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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 06-09-2003, 21:01   #1
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

Hi Guys! Having finally been able to get into the forum I am going to start posting my first ever fanfic. I have been posting it on but I have been dying to post it here because this is the first place I read fanfics which have inspired me. I would really love to read any feedback you might want to give me especially from fanfic writers. There are 5 chapters so far which I will put into separate posts. Enjoy!

Chapter 1 – New Home, Same Old Mother

Lena looked around her apartment a wide smile spreading across her lovely features. She finally had everything she had ever wanted – a first rate degree, the job of her dreams, the perfect boyfriend and now her own place. Things couldn’t get any better, she thought as she tiredly flopped down on the brown leather sofa.

She ran a hand through her long curly red locks and wiped the sweat off her brow. She had set the alarm early this morning so she could move the last of her furniture into the apartment. She had then dashed to the shops to buy some bedding for her new king sized bed. Also, she cleaned the spare bedroom, the ‘guest bedroom’ as she now would call it and had set about preparing food for the romantic evening she had planned for her boyfriend Roman.

Roman was an investment banker who travelled the world to glamorous places like London, New York and Paris and who unfortunately she rarely saw. They had met through a mutual friend, a psychologist who worked at Lena’s practice, Mikhail Bogdanov. Mikhail was a nice enough guy, if a little dull but having introduced her to the gorgeous Roman she would always be eternally grateful to him.

They had met at the Passion nightclub in town after Lena, Mikhail and a whole crowd of the younger psychologists from the practise had escaped their older, stuffier colleagues at the Christmas party to partake in the drinking, dancing and mating rituals that were so synonymous with Christmas. However, it wouldn’t have mattered when and where she had met Roman she would always have fallen deeply in love…

Lena was suddenly broken from her revere by the harsh shrill ring of the phone. She jumped up and grabbed the receiver. “Hello”

“Lena, its your mother, I just wanted to see if you were still alive.” Her mother, Inessa said sarcastically.

Lena pulled her face, holding the phone slightly away from her ear, the sound of her mother’s voice grating on her brain. “Mum, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, it’s just that...” Inessa cut her off mid sentence, the volume of her voice steadily rising and the ranting Lena was so glad she no longer had to endure on a daily basis beginning with aplomb. “I don’t care how busy you are Elena Katina, how long does it take to call to let me know how you are? I only brought you into the world, fed and clothed you and gave you the best education money could buy, all in spite of that useless man who sometimes calls himself your father.”

Lena had wondered how long it would be before she brought her father into it. Admittedly, Sergey Katin wasn’t the father of any girl’s dreams but he was the only father Lena knew. The fact that Inessa constantly sniped about him felt like someone constantly picking at an old wound, never letting it fully heal. It was bad enough that the day he left them haunted her to this day.

The past

Sergey had left Lena and Inessa when Lena was seven. She clearly recalled the smashing plates, the shouting and her mother’s anguished wails. She had crept out of her bedroom that unforgettable night, her tired little body carrying her slowly, her green eyes clouded over with sleep. She had hid behind one of the armchairs in the living room listening intently as the two adults she depended on fought like animals.

“Inessa” her father had said in a calm voice “calm down, you’ll wake Lena.”

“CALM DOWN, YOU’RE LEAVING US FOR SOME WHORE WHO’S HAVING YOUR BABY AND YOU’RE ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN” Inessa’s voice broke as she sobbed incessantly. Lena bit her lip, trying not to cry, unable to believe what she was hearing. Her Daddy, the man who read her stories and sang her to asleep was leaving? Why? What had she done wrong? Why did he want another baby?

She heard footsteps as her mother and father moved their slanging match into the living room. Lena could only remain frozen to the spot. “You’re going now? What am I going to tell Lena? That her Daddy doesn’t love her enough to stay?” Inessa wailed.

“Inessa, we both know this has nothing to do with Lena. You and I shouldn’t be together anymore, you know that…” Sergey said in a tired voice. Lena could see her mother’s pained expression, her face white, her eyes ringed red, mascara clogging heavily with her tears. Her shaking hands were covered in blood making Lena sick to her stomach. She hated blood. Whenever she cut herself her father would always scoop her up, cover the wound and start singing to her. Only then would she forget the blood as Sergey cleaned the gashes. She loved him so much. If he had to leave she wanted to go too.

A few seconds later, Sergey came into her line of vision. He too was covered in blood, his face scratched, seemingly the work of Inessa’s fingernails. Blood oozed from the wound mingling with his dark beard, his deep-set green eyes portraying a man who had grown tired of living the lie of a loveless marriage. In his left hand he was carrying a large black suitcase. He really was going to leave Lena.

Her mother broke the silence, her sorrowful expression replaced by a sudden calm. “Well Sergey, if you don’t want me, you don’t want your daughter. If it’s the last thing I do I will NEVER, EVER let you see her again.” Her voice shook with anger, her bloodied hands clenched into white balls of fury.

At that Lena could no longer conceal her presence; she couldn’t let her father go. If she never saw him again it would kill her. “NOOOOO, DADDY! DADDY, PLEASE DON’T GO! I PROMISE I’LL BE A GOOD GIRL, I PROMISE” she wailed, throwing herself at her father’s mercy, clinging as tightly to his legs as her little hands could possibly grip.

“Hey, hey, Lena sweetie, you’re always a good girl, my good girl, always.” Sergey said softly. He bent down to Lena detaching her from his legs and raised her in his arms gazing lovingly into her eyes, his eyes.

“Lena, I have to go sweetie, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I love you so so much, please don’t ever doubt that.” He said throatily, kissing her forehead and wiping the wells of tears streaming from her eyes. “I will see you all the time I promise, nothing will change, its just sometimes Mummies and Daddies can’t live together forever because they make each other unhappy. You don’t want me and Mummy to be unhappy do you?” Lena shook her head, her rumpled red curls flying wildly about her shoulders.

“Can I come with you Daddy?” she questioned.

“Lena, you need to stay with Mummy and look after her, she loves you so much.”

“But I love you more. I need you Daddy.” Lena pleaded. He put her down, “I’m sorry darling, stay with Mummy, she needs you, I really have to go, I’m so sorry.”

With that he lifted his suitcase and hurried out the front door without a backward glance at the broken family he had left behind. From that day on Lena suspected her mother never forgave her for wanting to leave with her father. Things had never been the same between them and since that night she had seen her father only eleven times, she had counted.

The present…

“Yes mum, I know what you’ve done for me and believe me I am soo grateful. I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow and we’ll arrange for you to come round and we’ll all have dinner. Me, Roman, you, Boris and Katya, ok?”

Inessa’s voice dramatically changed at the mention of Roman. “So how is that lovely boyfriend of yours?"

“He’s great, he’s been in Paris for the last two weeks, he’s flying in at 6 O’clock tonight so I’m gonna go and meet him at the airport.”

“Well, you’d better make yourself presentable before you go and collect him, you have to work hard to keep a man you know Lena.” Inessa chided.

Lena rolled her eyes. Her mother was unbelievable! If she hadn’t been on the phone ranting and raving, Lena could have jumped in and out the shower and applied her makeup by now. What a woman! “Right then mum, I’ll go and shower now and will speak to you tomorrow.”

“Promise?” Inessa questioned.

“Yeah, promise”

“Bye Lena”

“Bye Mum” Lena replaced the handset and glanced at the clock above the fireplace. Sh*t, it was 4:30pm! She had about half an hour before she would have to set out for the airport. With that she ran into the bathroom stripping her clothes off as she went.
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Old 06-09-2003, 21:02   #2
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
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Chapter 2 – The ‘Perfect’ Boyfriend

Roman Popov - short dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, a perfect white smile and a beautiful body… The way he looked at her like she was the only girl on earth – she always felt so special when they were together she thought dreamily pulling out the new figure hugging short black dress she had bought especially for his homecoming. She detested dresses. She felt far more comfortable slumming about in her jeans, a t-shirt and her favourite trainers. She had never been a girly girl but as much as she hated to admit it, her mum was right. She had to make the effort for Roman. How else was she going to keep him? Roman could have anyone he wanted, why would he choose a tomboy over an ultra feminine woman, dressed to kill with the aim to please? The answer was – he wouldn’t.

Her wardrobe contained many short, tight designer dresses that Roman had carefully picked out for her during their two-month relationship, he was so generous. However, as far as Lena was concerned the one good thing about him working away was the fact that she rarely had to wear them. Besides the dresses, he bought her masses of sexy underwear but despite this Roman and Lena had in fact slept together only once. Tonight was going to be the second time – the difference being this time Lena was determined to remember it.

