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Old 28-02-2004, 18:04   #121
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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d2d, i miss u'r updates very much

where did u dissapear?
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Old 05-03-2004, 03:16   #122
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Sorry guys to keep you waiting so long. Thanks for being so patient with me while I battled writer's block and as Parrish says, a roomie from hell. LOL Here's an update for you!


Lena woke up with the sun, eager to bring her best-friend home. She was so excited that she couldn’t wait for Yulia to wake up and quickly get ready so Mr. Katina could drop them off at the vet. Lena stood on the stool as she began to softly call out to Yulia.

“Yuuuuuuuliiiaaa. Time to get up.” Lena said as she gently poked Yulia on the shoulder.

Lena tried calling out to Yulia again as all she got in response from her was a grunt.

“Yuuuuuulia, c’mon! Time to get up and go get Rebel!” Lena said as she poked Yulia again.

“Nooooooo. Too early.” Yulia mumbled as she brought the covers over her head.

Lena gripped the top of the covers with both hands and yelled “Time to get up. NOW!” as she yanked the covers off of Yulia.

“AHHHH!!!!!!” Yulia screamed in shock as she lay naked in her bed, exposed now that her covers were ripped from her.

Lena’s eyes got as wide as saucers when she saw that Yulia had slept in the nude.

“AHHHHH!!!!!!!” Lena screamed as she swiftly turned around, causing her foot to slide right off the stool, resulting in her falling backwards and landing on the floor with a big thud.

Yulia managed to cover her lower region with her pillow, not really caring if her upper body was exposed. When she looked down at Lena, she saw that her face was the reddest she’d ever seen.

“Yulia!! Where are your clothes?!” Lena spat. “And why didn’t you sleep in any???!”

“I got hot last night so I decided to sleep in the nude.” Yulia answered causally.

“You got hot?! Well why didn’t you just not sleep with the covers then?!” Lena said, still looking down at the floor.

“Because I like the feel of the sheets on my skin. What, you’ve never slept nude before?” Yulia asked, enjoying how Lena kept turning deeper shades of red.

“No I haven’t slept nude before!!! Ugh! Where are you clothes??” Lena said exasperated. She was definitely not comfortable right now.

“They’re over on the dresser.” Yulia said as she sat up. “Did you hurt anything when you fell? How’s your arm?”

“I’m fine.” Lena said as she turned around to get Yulia’s clothes off the dresser. Lena threw the clothes behind her back, hoping it reached Yulia on the bed because she wasn’t about to hand them to her. “Get dressed. We’ll be leaving soon to get Rebel. I’m going to cook breakfast so you can come eat if you want.” Lena said as she walked out the door.

After Yulia got showered and dressed, she smelled bacon cooking.

She was about to say how good it smelt when she heard what sounded like singing coming from the kitchen.

Is she singing? Yulia thought as she paused to listen. She* is* singing!

“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedahdeedeedahly. There they are standing in a row, bum, bum, bum. Big ones, small ones, some as big as their heads….” Lena sang as she tapped the spatula on the stove.

“Do you think my coconuts are big or small? You’ve sure seen them enough now to decide.” Yulia joked as she entered the kitchen.

“YULIA!” Lena shrieked as she turned what must’ve been her fifteenth shade of red that morning.

Yulia couldn’t help but laugh. “Lena you are too funny! You blush at the littlest things!”

“Annnnyyywayyyyy” Lena said, still red as ever, “Let’s hurry up and eat so we can leave.”

“Sure. Whatever you say jumbo coconuts.” Yulia joked, making Lena turned another shade of red.


Lena could barely keep her excitement level under control as Mr. Katina drove them to the vet. Once they pulled in the parking lot Lena all but jumped out of the car and ran to the door.

“REEEBBBEELLLLL!!!” Lena yelled when she burst through the door to the back of the vet, with Yulia right on her heels.

Lena immediately spotted Rebel in his cage and made a bee line right to him. Awwww my little guy! As soon as Rebel heard and saw Lena, he wagged his little tail as much as he could and perked up his ears.

