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Love must be a Fairy Tale

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Old 19-02-2005, 09:40   #1
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Love must be a Fairy Tale

hahahahaha i can't belive i'm putting up an another fic when i already have another one going... and it aint even close to the initial incident let alone the climax lol

but i'm just writing this out before i forget and i really dont expect much. and niether should you guys

anyhoo... maybe if this one goes good.. i'll ditch the other one. lol



4:00 a.m. Valentines Day.

Highway No. 424.

A lone BMW sped down the road without the headlights or the tailights on.

Inside the silver BMW a woman with a burning cigarette residing inside her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks nodded to the music iwhout a care in the world. The smoke from the cig filled the entire car, and there was enough smoke inside the confided space to suffocate a small army. But did she care? Hell no.

Her radio was blaring with heavy metal music, vibrating the whole car and the ground beneath her. Her head was throbbing beyond beliefe from the thumping music and the beer binge she had which ended just twenty minutes before.

For most people, after a couple of bottles of beer, whisky and other shit you could possibly comsume which are alcohol for more than five hours, they have the sense (or some good friends) to make you take a cab or whatever. But did she care? Hell no.

The woman took a long drag from her cigarette before throwing it inside her glove compartment and closing it. Fire safety? What fire safety?

She cranked up the music to its maximum and sped up the car. The pinpoint was nearly exceeding the 120km/h mark. She was laughing through swallowed tears, even though no one would find her position amusing. She shook her head to the beat, closing her eyes and paying no attention.

When she did open her eyes again, the rain was splattering her windshield, making her sight blurred. She giggled madly before swerving her car to the wrong lane and exceeded the 130km/h mark. She rolled down her windows, showering herself with the rain. She poked her head out the window and drove through the highway, trying to get the damn car to speed up.


Then suddenly a MAC truck turned a corner from the opposite side and came right at her car. A late nighter perhaps. But maybe it was the truck driver's doziness that made him not notice the silver BMW. Or maybe it was just because the BMW had no headlights on.

But the woman in the BMW knew the truck was coming. And she was glad for it. The pain she was speeding away from, the pain that neared her heart gnawing at its edge was glad for it. She started laughing louder than before and honked to the truck.

"Is this that Chicken game?! Oh bitch you're ON!!! hahahahahahahaha!!" She yelled more to herself than the truck driver.

Then she pulled her head back into the car and stomped on the accelerater, putting the pedal to the metal.

With one last explosion of a gleam of recklessness and wildness she drove straight to the truck.

The truck driver couldn't have noticed the BMW speeding towards his truck at a better time. He quickly managed to swerve to the other lane, barely missing the silver BMW. He immediately stepped on the brakes and got off his truck. He ran as hard as he could to the corner he just turned, in order to do *something* to save the mad woman.

But it was too late. But not too late for him to witness the crash.

The car flew right off the edge through the metal fence, dropping head first to the ground about 40 meteres down. He heard the crash as he quickly went up to where the car flew off.

"Oh my god... Hey lady, can you hear me?!" He got no answer. He looked down at the scene and the car was motionless save for its wheels, still steadily revolving in its place. He quickly nabbed out his phone and dialed 911.

"The emgercy services, please state your emergency." The truck driver practically yelled to the other end, screaming for an ambulance.


The strecher was pulled out and the limp body was placed upon it. The bloody girl was a mess. A complete wreck. Couples of bones surely broken and likely severe concussion surely made upon. Of course the bleeding was inevitable. But alive. Still breathing and the pulse runing. Her skin still warm.


When she opened her eyes again, she was looking at an unfamiliar ceiling plain white. She could hear faint beeping and steady air pump noises. She let out a breath and tried to move her toes and fingers. She shifted her eyes to see where the hell she was. To her left, she could see a window and the sunligh pouring in, dancing on her covers. To her front it was a boring wall with beigy tint and a painting of an endless field of green grass and occasional flowers.Then to her far side right, a door firmly closed.

Her face was intruded with a breathing mask puffing air into her nose, and her wrist taped and IV's shoved up her veins.

She closed her eyes.

She felt extremely relaxed although tired, and totally clueless.

Then she remembered. The world around her shattered.


"Ms.Volkova? Ahh, you are awake now. It is good to see you lucid." A middle aged man with scruffy chin and dirty blonde hair and brown eyes walked in with the usual white coat. He gently pulled off the breathing mask from her face and helped her sit up.

"My name is Dr. Hagen. You were in an accident sometime three weeks ago. You were put in a coma after an immeidate surgery and intensive care for a week. You suffered more than two broken bones, a severe concussion to the head and a almost unstable internal bleeding. And it also seemed that your heart was in a very weak state."

He quietly pulled a stool to the side of the bed and sat down, rather boyishly.

"Ms.Volkova. Do you remember anything exception of your time in this hospital?" He asked in a soothing voice.

"I... just remember..." Something inside her made her begged her to lie. "No sir. I don't remember."

He smiled tenderly before asking another question. "Do you remember anything about your life?"

