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Fanfic - Have we met?

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Old 01-05-2005, 10:52   #1
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Fanfic - Have we met?

“And we forget because we must;
And not because we will.”
-Matthew Arnold


I prayed day and night, again and again and at least three times a day that she wouldn’t forget that she had loved.

Her thoughts faded before I could properly tell her that she was my life. She was forgetting everything. Names, ages, places, things…

Even me who she loved more than anything.


“Oh for Pete’s sake…” Lena grumbled as she took a seat on the bus en route to home. She had forgotten her wallet and the can of coke she bought at the corner store. Groaning at the fact that she had already paid for the bus fare, she let herself out from the vehicle and made her way back to the corner store.

Lena was a 25 year old, and she was the daughter of one of the biggest construction industries in Russia. She had a job as a secretary slash organizer for Ivan Shapvalov, her father’s right hand man in the constructing business. It wasn’t that she had to work for her own; it was quite the contrary really. Her father discouraged her from working, saying working was only for the needy. But Lena didn’t approve of that attitude. So she works just for the fun of it.

She had bright red hair which almost anyone could spot out from a vast field of crowds. It was in curly locks, bouncing and riding the winds whenever it blew across her tresses. Freckles were scattered everywhere on her body, from her face to her back and even to her legs. But the freckles on her legs only and rarely showed when it was very sunny outside. She had a set of green and yet specks of grey eyes, holding in a lot of shine and vibrant light she always carried with her.

She was a nice girl really. She was fairly smart and had a quick wit about her, and she had the natural charisma just bursting out of her every move. She was more than handfuls when it came to her body, her shapely contours and curves in the all the right place. She was near perfect.

Near. If there was one flaw she had about her, it was her real bad memory. It was her usual routine where she would forget to close the cap on her tooth paste, leave her wallet almost anywhere, and walk all the way over to her work to see that her attire she had on waist down was grey sweatpants while she had a work blouse and a tie on top.

But forgetting was constant, and it was part of her life. She had stopped minding this little side effect of her good life due to her attitude about things. She had cared for a while, yes, a long while, but she decided that she couldn’t fix it so she might as well embrace it.

But this time she was pissed. Because she forgot her wallet and her can of coke at the corner store, she have wasted a buck fifty on the bus fare.

She spotted the corner store across the street, so she slowly jogged through the road to the other side. As she was about to step into the store, someone came out of it, blocking her way. She irritatingly looked up to see who it was.

It was a woman in scrappy ragged clothes with paint stains and rips everywhere. She had stark black hair spiked up in every possible direction with god knows what, and those eyes were very noticeable through the magnificent tan she had. She was a few inches smaller than her, so she straightened in an attempt to make this woman in front of her feel smaller. The woman in front of her looked like a total hobo.

She just blinked at her. Lena blinked back. It was mere second before until Lena had worked her sight down to see what the brunette was holding. It was a can of red colored coke shining with beads of perspiration, winking up at her. Lena blinked again. Then her thoughts caught up to her as she looked up at the hobo in front of her.

This was *her* coke! This hobo stole *her* coke! So she did the only thing that came to mind.

Lena snatched the coke can from the brunette’s hand, and poured down its snappy contents down her throat all in one gulp. After a second to recover from the sudden fizziness, she smiled and handed the brunette the can back. The brunette held up the coke can and blinked at it before looking at Lena again to blink once more.

Oh and of course, the grand finale for the thief. “Buuuuuuuuuuuuuurp.” Lena belched out, right in the woman’s face. At the least, the brunette seemed shocked. Well mission accomplished, she had gotten her coke back.

Lena happily pivoted on her heels and walked back to the station.


“Aww, Christ!” Lena cursed again when she found out that she had forgotten her wallet. In a state of ‘Pissed off’, she stomped out of the bus again with squinted eyes and marched over to the corner store.

Good. No coke stealing hobo woman around.

Lena walked in the rugged store, and the bell that hung on the wall inches above the door rung to signal her entrance. The owner of the store who was watching the tiny television stationed beneath the counter, flashed a goofy smile at her.

“Forget something?” He asked as he pulled out a wallet and a can of coke from a closed cabinet beside the TV.

A stab of guilt punched through her conscience. The song of her quite impressive belch right into the poor woman’s face replayed over and over in her head. She suppressed the urge to giggle and reached for her wallet and her coke.

“Thank you, sir! Have a good day.” Lena called before walking out to the bus station again.

Well, a free can of coke was something. But she wondered in fate was crazy enough to let her and that hobo looking woman meet at another time at another place. Then she could have the chance to apologize or something. But she desperately wished that she didn’t have to. She didn’t like apologizing for things, especially if she did do something wrong or caused disruption.

Then she dismissed the whole thought. She didn’t even have to think about anything when it came to fate. She knew that it was always a bitch.

[starting another one...cuz Love must be a fairy tale ends in about two more chapters!! whoo!!]

ps. [what was that? before its too late? .....what was that?? ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 01-05-2005, 20:24   #2
denial denial is offline
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LoL LoL .. new writing eh .. LoL .. this one started funny. Even I wouldn't know what to do if someone just take my coke and drink and burp and laugh .. I will think its a crazy person and I wouldn't mind at all. .. more of that I would be really scared to mess with one .. LoL ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 01-05-2005, 23:25   #3
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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haha poor yulia, i know from experience that it's not very fun when someone burps right in your face

this sounds like a great start!
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:54   #4
denial denial is offline
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I like the blink blink part ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:36   #5
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 1

“Ivan, here’s the interior design and structure blue print you wanted. This thing gave me a one helluva headache.” Lena grumpily muttered before placing two rolled up construction paper on the mahogany bureau. “Why thank you, Miss Katina. And just in time for the early morning meeting with your father too.”

