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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 23-10-2003, 01:16   #81
iluvjulia84 iluvjulia84 is offline
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Nooooooooo! That was so wrong of u to leave it there lol.
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Old 23-10-2003, 05:47   #82
amikana amikana is offline
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ARGH!!!! damn the suspense!!!
you're killing me vicky!!

(and i'm loving it)

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Old 23-10-2003, 08:27   #83
prostrel prostrel is offline
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VERY GOOD Vicky7, very good cliffhanger! Curiosity killed the cat I`m suffering here a big time hoping that you really soon update more!
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Old 24-10-2003, 01:51   #84
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Good stuff Vicky!

Way to keep us on the edges of our seats!

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Old 24-10-2003, 21:35   #85
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 14 (part 2)

Lena didn’t know what to do. She had slapped Yulia hard and now wanted nothing more in the world than to be able to take it back but of course there was no way. She knew why she had lashed out at Yulia, it was not because she had been bad-mouthing Roman it was because she had mentioned Lena’s sex life. Yulia had hit a raw nerve, which had enviably led to her snapping like she had done. To think Yulia thought that Lena and Roman had good sex. Lena had climaxed once with that only occurring because she had fantasised about Yulia.

Lena was disgusted with herself, Yulia’s face had looked so sore and she had looked beyond shock. Lena knew she was totally out of order from the second her hand had connected with Yulia’s cheek and she desperately wanted to apologise. She couldn’t take back what she had done but she would do anything she could to make up for it.

After much deliberation Lena decided to be brave and go to see Yulia in her room. There was a good chance Yulia would be angry now, not want to see her and perhaps even want to hit back at Lena but she was prepared to take the risk, she had to let Yulia know how sorry she was.

Lena chose not to knock as it would have been too easy for Yulia to turn her away and as she stood there outside the bedroom door she could hear Yulia crying softly and she felt like a total bitch. Every other time she had heard Yulia crying she had gone to her to try to solve the problem for her but the big difference now was that Lena was the problem.

As Lena quietly pushed the door back she could see Yulia lying face down on her bed with her head under the pillows. As she stepped closer she could see that Yulia’s neck and ears were flushed pink like they always did when she was upset or embarrassed and her breathing was ragged through the non stop sobbing she had been doing.

Lena felt thoroughly ashamed of herself for about the hundredth time that minute for reducing her friend to a weeping wreck and she didn’t quite know what to do. Yulia hadn’t even noticed her enter the room so Lena eventually opted to sit at the side of Yulia and lightly patted her back.

“Hey” she whispered. Yulia moved slightly pushing the pillow off her head and turning on her side to face Lena, she didn’t say a word; she just looked surprised to see Lena. “Yul, before you say anything just let me tell you how sorry I am. I don’t know what happened, I just lost it, I’m so sorry.” Yulia studied Lena’s face, it was tear stained like her own, her eyes narrowed pleading anxiously with Yulia for forgiveness.

Yulia stared intensely at Lena watching her closely before finding her voice. “Lena, it’s ok. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said what I did, it was wrong of me. I was down right evil so I don’t blame you for hitting me, I just hope you can forgive me”

Lena looked into Yulia’s big hopeful eyes. Bless her she thought, she was blaming herself. Lena reached out and ruffled Yulia’s spiky hair. “Hey, there’s nothing to forgive as far as I am concerned, I just feel really sh**ty about hurting you. Is your face sore?” she asked tentatively.

“No not really” Yulia lied, she didn’t want Lena to feel bad even though her face was still really aching.

Lena reached out and delicately fingered her cheek at which point Yulia flinched away slightly. “Hey there’s no need to be scared of me” Lena frowned hating the fact that Yulia had pulled away from her touch.

“No, I’m not, it’s just a little tender that’s all” Yulia finally admitted honestly.

“So it is hurting?” Lena once again anxiously looked into Yulia’s eyes.

“” Yulia stumbled.

“Yulia” Lena said, demanding an honest answer through the intonation of her voice.

“A little” Yulia at last conceded.

“Wait here and I’ll just get some cream.”

“No it’s ok honestly.”

“I’ll only be a minute” True to her word Lena soon reappeared with a large pot of cream in hand. “This will soothe it” Lena said pointing to the cream. She meticulously put some of it onto the tips of her fingers started to rub it into Yulia’s cheek using slow circular motions that Yulia found so incredibly relaxing that she could have closed her eyes and fallen to sleep.

