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Old 11-02-2004, 00:03   #101
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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Old 12-02-2004, 16:51   #102
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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ha! that was pretty funny...serves that b*tch right to mess with Lena. thanks for the update.
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Old 16-02-2004, 01:23   #103
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Hey guys! Thank you amikana, angeljas01, and $in for your responses! I'm glad you liked that update. Here are 3 more chapters for your!

Chapter 35

Later that night the girls were in Lena’s room talking about the exciting events that happened earlier during the day. Lena still couldn’t get over what Yulia did to Kristin.

“Oh my gosh I can *still* see the look on her face when she fell!! That was just priceless!” Lena said as she giggled at the memory.

“That old lady was too good! I couldn’t believe what she said!” Yulia said as she snickered, remembering the little old lady’s outburst.

Getting serious for a minute, Yulia decided to see if Lena was willing to talk about Kristin.

“Lena, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. But that doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Lena responded.

“Okay fair enough. you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…but I was wondering…how evil is this bitch you call Krisitn?” Yulia asked. She tried her best to phrase her question so that it didn’t directly ask what Kristin did, afraid Lena might automatically go on the defense about that sore subject.

I’ll have to tell her sooner or later. Lena thought as she let out a small sigh. “Let’s just say Kristin is a bitch and a half.”

Rebel, who was lying in his bed, seemed to notice his master’s discomfort so he got up and walked over to Lena, plopping down right in her lap.

You always know when I need you. What would I do without you? Lena happily thought as she hugged Rebel and scratched him behind his ears.

Aww isn’t that cute? Yulia thought as she took in the sight.

Lena began to run her fingers through Rebel’s short fur, a motion she did unconsciously whenever she was nervous or needed to calm down.

Yulia noticed Lena was dazing out so she reached over and touched Lena’s arm, startling her a bit. “Are you okay?” Yulia asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that. I was just thinking.” Lena answered.

Here goes nothing. Lena thought as she began to explain this big mess to Yulia.

“Well like I told you, Kristin wasn’t happy with me being friends with other people and little did I know how jealous she really was. Once she saw I was becoming good friends with the other girls in the group, she started to tell me things that they would say about me. Like how they talked about me behind my back and how they were behind the rumor that went around school about how I did things with the male teachers to get my good grades.”

“What?! Those bitches!!” Yulia ranted.

“Yeah I know. Kristin would tell me how they said awful things about me when I wasn’t around. After the whole male teacher rumor died down, she told me that they also started the one about how all of the male teachers wanted nothing more to do with me so I resorted to screwing my animals of all things because I was so dirty that no man would ever touch me even if I were the last woman on earth. Of course she being my best friend, I had no reason not to believe her. Naturally I was hurt and angry that people I considered close friends would do this to me. I felt so betrayed that I couldn’t talk to any of them again, which left me with only Krisitn as a friend.”

“What in the hell is wrong with these people?! What is this? The breeding grounds for bitches or something?! The will know for damn sure the wrath of Yulia Volkova!!” Yulia raved, completely angered by what she just heard. Those bitches will pay!

“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second before you get completely angry.” Lena said, seeing how worked up Yulia was getting.

“I said that Kristin told me they said all those things, but I didn’t say that all of it was true. It seemed that Kristin’s little plan of having me all to herself was working since after those rumors I didn’t talk to my friends anymore and no one else really wanted to talk to me, you know, because if they did it would ruin their status to talk to such a ‘dirty lowlife.’ Whatever. They can rot in shit and have their eyes poked out by birds for all I care.”

“That’s the spirit!!! What’d you do to get them back?!” Yulia eagerly asked.

“I didn’t do anything. I just stopped talking to them.” Lena stated.

“That’s it?! You didn’t do *anything* to make them pay for treating you like that?!” Yulia said in disbelief.

“I didn’t want to stoop to their level. I’m better than them. Anyway, so yeah…I was devastated so I relied on Kristin a lot to cheer me up. She was my shoulder to cry on. Well, not really. I *never* cry, so she was more like the person I went to when I needed to vent. That’s around the time she told me all that crap that supposedly happened to her so I guess we kinda bonded a little more in a way since we both talked about things that hurt us.” Lena explained.

“Around the time I found out what she told me happened to her was a big lie is also when I found out that *she* was the one who actually started the whole favors for male teachers rumor. Then I found out that she told my friends that I had slept with all of their boyfriends, which was why they actually did start the animal rumor.”

“WHAT?! OH HELL NO!!! I’ll give her another damn black eye the next time I see her! I’ll shove peppers up her nose and make it bleed and then will make it burn by squeezing all the juices in it! Then I’ll shove so many tampons in her nostrils that it will swell up so bad the skin with crack!! Then she’ll have so many freaken plastic surgeries to fix her stupid nose that she’ll look worse than Michael Jackson!!!!!!! And then after that I’ll throw a football at her nose, point at her and laugh my ass off as she goes running back to the hospital!!!!” Yulia shouted as she paced back and forth.

Lena was stunned. “How the hell did you think of something like *that*?! And you say *I* have issues?? What on earth do they teach you in Russia?”

Yulia grinned evilly and said, “Hey, when people mess with my friends, they mess with me and *no one* messes with *me*.”

“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” Lena said jokingly.

Yulia was about to comment when the sound of snoring caught her attention.

Lena heard the snoring too and put her index finger over her mouth.

“Shhh. Rebel’s dreaming. Ain’t he cute?” Lena whispered as she looked down at Rebel in her lap.

Yulia immediately calmed down. “Awww he is too cute!” she whispered as she sat down beside Lena to watch Rebel’s paws flutter in his sleep.

After they watched and listened to Rebel dream for a few minutes, Yulia decided to speak up.

“Lena, I’m really sorry for what they did to you. I know that must’ve hurt really bad to be betrayed by the very people that were closest to you. Just know that I’m not like that, okay? You *can* trust me. I’d kick my own ass if I ever hurt you like that.” Yulia said softly.

“Thank you Yulia, that means a lot.” Lena said as she gave Yulia’s hand a light squeeze.

For some reason I have this feeling that you won’t hurt me. Lena thought. I just hope that I’m right.
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Old 16-02-2004, 01:26   #104
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Chapter 36

*crackle crackle* The sound of a candy bar wrapper being moved was the first thing Yulia heard that morning. She didn’t realize what it was, so she forgot about it and went back to sleep.

*tickle, tickle* Yulia felt something twitching on her face near her mouth and it moved down to her chin, but again, she was too tired so she ignored it and again tried to go back to sleep.

*lick, lick* This got Yulia’s attention. She felt what seemed like something licking the corner of her mouth. She slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted by a little white and gray furry creature with long whiskers. Her eyes just about bulged out of her head as she inhaled sharply when she realized what it was.

“MMMMOOOOOUUUUSSSSSSEEEEEE!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Yulia screamed at the top of her lungs as she lunged backwards, forgetting she was on the bunk bed.

*BAM* She managed to twist her body in the air and hit the floor butt first, but was too scared to care.

