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Old 07-01-2004, 06:52   #61
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Chapter 11

“So would you like to tell me exactly what you were doing putting a snake inside the tent?” Lena asked as she surveyed the damage to their tent.

“No.” Yulia responded.

“Well there must be a reason for me putting a very large hole in our tent flap.” Lena said as she searched for something to fix the tent.
“Fine. I thought that the snake would scare you when you went to roll up the sleeping bag. There. I said it.” Yulia admitted as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“You honestly thought a *snake* of all things, would scare *me*? Have you not been paying attention this whole time?! Helllooooooo!! I’m the future female croc hunter!” Lena said in disbelief.

“Well you said that you got freaked out by animals going into surgery and since the snake had blood on it, I thought it’d freak you out!” Yulia said, defending herself.

“Wait a minute. I said that I was freaked out by surgery, *not* blood. Blood I can handle, no problem. I just can’t stand seeing an animal’s insides while it is still alive. Now is everything cleared up?” Lena said. Then, clearing her throat she said “So, what have we learned from this little experience?”

“I need a better prank.” Yulia mumbled.

“What did you say?” Lena asked.

“I said there’s no need to prank.” Yulia answered.

“Riiiight. I’m sure that’s exactly what you said. Anyway, why don’t you roll up the sleeping bag while I try to fix this hole.” Lena said as she continued to look for something in her pack that she knew would fix the new slit in the flap.

“Ah ha!! Found it! Okay, I’ll be done in a few minutes with this and then we can head out.” Lena said.

“What did you find?” Yulia asked.

“This.” Lena said as she held up a roll of duct tape.

“Duct tape. You’re going to use duct tape to fix our tent? Why on earth do you even have duct tape with you?” Yulia asked as she raised her eyebrows.

“I *always* carry duct tape with me when I go camping. It can fix so many things and you never know when you’re going to need it! And plus, if you get out of hand, I’ll just tape your hands together, your mouth shut, and just drag you the rest of the way home.” Lena said with a smile on her face.

“You know, I bet you would do that, you freak.” Yulia said playfully. Deciding on a whim to be a little serious, Yulia whispered a thank you to Lena.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. What’d you say?” Lena asked.

“I said thank you.” Yulia said in a small voice.
“Thank you? For what?” Lena said, a little confused.

“For coming as fast as you did. For getting that snake away from me. And for not getting mad at me for the tent.” Yulia said so softly that Lena barely heard her.

“Oh. That was no problem. It was just a little snake and it’s not like the tent was damaged that bad.” Lena said, brushing the thank you off like it was no big deal.

“Well thanks. I really appreciate it. It’s been quite some time since someone other than my parents has cared enough to come to my rescue.” Yulia said with a sad smile. Then, perking up a bit, she said “Hey…you’re like my little hero! Awww how sweet!”

Feeling the blush creep up in her cheeks, Lena bashfully looked away for a second before responding.

“Hero? Ha! I just don’t want to be known as the camp guide who allowed her camper to get mauled or something.” Lena said, trying to hide her embarrassment at Yulia’s compliment.

Lena shot Yulia a shy smile then said, “C’mon Prissy. We have a lot of time to make up since our eventful delay this morning.”

As she put on her backpack, Yulia happily thought, My own little protector. I like the sound of that.
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Old 07-01-2004, 17:38   #62
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I love this chapter too!

It's just adorable, when Yulia thanks Lena. And when she thinks of Lena as her "little protector".

And I laughed at the image of Yulia after Lena would use duct tape on her. I can *so* see Lena doing that!

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Old 07-01-2004, 21:22   #63
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Sorry d2d28 , I haven`t been here for a while but I have been busy in my other life but now I came back to this fiction life. Feels good!

So, I had many chapters to read and I very much enjoyed all of them. Lena and Julia are so cute and hilarious and I like their pranks. It is so refreshing to read this fic, thank you d2d28!

Btw, a few days ago I saw from TV a program "Crocodile man" and there was Steve Irwin. Well, it was very entertaining prog! Steve and his wife and two other guys saved and rescued animals of Australia. Most of the animals were crocodiles and it was funny to see when this group had to move an adult crocodile from one place to another. There was 4 people on the top of the croco and you couldn`t say which leg or hand was who`s. So funny! And this Steve also played with dangerous snakes, I think one was a Black Snake. Very impressing though sometimes I thought a little bit foolish too but he was an expert. So now, d2d28, I know who this Crocodile Man whom you have talked about is!
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Old 07-01-2004, 21:52   #64
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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me busy too... but this story... just so cute and funny

i rememberred u d2d, when i was changing the channels on the tv, that crocodile show was airring on animal planet
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Old 08-01-2004, 04:11   #65
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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awwww, i just love how yuli could be so nice at times.
and how modest lena is.
and how they seem to start liking each other.
and how cool this fanfic is.

i guess i love it all.
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Old 08-01-2004, 04:46   #66
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Parrish---I laughed at the image of Lena really using the duct tape on Yulia.

prostrel---I know how it feels to come back to fiction life. Every day after classes last semester the first thing I'd do is go back to my room and read all the fic updates. It's so relaxing! And about the Croc hunter...OMG isn't he great?!? The black snake I think you're referring to is the black mamba in Africa. By crickey those will give ya a run for your money! If you saw only 4 people on the croc wait til they handle a 14 foot saltie!!! My goodness that requires a dozen people! It's one awesome show though!