“Awwww Rebel I’ve missed you!” Lena said as she opened the door to the cage and gave Rebel a gentle pat on the head, scratching him behind his ears.

Awww isn’t that sweet. Yulia thought as she observed the pair.

“Well it’s about time he wagged that tail of his. He’s been sulking since you left him yesterday.” Dr. Brown said as she entered the room. “I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that Rebel is fine and you can take him home. Just let him rest a little for the next week. No strenuous activities, got it?”

“Nooooo problem!” Lena said as she went to pick up Rebel.

“Lena don’t, you’ll hurt your arm.” Yulia said as she put her hand on Lena’s shoulder to stop her.

“It’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Lena said, shrugging off Yulia’s hand.

“No Lena, Yulia’s right. I’ll get Rebel.” Mr. Katina said as he entered the room, hearing the conversation in the hall.

“But…” Lena began, only to be cut off by her dad.

“No Lena. I’ll get him.” Mr. Katina reaffirmed.

“Okay.” Lena said weakly, sulking her shoulders in defeat. She perked up a little and added, “But I’m holding him on the way home!”

“Alright, but only if Yulia agrees to help support him. You will not be putting any extra pressure on that arm of yours.” Mr. Katina said as he bent down and ever so gently picked up Rebel, cradling him in his arms. “And since you want to ride with him, we’ll get your jeep later.”

“Yulia will help! Isn’t that right Yulia?” Lena said as she put her arm around Yulia’s shoulder and whispered, “You better say yes if you know what’s good for you” in a joking manner.

Yulia looked up at Lena with a gleam in her eye. “Well I don’t know. After all, you *did* put poop on my face and everthing.” Yulia teased.

“Yulia! Oh c’mon! That was like, over a week ago! Plus, how can you say no to such a cute face??” Lena responded, giving Yulia’s shoulder another squeeze as she gazed at Rebel.

Yulia sighed, pretending like it was a big deal about Rebel lying on her lap.

“Alright, I’ll let the little bugger lay on me. But if he pees, then you’ll have to deal with my wrath!” Yulia said, letting out an evil laugh.

“Riiiight. Anyway, let’s go!” Lena said excitedly, anxious to get Rebel home safe and sound.


Lena and Yulia sat side by side in the back seat so that Mr. Katina could place Rebel on their laps. All of Rebel except for his head was on Yulia’s lap. Lena was adamant that at least Rebel’s head could rest in her lap. She felt that her dad was being way too overprotective right now by not letting her hold Rebel because of her arm, but there was no use arguing with him; once he had his mind set on something, that was it.

Lena almost rhythmically pet Rebel, careful not to go near any wounds. The ride home was a little bumpier than normal since the road was being worked on so both Lena and Yulia were extra cautious on where to hold Rebel so he wouldn’t fall.

Lena’s ears picked up a sound that she was somewhat familiar with by now. “Are you hungry already?” Lena asked, looking at Yulia amusingly.

Yulia gave her a weird look. “What are you talking about? Even *I* don’t get hungry *that* fast.”

“But your stomach just grumbled.” Lena stated, confused.

“No it didn’t.” Yulia affirmed.

Uh oh. Lena thought as she looked down at Rebel.

*Pffffffttttttttt* Yulia was hit by a strong odor. “Oh ewwww! Lena! Excuse yourself!” Yulia said as she waved her hand in the air, trying to make the smell going away.

“Hey! That wasn’t me! Rebel did it!” Lena said, defending herself.

“Surrrrrrre. Blame it on the dog. At least take credit for your own farts! Trying to put all the shame on your poor helpless d--” Yulia was cut short when she felt some very warm, liquidy substance on her hand. What the hell?

This time Lena waved her hand in front of her face. “Ugh it *reeks* in here! Roll down a window!” Lena said as a horrible smell hit her nostrils. Wait a minute…ohhhhhh shit. Literally! Lena thought as she looked down at Rebel again.

What the hell is on my hand? Yulia thought as she lifted her hand up to inspect what got on it. She was horrified when she saw a light brown creamy substance covering her hand. OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!! IT’S SHIT!!!!

“AAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!” Yulia yelped as she vigorously swung her hand back and forth, trying to get the diarrhea off her hand, all the while flinging the brown substance all over the inside of the vehicle.

“YULIA!!! Stop that!!! You’re getting it everywhere!!! Quit it!!” Lena ordered. *SPLAT* Lena got hit right on the cheek with a some of the flying diarrhea. Argh!!!

“YULIA!!!!!” Lena yelled as she reached out and grabbed Yulia’s flaying hand.

“STOP!! NOW!!” Lena ordered again.

“What the hell is going on back there?!” Mr. Katina spat.

“The stupid dog diarrheaed on me! I knew he was full of shit!” Yulia spat back.

“Yulia!! Shut up! He’s sick! He can’t help it! And you’re sure not making it any easier for him!” Lena hissed.

“I’M not making it easier for HIM?! He freaking shit on me!! What the hell do you expect me to do? Wipe it off on my shirt and be like ‘It’s okay Rebel. I’m your personal toilet so you let it alllll out until your intestine is dry.’?!” Yulia sarcastically remarked. “And better yet, why don’t I read to him since he is sitting on his toilet!”

“Well it would’ve been better to wipe it on your shirt instead of throwing it all over the damn car! It’ll take all day to clean up this crap!” Lena spat.

“You know what?!” Yulia said, exasperated.

“WHAT?!” Lena practically screamed.

“PAYBACK’S A BITCH!” Yulia yelled as she smeared her poop-covered hand all over Lena’s face in one quick swipe.

Lena’s jaw fell open and her eyes bulged as she realized what Yulia did. She was absolutely stunned. She couldn’t believe it!

Lena was about to say something, but was interrupted by a hysterical laugh. She shot darts at Yulia with her eyes, thinking it was Yulia that was laughing so hard. She was shocked again to see that Yulia’s mouth was shut and was just staring at Lena with an evil grin on her face. Lena slowly turned her head to look at her dad. Oh my gosh, *he’s* laughing?!

Mr. Katina was laughing so hard that he had to pull over for fear of driving off into the ditch. He put his head on the steering wheel and had a real gut laugh—the kind you get only when something has *really* tickled you the right way.

Lena was astonished. She just looked from her dad to Yulia, not believing that her dad was actually laughing this hard. She had *never* heard him laugh like this.

“Now *that* was good. I am very impressed, Yulia.” Mr. Katina managed to say after he finally caught his breath.

Now it was Yulia’s turn to laugh. “Thank you, thank you. It was my pleasure.” Yulia said as she continued to laugh, not able to stop taking in the complete look of shock on Lena’s face. If only I had a camera!

Lena looked at Yulia and her dad, still shocked at both of their actions. Then she looked at Rebel, who had the most embarrassed look on his cute little face. Lena finally gave in and giggled.

“Alright, alright. I guess I *did* have that coming to me.” Lena said as she chuckled.

“Damn straight you did! Let this be a lesson that *no one* messes with the almighty Volkster and gets away with it!” Yulia said as she stuck out her chest proudly and flexed her puny muscles.

“Lesson well learned.” Lena said with a smile, but at the same time wickedly thought, But you’ll soon find out that no one messes with *me* and gets away with it! This is going to be a very fun war Prissy!
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 06-03-2004, 12:27   #123
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Yulia being nekkid was so funny but the dog poo was ew ew ew that was so nasty...ah but thanks so much for the update d2d. I don't know how you think this up but keep it coming
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Old 08-03-2004, 03:48   #124
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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angeljas01---Thanks for always replying. You rock!

Chapter 42

Once they got back to the cabin, Mrs. Katina gave Yulia and Lena a very curious look, wondering why one had poop on her hand and the other had poop on her face.

“I don’t even want to know what you two were up to, but just get yourselves cleaned up before you touch anything in the house.” Mrs. Katina said with a chuckle. “How’s Rebel?”

“He’ll be fine.” Mr. Katina said as he walked in the door cradling Rebel. “He got a little car sick, but I think he’s alright now. I’m going to put him on the couch until you get his bed situated Lena.”

“Okay Dad. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” Lena said as she and Yulia went to get cleaned up.