The traffic on the way to the airport was horrendous. Lena had desperately tried to weave her Mini Cooper through the heavy traffic but with little success. She finally arrived in the airport car park at 5.55pm, hastily pulling into a space, practically jumping out of the car before she had even pulled the keys from the ignition. She crossed the car park in two huge strides, pulled out some change and ran back to the car to display her ticket.

She ran inside the airport terminal, looking up at the arrivals board to see that flight MS563 from Paris had landed at 5.45pm. It was now 6.02pm. Roman would be with her in a matter of minutes.

6.06pm – She checked her watch again, still no sight of him. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a stall selling flowers a few yards away. There was a huge selection of red roses and on impulse she decided to buy some. Why should guys always have to be the romantic ones? She picked out a dozen roses and handed over some money to the stallholder. He smiled warmly at her, she wasn’t the first to buy flowers for her loved one that day but in his opinion she was one of the prettiest, her boyfriend was a lucky guy. As she admired the bunch of roses and was about to turn around and go back to the arrivals lounge she felt two large hands cover her eyes and a familiar voice whispered in her ear “Guess who?”

She smiled. “I dunno, Justin Timberlake?” She heard Roman’s throaty laugh and turned around to see him smiling broadly at her.

“Hey, I’m sorry to disappoint you Elena but its only me, your boring boyfriend” he frowned, pretending to be hurt.

“Oh shame, well never mind, I suppose you’ll have to do.” She said with a cheeky grin.

“So, are they for your other boyfriend Elena?” Roman was pointing at the roses.

Roman always called her Elena. He considered Lena to be a common name and that she should use her full name, which was ‘classier’ or something. Lena had simply shrugged her shoulders when he had said this to her, it was no big deal as long as he wanted to be with her but she still considered it to be her ‘naughty’ name. As a child she always knew when she was in trouble when her mother shouted “ELENA, COME HERE PLEASE!” It happened frequently after her father left, she had found it hard to respect her mother after that. How hard was it to keep a man happy after all?

She remembered the flowers she was holding and held them out to Roman “There for you honey.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have you know, I should be the one buying you flowers not the other way round” he exclaimed.

“Well, I just saw them and thought of you, I just had to buy them” A sudden shyness overcame Lena at this point. It had been Valentine’s Day four days earlier and Roman had evidently forgotten as she had not heard from him or received a card or anything. She had put it to the back of her mind because when he was around he was a great boyfriend, he just obviously didn’t believe in Valentine’s Day she had reasoned with herself.

“You’re such as sweetie” Roman engulfed her in his arms looking down into her eyes. Lena melted into her chocolate eyes as the intensity took over. She ruffled his hair lovingly “And you’re gorgeous.”

“Hey, don’t do that, you’ll mess me up” he protested

“You’re so vain, I thought appearances weren’t supposed to matter?”

“Only ugly people say that” Roman proclaimed seriously.

Lena laughed at this although she knew he wasn’t joking. “C’mon, let me take you home so I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” With that he picked up his luggage in one hand and wrapped his free arm about Lena’s shoulders.

When Lena had gotten Roman back to the apartment she had served up a three course meal of his favourite asparagus soup, a huge fillet steak with all the trimmings, with herself as dessert – Roman did not know that yet though. After dinner she had excused herself to the kitchen to make coffee and disappeared to her bedroom. She changed into her cream satin negligee, which barely covered her thighs and returned to the dining area to offer herself up to Roman on a plate. He was still hungry.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her into the bedroom. He crashed her back against one of the bedroom walls kissing her roughly. Her back ached on the impact of the hard wall but she managed to suppress the pain. She kissed Roman back in an attempt to slow the tempo of the kissing and increase the intimacy and her enjoyment. However, Roman had other ideas and twisted around pushing her down on the bed landing heavily on top of her, a gasp of pain audible from Lena’s lips.

She could feel a hardness pushing against her as he unzipped himself ready for action. With that she pulled out a condom from her bedside cabinet and helped him into it. At that point Lena expected more foreplay, only to be bitterly disappointed. Roman plunged into her, her un-aroused body throbbing from the injection of the foreign object. She clenched her teeth trying not to scream from the pain he was inflicting upon her.

After a few minutes of Lena biting down on the pain, Roman looked down into her eyes expectantly, she knew what she had to do. With that she started to moan loudly. “Oh yes, Roman, yes, oh god…” she faked to the extreme. She could see he was satisfied by her reaction so she went silent, Roman then rolled off her on to the right side of the bed releasing himself from the condom, tossing it into the bin, falling asleep in an instant.

Lena watched his back steadily rise up and down, as he began to snore loudly. She felt utterly dejected. The last time (her first time) they had sex she had written off as a bad one off because she had been drunk out of her skull but this time… Well, she would have preferred to have gone to the dentists – she hated the dentists. Was that as good as it would ever be? Would she ever enjoy sex? Maybe some people were more sexual than others and Lena was one of the least sexual. But if that was the case why was she so disillusioned…

The following morning Lena woke up and watched Roman sleep for a while. He was so peaceful. When the clock read 10.01am she decided to get up and make breakfast. As she moved to leave the bedroom Roman groaned. “Where you going?”

“I just thought I’d make us some breakfast.”

“Mmm, sounds good” He pulled Lena close for a quick kiss.

She departed from the bedroom as Roman watched on. Elena was good wife material as far as he was concerned – the typical trophy wife. She was pretty, sweet and intelligent but slightly boring and the sex although they had only had it twice was appalling. Thank god there were others who filled his sexual requirements. He lay there groggily for several minutes before his mobile phone started to ring. Svetlana, his phone told him, her name flashing up on the display.


“Hey Roman, I take it you’re with that prissy girlfriend of yours” Svetlana bitched.

“Yeah, I’m at her place now” he whispered looking around suspiciously for Lena’s reappearance.

“Come on, get round here so I can give you the ride of your life.” Roman smiled to himself; Svetlana was the best in bed.

“What are you wearing?” he asked cheekily.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she answered coyly. Roman raised an eyebrow at this, completely turned on.

“When you coming round?” Svetlana questioned.

As soon as I can, promise.”

“Roman, breakfast is ready, honey.” Lena called sweetly.

“Coming sweetie.” he acknowledged.

“Yeah go get your breakfast Roman, you’re gonna need all the energy you can get” Svetlana purred down the phone seductively twirling the phone cable around her fingers. She knew he would be around within the hour, of that she was completely certain.

Roman hurried to the kitchen as soon as he had gotten off the phone to Svetlana. He gulped down the breakfast Lena had placed in front of him at break neck speed. He wanted to go to Svetlana as soon as possible. He felt guilty but he was a man who needed sexual pleasure and lots of it. It wasn’t his fault Lena couldn’t deliver.

“Roman” Lena interrupted his thoughts. “I’m gonna invite Mum, Boris and Katya for dinner tonight, you’ll come won’t you?” She enquired hopefully.

“Hey, of course I will sweetie, anything for you, my love.”

Lena smiled contentedly. “I knew I could rely on you.”

Roman smirked to himself as Lena turned and took his plate from him to wash it in the sink. If she really thought he was prepared to make small talk with her nagging mother, her dimwit stepfather and that brat of a sister then she really was delusional. But whatever, he was gong to make his excuses and leave in a few minutes to go and get well and truly laid. That was all he could think about right now, sex.
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Old 06-09-2003, 21:04   #3
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Chapter 3 – A Family Dinner Party

After Roman had left her apartment Lena prepared her own modest breakfast comprising of low fat cereal, skimmed milk and a cup of her favourite herbal tea. She had to work so hard to stay slim, food didn’t like her too much, and she seemed to only have to look at a bar of chocolate to feel the pounds piling on. Also, for some reason when she was around Roman she could barely eat a thing always concerned she was eating like a pig and was not ladylike enough for him.

As she devoured her breakfast she flicked through Saturday’s newspaper to find bad news, more bad news and wait for it, she thought turning the page hopefully… more bad news. She sighed as she turned the page again this time arriving at the horoscopes section. She didn’t really believe in horoscopes but there was no harm in reading them was there? The first few lines did not really say anything and then she read the last few lines. “If you follow your heart and not your head you will unlock the door to a new era of your life, don’t be afraid.”