The man who was called Ivan Shapavalov was in his mid forties with graying chocolate hair, and an aging cracking voice. But no matter how much he had gotten older, his trouble some mischievous youthful features remained.

Dipping his tea cup into his lips, he took a brief sip of his coffee before reaching out for the rolled up hard papers. Inscrolling one of them with one hand and holding his tea cup in the other he smiled.

“Quite impressive Miss Katina. Where did you gather the infos?” He asked, looking up from the parchment was lines and designs. His eyes shone of wonder and pride as he put on a thin smile. But Lena just shrugged, looking away with a timid smile gracing her lips. Ivan gave a kind chuckle. “Very well. Well I must be off, your father and I am meeting with the new architect.” He said resignedly, getting up from his seat and collecting the two tied up papers.

A new architect? Lena flashed him a curious look before picking up his tea cup and saucer from his bureau to clean it up. Ivan winked at her in a thanking gesture.

“Ivan, what was wrong with our old architect?” Lena tried to make it sound like it wasn’t big of a deal, and trying to hide the fact that she was very curious. But no one could fool Ivan. Well at Lena at least couldn’t fool Ivan. He had seen the girl grow right before his eyes and he knew her inside and out.

Tucking in the two rolled papers under his under arm he checked himself over, and tugging at his tie. “He uhh… Well your father suggested something more fresh. Something youthful, and something new and modern. He said we’ve been working with the same architect for too long.” Ivan said without any thinking, brushing off some dust on his suit. He turned to face Lena and held out his hand that clearly said, “Well how do I look?”

“You look perfect Ivan.” Lena said, hiding her grin.

“Why thank you. And I happen to agree with your father. The new architect… I’ve heard a lot about her. She’s really something.”

“It’s a woman?”

“Yes… her name… What was it? Ahh yes, Yulia Moldova? No, Voldova? Wait it’s coming to me… Ahh yes, Yulia Volkova.” Ivan and Lena headed for Ivan’s office’s entrance. Ivan politely opened the door for the red head and she curtly bowed her head in thanks.


It was finally lunch break and Lena was dying to have some quiet time by herself. She was still a little bit hunched up from the morning fatigue as she made her way towards the nearest soft drink vending machine.

Rummaging through her pockets and rolling five coins in, she pressed a button and the clunks and thuds of the drink falling down to the little hatch was heard. She reached in and pulled out the can of coke.

Ahh Coca-Cola. You genius devils you. She loved coke. It was her favorite soft drink against any other ones. She didn’t know whether its caffeine she craved or the fizziness. Or the burp afterwards. She snickered.

Popping the can open, she raised her can to take a gulp. Something in her line of vision made her stop.

A brunette woman with electrocuted hair and a marvelous tan was staring at her from across he floor. She was almost making a hole through Lena with those clashing ocean blue eyes, that mysterious ghost of a smile on her face.

It was the hobo woman. A feral looking hobo woman. But she wasn’t a hobo anymore. She was wearing a fitting suit with a clean black tie that hung loosely around her neck. Then as if she had a determined purpose, she started heading towards her.

Lena visibly gulped as the brunette drew near her.

Step. Step. Step. Oh god she was doomed!! What was the brunette going to say?!

The ex-hobo woman was just inches away from the red head’s spot. She slowly raised her hand, and Lena squeezed her eyes shut.

But the brunette just snatched the coke can from Lena’s grasp and finished the whole can in mere few gulps in seconds. Almost mimicking Lena as she had before, she handed back the empty can.

Lena opened her eyes and rattled the empty can in her hand. Was this her idea of a joke? She thought, blinking madly at the brunette. But before Lena could begin to say anything, the brunette opened her mouth and vented out a loud horrifying belch right into Lena’s face.

Lena’s jaw slackened at what the woman before her just did. And she saw that the brunette was clearly trying to fight off the laughs, trying desperately to keep a cool face.

Then the brunette raised her open hand in the direction of Lena’s free hand. “I never had the pleasure of meeting you, Miss Katina. My name is Yulia Volkova.” Still in semi shock, Lena weakly gripped on to Yulia’s hand and hesitantly shook their hands.

“You- You’re the new architect?” Lena stumbled across her words, her eyes fluttering about in frenzied thoughts in her head.

“Fraid’ so. Looks like I’m gonna see more of you from now on. I swear, if you weren’t cute like you are, I would’ve have killed myself. No one wants to spend ten year staring at the same ugly face every morning.” Yulia said that in the most casual tone, making it sound like the most obvious thing one could say.

Lena harshly snatched her hand away from Yulia’s held grasp and rolled her eyes. Never judge a book by its covers. Volkova was actually unimaginably beautiful, but her insides were crap. Lena crossed her arm and started to walk away, only leaving Yulia with a dirty look.

“Hold it Red Ridin’ Hood.” The brunette grabbed Lena’s shoulder, and whirled her around to face her. Lena’s face was at dismay of what Yulia had just called her and had done.

“What do you want? You got your revenge.” Lena snapped, waving Yulia’s touch away.

“What do I want? How ‘bout a date?” Yulia replied sheepishly, an infectious smile breaking on her face. She was revealing her pearly white teeth and the smile wrinkles deepened at the corners of her nose.

That smile made Lena snicker, then making herself regret it. Realizing her smile was the most contagious goofy one ever, she quickly diverted her gaze to somewhere else.

“How about ‘No’?” Lena responded with temporary anger in her voice.

“Fine. A drink maybe?”

“How can you be so sure that I’m in to women?” Lena asked, her head cocking to the side.

“I’m not.” Yulia replied, mimicking Lena and cocking her head to the side also.

“Are you mocking me?” Lena snapped upright, now her shoulders tense of nervousness.

“Maybe I am. So… How about that drink?”