“I still can’t believe you did that.” Lena said, turning around to look at Yulia on their way up the stairs to the bathroom.

“Hey, at least I didn’t get it in your mouth.” Yulia said with a smile.

“Oh you better had jumped out of the car and ran if you did that.” Lena joked as they entered the bathroom.

“Is that so Katina?” Yulia said as she gave Lena a challenging look.

“Darn right it is. I would’ve tackled you by the legs, held your mouth open, and then let Rebel do his business right then and there on you.” Lena said, suppressing a grin.

Yulia stopped washing her hand and looked up at Lena. “You wouldn’t dare do something like that.”

“You never know.” Lena said with a smirk. Even *I’m* not *that* mean. I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy. Well…okay maybe Kristin.

“I was wondering something. How can you stay so calm with poop on your face? I would’ve demanded to pull over at the nearest place so I could wash my face.” Yulia inquired as she finished washing her hands.

“Well after being around as many animals for as long as I have, you’re bound to get poop, pee, and other bodily fluids flung on you by an excited puppy’s tail or by some other method so you get used to it.” Lena said as she bent down to wash her face in the sink.

Once Lena’s face was near the faucet and she was occupied, Yulia silently made her way to the shower.

“You know Lena, I feel kind of bad for smearing that poop on your face.” Yulia said as she quietly dismounted the showerhead and extended it as far as possible out towards Lena.

“Really?” Lena asked as she continued to wash her face, not bothering to look up.

“No.” Yulia said mischievously as she turned the water up full blast, spraying Lena with *very* cold water.

“AHHHHHH!!!!” Lena yelped as she jumped back and stumbled onto the tiles of the bathroom floor, still getting drenched with the freezing water.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Lena screeched as she put her arm up in front of her face to block the water.

“You think that’s all I’m going to do to pay you back for all the things you did to me while we were camping?! HA! You got some more things coming to you girl!” Yulia said as she let out a laugh.

What she didn’t expect was for Lena to lunge at her, successfully knocking her to the ground on the rug that was by the bathtub. Lena quickly turned Yulia over so that Yulia was lying down on her stomach and jumped on top of her.

“HEY!!!! This isn’t fair!! You’re not supposed to use your crocodile hold on a human!” Yulia shrieked as she struggled to get out of Lena’s grip. Lena had Yulia’s legs pinned in between her own, with her knees squeezing Yulia’s thighs together. One of her arms was underneath Yulia’s stomach, pinning one of Yulia’s arms to her side while Lena’s other arm was across Yulia’s shoulders, firmly holding her in place.

“And what other things do you have planned for me? Because believe me, I can put you in all sorts of holds if I have to.” Lena playfully whispered into Yulia’s ear, causing goosebumps all over Yulia’s body and a nice red color to appear across Yulia’s face.

Lena noticed Yulia’s blush. “You seem awfully red, Yulia. It looks like you could use some cooling down!” Lena said as she grabbed the showerhead and sprayed Yulia’s back.

“AHHHHHHH!!!! LENA!!! You’re getting me all wet!!!! Quit it!!!” Yulia yelled as she struggled for the door of the bathroom. “I’M GOING TO JUMP IN YOUR BED!” Yulia yelled as she took off down the hall for Lena’s room.

My bed? Wh—ARGH NOOOOO!! “YULIA DON’T!!!!” Lena yelled as she sped off towards her room, but not before slipping on the flooded bathroom floor. Shit! Lena sped off again and arrived at her door just in time to see Yulia do a flying leap onto her bed, rolling around on the sheets in order to get everything and anything on Lena’s bed wet.

“YULIA!! Now my mattress is going to be all wet tonight!” Lena complained as Yulia just kept rolling around, laughing hysterically as she did so.

“Awwww is the wittle cwocodwile hunter junior afwaid of a wittle wawa on her mattwess?” Yulia teased as she gave Lena a playful grin.

“Like hell I am! I’m not afraid of anything!” Lena said as she ran and leaped on her mattress, causing Yulia to fly up in the air a little when she landed. Both girls erupted into a fit of laughter as they lay side by side.