A few short minutes later and Lena finished. “Does that feel any better?” she enquired still looking concerned.

“Yeah, much” Yulia smiled sweetly happy in the knowledge that everything was going to go back to normal.

“Can I have a hug then?” Lena asked hopefully.

“Of course you can come here” Yulia was delighted now she had her Lena back, even if it was just as her friend.

Lena lay down next to Yulia on the bed and wrapped her arms around Yulia’s tiny waist. Yulia in contrast wrapped her own arms around Lena’s neck nestling her face in Lena’s soft curls utterly relieved they had made up. Lena eventually drew back a little looking deeply into Yulia’s eyes. “You know you’re my best friend don’t you Yul?”

“Am I?” Yulia questioned, once more wide eyed.

“Yes, of course you are, you mean so much to me, I love you” Lena said kissing Yulia on the forehead.

“You’re my best friend too Lena, I… I don’t know what I’d do without you” Yulia couldn’t bring herself to use the L word, she did love Lena but not in a way that Lena would care to know about she was sure.
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Old 24-10-2003, 21:55   #86
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Oooo... They are quite close to each other now...
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Old 24-10-2003, 23:20   #87
warx warx is offline
think again....
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hmmm...too that a good thing...hehehe
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Old 25-10-2003, 06:25   #88
haku haku is offline
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Awww, come on Yulia, do something, a little peck on the lips! She won't pull back, she's feeling sorry for beating you.

(I know i shouldn't talk directly to Y&L in my posts but i do that sometimes, i can't help it... )
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 25-10-2003 at 06:34.
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Old 25-10-2003, 23:13   #89
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 15 - Tanya

Lena looked at her watch and felt slightly nervous, her old friend Tanya from University was due to arrive in ten minutes. Lena hadn’t seen her for two years before they had bumped into each other a few days ago in the local supermarket of all places. Tanya had recently moved to Moscow from St Petersburg and had been transferred to a practice just a few blocks away from Lena’s.

In order to catch up with one another Lena had invited Tanya round to the apartment for a few drinks because she was sick of cooking dinner for her guests all the time. She figured they could always get a take away if they got hungry later. Also for as long as she had known Tanya she had always preferred to cut to the chase and hit the bottle at the first opportunity, food was a poor second for her.

Yulia wasn’t home for another hour or so as she was working late so Lena and Tanya would have plenty of time to gossip before she got home. Not that Lena didn’t want Yulia to meet Tanya because she did but she just didn’t want Yulia to feel left out as they would obviously be reminiscing about their time at Uni together and talking about their old classmates. She was pretty certain they would get along as they were both lively, outspoken individuals who could hold their drink unlike Lena.

The doorbell rang and Lena opened the door to see a smiling Tanya with a large bottle of vodka in hand. “Hiya! Thought I’d bring supplies!”

“Oh god, you trying to get me drunk?” Lena smiled back already glad to see Tanya, she hadn’t changed. Tanya was as pretty as ever, about three inches taller than Lena, curvy and attractive with sparkling green eyes and an infectious smile.

“Well, let’s face it, it doesn’t take much does it? Tanya retorted smirking at Lena

“You cheeky monkey!” Lena chided, it was a running joke about her inability to drink. It only took a couple of drinks and she would be wasted.

They chatted for ages about work and what they had been up to since University until Tanya noticed some of Yulia’s things hanging about the apartment. “So, Lena, who’s this girl you’re living with? I take it they’re not yours, not really your style” Tanya stated pointing to the small yellow trainers in the corner of the room.

“Oh they are Yulia’s, we met a while back, became friends, she needed a place to stay for a while and she’s never left because basically we get on so well. I thought I’d love living alone after being at home but it’s much nicer to have someone to come home to. Yulia’s such good company and a fabulous cook!” Lena gushed.

“I wish I had someone to come home to. I really miss Nina at times. She was so amazing in bed! Tanya looked wistful for a second before perking up. “ But then again she was an absolute bitch! Actually come to think about it I’m glad I’m alone!”

“So there’s no one on the scene then?”

“No, but you know me Lena, I’m open to offers” she said, raising an eyebrow flirtatiously.

