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Lena Katina Solo Project - part 2

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Old 04-07-2012, 17:14   #801
Arnaudfrenchy Arnaudfrenchy is offline
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Originally Posted by fanoff View Post
Come on, that look with the cables and hair at the back of her ears. It looks -not cool- weird to me. Just as weird as Yulia's bombastic lips.
I thought you were speaking about the global behaviour on stage.
I agree it's a bit eww

Originally Posted by Argos View Post
she is even singing them way better than her own, tatugirl you know...
Totally. The solo career improved her voice. Something that she would have never got during tatu.

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If I were a show host I would say "Give me an IRS and some tatu songs, but leave me alone with the rest of yours!"
Does the host decide of the tracking set ? I didn't know that.

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Her preformances are getting better and better vocally and her stage presence improves as well.
I agree. Though i think Fankix performance is the best show ever in my opinion. No fans screaming, great sound. (of course, it wasn't a video from fans, which makes a difference)

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Come on, those Ferengi-ears were the best part of her attire!
Only the ears so !
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Old 05-07-2012, 21:25   #802
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Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy View Post
The solo career improved her voice.
Not only the voice. The whole Lena Katina became different on stage.
Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy View Post
Does the host decide of the tracking set ? I didn't know that.
Depends. Sometimes the host (especially on host centered TV shows), sometimes the producers, in the end the money decides the tracklist (not so in Russia though ). Which songs get full house, great vibe ...
Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy View Post
i think Fankix performance is the best show ever in my opinion. No fans screaming, great sound. (of course, it wasn't a video from fans, which makes a difference)
The sound didn't come from a professional audio recording device, but as far as I could hear, she mastered the difficulties of the songs better in the last performance, she showed more self confidence and was really 'cool' on stage. If it were not for the lame 'Melody' I'd say an almost perfect show.
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Old 11-07-2012, 18:07   #803
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Heaven did an exclusive interview with Boris Rensky for Lena Katina's official Russian fan club.

Here is the translation:

1. After the completion of t.A.T.u., why did you decide to take Lena Katina under your wing? What motivated you? Tell us about that period between t.A.T.u. and Lena Katina. (Alena Ermakova, Anastasia Komarova)

There was no between period. Lena's project began the day t.A.T.u. was finished. I will tell you how t.A.T.u. ended.

In the last year and a half of t.A.T.u. I was very tired of disruptions and overlapping, which occurred due to Yulia's mood swings. I, of course, understand that stars are fickle and extravagant, but there is such an understanding as professionalism, and generally, everyone has their limits.

You probably remember the story with the cancellation of the concert in Sunnyvale, California in summer 2008. We were getting ready for this concert for half a year and it was completely sold out. Yulia simply refused to fly from Moscow to L.A., saying that she now had a fear of planes. I don't want to go into a description of the real reasons for Yulia's behavior, but for all of us internally, believe me, they were obvious and did not look in any way excusable. The concert was cancelled, we paid a huge fine, were ashamed and got onto the blacklist of people with which not to do business. And Yulia, after several days, flew to take a vacation. Her fear of flying disappeared without a trace. This was by far not the first time this happened with Yulia. After this I said (quote), "Yulia, if you do something similar to this one more tie, I am going to resign from t.A.T.u.". The next similar story happened a half a year later with one of the corporate Christmas shows. I won't describe the details, they are small and unsightly.

One day in the beginning of 2009 I asked Lena and Yulia to come to the office. I officially announced to the girls, that my activity in t.A.T.u. was over, that I no longer wish to have any professional ties with Yulia. I offered Lena to work with me on her solo project and she agreed. Everything was done eye to eye without any plots or separate negotiations. This is how t.A.T.u. closed and Lena Katina's project opened.

I hope, dear fans, you understand, that I could not, in that moment, reflect the circumstances that I described above in the official release of why t.A.T.u. ended. But now the statute of limitations, as they say, has expired, and I think you are entitled to know how things really were. Especially since I do not want to leave without commenting on the widespread version of, "Yulia's departure was due to the hopelessly corrupt, incompetent leadership under Boris Rensky's t.A.T.u.", casting a shadow on Lena and I. My leadership may have been incompetent, and t.A.T.u. may have rotted because of this, but the true cause of trouble lies somewhere else.