“OH MY GOD!!!!!! MOOUUUSSSEEE!!!!! Yulia shrieked as she ran to the nearest thing, Lena’s dresser, and frantically climbed it.

Both Lena and Rebel were startled awake with Yulia’s screams.

Lena gave Yulia a confused look when she saw her on top of her dresser.

“Yulia, what on earth are you doing?” Lena asked, extremely confused.

“There’s a fucking mouse on my bed!!! A MOUSE!!! IT LICKED ME!!!!! OH MY GOD IT LICKED ME!!! I’m going to get the plague and die!!!!” Yulia shrieked.

“A mouse? Here in the house? That’s impossible!” Lena responded. Just as if a light bulb had gone off in her head, Lena knew what Yulia was talking about.

“Oh my gosh it’s Mr. Squeaks! He’s still alive!! He’s been gone for over a month!” Lena exclaimed, overjoyed to find out her pet mouse was still in her room.

“Mr. Squeaks?! You have a pet *mouse*?! OH MY GOSH YOU’RE INSANE!!” Yulia yelled.

“ARRROOOOO!!! AROOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Both girls turned around to see Rebel chasing Mr. Squeaks, who was running for his little life.

“REBEL NOOO!!!!!!” Lena yelled as she dove for Rebel, but missed as he jumped on her bed after Mr. Squeaks.

*crash* “ARRROOOOOO!!!!!!!” There went Lena’s lamp, crashing on the floor as Rebel bumped the nightstand as he jumped off the bed.

“AARRRRROOOOOO!!! ARRROOOOO!!!!” Rebel continued to yodel, excited that he was on the trail of one of his favorite snacks.

“Yulia help me! I don’t want Rebel to eat my mouse!” Lena shot out, desperate to stop Rebel.

“Like hell I will!! That damn thing licked me!! And on my mouth for that much!! I have just been violated by another animal! Rebel can use him as a chew toy for all I care!” Yulia spat out, intent on staying on the dresser until the little monster was caught.

“Look, Prissy! If…” *crash* there went one of Lena’s softball trophies “…you want to live another day…” *tear* there went Rebel ripping through one of Lena’s shirts on the floor to try and get to Mr. Squeaks “…then you’ll get your ass down here and help me. NOW!” Lena shouted as she made one last dive for Rebel.

Lena skidded across her floor as she grabbed Rebel’s harness, finally bringing him to a stop. “AARRRROOOOOOOOO!!!” Rebel protested as he tried unsuccessfully to get Mr. Squeaks, who was now cornered in Lena’s closet.

Yulia grudgingly jumped down off the dresser and walked over to Lena and Rebel. “Fine. Whatever. But I’m not touching that little freakish pet of yours!”

“Here, just hold Rebel while I get Mr. Squeaks.” Lena said as she slowly made her way over to the frightened mouse.

As Lena slowly crawled over to the corner of the closet where Mr. Squeaks was, she could hear Rebel whimpering and whining in the background. He was definitely not going to be happy that she ruined his fun.

“Hey there little guy. Long time no see.” Lena said softly. “C’mere. It’s alright.” Lena whispered as she held out her hand. “There ya go. C’mon now.” She said, coaxing the little mouse into her hand. “That’s a good mouse.” She said as she gently put her hand over Mr. Squeaks, making a cup with her hand as to completely cover his fragile body.

Lena slowly came out of the closet (no pun intended LOL), making sure not to move too suddenly since she didn’t want to scare Mr. Squeaks any more than he already was.

“Alright Yulia. Hang on to Rebel until I can put Mr. Squeaks in his old cage.” Lena said as she looked for his cage.

Shit. Lena found his cage, but realized it had a hole in the top screen. I’ll just put him in his little hamster rolly ball. Lena gently placed Mr. Squeaks in his roll ball that he loved so much until she could find something to put on the cover of his cage.

As Mr. Squeaks rolled around the room in his ball, this was just too much for Rebel to take.

Yulia had loosened her grip on Rebel since she saw Lena put Mr. Squeaks some kind of cage so when Rebel lunged after Mr. Squeaks, he easily slipped right out of her grasp, causing her to fall in the process.

“AAAARRRRROOOOOOO!!!!!” Rebel yodeled as he pushed the roll ball around with his nose, terrifying Mr. Squeaks.

“Damn animals! They’re nothing but trouble!” Yulia complained as she got up off the floor.

“Yulia! I thought I told you to hang onto Rebel!” Lena said as she saw Rebel rolling Mr. Squeaks around. She gasped as she saw Rebel roll him right out the door into the hallway.

“No. The stairs. OH MY GOD NO REBEL NOT THE STAIRS!!!!!!!” Lena yelled as she dashed out of her room after the two animals.

*tap, tap, taptaptaptaptaptaptaptap* “Ahhhh shit!” Lena exclaimed as she watched Mr. Squeaks roll down the stairs, bouncing off every other one with Rebel fast on his trail.

Lena ran down the stairs after the pair. She scooped up the rolly ball as soon as she got to the bottom.

“Awwww I’m *so* sorry Mr. Squeaks! You poor little guy.” Lena said as she looked at the terrified mouse. “Aww look at that. Rebel literally scared the shit out of you.” Lena remarked, seeing the little brown deposits in the ball.

Yulia, who had emerged from Lena’s room just in time to hear Lena’s last comment, burst out laughing. “Good boy Rebel, good boy! You show that rat what happens when he messes with me!”

“He’s not a rat! He’s a mouse! There’s a difference!” Lena spat out at Yulia. She stomped back up the stairs back to her room to safely put Mr. Squeaks out of harms way. This will do for now. Lena thought as she put some duct tape over the whole in the screen.

She turned around to see a still giggling Yulia.

“You know, he could’ve really gotten hurt! It’s not funny!” Lena scolded.

“Forgive me Lena if I laugh at the *mouse* who licked my *face*. And you wonder why I’m not an animal person.” Yulia said as she rolled her eyes.

“Why was he licking your face in the first place?” Lena asked.

“Like I know! I heard a crinkling noise and the next thing I know there’s a little tongue about to invade my mouth!” Yulia said.

“A crinkling noise?” Lena said, confused. She got on her stool to look on Yulia’s bed to see what she was talking about.

“A candy bar wrapper? You had a candy bar in the bed last night? Well gee, I wonder why he was up there then!” Lena said as she lifted up the Butterfinger wrapper.

“Well I was hungry! So sue me!” Yulia said as she crossed her arms. “How was I supposed to know he liked Butterfingers?!”

“Apparently you must’ve still had some on your mouth. Aww he cleaned your face for you. Wasn’t that nice of him?” Lena joked.

“Ugh that is sick. Just sick.” Yulia said as she stuck out her tongue.

Lena let out a little giggle and said, “C’mon. I need to go to the pet store to buy a new top for Mr. Squeak’s cage and then I’m going to take Rebel out on some trails. Wanna come with me?”

Yulia looked at Lena and was debating on whether or not to give her a hard time about it. “Welll……” Yulia hesitated.