$in---Yay! I'm glad I got people thinking about the croc hunter! I'm so proud!

guesshoo---Awww I'm glad you're enjoying this story. It seems like they are getting along a little better.
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Old 08-01-2004, 04:47   #67
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Chapter 12

As the day progressed and the sun slowly began to set, Lena realized that in order to keep on schedule they were going to have to travel a little bit into the night. She herself was not worried since she’s done this trail every summer since she was a little girl, but knowing how jumpy Yulia was, she was a little concerned on how she would handle traveling in the dark.

“Lena, shouldn’t we be setting up camp soon?” Yulia asked, noticing that it was starting to get dark out.

“Actually, we’re going to be traveling for a little while in the dark. It won’t be long though so don’t worry. Maybe an hour, hour and a half tops.” Lena answered, preparing herself for the fit she knew would come from Yulia.

“In the dark? Are you serious?! What about the animals?! Do we have flashlights? We won’t be able to see anything! How are you going to know if an animal gets hungry or something and decides they want us as a snack?! And then what are we going to do about camp? How are we going to set up our tent in the dark?!” Yulia rambled off, a mile a minute.

“Woah, what is this, twenty questions?” Lena said as she giggled a little. “Just trust me on this. I’ve been walking this trail for years so I know exactly where we’re going. And about the tent, I figured we don’t need it tonight, we can just use the sleeping bag and blanket. It’s nice enough out tonight to just sleep under the stars.”

“We’re going to sleep outside the tent. Without any protection from anything. Giving all the animals in the forest the opportunity to just come right up to us and grope us for all I know! What if they nibble on my hair! Oh my hair! And you didn’t answer my question about the flashlights!” Yulia said, the worrying clearly evident in her voice.

“To answer your question, no, we will not be using flashlights.” But before Lena could finish what she was saying, Yulia cut her off.

“Well how the hell are we supposed to see then?! Unless you packed night-vision goggles, you better--” Yulia was cut off by Lena this time as Lena tried to finish her sentence.

“As I was saying before I was interrupted, we won’t be using flashlights because it will ruin our night vision. It takes twenty minutes for our eyes to adjust to the dark once our eyes have been exposed to white light so I’m not using them unless absolutely necessary. If I do use them, I’ll use the one with the red light in it instead of the white light since red light doesn’t affect our vision. You should trust your own sense more.” Lena said.

Once the sun set and it was completely dark out, Yulia began to get a bit edgy. She was jumping at every movement of leaves, every snap of a twig, and she practically leaped out of her skin when Lena sneezed.

“Prissy. Chill.” Lena said when Yuila began to trip over her own feet as the nervousness sank in. “You know animals can smell fear. You were worrying about being a target before. Well girl, you must smell so good to the animals that they’re probably tracking us by now.”

“Lena! That’s not funny! I’m not Miss Tarzan unlike some people around here.” Yulia said.

“Do I honestly have to play kindergarten and take your hand and literally lead you everywhere for you to calm down?” Lena said jokingly.

To her surprise though, Yulia’s hand grabbed Lena’s so fast and so hard that she didn’t have time to pull back.

“I was joking.” Lena said, surprised that Yulia actually took her hand.

“Yeah well I’m not. If an animal decides it has some fashion sense and wants to steal my clothes, you’re going right down with me.” Yulia said as she tightened her grip on Lena’s hand.

Me and my big mouth. Lena thought as Yulia had a death-like grip on her hand. I hope we find that camp soon.
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Old 08-01-2004, 05:00   #68
amikana amikana is offline
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awwww - can i just say how adorable i think they are?

hehe this is great dare i'm loving it

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Old 08-01-2004, 05:19   #69
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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I'm really enjoying your fic Dare, thank you for the chapter.
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Old 08-01-2004, 06:54   #70
haku haku is offline
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LOL, this is a funny fic, but definitely not my kind of Lena.

Lena should remember that Yulia is from another country from time to time, like when she looks at Yulia like she's totally dumb because she doesn't know Shania Twain? Come on, she's from Russia, why would she know her?

