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Tatu in Podnebesnaya - Episode 3 - 24-01-2004

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Old 16-03-2004, 11:01   #101
xena225 xena225 is offline
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Reasons Why Lena & Yulia left Shapovalov (Episode 3)

Here's a translation of Yulia's and Lena's monologues from Episode 3. Thank you to elf for this! As it's certainly interesting for the on-going discussion, I hope it's okay to post this here.


Originally posted by elf

Here is my translation of the first part of Reality Show Episode 3, which you can find on Onewinged's and Alerg's ftp servers. These monologues pretty much answer the burning question of the whole documentary: "Why did the girls leave Ivan?"

Note: In some cases it is not clear whether Yulia is quoting Ivan, saying what he thinks or just making her own conclusions...
All these cases are put in "quotes" .



Caption: <<< The recording of Tatu's album in Podnebesnaya has been suspended starting on January 18 >>>
Caption: <<< Exactly 50 days left from today, January 24, 2004 until the planned release date of the album>>>

Caption: <<< Moscow, Lena Katina's apartment >>>

Lena: Wait a second, I'm almost done here... Let me finish washing the dishes... it's impossible to do it 100 times... it's not realistic...

Caption: <<< Yulia on her way to the doctor >>>

Yulia: I'm not sure that it was interesting for the audience 2 days ago. OK, so yesterday we had the "Anatomy" movie. But 2 days ago one guy was talking about Gor'kiy... they discussed something with Bobza... I don't understand... how does it matter to the people? Do people really care that they solve certain problems with Bobza? They don't even know this Bobza or the guy who he talks to about Gor'kiy and Dostoyevskiy. Who is interested in watching this, Vitalik?

Lena's Grandma: All the people who watch it here say that they are shocked. Nobody likes him. My sister from Leningrad (St. Petersburg) said "I really disliked that Shapovalov... How can Lenochka work with such a person?" He is simply disgusting.

Yulia: In the end, what do we get? Vanya, who fucking said not to do it without him, showed up there. And what did this Vanya do?

Lena: I have worked with him for many years now, so I can see how it's getting worse and worse in stages.

Yulia: I'm certainly disappointed by the fact that one thing was planned, but now Vanya is in control of everything, and we are like nobodies there. I go there and I don't feel like an artist. I think the artist there (I can't say theatrical) is Vanya Shapovalov. When I look at him, it seems that he is the celebrity, who is like "I know this, I know that, this is how it should be". He talks to people like that. I think that Vanya is the one [suffering from celebrity syndrome / insanity].

Lena: ... But the situation has gotten out of control already. There is a certain line which we have crossed by now, and... So you see, we don't have much choice here.

Yulia: He kind of doesn't let us communicate to anybody, you see. He does it for himself and we just sit there. He is like "Why don't you invite the artists like you said you would?" Why should we invite them if Vanya just gets to them right away and talks to them? All the artists go *silenced*. After Vanya, they don't need us anymore. They just sit there and think "Can the girls be just like Vanya?" They won't come anymore. They most probably think that if the producer is like that, the girls should be similar. They probably think that the girls are also [crazy]. Well... I don't know.

Lena: The next stage will be without us.

Lena's Grandma: a psychiatric hospital.

Yulia: What do we have to do with this? Then promote yourself! What do we have to do with this? Then why are you blaming us for not coming, [why are you] saying that it's all because of us? It's all because of you. It's all because of him, you see...

Lena: I respect him as a person for what he did, you know. Not everyone could have done the same. But I don't respect what is happening to him now. I'm disappointed in him as a person, as an individual.

Yulia: I'm sure that Vanya is worried (slang), really worried that nothing goes right for him. The second album is not ready. I ask him "Vanya, is the second album ready?" - "Yes." - "Where?"... No, he wouldn't show it. I say, "Well, show me the second album. Are the songs and the music ready?" - "Yes, everything is ready". Then he says right away "Here is a letter from fans, go select a song". You've heard the last trick, right?

Lena: In reality, it takes two weeks to record an album, when the material is there. Two weeks to record it... if you just go there to record songs... by precisely specifying the goals like: "Today we are singing this song, tomorrow we are singing that song, after tomorrow we'll finish the old one and start a new one...". This way it takes exactly two weeks. It can be done.

