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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 18-10-2003, 18:39   #61
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 12 part 2

Ten days later the post arrived and included two very official looking letters for Yulia, Lena could tell just by looking at them that they were from the fashion houses where Yulia had been interviewed. She was almost too scared to shout Yulia to tell her they were here, she was praying that it would be good news because it would be such a huge setback for Yulia if she was rejected.

“YULIA, YOU’VE GOT SOME MAIL!” Lena hollered.

Yulia dashed into the kitchen within seconds, and realised like Lena what the letters contained. “Oh god Lena! They’re about my interviews aren’t they?” This was it; in a few minutes she was either going to be feeling completely elated or utterly dejected, she could feel herself begin to panic.

As Lena held out the envelopes to Yulia she noticed that her hands were trembling violently. “Yulia, hey its alright,” Lena grabbed her hands in hers squeezing them gently, trying to calm Yulia down a little.

“I’m so scared Lena, I really want one of these jobs, it would be the start of everything for me” Yulia’s voice shook, she felt more nervous than when she had actually been interviewed.

“I know it would be a big disappointment for you if you don’t get a job offer but there will be more jobs, you’ve not been looking long and your designs are fantastic so don’t worry” Lena reassured her.

“Mmm, you’re right, I know you are but…” Yulia stopped, she didn’t want to think about other jobs but if she had to she would but first of all she needed to open the letters to find out her fate. “Right here we go” she couldn’t wait any longer.

As Yulia ripped open the first envelope and pulled out the letter Lena read it with her. Just as Lena comprehended that it was good news Yulia shouted out and started to jump up and down “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Oh Yul, well done, I’m so proud of you” Lena getting caught up in all the excitement raised Yulia up in her arms and span her around in a circle. They were slightly off balance and nearly fell onto the floor and as Lena released Yulia from the hug they stood laughing and talking all at once, both of them feeling absolutely ecstatic.

Once they had calmed down Lena remembered that Yulia had only opened one of the letters. “What about the other letter Yul, you’ve not opened that yet.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that one” Yulia said casually, her nerves had disappeared and she felt like she was floating on air; she had at least one job offer.

The letter contained another job offer. “Two interviews, two job offers, you’re spoiled for choice now!”

“I know” Yulia looked dazed, at best she had hoped for one offer but two that was unbelievable.

“You’re gonna be a huge success I know you are, in fact hang on a minute” Lena ran out of the kitchen leaving Yulia to read over the letters again, it wouldn’t sink in. Lena reappeared with a large bottle of champagne and a ‘congratulations on your new job’ card. “I was fairly confident that you would get at least one job offer so I thought I’d get ready to celebrate, do you want some now?”

“It’s only 10:30 in the morning!” Yulia exclaimed.

“So, it’s a Saturday and this is just the best news ever” Lena was so thrilled for Yulia that she was grinning broadly from ear to ear.

“Go on then” Yulia conceded not seeing the mischievous look on Lena’s face until she had popped the cork on the bottle and had sprayed her with champagne. “That’s it Katina, you’re dead!”
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Old 18-10-2003, 20:10   #62
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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yay for yuli!
this is going to be exciting.

thanx vicky.
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Old 18-10-2003, 21:48   #63
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 12 part 3

“Yul, can you come here and tell me what you think?” Lena shouted out to Yulia from the fitting rooms.

“Coming” Yulia stood near the entrance waiting for Lena to appear. They were on evening gown shopping duty for some function Lena had to attend for work. They had been in and out of shops for three hours now and Yulia was bored stiff, Lena hadn’t liked anything she had tried on so far and in the end Yulia had picked out a long flowing fitted dress in white in which she was convinced Lena would look stunning.

“Here I am, so what do you think?” Lena said presenting herself to Yulia who was stood staring opened mouthed. “You’re catching flies!”