And Lena should not be so fast in judging Yulia, Yulia seems to have grown up in a big city, which is not that easy because you're surrounded by thousands individuals from the most ruthless species there is, humans.

And LOL, i don't know who Steve Irwin is.

Keep up the great work d2d (Edit: And thanks for welcoming me back in the oher thread )
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 08-01-2004 at 13:20.
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Old 08-01-2004, 08:02   #71
Devilish Yulia Devilish Yulia is offline
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steve irwin is the aussie croc hunter!!!!!!!!!!!! he's kewl!

anywayz....i love the story! its wick! its hilarious at times too! i hope u update again soon!
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes, And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies, I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...
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Old 08-01-2004, 16:57   #72
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I just love this fic! It's so realistic, and so funny!

I giggled a *lot* at Yulia being afraid the animals would grope her in the dark.

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Old 08-01-2004, 17:29   #73
samegirl samegirl is offline
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Oh my god! this chapter made my day!!

I love the way Yulia is getting all nuts about anything. She's so cute...But Lena, she's like...I love her. And I love the part where she called herself the future female cocodrile hunter...I laughed so hard that I fell out of my chair.

Dare, you are doing great in here, the quality of this fic, is excellent. Just one question...Sometimes i tend to remember cocodrile dundee, so ii wonder, does Lena use a hat like his? She would be so cute on that

Again, thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
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Old 08-01-2004, 17:46   #74
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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I still like this fic so far. All funny and not too sweet. It's realistic enough. It seems you know alot about the outdoor stuff. Cool! Learning new things everyday. Like that red flashlight thingy. ^_^' I wouldn't last a day out there.

As opposed to what Haku said, I think your characters are fine. (no hard feeling, Haku, it's just my opinion). It's realistic that some ppl would judge others so quickly. It happens all the time, and your L character did not do it in a hateful way, which makes her likable still. Keep up the good work.
Irina Slutskaya
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I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 08-01-2004, 18:29   #75
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No problem uhaku, people are welcomed to disagree with me.

And d2d, i'm afraid i've expressed myself awkwardly. I didn't mean your characters were unrealistic, quite the contrary. Unfortunately people do look down to you when you don't know stuff that seems obvious to them.

And i could really relate to Yulia, that's why i was a bit annoyed by Lena. I mean, i don't know Steve Irwin, i don't know Shania Twain (only by name, never heard her or seen her), i never leave the city (only to go to other cities LOL, small towns are acceptable for short period of times), i've never slept outside (crazy idea!), i've never seen a real snake, i hate most insects, and i'm scared shit of spiders (evil beasts from hell!)... ok, i'll stop now...
*leaves thread quietly*
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:09   #76
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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What if they nibble on my hair!

i love-love-love this story.
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Old 09-01-2004, 04:58   #77
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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amikana---You can say they're adorable all you want!

angeljas01---Thank *you* for reading!

haku---Yay! I'm glad you read my fic! I understood what you were saying in your first post. It's funny because all the things you were saying that you weren't comfortable with since you weren't raised that way...well, I'm from a medium sized town so whenever I go into a big city like New York or D.C. boy am I scared shitless! When I spent a day in NY I thought I would have a heart attack when a druggie came up to me and then my sister disappeared for 5 minutes! So I know exactly what you're talking about, but I find myself being the same as Lena. Like when people say they don't know who Shania is, I have the same reaction that Lena had just because *I* know Shania so well. Thanks for the comments!

DY---Just can't get enough of that awesome Aussie!

Parrish---I'm glad I can make you laugh with my chapters. BTW....SAAANNNNTTTTTTAAAAAA!!! LMAO!

samegirl---LOL@you falling out of the chair! Ooo and I never thought about that hat for Lena. Hmmm, that would definitely look cute on her! I'll have to think about that.

uhaku---What you said is very true and I agree. I'll admit that when people don't know right off the back the things that I'm really interested in, I'm like "OMG Where have you been?!?" just like Lena does. And thank you for the nomination for the fanfic writer in the general thread! I'm very honored! I'm glad you posted the end of 666, that was one hell of a story. Are you sure you don't want to continue your other one? Man, that was one great beginning!

$in---I love-love-love you reading and posting! LOL
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Old 09-01-2004, 05:00   #78
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Chapter 13

“Yo. Vice grip. You mind lightening up a little? I would like my hand to operate at 100 percent in the morning.” Lena said as she tried to gently shake her hand awake.

“The quicker you make camp, the quicker I let go.” Yulia said, lightening her hold just a little.

The girls walked for a few more minutes hand in hand until they came upon a very small clearing.

Finally. “Well this is it. Since it’s not that cold out, we’ll put the sleeping bag on the ground and use the blanket as a cover. And just for you I’ll keep a flashlight by my side in case you think any animals want to make friends with you or *gasp* munch on your hair.” Lena said as she rolled her eyes at the last thing she said.