Yulia: He is getting nervous himself, I can see it... He is worried because he understands that he won't [be able] to finish the second album by March. He knows it! But he acts confidently, he doesn't show it... And all the people go like *funny face expression* again, and like "Well yea, we'll finish it on time, he said so, he knows better..." He doesn't know shit! He just sits there and doubts it.

You think he is agressive? He is also getting nervous lately. Everything irritates him... he doesn't even talk to us, like: "Hello, Goodbye", you know. I see him working at the control set, he gets up for some reason, then thinks, then... because he understands perfectly well that the album is not ready and he is worried that he is letting some people down again. He understands it well, but he won't say it.

Lena: I don't think that the second album can be better than the first one.

Yulia: Whenever I go there to record a new song, we just make some test recordings. Have they come up with at least one complete song which would be played on the radio and everything? Not a single song! We only try them out... We go there to "La-la-la"... "Ok, we'll finish it tomorrow, and this second verse... we'll finish it tomorrow". There is not a single finished song. From all the songs that we tried... what 3-4 songs, yes? Three.. I get high voice and inflamed up there. It's possible to avoid it, you know. This is again due to Vanya's principles. He doesn't care what will happen to my voice next. He absolutely does not give a damn, he doesn't worry about that whatsoever. It's going to be just like with Beata: "Ah.. you can't do it - it's over then." He'll just find another one, sing it again or somebody else will sing it... I won't scream anymore, I told him. I have been to the doctor and it's starting again, the red lines. Fuck it... let somebody else scream. Let Katya scream, or Vasya, or Petya.. whoever. Let him find somebody to sing songs for me, if he wants. I would just be opening my mouth, it would... I mean really, if I may ever want to make a solo career, why should I [destroy] my voice for Vanya, starting with the second album, to the point of not being able to say "Mama" anymore. And Vanya won't give a shit. He'll just make another project or something else. He won't even recall my name, just like with Beata. He may call me to ask me how it is going... "Oh it's ok, if you want - you'll get better, if not - you won't". It's just like he usually says "Do it if you want to, don't do it if you don't want to"... "Scream if you want to, don't scream if you don't want to". That's what I will tell him: "I don't want to scream"... [repeating]

Lena: Everybody is doing something there, but in the end it turns out that nobody does anything.

Yulia: As I was sitting with Lenka once, my dad was saying "Why are you and Lenka so lazy?" I reply "Daddy, it's not about us. What should we do in that Podnebesnaya every day, tell me?"

Lena: Obviously, we are not the problem. I think that first of all, the problem is in the material or its absence. Secondly, the problem is in the total lack of any organization... so nobody does anything, no way, nowhere. Until there is an [external motivation], people don't do anything.

Yulia: What can we do there? Explain it to me, please. My dad says "The two of you seem to lack enthusiasm... it seems you don't want to move forward... They created a project for you, why don't you go there every evening?" I reply "Daddy, how... what can we do there every evening? Try going there..." You see, if there was work for us to do every evening... Vitalik, you know it, whenever there is studio work we always go there, Lena and I. Whenever there is some sort of an interview, we are always there. But just to sit there for no reason and to listen to Vanya's nonsense - who needs it? Vanya is like "I know it myself. Follow me and everything will be fine." Who needs this, Vitalik? I have my own opinion, you know.

Lena: I used to really believe in him. I thought that he was indeed the person who did everything possible to put us on that level which we are... were at. Ever since, we've had this complete mess, passiveness and sitting at the same place with the same program. When it was clear to everyone that something needed to be done, nobody did anything. I'm saying "Vanya, let's make a new album." - "Ok". After doing nothing for 2 months, "Vanya, when are we going to record the album?" - "We will...soon." - "Let's make the album." - "Ok, soon, we are almost starting." And 4 more months pass. It has been this way for a couple of years by now.

Yulia: Looking back at how things were, I used to support Vanya a lot in the past. But now I see what happens to the people. Look, when Galoyan left in the very beginning, I was for Vanya. But looking at the big picture, who wrote "Ya Soshla S Uma"? Galoyan. Who wrote the music for "Pokazhi Mne Lyubov"? Galoyan. Who wrote "Nas Ne Dagonyat"? He left and there are no such songs anymore. But HE is the composer of all our music, practically the whole first album with the exception of 3-4 songs. All the hits are his work. Also, Lena Kiper, who helped with the idea for "Ya Soshla S Uma".