Yulia smiled, her eyes wide as she tried to take in the sight before her, Lena looked absolutely beautiful in that dress, she had to be the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, she was an angel. Yulia’s pulse was racing, she hadn’t realised it before but she was in love with Lena, she meant so much to her, the world in fact. She had originally thought she loved her like a friend but she couldn’t deny it any longer, Lena was adorable and right now Yulia wanted to take her back into the fitting room and kiss her passionately.

“You alright Yulia? Is it horrible?” Lena asked looking worried.

“Yes, I mean no, it’s perfect, you look…absolutely amazing in it. You need to get it.” Yulia struggled to articulate; she knew she was in danger of blurting out her feelings in her current state of mind.
“Really? Do you think?” Lena still wasn’t convinced.

“Hell, yeah!”

When Lena went back into the fitting room Yulia stood outside feeling utterly perplexed. She had been denying to herself for a long time that her feelings for Lena were not strictly platonic because Lena was the worst possible person for Yulia to fall for in this way. She knew she would never be able to have her and unrequited love was so painful. Why couldn’t she ever like someone who liked her back just as much?

But Lena was just so sweet, caring, funny and intelligent, the list was never ending, not to mention the fact that she was lovely looking with the most amazing green eyes, Yulia loved green eyes. Add the killer smile and the question was how could Yulia have not fallen in love with her, she was wonderful. The only thing was that now Yulia couldn’t ignore her feelings it was going to be extremely difficult for her to be around Lena without confessing her love.

Lena emerged from the fitting rooms “So you definitely think I should get it then?”

“Yes definitely”

“Ok then but you’d better start making me some clothes at work, it costs me a bomb coming out shopping with you, you always manage to pick out the most expensive thing in the whole shop.” Lena joked not noticing Yulia’s pensive facial expression.

“Haha well only the best for you” Yulia said trying to sound natural despite the revelation that had hit home in the last few minutes.

“I suppose, come on” Lena tapped her on the shoulder sending a volt of electricity through her body; it was pure torturous pleasure.
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Old 18-10-2003, 22:10   #64
amikana amikana is offline
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ooh! yay!! they're so cute! this story is just too good!!
awesome job vicky!

one question though? whatever happened to Roman?

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Old 18-10-2003, 23:13   #65
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Roman's back amikana! Here's the end of Chapter 12 for you!

Chapter 12 part 4

To make the events of the day seem so much worse Roman came around that evening to spend the night with Lena. He managed to do what he always did so well, destroying the cosy atmosphere that existed in the apartment when Lena and Yulia were alone. His presence created huge tension because Yulia hated him and the feeling was pretty mutual.

Yulia hadn’t seen Roman since the night she had heard Lena tell him that she was leaving as Lena had very subtly only mentioned him briefly and when she saw him she had been going around to his apartment because she had known that it would take time for them to get used to one another. However, here he was again in front of Yulia, larger than life and grinning at her arrogantly.

“What happened to you? Head transplant?” he sneered at Yulia.

“No, haircut” She informed him curtly not wanting to get involved in an argument.

“You don’t look such a mess now” Roman continued looking for a reaction on her part but Yulia couldn’t be bothered, he wasn’t worth it.
“Cheers” she said monotonously, barely moving her attention away from the television.

“Roman!” Lena warned seeing that he was trying to wind Yulia up.

“Ok, ok, it was a joke!” he protested, “You know I don’t mean it don’t you?” he said to Yulia.

“ Yeah, gotcha!”

“See, she can take a joke” Roman insisted to Lena as if Yulia wasn’t in the room.

Lena rolled her eyes tired of his childish behaviour towards Yulia. “Come on, let’s leave Yulia in peace.”

“Goodie, we going to bed?” he asked cheekily.

“I said come on!” Lena was losing her patience now why was he so indiscreet all the time.

“Yes miss” Roman saluted her.


That night when Roman and Lena were having sex Lena shut her eyes preparing to do her customary fake orgasm. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t enjoy sex with Roman. She just couldn’t get into it, but she knew it was part of any healthy relationship even though she didn’t particularly like it. However, that was her fault not Roman’s. The least she could do was make the right noises that she liked it.

