjoyed, Yulia blurted, "My parents are going away this weekend..would you like to come over my place and we could hang out?" "Umm..I would really like that..just have to check first with should be fine though. I'll let you know tomorrow when I see you". "Okay..I'll see you tomorrow then?" "Yes..have sweet dreams tonight Yulia..." "You too Lena", replied Yulia before they both hung up. She ran both hands through her midnight spikey hair grinning thinking, how can I sleep now when I can't wait to see you again Lena?

Last edited by Aeon; 24-11-2003 at 05:01.
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Old 24-11-2003, 05:47   #8
denial denial is offline
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*looks around*

*covers her mouth*
*tip toes ... and leave the thread silently*
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 25-11-2003, 04:05   #9
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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i like this Aeon.
its really interesting.

i give it two thumbs up!
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Old 25-11-2003, 05:20   #10
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Yay! There's more!

And Haku? A "bit" over seventeen? You are so gallant to put it that way.

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Old 26-11-2003, 01:03   #11
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*peeks into the thread*
no update
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 26-11-2003, 03:03   #12
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Yulia spent the rest of the week anxiously preparing for the coming weekend. Tidying her room, renting a few movies, making sure there was some of the favorite foods and drinks she found out during thier chats during the week that Lena liked. They had spent a lot of time talking, but hadn't brought up the kiss during their conversations. Both looked forward to this weekend, even if they were nervous about what might happen between them.

When Friday finally came and they were walking home from school they stopped off at Lena's place to pick up some of her things for the weekend stayover. It was Lena's first time at Yulia's place and when they went inside Yulia wanted to do everything to make her auburn haired friend feel comfortable. "Would you like a soda or anything to drink?", Lena was warmed by the smaller girl's attempt to play the perfect hostess. She smiled and replied, "yes, that would be great, whatever you have is fine." As they got their drinks

Yulia showed her to her bedroom, which was painted blue and had music in various forms everywhere, pop star posters on the walls, music sheets on her desk and stacks of cd's everywhere. "I see you really like all sorts of music", Lena scanned through her collection. "Classical, jazz, techno, pop...really cool how you love all sorts of music Yulia". Yulia smiled, "yeah, pick out whatever you like. Lets put your stuff over here on my chest and I'll go down to start dinner." Yulia went down to make spagetti and wanted it to turn out as good as possible so she'd make a good impression as something of a good cook.
Lena put on an Andrei Gubin cd and went to the kitchen to see if she help out with the cooking. As she went in she couldn't help but take her time admiring how Yulia looked, and stood behind her and found herself glancing up and down the smaller girls body, her sexy spikey hair, slender frame and the cutest bottom she ever saw. She continue to take in the smaller girls beauty until Yulia turned around with a jar in her hand and was so startled to find the silent Lena just behind her she spilled red sauce all over her white t-shirt. Red tomato sauce was splattered all over Lena's front.
"Oh, shit! I'm sorry, you scared me!" Yulia was between laughing and dying of embarrasment. Lena started to laugh, "its my fault, I should have warned you I was right behind you", Yulia found a towel nearby, ran it under water and started to rub off some of the sauce off the redhead's chest as they continued to giggle somewhat nervously. It was only moments into the cleaning attempt when Yulia realized she was rubbing Lena's voluptuous breasts and she felt her face flush. my God, she has the most amazing breasts, so full and perfect. As she glanced up they both stopped laughing, looking into the depths of each other's eyes, transfixed in the moment. "Um, I have another shirt I can change into, so I better take this off and run it under water or something", Lena finally managed to speak as they stood there with Yulia's towel in hand over her right breast. "Oh yeah...good idea", the smaller girl mentally jerked herself back to reality and gave the redhead her personal space back.

Lena went into the bedroom to change and after a moment Yulia thought to go retrieve the messed up shirt and throw it in the washer before the stain settled in. She walked into the room just as Lena pulled her top off revealing smooth milky skin and heavy breasts with large pink areolas which caused Yulia to stop dead in her tracks and watch as Lena's nipples became erect with the contact of cooler air on her skin...

Last edited by Aeon; 26-11-2003 at 05:15.
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Old 26-11-2003, 03:57   #13
haku haku is offline
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Lena's naked breasts... *faints*
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Old 26-11-2003, 04:44   #14
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... .... faster! more update!