"Yes sir, my name is Yulia Volkova. I'm a cop. My parents passed away after a robbery incident. My sister was diagnosed with lukemia and died last year. I have black hair, blue eyes...And that's all I know." She answered stiffly, not knowing how to act.

"Do you remember any of your friends? Where you live? Any relatives? A partner perhaps?" Hagen's forehead creased with worry as he fired off his question. But the only answer his got was a hesistant shake of Yulia's head as in "No".

To be honest, she did remember everything. But she chose not to be aware of it. For anyone's information. She'd forgotten everything. From that point and on... She'll start again.

He sighed and smiled tenderly again. "It's alright Yulia. I won't stress you anymore and get out of your hair. I think I know a way to get the address of your house, so don't worry about going homeless." Yulia smiled at that. Hagen smiled back.

"Well I think you need to rest, so I'm gonna get out of your hair." he said as he dragged the stool to its original spot. He looked back at Yulia again before going out the door. "And Yulia?"

The brunette turned her head to Hagen's direction. "We're plannig you an intensive physio for another week so you can walk again. I hope you dont mind." Yulia nodded and smiled at him.

"Thank you Dr. Hagen."

"Oh I think we're acquainted enough. Call me Kurt."


2 years later...

"A woman? As my superior? Are you shitting me?" The shocked face of Lena made the head of office a little amused. He chuckled, then went back to his game face and chewing his cigar.

"Please watch the language, Katina. It's buisness hours."

"Oh fuck off Jack. No one can hear us." The man called Jack smirked before searching his desk for a file and pulled out the thinnest one. He half threw and half flicked it at the red head, gesturing her to open it.

"I don't see why you're so shocked and upset about having a woman cop to be a superior. I mean you're a woman cop too, aren't you?" He said, more seriousness taking place on his face.

"Go to hell, Jack. You know what happened to the last one who came in as my superior." Lena's face was rigid and her eyes went cold. Jack sighed and stood up, cautiously approaching the red head.

"Lena... The only reason that happened almost to years ago was because he was a jerk and you were just a rookie then. He was trying to teach you with some discplin-"

"By raping me Jack?" She cut him off quietly but coolly. She continued. "And I'm pretty sure you remember what happened a year after that. Last year. And she was no man." Jack sighed and raveled his arm around Lena.

"They were put to justice, didn't they? We kicked their ass... Didn't we? I promise. This time it'll be diffrent. I swear it on my position of Head of the Bureau. Please... Try for me one last time. I know I'm asking much... But for me... Please?" Jack cajoled, hugging the girl tightly.

Lena sighed and they were quiet for a while, Lena thinking.

"Jack... You just thank the lords that you're my best friend."

"I already am."


Lena opened up the file folder and peered at the picture of her new superior slash partner. It was certainly a woman. But very attractive. She had a very short hair, almost black and spiky. And she noticed that the woman had the most bluest and the most dull and icy eyes she's ever seen. She was beautiful.

But Lena thought that she could be more attractive if the brunette had some more... She couldn't find the words.

The information in the file told her that the woman was in a sevre car accident just two years ago. A brow raised from that.

"Interesting." Lena silently murmured but she was quickly distracted from her readings when a new fresh voice intereupted her.

"What's so interesting, you don't even hear your new superior walk in?" Lena snapped the folder closed and whirled around to come face to face with the one and only,

Yulia Volkova, in the flesh.


well? what do you think? hmmmm....
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?

Last edited by Shakrin; 19-02-2005 at 11:36.
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Old 19-02-2005, 23:57   #2
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i like it muchos. so don't be a punk and update!
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Old 20-02-2005, 13:11   #3
denial denial is offline
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mmhmmm... I smell guns ....and actions..... please update... I wonder how Yulia Volkova looks in police uniform.
I will forget my dreams
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Old 23-02-2005, 01:20   #4
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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chapter one.

[having some hard times in my personal life.... So if i make some of the characters suffer a lot... like... a helluva lot... then i'm making them suffer on my behlf. if u have a problem with that get the hell out. ]

Chapter 1

Lena strolled into her office holding a mug of coffee in one hand, and Volkova's file in the other. She looked around expectantly to see the cubicles filled with her friends and work mates, the air shrilling with the sounds of ringing phones.

But to her surprise, the place was empty. The place was brightly lit, the air stenched of coffee and she could've betted her life that she could've heard the shriling phones.

But when she looked around... Nothing was there. Then one by one the cubicles became transparent, until she was alone with own cubicle.

The place’s lights suddenly shut down with a decreasing ominous whirring sound. Lena jumped and looked around, in hopes of finding a light switch floating right beside her.

“Don’t you think that’d be a bit too easy for a nightmare to be? No one finds the key of the exit of this hellhole… ever.” A fresh voice, somewhat sultry but not intending to be seductive at all, whispered just beneath Lena’s earlobe. Then suddenly a hostile smack made the Volkova file take a flight on the non-existance wind in the air. “You’ll know more about me soon enough, when you are ready.”

Lena jerked her sight back to her side. There was nothing there… But the voice still was. “Looking for me? Hehehe…. Boo Katina, boo.” That giggle the voice made… Although it sounded like it was amused, she could still spot the unmistakable hint of sadness in the tone of its voice.