Lena: Well, she also wrote "Ya Soshla S Uma".

Yulia: You see, I used to be for Vanya before. I was like "Yea, Galoyan is an ass". But now looking back, I see that all the good people leave Vanya, all of them!

Lena: There is a desire to record good songs, since we are now obviously not on the same level that we started at. We are now [popular] in Europe and America and Japan... well, you know it. We want to continue it somehow, but maybe not as group Tatu anymore, maybe create something new.

Caption: <<< The author of the project, Vitaliy Manskiy >>>

Manskiy: The STS channel is now in the state of... an obvious disappointment, since they did not expect such numbers, and, I think, they are also in the state of thinking about how to go about it further. I think it's a significant question for them now.

Lena: We want something new, we want to change something... But I don't understand what that something is.

Manskiy: I don't think that a failure with that project is part of their plans.

Caption: <<< Tatu's producer, Ivan Shapovalov >>>

Ivan: Don't think about it as a failure...

Manskiy: No, it's not a fiasco yet, it's not a fiasco... Because, what you have put together and what we have shown is obviously not what had been on STS channel before. It's so obvious...

Ivan: Yes, that's why there is a difference... it changes the attitude towards the channel as a whole, you see.

Manskiy: Do they really want it? Does the channel want...

Ivan: I think so. If it wants to change the numbers, it should change [the attitude]. Otherwise, they will just reach the limit with these entertainment [programs].

Yulia: You know, there are people who follow the principle "I know it myself" like Vanya. "Follow me and everything will be fine", as he usually says.

Manskiy: First of all, I think we should step out of the boundaries of Podnebesnaya to film the main characters in their lives and outside of Podnebesnaya. I mean you and the two heroines. I think we should always come here with these heroes. We should exist both outside and inside Podnebesnaya.

Lena: The way I imagined it is that we would be recording songs as well as have some discussions about what to sing, etc, just like we usually do in the studio. That way we would record the album.

Manskiy: Following the principle that was initially conceived, we would inevitably be at the boiling point every time. (I think he meant "a point of high interest" - elf)

Ivan: To avoid this, before we figure things out, I will be in charge of directing and you will take on the administrative responsibilities... so that we don't have any arguments, because I have an...

Manskiy: What do you mean by "directing"?

Ivan: Directing is the way of filming and editing. That's it. I will be responsible for these questions, coordinating it with you, and STS channel, Peking.. You'll handle the guests and all that... Post production and sound editing are optional for now. As for now, while we have not started it yet, this is the way we are going to split it. Then we'll coexist perfectly and won't have any problems.

Yulia: And then Vanya does everything on the spot. First the people work hard to prepare for it, agreeing on everything. And then at the last moment he changes his mind. He doesn't want it.. doesn't want it. I don't want it anymore.

Manskiy: Your delusion of grandeur has been obvious even before this meeting...

Ivan: No, no, no... I don't want to do it.

Manskiy: "I'll let you handle the guests and I'll handle the directing." This is the usual kind of rudeness that characterizes you. It's your life style - to shit on people from the 10th floor.

Yulia: The psychological trick is quite trivial. When I observe his behavior, it is very trivial. He does everything with confidence. Notice that he never steps to the side (compromises). Everything he does... Even when he speaks, he does it affirmatively.

Ivan: We'll cut this out, take this part and attach it to that one... I'm in film editing, you see. I support everyone.

Manskiy: Van', would you like to work on the creation of the album?

Ivan: I'm recording it, yes, yes...

Manskiy: Because the obvious problem is that you are not recording it...

Ivan: I don't want it. Of course I don't want it. I absolutely don't want it.

Manskiy: Al..

<<< long pause >>>

Manskiy: Hmm. You won't end up well...

Ivan: What do you mean I won't end up well?

Manskiy: One day, you'll stress out, get tired of everything...

Ivan: I'll come to you, to your summer cottage.

Manskiy: So, when I say you won't end up well, what I mean is the following: As you are driving to my summer cottage, you will fall asleep from exhaustion and fall into the Moscow River from the bridge.

Sergey Bobza: And you can't prove anything...

*Everyone laughing hysterically*

Ivan: Good.. it's not bad - it's ending up well...