Lena pressed her eyes shut concentrating as he penetrated harder and harder into her and then Yulia’s face popped into her head. Every kiss and every touch, all of a sudden it was Yulia she was with, sucking her nipples, kissing them softly, tasting her, tormenting her, making her come..

“Oh god, you’re the best Roman, the absolute fucking best, mmm” Roman rolled off Lena satisfied now he had got the affirmation he wanted while Lena lay on her back as he turned away from her and stared at the ceiling. S**t, she had really orgasmed but she was thinking about Yulia. That was so wrong! What the f**k was wrong with her?

Yulia was her best friend, not anyone she could…she wasn’t gay, so why the hell would she feel that? Why did it make her come? It was because they spent so much time together wasn’t it? That’s why she had seen her face. She was probably wondering whether Yulia was ok listening to them. That was it, wasn’t it? It was, it had to be.
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Old 19-10-2003, 00:35   #66
haku haku is offline
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Vow, vicky7, updates all day long! I'm glad to see that things are finally looking up for Yulia. I hope she's gonna be able to help Lena too, she really needs it!

Roman's back
LOL, when i read that, i immediately thought: shit, the jerk's back! But i have to admit that i like reading your depiction of the typical straight man! So funny, in a pathetic (and sad for Lena) way. Please continue to ridicule him/them.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 19-10-2003, 01:35   #67
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Wow Vicky! You've spoiled me today. All these updates!

The chapter is great. I love how you've described the growing attraction between the two girls.

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Old 19-10-2003, 19:16   #68
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 13 – A Heated Discussion (part 1)

It was Sunday morning and Lena felt deeply troubled. She still couldn’t work out why she had been fantasising about Yulia when she was having sex with Roman. She had orgasmed for the very first time and had nearly called out Yulia’s name, she felt tainted, like Roman and Yulia would both shun her if they found out.

Once Roman had gone home and Yulia had come out of her bedroom after waiting for Roman to leave she could sense that there was something wrong with Lena as she was so preoccupied that she did not even notice Yulia as she walked into the living room.

“Morning Lena” Yulia said cheerfully.

“Morning Yulia” Lena replied on autopilot, only briefly glancing up at Yulia. She felt too ashamed to look her friend in the face just in case she was able to tell what she had been thinking about.

“Fancy some breakfast?” With Yulia working now, she rarely cooked for Lena like you had used to so with it being Sunday she wanted to treat her.

“Erm, I was just gonna grab a shower and go out” Lena said awkwardly. Yulia then realised that Lena was probably slightly embarrassed about the fact that she knew Yulia would have heard her having sex with Roman.

Lena’s screams had rang out loudly throughout the apartment and Yulia had listened for a minute feeling more jealous than she had felt for a long time, if only she could be the one to make her howl with pleasure like that. Yulia had stopped herself listening feeling a sadness beginning to consume her at the thought that Lena would never be hers and she had put her walkman on to drown out the sound of Roman and Lena with the rock album she was listening to.

“Oh right, erm where you off to?” Lena’s awkwardness seemed to be contagious.

“Just thought I’d go to the shops or something,” she shrugged.

“Oh right” They had gone to the shops yesterday, so was that just an excuse to get away from Yulia?

“I was just gonna go for a few hours, grab a few bits and come back” she said excusing herself further.

“Oh, ok then, see you later then I guess” Yulia felt hurt, why was Lena being so off with her?

“What you gonna do?” Lena said as an after thought seeing the hurt expression on Yulia’s face at her exclusion, feeling bad for taking her own discomfort out on her.

“Just some stuff for work I think, I have a few designs in mind, could be good ” Yulia felt like she was talking to a stranger.

“Cool, I’ll see you later then” Lena said discontinuing the conversation and getting up to go into the bathroom.

“See you later” Yulia said with a wave of her hand.

Yulia was dumbfounded by the way Lena had just behaved, had Lena found out that she was in love with her? She was acting like she couldn’t bear to be around her. Had Roman said something about her to Lena?