There was a long moment of silence where Lena was glaring at Volkova, and Volkova was smiling her wide smile, smacking on her mint gum which Lena could whiff with a deep inhale of breath. Damn that confidence, Lena thought. Then she thought of squashing that little ego of her’s. A smile of her own came up on her face.

“Only one glass of beer and that’s all I’m giving you.” Lena said determined and rigid. Yulia laughed out loud, starting to check her watch and walking away.

“Sure!” She yelled back at Lena before running to the next hall and turning a corner.

“Sure?! Was that some kind of degradation?!” Lena yelled back and was surprised to see Yulia poke her head back at the corner.

“It wasn’t any form of insult hon, only a promise.” Yulia replied with lively gleam in her eyes. And with a wink, she was off again. “I’ll call ya Red!”

[ ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 10-05-2005, 00:10   #6
denial denial is offline
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[ ]

[ when I read the new architect .. Yulia pop up in my head .. .. the moldova voldova part is funny .. many part is funny too .. LoL ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 10-05-2005, 18:01   #7
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ shax this is great! i hope you don't make it in a sad one ]
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Old 10-05-2005, 18:26   #8
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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That's it right now about a a million copies going back, Amy a nerd!-Amy Lee
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Old 11-05-2005, 06:58   #9
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 2

“Vik, I’m not in the mood for this.” Yulia mildly chastised her voice soft and quivering and annoyance apparent on her face. Her right hand her right ear was occupied with a slender sleek looking mobile phone, a burning cigarette expertly bitten in her lips. Her face was frowning, the lines on her nose crinkled and brows snapped shut together. She was propping her arm’s weight on the frame of the car’s window, some of her elbow sticking outside the car.

She was currently stuck in the most unbreathable traffic she’d ever been in, and she was pissed because she was going to be late for work.

“Look, I said no, alright? I thought we were through with this? I thought we were cool with being friends?!” She snapped again before blaring her horn at a car in front of her trying to budge in her lane without a signal. She unpleasantly growled and slowly stuck her head out the window.

“Vik, hold on a sec,” With a warning to the other line of her phone she raised up her middle finger to the car in front of her with her free hand, then screaming “DIRTY SLUT!” at the driver. That made the burning cigarette fall helplessly from her mouth to the pavement road.

“Aww motherfucker…” She grumbled then shortly later, the driver in front of her yelled back. “Crazy bitch!” Yulia snapped her head up and gave another middle finger before sticking her head back inside the car. She raised her phone back to her ear.

“Vik? Yeah, don’t call me for a while alright? I don’t wanna talk to you.” With slicing edge in her voice, she flipped her phone to a close before slipping it in her inner jacket pocket.

Then with a playful menace in her eyes, she slammed on her accelerator, gently nudging the car in front of her enough to give a scratch on the bumper. She laughed at what the driver then said, “Holy hell of flying frogs! CRAZY BITCH!”

“Serves you right ass fucker…” Yulia muttered with a smile. She glanced at her car’s clock and groaned. She really didn’t want to face Ivan at the supposed meeting which she was supposed to be there for about half an hour ago.


Lena didn’t go to work today. Because this was her big day. The day she’d been waiting for another five months. The day she was hoping to finally achieve what she’d been dreaming of.


At the age of 25, she was finally getting another chance to get her license, and it certainly wasn’t the first time that she had taken this test. The main reason was that she was very forgetful to check the most vital things, like checking over her shoulder to see if it was enough space to Parallel Park, or give a signal before changing lanes. The last test she had failed because she forgot to put her seatbelt on.

“Hello Miss Katina. I’ll be your supervisor for your driving test for today. Are you ready?” An old lady with huge lensed glasses barely steadying itself on the bridge of her nose asked with a large breaking smile. Her false teeth shone with every sparkle from the sun.

“Yes ma’am, I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” Lena said with an excited shaking voice.

“Alright, let’s drive out of here. Let’s see what you can do.” The old lady said, taking out a clipboard and setting it on her lap. Lena smiled and slowly changed gears to reverse out of the parking lot.

This time she would do it, because she had studied day and night and checked everything over and out again and again. She would not fail this time. No sirreebub, she was going to get the bloody thing if it was the last thing she did. She stepped on the accelerator with a sudden movement of her foot.

The whole car jerked and instead of the car going in the reverse direction, it went straight forward, the whole front of the car crashing into the concrete wall in front of it.



After trudging out of the driving school and paying for the repairs for the car, she decided to walk to her workplace. She didn’t have anything better to that day, and she wanted to talk to her father about Yulia anyways.


Lena flicked off the water droplets for her hands as she ripped out a paper tissue from a container stuck the wall to dry her hands completely. Running through her red tresses with her fingers, she looked up to the mirror for one last time to check her attires out before heading out.

Then what she saw made her jump and gasp a little. Yulia smirked at the red head’s reaction. On the reflection, Lena not only saw herself but Yulia leaning against the bathroom entrance with her left arm propping her self against the door frame. Her feet were crossed, her silver linen lined tie as usually loose around her neck.

The tired wrinkles marred her expression when disappointed as well as anger laced Lena’s. Yulia chuckled before sauntering near to the red head, pressing her up again the marble wall of the bathroom.

“Looks like we both could use a drink right about now. How about we cut work and go where we could sit and get shit faced?” Yulia suggested with a humoring voice. Lena’s lips twitched in a reflexive gesture to decline but something told her otherwise this time. She did need a drink right now. But the rational part of her brain refused.

“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Lena asked.

“It’s after noon.” Yulia replied with one of her perfectly lined brows ascending up.

“Won’t you get in trouble?” Lena asked one more time.

“I’m already in trouble to be in more trouble… Besides… I’m under contract. They can’t fire me, but I can’t quit either. Unless they try to kill me which is another story…”

“Shut up. Let’s go.” Lena slyly cut the brunette ff before pushing her off and exiting the bathroom. Yulia stood there for a moment of pause before breaking into a snicker and following suit.