Lena kept looking at her side slowing taking back steps.

Then as if she was in slow motion, the coffee mug from her hand started to quake inside her fingers. It was trying to slip away from her hand… As if it had a mind of its own. Lena, already spooked as she could be, immediately dropped the mug, yelping.

As the mug made its way down to the floor, its shattering noise blistered in Lena’s ears… But the noises of the breaking glasses didn;’t stop. They kept shattering into a monotone of endless pitch. But that was before she realized it wasn’t the shattering mug that was making the noise, it was herself.

Herself screaming.

“Oh my god… No… Not again… Please!” She was back at that place again, that place where she could do nothing but get what was coming to her.


She was back on the cold harsh slab of concrete. She was back to where she couldn’t do squat but struggle. She was back there on the ground, two years back in that back alley way.

She was still screaming but she was soon shut up by a bone bruising punch. “Shut the fuck up, you fat whore! You are my inferior officer Katina, and you are going to do what you are told… Got it?!”

The blurry sillhouette of a large figure and a blacked out face held her down on the ground, forcefully nipping at her neck’s creamy flesh. He bit down hard as his hand slid down to her clevage.

“Moan for me, bitch… Scream for me you fucking slut!” He shouted as he grabbed one of her breast and twisted it. Lena scream out in pain and got another punch in the face. Then she could feel the bastard’s erection pressing up her thigh. She groaned, trying to push him off.

“Fuck, Katina, you were trained in schools for this kind of shit! Wy can’t you think now?! Please… You need to get out of this, think!! STOP GETTING MOLESTED BY THIS BATARD AND PLEASE THINK YOU STUPID BRAIN!!” She thought frantically. Why was she back again?! Why was she back here of all places?! Tears streaked her flushed and bruised cheeks, as well as sweat beading down her temples.

“I’ve heard that you choke under pressure Lena… But this is just too fucking easy… Haha…” That sickening laugh resounded in her ears as he ripped apart her linen pants and thust into her. Lena shrieked, feeling the foreign member in her, intruding her.

She could hear him laugh again. The sick fuck.

He thrust again this time more harder. She felt like a sharp jagged boulder was being choved up her ass. She was sobbing, trying to contain herself. But this wasn’t getting better by crying.

Then at the corner of the alleyway, she could see a shadow… A figure just by the corner, watching. The moon light stirred, raising its beam at the mystery person.

Volkova. Watching with her achingly dull, icy eyes. No expression. Jut watching. Almost bored looking. Lena tried to shove the man off her, trying at a flailing attempt to punch the man on his stomach.

She was soon awarded with the most pathetic attempt to get out of rape, resulting with him pinning her wrists above her head. She looked pleadingly at Volkova, still sobbing, murmuring incoherently.

The brunette shailky ran her fingers through her spikes, slowly approaching the scene. She knelt down beside Lena, brushing a sweat matted wet lock behind her ear. The rapist didn’t seem to notice Volkova. Instead he just looked right through her before getting back to his buisness.

Lena felt a warm stream of liquid showering her inner thighs and she could have guessed it was blood. It was of no surprise though, seeing the fuckbag, screwing the brains out of the poor girl.

Right then, as the man came inside her, and irritatingly stood up, something went wrong inside Lena. Something was fried or zapped… Like a lone wire, just barely scratched on the surface but able to make immense shift in one’s mind. As soon as she felt that, Yulia’s blank dull eyes twitched into a ghost of a frown.

The brunette only cocked her head before leaning down to the red head and whispering in her ear… “You need to save yourself, before you can save me, Lenochka.”

Volkova then stood up, then backstepped until they were about three meteres apart. Lena just laid there, aghast, and confused. The she briefly saw the thin girl winking at her and Lena turning her attention back to the rapist,

He smirked and before Lena could brace for implact, he raised his foot and slammed his sole into Lena’s limb.


Lena shot up from her bed and firghteningly looked around. Her head and hair were matted aginst each other with glistening sweat, and she was visibly pale. She raised her hand to her face and watched it tremble. A shiver went through her body as she remembered Volkova’s wink.

“Fuck…” Her lips quavered and her eyes went glossy. Not one drop of tears shall wet her face, she thought. She made a pact with her last year, knowing that if she would start crying, that she’d never stop. That was a fact.

She glanced at the bedside clock on her nightstand. It was barely four in the morning. She cursed as she wobbily stood up, stripping off her clothes as she went in to her bathroom. She turned on the cold water and went in the stall immediately. The cool water beat down on her, sharp stings of cold droplets leaving their signature red spots on her sensitive skin. She shuddered iin cold and in fear. She turned the knob to a colder water.

She sighed as North Pole tempertured water poured down on her. The cold was unbearable. But she welcomed it.

‘…….You need to save yourself, before you can save me, Lenochka.