2. Do you have your own business now? What does it have to do with? Are you now the investor of Lena Katina's project? Are there any other investors besides you? Are there other music projects in which you are the manager? (Sergey Beltyukov)

I am connected to two projects from the IT field, which were founded in the end of my participation at the end of the 90's. But I would not call this my business. I do not take part in their daily management, my son Boris Jr is in charge there.

Am I the investor of Lena Katina's project? To answer in one word, yes. To go into greater detail, you should keep in mind that an investor is a person which put money into some new project or bought shares on the market and is now waiting for when the project shoots up or the shares grow. After the money that has been put in has been returned with a profit (or without a profit, or have not been returned at all), the investment cycle is completed.

Lena's project, particularly in the beginning during 2009-2010, took up almost all of my time and now I am involved on a daily basis, so to call me an investor is false, even though I spent and continue to spend money on the project. My role is more of an "Executive Producer" and my input is in the determining the genre, style, image, involvement in making the music, lyrics, arrangements, and videos. Another investor is Lena herelf, who also puts in her own money (I am not going to talk about other aspects of Lena's participation because they are obvious). Basically, the Lena Katina project is a "join stock company" with 3 owners who spend their own time and resources working on the future success not only for the sake of money (although money is important), but for the incarnation of a dream. This is Lena, me, and Sven Martin, who you all know. I am not involved with any other artists/musicians.

3. Ex-soloists of t.A.T.u. Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova started their own solo careers after the end of the band. Both released their first single: Never Forget (Lena Katina) and All Because of You (Yulia Volkova). Does Lena and her team feel any rivalry towards Yulia Volkova? (Andrey Nazarov)

In the beginning this feeling was strong, it would have been foolish to deny it. But time goes by, we part further and further from each other, and the feeling of rivalry is dulled.

4. Boris, tell us, is it possible to reunite t.A.T.u. at least to have a joint single with Yulia and Lena? (Bogan Kostyuk, Irina Kolupaeva)

In the near future I do not think it is possible. Lena must build her brand and move away from the status of "ex-t.A.T.u. girl", and working on projects together with Yulia would be moving in the wrong direction. Maybe later, much later, why not.

5. What are the biggest challenges which you come across in starting the Lena Katina project in the West and promoting it on an international level? What inspires you? (Alexander Heaven)

The largest, and perhaps the only difficulty, is breaking through all the competition. And this is true. We work hard and move forward towards success. In any case, no one from our team is ashamed of the quality of products, it is up to international standards.

The type of luck that happened to t.A.T.u. happens rarely. Shapovalov and I wanted to make a stylish and high quality music project, which we were able to do. But, not Ivan, not the girls, not I in our wildest dreams would've reached international fame. Thanks to the talented ideas of Ivan, t.A.T.u. appeared in front of you just the way you remember them. No one on Earth is able and will not be able to mathematically calculate how exactly in this time such a presentation touched the strings of the souls of little girls and boys across the whole world. A year earlier or a year later, a little bit of a different tone or some other small detail, and we could have missed...It is just like winning 100 million, buying a lottery ticket at a newspaper kiosk, except is it even more difficult because the ticket must be produced itself, then that particular ticket must be bought, and no one knows the exact moment.

6. Why has it been so difficult for you to find a record label? Did you try with the global ones? Will Lena release a second album, or this will be your first and last production? From what I heard, you have a lot of songs, what do you think about to release an LP instead of an album? (Brian Alcaino)

Did we try to make a deal with a global label? Yes, surely. Lena’s merit for the humankind is definitely acknowledged. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been allowed past the concierge. But even Lena is not anticipated with open arms anywhere, all the more so, as the record business does not bring the profits it used to 10, let alone 15 years ago. Every company counts every dollar, they are not in a rush to invest even in the most promising artists. More or less standard answer we can hear: “You have got a brilliant singer with an awesome potential and quality music! Now, go on working, and come back with a hit that took the world, or will 100% take it from our point of view.”

Sure, I say it here in a simplified and overdone form, but the essential meaning is the same. In principle, they are right, and we do not feel offended. We do exactly what they tell us – go on working.

The album is not released still, and taking into consideration the existing trends we can’t clearly say what it will be – a traditional LP or something else, like XP (extra-play) i.e. a reduced album of 5-7 tracks. One thing to be clearly stated – it will not be “the first and the last” one. Lena is young and full of the will to work, we look ahead into the future.