“Yes, yes I’m very sorry Verustikov. But you know me of all people can’t control someone, let alone try to control my own daughter. You know how my Yulia is. She’s stubborn… But she’ll come around I’m sure.”

A pause followed.

“Yes I agree Viktor is a very nice boy. That’s why we arranged their engagement ourselves. They’re the perfect match yes I know.”

The garbled noise of a talking voice on the other line could be heard. Another pause.

“Just keep your boy at it, I know Yulia likes Viktor, I just know it!”


“Josef Kapinski, meet my new sex slave Lena Katina.” Yulia introduced, sitting herself down on one of the stools in front of the bar. Shocked Lena plopped down next to the brunette, giving Yulia a soft warning punch on her arm.

“Hey… Ouch…” Yulia mocked, screwing her face up to express the horror of so much pain. Lena rolled her eyes before shaking hands with the bartender, Josef.

“Pass me my usual, will ya Jo?” Yulia called, resulting in Jo saluting back to her with two fingers before pulling out a whole bottle of vodka and slamming it in front of her on the bar. Yulia pulled out a hundred dollar bill from her back pocket and slid it to Jo. “Keep the change.” Jo nodded before walking away to another early bird customer.

Taking a casual swig from the bottle and wiping her lips with the back of her sleeve, she passed the bottle to Lena, expecting her to do the same. Then surprisingly, Lena snatched the bottle from the brunette’s hand taking five big gulps.

Yulia laughed taking the bottle back from Lena who was wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeves too. “You really have something for chugging drinks, whether its alcohol or fizzy goodness of a drink.”

Lena gave the brunette a sharp glare before beginning to really relax around Yulia.

Yulia took another swig before landing the bottle back on the bar.

“So… What are you in here for?” Yulia asked with hints of laughs in her voice. Lena gave a confused expression before whispering “Oh…”

“I failed my driver’s license test.” Lena muttered before staring back down at her fidgeting hands. She could hear Yulia smirk and trying not to laugh.

“Your uhh… First test?” Yulia asked intrigue muddling up her voice.

Lena glared up once more before answering. “No my eighteenth.” The brunette broke out into a full out belly laugh, her palm gently tapping at her upper thigh. “Oh shut up, you.” Lena murmured, reaching for the vodka and taking a hefty swig.

“What about you, what are you in for?” Lena asked, setting down the bottle on the bar again.

Yulia stopped laughing and looked up at Lena, letting out a tired sigh. The wrinkles lined up her pleasant face just like it had done back at the bathroom.

“I came to work a little late today… Mucked up something important with another company. I humiliated Ivan and your father at the meeting practically because I didn’t show up on time. Yeah… So Ivan is like…pissed… and an important alliance contract is gone for good cuz of me.” Yulia sighed, taking another baffling swing from the vodka nearly emptying the bottle.

There was an awkward silence between them, both of them looking away from each other and not knowing what to say. But the lively mischievous light came flooding back to Yulia face, smoothing out her worry lines into a small smile of something Lena couldn’t really grasp on.

“Hey Jo, hand me two glasses of your mystery concoctions, will ya?” Yulia called out, waving another hundred dollar bill between her middle and index fingers. Jo happily obliged, placing two shot glasses of blood red thick liquid handed in front of them. Then he slipped the money out of Yulia’s fingers before walking away again.

Lena grimaced at the smell and the sight of the mystery concoctions placed in front of her and Yulia.

“What is this supposed to be?” Lena asked, taking a whiff and sticking her tongue out in semi disgust.

“It’s Jo’s famous sobering concoction.” Yulia replied setting aside the vodka bottle.

“Well I don’t see any drunk people.” Lena said looking around, doing a full sweep around the building with her eyes. Yulia guffawed before sliding one glass of the shot nearer to Lena and holding up one for her own.

“Because that isn’t the purpose of it right now.” The brunette said amused and taking a small whiff of it herself. She cringed.

“Go on.” Lena said, brining the shot close up to her eyes to study exactly what it was.

“It’s like a pact drink. I suggest something, and you want to follow through with it, we drink it all at the same time. But if you don’t want anything to do with it, you back out, and leave the bar.” Yulia said.

“And what are you going to suggest?”

Yulia gave the red head a kind smile before inhaling to speak. “If we drink this at the same time right now… We’re officially couples. Got it?”

“And if I don’t drink?”

“Then as I said… We won’t have anything to do with each other. Forever. Until we die. So… Cheers?” Yulia asked raising her shot glass.

Lena was quiet for a long while, her eyes flickering around the sight of the shot glass in front of her. Two minutes had already passes and Yulia’s arm was beginning to ache. But just in time Lena raised up her own glass, and clinked it against Yulia’s.



“Hi, I’m looking for Yulia Volkova?” A man in middle twenties with a sunglass firmly held in his one hand and a Porsche car keys in the other. He had a grainy blonde hair with almost black iris and a perfect lining of his face.

The receptionist clacked away at her computer, looking up briefly at the man before going back to her computer screen.

“I’m afraid you cannot. She didn’t come back from her lunch break.” The receptionist answered, almost sounding profusely bored.

The man frowned before asking once more. “Well do you know where she might be right now?”

“Sir, I’m a receptionist, not a tracking device.” She snapped.

“Sheesh alright. If you happen to see her just tell her that her fiancée, Vik Verustikov, dropped by.”

“I’ll make sure Miss Volkova gets the message, sir.”

“Thank you.”

[good news ladies...not a sad story!!!]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 11-05-2005, 08:32   #10
denial denial is offline
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Lena didn’t go to work today. Because this was her big day. The day she’d been waiting for another five months. The day she was hoping to finally achieve what she’d been dreaming of.