“Oh, well if you don’t want to, then…I guess…that’s…okay.” Lena murmured, disappointed that Yulia seemed like she didn’t want to spend the day with her again.

Yulia saw the look on Lena’s face and couldn’t resist. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to go. Do you promise to be nice to me if I go? As in no tricks, no faking you’re dead, no faking you fall and break your leg…no funny stuff? OH! And no throwing animals on me at the pet store?” Yulia said with a playful glint in her eye.

Lena smiled at this. “I promise.”

“Alright then, just tell me when we’re leaving.” Yulia said.

“Great! We’ll leave in a little over an hour.” Lena said happily.

As she watched Lena go downstairs to feed all the animals, Yulia sighed a little and giggled. Why do I have the feeling that *something* will go haywire today? But then again, when does something *not* go haywire when Lena’s around?
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Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 16-02-2004, 01:27   #105
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Chapter 37

“Rebel, you wanna go bye-bye?” Lena asked her dog, knowing what his reaction would be.

Rebel’s ears went up, his head cocked to the side, and his tail began to wag so energetically that his whole backside shook. His reaction put a smile on her face every time.

“Let’s go boy! C’mon Yulia, I’ll grab the stick if you could please grab his treats.” Lena said as she hooked the leash onto Rebel’s harness.

“The stick? Why is there a stick attached to the leash?” Yulia asked, eyeing the five foot oak stick that the leash was connected to.

“My dad and I made this after the first time Rebel got attacked while I was on a walk. I was only nine when it happened and I didn’t have any way of protecting me or Rebel so ever since I’ve always walked with this stick. I’ve used it several times to scare off would-be attackers of both myself and Rebel. Thankfully I’ve never had to hit anything with it before, they just usually see I have a big stick and leave.” Lena said.

“Aww he’s been attacked? That’s so sad! Those bastard dogs! The next one who messes with Rebel will know what it’s like to mess with animals I actually like!” Yulia ranted. She did *not* like people messing with people, or animals, that she cared about.

“Well that’s sweet to know you’re protective of Rebel. The more people looking out for him, the better I feel.” Lena said, smiling. “Can’t have anything happen to my little guy.” She said as she affectionately pet Rebel on the head.

When they got to the jeep, Yulia sat in the front passenger seat.

“Uh oh.” Lena said as she saw Rebel look at Yulia then back at her.

“What?” Yulia asked.

“Rebel *always* sits there. That’s his seat.” Lena said.

“Well too bad. I’m the human, I sit here. He can sit in the back.” Yulia said as she snapped her seatbelt in place.

“Alright, I’ll put him back there, but don’t be surprised if he climbs over and sits on your lap.” Lena said as she picked Rebel up and put him in the back seat.

“So where are we going?” Yulia asked.

“Well I figured we’d take Rebel on a walk first on his favorite trial at the national park and then go to the pet store after that.” Lena said as she popped in Shania Twain’s “UP!” CD. “Oh yeah, by the way, when we’re in here, we listen to a Shania CD so I’m sure you’ll learn her songs real fast.” Lena said with a smile.

“Goodie.” Yulia said sarcastically.


“Awwww man. Someone else is here, too.” Lena said as she pulled up behind the black SUV beside the entrance to the trail. “Hopefully they’re far enough ahead so we won’t see them.”

“Why? What’s the big deal?” Yulia asked as she got out of the jeep and got Rebel’s snacks.

“Well for one they will have scared away all the animals and secondly, if they have a dog we’ll have to turn back since I don’t want to be trailing someone that closely on a walk.” Lena said as she picked Rebel up and put him down on the ground.

Yulia watched Lena as she picked Rebel up and said, “Don’t you ever let that dog jump?”

Lena gasped and said, “And take the chance of him landing wrong and hurting his leg? No way! Can’t take any chances with this little guy.”

“And I thought I was spoiled.” Yulia mumbled.

“I heard that. He’s not spoiled, he’s just loved.” Lena said with a cheeky grin. “Anyway, let’s get a move on.”

“Goodness I’ve never seen so much pee come out of an animal in my life!” Yulia said as Rebel stopped to pee for the tenth time. “It’s like every tree has ‘bathroom’ written on it!”

Lena giggled and said, “He’s just marking his territory. He’s telling the other males in the area that this is his turf and all the girls that pass through this area are his.”

“I thought he was neutered.” Yulia said, confused at why Rebel would still want females.

“Yulia, men get vasectomies all the time and that doesn’t stop then from wanting to still get it on, now does it?” Lena said as she suppressed a smile.

“I guess not.” Yulia responded. She was about to say something else when she was abruptly stopped by Lena’s arm across her chest.

“Shhhh.” Lena whispered.

“What is it?” Yulia whispered back.

“I think I hear…” Lena said softly. “Shit I knew I heard other dogs!” Lena said as she spotted two loose German shepherds approaching them. Lena quickly moved them off the trail a few feet into the woods. She spotted the owner of the dogs and called out to her.

“Hey! You need to get your dogs! I have a dog up here and there is a leash law!” Lena yelled at the owner. Lena raised the stick above her head with one hand and crouched down slightly with Rebel standing in between her legs, Rebel’s harness held firmly by her other hand. When a dog is loose and is in the position where it could attack Rebel, that was the one and only time she was ever scared of a dog.

“Oh sorry! Hold on a second and I’ll get my dogs so you can pass!” The owner, a middle-aged woman, said. She put both her dogs in a headlock since she didn’t have a collar or leash for them. “Okay you can pass me now!”

“Alright. Yulia, you stay on the other side of Rebel closest to the woods. I don’t want you near those dogs, okay?” Lena said as she put herself between Rebel and the German shepherds.

They had walked about twenty feet from the woman and her dogs when she heard someone shout.

“MAX, GET BACK HERE!!!” The owner yelled.

Lena turned around just in time to see the German shepherd sprint just past her and the next thing she heard was a yelp from Rebel.

“NOOOOO!!!!!!” Lena screamed as she saw Rebel’s head in the German shepherd’s mouth.


Little nine-year old Lena was walking an almost two-year old Rebel down one of their favorite trails in the woods when a chow-chow mix that was roaming loose charged over to Rebel, savagely attacking him on his neck. From the sounds of Lena’s screams, if someone didn’t know better, they would’ve thought someone would be getting murdered. It was hard to distinguish Rebel’s yelps from Lena’s cries for help since they were both so high-pitched. Lena stood there screaming, helpless. She could barely see through her teary eyes and went to grab the nearest stick she could find and did her best to hit the mutt, but she was no match for the much bigger dog. Little Lena continued to scream and have tears stain her face as she watched her small dog get viciously ripped by the mutt.

Finally a jogger who had heard Lena’s screams came flying back, a huge stick in his hand ready to defend anything or anyone who dared hurt this little girl. As soon as he saw what was happening, he forcefully raised the stick over his head and pounded the chow-chow mix on the back, trying to get the dog to loosen his grip on Rebel. After the third hit the dog finally released his jaws from Rebel’s neck, causing Rebel to fall limp on the ground.