Mmm, maybe tonight’s dinner party would finally resolve all the family tension and they would all live happily ever all Lena thought. She wasn’t counting on it but she picked up the phone to call her mother anyway, she had promised after all.

“Yeah Mum, ok.” Lena said trying to bring the conversation to an end.

“Are you sure you don’t need me to come and help you, you’re not the best in the kitchen” Inessa griped.

“I’ve been practising, I’m getting good at cooking now you’ll be surprised, honestly,” Lena answered through gritted teeth. Her mother and her criticism did her head in. Fair enough everyone needs a little constructive criticism but her mother’s criticism was purely destructive. Even when Lena had excelled in her finals the most she got out of her mother was “We expected nothing less of you.” No congratulations, no nothing.

The best thing about her graduation was the brief appearance of her father. He had looked so proud of her and she was so glad to see him even if her Mum and Boris had scared him away. Why Boris had even bothered to attend the graduation she would never know. To him she was just a reminder of Inessa’s past with Sergey, someone who lived in his house but was not part of his family. As far as Boris was concerned his family consisted of Inessa and Katya. There was no room for Lena something he reminded her of on a regular basis she had been pushed out since the day her brat of a half sister was born. If Lena had something Katya wanted it crying until Boris had taken it off Lena and given it to her. She would then smirk at Lena with a knowing look that she was the important daughter, the only one that mattered.

Inessa had never stuck up for Lena, disappearing the second Boris was shouting and cursing at her. Lena had always been studious with little time for boys and Boris would always torment her with his comments, which she could still recall vividly.

“Shouldn’t you be out f**king like other girls?” he would say with venom in his voice. “But then again who would want you? Your own father doesn’t even want you, does he? I bet you wish you were pretty like Katya but that’s never going to happen, so I’d study all you can because you’re always going to be alone, always because you’re ugly!”

Unshed tears would sting her eyes but she would never crack in front of Boris, the hate she felt towards him wouldn’t allow her to show him any weakness, he was a bully and bullies thrived on weakness Lena knew as much. She had simply vowed to work as hard as she could so she could go to University and leave the hell of her ‘family’ existence behind her. The only thing that kept her happy at home had been her beloved Blanca, the most loving cuddly Chow chow ever, always so pleased to see her and being a present from her Dad being all the more special. Since Blanca had died Lena felt she had even fewer reasons to visit the family home.

Once she had hung up the phone she made a list of all the things she had to buy from the supermarket before grabbing her keys and heading out of her apartment block. The block of apartments was full of young professionals just like Lena and she was already on speaking terms with the majority of her floor. She was going to love living here she was sure.

As the supermarket was on the other side of town she had to go by car and as it was Saturday morning the traffic was heavy. When Lena got to the front of the queue of traffic the lights changed from green to red, just her luck! For some unknown reason she felt the urge to look around her and out of the corner of her eye she saw a child sat in a shop doorway a few hundred yards away. Such a little thing, a girl, Lena thought.
She was scrunched up in a ball, seemingly trying to protect herself from the world as people walked by chatting and laughing ignoring her. She was invisible to them - a nobody. Why didn’t anyone care about the little girl? What had she done that had been so bad that the whole world had turned their backs on her? Lena couldn’t help but think.


The lights had turned to green and the angry drivers behind her impatiently urged her to go. Lena put the car into gear and sped off in autopilot, distracted with thoughts of the homeless child.

“God, it’s 7.15pm, where is everybody” Lena exclaimed out loud to herself. She was getting very frustrated now, Roman had promised her he would be there by half past six to help her get ready for when her family turned up at seven but he had not arrived and his mobile was switched off and the answer phone had picked up at his apartment. Why the hell was he doing this to her, he knew how important this dinner was to her. She wanted to show her crappy family she had everything now and that she had achieved it all by herself without them and she didn’t need them for anything. Roman had let her down so badly, she was extremely disappointed with him she had been so sure she could trust him.

She could feel the tears starting to come and she looked at herself in the mirror trying to get a grip of herself. She was pretty enough, intelligent, good at her job and a nice person so why should she let any of them get her down. She had been independent most of her life as she had no one to depend on so why did she need anyone now. She was a fighter, it was her against the world and she would win, she had to.

At that moment the doorbell rang and Lena quickly ran a hand through her hair and straightened her tight top and her trousers and walked to the door with a smile fixed firmly on her face. It was the family all wearing grimaces, just for a change.

“Hi!” Lena said over enthusiastically “I was beginning to think you’d got lost.” She joked.

“We did” Boris grunted.

“Oh” Lena’s enthusiasm died it was going to be a long night.

“Can we come in or do we have to wait outside with all the prostitutes?” Katya snarled her pretty features screwed up in obvious distain for Lena.

“Sure, come in and take a seat.” she said ushering them into the living room. Katya and Boris sat down and Boris noticing the television remote control picked it up and flicked on the television set. Inessa who had yet to sit down was wandering around the apartment taking in every detail occasionally flicking her fingers across Lena’s furniture eagerly searching for dust. When she couldn’t find any she turned the conversation to Roman, Lena had wondered how long it would be until she noticed his absence.

“So, where’s Roman?” she probed.

Lena felt uncomfortable, how could she say she didn’t know without making a fool out of herself in front of Boris and Katya. Her mother she could handle but she knew despite the fact they were both watching the television that they were waiting for her reply so they could pounce with their snide comments and she was determined not to give them the satisfaction.

“Can I get you all a drink? Roman will..” Lena was cut off by the sound of the phone ringing. Please let it be Roman she thought to herself. She snatched the phone off the kitchen wall. “Hello?” she asked hopefully.

“Lena, its me honey” Lena could feel herself relax and released the breathe she seemed to have been holding since her family had arrived, Roman was going to save her she was sure. “Hey Roman, where are you?”

“I’ve had a disaster..”

“What? You’re alright aren’t you, please tell me you’re alright” she panicked.

“Lena, Lena, calm down, I’m fine there’s just an emergency at work. I got called in a few hours ago and just got so caught up in it all that I forgot to call. You forgive me don’t you sweetie, I know you’re put a lot of effort into dinner, I’m really sorry, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that I can’t meet your family”

“What? You mean you’re not coming,” she barked at him down the phone.

“Look, I’m sorry Lena but I’m up to my eyes in it.” Roman said apologetically.

Lena heard laughing in the background at that point that she found confusing, if things were so bad at work why was that girl laughing? “Who’s that?” Lena couldn’t resist asking; she could feel jealousy coursing through her veins at the sound of that haughty laugh.

“My secretary, she’s chatting to one of her boyfriends on the phone.” he replied

“You wanna ask her what’s so funny? When you’ve got an emergency, it’s a little inappropriate when you’re all stressed out.”

“Hmm, yeah, look I gotta go I think I’m gonna be here to at least eleven o’clock so I’ll phone you later on if that’s alright to see how dinner went”

“Ahh that will be great, I’ll miss you baby” Lena said sweetly softening towards him.

“I’ll miss you too, speak to you later” Roman said echoing her tone.

“Ok, bye Roman”

Lena replaced the phone on the receiver and looked around at the family they were all staring intently at her. Before she had the chance to open her mouth and explain away Roman’s absence Boris decided to speak instead. “I take it your baby isn’t coming.” he said sarcastically.

“Roman’s had an emergency at work” she said turning her back on Boris and talking to her mother. Although Inessa never had any sympathy for Lena she thought she might have some for Roman after all she had always liked the sound of rich, handsome Roman despite the fact she had never laid eyes on him.

“That’s such a shame, I really wanted to meet him tonight”

“Yeah, that’s the only reason she wanted to come to have a nosey at this rich guy you’ve been knobbing” Katya piped up.

Lena shot her an evil look and Inessa chided her “Katya don’t talk like that, I came to see how your sister was settling in”

“Yeah, right whatever and she’s not my sister” Katya pointed out. “My Dad’s not a loser!”

Lena lost her cool, she had had enough insults when she was at home but things were different now, this was her home and she wasn’t being spoken to like that by that little sh*t, no way. “KATYA SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU SILLY LITTLE BITCH!”

“Lena, don’t speak to her like that” Inessa said defending her teenage daughter.

“No, I’ve had enough, I refuse to have those f**king idiots sniping at me the whole time, I’m not at home anymore” Lena raged.

“No, but perhaps its time we were. Come on Inessa, Katya, we’re going, let’s leave her alone like she deserves to be.” Boris got up, eyeballing Lena coldly before grabbing Inessa around the shoulder and marching her out of the apartment.