[ ahahahahaha ..that was a surprised .. good one.. ]

“If we drink this at the same time right now… We’re officially couples. Got it?”
[ ooosh! Yulia is so cool! ]

[ okay more more more ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 11-05-2005, 18:35   #11
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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wow she comes on strong!(i like it)
That's it right now about a a million copies going back, Amy a nerd!-Amy Lee
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Old 18-05-2005, 07:30   #12
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 3

“Really? So tell me how your mothers like.” Lena asked, her face propped with her palm, the weight of her head securing her elbow against the table firmly. Her eyes wide with curiosity and fascination, shades of grey reflecting off the night’s atmosphere. She was wearing a casual pink striped blouse with a black striped jacket on top to match. She was wearing cotton plain black pants and even her socks matched everything she wore. But the stylin’ little thangs hugging up her feet were no heals… they were runners. Nike.

“My mother? Uhh… Well… She’s a very nice person.” Yulia replied with an awkward face. Her lips were tightly pursed, her brows raised and the focus of her eyes down to her twitching finger tips. The twisting her fingers around her mini umbrella corked in her drink, she started to play around with it. She was wearing a black tank top with an over sized white button up t-shirt on top and half shredded jeans for down under. She was wearing black sandals, revealing her toes squirming against the pad of the foot ware.

“Oh come on. We sit here and you talk about your father for a good solid hour while you only take three seconds to explain about your mom?” Lena said, her lips playing a half teasing and half knowing smile. “I kinda get the feeling that you’re hiding her from me, Volkova.” Lena added, raising her hand to tuck loose strands of her red curls behind her ear.

Yulia laughed, taking a quick sip from her martini. Then nervously ruffling up her already explosive hair, she half heartedly sat up on her chair to rest her arms on the table barging between her and her date for the night.

“My mother… Well… She’s very sensitive. She has good tastes in only good qualities… A very good mother in certain criteria of her life. She’s a one helluva work when you get into a fight with her. My features mostly came from my dad… But my smile and my quick temper are from my mother. And… Gosh what more to say about her?” Yulia exhaled, flicking the mini umbrella to the floor of the bar they were in.

Lena nodded. “If you don’t want to talk about her, you don’t have to. It seems like your mother is the only thing you’re not confident about.” The red head suggested, taking her own mini umbrella, then dragging the skewered olive through it between her teeth into her mouth. “You know, I think this is the very first time I’ve been in a gay bar that’s this sophisticated and so…controlled.” The red exclaimed, diverting her eyes around the interior of the building.

Yulia smiled in gratitude, then turned her head to the live band playing at the corner of the restaurant. She was pretty sure that they were playing one of those ‘Just-made-up-mass-of-complicated-notes-the-true-sound-of-jazz’ things and she laughed. She loved those.

Stretching her hand towards Lena who was chewing on the olive with a far away expression, she glanced at the red’s eyes then glanced back at the band. Lena, snapping out of it studied the looks Yulia was giving her and eyed the band as well. Then looking back at Yulia offering hand, she raised both of her palms up in refusal.

“No no no no no no, no way. You are not going to make me dance in public, to this music, in middle of a restaurant where they don’t even have a dance floor.” Lena persuaded. Or at least tried to.

“Oh come on. I’m a very good dancer. I’ll twirl you out of your mind, that’ll make you forget that you’re actually around watching eyes, I promise you.” Yulia enunciated with sparkling eyes as well as almost blinding Lena with one of her infectious smiles.

“You are a very good bragger, did you know that?” Lena said with her timid hand finding Yulia’s place. Yulia gripped tightly around Lena’s soft hand and pulled her near the band to a small space where they could dance.

Then pulling Lena close in her arms then burrowing her whole face into the crook of Lena’s neck, she exhaled audibly then giving a little neck. Lena shivered at the sensation, her fingers involuntarily gently digging into Yulia’s sides. The brunette chuckled, purposely making her spikes of hair tickle Lena’s nose.

“I don’t brag… I just am good at many things.” Yulia said into the soft flesh on skin just beneath Lena’s ear. Lena inhaled sharply, losing her footing just for a second.

“Many things that don’t matter I assume.” Lena said, miraculously still have a hold on the pitch of her voice.

Yulia slowly pulled apart then looked up to stare into Lena’s eyes. Her right brow was raised, her lips curled up in a mischievous gesture. Then opening her mouth she whispered the three words…

“You assume wrong.”

Lena laughed, making Yulia lose her footings from the front seat view of the beautiful laugh. “Then tell me, just what are you good at? Drawing houses? Even I could do that when I was four.” Lena said teasing evident.

Yulia scoffed, then let go of her right hand off of Lena’s shoulder to dive her hand to the lower regions of Lena’s body.

Then the swaying of their little dance came to a dead stop. Lena’s eyes were as huge as golf balls, her jaw slackening to a gape. Yulia was giggling slightly, her once austere and braggy attitude diminishing from her expressions.

Leaning in, Yulia exhaled a hot breath on Lena’s ear, then resumed to whisper. Lena unintentionally moaned, letting Yulia know that she wasn’t doing anything wrong.

“This…Is what I’m good at.” The brunette whispered. Then with a jerk, Yulia made a harsh movement with her arm making Lena yelp. Clicking her tongue, Yulia grinned tossing her un-toss able hair. “I see myself as a... sexy, independent, intelligent, simply put… A much modernized Renaissance woman. Do you happen to agree, my little sex slave?”

Lena’s face was a bit flushed and the majority of her balance was at the base of her toes, Yulia supporting most of the other body weights. “I-I-I-I… Ummm… Ya, you’re right right, yeah…”

Then just as suddenly Yulia pulled away heading back to their seats and collecting her’s and Lena’s stuff. Lena just stood on the floor, aghast. Looking back at Yulia with a questioning stare, she slowly made her way to the brunette.

“What are you doing?” Yulia looked up, smiling her brightly lit smile.


“Where are you going?”