7. In my opinion, "World" is the best song you've composed for Lena's solo career. What does this song mean to you? And what is your favorite Lena's song? (Eric Cline, Alexander Heaven)

World is very special song to me, and I’m glad that it catches somebody else in spite of its being strange and non-format one. The track doesn’t change from the verse to the chorus, if you noticed. This is just against the laws of songwriting. I will tell you not in a shy way that I made up the idea of this song and wrote the lyrics, I’m proud of it. What is the meaning of World, to my mind? It’s in that people are tender, romantic, fragile and vulnerable species facing the relentless and cruel powers of the surrounding world, and those powers themselves are being created by people…, while stars are eternally drawing the lines of the future, and humans are desperately running and fighting for love…

My favorite songs are perhaps IRS, Beast, well, that would be enough.

8. Should we be waiting for songs in Russian from Lena? (Yakov Zolotov)

Yes. We already wrote the Russian lyrics for IRS, Stay, Who I am, and Beast. Sasha Vulih writes for Lena.

9. Tell us about the new manager Tristram Buckley. Who is he and how did he become part of your team? What role are you now playing in the project? (Ilona Mayevskaya)

Tristram came to us from Sven. In the pre-t.A.T.u. times, Tristram used to be the manger of the band Sven was in.

My role has not changed, I described it in the second question. I am still the executive producer. (In the time of t.A.T.u. I was called the "manager". But it does not mean that I was actually a manager. I never knew how to sell a product, honestly, this process does not really fascinate me. I was called a manger due to the lack of love for the word "producer", it has been "reinstalled" in Russia and became a cliche. Everywhere you turn there is a producer).

10. Hello, Boris. First of all, I want to say "thank you" to you, Lena and the team for saving the original view on things, a the feeling for your desire to bring something new, something unusual into the world of music. The following information interests me: it is no secret that videos to songs are generally able to perform miracles, and without it can turn a hit into almost a landmark (is clear that in certain circles, but nevertheless) domain. In this regard, the t.A.T.u. team (and now Lena Katina as a solo artist) has always stood out, making videos, and more than once, touching upon her theme and atmosphere of emotion, hidden deep in the psyche of feeling by a kind of "shock therapy" of turning the attention on certain features and "problems" of society that ordinary people in everyday life do not want to notice. For example, I still watch "White Robe" with a sense of aesthetic delight and excitement of the nerve (which is good - if there is excitement, it means that the material has reached its goal not leaving you to feel indifferent). My wish is this: I want to believe that Lena and her team will to continue to keep the bar high in her videos, continuing to address the topics which society for one reason or another sees as taboo, and not being afraid to experiment, using a variety of innovative ideas, grotesque images and unpredictable event-sequences. The question is: do you plan as a team to shoot a truly strong, in its physiological stress, video with the duration of, say, a minimum of nine minutes with a level of professionalism and a plot that will attract not only dedicated fans, but many other people who perhaps, even with all their preconceived skepticism, will simply gasp from what they see? For example, Mylène Farmer's videos from the initial stage of her work continue to delight the hearts of people, unwittingly involving more and more new fans. There is no doubt in the potential of your team since you never had a lack of ideas. I would want James Cox (who has proved his skills more than once) to film some sort of depressing, atmospheric, viewer-wounding mini-film-clip for Lena. It is clear that there is a question of money, but I think if you come up with really curious ideas, it is worth to invest large sums in the most enchanting implementation. ("Prekrasniy Uranovetz")

Thank you for appreciating our efforts. Of course I would like to make something like this which you described. I even had an idea for such an extended video during the time of "Veseliye Ulibki". It should have been an epic video about an airplane crash for the song "Vremya Luni", turning into the plot of "Ne Zhaley", being 15 minutes in length. When I was writing the synopsis, a small tear of a man fell onto the keyboard, and I imagined a million people crying bright tears to this video. Everything lays safely in my desk. And it's not that we can't get the money for it, but that it is impossible to sell. Meaning, we can sell it, like any small budget video, and automatically a question is posed: "What's the fucking point?".

The curse of the business is that you cannot do everything you want, but that which sells. And only in rare occurrences (refer to question 5) it comes together at 100%. (We tried to make true art and made the album "Veseliye Ulibki"/"Waste Management". Even the fans, who acknowledged the quality and non-triviality of this disk, were very unhappy with the lack of sales).