*end flashback*

“NOOOOO!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!” Lena screeched as her mind flashbacked to the horrible first attack. Without a second thought she brought up the stick above her head and bashed the German shepherd’s head with all her might. “GET OFF MY DOG!!!! STOP IT!!!” Lena yelled as she bashed the dog over and over, determined to protect Rebel this time.

Yulia was stunned, too shocked to move. In all the animal encounters she’s had with Lena, she never once saw her inflict any pain what-so-ever on any animal. She quickly snapped out of her senses when she saw Lena beating the German shepherd with the stick repeatedly even though it had already let go of Rebel.

“LENA STOP!!” Yulia yelled as she ran over to Lena and threw her arms around Lena, engulfing her in a bear hug from behind trying to pin Lena’s arms to her side. “Lena stop!! He’s down!! He’s not attacking Rebel anymore!! You stopped him!” Yulia said to Lena, desperately trying to hold on as Lena was attempting to break free form Yulia’s grasp.

As Yulia turned them both around, Lena looked up to see the other German shepherd just a foot or two in front of them, obviously having broke free from its owner’s grasp. Lena quickly shoved Yulia hard out of the way, not wanting her to get attacked and readied herself for what she knew was coming.

In a split second the German shepherd jumped up and latched onto Lena’s arm. Lena didn’t care though, as long as she knew Yulia and Rebel were safe, she’d deal with anything at this point. Lena did what she had always prepared for in a situation like this, she moved with the dog and did not pull back, knowing if she did she would cause severe damage to her arm.

“LEEEEEENNAAAAA!!!!!” Yulia screamed at the top of her lungs.

“DON’T HURT MY DOG!” the owner yelled when she saw Yulia charging her German shepherd with a huge stick in hand.

“FUCK YOUR DOG!” Yulia bellowed as she swung the stick like a softball bat right at the dog’s side, hitting it hard in the ribs. “LET GO OF HER!!” Yulia screamed as she hit the dog again. This time the dog yelped out in pain and immediately let go of Lena’s arm, falling to the ground.

As soon as Lena was free, she ran over to Rebel, who was lying very still on the ground.

“NOO!! REBEL!!” Lena shrieked as tears streamed down her face like a waterfall. She didn’t give a damn about her arm as she gently picked Rebel up and cradled him in her arms, holding him close to her chest.

“Are your dogs fucking attack dogs or something?! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Yulia fired at the lady, who was now gaping at her two injured German shepherds.

“Yulia we need to go to the vet NOW!!! LET’S GO!” Lena said as she walked as fast as she could without moving Rebel too much.

“But we need to get her information so you can sue her ass!” Yulia said.

“We’ll get her license plate! C’mon I don’t give a fuck right now let’s just go!” Lena shot back, not giving a damn about anything right now except getting Rebel to a veterinarian’s office and fast.

Yulia gave the lady a death glare and said sternly, “You give me your information now and we will deal with this later.”

The lady complied, knowing she was completely at fault and didn’t want any more charges than necessary. As soon as Yulia had it all down in her memory she ran to catch up with Lena.

“Okay Lena what do you want me to do? And my god are you okay?! Look at your arm! Is it broken?” Yulia said, extremely worried at all the blood dripping from Lena’s torn arm.

“I don’t give a shit about my arm right now.” Lena said while sniffling. She was struggling to see the path back to the car since her eyes were clouded with tears. “I just need you to open the door for me and hold Rebel on your lap. I need to drive to the vet.”

“Are you sure you should be driving right now?” Yulia asked, concerned about the state of her friend. She had never seen Lena cry over anything, not even when she was telling her about all the crap the bitches did to her.

“You don’t know where the vet is and I need to get there like yesterday.” Lena said as she cuddled Rebel closer to her chest. Please be okay, *please.* Lena pleaded silently.

Yulia got Lena’s car keys out of Lena’s pants pocket and opened the door as fast as her shaking hands allowed. She sat down and buckled up before Lena very carefully placed Rebel on Yulia’s lap, treating him as if he was a fragile and could break any second.

Lena hopped in the driver’s seat, shaking almost uncontrollably, completely running on adrenaline. The screeching of tires could be heard as Lena sped off out of the park. Yulia kept her head down the entire time, looking at a blood-covered Rebel as she was too scared to look at the street since Lena was weaving in and out of the traffic like a mad woman, honking her horn like crazy. When they finally pulled into the vet’s parking lot, Lena came to an immediate halt and threw the jeep into parking gear.

Lena thrashed her door open so hard that Yulia thought the door would fly off the hinges. Lena rushed over to Yulia’s door and pulled it open with so much force that it came back and slammed into her back. Lena didn’t even notice though, all she was focused on was Rebel as this point.

Lena gently picked up Rebel, cradling him again to her chest and made her way up the stairs to the door as fast as possible, with Yulia right on her heels. Yulia opened the door to the vet office as Lena barged in.

“I NEED HELP, NOW!!!” Lena shouted.

“Lena! Oh my god what happened?!” Tracy, the vet tech said when she saw a bloody Lena holding a badly injured Rebel. Lena had been taking Rebel to Dr. Brown’s office for his whole life so they were both very well known and liked here.

“WHERE’S DR. BROWN?!” Lena shouted again.

“C’mon let’s go to the back now! She’ll take care of this!” Tracy said as she ran to the emergency room with Lena and Yulia trailing her.

Lena carefully laid Rebel down on the operating table as Dr. Brown rushed out of one of the patient rooms and into the emergency room.

“Lena, what happened?” Dr. Brown asked, needing to know exactly what happened before she could assess Rebel’s injuries.

Yulia stepped up beside Lena and decided to tell Dr. Brown what happened, knowing somehow that Lena could not tell that story and relive what just happened again.

“Okay, I’ll handle this from here. But Lena, I need you to go out to the waiting room and have someone look at that arm of yours.” Dr. Brown said.

Yulia put her arm around Lena’s shoulder and guided her out to the waiting room. As soon as they sat down, Lena couldn’t take it anymore. She broke down and sobbed in the middle of the waiting room, putting her head in her hands, not able to deal with this. This was just too much for her to handle.

Yulia’s heart broke at the sight of Lena. She carefully took Lena’s hand and guided her to the floor where Yulia held Lena in her lap, gently rocking back and forth as she ran her fingers though Lena’s hair, not caring that Lena was getting blood all over her.

Lena grasped on to Yulia with her good arm and held on like her life depended on it. “I can’t do this.” Lena whispered through her sobs. “I can’t. He has to be okay, Yulia. I can’t lose him.” Lena said as she struggled to catch her breath. “I can’t lose him. He’s my best friend. I…can’t.” Lena managed to say as she continued to sob uncontrollably.

