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Love must be a Fairy Tale

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Old 01-05-2005, 09:49   #101
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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Old 01-05-2005, 09:51   #102
denial denial is offline
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[ oh! I see ... okay... ]

I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 04-05-2005, 07:40   #103
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[and here it is…the last chapter of this story. It’s been a long and something of an amazing journey in my head. I thank anyone now who read this and took their time to review. *kiss kiss kiss* but I must say… I think I really have a thing for Alzheimer.]


Work was… Senile. But what can you expect at a job made for aged and wise people like her? At 82, she was healthy and still glowing with ripe beauty. But sometimes working at a place like that with the people she knew now made her prefer her old job as a detective back the downtown precinct. She missed her lean mean pistol totin’ machine self. But… Coming back every day from work and seeing her partner smiling without worry in her safely kept frames drove her negative thoughts away… Only leaving the warm fuzzy feeling inside. Sometimes, rarely but sometimes, when a particular day was rough an ache could be felt every time she stared at those old pictures of her partner. But… It was diminishing slowly.

Alzheimer was a scary thing to be having at her age. Though it wasn’t unusual, she still resented it. She hated the thought of losing everything she had cared about in her head, and in her mind and in her thoughts. The nasty little buggers started devouring her most recent thoughts, making her forget her phone number, when the bills were due, and even her first daughter’s name.

But she had still insisted to work for one more month. Work brought her joy, and usefully it sometimes made her forget that she had Alzheimer, and there was a possibility that she would forget everything around her.

But her body was degrading bit by bit, and no love could stop that. Not even God’s.

It had… Been a while since that day when Yulia’s body all too suddenly started to reject her new marrows. She remembered the pains her dear brunette went through, the violent fits and the rush of sadness after wards. It pained Lena the worst, witnessing Yulia’s progress until she finally took peace in… Sleep.

She would never forget those eyes. Those eyes which held so many memories and such a unique soul. She would never forget their colour, and she would never forget the incredible woman who hid behind them. Nothing… Even her age and even her disease, could take that away.


“Mom?” Yulia poked her head in the room with a brown paper bag in her left hand. Lena turned her head to the source of the sound and smiled at the girl.

“Hello. I’m afraid I don’t know who you are… I’m not your mother I think you have the wrong person.” The fading red with well matured features kindly responded. But the tall shining red head and bursting with youth ad energy closed her eyes and sighed.

Of course she doesn’t remember, she couldn’t remember since last week, Yulia thought. She clenched on her brown bag and sat down at the table Lena was sitting on and looking out the window at her side. The weather was amazing that day. The birds were singing their songs, and summer was finally dawning at their beautiful country.

Yulia called again. “Lena…?” She hated calling her mother by her name. So impersonal. She may not have been her biological mother, but she damn straight raised her with fine skills of a woman than any other sluts out there. Lena would often tell her when she was being bad, that her name was given by a person so great in her life. So great that she had to be careful not to smear mud of shame on them.

The mature woman looked back at Yulia once more. Her eyes sparkled as if she was meeting the woman before was the first time she’d ever saw her in her life. “Well hello there. Do I know you?” She said in a cracking delicate voice. Yulia grinned and opened the brown bag she had on her lap. Taking out a Styrofoam container, she pushed it towards the aged red head with growing anticipation.

“And what is this?” Lena looked up at Yulia with pleasant surprise adorning her eyes.

“I heard Cheesecakes with strawberries on the side were your favorite dessert?”

“Why yes it is!” Lena exclaimed, opening the container as an excited five year old would. In the container, there was the dessert itself, decorated with immense care and love, with two strawberries on the side. Yulia handed her mother a plastic fork.

“Why don’t you dig in? Call it a gift for being such a beautiful woman.” Yulia said with a wide esthetic smile.

As Yulia watched her mother eat with content lines wrinkling her face, she suddenly had the urge to cry. But she suppressed it, not wanting to alarm her. She had no doubt that all her mother remembered now was little bits and pieces about the love of her life. She often told her about it when she was very young.

The tale of Yulia Volkova’s bravery, Kurt Hagen’s (whom she had called “Uncle”) true friendship with great timing, and the peril of the bad. It was hard to belive, the aged and weak mother of her’s once gone through adventures like that when she was her age. And she had seen many pictures of Yulia Volkova. She couldn’t belive it when she first saw it. Volkova and her mother being together. Maybe it was because they looked so different.

But they loved. Her mother once said that she would never forget that she had loved so truly and so gratefully, and those eyes of Volkova’s which bore into her mind up to this day. That made her smile of pride. And it made her frown of jealousy. She was yet to go through the expedition still ahead to bite her ass with love.