Yulia’s mind was whirling with a whole host of scattered thoughts; she just hoped Lena was having a bad day. Oh well, she supposed she should get down to some work seeing as she wouldn’t be spending the day with Lena like she usually did. She would catch up with her later, Lena would be fine then she was sure, her imagination was simply working over time.
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Old 19-10-2003, 22:22   #69
iluvjulia84 iluvjulia84 is offline
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Omg this is so good! I canr wait for the next update
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Old 20-10-2003, 04:03   #70
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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omg, the updates keep comin like an out of control tennis ball machine..............I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

awesome, just awesome vicky!
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Old 20-10-2003, 13:53   #71
amikana amikana is offline
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lol well vicky - i guess that answers my question about Roman - although at this point i'd rather he never ever came back! lol great fic, though, really! it's awesome!

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Old 20-10-2003, 22:04   #72
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 13 part 2

After dinner Lena sat down to relax in front of the television, flicking through the channels until she saw an advertisement announcing the start of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode. She loved Buffy so she decided to sit and watch it for a while, Yulia who had been busy with her design work at that moment came through to the lounge area with a bowl of snacks and sat next to Lena.

“What you watching?” Yulia enquired while munching away on her snacks.

“Nothing yet but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is on in a minute.” Lena informed her, still not quite able to act naturally around Yulia.

“I’ve never watched that before.” Yulia saw Lena shift towards her, her leg brushing against Yulia’s, it felt so right.

“You’ve never lived!” Lena exclaimed, warming to the conversation forgetting her previous awkwardness.

“So what’s it about?” Yulia pretended to be interested, relieved that Lena was speaking to her normally again.

“Vampires and Buffy who is the Vampire Slayer, the chosen one…” Lena said excitedly waving her hands around.

“Ok” Yulia wore a puzzled expression which made Lena laugh. She was so cute when she wore that expression that Lena just wanted to hug her.

Don’t worry, its easy to catch up with, so you gonna stay and watch?” she invited her.

“Yeah, why not?” Yulia smiled, happy that the frosty atmosphere had thawed between them and that Lena wanted to be around her once more.

The episode started and the title flashed up on the screen, it was called ‘New Moon Rising.’ After it had been on for a while Yulia started to ask questions, not quite sure what was happening. “What? So she went out with him?” Yulia pointed at the characters on the screen.

“Yeah, Willow went out with Oz” Lena said trying to explain quickly so that they didn’t miss any of the plot. She had seen this episode before but still loved to watch it uninterrupted but she could tell that Yulia was going to have difficulty in keeping quiet.

“So she went out with Oz and then he left and she was upset right?” she said continuing to probe Lena.


“And then she became friends with that Tara girl?” She pointed at the blonde girl on the screen.

“Mmm” Lena responded.

“And now does she like Tara? Are they together or what?” Still more questions, Lena almost wished she were watching it alone.

“They kinda like each other but they have not done anything about it yet” Lena explained.

Oh so she is torn between them” Yulia finally got what was going on.


“Ok understand now”

“It’s only took you like half an hour” Lena said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry but I’ve never seen it before sorry to be so much trouble to you” Yulia stuck out her bottom lip pretending to sulk.

Yulia was quiet until the episode had finished as she had seen that she had been irritating Lena with her questions. Lena decided to turn the tables there was something that she wanted to ask Yulia. “So do you think that could happen? That a girl could have a boyfriend, be utterly devastated when he leaves her and then fall in love with a girl?” She was curious to find out how Yulia felt about it.

“Lena, it is fiction not real life” Yulia said trying to take the heat off herself as this conversation could lead to her revealing too much about her sexuality and maybe even her feelings for Lena.

“But do you not think it could happen?” Lena wanted to know what Yulia thought having fantasised about her last night, would she be disgusted?

“No” Yulia replied monosyllabically.

“Why’s that?” Lena had opened a can of worms but she wanted to know what Yulia honestly thought.