Yulia: It's just a pity that everything started up so well and, if it ends, it will end so sadly and with tears. I remember there was such a huge boom in the country. So many people were interested in us... all the magazines, all the newspapers, everybody wrote about us. We started singing in America, you have seen our success, everyone was happy. Martin was saying we were doing great. Now it's over, you see. In Moscow, it's all silent since there is no new album. In America, Martin doesn't work with us, again because of Vanya.

Lena: There is always a choice. Either we will stay and work on something, we don't know what, rolling down the hill at a very high speed. Or we should change something, start a new life, do something new and try to go up again, or at least stay at the same level, although the level we now are at in Russia does not satisfy me anymore... the same goes for every other place.

Last edited by xena225; 16-03-2004 at 11:26.
Old 16-03-2004, 11:31   #102
teeny teeny is offline
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Thank you for posting the translation, xena225
And many thanks to Elf for doing it

I read it, and now I better watch the video aswell.
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Old 16-03-2004, 15:23   #103
LenochkaO LenochkaO is offline
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Thanks for the translation, Xena and Elf. Sounds like the girls are as pissed off with Shappy as many of us are - they're saying much the same things that we have been

Lena: I used to really believe in him. I thought that he was indeed the person who did everything possible to put us on that level which we are... were at. Ever since, we've had this complete mess, passiveness and sitting at the same place with the same program. When it was clear to everyone that something needed to be done, nobody did anything. I'm saying "Vanya, let's make a new album." - "Ok". After doing nothing for 2 months, "Vanya, when are we going to record the album?" - "We will...soon." - "Let's make the album." - "Ok, soon, we are almost starting." And 4 more months pass. It has been this way for a couple of years by now.

Yulia: Looking back at how things were, I used to support Vanya a lot in the past. But now I see what happens to the people. Look, when Galoyan left in the very beginning, I was for Vanya. But looking at the big picture, who wrote "Ya Soshla S Uma"? Galoyan. Who wrote the music for "Pokazhi Mne Lyubov"? Galoyan. Who wrote "Nas Ne Dagonyat"? He left and there are no such songs anymore. But HE is the composer of all our music, practically the whole first album with the exception of 3-4 songs. All the hits are his work. Also, Lena Kiper, who helped with the idea for "Ya Soshla S Uma".

Lena: Well, she also wrote "Ya Soshla S Uma".

Yulia: You see, I used to be for Vanya before. I was like "Yea, Galoyan is an ass". But now looking back, I see that all the good people leave Vanya, all of them!
Yeah, that
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Old 16-03-2004, 15:48   #104
ElectraCute ElectraCute is offline
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xena thanks for posting
And elf million thanks for translation

Ivan is like a paranoid king, who has outmanoeuvred those had minds of their own and talent. Apparently Ivan only trusts himself. It is just plain logic that no one else takes initiative.

Some one who is in charge needs to be able to delegate, trust and credit others.

Of course it is sad that tatu most likely is over in the form we know it, but on the other hand it is good that the girls spoke up and rebelled.

Mansky and the girls see right through Ivan:
Yulia: He is getting nervous himself, I can see it... He is worried because he understands that he won't [be able] to finish the second album by March. He knows it! But he acts confidently, he doesn't show it...
Manskiy: "I'll let you handle the guests and I'll handle the directing." This is the usual kind of rudeness that characterizes you. It's your life style - to shit on people from the 10th floor.
Yulia: The psychological trick is quite trivial. When I observe his behavior, it is very trivial. He does everything with confidence. Notice that he never steps to the side (compromises). Everything he does... Even when he speaks, he does it affirmatively.
Old 16-03-2004, 16:15   #105
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Thanks elf for the translation and xena for posting it.

Well, it's nice to see that the girls are on the same page as most of us here. Let's hope that they'll have the strength to take their future in their own hands and get a new producer who knows what s/he's doing.
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Old 17-03-2004, 06:34   #106
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edit: for those who dont know this is the transcript for the file name TATU_in_Podnebesnaya_episode3_shap_bashing.avi on the FTPs.
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Old 17-03-2004, 07:07   #107
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Thank you very much to both Xena and Elf!!
Old 17-03-2004, 07:12   #108
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didn't Kiper also write NND?

thanks Elf and Xena
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