“Dear, that was one helluva cheesecake. Thank you so much for the delightful surprise! You’re welcome at my doors anytime you wish.” Lena commented, brushing off bits of cake crumbs at the corners of her lips.

Yulia smiled once again. Although her mother looked old and tired, although her mother’s way of speech and sound differed from a young one’s shape and form, her personality and thoughts were still vibrant as ever. Behavior wise, as far as she knew her mother was still 25.

‘God... You take good care of her. She’s such a wonderful lady.’


You see, everyday I get the feeling that I’m forgetting something. Maybe because I am. Every morning the same guy who makes the gentle wake up call probably explains where I am and who he is. He did the same thing this morning. He said I was in a home, and that I had a thing called Alzheimer.

I’m not fed up with that. It comes with age, and I’m a pretty old crook if I do say so myself. But I’m afraid.

Afraid of what I might be forgetting. Just this morning I got a call from a person who was supposedly my daughter. Now I don’t remember giving birth to life… But that wasn’t the only thing that’s troubling me you see. When I was talking on the phone, I didn’t remember how to talk. How to form the proper sentence and spit it out.

That’s not all I’m afraid about though. I’m forgetting my past. I’m forgetting who I am. I’m afraid to forget Yulia. I’m afraid to forget Kurt. I’m afraid to forget anything that had happened to me and what have been done about it.

I know I am forgetting. The things I was capable of are now somethings I can’t do. My gifts and talents faded over time and age. And I’ve spoken with countless staffs of the Home, to ask what the hell the round things that hung on the wall of every room. It had a ticking point never ending, and one big finger and one short one. There was numbers from one to twelve on it. I most likely knew what it was before. But now I don’t.

But I will not forget Yulia. I will never forget her. I don’t want to ever forget her. Never.


She was sitting with a smile on her face, facing the window that looked over a field of sunshine and flowers. Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying the warm climate, a rare thing to have now in the winter.

Her fading red hair, but still managing its upright curls, cascaded down to her shoulder length. Her peachy cheeks and ruby lips were as enchanting as they were sixty years ago. Her index finger of her right hand was repeatedly tapping on the arm rest on her rocking wood chair. Wrinkles of age and wisdom lined at the corners of her closed eyes and at the corners of her lips.

She didn’t talk anymore. She didn’t think about much of anything. She slept, ate, and sometimes watched TV in the rec room with the other elders. But she never showed signs of socializing. Maybe she forgot how to do that.

But every morning she woke up, the first thing she saw was a frame of picture sitting on her nightstand. It was a gorgeous woman with an amazing tan with deep blue eyes that seemed to bore through her mind. She had this spiky brown almost black hair, which made her cock her head and smile. She didn’t know who it was in the picture, and when it was taken.

But the picture always made her want to cry. She didn’t know why, but it always brought tears to her eyes, as if something inside her knew that crying was the most logical thing to do in front of the picture. And every time she would cry, she would fall in love with this woman. Now she wasn’t the one to belive in love at first sight. But strangely, she felt that she knew everything she needed to know about the woman.

She would longingly touch pictures frame, tracing the woman’s pictogram face with the tips of her fingers. She would shudder out a sigh, and the tears would continue to baffle her.

It became a routine she wasn’t aware of.

This day was an exception. Lena didn’t wake up this morning you see. She was still sleeping, remembering, and plunging into the very last memory that she had dared to forget. She was so happy in her dreams that she had retrieved something from her past, she didn’t want to leave. So she didn’t. She wanted to remember… Even if it meant that permanent sleep was the only solution.


It was Yulia’s last day that she had smiled upon this lifetime.

She had suggested we take a midnight stroll, and Lena had happily obliged. She wanted to make the last moments of Yulia’s stay the most comfortable moment she could give.

Lena helped her to a wheelchair where Yulia laughed at.

“Lena… I feel like the disabled. Do I *have* to ride on this thing?” Yulia said rubbing her hair flat with her palm in a nervous habit. It wasn’t like her to whine, but this situation was an exception.

“You are disabled though. Now fasten your seat belt I’m going to step on the gas.” Lena said with serious expression on her face. Yulia snorted out a laugh. With a grin breaking on Lena face, she pushed Yulia all around the hospital building until they got to the nearest exit.

“Weeeeeeeeee!” Lena squealed as their faces hit the chilly night air full force. Yulia was also laughing, looking up at Lena with a spark of life in her eyes.

“Lena, are you sure you’re not the one riding on the chair? You sound more excited than I am! ---Whoa!!” Yulia yelped as they skidded on the frozen road. Lena giggled as she slowed her pace down into a careful walk.

As Lena wheeled Yulia around the large hospital complex to a field of grass at the back, they remained quiet. They were collecting their thoughts inside their head to think about what to say to each other.

Lena halted the wheel chair beside a wooden bench, and sat down facing Yulia.

