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Old 12-12-2003, 01:33   #81
denial denial is offline
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Originally posted by coolasfcuk
so... who's your new gf - Ivanova? [/b]
Ivanova ... you know I would ..... if you could..

ohhh video no. 13.. is .. this one actually you can play over and over and its sound like the continous ..

downloading next video.

For Lera
For Natasha
For Ivanova

I read my horoscope last night it said I need to get some rest because it my energy is depleted from too much flirting.
... but I don't flirt ..
I will forget my dreams
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Old 12-12-2003, 02:04   #82
la aurora la aurora is offline
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... but I don't flirt ..
yeah... sure... u SO don't flirt with everyone around!
*cough* the horoscopes are lying at times...
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Old 12-12-2003, 02:15   #83
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally posted by denial
Ivanova ... you know I would ..... if you could..
ja? i know... but thanks for understanding that i couldnt

For Ivanova

I read my horoscope last night it said I need to get some rest because it my energy is depleted from too much flirting.
... but I don't flirt ..
you dont? will have to find out more about Malaysian culture then ... but if i had time to count all the roses you've handed out.. and all the pick up lines you've used... awww... playa
oh... o!
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Old 12-12-2003, 15:26   #84
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Originally posted by coolasfcuk
you dont? will have to find out more about Malaysian culture then [/b]
Ivanova ..please LoL ... you see .. about the Malaysian thing .. I don't want to have to answer to Dr. M .. he's been working really hard to promote this country you know.

BUT if you search for answer .. its just this:
"By my way to the loneliness I tried to meet as many ppl as I could..." ..

but if i had time to count all the roses've handed out..
those I took from Nath's garden .. remember? here another one for you

..and all the pick up lines you've used...
..those are my hormones .. its DNA thing .. it just there ..

awww... playa
..come and play .. I dare .. ....urr.. *looks at Lera* .. no I'm not a playa .. I just looking for someone to talk with ... you know... I guess I must be really really sad ...

Originally posted by sunny poison
try replace the number in any of previous links with:
16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23 - 26, 28-31
and u'll get some.

.. sorry .. if I use copy paste I can't save to hard disk.

Lera, is there any update news? gossips? record selling?

=Vokzal Comic= ..awww... hehehehe
I will forget my dreams
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You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

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Last edited by denial; 12-12-2003 at 15:59.
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Old 12-12-2003, 15:30   #85
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Lera .... urrr... I hate to ask this .. but ... ... for you

Глюк Оzа: Моя мультяшка скоро умрет

Певица, ставшая главным музыкальным открытием этого года, ответила на вопросы читателей

- Это Ольга из Москвы, мне 15 лет. Откуда взялось прозвище Глюк’oza, кто и когда нарисовал двойняшку Глюк’оzы?

- В школе у меня было прозвище Глюк, и мы просто решили продолжить это слово и назвали группу «Глюк'Оzа». А мультфильмы появились полтора года назад. Нарисовал очень хороший художник, его зовут Евдокимов Андрей. Хотя изначально мультяшную Глюк'Оzу с доберманом я рисовала сама, как сейчас помню, было это на каком-то из уроков в школе. Но для клипа, конечно же, пригласили настоящего профессионала.

- А почему ты скрывала свое лицо?

- Не хотелось показываться - страшная. Шучу!

- А как твоя фамилия?

- Ионова. Наташа Ионова.

- Здравствуй, это Мишутина Наташа, я твоя фанатка. Хочу узнать дату твоего рождения, месяц и число.

- Я родилась 7 июня 1986 года.

- В какую школу ты ходила и как училась?

- В самую обычную школу и училась тоже обыкновенно.

- Привет, это из Волгограда. Почему ты захотела скрываться от всех?

- Просто не хотелось показываться, я ведь училась в школе, свободного времени было очень мало. А сейчас окончила и сказала себе: а почему бы и нет?

- Скажи, а учителя в твоей школе знали, что Глюк'оzа - это ты?

- Учителя вряд ли. Они ведь рано спать ложатся и музыкальные передачи по телику не смотрят. А из одноклассников некоторые знали. Но на выпускном все открылось. Учительница в микрофон объявила, что, мол, Наташа Ионова - это и есть Глюк'Оzа. Зря она это сделала. В итоге весь выпускной родители снимали не своих чад, а меня.

- В каком институте ты учишься?

- Я сейчас не учусь. У меня в сентябре начинается большой гастрольный тур. На учебу пока времени нет.