Yulia just sat there as tears of her own began to trickle down her face. “It’ll be okay, Lena.” She said as she rubbed Lena’s back. “Everything will be okay.” I hope.
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Last edited by dare2dream28; 16-02-2004 at 05:01.
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Old 16-02-2004, 05:37   #106
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Oh my god! d2d you've brought me to tears...that was an excellent update, thank you.
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Old 16-02-2004, 06:22   #107
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Thanks for the updates d2d

There is way too many animals in this story for me to be comfortable lol, it's creeping me out. And Lena is just insane.

Yulia being licked by a mouse was just totally gross, like yewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

men get vasectomies all the time
That line made me laugh! Yeah, we get that all the time, it's like a haircut really, i'm planning to get one this week actually.

It's better that i don't say anything about the rest of the chapter, maybe later. I don't like dogs that can hurt people though, they should all be forbidden.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 18-02-2004, 06:41   #108
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angeljas01---If those are good tears, yay! If they are tears of sadness, still yay b/c that means you're concerned with Rebel.

haku---LOL yeah I did make it sound like men get vasectomies just like they would a haircut, eh? LOL Lena? Insane? Now wherever could you get that idea?

Just letting you guys know that I should have an update ready tomorrow night! If I don't get a chance to post it tomorrow since I'll be studying for 2 tests, I'll definitely post it Thursday night! Thanks for reading & responding guys. I always love to read your comments.
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Old 18-02-2004, 12:46   #109
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
Gimme some sugar!
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good luck on u'r tests
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Old 20-02-2004, 02:37   #110
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$in---Thank you for the well wishes.

Chapter 38

Yulia was holding Lena in her lap still, just letting her cry, doing her best to comfort her. Once Lena was down to sniffling and had stopped sobbing, Yulia bent down to whisper in Lena’s ear. “Lena, I think we should really get your arm looked at. You look like you might need some stitches.”

Lena just shook her head. “I’m not leaving until I know Rebel is okay.”

“Well can you at least let one of the vet techs look at it? You know, clean it up a little? Please?” Yulia said softly. She didn’t want to do anything to further upset Lena right now, but she knew her arm needed to be tended to.

“Okay. Can you call my dad and tell him what’s going on?” Lena said as she slowly got up. Really no one but Lena knew how much her dad cared about Rebel. Mr. Katina thought of Rebel more as like a son than just a dog so she knew he would be worried sick about him, even if he wouldn’t show it.

“Sure, sure. I’ll call your parents and tell them what’s going on. Just as long as you get cleaned up.” Yulia said as she went to use the phone at the receptionist desk.

Robin, another vet tech, took Lena in the back to clean up her arm and check to see if she would need stitches while Yulia called the Katina residence.

“Katina residence. Who’s speaking?” Mr. Katina answered.

“Ummm, Mr. Katina? Hi, this is Yulia. I’m down at the vet’s off--”

“You’re at the vet’s office? I’ll be there in five minutes.” Mr. Katina said in a rush. He knew that Rebel didn’t have an appointment today so something had to be wrong.

“But I didn’t even tell you what’s wrong!” Yulia said into the phone. She heard the beeping on the other line that signals when the other person has hung up and knew Mr. Katina was really on his way. Talk about fast reactions.

Yulia decided to go into the back to check on Lena. When she walked into the back room, she saw Robin putting a few stitches in Lena’s arm.

Yulia walked up beside Lena, but was careful not to touch her since she didn’t want to bump her while she was getting stitched up.

“I don’t know how you did it Lena, but you managed not to rip anything major in your arm. It looks like you actually moved with the dog instead of fighting him.” Robin said as she put the last of Lena’s six stitches in.

“I did move with him.” Lena said flatly. “When will I be able to see Rebel?”

Yulia put her arm around Lena’s back, giving her a comfort squeeze, knowing how worried Lena was feeling and how it was affecting her.

Just then, Mr. Katina burst through the doors, making Yulia just about jump to the other side of the room.

“What happened?!” Mr. Katina demanded. “Lena, what happened to your arm? And where is Rebel?”

At the mention of Rebel, Lena started to tear up again, thinking about the attack.

Yulia immediately took Mr. Katina aside and very quietly told him what happened.

“Is he going to make it?” Mr. Katina asked, sounding very worried.

“Dr. Brown is working on him right now. We’ll know soon.” Robin answered. “Why don’t you three go into the waiting room? There’s nothing we can do now but wait.”

When they got back into the waiting room, Lena didn’t care that her dad was in the room or who saw, she needed comfort right now. She sat by Yulia and laid her head on her shoulder while Yulia put an arm around her back and soothingly rubbed circles on it.

No one said a word while they waited for the news. Even though Mr. Katina didn’t say anything, Yulia could tell he was worried. The usually calm, emotionless man had a face of worry and was extremely fidgety, either pacing back and forth or tapping his foot nervously.

About an hour later Dr. Brown entered the room still wearing her scrubs. Lena, Mr. Katina, and Yulia all stood up, hanging on Dr. Brown’s every word.

“Well, you’ll be happy to know that Rebel will be just fine.” Dr. Brown said with a smile.

Lena and Mr. Katina let out a huge sigh of relief. Lena even started to tear a little because she was so relieved and even Mr. Katina had a glossy look to his eyes. Yulia gave Lena a slight squeeze of the hand, which Lena gladly returned. She was so happy that her little guy made it!

“But…” Dr. Brown started to say.

Oh no. There is a but. Yulia thought. Please don’t let this be too bad. For Lena’s sake.

“Because of his age he will take longer to recover so he needs some extra care. He has a few stitches, but they can come out in about a week, so that’s nothing to worry about. He is to have no walks for a week, no intensive exercise, and no chasing after rabbits or other little furry creatures.”

“Mr. Squeaks will be happy to hear that!” Yulia said, evoking a little laugh out of Lena.

“Can I take him home now?” Lena asked eagerly.

“I’m afraid not. I want to monitor him overnight just to make sure the anesthetic doesn’t have any negative affects on him. You can go see him if you want, but just be gentle with him.” Dr. Brown said.

Lena just about ran to the room where Rebel was being held with Mr. Katina and Yulia fast on her heels.

Lena had tears streaming down her face when she saw Rebel. The poor beagle had patches of fur shaved where he had stitches and was just lying motionless in his cage. As soon as Rebel saw Lena though, you could just barely see his tail move up and down. The sight of Rebel’s little tail wagging made Lena’s heart melt.

“Awww Rebel! What’d that mean German shepherd do to you?” Lena said as she gently pet Rebel on his back, away from all the stitches. She lowered her head and gave Rebel a kiss on the tip of his nose. “That’s my boy. I knew you’d make it little guy.”

At that time Mr. Katina walked up to Lena and Rebel, taking in the sight of the 12 year-old injured beagle.

“Who’s a good boy?” Mr. Katina said softly as he pet Rebel. He hesitantly put his arm around Lena’s shoulder, squeezing it a little, the closest he got to a giving hug. Lena looked up at her dad and then back at Rebel, smiling.