“*We’re* going to go back to my car and ovulate like bunnies while hearing pre-recorded audio tapes of some hot male orgy.” Yulia answered with an obvious look on her face. Then without a slightest shade of shame of what she had just said in public she headed for the exit. Stopping for a brief second to gesture Lena to follow, she laughed looking at Lena’s expression. Her complexion was putrid white while her neck and ears were getting red to match her hair.

“I very much hope you were joking.” Lena scolded, shoveling along to follow. Yulia slowed her pace to match Lena’s and smiled.

“Which part, the ovulating or the male orgy?”

“The male orgy.”

“Aww man I was looking forward to that!” The brunette mock whined. Lena smiled.

“I’ll give you something else to look forward to.”

“Ohhhh! Female orgy?!?!”



Their lips were captured in each other’s depths and power, heating and sparking up every dead wire into live ones inside their body. Every touch burned, exclusively making them notice the places they weren’t touching. Everywhere needed to be touched. Everywhere needed to be burnt.

Yulia pulled away for a brief half of a second to catch her breath before delving right into the red’s bruised lips once more. Hands and breath were everywhere. The midnight air inside the warming car was chilly against their hot bodies.

Yulia’s hands unconsciously but righteously shot to the collar of Lena’s jacket and tore it off the curvaceous body. Burrowing her finger tips beneath Lena’s blouse she continue to raise her strokes of her skillful fingers up to the red’s chest, where it would continue to touch, squeeze and fondle.

Lena moaned in Yulia’s mouth before inserting her tongue into her partner’s mouth without any notice. This action didn’t surprise Yulia at all. It just made her enjoy this little encounter all the more.

The raging hormones won over their thoughts as well as their human beings. Clothes were ripped off and handfuls of scrunched up hair were pulled to gain explicit pleasure of pain. Soon, Lena was on top of Yulia on the driver’s seat, sitting on the brunette’s bare laps their private regions almost touching.

They continued to kiss roughly, and they hid nothing. As Yulia lowered the seat’s backrest to fully lie down, Lena chuckled in Yulia’s mouth, making Yulia open her eyes and give the red head a wink before riding up her palms up and down Lena’s bare back.

Yulia’s each strokes marveled each freckles Lena had on her back, her inner thighs and her face. Both girls hadn’t felt this much lust since…forever. It was like their real first time, with no boundaries set for the night.

Tresses of red hair cascaded down all around the kissing faces. The windshields were starting to steam up, obscuring the view to the outside. But it wasn’t anytime soon until they had to look outside anyways.

But brunette’s fingers weren’t doing nothing on Lena’s body… They were finding and sneaking up to every private zones Lena never even thought she had, making her almost scream. And just as Yulia “accidentally” brushed her middle finger tip over the slit of Lena’s already damp entrance Lena unintentionally gave a little kick directed to nothing in particular.

Lena immediately stopped her actions. Yulia sensing something was wrong stopped too, looking up with that worrisome wrinkled look on her face.

“Lena…? What’s up? You doing alright?” She croaked feeling a tinge of panic clouding at the back of her throat. Lena’s expression was incomprehensive, for it had no emotions on it, only a flat look. Yulia tilted her head to the side to study Lena and to find out what was wrong.

“Yul… Umm…My foot.” Lena whispered.

“Your foot? What’s wrong with you foot hon?”

“It’s stuck in your steering wheel.” Lena said dropping her head on the crook of Yulia’s neck. The brunette cocked up her position to get a brief glance of what happened. Then she saw that Lena’s foot was through one of the holes they had on the steering wheel. That meant Lena had no ways of mobility to turn upright until they had to pull it out… This would ruin the mood.

The roguish smile lit up Yulia’s usual ego face, urging Lena to look up again. Lena obliged, looking up in half humiliation and half guilt. But her face turned into confusion when she saw Yulia smiling.

“What are you smiling at?” She asked, her voice almost a whisper.

“I’m liking this cuz this is kinda kinky.” Yulia replied.

“Oh it’s kinky alright but I kinda can’t move that well with my foot stuck here.”

Yulia winked with pouring ego before snaking her arms around Lena’s neck and pulling her down to kiss her once again.

“We can work around it.”


“For fuck’s sakes Vik I don’t want you around my work place alright? How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to look too inconspicuous with you around?” Yulia chastised hurling her work folder to her bureau.

“Well shit Yulia, you weren’t returning any of my calls! Why’d you expect me to do just forget that anything happened between us?! I don’t understand you!” The handsome man shouted his fist around his Porsche keys clenched.

“Because nothing ever did happen between us! I broke off the engagement, could you please get that through your thick skull?! My mom is just…”

“Just what? Trying to do what’s best for you?! After your parents got divorced, she’s losing money. So are you! And I got what you need. So stop trying to be a bitch!” Vik retorted.

“No you dirtbag. I got a job now. It’s actually a big paying job. I’m their main source of designs and architecture. Do you know what that means?!” Yulia yelled back.

“Yeah, it means that your running out of money, you mother just got evicted from the house yesterday and she’s demanding to be put into one of the Grand Hotels when *you* don’t have the money!”

“NO! It means that I don’t need YOU to support me! So stop trying and go fuck yourself, man bitch!” Yulia then grabbed a leather organizer book from the top of her bureau and hurled it towards Vik. It hit him squarely on the head.

“Slut!” Vik screeched before storming out with a bleeding nose.


“Well, what do you think?” Vik asked a slender looking man with frameless glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He had a sharp nose with beady eyes and tints of grey seeping through the lids. His thin mouth was curled up in a nasty smile as he used his finger to bring up his glasses to adjust them.

“I think it’s perfect. But it’s all matter of timing and persuasion. Do you got that in you?” The mystery man asked Vik. Vik nodded with enthusiastic gesture. The mystery man’s face twisted into a cross look. “This isn’t a game Vik. Take it serious.”