- Наташенька Ионова, не стыдно ли тебе народ обманывать? Какая же ты обыкновенная девчонка из Поволжья? Хватит врать, ведь ты уже снималась в «Ералаше» и в каком-то клипе. Люди с улицы туда не попадают...

- Не стыдно, потому что я не обманываю. В «Ералаш», где я когда-то снималась, действительно попала с улицы. Ко мне подошли люди и пригласили сняться в кино, а потом я еще и кастинг проходила на студии Горького вместе со всеми. В клипе тоже снималась. У Юры Шатунова. И тоже все получилось случайно. Четыре года назад мы с друзьями отдыхали в Красногорске, катались на лыжах. И как раз в это время Юра Шатунов снимал там свой клип. Среди девочек проводили пробы. Я решила испытать счастья, и меня утвердили на роль фанатки. Случайностей в жизни намного больше, чем вы думаете.

- Привет, скажи, правду говорят, что твои родители - богатенькие буратины и это они пристроили свою дочку на «теплое» местечко в шоу-бизнесе?

- Нет. У меня родители - обычные программисты, у которых каждая копейка на счету.

- А как они относятся к тому, что ты стала петь?

- Очень рады. Ведь когда я училась в школе, меня волновала только улица. Им хотелось занять меня хоть чем-то. Поэтому когда в моей жизни появилась музыка - а это случилось очень спонтанно, - они были на седьмом небе от счастья.

- Наташа, вас беспокоит Ксения из Уфы. А почему ваша песня «Вокзал» очень похожа на песню Жанны Агузаровой? И еще говорят, что вы только рот открываете, а поет за вас как раз Жанна.

- Во-первых, на агузаровский стиль больше похоже песня не «Вокзал», а скорее, «Ненавижу». Во-вторых, пою я сама. Я не пародист, а пою так, как могу. Принимайте меня такой, какая я есть.

- А почему вы везде поете только песню «Невеста», а не какие-то другие?

- Берегу остальные песни для сольного концерта.

- Привет, меня зовут Роман, я из Москвы. В прессе ты выдаешь такую версию: Максим Фадеев услышал тебя и вложил в проект «Глюк'Оzа» деньги. Не может такого быть! Я одно время работал директором у певицы, я в курсе, как это делается.

- Нет, я ни гроша не вложила в этот проект. Я раньше тоже думала, что так невозможно.

- Это из Таганрога. Скажи, у тебя есть парень?

- Нет. Пока еще не встретила своего единственного.

- А в газетах пишут, что ты его прячешь.

- В газетах многое пишут. И это не всегда правда.

- Тогда скажи ты сама: говорят, что вместо тебя на самом деле поет жена Макса Фадеева, которая живет в Праге.

- Даже не знаю, как развеять твои подозрения. Могу только пригласить на мой сольный концерт. Приходи, послушаешь.

- Привет, скажи, вот тебя раскручивает Максим Фадеев, это правда, что вы познакомились по Интернету?

- Абсолютно точно! Мой папа вывесил в сети песню «Шуга», Макс ее услышал и тут же позвонил мне.

- Мне что-то не верится...

- Я тоже сначала не поверила. Когда мне позвонил молодой человек и представился Максом Фадеевым, я думала, кто-то прикалывается. А потом, когда поняла, что это действительно он, просто обалдела.

- Ты почувствовала все прелести звездной жизни?

- Конечно, приятно, вот сейчас вы звоните.

- Наташа, это тебя беспокоит Аня из Москвы. Я знаю, что у тебя собака - доберман. А сколько раз ты с ней гуляешь?

- Я с ним гуляю три раза в день. Но когда совсем нет времени, то два. Еще гуляют родители.

- А кошек любишь?

- Я вообще всех животных люблю. Мне просто родители не разрешают кого-нибудь еще завести. А то я бы с удовольствием завела карликовых кроликов. Я их очень люблю, они маленькие и хорошие.

- А ваш доберман не кусается?

- Он у меня добрый. Зовут его Дюк. Ему 2 года. Скоро будет большой концерт, «Стопудовый хит» называется, так я собираюсь выйти на сцену вместе с ним.

29 Августа 2003 г.
I will forget my dreams
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You traded in your wings
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Old 13-12-2003, 05:00   #86
la aurora la aurora is offline
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uff D... here's the first half of the interview

Glukoza: my cartoon girl will die soon.

The singer who became the best newcomer of this year answered the questions of Komsomolka's readers.

I'm Olga from Moscow. 15 years old. So where did ur name Glukoza came from and who drew the cartoon girl and when it happened?

