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Old 12-08-2004, 10:09   #1
LenochkaO LenochkaO is offline
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Just read this on Popbitch - can anyone confirm/deny/tell me it's already been posted elsewhere?

>> Ivan The Terrible <<
Russia's new cold war thriller

Tatu are no more but their infamous svengali
Ivan Shapovalov hasn't abandoned his
devotion to underage girls.

Ivan's new act is called Nato (nATo - like tATu)
- a 16 year old Albanian singer who looks no more
than 12. And instead of a schoolgirl outfit Nato
dresses in a burkha - all you can see on her
super-cool promo posters are eyes and microphone.

It seems appropriate that in light of Ivan's
love-hate relationship with the west, (he loves
making money from us, our tabloids make him
into a bizarre hate figure) he should name his
new act after Russia's biggest Cold War enemy.
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:33   #2
Unplugged Unplugged is offline
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Hey, it's true about the outfit - not really a burka, it's some sort of mixture between burka and space outfit LOL. But about the age, they're lying. I saw this singer recording a song on the Podnebesnaya reality-show and she looked to me like she were in her 20's. Besides, she's not albanian, she's from Tazhiquistan (dunno if I spelled it correctly).
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Old 12-08-2004, 13:02   #3
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Yes, as Mr. Miggs said, she's not Albanian, she's Georgian and Tajik [Tajikistan], her song Chorchovon is a Russianized word for the Tajik "Chor Dzhavon" meaning "Four Fellows"
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Old 12-08-2004, 15:29   #4
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by LenochkaO
Ivan's new act is called Nato (nATo - like tATu)
- a 16 year old Albanian singer who looks no more
than 12.
I think they are confusing two of Shap's projects, Nato and Helya. Helya is the one looking like a 12 year old.
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Old 31-08-2004, 14:50   #5
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Posts: 7,839 published an article about nATo today, i'm not going to translate it because, well, i'm not really interested, lol, but there are pictures so if you wanna have a look, it's here:

You can download the video here (but i think thegurgi already provided the link).
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Old 31-08-2004, 16:21   #6
Tom Violence Tom Violence is offline
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In the second picture it could almost be Yulia underneath that yashmak. Not that I'm looking to suggest Shapovalov is struggling to progress beyond the past or anything.

I'm not impressed to see her name in the t.A.T.u. font, either. Although, then again, it might be dni who wrote it that way.
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Old 15-09-2004, 05:03   #7
Mute_Clouds Mute_Clouds is offline
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The song is good, but she is not singing in russian right? She kind of sings like a man though, is this just a westren perseption?
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Old 15-09-2004, 09:36   #8
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Originally Posted by Mute_Clouds
The song is good, but she is not singing in russian right?
She sings in Tajik, and i'll repost here something i posted in the "Russian videos" thread:

Tajik belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, the Persian branch. It is not at all related to the Arabic languages which belongs to the Semitic family of languages.

Tajik is very closely related to Farsi, the main language of Iran (as far as i know, Tajik and Farsi speakers understand each other), and both languages are in fact variants of the same language known as Persian. Persian is a very ancient language, attested since the 6th century BC when it was written in cuneiforms as the language of the Persian Empire.

Like Greek, Persian is one of the very few languages that were spoken in one of the first civilizations and are still spoken today. So Tajik has a very ancient and rich history.

Tajiks are among those people who got kinda screwed up by history. Their ancient Persian ancestors settled in areas that used to be the borders of a powerful empire, but when the Persian Empire collapsed, those people became isolated from the home land and found themselves under the rule of other empires (Mongol then Chinese Empire in the East, Arab and Ottoman Empires in the West, and finally the Russian Empire expanded from the north and ruled the region until recently.

Maybe that's why Tajik has interested Shap, it was the language of an ancient civilization that ruled the whole region between Greece and India, then collapsed and some of their descendants became oppressed minorities.
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Old 15-09-2004, 13:30   #9
forre forre is offline
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She sings in Arabic too. Shap even arranged her solo-gig which .... yep, you guessed right .... which was cancelled. The gig had a head-title Terror Act and the tickets were printed as plane tickets with the date 11/9. The arena authorities cancelled the gig because they thought it was untasteful and disgracing to put up with such a gig now, after several terror-acts in Moscow and in Beslan and especially, that it wasn't the way to remember 11/9.

