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Old 11-06-2004, 22:55   #1
Kate Kate is offline
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Yulia Savicheva

If you have any news or other things related to Yulia that you would like to get translated, PM them to me!
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Yulia Savicheva is a great singer from an "American Idol" type of contest in Russia. I love her for her magical voice. Anyway, here's some background:

Yulia's biography:

Yulia's photos:

Mp3's available so far: [Thanks to thegurgi and denial!]

* Yulia Savicheva - Prosti Za Lyubov' [Forgive For Love] [3.8 MB]

* Yulia_Savicheva - Korabli [Ships] [5.7 MB]

* Yulia Savicheva - Vysoko [High] [6.50MB] ::Video [47.1MB]::

* Yulia Savicheva - Believe Me (Eurovision entry - new version) [5.03MB]

* Yulia Savicheva - Proshai, moya lyubov [Farewell, my love] [?.??MB]

* Yulia Savicheva - Vse dlya tebya

I'll add the translated lyrics in the next posts. Cuz I hate it when a post is long and endless. Anyway, I hope we can discuss Yulia's talent in thsi thread, and share new songs of hers here. Have fun.

Last edited by Kate; 12-06-2004 at 22:45.
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:10   #2
rosh rosh is offline
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thanks kate

she is definitely one of my favourites lately ... her and glukoza ! so maybe someone can start a glukoza thread too ? i know sunny poison has posted quite a bit of info about glukoza in the past in the different russian video / music threads ...

this is definitely a thread i will be following though !
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:13   #3
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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I've only listened to "Prosti Za Lyubov'" (I probably listened to some others before but I've forgotten about them now) and I gotta say I love it, especially when she "screams". Her voice is just amazing She looks cute, kind of like Avril Lavigne, whom I don't like.. Aaanyways, I'm probably gonna listen to the other songs soon. *Gets her mp3-player*

So, did she win the whole contest? It's called "Factory of Stars" or something, right? (Fabrika Zvezd) I saw her during Eurovision and I really don't like that song... I don't know, it's just weird - and the lyrics don't appeal to me at all.
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:20   #4
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Yulia Savicheva - Prosti za lyubov [Forgive for love]
Translation by thegurgi

Послушай, ты был прав
Послушай - мне не больно
И сердце без тебя стучит спокойно
Послушай, я ушла
Послушай то, что было
И скажет тишина, что я любила

~ Listen, you were right
~ Listen, i wasn't even a bit
~ My heart doesn't beat easily without you
~ Listen, i left
~ Listen to what we once were
~ And the silence will tell, that I was in love

Ты сердце моё прости за любовь, остыло
Послушай меня, я просто любила

~ Your heart won't forgive me for loving you, cool down
~ Listen to me, I only loved you

Ты сердце моё прости за любовь, остыло
Послушай меня, я просто любила

~ Your heart won't forgive me for loving you, cool down
~ Listen to me, I only loved you

Всё время без меня
Всё время то, что лечит
И на прощанье взгляд тебе на плечи
Оставлю для тепла
Оставлю след над крышей
Сегодня я ушла, а ты не слышал

~ All the time you're without me
~ All time cures me
~ And when we part I see on your shoulders
~ I went to for warmth
~ I'll leave little on your mind
~ Today I left, and you didn't notice

Ты сердце моё прости за любовь, остыло
Послушай меня, я просто любила

~ Your heart won't forgive me for loving you, cool down
~ Listen to me, I only loved you

Ты сердце моё прости за любовь, остыло
Послушай меня, я просто любила

~ Your heart won't forgive me for loving you, cool down
~ Listen to me, I only loved you


Yulia_Savicheva – Korabli [Ships]
Translated by katbeidar

Небо волнами прямо под нами. Можно руками луну
Мокрые звёзды с пальцев как слёзы. В чёрном бездонном тону
SOS по антенне, тоненькой вене ты частотою лови
Просто дотронься. Пены не бойся, рядом со мною плыви

~ The sky is in waves right underneath us. You can touch the moon with your hands.
~ Wet stars are like tears from your fingers. In the black, endless shade…
~ SOS along the antenna, like a thin vain. Catch it with your pureness.
~ Just touch it. Don’t be afraid of the foam, swim by my side…