Katya trailed behind them and Lena could only watch on. To Lena’s surprise Katya turned round and smirked at her. “Lena”

“What?” she answered defensively.

“Can you smell something burning?”

“Oh sh*t!” Lena ran to the oven where smoke was beginning to belch its way through the oven door, hearing Katya laugh and the door slam shut behind her. So much for a new era.
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Old 06-09-2003, 21:05   #4
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Chapter 4 – Have A Pizza This

Lena’s head pounded, the expensive food she had bought was ruined, her boyfriend was working and she had been left to deal with her family alone. What a night! She was absolutely staving! Suppressing a yawn Lena grabbed her big overcoat in anticipation of the bitter weather that had begun to descend upon Moscow and headed for the door. She lumbered down the steps, avoiding the elevator as her fear of closed spaces prevented her from taking that easy option. She walked out of her apartment building smiling at the young doorman as she walked onto the main street.

She had decided she wanted pizza so she crossed the road to the pizza parlour, noticing the doorway that had earlier been occupied by the small child had been vacated. Lena felt bad at that moment, here she was feeling sorry for herself and some poor child was probably walking the streets that very second, by comparison she was so lucky.

“F**KIN’ DON’T COME BEGGIN’ FOR FOOD HERE, YOU F**KIN’ PIECE OF SHIT, CRAWL BACK INTO THE GUTTER WHERE YOU BELONG!” A big, round man with a huge red face was shouting at the top of his voice at a child, a vein throbbing furiously in his temple, the child was the one Lena had just been thinking about…

The child scurried past Lena and Lena could tell at that moment it was a young girl, just a few inches shorter than herself. As she glanced behind her she noticed that the girl had once again taken up station in the shop doorway. Lena scowled and walked deep in thought into the pizza parlour. Having realised that Lena must have witnessed the scene with the girl the man distinctly altered his tone of voice as he spoke to her.

“Sorry about that Miss, just had some homeless kid come in ‘ere beggin’ for food as if I’m some charity.”

Lena nodded and smiled half-heartedly. She didn’t understand why was it so hard to show a bit of kindness to someone who didn’t have a home, a bed or a family. Well, she thought determinedly if he wouldn’t help the girl, she would.

“What can I get you Miss” the pot bellied pig of a man enquired.

“I’ll have two Meat Feasts, two portions of garlic bread and two bottles of coke please.”

Lena paid for the food, waiting impatiently for it to be ready. If he didn’t hurry up the girl might have gone and Lena would have pizza coming out of her ears. Finally it was ready and she walked out the door laden with pizza boxes. She could see from a distance that the girl was still there. Lena hesitated for a moment, what if the girl was scared of her? What if she lashed out and had a knife or something? Lena took a deep breath and got a grip of herself powering her way towards the hunched figure that lay in the doorway. The girl’s head was bent low, her long, matted dark hair concealing her face.

“Hey” Lena said gently waiting for the girl to respond.

From what Lena could see she was in a right state, her oversized coat was frayed at the seams with the padding falling out of it while the tattered pink sweater she was wearing was caked in dirt. Her denim jeans were torn at the knees, threadbare in places exposing pale bruised skin. She really was tiny, like a porcelain doll nobody wanted anymore that had been discarded and left outside with the rubbish.

The girl looked up, her eyes peeping at her through the matted curtain of hair. Her eyes were beautiful. Big, blue but so empty. Lena was stunned at the girl’s numbed expression. She looked beyond pain, completely defeated.

“What do you want?” the girl enquired.

“I just heard that guy from the pizza place have a go at you just then…”

“What? So you’re here to have a go as well I suppose. Well, don’t bother, I know I’m a waste of space, so just save your breath OK!” The girl said exasperated. Why wouldn’t people just leave her alone?

“Well, err actually I just thought you might like some pizza”

“Oh I..” Lena could see that the girl obviously didn’t know what to say.

“There’s nothing wrong with it, here” Lena said handing the pizza boxes and a bottle of coke out in front of the girl.

The girl slowly grabbed the items from Lena, still looking uncertain of if it was some kind of cruel joke, she watched intently for a change in Lena’s kind expression to one of hate and disgust, which had become all too familiar. “Thank you Miss, I don’t really know what to say.” she responded

“Don’t say anything just eat it before it goes cold.” Lena said smiling kindly.

“Thank you Miss”

“Call me Lena”

“Thanks Lena” Yulia said between gulps of pizza. She was so hungry that the tasty goodness of the food in her mouth was making her feel slightly light headed. Despite being tiny she loved food and could eat loads but recently she had been living on scraps so now she was in sheer bliss with all this pizza.

“You are very welcome erh…” Lena hesitated realising that she didn’t know the girl’s name.

“Yulia.” The girl filled in for her.

“Are you sleeping out here tonight Yulia?” Lena asked concerned

“No” Yulia lied “I’m going to the hostel in a bit I just thought I’d try and get some free pizza! The food at the hostel ain’t that hot, pea soup and more pea soup, its bloody awful.” she mused, feeling comfortable in Lena’s presence.

“I bet its about as good as my cooking.” Lena joked, “I nearly burned my apartment down before!”

“Really? Is your apartment all right? Yulia asked concerned, she liked this Lena girl, she seemed very sweet and she had the most incredible green eyes.

“Yeah, I just ended up with a bruised ego more than anything. I was cooking dinner for my family of all the luck, I’ll never hear the end of it from Mum believe me!”
God, her Mum would go ballistic if she could see her talking to this homeless girl but she was nice so why did it matter.

Yulia nodded her head knowingly “Mums are like that aren’t they? Every little thing you do put under the microscope.” She felt sad as she thought about her own mother and the way she had turned her back on her only child. Yulia would never have thought it was possible just a year ago; they used to be so close.

“I take it your Mum’s a pain as well” Lena empathised.

“God, she’s the worst!” Yulia exclaimed animating her elfin features into a grimace.

“Sounds like our Mums would be the best of friends”

“They’d probably have a ball!” Yulia joked, her eye twinkling. They both laughed it was comforting to know they weren’t the only people on earth who didn’t get along with their mothers.

At that point for some reason Lena felt it was time to go. She had done her good deed for the day and she was expecting a call from Roman. He had said he was going to call to see how dinner had gone; she had plenty to tell him that was for sure.

“Well, I’d better be going now Yulia. I’m expecting my boyfriend to call shortly.” She felt it was a lame excuse but she could hardly stand here all night.

“Hey, no problem, its getting cold out here I’ve gotta head off to the hostel in a few minutes anyway.” She could tell the redhead felt guilty for leaving so she decided to help her out. Yulia could tell by the relieved expression on Lena’s face that she had succeeded in putting her at ease.

“Ok then, goodnight Yulia”

“Yeah, goodnight Lena and thanks again.”

“Your welcome” Lena smiled to Yulia and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile in return. Lena’s heart melted. Why did she feel so bad walking away from this girl and leaving her in the gutter? Despite what the pizza parlour pig had said Yulia didn’t belong out there. But no one in their right mind would just take some random person in off the streets would they? That would be crazy. Too late, another part of her said. She’d been crazy for all of her twenty-two years so why stop now? She remembered this morning’s horoscope “If you follow your heart and not your head you will unlock the door to a new era of your life, don’t be afraid.”

At that she stopped at the door of her building and did an about turn to the bewilderment of the doorman and went back to the shop doorway. It was empty, the girl was gone. Lena didn’t know why but she felt disappointed, she really wanted to see the gorgeous little street urchin because although she’d had her reservations she had enjoyed talking to Yulia. Oh well, at least she’s going to have a bed for the night at the hostel she thought as she sighed and turned around to head home.

In a doorway two blocks away Yulia curled herself up, her belly full, her head full of happy thoughts of the pretty, kind redhead. For the first time in ages someone had actually been interested in talking to her she hadn’t realised how much she’d missed that. Thank god nice people still exist.

Yulia’s mind was distracted away from Lena as she heard the church bells sound in the distance. It was midnight and technically her twenty-second birthday. Happy Birthday Yulia she wished herself sadly. Gloom had washed over her as she set aside the evening’s events. Yes, Lena had bought her pizza but she had soon left hadn’t she? She had spent enough time with Yulia to know that she wasn’t worth anything not even her pity. How pathetic was she it was her birthday and she had no one to celebrate with. Inwardly as she gazed into the darkness and the cold of night gripped mercilessly at her body she doubted whether she would see her twenty-third birthday. Did she really want to continue as she was or would she be better off dead?
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Old 06-09-2003, 21:10   #5
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 5 – The White Knightess
Yulia awoke to the sound of birds singing, opening her eyes and squinting against the early morning sun. Despite the fact she had been living on the streets for over nine months now it always surprised her waking up on the streets rather than in her own bed. Things couldn’t have been more different just a year ago when she had woken up smiling, her face covered with tender sweet butterfly kisses, body entwined with her girlfriend Anouska the only person she had ever fallen in love with.