Now that is a Kodak moment. Yulia thought as she took in the sight of the trio. She quietly left, leaving them to spend time with the one animal that created such a special bond between them that only they could understand.
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Old 21-02-2004, 08:11   #111
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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woohoo! he's okay now...thanks for the great chapter d2d.
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Old 22-02-2004, 12:37   #112
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Thanks for the new chapter d2d

I'm not going to say that i understand Lena's reaction because, well, i don't...

...and i would have preferred if she had seen a doctor instead of a *vet* but it's her arm.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 23-02-2004, 02:46   #113
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angeljas01---Yep, Rebel's okay. I'd never let *that* bad happen to him.

haku---Think of it this way...Imagine you've grown up with someone throughout your childhood for 12 years...been your best friend, the only one you could ever continuely rely on, the only one that's never betrayed you and has *always* been there when you needed someone most...then to have them savagely attacked in front of your eyes and almost die. *That* is why Lena was so emotional. Rebel is her best-friend and has been since she was just 8 years old...she would be absolutely devestated if something happened to him.

And for Lena seeing a vet instead of a doctor...LOL I *know* it's weird, but Lena wasn't about to leave so she had to get her arm looked at by someone. I would've done the same thing (I know, I know, that sounds weird, but hey, if my dog is in trouble, I'm not about to leave him for anything either).

Hope you can understand Lena a little better now.
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Old 23-02-2004, 02:50   #114
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Chapter 39

Dr. Brown finally made Lena go home after about spending an hour with Rebel, saying that he needed his rest.

Mr. Katina didn’t think Lena should drive so he drove them home, leaving Lena’s jeep at the vet’s office to be picked up later.

When they got home, Mrs. Katina rushed over to Lena, checking her over and taking a close look at her arm.

“Lena, you’ll need to put some ointment on that and you be sure to keep your stitches covered if you’re going to handle Stevo, Mr. Squeaks, or any other animal you get a hold of.” Mrs. Katina said.

“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll keep it covered.” Lena said.

As the girls walked up to Lena’s room, Yulia leaned over and whispered playfully, “Damn right you’ll take care of that arm. If you don’t, then you’ll have to answer to the almighty Volkster.”

Normally Lena would’ve made a sarcastic remark, but she just wasn’t feeling like it.

When they got in Lena’s room, Yulia quietly shut the door and took a seat next to Lena on her bed.

“Rebel’s going to be okay, you know that don’t you?” Yulia said as she put a comforting arm around Lena’s shoulder.

Lena sighed. “I just won’t be able to stop worrying about him until I have him here at home and see him sleeping peacefully in his little bed.”

Both girls were silent for a few minutes, lost in their own thoughts until Lena decided to speak.

“Yulia?” Lena said questionably.

“Yeah? What is it?” Yulia asked.

“Ummm…thank…you…for today. Thanks for…being there…and everything.” Lena said in a soft whisper. She kept her head down the whole time, too nervous and uncomfortable to look Yulia in the eyes. She was not used to sharing her emotions with people and when she did, she always felt very uneasy.

Yulia smiled and gave Lena a hug, making sure not to touch her injured arm. “You’re welcome. I’m just glad I could be there. I definitely wouldn’t want you to go through something like that by yourself.”

Yulia looked at Lena and saw she had the saddest look on her face, completely worried about Rebel. It’s time to put a smile on that pretty face.

“Is Chad scared of anything?” Yulia asked, the wheels in her heard turning.

“What?” Lena said, caught off guard in the sudden change of topic.

“Is he scared of anything? Like is there anything he screams like a little girl over or really freaks out over?” Yulia asked again.

Lena raised her eyebrows, giving Yulia a strange look. “Why?”

“Just because. Well is he?” Yulia continued to push for an answer.

Lena thought for a second and then snapped her fingers. “Worms! Worms freak him out. See when we were little my dad would joke with us that spaghetti was really dead worms. Well one day I got really mad at him because he was teasing me so I put worms in his spaghetti. He put a big fork full in his mouth without looking at his food first, felt them crawling around on his tongue and completely freaked! He thought the worms came back to life and started attacking him from the inside out so he cried because he thought the spaghetti in his stomach would start to somehow eat him.” Lena said, laughing at the memory. “Ever since he’s been so squirmy around worms. He’ll do anything possible to stay away from them.”

“Worms?! *I’m* not even afraid of worms!” Yulia said with a smile, giggling at the image of little Chad crying like a baby over a few worms. “Is there a way we could get a hold of some worms right now?”

“Sure. There’s plenty out in the back yard. Why? What are you up to?” Lena said, a grin forming.

“You’ll see. Let’s go get a couple first.” Yulia said with an evil glint in her eye. Lena is going to love this!


About a half hour later they returned from outside with a bucket full of worms.

“Where’s Chad?” Yulia asked, eager to try out her plan.

“Knowing him he’s probably watching TV.” Lena said.

They walked to the family room and sure enough Chad was sitting on the couch staring at the TV.

“Alright, you stay here and just watch. I’ll take a couple of these.” Yulia said as she reached in the bucket and hid a few worms in her hand.

Yulia silently approached Chad, keeping her hand behind her back the entire time. She startled Chad a little when she sat down next to him on the couch and put her arm on the couch behind his back.

“What brings you here beautiful?” Chad said, leaning back into Yulia’s arm.

“Well I was thinking. Maybe Lena was wrong about you and you really are a nice guy. You know, maybe we could have some fun.” Yulia said seductively.

What is she doing?! Lena thought, hearing every word Yulia was saying.

“That’s what I’m talking about. See? She doesn’t know anything. We could have *lots* of fun while you’re here.” Chad said. I knew it. No one can resist me.

Yulia repressed a laugh as she put a worm on Chad’s head. He was so caught up in staring at Yulia that he didn’t notice.

“Yeah, I could see us having plenty of fun in plenty of places this year.” Yulia continued.

Did I just hear right?! Lena thought. What in the hell is she planning to do??

Chad was now completely engulfed in Yulia, thinking that he was going to score with her. Yulia saw the look on Chad’s face and smiled evilly to herself. She carefully placed another worm on Chad’s ear.

Chad thought he felt something funny moving, but didn’t want to spoil the moment with Yulia so tried to ignore it.

“Kiss me.” Yulia whispered to Chad.

What the hell?! Kiss her?!? No! Has she lost her mind??? Lena thought, wondering what the hell Yulia was doing and definitely not liking whatever she had in mind if it involved kissing her brother.

Chad leaned it, but was stopped by Yulia.

“But first, close your eyes.” Yulia said. When she saw that Chad’s eyes were closed, she let the remaining worms in her hand dangle. “Alright, now, kiss me.”

Chad willingly obliged, and leaned it. He was taken aback by all the squirming and how moist the object he was kissing felt.

“So you’re into tongue? I like that.” He said, still keeping his eyes closed as he continued to smooch. He stuck out his tongue to meet what he thought was Yulia’s. When he wrapped his tongue around what he thought was Yulia’s tongue, something triggered his childhood memory of eating worms. Chad’s eyes shot open, surprised to see that Yulia’s face was nowhere near his. He looked down and saw that she was holding three worms in her hand.