In shcool I had this nickname - Gluk [SP- short way to say hallucination]. So we just decided to continue the word and came to Gluk'OZA idea. the cartoon appeared 1.5 years ago. it was drawn by a very good artist Evdokimov Andrey. And although originally that corrtoon gorl with doberman was something I drew at some shcool lesson, we invided professional artist to do the video.

Why were u hiding ur face?

Didn't want to be seen - I'm ugly. Kidding

What's ur surname?

Ionova. Natasha Ionova. [SP... whuh... I'm confused. Last I time I heard she was Ivanove. ah, whatever!]

Hi! I'm Mishutina Natasha and I'm ur fan. I want to know ur birthdate.

I was born on the 7th June 1986.

What school were u going to and were u a good student?

It was usual school and I was a usual student.

Hi! I'm from Volgograd. Why did u want to hide from everyone?

I didn't want to be seen. Don't forget, I was at school... and had no free time. Now when school is over I said to myself: why not?

Tell us, and teacher at ur school knew that Gluk'OZA was YOU?

I don't think so. They go to bed early and don'r watch all these misic programes. Some classmates knew tho. It all came out at the 'good bye school' party. Some teacher took a mic and said Natasha Ionova was Glu'KOZA. She better wouldn't. from that moment parents were filming not their kids but me.

What uni do u attend?

I don't attend any. The huge concert tour begins in September. I just don't have any time to study now.

Natasha Ionova, aren't u feel ashamed of cheating ppl? Are u realy and ordinary girl from Povolzhye? Stop lying! U were in Yeralash and some music video... Ppl 'from the street' aren't that lucky usually.

I don't feel ashamed as I'm not lying. I got to Eralash derectly 'from the street'. Some ppl came to me on the street and invited to act in a movie. And then I had to come through casting with other kids. And yes, I acted in video by Yury Shatunov. And it also was a pure luck. 4 years ago we were skiing with friends in Krasnogorsk and Yura was shooting his vid there. They invided girls to the casting. I tried my luck and got the role of the fan. There are much more accidents in this life than U think.

Hi! tell if it's true that ur parents are rich and just bought u this music career?

Not. My parents are ordinary programmists who has to count every kopeyka [russian money: 1 rub=100 kop]

And how they reacted at ur beginning to sing?

They are very glad. When I was in school, I was interested only in the 'street'. They wanted to occupy me with anything. That's why music appeared in my life - what happened really suddenly - they were on the 7th cloud from happiness.
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Old 13-12-2003, 05:29   #87
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thank you Lera, I knew it there's something different about her.. otherwise I wont be this interested. I got more interviews here.. it just I haven't post .. I'm thinking about English website for Gluk-oza. you and me ..what you think? ..yes I know more work .. LoL..

Its very interesting that no one knows that she is Glukoza when she's at school...

Why were u hiding ur face?

Didn't want to be seen - I'm ugly. Kidding
awww .. she isnt that bad .... she's not like Yulia or Lena .. but she's cute ..

oh I'm still downloading the video .. its until number 19 now .. as I can see . they cut them from one big video to make them smaller size .. downloading 1.9 MB is already took some hours.. but as at video 18 .. seems she taking off the cloth one by one ... now I wonder what's next ..

For you
very very interesting interview . thank you again Lera .. thank you thank you thank you .. *bows*
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Old 13-12-2003, 05:34   #88
la aurora la aurora is offline
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uff... D... I'll make the second part tomorrow, k? Have to time today, U know... *sigh*

As for web-site... sounds fun. Can be an interesting experience

I saw some other interviews, I'll add them up later...

as for vids. yep, they were shot at one concert and cut to make files' size smaller. Their server seems to be too slow.

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Old 13-12-2003, 19:23   #89
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Originally posted by sunny poison
As for web-site... sounds fun. Can be an interesting experience

*takes roses*.. thank you Lera ... I think we should take this into private from here . I did the structure.

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Old 14-12-2003, 03:44   #90
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Second half:

Natasha, it's Ksenia from Ufa. Why ur song Vokzal remind the song of Zhanna Aguzarova so much? And some say u are just opening ur mouth and Zhanna sings for U.

First of all it's not Vokzal that reminds Aguzarova's style a bit. It's Nenavizhu may be. Second - I sing myself. I'm not a kind of parody-maker. I sing as I can. So take me the way I am.

And why are u singing Nevesta everywhere, and not any other song?

I save the rest of the songs for my solo concert.