“Look Kolya, I’m the mastermind at this alright? You just get me what I need by next week and your payment will be prompt.” Vik waved off the cross concerns from the mystery man called Kolya.

Kolya smirked before turning his key in the ignition to start up the engine. Vik sighed as he leaned back on the seat of the passenger seat.

“Taking a life is hardly something to look forward to.” Kolya murmured before heading out the parking lot.

Vik turned his head to face the grim face of the driver. He wore a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “After the bitch is dead… Then you can preach, alright papa?”

Kolya didn’t answer.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 18-05-2005, 17:22   #13
denial denial is offline
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[ thanks for the update Shakrin! that foot stuck in the steering is really funny . LoL ]

[ so .. that Vik going to kill Yulia? .. and why you like so much to use that letter V, I and K for a bad person .. told you its should be started with letter VEG... ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 20-05-2005, 06:08   #14
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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Old 20-05-2005, 06:15   #15
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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your stupid posts are intense

[ dee, you think V.E.G. sounds more evil..? coz i can show ya ]

[ oki. shax, this is i very-very good fic, and i like the car scene sooo much ]
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Old 20-05-2005, 06:25   #16
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by Veggie Delite
your stupid posts are intense

[ dee, you think V.E.G. sounds more evil..? coz i can show ya ]
[ opps! you sound grumpy ... woke too early I guess ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 20-05-2005, 06:32   #17
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ hehe no grumpy just... in the assasin mood ]
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Old 22-05-2005, 06:28   #18
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 4

The cheery tone of Yulia’s doorbell echoed inside her spacious bungalow, making her jerk awake from her accidental cat nap on her couch. Pulling herself together, she made her way to the door and tusseling her spiky hair into separate linings. Pulling the door open, she almost growled out loud ferociously to the image she was greeted with. She didn’t like how this day turned out so far.

Vik, with beige khakis and a white t-shirt stood there with a kind grin and a sun glass in hand. Inviting himself in, he pushed through Yulia and walked right into the apartment suite. Giving a slight whistle as h looked around he plopped down on the couch and looked back at Yulia.

Yulia shuffling in after him plopped down next to him. “What are you doing here ass fucker?” Yulia asked, expecting a prompt answer. But Vik decided to ignore the question, trying to drive the conversation topics elsewhere.

“Nice crib. How do you ever manage with so many financial limits? And how do you manage so well?” Vik glowered, purposely shifting to “accidentally” show his fat wallet through the gap in his khaki pocket to Yulia. The brunette was nauseated at Vik’s flailing antics he tried to use on her to draw her in.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Yulia snapped, standing and heading towards the mini bar in the kitchen. Vik stood to follow, intertwining his fingers behind his head in a boyish gesture.

“Well Yulia, I give up.” Vik said nonchalantly. Yulia looked up from her glass of juice with a doubtful look.

“Define your definition of ‘giving up’.” Yulia asked rather suspiciously.

“Yulchik, you wound me! Have I tricked you that much in the past for you to say things like that?” Vik said in a mocking expression.

“Actually you did. So spill. What changed?” Yulia said losing patience and setting her juice carton on her counter as well as her glass half full with yellow content.

“Too much of a hard-to-get is a turn off Yuli, you should know.” Vik answered snatching up the juice glass and finishing it with one gulp. Yulia looked up and frowned.

“Quite the contrary actually; I love the challenge— and that was my juice, asshole!” Yulia quipped, giving him a playful punch on the arm. Vik chuckled, and lowered his head to give Yulia a quick kiss on the forehead.

“Love you too slut.” Vik replied, heading back to the living room. Then standing front of a wall slash mirror, he positioned himself to have a hair moment.

By this time Yulia was convinced that Vik actually decided to quit. She knew that he was getting pissed off and frustrated over something that wasn’t going to happen. And the nosebleed she gave him just the day before didn’t help anything either. She was glad that he could get her point of view. She was in a relationship now and Vik in her life as a bother could disturb other important things, such as Lena.

“Yulia I got to go, my mothers going to bitch or a long time about what I did to our so called engagement. How about I call you and tell you the exciting adventures of Mrs. Verustikov-- The motor mouth?” Vik called out from the living room, making it possible for Yulia to smile and get away with it.

“Sounds good homo!” Yulia called back.


“Ahh shit!” Lena cursed, making Yulia look up with an amused lines wrinkling up her face.

“What’d you forget now?” Yulia asked, checking Lena’s form from head to toe in possibility of Lena forgetting to put on her pants.

“My purse! I promised you that I’d pay for tonight!” Lena said angrily.

“Whoa Angry and Ugly, calm down.” Yulia said, a smile deepening her features, immediately converting the atmosphere into a bright one. “I’ll take care of it tonight. You just pay me back at the movies.” There was a mysterious twinkle in Yulia’s bluer than blue eyes when she had said her last sentence.

Lena looked up in a gesture of thinking. “Wait… Didn’t I just tell you that I forgot my purse and I can’t pay you any money? I can’t buy movie tickets with my boobs you know.”

Yulia snorted out a laugh before pushing Lena to her silver BMW. Then with a barely audible whisper, she replied, “Oh yes you can.”


After dinner, they made their way to the movie theater, hand to hand. Lena was laughing, clinging to Yulia’s grasp, and Yulia was also mildly chuckling beside her. The air was humid and the pavement road below them was moist with the recent rain that poured but stopped in time they finished dinner.

“I can’t believe you made us go out of the restaurant without paying!” Lena yelled, laughing hard. Yulia frantically looked around and also laughing herself shushed the hysterical red head.

“Tell the world now why don’t ya?” Yulia whispered, laughing at the sight of Lena laughing merrily.