They had spent a wonderful day together with Anouska spoiling Yulia by bring her breakfast in bed with birthday presents and a single red rose. The best thing for Yulia was when Anouska had made love to her in the shower pushing her beyond the realms of ecstasy into pure unadulterated bliss. She had never trusted anyone as much allowing Anouska to see a part of Yulia no one ever saw. The Yulia that was a gentle, sensitive romantic as opposed to the spiky, sarcastic sex bomb who loved to have sex and lots of it… with men. If they had all only known where her heart’s desire belonged.

Yulia had felt better for knowing Anouska her life seemingly getting better in all areas including in her fashion design degree were she was doing outstanding work and being tipped for huge success within the fashion industry. At the time her creative talents were purely energised by the happiness Anouska gave her. However, Anouska who had given her all she had ever wanted had ultimately taken it all away, stripping her of her love and her spirit that she had yet to recover.

As Yulia pondered what she had lost in the last year she wandered aimlessly around in circles watching all the happy people smiling and laughing jealously consuming her whole. Why did she have to fall in love with someone who thought nothing of betraying and discarding her?

Yulia had grown sick and tired of living a lie pretending she and Anouska were no more than friends when in fact no one meant more to her in the world not even her parents. Yulia had decided on impulse to tell her parents about her relationship with Anouska because as far as she was concerned she had done nothing for which she should feel ashamed. She prepared herself, not really knowing what kind of reaction to expect. It was explosive, harsh words, a sharp slap and utter condemnation for being what she was-in love. She had managed to throw only a few worldly possessions in a bag before she left the house slamming the door shut on her parents and childhood home. She was a woman now it was the right time for her to start the next phase of her life with her soul mate. That was all she wanted- to be with Anouska forever.

The first thought Yulia had upon leaving her house was to go to Anouska. Yulia couldn’t quite believe what had happened. Had her father really branded her a dyke and a whore? Her mother had just sat there sobbing unable to comprehend what Yulia was saying. She was such a weak person and Yulia refused to be like her, she was strong willed and independent she always had been so she wouldn’t change now no matter how much they tried to bully her and break her into submission. She refused to give up that ‘nonsense’ as her father had called it, he didn’t know anything about her and Anouska.

When she walked round to Anouska’s house and rang the doorbell she noticed that Anouska’s parents’ cars were not on the driveway. Good she smiled to herself she could spend some alone time with her girl discussing their future plans. It was going to be difficult for them at first but as long as they had each other they would be fine, Yulia was as certain of that as she was her own name.

When Anouska came to the door she was wearing only a dressing gown, her long dark chestnut locks tousled and her eyes misted over with sleep. As it was 4.30pm this was strange as Anouska never napped in the afternoon and Anouska seemed shocked to see Yulia wide-eyed with an expression she found hard to read.

“Hey baby” Yulia kissed Anouska’s rosy cheek feeling bewildered at her lack of response. Was Anouska mad at her and if so what had she done?

“Are you ok Anouska?” Yulia asked concerned, her brow furrowed.

“Yeah, fine, erm, I was just..feeling tired and decided to have a nap you know.”

“Sleeping without me, what have I told you about that” Yulia gently smoothed a lock of stray hair away from Anouska’s face cupping her chin in her hand. “You know come to think of it I feel kinda sleepy too, can I join you?” Anouska flinched away from Yulia’s touch leaving her question unanswered.

“It’s not a trick question” Yulia probed.

“Look Yul, Mum and Dad will be back in a few minutes do you mind coming back in about an hour or better still I’ll come to your house”

“You can’t!” Yulia knew she had to tell Anouska what had happened with her parents but she had at least hoped for a kiss to soothe her before she told her the whole sordid tale.

“Why not” Anouska was visibly confused.

“I told my Mum and Dad about us” Yulia blurted out. “They’ve chucked me out Anouska, I’ve got nowhere else to go.”

“But why tell them, things were fine as they were.” Anouska protested.

“No they weren’t, lying and pretending we’re not together, sneaking around! I can’t do it anymore! I want the whole world to know just how much I love you because I do you know, really, really love you.” Yulia voice broke, all her emotions rising to the surface.


“Anouska what you doing?” A male voice called down from upstairs.

Yulia hesitated for a second before pushing past Anouska going into the lounge and climbing the stairs rapidly with Anouska running behind her. “Yulia, where you going you can’t go up there” Anouska put a hand on Yulia’s shoulder but Yulia didn’t answer and simply shrugged her off until she was on the landing directly in front of Anouska’s door. It was slightly ajar so she tapped it gently open the scene before her confirming her worst fears.

It was Sasha, Yulia’s best male friend in Anouska’s bed on the left hand side she usually occupied his naked body barely covered by the white duvet. “What the f**k!” Yulia shouted clenching her tiny fists, she wanted to beat the shit out of him so badly how dare he!

“Yulia look I can explain” Anouska was now stood in front of Yulia shielding her from the sight of Sasha with both hands holding her firmly by the shoulders.

“Don’t touch me, don’t ever touch me again!” Yulia felt sick to her stomach, she had openly declared her love for Anouska to her parents, been almost proud to announce it and what for, someone who ultimately had made a fool out of her. She felt as disgusted with herself as she was with Anouska and Sasha, she had let them do this to her. She had softened, given away too much of herself so what had she expected.

“Yulia, please listen to me” Anouska pleaded with Yulia but she was unable to look her in the face she was afraid she would want to smash it up. She had always trusted the look in Anouska’s eyes when she kissed her and made love to her it told her she loved her and that she was the only one that mattered. It was all fake-she had given up her life for a love that didn’t exist.

“Why?” Yulia whispered staring intently at the floor.

“I thought I loved you but I just realised that we should just be friends… it made me happier being your friend…I need more Yul.. Sasha can give me that.”

“Oh, I get it!” Yulia felt a wave of red mist descend upon her and she had to let the anger out. “Sex, huh, you need a bit of dick inside you to get off right? God, you’re a f**ing joke, I thought we had more than that but then again I thought I knew who you were but now I see you both as you are, you’re a complete and utter bastard” she said pointing at Sasha. “And, you” Yulia looked at Anouska now, she realised it was the last time she would ever see her. “You are a slut, you ab-solute-ly f**king disgust me and I never want to see you again!” Yulia’s voice shock with emotion and she swung her hand back and slapped Anouska’s face as hard as she could. The girl cried out in pain but she spun on her heel not looking back to see the damage she had inflicted running down the stairs out of the house needing to get as far away as possible from Anouska, Sasha and her parents.
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Old 06-09-2003, 21:11   #6
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 5 cont.

Thinking about Anouska always hurt her deeply but her dreams the previous night had tormented her more than usual. Bizarrely pizza was flying around her head and no matter how hard she tried and how high she jumped it was forever out of her reach. Laughter began to echo all around her and at first as she spun around to see where it was coming from bewilderingly there wasn’t anyone in sight.

“Is anybody there?” she yelled her voice bouncing off the walls in reply. Complete confusion..

Then they appeared. Her parents were standing with Anouska and Sasha laughing and pointing at Yulia. “Stop, please, stop!” she pleaded. In the end she gave up sitting down and burying her head in her lap as she tried to drown the laughter out, the noise twirled round her head. Why wouldn’t they stop laughing? All of a sudden the laughter cut out someone scooping her up in their arms and holding her close. They felt so warm and soft and smelt so sweet. When she looked up she saw the face of an angel, an angel with sparkling green eyes and red hair. Lena…

With her head caught up in the past Yulia hadn’t noticed hunger set in and feeling decidedly weak and dizzy she needed to rest so she sat down in a vacant alleyway as far out of sight as possible. She had set aside her usual numbness that day as the feeling she should be spending her birthday with people who loved her really hurt because there wasn’t anyone who even cared. The thought overcame her not for the first time that day Yulia’s body racked with sobs wrapping her arms around herself trying to regain some form of control but she couldn’t stop the tears coming long and hard until the day had turned into night and the tears translated into a tiredness that sent her into a deep sleep.