“You know my mom is going to kill us.” Lena said as she turned onto her side to face Yulia.

“Well it was your fault so you can take the blame while I play the cute little innocent foreign exchange student that knows nothing.” Yulia said with a smirk.

“*My* fault? How is all of this *my* fault?” Lena asked, raising her eyebrows at Yulia.

“Because you’re the one that left the water on, therefore causing a mini-flood in the bathroom.” Yulia stated with a glint in her eyes. And let’s wait for the light bulb to come on in her head…there it is!

Lena’s eyes got huge and her jaw dropped. “SHIT!!!!” Lena exclaimed as she rolled out off the bed and took off top speed towards the bathroom.

“ELENA KATINA! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!” Mrs. Katina roared as she took in the sight of water *all* over *everything*, not to mention that the water was *still* pouring out of the showerhead.

Ohhhhhh shit. This isn’t going to be good. Lena thought as she slowed her pace and entered the bathroom with her head hung low, staring at the ground.

“You better have a *real* good explanation for this Elena!” Mrs. Katina said angrily, stomping her foot on the ground while she motioned with her arms to all the things covered with water around the room.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll clean it up. I--”

“We’re sorry Mrs. Katina. We just got a little carried away with cleaning up. But don’t worry, we’ll have this bathroom so spotless that you’ll be able to see yourself in the tiles.” Yulia said, smiling sweetly at Mrs. Katina while giving Lena’s hand a slight squeeze. Lena looked down and gave Yulia a grateful look as she nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, Mom. We’ll get it so clean and bright you’ll need sunglasses when you turn the light on.” Lena said.

“Alright, I get the point. But no more floods, okay? You know your brother doesn’t know how to swim.” Mrs. Katina said as she left the bathroom.

Lena looked down at Yulia, who had the biggest smirk on her face. “I know, I know, I owe you one.” Lena said as she gave Yulia a smile.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Yulia said as she turned off the shower off.

Lena grabbed some towels for herself and handed some to Yulia. “Now let’s get this mopped up and dry ourselves off before we turn into prunes.”

“Lena, where are you going to sleep now that your mattress is all wet?” Yulia asked as they soaked the water up off the floor.

“I was planning on sleeping with Rebel tonight anyway just to make sure he’s okay so I’ll be on the floor beside his bed.” Lena answered.

“On the floor? You don’t have to be on the floor! If you want, since you want to be in the same room as him, we could just share my bed instead of having you sleep on the floor.” Yulia suggested.

Lena contemplated on the idea for a minute. It’s no different than sharing the sleeping bag. She reasoned.

“Alright. That’ll work. But if I hear one peep from him I’ll be on the floor for the rest of the night.”

Lena went back to mopping up the water, but stopped again as she thought of something.

“Oh and Yulia? One more thing. If you drool I swear *you’ll* be the one on the floor next to Rebel.” Lena said with a sly grin.

Yulia just gave Lena a sarcastic smile and said, “Riiiiiight.” We’ll see whom will make whom go on the floor if you want to play *that* game! Let the war continue!
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 08-03-2004, 04:07   #125
tatu_rocks tatu_rocks is offline
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WOW!! this was a very good chapter, very funny and Yulia --->
Thanks for the updates dare2dream28
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Old 08-03-2004, 05:57   #126
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Another excting chapter...I thought one of them would slip and hit thier head somewhere but you being the great writer that you are, kept it totally unpredictable. Thanks d2d!
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Old 11-03-2004, 06:06   #127
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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tatu_rocks---I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading & responding!

angeljas01---Have them fall and hit there head? hehe Nah I'm not that mean....or am I? *evil laugh*

Chapter 43 (part 1)

Lena decided to use the blow up mattress as Rebel’s bed since it was more than big enough for him to stretch out on. She took some pillows from downstairs and put them in a square on the mattress since Rebel liked to feel secure while he slept. She settled on lying with Rebel until she knew he was off in doggie dream land and then would go up and sleep in Yulia’s bed for the rest of the night.