As they arrived in front of the ticket booth, Yulia paid for two tickets for a nameless cheesy kung-fu movie. Leading Lena into a dark and very intimate spot at the back of the room, they sat side by side. The movie was already playing and the only spectators were the old man way up at the front, dozing.

Both of them were silent, eyes watching the movie but thoughts drifting to somewhere else. But Yulia turned her head to look at the lovely almost impossible sight who sat beside her. A roguish grin spreading her features, she tapped on Lena’s hand with her fingers to get her attention. Lena turned her attention to Yulia with a slight curious smile, her eyes in a questioning glance.

Yulia leaned in to whisper in Lena’s ear. “Do you remember when I said that you’d have to pay back at the movies?” Yulia pulled back briefly to see Lena’s reaction. She watched her nod with a side stare of suspicion. She leaned back in. “Well I think it’s time that you did.”

Lena giggled, looking around to make sure that no one was in fact watching from an innocent looking dark corner. Then she second checked the old man sleeping through the movie at the very front of the theater. Then she stood up, then swung one leg over Yulia’s knees and sat down, straddling the smaller woman under her.

Lena dipped down to give Yulia a deep and throaty kiss, muffling Yulia’s squeak of joy.

“Time for pay back.” Lena whispered, before roughly taking a hold of Yulia’s jacket and slipping it off of her.


As they quietly but contently made their way to the car, Lena yawned, squeezing Yulia’s hand in her grasp as she did so. Yulia gave a little laugh, taking Lena’s form into a half embrace, letting her arm snake its way loosely around Lena’s neck.

“Hey dykes!” A coarse and bitter voice yelled out from behind them, making them both jump and look back at the source.

It was man they had never seen before with a metal bar in his hands. He had screeching eyes, unknown color in the dark. His lips were curled up in a snarl, his bushy blonde hair dancing in the sudden blowing wind. Then suddenly he broke into a run with the weapon in his hand and charging towards them.

Just in time Lena sharply pushed the brunette behind her body, advancing to take the blow. “Lena!” She heard Yulia scream. She shut her eyes into a firm close, waiting for it to come.

But it never did. Slowly but surely opening her eyes and squinting to see well, she saw a wide and heavy body in front of her. He had threw something at the charging man, as she could see the charging man just before on the ground squirming on the ground and clutching at his face.

As their savior turned around, he had an expression of mixed emotions, his eyes evidently searching for injuries or anything. His voice was gentle and low, giving off something she couldn’t quite reach.

“Are you alright? Yulia? Are you hurt?? He sounded almost frantic.

“Vik?” Yulia called, moving from her rooted spot to embrace her rescuer. “Oh god Vik… Thank you so much.” Yulia cried in Vik’s chest.

“Come on. I’ll take you girls home.” Vik murmured, leading both of them to his ride.


“So, who’s this lovely young lady?” Vik asked in a teasing voice, eyeing at Yulia, and gesturing at Lena who was sitting quietly beside Yulia. . The brunette scoffed as she reached for Lena’s hand. As they laced their fingers together, Yulia held their hands up for Vik to see.

“I see.” Vik muttered before eyeing back at the road. He made a turn, clearing his throat and turning his head to the side so the girls couldn’t see his expression. “And uhh… When did this begin?” Vik asked.

“Couple of days before I was hired to be the construction industry’s new architect.” Yulia answered cautiously. But Vik revealed his expression and Yulia smiled. Vik’s face was broken with a huge grin, a hint of curiosity marring his eyes.

“You’re not… Mad are you? I heard from Yulia that you guys were…Ahem.” Lena spoke up, then trailing back to silence.

“No, we got it all untangled. It’s okay now. We’ve decided it was better we be friends, and I think now I know why.” Vik chuckled.

“Vik… Thanks. Really. For tonight with saving us from a damn near insane lunatic…And you know.” Yulia murmured. Vik flashed Yulia a hefty smile through the rear view mirror.

“It’s not problem really. I mean I could’ve done that to anyone.” Vik answered making another turn. “Although you could repay your debt by inviting me to one of your dates.”

The girls giggled. “Oh ya? Where do you want us to go?” Lena asked.

“Let’s go clubbing! Well at least for me. But come with me for the company.” Vik said laughter evident in his voice.

Yulia looked at Lena with raised brows. “Clubbing it is.”


“Oh shit!” Lena cursed.

“What’d you forget now?” Yulia asked letting out a sigh. She was having a major case of déjà vu.

“I left my jacket in Vik’s car.”

The brunette started to laugh. “I don’t you’d want your jacket back then.”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind.”

“No really, why? I liked that jacket. Why wouldn’t I want it back? And what’s that got to do with Vik?”

“Oh my god even if I told you, you would just forget by tomorrow anyways. So shut up and let’s go to sleep.”

“No really tell me! Why wouldn’t I”

“Night! Love you.”





Kolya poured the golden liquid in the glass, and then pushed it towards Vik. Vik curtly nodded in gratitude before letting his fingers embrace the glass before him.

“Well, are you still going with the plan?” Koyla asked coolly, a glass of his own in his own hands.

Vik looked up with a scrunched up face. “Why would I stop with the plan in the first place?”

“Vik… She’s gay.” Kolya sighed.

“The hell with that! I’ll fucking rape her if I had to. I want her. And I’m going to have her. And even after that if I can’t have her, I’ll just kill her.” Vik snarled then poured the contents in his glass in his mouth.

“And if you get caught? Those CSI shit ain’t there for shows my intelligent friend.” Kolya smirked before pouring Vik another glass of the golden liquid.

“Don’t worry. This is one fool proof plan that no one has ever thought of.” Vik said with oozing confidence.

“I wish you all the best than.”

*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 22-05-2005, 06:54   #19
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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Old 23-05-2005, 09:48   #20
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[ shax babe, just keep us updated and all will be well ]

i'm just interested in one thing. how can your leg get stuck in the stearing wheel..?!
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