[....yaa..... ....]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 23-02-2005, 18:00   #5
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eeww ...
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 23-02-2005, 22:28   #6
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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pretty graphic, eh...?

it's written really good
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Old 24-02-2005, 06:31   #7
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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well...was that *too* graphic?
these things are like... running through my head and i was pondering over it for a while thinking if I chould write it out or not.
if you don't like it i might as well rewrite it in a more... censored version.
u just let me know.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 24-02-2005, 06:52   #8
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oh .. don't worry .. we like the way it was written .. we only want to read un-censored version...

right Sin? *points knife at Sin's ass*
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 24-02-2005, 11:22   #9
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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*in high pitched voice* :-/

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Old 26-02-2005, 07:15   #10
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter Two

"This is your first field mission together as partners, so I suggest you get acquainted before ten tonight. I'm not expecting failiure either, so this had better turn out right if you guys don't want to get your sorry asses fired. Volkova, prep Katina on things you might need, and you know where to find me if you got any questions." Volkova just eyed the air in front of her with a thin grimace before slightly nodding.

Lena's eyes graced on her superior's facial expressions, facinated. She would often wonder, how a person could have a variety of expressions of a rock. After a lot of pondering, she came to a conclusion that Yulia Volkova was a stone face, and that's putting it gracely.

"See something you like?" A cold voice interfered her thoughts. It was Volkova's. "I suggest you listen to the Captain and not gaze at me like some bored cow." The brunette lashed out at her with icy words. Though her emotions were somewhat evident in her voice tone, her facial expression was blank.

"Then Captain should talk about something that actually matters before I moo." Lena retorted and she could see Volkova's inner smirk and Captain(Jack) freeze in his chair. Lena smirked and inspected the wall beside her, but grinning triumphantly in the inside.

But her inner happiness faded as her thoughts consumed her again.

Why *was* she looking at Volkova anyways? Could she possibly have... No. Thats ridiculous. But yes... Miss Volkova *was* very beautiful...

"Dismissed." Jack forced on his composure, roughly shooing them away.

Volkova gestured Lena to follow her inside her own office for a short briefing. Lena worldlessly followed.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Volkova snapped at Katina, slamming the office door behind her. Lena jumped at the slamming door, eyes widening of surpirse.

"M-ma'am?" The red head stuttered.

"You think I'm stupid?! I saw that disgusting look you were giving me back at Jack's office. You think I haven't noticed? Are you a fucking lesbian Katina?!"

"W-w-wha... I-I- uh.." Lena's jaw slackend out of disbelief as the brunette fired her questions away, whipping Lena with her sharp mouth.

"You were given a direct question from your superior, Katina. Have the fucking etiquette to answer!" Lena just kept stuttering, her cheeks reddening with shame, the brunette overwhelming her.

But after all... What *could* she say to those questions? They were the questions she didn't even know.

Lena just shut her mouth and closed her eyes and hung her head. The blanket of silence enveloped them, the thickness of tension suffocating her. Then she heard Volkova's foot steps and a click of a lighter. She could smell the cigarette smoke, tickling the entrance of her notrils.

Lena had never seen Volkova's display of emotions like she just witnessed.

"You belive in love Katina?" The familiar sultry voice, but not quite seductive beckoned at the red head.

Now this question, she knew. She answered almost immediately.

"Yes, ma'am."

Then she could hear the brunette smirk. Wrong answer.

"No... Love... hahaha... That's just a fucking fairy tale. Something those book writers made up to entrance their readers into buying their heap of crap. Or possibly it could be a Hallmark thing, just to shove up more love cards and chocolates up our ignorant asses at Valentines Day."

Lena could feel her heart beat rise from anger. She clenched her fist, trying to think of happy things. Anything but what Volkova was talking about.

"They just fucking chew you up and spit you out. Leave you for dead. Cryings no use because it'll fucking hurt more. Then after the water works all you think about is death and how wonderful it is to fucking cut yourself cuz you're on a point where you feel fucking NOTHING cuz of the pain inside... Gnawing at you... Eating you alive...." Lena heard Volkova cough, trying to catch her breath. "Shit.."

A moment after the red head heard Volkova curse she hesistantly looked up. She saw Volkova, desperately rummaging through her drawers, then taking out a orange container filled with white unknown pills. Then she saw her shoving five of them in her mouth then sealing them closed with her hand.

When the brunette forced the swallow she parted her mouth, trying to catch her breath.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

"Shut up. When you're working with me, you will not show me your pity shit, understood?"

.....'What happened to you...?' "Yes, ma'am."



What the hell was going on with her? Yulia sighed, collapsing on her chair, looking out the window as the red head sulked out of the office. The dance of the sunlight on her face reminded of her life at the hospital.

She reluctantly clutched at her chest where her heart should be and closed her eyes. She felt it steady its beat. She sighed again in relief.

......What the hell was going on with her? She didn't have to use those pills for two years since she blocked all her emotions in that hospital. Why now? Was Katina the reason?

Her eyes narrowed, thinking.

Why was Katina bringing up her emotions now? Why her, of all people?

She shut her eyes blocking off all the ideas shooting off her brain. But on the back of her lids, she could remember that day when she crashed her car. Why she was speeding in the first place and doing the stupidest things she could imagine.

Suddenly another surge of erratic thumping commenced from her heart, Her clutch respondedly tightened as she remembered.