Poor little guy. Lena thought as she lay beside Rebel, watching him constantly changing positions. He just couldn’t make himself comfortable since he had to be careful how much weight he put on certain parts of his body because of his stitches. He seemed to calm down a bit though once she rubbed little circles on his stomach.

Now that is dedication. Yulia thought as she peered down and observed Lena on the ground with Rebel. For someone with such a tough exterior, she is so gentle with Rebel. I wonder if she’s ever let herself be that gentle or affectionate with a person.

Yulia smiled when she heard Rebel snoring. He is out!

Lena placed a little kiss on the top of Rebel’s head and very slowly got up. A smile spread across her face when she saw his little paws twitch. You get that rabbit, Rebel! Lena thought as she laughed to herself.

Yulia scooted over so that her back was up against the wall as Lena quietly made her way up the bed. Once Lena was settled in, facing Yulia, she let out a sigh of relief.

“How’s he doing?” Yulia whispered.

“He’s sleeping like a log now. I think the rubbing on his stomach did it.” Lena said softly with a grin.

“Good. How’s your arm been? Hurt at all?” Yulia asked, eyeing Lena’s stitches.

“It’s just fine. No problems at all. Stitches will get to come out in a few days thankfully. As soon as they’re out I’ll be back with my crocs and gators!”

“On second thought, I think maybe I should hit them or something so you have to keep them in for another week. I don’t think I’m ready for another crocodile experience just yet.” Yulia said.

“Oh you know you enjoyed it. You have to admit, it *was* fun.” Lena said, smiling at the memory.

“Yeah, I’m sure my mom would love to hear how my head was almost bitten off by a huge ass crocodile.” Yulia said, giggling a little at how that must’ve looked.

If you think she’d freak after just *hearing* about it, just wait until she gets to see it. She’ll shit a brick! Lena thought happily as she contemplated on what she was going to do with the footage of her and Yulia wrestling the crocodiles.

Lena’s thoughts were interrupted by the flinching of her arm. Wondering what made her arm twitch, she looked down and from the moonlight shining through the blinds she saw Yulia’s fingers slightly tracing over her stitches.

“So they really don’t hurt?” Yulia asked as she continued to go over the stitches.

“Well I hope not because if they did you’d be causing me some pain right now, wouldn’t you?” Lena said jokingly. She didn’t meant to, but her words made Yulia quickly retract her hand, thinking maybe Lena really was in pain.

“I was only kidding, Yulia. They don’t hurt. Really.” Lena said reassuringly.

A moment of silence passed between them when Lena decided to speak up.

“So are you enjoying yourself here so far?” She asked, hoping Yulia’s answer was a positive one.

Yulia’s face brightened as a huge grin spread over her face. “Yeah! There have been so many things already that I will *never* forget. And plus, you’re not so bad to hang around with as I originally thought.” Yulia said with a wink.

“What do you mean by that? What, you thought *I* was going to be bad to hang around with? How do you think *I* felt when I saw this little priss walk off that plane?!” Lena said as she laughed quietly.

Yulia stuck her nose up in the air and let out a little huff of air. “That’s *Miss* Priss to you, biatch!”

Lena couldn’t help but giggle. “Be careful. You hold your nose up any higher and I’ll be forced to bring it back down to level to be with us ‘common folk’ noses.”

Yulia stuck her nose up as high as she possibly could and let out little huffs of air in the process, acting like a stuck up snob. She about crapped her pants when true to her word, Lena grabbed Yulia’s nose with one hand and put her other hand behind Yulia’s head, pulling her head down to where Yulia’s nose was now touching the bed.

“Let me up! Let me up!” Yulia said in a nasal voice as she went to grab onto Lena’s arm, but quickly decided against it since she didn’t want to risk breaking the stitches, even if they didn’t hurt she didn’t want to take any chances.

Lena let Yulia up, but still kept her grasp on Yulia’s nose and head. “Ha! You won’t touch me because of my stitches! Hmmm, I could have some fun with this!”

“No fair! You’re using your injury to your advantage! Don’t make me do something you won’t like!” Yulia said with her nasal voice again, refusing to grab onto Lena’s arm to get herself free, but was quickly thinking of other things to resort to.