Yulia awoke with a start she could hear men’s drunken voices shouting and slurring their words and then she saw them. Three large men in their thirties dwarfing her grinning menacingly. Yulia gulped nervously she knew she was in trouble. “Hey little girl do you want some money?” Yulia didn’t answer and a hail of coins rained down upon her.

“STOP!” Yulia yelled trying to protect herself, she was struck several times in the face and it was stinging painfully from the impact of the coins blood flowing freely from the wounds.

“Is that enough for you? So can we f**k you now little girl?” one of the yobbos sneered.

This tipped Yulia over the edge, she refused to be their victim. She stood up and kneed the guy in the groin barging her way between the other men her elbows pointed out in self-defence. She ran as fast as her small body could carry her weaving her way through the streets until she was safe from the chasing pack relieved they were drunk and leaden footed.

Now she was back at her doorway the one where she had met Lena. She leant against the shop door inhaling and exhaling frantically trying to catch her breathe, her heart pounding in her chest and her ears, her legs starting to give way until she had slid down the door and onto the floor. What she would give to see Lena now, just twenty four hours ago she had given her hope now it had completely evaporated into thin air.

Yulia could feel that she had several cuts on her face, which were bleeding profusely. She raised a hand to touch her face stroking her fingers slowly over the broken skin, drawing them back in front of her face to see they were stained red with blood. She needed to clean up so she decided to head to the public toilet a few blocks away. On the way she looked around nervously and hopefully at the same time part of her scared she would see the gang and the other eager to catch a glimpse of Lena but she saw neither.

When she entered the toilets she looked around to find that no one was there and felt relieved as she knew she looked like shit and wanted to be left alone. When she looked into the mirror the extent of her injuries caught her off guard. She had several diminutive cuts on her face but there was a large gash under her right eye that oozed blood and was swelling up rapidly.

Yulia examined herself more intensely in the mirror the image of the girl in front of her causing tears to stream down her bloodied dirty face. The girl’s eyes lacked life, her skin grey, her features bony and hollow and her hair a greasy mass of split ends and knots. This was not Yulia Volkova. She was dead. Yulia took one last look at herself in the mirror and everything became clear all at once. She knew exactly what she had to do…

Yulia was determined. It all had to end. All of it. The shit. She couldn’t take it. No more. She refused. It had gone on long enough. Nobody understood her. They didn’t even try. She wished she had never been born. Why did it matter anymore? The world didn’t want her. But she didn’t want the world. Well f**k the world. F**k her parents. F**k Anouska and Sasha. F**k life. She was about to.

The corner shop was still open and Yulia could see through the window that the shop assistant was busy serving a long queue of customers. It was time to put her plan into action. She casually walked into the shop trying not to draw attention to herself walking down the shop aisle until she found what she wanted. She looked around carefully to find that there were no security cameras in the store and that she was the only one in the aisle so she quickly grabbed a large bottle of headache tablets from the shelf sliding them into her pocket. She looked around her again there was still no one there to notice.

The second part of her plan was more difficult and sure to draw attention to her but she needed to do it to ensure the plan would succeed. If she was going to die it had to be painless because deep down under all her bravado she was a coward, why else did she run away from it all? The alcohol was kept in a glass chiller adjacent to the till so she would have to be pretty crafty in order to escape from the shop unnoticed. The queue at the till point was still long and she could see that the old man serving looked tired and stressed obviously wishing it was closing time. She could do this she knew it.

She saw a large bottle of vodka on the shelf and picked it up pretending to be looking at the label, she made the mistake of looking round and saw several people eyeing her suspiciously. She panicked, scared. What if they took the bottle off her and she was unable to execute her plan. She ran out of the shop to shouts from some customers and continued to run for several minutes until she felt entirely sure that nobody was chasing her.

When she slowed down she saw she was alone and calmed down for the first time in ages she had managed to do something right she smiled to herself bitterly. The signs were all telling her to do it. She took the cap off the bottle and took a deep slug of vodka. It burned her insides as she swallowed but it was a pleasurable pain. She pulled the bottle of pills out of her pocket and emptied some of the contents of the bottle onto the palm of her hand studying the small white round tablets that would end her misery. She popped one into her mouth taking another slug of vodka to wash it down before continuing to swallow more and more pills and vodka until everything went hazy and her worries slipped away. Goodbye…

“I’m gonna call the police” the shopkeeper yelled angrily, he was always targeted by the homeless bums and he was sick of it. “I know who that girl is, she sleeps in the doorway down the street, and I’m gonna get her ass busted!”

“Don’t!” a voice from the queue shouted a pretty red head stepping forward. “Don’t call the police, I’ve talked to her before she’s a nice girl…she was just probably desperate…”

“What-for vodka? Food I can understand because the kid’s so scrawny but vodka?”

Lena couldn’t defend her, she didn’t understand what Yulia had just done but she wasn’t going to let the old man phone the police. “Look, here this will cover the vodka please take it but don’t phone the police” Lena handed him a large note the anger on his face diminishing when he saw that he had made a profit.

“Well ok Miss but if you see that little runt assure her that if I catch her in my store again she’s going to jail!” Lena nodded she didn’t want to listen to him go on much longer she needed to find Yulia, she had let Lena down and she was going to hear about it that was for sure, no more Miss nice Lena. Did they all take her for some kind of wimp?

Lena power walked down the street, stopping at Yulia’s doorway and seeing no sign of her. Where the hell was the little vagabond? Lena could feel her anger slowly ebbing away she was beginning to worry now. Was Yulia alright? She continued to walk down the long road until she was met with a dead end-she would have to turn back and look for the little girl elsewhere but she didn’t know where to start. Then out of the corner of her eye she noticed a diminutive figure sat on the floor a few metres away. It was Yulia she was staring wide eyed up to the sky cradling the stolen bottle of vodka, which appeared to be half empty at the very least.

Lena ran over to her eager to vent her frustrations on Yulia the concern she was feeling suddenly reverting to anger through the sheer relief of finding her. “Yulia, Yulia what the fuck are you playing at?”

Yulia smiled goofily at Lena, her blue eyes glazed over. “An angel?” she asked out loud confused but would an angel really swear at her but she was so lovely she simply had to be on Yulia reasoned with herself.

“I don’t know what the f**k you’re talking about but come on you’re coming home with me but god you’ll wish you’ve never been born when I’ve finished with you” Lena could feel she was red in the face with fury but she was deeply concerned she wanted to sober her up and then kill her- that was the plan anyway.

Yulia giggled “You’re such a funny angry angel, come on chill out and have some vodka?” Yulia held out the bottle to Lena but it slipped through her fingers smashing into several fragments of glass.

“Awww noo, I like vodka I want more!”

“Well tough sh*t! We’re going home!” Lena pulled Yulia up off the floor but despite her being a tiny girl her drunkenness made it very awkward for Lena to help her walk as Yulia had no control over her limbs whatsoever. As Lena put one of Yulia’s arms around her neck and pulled her close to her in order to take her weight she noticed that her face was covered in cuts and redoubled her efforts to get her home as quickly as possible. Someone had hurt her Lena was sure of that but she was going to make it better but she needed to get her back to the apartment first.

After a few minutes of difficulty with Yulia seemingly about to doze off they reached Lena’s apartment block. The doorman eyed Yulia snobbishly obviously wondering what the hell Lena was doing bringing such a cretin into the luxurious apartment building but Lena was too occupied with Yulia to care. She knew she would have to take her up in the lift because no way on earth would she be able to carry her up four flights of stairs, she would have to face her fear.

In Lena’s struggle to press the lift button part and carry Yulia at the same time Lena lost grip of Yulia and she tumbled to the floor a bottle of pills falling out of her coat pocket. Lena picked it up examining the label, the bottle was missing quite a number of pills and alarm bells started to go off in her head …

“Yulia what have you done?” Lena yelled looking down at Yulia on the floor.

“I can’t take it anymore it has to end…” she mumbled, her eyes rolling unable to focus any longer, she wanted to go to sleep forever..

The lift doors burst open Lena and Yulia nearly falling through them as Lena struggled to carry Yulia’s weight as well as her own. She felt suddenly light headed the implications of what Yulia had done hitting her hard. She had to think clearly though and she had to do it now.

She struggled to get the key into the lock on her front door as her hand was shaking so badly but eventually she managed to get the key in the door and turned the lock dragging Yulia inside the apartment. Then she lay her down quickly on the sofa and ran outside into the corridor and pounded her fists on a nearby door.