[The night when Yulia crashed]

2:58 a.m.

Valentine's Day.

The music was blaring, practically giving a flase feeling of an earthquake. The bass boomed off the speakers, giving many a headache, and the rest the wild night they were looking for.

Sweaty people danced through five hours straight, drunk people drank through five hours straight. And the rest, trying to find a place to either fuck of get stoned as hell, and then fuck.

Yulia came bouncing out from the dance floor with sweat matted hair and a panting breath. Her face was full of expression, the aura of individuality just screaming off of her.

This was the original officer Volkova, a couple of days before she decided to be a total dud. She smiled, flashing her white teeth, and making her look as if she was glowing. She was truly beautiful. No dull icy eyes, only the passionate shine within. No empty soul, only the burst of life claiming everyone around her.

She bounded towards one of the couches where an attractive honey coloured hair woman sat, talking to another blonde. Yulia just plopped next to the other brunette, brushing her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Hey sexy. Wanna dance through the whole night?" Yulia asked the brunette, her hand caressing the other woman. The other woman silently broke off her conversation with the blonde, turning to Yulia.

"Yulia... You just scared away my new friend." Yulia snorted before burying her face on the crook of the woman's neck. Her smothered words were heard barely.

"Sofia.... You never dance with me anymore... Come on... pleeeeeease??" Sofia's eyes softened before urging Yulia's face up with her forehead.

"Honey, why don't I meet you there? I'll just go get a drink from the bar and join you. Does that sound good?" Yulia jumped up at the suggestion and galloped back to the dance floor with a sheepish grin. Sofia just pityingly smiled before heading the other way to the bar.

Yulia busied herself with other people, dancing her ass off. But ten minutes passed, and there was no trace of Sofia. And then twenty minutes, then thirty, then forty.

Yulia pushed through the damp crowd, searching the bar with her eyes. Signs of Sofia were no where to be found. She paced herself to the bartender.

"Yo, Drink man! You seen a honey brunette around here?!" Yulia screamed her question, trying to outspeak the booming music.

"Is she the one who always orders rum and coke?!" Yulia's eyes brightened as she nodded.

"She went to the bathroom with some blonde, boobs and legs!!" Her widened eyes shifted wildly in confusion. She practically ran towards the bathroom and turned the knob. It was locked.

No.... Sofia wouldn't do that. Would she?

Her lips pursed into a angered notion as she backed up. Then she hurled herself to the door, smashing it open.

Then there it was, a sight to behold. Sofia and the blonde she saw earlier talking to her, tangled up with each other against the stall door. The blonde's mouth was latched up on Sofia's most private place, and Sofia's fingers were dug under the heap of musky blonde hair.

The couple froze in place and the neck snapped to Yulia. The two of them immeidately wrapped it up and pulled back their clothes on. Yulia just stood there, aghast. The blonde shot through the door, hitting Yulia's side with her shoulders while at it.

Yulia followed suit, then grabbed the blonde by a hanging sleeve and pulled her back.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?! And especailly after screwing my girlfriend?!" The blonde whirled around and met Yulia's piercing blue eyes, welled up with tears and untamable fury bubbling inside.

The blonde jerked Yulia's hand away before trying to walk out of the club again. But Yulia didn't let this piece of meat get away.

She grabbed the blonde again and shoved her back against a wall. Then she bunched up her collar, grabbing it then drew her fist back....



Yulia snapped out of her thought and twirled her chair towards the sound of a voice.


"....Ma'am?" The hopeful sound of Volkova's voice startled the red head. As soon as Yulia saw the red head poking her head inside the dimly lit office, her face grew rigid.

From Yulia to Volkova in seconds. A transformation she depended her whole life on.

"What is it Katina?"

"It's ten. We better get a move on if we want our Field to happen."

Volkova nodded slowly, her eyes glossing into a dull and icy gaze once again. She gruffily stood up, grabbing her coat, scarf and a hat.

"Let's go then."

[something bads gonna happen to lena... and something goods gonna happen to yulia.... and i really should get a move on for the other fic... what was it called again?? kidding!]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 26-02-2005, 10:29   #11
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[ oh thank you Shakrin. its getting more interesting ..I can't wait for next... I like this chapter very much I think its "packed". I think you are talented. The other fanfic called Before Its Too Late... see I remember. heh heh ]

[ pssst.. Sin I think from now on we have to talk in bracket when comment the fanfic.. ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 28-02-2005, 12:14   #12
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[omigod i'm addicted in writing this story!! but what about Before It's Too Late?!?! What will be the fate of my very first fic?!?!?!?!?! ]

Chapter 3

The mission was a simple one. They had gotten a call from an old lady walking her dog along a trailer park, saying that she had seen a suspicious man she saw on TV on the most wanted list. So they had to check the suspicious man’s trailer out.

Volkova drove in silence, looking straight ahead, and Lena was looking out the window, observing the mashed up blur of colours whizzing by her. She was thinking about some things that Volkova had said to her earlier that day.

How the brunette was bursting with emotions and telling her that love was only a mere fairy tale. She disagreed. There is really love… Wasn’t there?