Корабли пропускай над собой, смотри в облака
Корабли пропускай над собой, смотри в облака
Падай, падай

~ Ships… Let them pass above you, look into the clouds…
~ Ships… Let them pass above you, look into the clouds…
~ Falling, falling

Сквозь наши шлюзы крылья медузы тихо и плавно летят
В девять попали, не устояли... Наши канаты звенят
В стае дельфины. Мокрые спины. Мы отражаемся в них
Дно подорвали, мягко упали, пульс незаметно затих

~ Through our sluices, wings of medusa are flying softly and effortlessly…
~ We hit the nine, weren’t able to withstand… Our ropes are ringing
~ A flock of dolphins. With wet backs. We are reflected in them…
~ The foundation blew up, landing gently, the pulse undetectably died away…

Корабли пропускай над собой, смотри в облака
Корабли пропускай над собой, смотри в облака


~ Ships… Let them pass above you, look into the clouds…
~ Ships… Let them pass above you, look into the clouds…
~ Ships…


Yulia Savicheva – Vysoko [High]
Translated by thegurgi

Не забывай,
Помни меня.
Ты не один -
Навсегда вдвоем.
Не забывай
Пламя огня,
Где мы с тобой
Греем себя.

~ Don't forget
~ Remember me
~ You're not alone
~ Forever together
~ Don't forget
~ The flame of the fire
~ Where I'm with you
~ We heat each other

Я улечу
в себе,
Я улечу
к тебе.

~ I'll leave
~ From myself
~ I'll leave
~ To you

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко

~ In the sky beyond the stars
~ Higher
~ Silently fly
~ It's Easy

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко

~ In the sky beyond the stars
~ Higher
~ Silently fly
~ It's Easy

Не забывай,
В сердце моем
Песни мои
Навсегда с тобой.
Не забывай
Ночи без сна,
Где мы с тобой -
Я не одна.

~ Don't forget
~ In my heart
~ My songs
~ Forever with you
~ Don't forget
~ Nights without dreams
~ Where we're with you
~ I'm not alone

Я улечу
в себе,
Я улечу
к тебе.

~ I'll leave
~ From myself
~ I'll leave
~ To you

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко

~ In the sky beyond the stars
~ Higher
~ Silently fly
~ It's Easy

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко

~ In the sky beyond the stars
~ Higher
~ Silently fly
~ It's Easy

Не забывай

~ Don't forget

################################################## #

That's it for now. I'll add the rest later. Gotta do some homework...
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:24   #5
rosh rosh is offline
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mmm i cant seem to get to any of the links at . a friend of mine wants to download the songs and its way too slow to send to him over my dialup anyone else having the same problem ?
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:28   #6
Kate Kate is offline
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rosh, try going to He has some lastest Yulia Savicheva songs...

Yulia Savicheva - Vse dlya tebya

Yulia Savicheva - Prosti za lyubov

Yulia Savicheva - Believe me

There ya go!

P.S. I've been having a little trouble with as well. But I'm sure it's just a minor problem and denial will fix it asap.
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:30   #7
rosh rosh is offline
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thank you kate !!!
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:30   #8
Unplugged Unplugged is offline
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Originally Posted by rosh
mmm i cant seem to get to any of the links at . a friend of mine wants to download the songs and its way too slow to send to him over my dialup anyone else having the same problem ?
Yeah, I just tried and had trouble connecting too... Maybe you should try later, I guess
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Old 11-06-2004, 23:41   #9
crni crni is offline
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great thread, kate! i gotta admit that i've been listening to "korabli", "prosti za lyubov" (and "tema") almost the whole day long and a thought crossed my mind to make this kinda thread and i come here tonite and see this... GREAT!
anyway, i very much like songs i've heard so far... i'll get the other ones tomorrow...
Originally Posted by QueenBee
She looks cute, kind of like Avril Lavigne, whom I don't like..
yeah, same here with me... i though that even before i saw ur post
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Old 12-06-2004, 18:12   #10
denial denial is offline
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AHA! Yulia Savicheva own thread ! yay! I like it very much .. thanks Kate. Hope to get some translated and updated news too ... oh I'll give you a reputation after I post this msg okay.