“Dominik, Dominik, open up it’s Lena! I need you to help me!” she yelled desperately. Dominik appeared at the door in just his underpants, his hair rumpled, looking half asleep it was after all half past eleven at night and he was due in work early the following morning. Dominik was a doctor so Lena was relying on him to be able to help Yulia.

“Lena what’s the matter?” he asked concerned in a stupor.

“This girl who I know on the streets she’s taken a lot of pills and drank a lot of vodka, I don’t know what to do, please, please help me!”

Dominik sprang into action now wide awake as the adrenalin kicked in. He was used to dealing with emergencies and he did grabbed his doctors briefcase and hurried out into the hallway and into Lena’s apartment leaving Lena trailing behind, she was in a trance shocked at what was happening.

When they arrived in the apartment Yulia was lying flat out on the sofa her mouth wide open and her eyes shut. Lena held her breathe tears beginning to stream down her face and neck. Yulia was dead and it was all her fault she was sure of it.

Dominik went over to Yulia’s limp body and checked her pulse it was weak but she was still alive , just.. There was no time to get her to the hospital, if Yulia was to survive now was the time he would have to bring her round by vigorously pumping her stomach. The harmful substances had to be removed from her body and he didn’t have time to waste.

Lena watched on silently crying all the time Dominik was saving Yulia. She really liked this girl. Although, she had only met her once she had enjoyed talking to her, Yulia had seemed happy in spite of her circumstances and then she had met Lena and decided to end it all, what did that say about her? Had she been the one to push her over the edge she had left her rather abruptly the previous night had she upset her?

Life was so cruel. Lena and Yulia had more in common than Yulia would probably realise and Lena was determined that once, if, Dominik revived Yulia she would make sure she would never feel so bad again in her life.

Lena heard retching noises as Dominik started to successfully revive Yulia. Dominik talked kindly and patiently to Yulia trying his best to comfort her. Thank god for him or else Yulia would have been dead. As it was she was deadly pale fluttering her eyes very slowly, her brow awash with sweat and vomit all down her face and front and all over Dominik’s naked torso but she was alive and that was all that mattered . Lena visibly let out a sign of relief.
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Old 06-09-2003, 22:21   #7
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very nice, i can't wait to read the rest!
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Old 06-09-2003, 22:30   #8
rivierakid rivierakid is offline
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Wow, this one's good. Me likes! ^_^

Glad you could add to our lovely array of fics!
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Old 07-09-2003, 03:55   #9
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wow this is another cool story! I LOVE IT! i cant hardly wait for more!
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes, And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies, I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...
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Old 07-09-2003, 14:01   #10
prostrel prostrel is offline
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New writers are always welcome vicky7! Well, I`m not a fanfic writer but here is some feedback:
Chapters 1, 2 and 3. It was awful to read. I steamed up about Lena. She is such a foolish lamb who is trying to lead a happy dollhouse life and be a trophy girlfriend. I felt angry and frustreated. Arghh! And of course I felt sorry for Lena bc of her perfect boyfriend and lovely family. "Love-making" scene was pitiful, enough daring and funny. So, summary of those chapters: I liked them very much!
Chapters 4 and 5. Julia came into picture with all her troubles and the fic got more interesting, so I would like to read more, please! And thank you for these five chapters, vicky7!
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Old 07-09-2003, 16:02   #11
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Wow! I like this fic!

I'm glad you've decided to join our cadre of writers.

You get a *lot* of information across in just five chapters! I can't wait to see what develops.

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Old 10-09-2003, 10:01   #12
xena225 xena225 is offline
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vicky7, that's a great story, wow, an unusual situation, depth to the characters and lots of conflict in both their lives. Very interesting, can't wait to read the next chapters.

Thank you! You're very talented.

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Old 11-09-2003, 02:18   #13
amikana amikana is offline
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i absolutely *adore* these first chapters!!! i can't wait to see what develops next!!
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Old 14-09-2003, 17:33   #14
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
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Thank you very much for the feedback, you are all really kind it means a lot! Here is chapter 6 I hope you all enjoy it.

Chapter 6 – Safe & Sound

Lena was shattered. It was now 7:30am the morning after the terrible night before and she had just switched on the kettle to make herself a cup of coffee, she was really a tea drinker but she desperately needed a caffeine fix to keep her awake. Dominik had finally been satisfied that the drugs were out of Yulia’s system and had helped Lena undress Yulia and put her into bed in the guest room. Her gaunt face had been pale, her swollen eye dried with blood and her body lifeless. Lena had since stayed by Yulia’s side watching her closely determined to stay awake just in case Yulia needed her.

Once she had made her coffee she went back to the guest room noting that Yulia still looked relatively peaceful and yes, she was still breathing. It was Monday morning but Lena knew she couldn’t leave Yulia alone while she went to work so she phoned in sick. She hated to let her patients down but she had to put Yulia first because she needed her more than anyone.

Lena still couldn’t believe what had happened last night. She had only gone to the shop to buy some comfort food because Roman had not called her since Saturday night when he had cancelled on her. She had waited patiently by the phone for him to call in vain but had received no calls. She picked up the phone and dialled his number several times only to put the phone down every time before it even started to ring – she knew there was nothing worse than a nagging girlfriend.

With Roman’s homecoming, the disastrous dinner party and all the drama with Yulia it had been an exhausting roller coaster of a weekend and despite her good intentions she fell asleep and woke up to find herself alone in the bedroom with the sheets pushed back where Yulia had got out of bed. Lena looked at the clock on the bedside table to see it was 2:15pm jumping up off the bed and running out into the living room pleading to god that Yulia hadn’t just upped and left.

Yulia wasn’t in the living room but Lena could now hear the sound of running water in the bathroom. The bathroom door was shut so she decided to knock. “Yulia can I come in?”

“Yeah, sure.” Yulia called out to her in a weary voice. Lena pushed the bathroom door back to see Yulia surveying the cuts on her face and splashing her face with water. In the white nightgown that Lena had found for her to wear last night she was reminiscent of a ghost.

“There’s a flannel in the cabinet and a spare toothbrush for you if you want them” Lena said pointing at the cupboard directly in front of Yulia with Yulia smiled shyly at her looking almost embarrassed in response.

“Did you just wake up? I didn’t want to disturb you, you know, I think I’ve caused you enough grief…”Yulia’s voice trailed off as she hung her head a sad expression adorning her features.

“Hey” Lena put a hand on Yulia’s shoulder gently squeezing it “It’s ok, I just so glad that you’re alright. How you feeling this morning or should I say afternoon?” she said correcting herself.

“A bit shitty, my head kinda hurts which is strange considering I took all those headache pills!” Yulia paused seeing Lena’s concerned face.

“God, I don’t know why I’m joking about it, it’s not funny is it?” Another pause followed as they both thought of the seriousness of last night’s drama before Yulia broke the silence.

“Would you mind if I had a bath Lena, I think I’ll feel a whole lot better once I’m clean” Yulia stank of stale sweat, sick and dirt, she felt so horrible and ashamed. Whatever must Lena think of her? A dirty, smelly loser with no home and a thief and a coward to boot – she had even managed to f**k up her own suicide attempt. What a waste of space.

“Course you can, do you want me to run it for you” Lena offered kindly.

“No, I can manage thanks” Yulia managed a smile it was the least Lena deserved from her.

“Alright then, the shampoo’s on the side, I’ll just go and get something clean for you to put on, ok? Oh and how about some food I don’t know about you but I’m absolutely starving?”

“Yeah, I am, so food would be great” Yulia said feeling very enthusiastic about the thought of sitting down and eating some nice food.

“Any requests” Lena said smiling warmly.

“No, I’ll eat anything honestly”

“Pea soup alright then?” Lena offered cheekily remembering Yulia hated pea soup.

“Err, yeah fine” Yulia looked bewildered obviously forgetting what she had told Lena not wanting to be impolite.

“I’m just kidding! I know you hate that, how about a big fry-up with all the works? I can actually cook that!”

“Fantastic, thanks” Yulia said rediscovering her enthusiasm.

“Cool, I’ll leave some clothes for you outside the door and give you a shout when grubs up” With that Lena left the bathroom shutting the door firmly behind her.

After Yulia had ran the bath she slowly lowered herself into the water. The feel of the warm water around her was so comforting, like being hugged all around and she closed her eyes and relaxed. This was surely a dream or was she in heaven? She was with a nice girl, in a nice apartment all warm and safe.