Hi! My name is Roman and I'm from Moscow. U are telling this version to the press: Max Fadeev heard u and gave his money for the project. I can't believe this! I was working as a manager for one singer. I know how it usually is.

I didn't give any money for this project. I also thought it was impossible before.

I'm from Taganrog. Tell me, do u have boyfriend?

Not. I haven't met my 'only one' still.

Papers write that u hide him.

Papers write many things. And not all of that is true.

Then tell it urself: some ppl say it's Fadeev's wife from Praha who sings for u.

I don't know how to convince u even... Can only invite u to my concert. Come and hear urself.

Hi! U are promoted by Max Fadeev. Is it true that u've met by Internet?

Yes, exactly! My father uploaded the song Shuga. Max heard it and called me immideately.

It's hard to believe...

I didn't believe myself first... when some guy called my and said he was Max Fadeev I thought it was a joke. But when I understood it wasn't I was shocked.

Have u tried all advantages of star-life already?

Sure it's fun. U are calling for example.

Natasha. It's Anya from Moscow. I know U have a dog. Doberman. How often U do u walk him?

3 times a day. When have no time - 2. Parents do it as well.

And do u like cats?

I love all animals actually. My parents just don't allow me to have anyone else. I'd have dwarf-rabbits. I love them. They are so small and cute.

Does ur doberman bite?

My dog is kind. His name is Duk. he's 2 years old. There'll be a huge concert soon, Stopudoviy Hit. I'm gonna take him with me to the stage.

Olga Saprikina
29th August. 2003.
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Old 14-12-2003, 05:34   #91
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Thank you Lera .. I really appreciate you did the translations. So you so kind .. ::tears:: ..
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Old 14-02-2004, 22:32   #92
Ann t..A.T.u. Ann t..A.T.u. is offline
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Re: russian videos

Originally posted by sunny poison
Well... I was downloading some vids for my PDA and thought may be it was interesting for anyone to see what russian music is like. Here are some links for the vids. Vids are mp3's size (about 6 Mb), so a picture is rather small (192х144) but it's enough to see what's going on there. I'll be adding some links for vids, mp3s, sites and pics of russian artists from time to time, so check this thread if U are interested. These vids aren't my favorites. Just ones I found.

Smash - Freeway The one directed by Elena Keeper
Dima Bilan - Ya popal Some call him russian Craig David. I wouldn't say so. But he signed his contract with GALA Records not so long ago. Guess, he'll try to breakthrough internationally.
VIA GRA - Ubey moyu podrugu (Kill my girlfriend). I like them. Everybody does. This is not their hottest video but the funniest one. Don't take it seriously. It's just a parody on our old-fasioned song-festival Pesnya Goda.
Diskoteka Avariya - Nebo Most popular song in Russia this year
2 products of our Star Factory:
Fabrika - Pro lyubov
Mihail Grebenschikov - Bulki (Sometimes I think this guy is insaine)

Best Russian Act at EMA this year. Gluk'OZA - Nevesta. The girl is even younger than Y&L but already mega-popular in Russia. I like her slow songs Vokzal and Sneg...

And this one most of u already have: TATU - How soon is now?
there's a small signatire for this vid: strongly requested one. And they won anyway (i don't know if it goes for eurovision or EMA)

Have fun...
i wanted to see the smash vid but the site says its been removed so if any1 knows where i can see it it'd be much appricated also Smash!!- talk to me video
m.a.y.b.e. member

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Old 14-02-2004, 23:39   #93
teeny teeny is offline
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this one has the freeway video too.
Still lousy quality though..
<- would like a better version of the vid

edit: oh might add:
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the voice inside my head
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Old 15-02-2004, 07:13   #94
XSpex XSpex is offline
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This site has the videos directed by Lena Kiper

It includes nich'ya, smash!!, lakmus, 2va samoleta, shamil' and torba-na-kruche, especially I liked this last one
pain and suffering in various tempos
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Old 15-02-2004, 14:03   #95
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thank you XSpex
currently downloading freeway in a decent version as far as I can tell from the size of the file.. *starts to wish for a faster connection*
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Old 16-02-2004, 01:26   #96
Ann t..A.T.u. Ann t..A.T.u. is offline
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yeah cool thanks. downloading now. still looking for 'Talk to me'
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Old 16-02-2004, 03:49   #97
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XSpex, thank you .. *downloading*
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Old 17-03-2004, 22:12   #98
la aurora la aurora is offline
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Huh... haven't beeb here for a while... here's a couple of othe links to russian vids:

This is Alsou. Our most successful Eurovision entry. Yeah... 2nd place... a bit better than TATU. First is a video for the song from her english album that many ppl hate, saying Universal changed that touching and innocent girl with a specific voice and made her sing some ordinary r&b crap. Second is one of her old russian videos. It's in Russian and damn, girl looks quite funny there... but i like the song. Sound nostalgic to me.
Alsou 'He loves me'
Alsou 'Vesna' (Spring)

These are a some of Zemfira's videos.
Zemfira 'Traffic'
Zemfira 'Hoсhesh?' (Do u want?)
Zemfira 'PMML' (Forgive me my love)

This is another project that did quite well in UK charts. It topped dance or Internet charts there a couple of years ago. I'm not sure now. And Pimenov - the leader op PPK, is one of potential TATU producers or at least rumors say so.

PPK 'Voskresheniye' (Resurrection)

Here's some vids from Russian Fabrika Zvyozd (something like Pop Idol and stuff). Just to see how russian version looks like.
Here's the duo of may be 2 most talented guys in FZ-3: Sasha Kireev and Yulia Mikhalchik:
Kireev&Mihalchik 'Vremya' (Time)
Here's our this year eurovision entry Yulia Savitcheva singing a duo with Yulia Mihalchik again The song topped russian charts for a while not so long ago.
Savicheva&Mihalchik 'Vysoko' (High)
Yulia Mihalchik in duo with Yulia Nachalova (one of the most vocally gifted young singers of Russia... she's 22-23 now i think... and at 14 she already won loads of contests including some that took place in USA). The song is an old one... from 98 i think.
Mihalchik&Nachalova 'Geroy ne moego romana' (The not the hero of MY novel)

And yeah... I'm aware of how many Yulia's I managed to put in one thread. I'm confused myself. I thout the name wasn't that common here. But I choose some singers (not intentionally, I swear) and they all seem to be Yulias and what is even worse - they are all blond!! Duh... well... but to be frank, all Yulia's I've ever seen were blond. Strange huh...

Mihalchik's song with another contestant Ruslan Kurik and our crazy rock band 'Nogu Svelo' (Loove them... so weird ) The song is called 'Ramambaharamamburum' and don't ask me what it means. I relly have no clue. But it's a total craziness.
Mihalchik&Kurik&NoguSvelo 'Ramambaharamamburum'

2 solo songs by Mihalchik. I personally like them. First one is opear-like turning to rock in the end. And second is acoustic gutar thing.
Mihalchik 'La Mia Anima'
Mihalchik 'Piter' (nickname for St.-Petersburg)

Uff... ok... guess it's enough for today But if u don't agree, u can walk around sites I took the stuff from to find more: - videos and songs for free downloading - fan site of Mihalchik that has many songs and videos from FZ.

Last edited by la aurora; 17-03-2004 at 22:52.
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Old 30-03-2004, 16:55   #99
denial denial is offline
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Originally posted by sunny poison
Huh... haven't beeb here for a while... here's a couple of othe links to russian vids:

Hi again Sunny girl

This is Alsou. Our most successful Eurovision entry. Yeah... 2nd place... a bit better than TATU. First is a video for the song from her english album that many ppl hate, saying Universal changed that touching and innocent girl with a specific voice and made her sing some ordinary r&b crap. Second is one of her old russian videos. It's in Russian and damn, girl looks quite funny there... but i like the song. Sound nostalgic to me.
Alsou 'He loves me'
she looked soooo american here .. and I thought she's latin at first .. worst I thought it was a wrong video . .. I saw lots russian videos at mtv ru .. she looks so different with this image .. was is a success in Russia? .. but the song is quite nice too .. when did they change her to R&B image? Did they tried to bring her to US ?

aww.. cute video story .. that boy is gorgeous! that bag too ... spring is beautiful.... and Russian nuns are cute ..

Very interesting woman .. now I see her .. well I downloaded her songs from new album before .. I still listen to them once a while .. that song WebGirl .. I still remember .. but I've seen none of her video clips before.. almost like Lena Kiper style I think .. well my idea before was she's a lot like Melissa Etheridge .. but now I think not .. well maybe a little .. why do all this type of women are in Russia!! *is going to write a complain letter to God* ..anyway ..I like all the videos ..Traffic .. is .. *ahem* .. howwwt.. ..Hochesh is well since I dont know what the song is all about .. and just watching the video and listen to the song .. I could create my own meaning here . ..heh heh ....but personally ... I like Prostie Menya Moya Lyubov (PMML) video very much .. I like the alien part ..when she was chased .. then she felt on the beach and looked back .. ummmm .. but I don't understand the story .. LoL .. must be symbolic things .. you know .. Russian..