Chad turned as white as a ghost when the realization of what he kissed hit him.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!” Chad screamed as she frantically began to back away from Yulia as far as he could to the other end of the couch. “AHHHH!!!! YOU BITCH!!!!” Chad yelled. He stopped for a second when he felt something move around on his ear. He reached up with his hand to feel what it was when he felt that familiar moist, smooth creature.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Chad shrieked so high it sounded like he had inhaled helium. He jumped backwards, falling off the couch, vigorously clawing at his ear to get the worm off. “GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!!” Chad screamed like a little girl as he crawled backwards on the floor, shaking his head as he continued to claw at his ear and head, feeling more squirming in his hair.

Yulia ran to Lena, grabbing the bucket of worms she had and ran back over to Chad.

“Hey Chad! Sorry, but I just don’t think you’ll do. I prefer if I’m the only thing that can make my partners squirm!” Yulia said as she threw the dirt and the rest of the worms on Chad.

“OH MY GOD!! AHHHH!!! AHHHHH!!!!” Chad screeched in a high-pitched voice that made him sound like he was going through puberty again. He scrambled to his feet and frantically tried to brush all the worms and dirt off of him, promptly falling on his ass, squishing a worm in the process.

“Ahhh!! Worm guts!!! I have worm guts on me!!! MMMOOOMMMYYYY!!!” Chad proceeded to scream like a little school girl as he all but ran out of the room.

Yulia had a triumphant smile on her face as she looked over at Lena, who was doubled over in laughter.

“Oh my gawd!!! I can’t believe you did that!!! That was too funny!!!” Lena said in between her laughter. “If only I got that on tape!”

“He said Mommy!” Yulia said as she laughed.

Lena now had tears running down her face because she was laughing so hard. “Oh my gawd I have to sit down! He screamed like a little girl, a little girl on helium!!! And he said Mommy! Oh my gawd he’s never going to live this down!”

Yulia sat down by Lena on the floor as she continued to giggle. “Boy he really does have a phobia of worms, doesn’t he?”

“Apparently!” Lena said with a snicker.

Once Lena got control of her breathing again after laughing so hard, she looked at Yulia and gave her a big smile.

“Thanks Yulia. I really needed a good laugh.” Lena said sincerely.

“You’re welcome.” Yulia said with a huge grin. Anything to make you smile.
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Old 23-02-2004, 02:57   #115
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He said Mommy. *snickers*

Yulia sure knew how to cheer Lena up.

And awwwwww when Lena thanked Yulia for being there for her. You are quite good at coming up with those "aww" moments.

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Old 24-02-2004, 04:07   #116
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Parrish---Thanks for the reply. Gee, wonder why I learned how to do "awwww" moments?

Chapter 40

Note: I'd like to say thanks to Parrish, Barb, and Xena the Warrior Poodle for the inspiration for the breaking of the milkbones. LOL

Chapter 40

Even though Yulia had managed to cheer Lena up, Lena still had a hard time falling asleep that night.

Oh the heck with it. I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. Lena thought as she tossed and turned for the umpteenth time that night. She looked over at her clock and saw that it read 2:45 a.m. Ooo I bet Steven, Steve Jr., and little Shania are outside right now!

Lena quietly got out of bed and pulled the stool over to the bunk bed, climbing it to get level with Yulia.

“Yuuuuuulliaaaaa. Wake up. Yuuullliiaaaa.” Lena whispered as she poked Yulia in the side.

When the only response Lena got was Yulia mumbling and turning over, she decided to try a different tactic.

Lena lifted the covers at the end of the bed and began to tickle Yulia’s feet with her fingers. Yulia grunted in her sleep, slightly elevated her foot, then kicked Lena in the arm, right in the stitches.

“Owwwww!!!!!!! Damn it!!!!” Lena yelped as she swiftly retracted her arm.

Yulia stirred as she slowly opened her eyes. She was startled to see Lena laying her head on her bed, hearing her muffle some curses.

“Lena? What are you doing? Are you okay?” Yulia asked, still half asleep.

“You kicked me right in my stitches!” Lena said into the mattress, biting down on the bed to try and relieve some pain she was feeling.

“I did what?! How? When? Let me see!” Yulia said, now fully awake. She got off the bed and turned on the lamp.

“Alright now let me see.” Yulia said as she took Lena’s arm under the light so she could take a good look at her stitches. “Let’s go clean this up a little. One question though: how on earth did I kick your arm?!”

“I was trying to get you up, but you just rolled over so I tried tickling your foot and you kicked me.” Lena said as Yulia led her to the bathroom.

Yulia giggled a little. “Oops. Well that’s what you get for disrupting my dreamland.”

“Why’d you want me to get up anyway?” Yulia asked as she put some peroxide on Lena’s wound and put a new wrap on her arm.

“Because I wanted you to come meet Steven, Steve Jr., and little Shania.” Lena answered.

“Who, or rather what, are they?” Yulia questioned.

“You’ll see. They are *so* cute and cuddly! They usually come by around this time of night.” Lena said. “C’mon outside with me. I really want to show them to you. I know you’ll like these little guys.”

“They’re not going to pee on me or throw poop at me, are they?” Yulia asked. She wasn’t enjoying being the target of all these new animals’ antics lately.

“Ummmm, let’s hope not.” Lena said as she giggled.

“Alright, let me get my shoes on.” Yulia said as they walked back to their room.

After Lena had gotten on her shoes, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a small bag of dry dog food.

“Here. Take these milkbones. They love them so when they get near you, break them up and toss the pieces to them.” Lena said as she gave Yulia a couple of milkbones.

“Who exactly are ‘they’ you speak of?” Yulia asked curiously.

“You’ll see. Once we’re out there, stay completely still, okay? I don’t want you to scare them off.” Lena said as they walked outside.

Once Lena was off the porch, she led Yulia over to the bird seeder, causing the motion detector to go off, slightly lighting up that area with the corner rays of a spotlight attached to the house. They sat down Indian style next to each other as Lena made a series of clicking sounds with her tongue, a signal to her little animal friends that she was there and that she had food.

Yulia sat still, a little nervous since she had no idea what was going to appear out of those woods. This is crazy. She could be signaling a bear for all I know. Great, what if it decides it doesn’t like me? What’s it going to do to me? With my luck it’ll probably think I’m a toilet and decide it has to use the bathroom at that moment. Yulia thought as she began to get a little paranoid.

A couple more clicking noises and a few minutes later, she saw three small figures emerge from the woods. They were a little smaller than Rebel and looked like they had masks on their face.

That’s the little fucker that tried to eat my toe!!!!!! Yulia thought as she tightened her grip on Lena’s knee. Three of them!! Oh hell no, they aren’t going to be licking me again any time soon!

Yulia watched as each creature went up to Lena, sniffing her almost as if they were greeting her.

Lena noticed Yulia’s grip on her knee kept getting tighter and tighter. Uh oh. Looks like she remembers it was a raccoon that licked her toe while we were camping. Lena thought as she giggled to herself.

“Yulia, put the little milkbone pieces on the ground in front of you.” Lena whispered.