11. It is known that the songs for Lena's album are growing more than the standard requires. Regarding this, I ask: In addition to the standard addition, are there plans to release a deluxe version with all sorts of "goodies", including an additional second disk with extra songs which did not make it onto the original album? I wouldn't want the recorded material to just lay on a shelf, plus the fans are waiting for this for so long that it seems one disk will be too little for them. ("Prekrasniy Uranovetz")

We do not know yet. Maybe we will do it, but I cannot promise anything. In any case there are always extra things that are left to lay around, but you won't publish material which you yourself don't like.

12. Is Lena Katina for you a project, a living legend, a phoenix, a best friend, a creative passion...or something else? (Alisa Biksileva, Grisha Siraev)

Lena is a talented artist, with whom working is a honor and pleasure, and she is also my true friend, which time has proven, who has never deceived me and never will.

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Old 14-07-2012, 04:56   #804
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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Thanks a lot for sharing the interview! I really enjoyed it.
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Old 14-07-2012, 20:19   #805
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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thanks for sharing
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Old 17-07-2012, 04:40   #806
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Thank you. It was a really interesting read. Kind of sad but also not surprising about what he said about Yulia, if it is true. He actually said some nice/interesting things, which is refreshing since I never knew or followed much about him, other than the ridicule he gets by some fans.

In other news, Lena made a post on facebook that "Never Forget" is now playing on another American radio station which happens to be one in my state. How cool. Hope I can catch it. :T
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Old 17-07-2012, 06:12   #807
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I lost all respect for Boris when I read that. It was a truly wicked thing he did. I will never defend him again.

I posted about this here:
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Old 17-07-2012, 11:36   #808
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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It was better of him to said something else but I wouldnt expect him saying that Yulia was being a bitch about getting on the plane as an excuse for the cancelled show at that point
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Old 01-08-2012, 18:48   #809
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Lena has released yet another (kind of sort of official) remix ep for Never Forget, made by fans.
It's for a great charity cause.'s just I really really don't like the remixes. like, the remixes aren't even the same key or tempo as Lena's Never Forget acapella.

PRESS RELEASE: July 26, 2012 (Los Angeles)

To raise money for the treatment and care of children suffering from brain tumors and for brain tumor research, Lena Katina, formerly of t.A.T.u and now pursuing her solo career, has donated the use of her hit song “Never Forget” to Project Nothing, a New York-based record company, for their production of a set of Remixes of the song.

All the profits generated from the sale of these Remixes of Lena’s song “Never Forget” will got to the Brain Tumour Trust (UK) and Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation (USA)

Lena was contacted by the President of Project Nothing who told the heartbreaking story of Colin, a close friend of his, and Colin’s son who died of brain cancer just before his fourth birthday. According to Colin, “the bottom line is that brain tumours are now the commonest solid tumours in children in the UK and USA. More children now die from a brain tumour than any other childhood cancer.”

Learn more here at:

You may purchase the songs on iTunes: Never Forget Remixes [feat. THEE PAUS3]

For further inquiries please contact Lena Katina’s Manager, Tristram Buckley (
In other news, Lena's music is getting played on a radio station in my state (NextGen Radio)
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Old 01-08-2012, 20:10   #810
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I think she is being pushed to be a dance music artist, but it never suits her except the NF Dave Aude remix which is done by a good DJ. That Melody song is just as bad as Didn't Wanna Do It. Hope she turns to her rockish style, without Boris involved in sogwriting.
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Old 01-08-2012, 20:49   #811
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Bit of the update on everything:

Lena Katina to headline Queerfest 2012 in St. Petersburg!

Lena Katina and her band will travel to Russia from Los Angeles to support the international festival Queerfest 2012. Lena’s September, 29th show will be the culmination of the 10-day festival run.

With today’s anti-gay climate, where discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people has actually become legal under St. Petersburg law, it is now more important than ever to hear the voices that call for respect and acceptance of all people.

“We all are very different people and we should celebrate our differences. We should not be silent when we see this intolerant aggression towards LGBT-community”, says the artist Lena Katina in her message to the people of St. Petersburg.

Queerfest 2012 was created by the LGBT organization “Coming out” and will be held for the fourth time. It’s slogan - “The art of being yourself” – reveals the essence of Queerfest: In today’s Russia it is becoming ever more difficult to actually be yourself. Instead, it is becoming an art that requires courage and self-respect. The festival will feature photo exhibitions, discussions, seminars, music events, and lectures. This year’s event, unlike previous years events, will take place under the shadow of the new homophobic laws. The world will bear witness as to whether the government’s law “on gay propaganda” will be used to violate basic human rights.