*writes a note on the wall*
Denial WAS NOT here
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 26-11-2003, 05:11   #15
Aeon Aeon is offline
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Yulia felt her pulse quicken and all coherent thought momentarily lost. Lena had finished pulling her shirt off and looked up to see deep blue eyes grow dark with desire as they gazed down on her half naked body. Yulia looked up into soft gray eyes and slowly moved toward the taller girl, "I thought I'd take your shirt and wash it for you", the words spoken softly, barely above a whisper. "Oh...", Lena was at a loss for words, and feeling a little vulnerable in her exposed half naked state.
Yulia slowly crossed the small distance between them and reached for the shirt with her left hand. Lena started to hand it to her and felt as if her heart was going to pound out of her chest when she got so close she could feel the smaller girl's breath on her bare skin. When the shirt stood between both girls hands their eyes met and for a moment neither one moved. Yulia slowly, hesitantly reached with her right hand, her fingertips gently making contact with Lena's skin just above her left breast, causing a small gasp to come from the redhead. Yulia's gaze flickered between Lena's gray eyes and her lips as she gradually slid her fingetips across her chest then down between the middle of her breasts. Lena shivered at the contact and her lips parted, eyes filled with desire for the raven haired girl. This was enough confirmation for Yulia to to drop the shirt and slide both hands around the taller girls neck pulling her closer until their lips met. Thier eyes closed as they savored the sensation of this kiss that spoke more than words thier desire for each other. When their tongues connected Lena was unable to suppress a moan and their kiss quickly deepened.
Finally they gently pulled apart so they could each take a breath. Yulia took Lena's hand and led her to the bed beside them. As Lena sat down she watched as the smaller girl took her own shirt off and stood looking down at her to see how much farther they should go. "You're so...beautiful", Lena's voice slow and husky, she was too amazed at the slender beauty that stood before her to say anything more. Yulia smiled seductively and moved in between Lena's legs leaned down and kissed her deeply. Lena reached around and the passion of the kiss made her bolder as she firmly squeezed Yulia's firm buttocks. Yulia pulled from the kiss with difficulty as she stood up again and unbuttoned her jeans. Lena's breathed heavily as she watched her pull her jeans then her panties down almost with painful slowness.
Finally, Yulia stood naked in front of her and moved her hands towards Lena's own pants. "Here...lay down", Yulia helped Lena take off the rest of her clothing as Lena lay back her wetness already seeping through her panties. Both naked Yulia drew herself close to the redhead who reached up to cup two perfect smaller breasts in her hands. Massaging them and manipulating the nipples between her fingers, eliciting moans from the raven haired girl. It became too much for them as Yulia lay down against the redhead and the contact of their full naked bodies pressing against each other was more pleasurable than either girls ever imagined. As Yulia lay on top of Lena, feeling both their passions rising, she stroked the redheads tongue with her own. Thier tongues continued to dance together with increasing intensity, Lena arched her back grabbing fistfuls of black hair as the smaller girl rythmically moved her body up and down against her. "Yulia..I want..I don't know how..", Lena thought she might pass out from overwelming passion. "It's all right..I know me..", Yulia's soft sensual voice whispered in her ear.
And the redhead did, as Yulia continued kissing her neck and lowering herself to her breasts sucking her nipples. Lena moaned and her groin jumped at this pleasure as she ran her fingers through Yulia's short spikey hair. When she could tell Lena wanted much more Yulia slid further down her silky body kissing her belly along the way, until she was between her most intimate place. Softly blowing air at the glistening auburn curly hair the raven haired girl moaned as she received her first taste of Lena. Lena gasped at this wonderful sensation as Yulia took her time exploring and tasting her, writhing and grinding her hips against her. Yulia wrapped her lips against her erect clit and stroked her steadily with her tongue. The redhead's whole being was condensed to that one throbbing point. She had never experienced such ecstasy and when she looked down almost fainted at the sight of this ravishing dark haired beauty hungrily licking the most intimate part of her. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more Yulia took more of her hardened nub in her mouth and intensified the sucking. Lena grabbed fistfuls of midnight hair as she raised her hips and felt wave after wave of explosion take over her body as she climaxed. Yulia grabbed on to her hips and held her there, drinking in every last drop that came from Lena's body. She lay there allowing Lena to recover slid up her body and nuzzled her neck as they both sighed and tried to catch their breath from the explosive rapture...

Last edited by Aeon; 26-11-2003 at 08:08.
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Old 26-11-2003, 05:32   #16
haku haku is offline
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*cough* That was... interesting... this chapter definitely increased my blood pressure... Ok, i need to go now... i have to... hum *cough* check something...
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 26-11-2003, 07:22   #17
denial denial is offline
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oh .. well .. this fanfic is very good in term of how the details was written ... I mean you see that each single line makes you excited and the end of it just innocently makes you want to scream for more... thank you ..

*Denial leaves the thread looking like a Professional Fanfic Reviewer*


*suddenly ....from distance*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! OMG!! OMG!!
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 26-11-2003, 10:18   #18
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Originally posted by denial
[b]oh .. well .. this fanfic is very good in term of how the details was written ... I mean you see that each single line makes you excited and the end of it just innocently makes you want to scream for more... thank you ..
I agree with your professional opinion Denial

*goes off to change pants, some coffee spilt on them...*

Thank you Aeon , very intensive chapter!
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Old 26-11-2003, 16:06   #19
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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*Very* hot chapter!

*Goes to take a cold shower*

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Old 27-11-2003, 03:05   #20
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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interesting. interesting indeed.
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