This is another project that did quite well in UK charts. It topped dance or Internet charts there a couple of years ago. I'm not sure now. And Pimenov - the leader op PPK, is one of potential TATU producers or at least rumors say so.

PPK 'Voskresheniye' (Resurrection)
I downloaded it.. 50MB .. I watched one time .. I said okay ..and I watched again .. okay .. its just random images about Russian rocket launch .. and moving to star wars .. and back to the begining of star wars ...which started with first rocket launch ... I guess .. but no pretty girls .. can't be tatu .. if this going to be TATU type of video clip.. ne znayu ..

Here's some vids from Russian Fabrika Zvyozd (something like Pop Idol and stuff). Just to see how russian version looks like.
Here's the duo of may be 2 most talented guys in FZ-3: Sasha Kireev and Yulia Mikhalchik:
Kireev&Mihalchik 'Vremya' (Time)
OH WOW!! that girl!! that girl!!

Here's our this year eurovision entry Yulia Savitcheva singing a duo with Yulia Mihalchik again The song topped russian charts for a while not so long ago.
Savicheva&Mihalchik 'Vysoko' (High) of my favorite song .. and now I see the performance ...and I like it even more than I like it before.. as I would always say .. the best in the world!! ..both Yulia are very pretty ..and very good voice .. but I'm not to judge them by their blondness I wish Yulia Savicheva a big success in ESC 2004 .. good luck girl! .. looks like this year I will support Russia too ..

Yulia Mihalchik in duo with Yulia Nachalova (one of the most vocally gifted young singers of Russia... she's 22-23 now i think... and at 14 she already won loads of contests including some that took place in USA). The song is an old one... from 98 i think.
Mihalchik&Nachalova 'Geroy ne moego romana' (The not the hero of MY novel)
Yulia Nachalova is a very very gorgeous woman.. and very very nice voice .. hardly get my eyes off her .. but this Yulia Mihalchick... she just so cute and that crazy ... I just have to look at her .. LoL.. do you look like that? LoL LoL ..

And yeah... I'm aware of how many Yulia's I managed to put in one thread. I'm confused myself. I thout the name wasn't that common here. But I choose some singers (not intentionally, I swear) and they all seem to be Yulias and what is even worse - they are all blond!! Duh... well... but to be frank, all Yulia's I've ever seen were blond. Strange huh...
good now you know .. I wasn't purposely to like blond..

Mihalchik's song with another contestant Ruslan Kurik and our crazy rock band 'Nogu Svelo' (Loove them... so weird ) The song is called 'Ramambaharamamburum' and don't ask me what it means. I relly have no clue. But it's a total craziness.
Mihalchik&Kurik&NoguSvelo 'Ramambaharamamburum'
AHAHAHAHA!! ... well ..I already cried at the beginning of the song .. wipes of tears...

2 solo songs by Mihalchik. I personally like them. First one is opear-like turning to rock in the end. And second is acoustic gutar thing.
Mihalchik 'La Mia Anima'
LoL... she's soooo unexplainable! *jaw drops to the floor* ..

I like this girl very much .. I really-really do .. I think she is crazy .. and I just fall in love with this Piter .. zachem .. zachem .. paneshanuyaswa .. eekk . LoL .. Oh I like I like I like this girl very much .. !!! ..if anyone watched these performances and still not liking her .. than I'm sorry for them.. . I hope she's gay!! .. and I am now officially Yulia Mihalchick loyal and trustworthy fan .. and I LIKE HER MORE THAN YOU DO!

Uff... ok... guess it's enough for today But if u don't agree, u can walk around sites I took the stuff from to find more: - videos and songs for free downloading - fan site of Mihalchik that has many songs and videos from FZ.
Thank you very very much .. that was very entertaining .. hope to hear more Russian entertainment news from you ..

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Old 31-03-2004, 04:48   #100
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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I love the song Vysoko! I can't get enough of it, had to download the recorded version by her... but where is the original version?

Also, Mihalchik is an amazing talent, her vocal abilities in La Mia Anima blew me away... so fast! and those smooth vocalizations.... mwa!

As for ESC, Savicheva's Song at ESC, Believe Me, well... it's not nearly as good as Vysoko, she should preform Vysoko... REALLY.... she could win with that.... but not this Believe Me song... nope, nope... doesn't really fit her either, that song, Vysoko does...

I'll be in Europe during Eurovision... i'm overly excited about it!
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