“Sorry.” Lena broke out of her trance when she heard Volkova speak.
“Sorry? For what...Ma’am?” She asked, truly curious.
“For treating you the way I did today. That was unfair of me… and I was a little off. I get sensitive from time to time. I hope you understand.”
Lena flashed the brunette her signature glowing smile and swayed her head side to side.
“Nah… I would be uncomfortable too if someone was burning a hole through my head with their staring.”

Volkova only nodded in agreement before the deathly science encaptured them again.

Lena looked back outside the window again, drowning herself in her thoughts. What had happened to her superior that made her like that, she wondered. But as sudden as it was, she heard herself speak before she could catch herself.

“Love does exist. Although this place looks so dirty… So off and dreary… Midst of all the worm infested leaves, there’s that untouched shining apple, just waiting to be picked. Love… It existed way before Hallmark, and way before the novel writers. I’m sure of it.” Lena finished, but then heard Volkova smirk loudly.

Two full open smirks in one day. That’s more emotion than she’d bargained for.

“Elena Servgeena Katina. 26yrs of age. The outshining student in the most prestigious military school in the United States. Hired personally by Jack Davis, and officially transferred to the West 648 precinct. This year is the third year she’s serving under Jack. Interesting fact, she was raped twice in the last two years, and she still believes in love!! Katina I thought you almost died at the first rape! And you still believe in love?! It’s a lusty world out here! It’s either you or them, dog eat dog, eat or get eaten! God open your eyes before you get hurt!”

Another burst of emotions made Lena taken back. A moment of silence followed then Lena also snapped, colours draining from her face as she clenched her fist.

“What the fuck do you know?! You always hide behind you stony porcelain mask, running from the truth! You know squat!”

After Lena’s last statement Volkova slammed on the brakes and punched the steering wheel out of anguish and anger. “Fuck Katina! Just… Dammit I’m sorry alright?! I’m just so fucking sorry… Shit like love doesn’t exist for me anymore. It’s a fucking fairy tale for me. It was a dream, but it’s gone now. It’s over for me. Knight in shining armor didn’t come, and I’m still stuck in the tower with the hated dragon breathing down my neck! Love… Doesn’t exist for me. I’m sorry… Alright?”

Lena only turned her face back outside the window and closed her eyes. She could hear Volkova sigh and start up the car again.

This time, they traveled in silence.


They parked their car not so far off from the trailer park. They managed to get inside the park unnoticed and quietly. Volkova stealthily handed Lena a white crumpled piece of paper, with a license plate number written in there. Lena nodded knowingly and they split up to find their trailer car.


Lena grumbled inwardly about how vast the trailer park was. This place was HUGE. She wordlessly turned a corner, then another, then another. She sighed, feeling like she was walking around in circles. Why did they have to do this mission at ten thirty in the night again? Oh ya, they didn’t want the suspect to be alarmed and run away.

That was a stupid protocol. But a right one too. She cursed quietly after turning another corner. These beaten paths between the trailers all looked the same. But as she was about to turn another corner, a burly masculine arm pulled her back by the neck, strangling her by its forearm.

Both of her hands instinctively went up to the anonymous arm and tried to pry them off as they cut the air to her body. Her vision suddenly became strained and blotchy. But just before she passed out a raspy voice resided in her ear drums, saying “Ready for the encore of what we did two years ago…?”


Volkova covered every inch of the west ward part of the park. She took out her walkie talkie and spoke quietly into it.

“Katina… Come in.”
”Katina… Don’t fuck around, come in.”
“I’m sorry. Officer Katina has gone to sleep, so she can answer you right at this moment. Wanna leave a message or something? Oh ya and by the way, look behind ya.”

Volkova’s expression went from blank to confused, then angry then apprehensive. She whipped around and saw three burly lumberjacks coming right at her. She immediately turned and ran.

‘Where the hell are you, Katina?!’


Lena shot up from her resting spot. She was rudely awakened by a sudden downpour of icy water doing the Niagara Falls on her face. She quickly wiped her face with her hands and hesitantly looked up to see her captor.

Her jaws slackened in shock as she saw the man she knew all too well. Her shock resulted in her only saying a word at a time.

“You…!” As he slowly sauntered near, she backed herself against the wall, trying to get away from him.

“Me.” His eyes were rolling amusedly, gazing at Lena as if she was a meat and he hadn’t eaten for a few days. His hair was greasy and slicked back, his face scruffy and chin fuzzy. His unshaven demeanor only made him uglier. He grinned, bearing his once pearly white teeth, now yellow and stained.

“So you were the prisoner escapee…?”

The man nodded. “Let’s not talk anymore. It is boring me.”

He crouched down across the red head and revealed something he’d been hiding behind his back. It was a blood caked baton.


Volkova had two of them knocked out and she was almost spent. Her timing and her momentum was falling rapidly. Sweat beaded down her temple as she and the last remaining lumberjack ran their calculations on each other.

Volkova thanked the gods the lumberjacks are known for their stupidity and their only knacks for cutting stupid woods. Although they weren’t real lumberjacks… They sure acted like em.