“Hey, I’m taken remember!” Lena laughed; Tanya always had a smart comment.

“Damn, I forgot!” she scolded herself playfully. “So Mr Wonderful then, Roman right?”

“Yeah, Roman Popov, he’s great but he works away a lot”

“Still you get to shag him then send him off on his travels. It’s much better when you barely have to see them Lena” Tanya said glibly.

“Ahh, no, I miss him y’know” Lena said softly, smiling sadly.

Bang! The front door crashed shut - Yulia was home. The Volkova whirlwind had landed and it didn’t sound like she’d had a good day.

Yulia bobbed her head around the door. “Hi” she said with a forced smile on her face. Yes, she’s had a shit day Lena thought, she could read Yulia so well.

“Yulia, this is Tanya, Tanya this is Yulia” They both exchanged pleasantries and Yulia excused herself to go and change. When Yulia had left the room Tanya nudged Lena.

“Hey, why didn’t you tell me your roomie was gorgeous?” Tanya was obviously intrigued about Yulia.

“Yes, she is gorgeous but she’s not really your type is she?” Lena said trying to put off Tanya. When Tanya pursued a woman she was pretty good at getting what she wanted, not that Lena thought Yulia would be interested of course.

“Well, if she’s gay, I’m game! She’s a goer for sure!” Tanya said excitedly clapping her hands together.

“I don’t think so Tanya” Why did Tanya think Yulia was gay? She was going to be very disappointed when she found out she wasn’t.

“Why is she seeing someone? ”

“No, but…” Lena was going to tell her Yulia wasn’t gay but Tanya interrupted.

“Well, that’s settled then, Tanya and Yulia sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g” Tanya sang loudly.

“Shut up! She might hear you” Lena interjected trying to hush her up. “Anyway, what makes you think she’s gay?”

“Honey, my gaydar is legendary, she’s soo gay, trust me” Tanya drawled, normally Lena would find it funny but not when is concerned Yulia, she felt very protective of her little friend.

As if on cue Yulia momentarily came back into the room, dressed in a white vest and black men’s boxers, her hair wet from the shower and slicked down. “So, where’s the vodka?” she grinned at Lena, evidently in an altogether better mood. Lena looked from Yulia to Tanya who had lust in her eyes.

“It’s in the kitchen Yul and there’s some dinner in the fridge if you want it” Lena thought it was a bad idea for Yulia to start drinking on an empty stomach especially when Tanya was around to pounce on her when she least expected it.

“Cool, thanks, be right back”

“Told ya, she’s g-a-y. She’s such a little boy! I love andro girls they’re the best lays, top of the range sushi!” Tanya said crudely.

“Euch, that’s disgusting. I’ll never look at sushi the same way again.” Lena said wrinkling her nose. “And what you saying about Yulia being an android girl? What’s that supposed to mean, is it some funny gay talk?”

“Oh nooo, Katina, not android, androgynous! Wanna go look it up in the dictionary?” Tanya teased. Lena shook her head Tanya was such a case. She just hoped she wouldn’t p**s Yulia off too much.
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Old 26-10-2003, 00:25   #90
samegirl samegirl is offline
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This is so unexpected! teh last thing i imagined was some girl liking yulia! I mean...competition? What's going to happen now?
mmmm i don't like this tanya chick!

Haku you have to talk to lena!!! I mean, you are the only person i know by now who speaks to them in the forum...So..give her some advice!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 26-10-2003, 02:20   #91
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
keep 'em guessing
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Old 26-10-2003, 02:28   #92
haku haku is offline
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Haku you have to talk to lena!!!
Ha ha, unfortunately she never listens to me!

Looks like soon it's Lena who's going to hear moans coming from the next room.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 26-10-2003, 02:47   #93
samegirl samegirl is offline
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Originally posted by haku

Looks like soon it's Lena who's going to hear moans coming from the next room.
Don't like that...
but who knows? this is going to be interesting! cheers to vicky7!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 26-10-2003, 14:04   #94
prostrel prostrel is offline
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A bottle of vodka and competition, sounds always good to me
But competition of what? Lena already has won the first prize: Julia`s heart. But Lena don`t know it yet,and she doesn`t know yet that she wants that heard... so yeah, maybe there will be a competition. Hoping, hoping.... And maybe this competition will open Lena`s eyes.

