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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 15-11-2003, 04:28   #161
samegirl samegirl is offline
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i love this chapter :d i just can imagine the whole scene and it's so...
and ok, i think i have been hearing too mucho the demo of nich'ya but i think that it would be a fantastic background music for the scene, and the kisses would be placed in the moment when they sing nich'ya nich'ya nich'ya.
The moment was so full of love, and the things lena though...he thought yulia as her own a very soft and captivating chapter. very good writen vicky7!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 15-11-2003, 07:12   #162
amikana amikana is offline
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i very very *very* much like yulia here. so sweet and loving - just what lena needs...she just doesn't really see it yet. i'm so glad lena finally kissed her, geez! took her long enough. too bad she's drunk [again]. hehe, ah well. i'm sure it'll happen in good time.

great job vicky!!

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Old 15-11-2003, 07:37   #163
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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That was a great chapter Vicky...I was almost on cloud nine with Yulia when she got that kiss
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Old 15-11-2003, 23:13   #164
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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...relieved that Tanya hadn’t replaced her in her affections. Yulia was still her girl...
Seems as if Lena unconsciously feels as if they're in a relationship type manner also. So sweet! Yulia was too cute in this update by saying those things to Lena. The big question is whether or not Lena's going to remember all this when she wakes up. Great update as usual Vicky and I am anxious for more!
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Old 16-11-2003, 23:19   #165
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 18 – Friends and Lovers (part 1)

Yulia was buzzing around in the kitchen, humming happily to herself as she fixed some breakfast. There was no sign of Lena yet however many times Yulia thought she heard movement from her bedroom. She had willed the bedroom door to open a thousand times to reveal her love to her stood in the doorway but still there was no Lena. She knew she would just have to wait there wasn’t much else she could do. Waiting was all the more difficult because she couldn’t concentrate on anything, no matter how hard she tried her mind always drifted back to Lena.

Yulia had a slight hangover and was depraved of sleep having tossed and turned all night thinking about what had happened with Tanya but more so about Lena kissing her. She felt extremely nervous. What if Lena didn’t remember or if she just put it down as being a drunken mistake? The what ifs were driving her crazy, her mind working overtime as to the possible scenarios that would take place when Lena finally emerged from her bedroom.

The kiss had been real, she was fairly confident she hadn’t dreamt it and Lena in those few minutes had really seemed to want her. There was a chance that Lena might want to be with her wasn’t there? The prospect of showing Lena how much she loved and cared for her excited Yulia; she suspected no one had ever treated Lena with the adoration of which she was so deserving. She was going to change that, with her Lena would be happier than she had ever known, she would personally sweat blood to ensure it.

Yulia having been so caught up in her thoughts hadn’t noticed Lena was now stood in front of her looking as tired as Yulia felt. “How are you this morning? Or should I say afternoon?” Yulia was unable to resist teasing Lena in her dishevelled state, someone really needed to look after her properly; she just hoped that someone would be her.

“Tired and a little confused” Lena said groggily rubbing her eyes.

“Confused?” Yulia asked, anxious that Lena might have failed to recall what she had done with her the previous night.

“Yeah, I can’t even remember leaving the club, I know I was sick but after that my mind is just blank!” Lena exclaimed looking hopefully at Yulia, requiring her to fill her in on the details of the hours she had lost.

Yulia was overwhelmed by sadness that Lena couldn’t remember those wonderful kisses. “You didn’t miss anything, nothing important anyway” Yulia murmured softly unable to meet Lena’s eyes with her own. She felt she would surely cry if she did, her chance to make Lena her own had vanished and all she could do now was to mourn her loss, suffering in silence.

“Oh, right, ok, cool, I feel better knowing that” Lena smiled tentatively as she headed out of the lounge.

“Where you going?” Yulia demanded to know surprised at Lena’s sudden departure.

“Gonna have a bath, have a bite to eat and go to Roman’s” Lena said not looking back at Yulia as she spoke to her, she couldn’t, she knew she would betray her feelings.
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Old 17-11-2003, 01:20   #166
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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I've calmed down a bit since I posted what I thought of this section at the forums (haha) and have had a little time to think about this. I see two good things from this chapter:

1. Now we know that Lena realizes she does have feelings for Yulia.

2. Hopefully since she's going to Roman's (and I assume he's not expecting it), she'll finally find out how much of a bastard he really is!!

Lena...geeze she just frustrates me to no end!!!!! She constantly belittles herself by putting up with Roman's crap, she shows no sign of self respect, and when she knows she has feelings for someone who I'm sure she knows will actually treat her right, she runs from it!!! Even though that frustrates the hell out of me, in a way I'm glad Lena's doing what she's doing since it makes it seem more realistic. And poor, poor Yuila. Always geting her hopes up just to be shot down again. Argh! Anywho, very interesting update Vicky and all this frustration just further proves how great of a writer you are!
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Old 17-11-2003, 02:54   #167
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Great chapter, as always Vicky.