“Yeah, right. What can you possibly do now?” Lena said as she went to put Yulia in a headlock.

“This!” Yulia said as she squeezed Lena’s boob.

“AHHH!” Lena shrieked as she dropped her hands and swiftly jumped back. Oh shit! Lena thought as she felt herself begin to fall off the bed, but was equally shocked to feel two arms violently pull her back on the bed just in time.

“Geeze Lena! You almost fell and could’ve squished Rebel like a pancake!” Yulia said as she pulled Lena a littler further from the edge of the bed.

“Why the hell did you squeeze my…well…there?!” Lena said, still a little stunned.

“Well I had to do *something* for you to let go of my nose *and* my head.” Yulia said, now giggling a little. Smiling slyly, Yulia added, “Hey, at least I didn’t stick my hand down your pants, unlike *some* people I know.”

This caused Lena to blush vigorously. She will not get the best of me! “Well unless you wanted to know what it *really* felt like to get violated by a snake, I’m sure you were glad my hand was down your pants.”

Yulia’s jaw dropped from surprise. “Why Lena Katina! Aren’t you turning out to be the naughty one! I wouldn’t have expected something like that from you!”

Lena smiled mischievously and said, “What can I say? You’re corrupting me.”

“I’m glad to know I could be such a good influence on you.” Yulia said as she giggled.

“Yes, I’m sure my mom would just love you if she knew that.” Lena said as she pulled the covers up over herself. “Well as much as I’d love to sit up all night and talk, I do need some sleep.”

“Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses. You know you just can’t handle any verbal wars with me, the almighty Volkster!” Yulia said as she made herself comfortable, lying on her side with her back towards the wall.

“Right. Well almighty Volkster, do me and Rebel a favor and go to sleep.” Lena said rolling over, with her back to Yulia. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Yulia said. Yulia heard Lena take in a gasp of air as if she was going to say something, but Yulia cut her off. “I know, I know, no drooling.” I could be *really* mean tonight and really give her a reason to go flying off the bed. Yulia thought as she laughed to herself. Nahhh, I’ll be nice…for now.
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Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 12-03-2004, 00:17   #128
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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yeah right... for now...
i hope u don't mind if i post here too. coz i already posted on (as QueenBee said once): tatu*cough*us
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Old 12-03-2004, 09:17   #129
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Thanks for the update d2d...aww in a wierd way that was a sweet chapter cuz now they seem to be getting really close and that's always good thing.
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Old 16-03-2004, 20:48   #130
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$in---of course I don't mind you posting here! I like seeing replies.

angeljas01---Yep, they are getting closer. It's slow, but it is happening.

Sorry this is a little shorter than normal, but hey, a short update is better than no update, right?

Chapter 43 part 2

Yulia’s eyes shot open as a sensation shot through her bladder. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go. Damn that commercial!

Yulia looked around as she tried to figure out how she was going to get off the bed since Lena was on the outside. She couldn’t go down the edge of the bed because she had no idea of the footing so her only option was to go for the stool, which meant she had to somehow crawl over Lena.

Oh this will be fun. It’s like a mini obstacle course. Yulia thought as she quietly began to get up. Okay, if I put one leg on the other side of Lena, I’ll be able to put the other leg down on the stool. Alright, I can do this.

Yulia carefully stretched her leg and placed her foot on the other side of Lena, closest to the edge of the bed. Next she placed her hand right above Lena’s shoulder so she could balance herself some for when she had to swing the rest of her body over. Just as Yulia was bringing her other leg over, Lena suddenly shifted her legs, hitting Yulia in the process and caused her to fall completely off balance.

“Umph!” Lena grunted as she felt the sudden weight on top of her body. Thinking that it was Rebel that had jumped up on her like he normally does in the middle of the night when he has to go to the bathroom, Lena didn’t think anything of it while she was still in her sleep mode.

Now this is awkward. Yulia thought as she tried to pick herself up off of Lena.