They both looked up at the night sky and sighed.

“Lena…I really do love you.” Yulia whispered into the night air, smiling as she gazed at the winking stars. Lena smirked well naturedly.

“I thought love was only a fairy tale, Volkova?” The red head sheepishly replied, laughs and curiousness dripping from her tone.

They bother looked down from their star gazing, now looking at each other. Yulia seemed to find that equally amusing as her face was fitted with a roguish smile.

“Well then I must be living in a fairy tale. Because I’m so badly in love with you.” Yulia ended her sentence with a choke of a sob. She sighed and smiled at Lena before looking away to hide her tear filling orbs.

“Hey…” Lena coaxed, pulling Yulia into a loving embrace. She could feel her shoulder getting dotted with Yulia’s falling tears. The brunette’s arms slid around the red’s body, pulling her in tightly. She was breathing heavily, her breaths coming in and out ruggedly.

The scratchy crying voice of Yulia’s called out, slightly muffled from Lena’s shoulder. “It’s just… I don’t wanna die, Lena… I want to stay so bad… I…I wish for many things… Many things that I know it won’t come true before I go…”

Lena inhaled deeply, kissing Yulia on her head and everywhere on her scalp. With a shaky voice, Lena whispered against Yulia’s ear, “I love you too. I will always love you. Remember that. I, Elena Katina, love you and only you, Yulia Volkova.”

Lena heard Yulia sniffle and choke out a laugh. Yulia pulled away reluctantly but she had a mischievous smile on her face. “Do you know what I’m most disappointed about though?” The brunette asked with a hint of intrigue laced on to her voice.


“We never had sex.”



Both of the girls were lying comfortably on the hospital bed, holding each other under the white set of covers. Yulia seemed to be concentrating on something, her brows snapped together and her lips pursed. Lena just ran her fingers through Yulia’s hair, not only for Yulia comfort but for her own.

Then Lena heard Yulia whimper. It seemed unintentional, Yulia’s eyes snapping open to show the light of regret.

“Yulia?” Lena nudged Yulia’s face up with her forehead to look at Yulia properly. But her face just broke into a covering snicker as she rubbed her hands up and down on Lena’s side.

“Sorry… it’s just…” Yulia paused for an awkward second before going on. “I can’t seem to keep my eyes open…ha…” Her expression was bitter, and almost haunting with its great amount of sadness.

“Are you tired…?” Lena asked with a trace of strain in the way she said the words. Yulia hadn’t noticed, so she nodded.

“Yeah… Sleep…ha seems really inviting right now… But I want to stay here a bit longer with you.”

Lena smiled and dipped her head down to capture Yulia’s lips in a soft yet sincere and emotional kiss. Yulia whimpered again. A few minutes of staying like that, they pulled apart.

“Yuli… You can go to sleep if you’re tired. Go on.” Lena whispered, giving the brunette another teasing kiss. Yulia moaned in a laughing voice.

“Really…? Can I…?” Yulia sounded like she was almost begging. Begging Lena to let her stay or let her go, Lena wasn’t sure. But letting her go when she was in pain… It seemed like the right thing.

“Of course you can dummy.” Lena replied in a mocking tone, giving Yulia yet another kiss.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning… Right?”

“First thing that’ll be in your face would be me.” Yulia snorted out a small guffaw.

“I love you Lena.”

Lena didn’t answer, but instead she dipped down to give Yulia a last burning and bruising kiss. ‘I love you too…’


Lena never woke up that day. Or the next day. And the day after. She was in sheer bliss. She was finally with Yulia. The good lord had called her up, and she happily went, for she saw Yulia in his embrace. Her Yulia. Her smiling, loving and waiting, Yulia…

Yes heaven…I’m in heaven…

The End.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 04-05-2005, 22:07   #104
denial denial is offline
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[ awwww... dang! Veg!!! Shax did killed Yulia ... but somehow she managed to get away by writing it so well .. urrghh...I don't know what to feel .. but it still a happy ending.. well... thank you very very much Shakrin .. that was one wonderful journey ...I really had great time reading your fanfic .. really... thank you and well done! *salutes* ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 05-05-2005, 23:57   #105
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ sniff... ]

[ dee hold me... but first get me a hanky! ]

[sssh! don't tell anyone, assasins don't cry ]
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:19   #106
denial denial is offline
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[ what? you cry? Veg!! wipe off your tears OR...... grrrrr..... okay.. here hanky for you .. hump.. female assassin.... ..okay okay .. *hugs Veg hug hug hug* .. okay .. dont be sad .. Shax will write more story okay... *hugs again... hug hug hug* ... ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 06-05-2005, 11:36   #107
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ hmpfff! assasins can cry sometimes too! but if someones see's them, they'll be --> terminated ]
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