I think this is very realistic. With the way Lena's character has been developing, it would have been quite odd for her to suddenly be willing to let Yulia know how she feels. I think she's just trying to find out how *Yulia* feels. That she remembers the kisses and is afraid that Yulia will hate her now.

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Old 17-11-2003, 03:57   #168
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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i am way to frustrated to state my opinion at this point!
*murmur begins*
sometimes it makes me wish tanya and yuli hit it off, just b/c of lena's ignorance.
*murmur ends*

thanx for the chapter vicky!
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Old 17-11-2003, 04:09   #169
samegirl samegirl is offline
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I'm feeling depressed now..
I can understand how confused and freaked out must be princess Lena, and Vicky has been very wise portraiting them as real as they can be, and i think princess Lena's attitude is compeltely normal. It's very hard, and painful realize that you have feelings for your best friend that's not the "friend" type. I remember i was in denial for almost 4 months...
But Yulia...poor girl! She has been so careful and so sweet, she's near, very near, but she can't just give up again, she know the kisses were real! (and now i'm talking about them like they were real...*slaps her in the forehead*) she just have to have a little hope! and i think that maybe...mayyybe if she's a little bit more obvious about her feelings for Lena, things would be easier to accept, don't you think?
Vicky, you are amazing, you always leave us screaming for more...
Now with you and parrish and lena410 and two other guys in i can say that i have a severe case of fan-fic addiction...
After a hard day in college dealing with stupid people, you made me smile, even when the chapter breaks my heart like this had...
I only hope roma's messing around cheating on Princess lena, it would hurt her big time, but she will have her Yulia, and the she will see...
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 17-11-2003, 11:56   #170
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Originally posted by samegirl
Vicky, you are amazing, you always leave us screaming for more...
I sign that! Thank you Vicky7. I love you fic.
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Old 17-11-2003, 23:37   #171
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 18 part 2

Lena lay very still in the bath embracing herself in an act of comfort. She was so confused, not about what had happened last night, of that she remembered every detail but she was bewildered about why it had all taken place. She had pretended she hadn’t remembered anything when talking to Yulia because she had wanted her to speak up and tell her how she felt about it all, as she was too much of a coward to broach the subject herself.

What would she have said? She had kissed her best friend in a more than friendly manner and had obviously embarrassed not only herself but also Yulia. When Lena had asked her, Yulia had dismissed the events that had occurred after they left the club as unimportant. To Lena that meant she hadn’t enjoyed the kiss or wanted anything more from her.

The more she thought about it as she lay in the bath the more she was relieved the phone had rang last night, the person who phoned had saved Lena from making an even bigger fool of herself. Nothing could have come from their kissing, she wasn’t gay and Yulia most certainly wasn’t but now she probably just thought Lena was so weird.

But she had felt different kissing Yulia, it had been so…special almost, it was the sweetest kiss she had ever known Lena thought dreamily for a moment before snappily swiftly out of it. It had only seemed that way because she had still been so drunk she told herself, if she had been sober she would never have done such a crazy thing in the first place. Anyway, it didn’t matter how she felt about it because she had to forget about it now just like Yulia obviously had.

All of a sudden she thought of Roman and felt so guilty. In a way she had cheated on him by kissing Yulia, you weren’t supposed to kiss other people when you were in a happy, committed relationship with someone, that much she knew despite her relative inexperience. However, she would make it up to Roman by redoubling her efforts to be the best girlfriend she could possibly be. That was what she had to do now, just forget about the kissing Yulia nonsense.
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Old 18-11-2003, 02:35   #172
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Well-written,as always.

I *so* wish this Lena was a real-life person, so I could shake her and say, "NO! You need to be with Yulia!" LOL

You are so good at making us connect with these characters and making us care about them.

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Old 18-11-2003, 02:38   #173
PoisonousTruth PoisonousTruth is offline
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*steps in line behind Parrish to shake some sense into Lena*
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Old 18-11-2003, 02:52   #174
amikana amikana is offline
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and i'm right behind Parrish and PT!

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Old 18-11-2003, 02:55   #175
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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*Laughs* This reminds me of that scene in the movie "Airplane" where everyone is in line waiting to slap the hysterical woman!

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Old 18-11-2003, 03:16   #176
haku haku is offline
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when you were in a happy, committed relationship with someone
*rolls eyes and shakes head*

Well, while you're all shaking Lena, i'll be shaking Yulia because she deserves it too.

True, Lena is completely lost in her own little nightmarish world where she thinks that getting a**raped by your boyfriend is a happy thing and i'm short of words to express how frustrated i am with her, but Yulia needs to be more proactive about the whole situation. She's the one who should be shaking some sense into Lena, and even if she thinks that there is no possibility of a relationship with her, as a friend, she should at the very least do everything she can to kick Roman out of Lena's life. Yulia should have tried to find some dirt on the guy to show Lena what a scum bag he is, and that shouldn't be too difficult since he's probably been cheating around with half the city.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 18-11-2003, 03:56   #177
samegirl samegirl is offline
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*waiting in line behind amikana* hum after

*waiting in line behind amikana* hum after i shake her can i kiss her too? :d that can help too, because, sadly, she won't feel the same as when she kissed yulia, so she will realize and i'll be broken hearted, but anything for the continuing of the fic (and a perfect excuse to kiss my princess )...