“Rebel get off. You can hold it a little longer.” Lena mumbled as she tiredly began to push the body off of her. What the…? I don’t remember Rebel being this long. Wait a second…Rebel doesn’t have boobs. BOOBS?! WHAT?! Lena gave one final push as her eyes shot open and she scrambled to the furthest edge of the bed. She immediately sat straight up, giving Yulia a crazy, wide-eyed look.

“Owwww. Damn Lena, why you gotta be so rough?” Yulia said as she rubbed her chest a little since it stung a bit after Lena pushed it so hard.

“What the *hell* were you doing on top of me?!” Lane hissed. She was not a happy person when her sleep was interrupted.

“I was *trying* to crawl over you because I really have to pee, but then you moved and kicked my legs out from underneath me so I fell. It’s not like I meant to do it. I just need to pee!” Yulia said as she made her way to Lena’s side of the bed again.

Lena just gave her a suspicious look as she did her best to get out of Yulia’s way. While Yulia was in the bathroom, Lena did a quick check on Rebel to make sure he was okay. Once she was satisfied that he would sleep peacefully for the rest of the night, she got back up in the bed, but this time she took the side closest to the wall.

“Hey, you’re in my spot.” Yulia said as she got back up on the bed.

“Well in case you get another urge to pee, I don’t want to be in your way. Next time you might ‘accidentally’ fall with your mouth open, landing on my boob or something.” Lena said, not being able to resist a bit of teasing even in her tired state.

“Oh don’t flatter yourself.” Yulia teased back. She was happy to see that Lena was able to joke about things like this more than she used to be. It was an accomplishment in itself to not have Lena blush every time she mentioned anything physical with her so Yulia was extra pleased to hear Lena teasing her like this.

Lena was opening up a little more as each day passed, and Yulia was happy to know she was the reason for it.
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 18-03-2004, 04:40   #131
tatu_rocks tatu_rocks is offline
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*in Yulia's voice* funny, funny, funny!!

this fic just gets better each chapter, thankz Dare
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Old 18-03-2004, 06:55   #132
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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ohh man I thought Yulia was gonna pee on Lena hah! but that was soo much funnier...Yulia is warming up some more woopwoop. Thanks for the update d2d, much appreciated no matter the length
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Old 19-03-2004, 19:18   #133
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i soo love this story.

great update. just keep em comming
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Old 30-03-2004, 17:22   #134
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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chapter 44 here:

(replace the stars with tatu dot us)

for dare2dream for writing this
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Old 06-04-2004, 18:27   #135
denial denial is offline
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Thank you for the update $in .. this fic really hillarious ... its chap 45 currently plays there.. at the theather ... .. LoL ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 07-06-2004, 05:10   #136
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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ya good job now lets see what else interesting mite happen eh!!
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Old 22-06-2004, 21:30   #137
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OMG!!!! Guys, I am *so* sorry!! Just out of curiousity I checked on this thread and I see that the message that I *thought* I posted so long ago was actually never posted!!!!!! In that message I said something like I was updating at tatu*us because at the time I was having probs logging into this site. Did you guys want me to still post my updates here, or do you all go over to tatu*us and read them? Again, I am *so* sorry for leaving you all in the dark like this!!! I really thought that my post went through!!! Ack! *bangs computer* Stupid technology!

EDIT: Thanks $in for posting the link to my fic.
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Old 22-06-2004, 22:11   #138
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Originally Posted by dare2dream28
Did you guys want me to still post my updates here, or do you all go over to tatu*us and read them?
Personally and if you don't mind, i'd like that you continue to post your updates here.

tatu*us notification system doesn't always work well for me and sometimes it doesn't notificate me and i miss the updates. (i know it's notify but notificate is a funny word )

Plus, here i can give you a lot of reputation points d2d, which i have already done and will do again if you come back.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 22-06-2004, 23:35   #139
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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ofcourse we want you to post it here!
sheesh.... is d2d a shania fan...?!
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Old 23-06-2004, 10:40   #140
TaTu^HeRo TaTu^HeRo is offline
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i read posts on both forums.. am addicted to your fanfic buddy
Все мы живем в наших собственных кругах и иллюзиях, и сомневается, что мы несем вокруг, только проявляют обман, что мы идем..

Есть надежда даже в безнадежных случаях

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