Originally Posted by katbeidar
P.S. I've been having a little trouble with as well. But I'm sure it's just a minor problem and denial will fix it asap.
Yesterday.. site having problem because hard disk crashed, .. and then the status said its still rebuilding the RAID .. so we get the intermittent problem... hmmp .. I can't fixed it .. its at web hosting ... but looks okay to me now ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 12-06-2004, 22:47   #11
Kate Kate is offline
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Ummm, I added a "little" nopte to the first post.

So, yeah... if you have any news, lyrics or some other bitsof info about Yulia, PM me and we'll sort it out.
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Old 12-06-2004, 22:52   #12
Unplugged Unplugged is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
I love this one... Although it's so cheesy
[But I also love Avril Lavigne's "I'm With You" Hate all her other songs, though. And hate her too, she's such a snotty little kid]
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Old 13-06-2004, 05:08   #13
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As requested by denial. There ya go! Enjoy!

Yulia Savicheva - Proschai, moya lyubov [Farewell, my love]
Translated by katbeidar

Нужно ли, можно ли?
Были мысли сложными
Быстро так, чисто так
Бились наши жизни в такт
Птицами белыми
Я хранила сны твои
Фразами стройными... ми ми ми ми ми...

~ Is it required, can it be done?
~ The thoughts were hard,
~ Very fast, very frequent
~ Our lives pulsed as a whole
~ Like white birds
~ I treasured your dreams
~ Like slender phrases…

Музыки сладкие
Были руки жаркие
Мягкими спицами
Путались ресницами
Влево ли, вправо ли
Жили мы по правилам
Умные, томные... е е е е е...

~ Sweet music
~ The hands were burning
~ With soft needles
~ Twisted like eyelashes
~ To the left, or to the right
~ We lived by the rules
~ Clever, languorous…

[Chorus 2x]
Прощай, моя любовь
моя любовь, Прощай
моя любовь, Прощай
моя любовь, Прощай

~ Farewell, my love
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, farewell…

Каплями острыми
Небо дарит слёзы мне
Тонкие, ломкие
Камни светят звонкие
Надо ли, стоит ли
Так ломать что строили
Гордая, смелая... я я я я я...

~ Like sharp droplets
~ The sky grants me tears
~ Think, fragile
~ Ringing stones are shining
~ Is it wanted, is it worth it
~ To break something that we built
~ Proud, brave…

[Chorus 2x]
Прощай, моя любовь
моя любовь, Прощай
моя любовь, Прощай
моя любовь, Прощай

~ Farewell, my love
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, Farewell
~ my love, farewell…
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Old 13-06-2004, 05:41   #14
denial denial is offline
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Kate .. thank you again for the lyric and translation.

The beginning or some part of the music of the song I think is a bit similiar with Avril Lavigne's Losing Grip ..

YAY!! another perfect beautiful song
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 01-11-2004, 15:41   #15
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I only had a 128kb/s mp3 of "Vse dlya tebya", but now i have a 192kb/s file, if some other people are interested, i have uploaded it to my webspace here.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 01-11-2004, 17:22   #16
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Thank you Haku!

This one sounds so clear compare to the one that I have

btw.. Does anyone has more songs of Yulia Savicheva's sister? I like her...
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Old 01-11-2004, 22:09   #17
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Originally Posted by Joha84
This one sounds so clear compare to the one that I have
You're welcome, i also have "Visoko", "Korabli", "Prosti za lyubov" and "Proschay, moya lyobov", all in 192 kb/s. If you want any of those, let me know, i'll upload them as well.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 01-11-2004, 22:21   #18
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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haku, oh oh! Could you please upload "Prosti za lyubov"?
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Old 01-11-2004, 22:36   #19
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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I had all those songs in 192 on the Good Russian Music Page, so if you downloaded them there you already have them (except vsyo dlya tebya)
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Old 01-11-2004, 22:36   #20
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Originally Posted by QueenBee
Could you please upload "Prosti za lyubov"?
Here you go, "Prosti za lyubov".
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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