Shap was interviewed about it too. His usual answers were circulating about the definitions. He said that it's all in people's head - the associations of the gig with terror. The girl is just singing the songs in her native language - as a sort of cultural exchange. After the interview, the reporter seriously doubted in the sanity of Mr. Shapovalov.

That's in brief.
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Old 15-09-2004, 20:20   #10
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thank you Haku and Forree =o I enjoy this information very much!
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Old 16-09-2004, 00:35   #11
Unplugged Unplugged is offline
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Originally Posted by Mute_Clouds
He said that it's all in people's head - the associations of the gig with terror.
Yeah, advertise a gig with 'Terror Act' line, then the gig is on September 11th and tickets printed out as plane tickets with a singer dressed as an arab, I wonder what kind of association with terror this might have


Originally Posted by forre
After the interview, the reporter seriously doubted in the sanity of Mr. Shapovalov.
Yeah, who wouldn't? Except for his pothead friends
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Old 18-09-2004, 19:26   #12
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally Posted by forre
She sings in Arabic too. Shap even arranged her solo-gig which .... yep, you guessed right .... which was cancelled. The gig had a head-title Terror Act and the tickets were printed as plane tickets with the date 11/9. The arena authorities cancelled the gig because they thought it was untasteful and disgracing to put up with such a gig now, after several terror-acts in Moscow and in Beslan and especially, that it wasn't the way to remember 11/9.

Shap was interviewed about it too. His usual answers were circulating about the definitions. He said that it's all in people's head - the associations of the gig with terror. The girl is just singing the songs in her native language - as a sort of cultural exchange. After the interview, the reporter seriously doubted in the sanity of Mr. Shapovalov.

That's in brief.
I don't know what to think about this. I don't like it when show business mess around with politics - though Shapovalov is wily enough to present everything he does as meaningful -whereas in fact he might just be trying to make a quick buck out of the whole controversy.
A Tajik girl singing in her chador. I don't think it's a very tasteful endeavour given the "guilty past of its "visionary".

The song's not too bad for its kind
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Old 26-09-2004, 06:21   #13
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Ivan the terrible

Not to get all morally indignant and start sounding like the Post, but have you heard about the sicko Russian pop star who dresses like a suicide bomber?

Nato, as she is called, is the brainchild of Ivan Shapovalov, the same producer who came up with the faux-lesbian schoolgirls, Tatu. Nato wears a burka, sings in Arabic, and performed a "terror concert" in Moscow on Sept. 11 (with tickets made out to look like an airline boarding pass). Disgusting.

Source: NY News Day
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Old 04-10-2004, 11:21   #14
DAZ DAZ is offline
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This appeared in The Daily Record here in Scotland this morning...

If she is even allowed into Britain i'd be surprised.
If she is she could be arrested for promoting terrorism.
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Old 18-10-2004, 11:59   #15
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Originally Posted by haku published an article about nATo today, i'm not going to translate it because, well, i'm not really interested, lol, but there are pictures so if you wanna have a look, it's here:
31- Aug-2004

НАТО уже в Москве
14:07 / 31.8
В течение нескольких последних дней многие москвичи обратили внимание на появившиеся в разных местах города странные плакаты. Огромные печальные женские глаза на черном фоне, лицо затянуто маской. Снизу – непонятная надпись на арабском языке. После нескольких звонков и писем встревоженных читателей, Дни.Ру решили выяснить, что же означают эти пронзительные и жутковатые плакаты.

The NATO already in Moscow
14:07 / 31.8
Within several last days many muscovites have paid attention to the cities which have appeared in different places strange posters. Huge sad female eyes on a black background, the person is tightened by a mask. From below – not clear inscription in the Arabian language. After several bells and letters of disturbed readers, Days. Ру have decided to find out, that mean these shrill and horrible posters.

Плакаты на улицах Москвы

После небольшого расследования оказалось, что в Москве грядет явление… НАТО. Под таким неожиданным именем скрывается новый сверхсекретный музыкальный проект Ивана Шаповалова, о котором вот уже три месяца шепчутся все ведущие музыкальные журналисты страны. У этого проекта, несмотря на всю его таинственность, уже появилась группа преданных поклонников. Они-то и расклеили по Москве плакаты с изображением глаз вокалистки и единственной участницы НАТО, которая, по рассказам поклонников, никогда не открывает своего лица.