“Why should I? Their damn cousin or whatever tried to eat my toe!” Yulia hissed.

“Just do it Yulia! Or would you rather me pour this bag of dog food in your lap and have them munch on you *there*?!” Lena hissed back.

Yulia grudgingly tossed the pieces on the ground right by her feet. I swear if that thing so much as sticks its tongue out near my foot I’ll let it know what it feels like to fly.

Steven, the biggest of the creatures, cautiously approached Yulia, the temptation of food appealing to him more than Yulia herself. He grabbed a piece using both his hands and then retreated a little back to Lena, since he was familiar with her and felt safer around her.

“Aren’t they cute? The biggest one there is Steven. The medium sized one is Steve Jr. and the little one you see there is named little Shania.” Lena said proudly.

“You are officially obsessed. And yes, they are cute, but that still doesn’t make up for the fact that one of them tried to make my toe its snack.” Yulia snickered.

Once the two smaller raccoons saw that Steven got their favorite treat from Yulia, both of them approached her, sniffing her, silently asking for their share of the snack.

“You better give them their milkbones or else they’ll go right up to you and take it from you.” Lena said with a smile.

Yulia held out one milkbone in each hand and watched as Steve Jr. and little Shania carefully approached her, taking the milkbone and then scurrying behind Lena.

While the raccoons were munching on their snacks, Lena reached in the bag of dog food and scooped out a handful, handing it to Yulia.

“Here. I know they’ll be wanting some more so I’ll let you give it to them.” Lena said as she placed the handful of dog food in Yulia’s open hands.

Steven, smelling more food, went straight up to Yulia and grabbed some food from her, but this time he stayed right where he was and ate it instead of retreating behind Lena.

Yulia almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a wet nose poke her from behind. Little Shania decided she wanted some more food so she tried to get some by crawling through the space between Yulia’s arm and her body.

Lena looked at the three raccoons interacting with Yulia and had the biggest smile on her face. This was the first time she introduced any human to her wildlife friends so she was thrilled that Yulia was getting along with her animals.

“Lena. I need some more food. I’m almost out.” Yulia whispered. She was actually enjoying being around these little furry cute creatures.

Lena happily gave Yulia some more food. Lena decided to make a little trail with the little round pieces of dog food along Yulia’s legs so that the raccoons could have better access to more of the food.

Steve Jr. happily followed the trail of dog food up Yulia’s leg. When he ate all of them, he saw two little round bulges coming from Yulia’s shirt and must have thought that they were two more pieces of dog food. He crawled in Yulia’s lap and stood upright, leaning his front paws on Yulia’s chest as she began to sniff what he thought was more food.

Yulia immediately noticed this. “Ummm, Lena, I think your little animal friend is getting a little fresh with me here.” Steve Jr. sniffed a little more and must have decided that he needed to test out this new food item.

Lena looked over to see Yulia’s eyes get wider and wider. Oh no. I’ve seen that look before. Lena thought as the smile faded from her face. She looked down just in time to see Steve Jr. open his mouth and promptly chomp down…right on Yulia’s nipple.

Yulia’s scream was muffled by Lena’s hand covering her mouth. Lena knew that if Yulia screamed she’d run the risk of scaring the raccoons, which could either make them run or try and defend themselves so she quickly put her hand over Yulia’s mouth to try and stifle the scream she knew would be coming.

Yulia continued to scream into Lena’s hand as she attempted to flay her hands around. Lena was quick to grab Yulia’s arm and pinned it to her side.

“Yulia listen to me right now! Calm down!! Calm down and be quiet or else he might bite your other boob! Don’t make a move and I will handle things, okay? Just be calm!” Lena said in a hushed voice, not wanting to be too loud and scare the raccoons.

Lena let go of Yulia and gently guided Steve Jr. off Yulia’s lap by throwing some food off to the side.

Lena could see Yulia breathing hard, her chest violently rising and falling as she gave Steve Jr. the stare of death.

That fucking little fucker!! Damn it, where’s Rebel when I want to him to chase something?! I’ll make that little fucker into a hat! Yulia angrily thought. Her thoughts of revenge were interrupted by Lena taking her hand and hoisting her up off the ground.

“Come on. Let’s get you inside to make sure he didn’t break through your skin.” Lena said as she grabbed the bag of dog food.

As soon as they were in the bathroom, Yulia went off.

“What the fuck is wrong with the animals around here?!?! Do the female animals not put out or something because let me tell you, I’ve had enough advances from the males to last me a life time!!” Yulia ranted.

“Shhhhh. You’ll wake up my parents.” Lena said softly, trying to calm Yulia down. “Did he break any skin?” Lena asked, concerned. She really hoped Steve Jr. didn’t break through or else she would have to bring Yulia to the hospital for some shots.

“I don’t fucking know! But he better not have or else I’ll make his ass into a hat and a pair of gloves!” Yulia vented.

“Well look to just make sure. You know he didn’t mean any harm. He thought he saw another piece of dog food. Were you a bit chilly out there?” Lena said, attempting to add some humor to the situation.

“Very funny.” Yulia said. She lifted up her shirt to see if Steve Jr. did break any skin.

Lena’s eyes got as wide as saucers as she saw Yulia lift up her shirt right in front of her. Lena immediately turned her head to the side and looked down at the ground, not believing what Yulia just did. So much for being modest!

“Good. He didn’t break through. I don’t even have a mark. Little fucker better be glad he’s gentle!” Yulia said. When she looked up and saw Lena turn about three shades of red, she let out a chuckle.

“Lena, c’mon. It’s not like I have anything you don’t.” Yulia said.

“Yeah well, still. It’s different.” Lena said bashfully. She was definitely not used to people being so open around her.

Yulia giggled some more at Lena. “You are too cute when you’re embarrassed. You get so red!” Lena turned another shade of red at Yulia’s remarks. “Ha! Look at you! You’re ears and neck are even red!”

“Alright let’s go back to bed. Glad you’re okay.” Lena mumbled as she headed back towards her room. She needed to get out of the bathroom fast as she just kept getting more and more embarrassed with Yulia’s every word.

She is just too cute sometimes! Yulia thought as she made her way back to the room. I wonder what other things make her embarrassed. Only one way to find out!
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 24-02-2004, 06:25   #117
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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oh my god I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face, you are just brilliant d2d! Her nipple?! hah..thanks for the update d2d
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Old 24-02-2004, 08:47   #118
haku haku is offline
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LOL d2d Thanks for the update.

Each time an animal appears i know something bad is gonna happen. I knew i was right to not like them, when they don't try to kill or bite you, they pee, poop, or dribble on you. They are only trouble.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 24-02-2004, 17:25   #119
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
Gimme some sugar!
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this chapter was so funny

good thing noone was home... they always ask what's the matter with me when i read this fic
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Old 27-02-2004, 06:00   #120
Devilish Yulia Devilish Yulia is offline
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im sure lena would love to see wat yulia would have in store for her next
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes, And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies, I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...
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