“You better hope no animals come near me unless you feel like being the only teenager in this town with a hearing aid.” Yulia said as she helped Lena lay out the sleeping bag.

As they settled in for the night, Yulia’s nerves were on edge. Her eyes shot open at every unknown sound, which for Yulia, was a lot of sounds. Just when she felt she was drifting off to sleep, she felt some pressure on the bottom of her legs. Too frightened to look down, she started to poke Lena as hard as she could while trying to be as still as possible.

“Owww. I’m up, I’m up.” Lena tried to say. Before she could say anything else, she felt Yulia’s hand cover her mouth. Once Lena’s eyes adjusted, she looked over at Yulia, who had a very nervous look on her face. Lena raised her eyebrows to Yulia, a silent question to what was going on. Yulia didn’t dare speak so she just pointed to her feet.

When Lena looked at what Yulia was pointing at, her eyes grew wide with excitement and she barely suppressed a joyful scream. There at the bottom of Yulia’s feet was a very curious raccoon.

Damn I wish I had some food for it!! This is so cool! Lena thought ecstatically. Lena noticed that the raccoon had a profound interest in Yulia’s feet for some reason as it began to make its way underneath the covers.

Seeing the panic in Yulia’s eyes and feeling her body tense, Lena immediately put her hand on Yulia’s shoulder and put a finger over her mouth, silently telling her friend not to move.

I’d like to see how you’d handle a raccoon sniff your feet! Yulia thought as she tried her best not to freak out and scream as she so desperately wanted to.

Yulia’s thoughts were interrupted, however, by a wet feeling on her toenails. Did I just feel…OH MY GAWD!!

“AHHHH!!!! IT’S TRYING TO EAT ME!” Yulia yelled as she quickly jumped up, dashing behind Lena.

The moment Yulia let out her first note the raccoon took off back to the cover of the forest.

“Damn it Prissy! Why’d you have to scream like that?! I was trying to observe the animal!” Lena said, annoyed.

“Well you try having a raccoon taste your toes and see how still you lay!” Yulia snapped back.

“It licked your toes? Oh the poor thing! I should go catch it so I can bring it to a vet. Oh the poor little guy probably is going to get a nasty infection.” Lena chided. Trying to think of a reason the raccoon would do something like lick Yulia’s toes, Lena asked, “Tell me Prissy, what did you have on your toes that was so tasteful?”

“All I had on was my strawberry nail polish!” Yulia said. “Why the hell does that matter?”

“Strawberry as in color strawberry or as in the smelly strawberry?” Lena questioned.

“I always use the smelly nail polishes. I think they give my nails a bit of an edge.” Yulia answered.

“Well, it sure gave them an edge alright.” Lena said as she laughed. “What nail polish is that? I’m going to have to borrow it sometime and attract some more raccoons.” Lena said as she nudged Yulia with her elbow.

“Oh very funny. First thing in the morning I’m taking this off.” Yulia said as she looked down at her toes.

“With what?” Lena asked, curious as to what Yulia did pack.

”With my nail polish remover of course. I never travel anywhere without my nail polish and accessories.” Yulia said in a matter-of-fact tone.

With a roll of her eyes Lena said, “Whatever. Let’s get back to sleep.”

Just as Lena went to roll over, she felt something on her arm.

“What now Prissy?” Lena asked in a tired voice.

“Nothing. Just to let you know I’m staying right here for the rest of the night.” Yulia said as she hugged Lena’s arm.

“Ever hear of invasion of personal space?” Lena asked.

“Yep and too bad. It was your bright idea to have me sleep out here with no protection from anything so I’m going to use you as protection. If anything else decides to use me as a snack, I’ll be sure to let you know by clawing the hell out of your arm.” Yulia said as she began to drift off into dreamland.

For the love of God, just let the animals leave her alone for the rest of the night. PLEASE. Lena thought as she tried to drift off into her own dreamland.
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Old 09-01-2004, 06:26   #79
amikana amikana is offline
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heh, well they're almost snuggling....though not "entirely" willingly (at least so it would seem on lena's part)

i'm loving this story - it's just lovely. and i don't know why but i have this image of lena waking up with yulia curled up against her chest as the sun is rising and just......awwwww.

heh don't mind me, i'm just getting a bit carried away with your characters dare

[quietly puts lena and yulia back and dashes from the thread - giggling like a little school girl]

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Old 27-01-2004, 05:42   #80
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Goodness I left here at Chapter 13? Oy. I have up to chapter 28 postednow! Does anyone want me to post all of them here or have you all read them at If you haven't, the link at is here If everyone is caught up, then I'll post my updates here from now on as well as on
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