Posters in streets of Moscow

After small investigation appeared, that in Moscow the phenomenon … the NATO comes. Under such unexpected name Ivan Shapovalova's new superconfidential musical project about which here three months all conducting musical journalists of the country are whispered disappears. At this project, despite of all its mystery, has already appeared group of devoted admirers. They also have stuck across Moscow posters with the image of eyes of the vocalist and the unique participant of the NATO which, under stories of admirers, never opens the person.

НАТО – это певица Наталья Шевлякова, приехавшая из Грузии и исполняющая трагические песни на таджикском языке. Те, кто успел купить в магазинах сборник «Поднебесная №1» могли слышать на нем песню «Чорчовон» (на самом деле в ней поется «Чер джавон» - «четыре молодца), в которой рассказывается о четырех братьях, погибших в горах. Наташа услышала эту песню от человека, только что вышедшего из тюрьмы, и песня настолько поразила певицу, что она решила обязательно исполнить ее так, чтобы эта история дошла до всех.

The NATO is the singer Natalia Shevljakova who has arrived from Georgia and исполняющая tragical songs in the Tadjik language. Those who has had time buy in shops the collection « Celestial №1 » could to hear on it song «Чорчовон» (actually in it it sing « Чер джавон » - « four good fellows) in which it is told about four brothers who have lost in mountains. Natasha has heard this song from the person who just has left prison, and the song has so struck the singer, that she has decided to execute necessarily her so that this history is cunning up to all.

Трагическая история любви, преданности, благородства и гордости, рассказанная НАТО в «Чорчовон», потрясает людей. «Меня поразила сама песня – совершенно безумная, гипнотическая смесь из Dead Can Dance, специально расстроенного рояля, вальсового ритма, отбиваемого электрическими барабанами, необычного, очень веского голоса певицы и криков джигитов на заднем плане» - писал один из известных музыкальных журналистов в своей статье об этом проекте.

The tragical history of love, fidelity, nobleness and the pride, the told NATO in «Чорчовон», shakes people. « I was struck with a song – completely mad, hypnotic mix from Dead Can Dance, specially upset grand piano, вальсового a rhythm which is beaten off by electric drums, unusual, very weighty voice of the singer and shouts of Dzhigits on a background » - wrote one of known musical journalists in clause about this project.

НАТО. Кадр из клипа "Чорчовон"

Насколько стало известно редакции Дней.Ру, видеоклип на песню «Чорчовон» еще две недели назад был разослан по всем российским и некоторым зарубежным телеканалам – но никто из них не рискнул поставить его в эфир. «Нам очень нравится» - говорили Шаповалову сотрудники телекомпаний, - «Но мы боимся…» В клипе девушка в закрытым черной маской лицом записывает на видеокамеру свою историю – а циничные и холодные телеведущие обсуждают эту историю в прямом эфире своих каналов. Видимо, современное европейское общество не способно воспринимать восточную женщину с закрытым лицом без страха. Между тем заинтересованность клипом выразил телеканал «Аль Джазира» - вполне может быть, что песня появится в его эфире.

The NATO. The staff from clip "Чорчовон"

As far as it became known to edition of Days. Ру, a videoclip on song «Чорчовон» two more weeks ago have been dispatched on all Russian and some foreign telechannels – but anybody from them has not risked to put it in an ether. « Very much it is pleasant to us » - employees of broadcasting companies spoke Шаповалову, - « But we are afraid … » In a clip the girl in the closed black mask the person writes down on a videocamera the history – and cynical and cold teleleaders discuss this history on the air of the channels. Probably, the modern European society is not capable to perceive east woman with the closed person without fear. Meanwhile interest a clip was expressed with a telechannel « Аль Джазира » - can quite be, that the song will appear in its ether.

НАТО. Кадр из клипа "Чорчовон"

Как стало известно Дням.Ру, проектом НАТО очень заинтересовались в Великобритании, но Шаповалов настаивает на том, чтобы эту музыку услышали в первую очередь в России. Ходят слухи, что первый концерт НАТО состоится в Москве уже 11 сентября. Место его проведения держится в большом секрете и, по словам близких в Шаповалову людей, должно будет поразить всех.