Yulia got to work on washing her hair and scrubbing her body feeling a bit more like herself. However, her long hair was so straggly and knotted it was a nightmare. She wished she could get it all cut off, she hated it, it wasn’t her at all but at least it was clean now.

There was a knock on the bathroom door just as Yulia clambered out of the bathtub. “Yulia, there’s some clean pyjamas out here for you I figured we’ll both be back in bed before too long. I don’t know about you but I’m completely knackered.” Lena shouted through the door.

“God yeah! Thanks for that I’ll be out in a few minutes ”Yulia shouted back. She dried off and wrapped her hair in a towel and reached outside the door for the pale blue pyjamas Lena had found for her. They were too big on her – she was skin and bones at the moment. She rubbed the towel through her hair until she was satisfied it was fairly dry and ran a hairbrush through her long mane until she had got most of the knots out and left the bathroom. Lena was in the kitchen, preparing some food that to Yulia smelt absolutely wonderful.

Lena was surprised how cute Yulia looked in the oversized pyjamas and it suddenly hit her that if she had decided to follow Yulia out of the shop she more than likely would have been dead by now – thankfully she had followed her intuition.

Yulia gulped down the dinner Lena had made for her greedily scraping every last morsel of food off her plate like a woman possessed. Lena watched her amused deciding to pull some ice cream out of the freezer for dessert before Yulia had worn the pattern off the dinner plate. The ice cream was gratefully received, Yulia looking childlike with chocolate ice cream around the corners of her mouth that Lena couldn’t help but laugh.

“What you laughing at?” Yulia said looking wide eyed and completely baffled by Lena’s laughing fit, the expression on Yulia’s face only succeeding in making Lena laugh all the harder.

“You’ve got ice cream all round your face.” She said pointing at Yulia her side beginning to ache now she was laughing so much. Yulia wiped the back of her hand across her face in an attempt to remove off the ice cream but managed instead to smear it all over her cheeks to Lena’s amusement.

“I’ve seen babies with better table manners than you, come here.” Lena picked up a dishcloth wetting it under the tap and wiping Yulia’s face clean. “There you go, all clean!” Lena said smiling fondly down into Yulia’s face.

“Thanks Lena, do you want a hand with the dishes” Yulia offered keen to prove how grateful she was to Lena.

“Yeah that would be great thanks.”
By the time they had cleaned up the kitchen darkness was setting in outside and as they were both tired they settled down on the sofa to watch a bit of television, comfortable in their silence each occupied in their own thoughts. After a while Lena decided to probe Yulia realising that despite feeling so comfortable in the girl’s presence she knew virtually nothing about her.

“Yulia” Lena said in almost a whisper feeling a little nervous about questioning Yulia not wanting to push her too much.

“Yeah, that’s my name” Yulia shifted her position on the sofa until she was directly sat facing Lena. “What’s up you look kinda… I don’t know..nervous I guess”

“Well, it was just I was thinking I don’t really know anything about you not even your surname, I’d just like to know something about you” Lena nervously twirling her curls around her fingers concerned that Yulia may think she was being nosy.

“Ok my surname’s Volkova, some people call me Volk. What else do you want to know?” Yulia answered.

“Well seeing as I asking you questions, you can ask me things if you want as well. My surname’s Katina.” The questioning continued for a while with Lena finding out that Yulia did a design course at university, had a dog called Rada when she was younger, her favourite colour was pale blue and her idol just like Lena was Madonna. They were having such a good night the more they found out about each other the more they liked and felt more comfortable with each other. However, Lena decided not to probe Yulia about how she had ended up on the streets because she was worried she was not ready to talk about it, she would let her tell her when she was ready.

“Ok, I’m running out of questions now…ermm what’s your star sign? I’m a Libra” Lena was finally tiring of the Q and A session for the night.

“Pisces” Yulia replied.

“Pisces, so your birthday is any time now then, when is it?” Lena thought it was a harmless enough question to ask, she wasn’t prepared for Yulia’s response.

“It was yesterday, I was twenty-two and I nearly killed myself, that’s really f**ked up isn’t it?” she said blue eyes shining with tears.

“Oh god, Yulia” Lena kneeled down in front of Yulia taking her hands and squeezing them in her own. “I don’t know why you ended up out there or why you felt so bad that you wanted to…you know” Lena couldn’t bring herself to say ‘die’ it would make what had happened seem all too real again when she had spent the last few hours enjoying Yulia’s company like she would with any of her close friends. “But, it’s over now you can move on, be happy it won’t be easy but you can do it, I know you can.” Lena held Yulia close for several minutes until the doorbell rang and Lena went to answer it.

It was Dominik looking very tired, dressed in his suit obviously having just returned home from work. “Hi Lena, I just thought I’d come and see how you two girls are”

“Come in, would you like a coffee or something” she said ushering him into the lounge area.

“No, I can’t stay long but thanks” Dominik sat down on the sofa next to Yulia.

“Hello Dominik” Yulia wanted to make sure he knew just how much she owed him for saving her life but she didn’t feel she could ever express her gratitude as much as she should “I’m so sorry about all the trouble I caused you last night I don’t know how I can ever thank you” she said looking into his kind brown eyes.

“No problem” Dominik responded with a wink. He was relieved to see she looked far removed from the frightened, desperate homeless child he had saved the previous night. “I just want to do a quick check up if you don’t mind”

Half an hour later Dominik had left after he had reassured them both that Yulia was fine and there were no long-term consequences from her suicide attempt. They were both so tired at this point that after they had had a bit of supper and a glass of milk Lena went to change into her plaid pyjamas and led the way to the guest room.

Once there Yulia smiled to herself, noting that Lena had changed the bedding on the double bed and the green bedside lamps were switched on casting the room in a green soothing glow, it looked so cosy; she couldn’t wait to get into bed. Lena pulled back the covers prompting Yulia to get into the bed. Once Yulia had climbed in Lena pulled the covers up around her neck, gently tucking her in. “Well, goodnight Yulia” Yulia looked deeply into her eyes pleadingly “Lena, could you stay with me please, I don’t want to be alone.”

“Yeah, sure” she pulled the covers back and climbed into bed next to Yulia. She looked at Yulia noticing her face was pensive something obviously on her mind. “Hey what’s up Yulia is something worrying you?”

“I was just thinking how relieved I felt when Dominik said I was going to be alright. I nearly took it all away…” Yulia once more gave into her tears, she was mad at herself never in her life had she been weak but she had given in and the only reason she was still alive was because of Lena and Dominik.

“Yulia, you’ve been through a lot but you’re safe now” Lena grabbed Yulia’s hand squeezing it gently and with her other hand gently wiped the tears from Yulia’s eyes. “Everything will be fine now I promise” Lena’s optimism was heartfelt. Feeling her tears being brushed away and her shaking hand being caressed made her feel secure for the first time in nine months. She closed her eyes; she had missed this feeling so much. After a minute she felt Lena’s breathe against her ear “You know I can’t tell you how much I’m glad you’re here, I really like you Yulia, I really do”

The final thing she remembered was the circular motion Lena was making on her hand and the last of her tears stroked off her face, she was content and now in a deep sleep.

Lena watched Yulia as she drifted off she looked so peaceful, she kissed her now rosy cheek and continued to stroke her face and hold her hand until she also gave into sleep, fingers still entwined with Yulia’s, also contented for the first time in a long while…
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Old 14-09-2003, 19:39   #15
amikana amikana is offline
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awwww! so cute - i can't wait til lena dumps the asshole roman though!!
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Old 15-09-2003, 01:01   #16
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I'm with Amikana--that chapter just brings on a big ol' awwwww!

Great work!

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Old 15-09-2003, 03:06   #17
rivierakid rivierakid is offline
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Alright, everyone. All together now!

EVERYONE: Awwwwwwwwwww!

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Old 15-09-2003, 04:06   #18
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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*in unison with rivierakid and parrish* awwwwwwwwww!

nice work vicky
once again looking forward to the next chapter!
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Old 15-09-2003, 09:32   #19
Devilish Yulia Devilish Yulia is offline
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*in unison with rivierakid and parrish* awwwwwwwwww!
OMG ITS JUST SOO CUTE! i love this this story!!!
simply adorable! cant wait for the next chappys!
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes, And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies, I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...
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Old 15-09-2003, 19:40   #20
iluvjulia84 iluvjulia84 is offline
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Yep! I'm gonna have to agree with all of u....awwwww!!! I love it!
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