The last remaining lumberjack with a trucker hat on lunged at her. But she smirked and easily jumped to the side and grabbing his arm while at it. Then she gained the timing and the momentum with ease and kicked him on the back.

He fell to the ground with a thump and a sickening crack from his shoulder, telling Volkova that she had successfully popped his shoulder out of place. She back away for a few seconds, seeing the guy roll around the ground holding his limp shoulder for few minutes and pass out. She smirked.

“Stupid idiots…”

She quickly picked up her walkie talkie.

“Headquarters, this is Pinewood Trailer Park. We’re in need of back-up squadron and an ambulance right away… A possible man-down… As soon as possible…”


Lena’s back was searing with pain. She groaned. She wouldn’t be able to sleep on her back for a while… But only if she gets out of this hell hole alive.

The bastard had beaten her with the baton on her back for at least fifteen minutes, but to her it felt like fifty minutes. He had forced her to lie down on her back so her back was screaming.

Her hair was matted with sweat and her cheeks were streaked with tears. She was a little hazy, wanting to close her eyes getting desperate.

Then he came back. With a knife. Then he slithered on top of her, and then commenced to slice open her clothes. When the fun started to die out, he just became rough and savagely ripped open all of her clothes.

Lena closed her eyes as her captor shredded her clothes along with her pride she had rebuilt so carefully for so long. Tears did not cease and her body shook.

Then she felt him thrust into her, as hard as he could and as deep as he could embed his penis in her. She screamed in pain, tried to push him off but she received a bruising punch across her cheekbone. She had no choice but to stay still.

He thrust into her again.

“Please!! … Please… Just let me go…” Lena sobbed, pleading.

Then suddenly she could hear a door slamming open with such force the whole trailer shook. Her rapist whirled around towards the entrance of the trailer and grabbed his blood caked baton.

Then a moment after Lena could hear their heated combat and the faint rings of police and ambulance sirens drawing near.

She felt herself shake uncontrollably and her back screeched once more.

Then she heard a thud of a body dropping to the floor.

The last thing she remembered was piercing blue eyes, lively and not dull, filled with concern.


Volkova sat on the hood of the police car, her shoulders draped with a thick blanket. She held a paper cup in her hand, drinking from it, presumably coffee. She was looking up at the stars now and then, speckling the clear night sky.

Jack spotted her and sat down beside her.

They were in silence for a while before Jack spoke up.

“Aren’t you gonna ask?”

Volkova looked down from the stars to Jack. “Ask what?”

“Ask if your partner is okay.” Jack answered matter of factly.

Volkova sighed, and went back to observing the stars. “Well is she okay?”

“Nope.” Now that was an answer Volkova wasn’t expecting. She peered over at Jack curiously.

“What do you mean, ‘no’?” She asked. Jack sighed. Then he softly took the paper cup from her hands and smiled weakly. His voice was tender.

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” He said. A brow went up on Volkova’s face as she slid off her blanket and nodded.

Volkova found the red head easily, as she was sitting on the bumper of the only ambulance there. The brunette noticed how Lena ignored everyone and everything around her, only staring intently at her feet. She put up another curious glance before walking up to the red head.

She slowly sat next to her.

“Are you doing okay, Katina?”






Volkova smiled at this. But her smiling expression was a little awkward since she hasn’t done it in a while. But she smiled anyways.

Lena’s hair was ruffled and the colour was drained from her face. Her fists were clenched tightly, her knuckles white. Her expression was confused and conflicted, her eyes’ focus no where to be found. Volkova stared at her before speaking up again.

“You wanna talk about it?”

Lena looked up to see the piercing blue eyes, the same eyes she remembered before she passed out. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again before looking back down at her feet. Volkova smiled once more and squeezed Lena’s shoulder.

“He… He did that to me earlier when I was a rookie... You know? Made me dirty… and made me want to die… Why would he…” Volkova watched Lena as she unraveled piece by piece. Then she noticed the girl’s eyes for the first time. Green with a noticeable hint of grey. Those beautiful eyes were filled with pain and anguish.

“I didn’t do anything to him… You know? I tried to live up to his expectations and be the officer he wanted me to be and he just… I really tried but… He called me a fat whore when he was fucking me… I never…” Lena’s shoulders began to shake as she paused to find the words. Her eyes were darting through the beaten sand on the ground.

Yulia hesitated for a long while before stringing her arm around Lena’s shoulders. She pulled her to her arms and locked Lena in her embrace, resting her chin on her head.

That was Lena’s cue as she broke down in her arms. She started to cry and tried to talk at the same time.

“I… I tried to hard to get better and I really did but he came back… He just broke me again… It took such a lot of care and time to rebuild me… Now I don’t have the courage to… *sob* dammit…” She no longer could talk as fit of tears consumed her. She cried and cried and cried more in Yulia’s arms.

Yulia just did everything she could do to comfort her, stroking the girl’s arms and saying, “its okay now…Shh… Everything’s alright… It’s okay baby… I’m sorry I couldn’t find you sooner… I’m so sorry…”

Yulia gently laid Lena’s head on her lap and started to comb her fingers through her locks, trying to calm and soothe the hysteric girl. Yulia was relived to see the red head letting it all out as she stroked her soft curls.