Awesome work vicky7!!!!
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Old 26-10-2003, 16:09   #95
samegirl samegirl is offline
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this is going to be painful fun, But you know maybe because julia doesn't know about lena's feeling she'll like tanya...This whole move on thing, go on with your life bla bla bla...
O maybe this tanya girl becomes in something like a stalker and julia will be sick of her or something like that...It would be interesting...
I want to see what happens next!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 26-10-2003, 18:34   #96
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 15 part 2

Before long the girls had all drained their vodkas “Hey, are you guys ready for a top up?” Lena asked already slurring her words slightly. Tanya and Yulia nodded, downing the last of their drinks and holding out their glasses to Lena.

“I won’t be long, I’m gonna go to the bathroom first”

“Ok go nuts but no being sick though.” Tanya chided waving her finger at Lena with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“No I won’t be sick, I’m fine!” Lena got to her feet unsteadily, struggling to carry the three empty glasses.

As soon as Lena had left the room Tanya turned to Yulia. “Bet she’ll be sick later she can’t handle her drink.”

“I’ve noticed! Bless her, one more and she’ll be ready for bed!” Yulia chuckled remembering the last time Lena had got drunk.

“You known Lena long?” Tanya asked raking a hand through her long blonde hair.

“Er, about six or seven months now. Unbelievable really, it’s doesn’t seems that long since we met but at the same time I feel like I’ve known her forever” Yulia said looking deep in thought with a slight smile on her face.

“But would I be right in guessing you haven’t told Lena you’re gay yet?” Tanya asked candidly.
Yulia was stunned, if this crazy girl really thought that Yulia was going to say “Yes Tanya I’m gay I’ve had a girlfriend before and I love Lena”, then she was stupid. Yulia would deny it until the day she died before she would admit it to this girl or anyone else in fact, she couldn’t lose Lena.

Yulia tried to look surprised “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You being gay” Tanya reaffirmed.

“I admit I’ve been with a girl or two but I like guys too so I wouldn’t call myself gay.” The words tumbled out of Yulia’s mouth and she barely paused for breath. She had to get this girl off her back and convince her that she wasn’t gay. She knew Tanya could ruin everything.

“Well, you’re obviously in denial” Tanya blurted out.

“Just leave it ok!” Yulia warned.

“I could show you a good time Yulia” Tanya decided to change tact because the fact was she didn’t really care if Lena knew about Yulia’s sexuality or not it didn’t have anything to do with her that was Yulia’s choice. However, she would absolutely love to bed Yulia who with her hot little body, sexy blue eyes and that gorgeous smile was mesmerising Tanya to the point where she couldn’t taker her eyes off her.

“ I just wanna be alone Tanya, my life is good the way it is” Yulia replied. She found Tanya attractive and although her body told her she was well overdue for some fun in the bedroom, her heart wouldn’t settle for anyone but Lena.

“What? Just going to work and coming home and spending all your time with Lena…” Tanya paused mid sentence the penny had dropped; Yulia was in love with Lena. “Oh, you love Lena.” Tanya almost felt as shocked as Yulia looked.

Yulia was horrified, her eyes widened in disbelief as she tried to deny it “What the hell you talkin’ about?”

“You love Lena, its so obvious, this whole set up is so coupley and you’re both too stupid to see you’re already a couple” Tanya said analysing their situation.

They heard Lena’s footsteps approach the living room and firmly shut up.

“You guys are quiet, what’s up?” Lena looked at them, her eyes beginning to glaze over as the drink began to take effect.

“Nothing” they said in unison, raising Lena’s suspicions. Tanya had obviously just hit on Yulia and got knocked back. It came as a huge relief to Lena for some unknown reason.
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Old 26-10-2003, 19:19   #97
samegirl samegirl is offline
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yeah...i was right!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 26-10-2003, 20:56   #98
amikana amikana is offline
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yay! now we just need for lena to catch on....

lol great work vicky!

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Old 26-10-2003, 22:15   #99
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Wow Vicky!!! This is so freakin good!! I am lovin' this story!!! Now only to see what happens next between the trio!!! Can't wait for the next update!
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Old 26-10-2003, 22:36   #100
prostrel prostrel is offline
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This Tanya is a good thing. She can help Julia and Lena "to put their cups to the right places".
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