Дни.Ру продолжают внимательно следить за ситуацией.

The NATO. The staff from clip "Чорчовон"

As it became known to Days. Ру, in the project of the NATO have very much become interested in the Great Britain, but Шаповалов insists on that this music have heard first of all in Russia. Hearings go, that the first concert of the NATO will take place in Moscow already on September, 11. The place of its carrying out keeps in the big secret and, according to relatives in Шаповалову people, should strike all.

Days. Ру continue to watch closely a situation.

*Thanks to free online translator ..
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Old 18-10-2004, 12:04   #16
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Thanks for the news!

Originally Posted by forre
The gig had a head-title Terror Act and the tickets were printed as plane tickets with the date 11/9.

Pop shocker from Tatu boss

By Steven Ventura

A GIRL singer dubbed 'the Little Suicide Bomber' has sparked outrage after announcing plans for a UK 'terror concert'. The Russian teenager, known as Nato, sings in Arabic, wears all-covering burqa-style black garb with only her eyes showing and uses al-Qaeda images to promote her show.

Her pop 'svengali' Ivan Shapovalov - who promoted lesbian pop duo Tatu - is planning the UK date next month after being banned in Russia.

Officials there axed his bid to stage a Nato concert in Moscow to coincide with the anniversary of September 11.

Briefs for the gig looked like airline tickets and it was claimed the audience would be artistically 'taken hostage'.

But Muscovites were up in arms over the show following the Beslan school slaughter, a suicide bombing on the Moscow underground train system and the downing of two passenger jets.

Nato - real name Natasha Shevlya-kova - uses flickering images of the Middle East and flashing words including 'al-Qaeda','oil' and 'Iraq' in her video.

Nato's antics earned her the nickname Little Suicide Bomber in Russia.

Now, after being frozen out at home, Shapovalov has vowed to take his prodigy to the UK. But Scotland's spokesman for the Moslem Association of Britain, Osama Saeed, said: 'This type of thing is not at all helpful for good relations within the community.

'We would be speaking out against any idea that this concert should happen in Scotland. It has no place here.

'The person behind this singer is well known for his past projects and this is clearly another example of his willingness to exploit a very serious issue in the name of entertainment.'

Paedophile Shapovalov's last pop prodigies, Tatu, were two teenage girls who wore school uniforms and kissed each other during their performances.

The act was slammed as 'paedophile pop' and watchdogs tried to have their video banned from Top of the Pops.

The duo reached No1 in January 2003 with the single All the Things She Said.

Now Shapovalov claims he is negotiating with two leading British record companies to release Nato's first album.

He said: 'I am neither for nor against terrorism. I am against death.

'If people are scared by a woman wearing a black headscarf, that means they are sick themselves.'

.. Ivan is so cool!
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Old 18-10-2004, 12:56   #17
litt litt is offline
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somehow this remind me of what lena katina will say...

<Artem> Lena what do you think about Shapovalov using terrorism as PR for the new group NATO?
<Lena_Katina> In connection with last events and in general, I think terrorism is absolutely disgusting! Vanya just uses the next scandalous image! I wish him success and that God doesn't punish him!

atleast this is her comment while chatting online on the other week

i personally think terrorist is bad and totally wrong but somehow i agree with vanya opinion
'If people are scared by a woman wearing a black headscarf, that means they are sick themselves.'
especially with the world today- judging the way how people are so prejudis about difference religious and other people believe.. there is no democracy.. it s a bulls*it talk to blind people

iam so
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Old 19-10-2004, 01:31   #18
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Originally Posted by litt
iam so
awww... you are not .. no worry .. I hope NTV7 Edisi Siasat is not here to read your statement .. LoL ..
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Old 28-10-2004, 22:10   #19
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Originally Posted by Tom Violence
I'm not impressed to see her name in the t.A.T.u. font, either. Although, then again, it might be dni who wrote it that way.
I also thought that it was the newspaper that had written nATo like that but, as this new pic shows, Ivan is really using the tATu font for nATo...

When (if) Tatu releases a new album, they should change the Tatu logo.
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Old 28-10-2004, 22:13   #20
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I can't believe people are interested in this "thing".
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