“We are very happy to get support not only from foreign celebrities, but also from Russian public figures. Lena’s participation in Queerfest is a truly historic moment: For the first time such a high-profile Russian artists supports the festival”, say organizers. “Right now Lena’s solo career is on the rise: Dave Aude’s remix on Lena’s debut single “Never Forget” topped Billboard Dance/Club Chart, toppling Madonna’s song from the top spot. And at the same time Lena stays true to her beliefs and thinks it’s important to support the group discriminated by the society and the state. She inspires respect.”

For more details on the festival go to
Video message from Lena


NF remix on some British dance chart


Clrak Owen ft Lena Katina - Melody (The Remix Edition)

In the end of August on the 24th the amazing song MELODY by Clark Owen featuring Lena Katina (ex t.A.T.u) member will be released world wide over REDKIGHT-MEDIA. This Edition is included amazing remixes by DJ KLUBBINGMAN & RAINDROPZ!, D-TUNE VS EMD BOYS, WAVEPUNTCHER & SEXUAL ENERGY, CLUBSUKKERZ & DANSTYLE, MARQ AUREL & BEATBREAKER and many many more.
Stay tuned for one of the most known and loved Song. MELODY will entered your mind and will refresh your feelings.

Melody remix video


And last bot not least, there is a name of Lenas upcoming album on that NF remixes release.

It is called "Lets go somewhere quiet"
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Last edited by sakuya; 01-08-2012 at 21:02.
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Old 03-08-2012, 02:13   #812
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^ I believe that is the name of the charity album, not Lena's album. See here:
Veseliye Ulybki --> Happy Smiles
Upravleniye Otbrosami --> Waste Management
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Old 03-08-2012, 17:32   #813
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Oh, silly me then Although I kind a liked that name
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Old 23-08-2012, 03:37   #814
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Cute acoustic performance of Melody out in the park. An instrumental spin we haven't heard before.
Honestly I always feel like she has trouble singing the verses some reason. But she sounds totally fine during the choruses.

She will also be doing a song with T-Killah, called "Shot" released next month.
Pics from her shoots.

All these updates are from Lena's twitter/facebook.
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Old 24-08-2012, 18:42   #815
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Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy View Post
I don't want Lena to sing such song. And i can stay in peace. She will never sing such song.
Here you go. The only thing worse than a Euro trash is the K-pop. Search it over and you'll see.
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Old 26-08-2012, 12:38   #816
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
She is a tatugirl!
Tatu songs sound better than most of her solo repertoire, she is even singing them way better than her own, tatugirl you know...

If I were a show host I would say "Give me an IRS and some tatu songs, but leave me alone with the rest of yours!" Unpleasant, but true. Most of her new songs won't entertain, don't sound interesting and original, don't move peoples' hearts, no matter how much effort she puts into them. Not to mention again that she is anything else than a ballad singer, which she should accept by now.

Sadly I have to agree, though I like the style of music most of her new songs are rather forgettable...Even NBNB sounds amazing by comparison. On the other hand she looks sexier than ever on stage; and we don't want our Lena to because a Tatu greatest hits performer, either.
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Old 30-08-2012, 21:21   #817
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Originally Posted by fanoff View Post
Here you go. The only thing worse than a Euro trash is the K-pop. Search it over and you'll see.
They are doing J-Pop, not K-Pop.
Which is different.

But well, even if i am not a fan of this (far even) let's hear before making conclusions.
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Old 02-09-2012, 21:38   #818
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I admit that I like some of K-Pop Super Junior mostly)
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Old 03-09-2012, 00:00   #819
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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I also admit I like me some K and/or J-Pop, so let's just wait and see! Maybe its gonna be great, who knows.
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Old 24-09-2012, 16:40   #820
MalchikGeiBrand MalchikGeiBrand is offline
Chun ruk ter!
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There have been some pop-rocky/dancy Jpop/Kpop songs I thought might have sounded kinda cool as a Tatu song.

Nothing totally new but apparently according to Lena's facebook, "Melody" is now a "hit" and she expects her album to be released this December.

hopefully and finally
I use the same smilies in every post.
Manage your waste with a happy face!
I've just noticed the guy in my avatar (Eiji Wentz) kind of looks like a girl. But for your confirmation, it is a guy.
yaa glua taa ter ja bploi meu chan bpai

อย่ากลัวถ้าเธอจะ?? ?ล่อยมือฉันไป
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