And, it's official, i'm in love-hate relationship with this fic!i'm not going to tell why, i think i'm not the only one feeling like this...but it's weird...

I don't remeber if i said it here or in but i do think as haku that yulia needs to be more proactive and start acting like a real friend and help the princess to get rid of this...roman-guy eventhought she thinks she has no opportunity with Lena.And for what the princess said she only needs Yulia reafirmating the feelings so she can see things in a clrearer way.
So, Yulia have faith shorty! but most important of all, DO SOMETHING! and don't be depressed, the whole audience can be it for you...
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 18-11-2003, 19:13   #178
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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haku, once again I agree with you. I'm allllll for Yulia digging up some dirt on Roman, but the catch is she has to present it in a not-so-obvious way or else I think Lena may get angry since Lena is so sensitive about her "relationship" with Roman. Like I said early, I hope Lena goes over to Roman's unexpectedly and catches him in the act of cheating so she'll realize how much of a jerk he really is. And Yuila...the poor girl I can't help but feel sorry for her, but at the same time, she needs to start leaving some subtle hints or *something*! Don't just sit there girl!!!! Fight for who you love!!! *realizes I'm talking to Yulia like she's a real person* Uhhmmm, yeah. Aaaaaanyways, can't wait for the next update!
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Old 18-11-2003, 22:19   #179
prostrel prostrel is offline
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We have a little step forward now, Lena remembers that she kissed Julia and she admits that it felt wonderful. Let`s be happy about that. Thank you vicky7 !
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Old 19-11-2003, 21:37   #180
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 18 part 3

After Lena had bathed and dressed, she made herself something to eat and sat down in the living room where Yulia was scribbling away, her brow furrowed in concentration. Yulia had such a beautiful face, those gorgeous eyes seemingly able to penetrate right through her, that perfect pout, the dimpled cheeks and that adorable cleft in her chin. Lena couldn’t help but stare she seemed to be looking at Yulia in a different way now and it terrified her. She had never felt this way before and she wasn’t sure what it meant.

“You ok Yulia?” Lena asked attempting to make conversation as casually as she could.

“Mmmm fine” Yulia replied barely acknowledging Lena as she continued to draw “just busy.”

“You always are. Don’t you ever stop?” Lena said fondly shaking her head.

Yulia couldn’t help but smile. “No I guess I don’t” She couldn’t ignore Lena.

“Yulia, about last night, I just want to say how sorry I am, you’d think at twenty three years of age I’d know my limits” Lena admitted embarrassment flushing her cheeks.

“You’re not twenty three yet!” Yulia exclaimed, sure Lena’s birthday hadn’t passed her by.

“As good as”

“Over two weeks yet! Are we having a party or something to celebrate?” Yulia said clapping her hands together in excitement, she loved parties.

“What’s to celebrate?” Lena responded glumly.

“Hello! Your birthday!” Yulia drawled sarcastically.

Lena shrugged. “It’s no big deal, I hate birthdays”

She looked so distant that Yulia began to worry, why was Lena so down all of a sudden. “Why do you hate birthdays?”

Lena looked into Yulia’s eyes and knew she could tell her anything so she began to explain. “It’s just that they always remind me that I don’t really matter to anyone”

Yulia eyed Lena sceptically “You matter to lots of people”

“No I don’t, the last time I enjoyed a birthday I was seven, since then they have all been so s**t!” Lena could felt all her emotions starting to brim over, unable to suppress the resentment she felt towards her ‘family’.

“In what way?” Yulia asked softly, her eyes full of sympathy giving Lena the encouragement she needed to talk openly.

“I never see my Dad because he can’t be bothered to make the effort.” She gulped hard, it hurt her to admit that her precious father had a habit of letting her down. “And my Mum just looks at me in a way that tells me that the last thing she would ever want to do is celebrate the fact she brought me into the world. As for the rest of my family, Katya my half sister hates me so much and has always set out to ruin my birthdays and my stepfather Boris just says nothing. So much for happy families eh?” Lena finished with a sardonic smile, a deep sadness betrayed by her eyes.

“Oh s**t Lena! I didn’t realise things were that bad, I mean I know things aren’t great with you and your family but…” Yulia’s voice trailed off, she didn’t really know what she could say to make things any better.

“There’s not much to say apart from birthdays suck.” Yulia didn’t say anything at all but leaned over to place her hand over Lena’s but she pulled away from Yulia’s touch and jumped up off the sofa. “Anyway I’m going to Roman’s, see you later”

“Ok…Bye” Lena was gone, again, but Yulia wasn’t angry, finding out that she hadn’t had one good birthday in sixteen years extremely saddened her. However, Lena would have a good birthday this year, Yulia would make sure of it, the only thing was, she would need Tanya’s help.
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