She sighed. This situation brought back memories.

She involuntarily let the roll of film in her mind set itself and play in front of her eyes.


It was a cold day, the snow storm just blowing through the whole town. It was the last days of the year in December, one of the coldest days in the record books. The moaning of the winds could be heard but Yulia wasn’t paying attention.

She was fiercely scribbling something on her fifth lined paper, her writing inspiration just keeping her going while she can.

Her hair was still very much spiky, but it was a tad shorter. She was wearing a thick black rimmed glasses, with her trying to keep in place as she pushed it to the bridge of her nose. Wearing only her PJ’s that consisted of a white tanktop and a grey sweat pants, she viciously eyed the paper in front of her as she wrote.

A doorbell broke her groove. She jumped at the screeching sound and she cursed. “God dammit I gotta get the frikken volume adjusted or something…” She grumbled and huffed as she bounded for the front door. When she opened the door, her negativity dissolved into nothingness as she saw Sofia, wet and shivering standing there, trying to smile.

The brunette lunged for the honey brunette and hugged her cold shivering body, trying to warm it up with her own frail shape. She wordlessly led her inside, placed her in front of the fire place and brought her a warm cup of tea.

“Alexei ask for money again?” Yulia asked, her voice dipped in anger and annoyance. Sofia nodded silently. Alexei was Sofia’s father, a mean drunk who popped in now and then at his daughter’s door step asking for money. When he didn’t get the money, he would turn violent, on his own daughter.

“Did he hurt you?” Yulia asked, a sudden worry smacking her on the face. The honey brunette swayed her head side to side before taking a sip of her tea.

“He… uhh… Took over the fucking house. Alexei chased me to the second floor and I had to lock him out of my room. I barely ran away through the window in my room. He was trying to smash the door down… I… *sigh* I had nowhere to go in this time of the night but here. I hope you understand.” She stated a little timidly.

Yulia smiled warmly at her lover and caressed her cheek with her thumb. She then kissed her tenderly and gently on the honey brunette’s lips, drawing her close.

Yulia reluctantly broke the kiss and grinned roguishly before saying, “I’m kind of happy that Alexei drove you out… Does that make me a bad person…?” Sofia only smiled back before shaking her head and grabbing Yulia’s collar, drawing her close to kiss her once more.

Later on that night, they had made love, and Yulia was sound asleep on her bed, clinging on to Sofia. But she was frantically awakened when the honey brunette shook her up. She groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes. But she soon snapped out of it when she saw Sofia’s tear streaked face, and her body trembling.

“Baby… what’s the matter? What’s wrong?” Yulia asked her, truly worried. But Sofia just buried her head on Yulia’s lap and asked her one simple thing, “Could you sing for me?”

“What?” Yulia asked with a funny expression.

“Please… Could you just sing for me, so I could go to sleep?” Sofia sounded so sincere. Yulia sighed. She then started to comb through her honey brown hair and started to sing the first thing that came to her mind.

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one...

Yulia looked back down at her lover and saw that she was asleep, with a content expression on her face. She smiled before falling back asleep herself.


Yulia found herself singing the same song she sang to Sofia, to Lena. As she ended her last note, she looked down to see the red head asleep. Yulia smiled. She smiled truly this time, no more awkwardness. Her smile was sincere.

She ran her fingers through her curls a few more times, before giving the red head a soft kiss on her forehead. She then pulled the blanket from the ambulance stretcher and covered Lena with it, then going back to combing the girl’s soft hair.

“Sweet dreams, Lena.”

‘Love is just a fairy tale... Love is just a fairy tale...’


[the song that yulia sings for Sofia and Lena is "Imagine" by John Lennon.]

[by the was it? and what should i do with Before It's Too Late...?]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 28-02-2005, 14:29   #13
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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awww... i love that song. this was a great chapter
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Old 28-02-2005, 19:53   #14
denial denial is offline
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[ I think this chapter is cute.. : ) I also think that you are a cruel writer ... its.. like there's a true chemistery between them .. I mean they hardly known each other but already seriously arguing about love... da da da... the ending is sweet .. sound like both really had tough life experience .. glad Yulia was willing to go comforting Lena ... and you got to do something about the other fanfic .. Before It's Too Late ]

[ ps: Sin .. in bracket please ... *squinting eyes* ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 28-02-2005, 20:11   #15
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ oh i'm so sorry i forgot the brackets ]
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Old 01-03-2005, 01:55   #16
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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really.. whats with u guys and brackets? lol
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 01-03-2005, 14:12   #17
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ well the brackets... if we tell you then we must kill you ]
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Old 01-03-2005, 14:22   #18
denial denial is offline
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[ *look at Shakrin with no emotion face* ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 04-03-2005, 12:52   #19
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ if he doesn't update soon...... ]

*loads gun and lights cigarette*
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Old 05-03-2005, 02:24   #20
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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oookay relax and wait a little bit longa mmk? lol a thing called the writer's block, well they come and go as they please... be more patient with me.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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