“Well, you’re not straight and then whoa hello everybody I’ve decided to be gay!” she said flippantly, gesturing wildly.

“God I didn’t know you were homophobic” Lena accused her angrily. Why was she being so offhand about it, Lena was serious.

Yulia smiled to herself, if only Lena knew what she was hiding from her. “I’m just saying that things don’t work like that in real life”

“How do you know?” Lena pressed.

“’'Cos they don’t” Yulia replied stubbornly standing her ground. “Lena it’s not real they are just two straight actresses playing a part”

“Do you not think two people can fall in love regardless of their sex?” Lena refused to move from her moral high ground, she could understand it so why couldn’t Yulia? She should understand, she needed her to understand.

“People initially base who they choose to go out with on looks so you can’t say oh he has a good personality, she has a good personality, it doesn’t work like that because no one in all honestly bases their choice on personality alone” Yulia countered.

“I do!” Lena yelled, feeling she had to defend herself.

“Liar!” Yulia retorted. How could she say that when her boyfriend was a pr**k? “Are you telling me that you are going out with Roman because he’s Mr Personality?”

“Just leave Roman out of it!” Lena barked in her face.

“I just don’t get you, he treats you so badly, walks all over you and you go back for more every time!” Yulia was frustrated with Lena, was she blind? He was a complete and utter b**tard.

“Like I said leave it!” Lena knew she was on the verge of losing her self-control.

“I just want the best for you Lena, you deserve someone who will love you and be there for you when you need them” You need me Yulia told her silently wishing she could communicate this thought to the angry redhead in front of her.

“Look, I’m happy and it’s none of your business” Lena had stood up and had folded her arms defensively across her chest.

“All I can say is that he must be a good f**k because I can’t see what else he does for you” Yulia said cuttingly.

Lena was no longer able to restrain her fury, swinging her hand back and striking Yulia hard across the face causing her to reel back in pain. Yulia looked stunned raising a hand to her face trying to stroke away the searing heat on her left cheek. She had gone too far and she was regretful that she had seeming ruined her friendship with Lena. “I’ll…I’ll get out of your way” she stuttered retreating to the safety of her bedroom.

Lena hadn’t moved from the spot where she was standing, she couldn’t, she had just physically assaulted Yulia hitting her so hard that her hand was throbbed having marked Yulia’s face with the imprint of her fingers. Lena’s eyes filled with tears, what if she lost Yulia? Would she ever be able to forgive her?
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Old 20-10-2003, 23:29   #73
haku haku is offline
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Very powerful chapter vicki7, great writing.

I knew this would happen, them fighting about Roman, and that's so sad. Roman wins, even when he's not there. Great description of the conflicting thoughts in both Yulia and Lena's minds, so many lies, to each other and themselves! And that's not a pretty side of Lena that is emerging right now, i thought she would be able to use words instead of violence (not to mention that she's 10kg heavier than Yulia).
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 21-10-2003, 01:33   #74
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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oh man, they had a fight.
damn that sux!

even though he hasn't done anything, i still want roman to be shot! he just messess up everything!

nice work vicky.
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Old 21-10-2003, 02:26   #75
iluvjulia84 iluvjulia84 is offline
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All i can say is WOW! This is soooo damn good.

Hey guesshoo i love ur avatar, Aaliyah was, and still is, very beautiful.
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Old 21-10-2003, 03:24   #76
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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Originally posted by iluvjulia84
All i can say is WOW! This is soooo damn good.

Hey guesshoo i love ur avatar, Aaliyah was, and still is, very beautiful.

thanx, i love it too.
but special thanx to homegirl in my siggy, w/o her it wouldn't be possible.
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Old 21-10-2003, 06:53   #77
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Damn this is one heck of a story! I've been waiting for this to happen...them arguing over Roman, but I'm glad Yulia finally said it. I love how you describe the little things between the girls to show how they are moving along--whether it's forward or backwards (as in the case of the slap, but still, you give us a realistic indication of what they are feeling). Can't wait for the next update!
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Old 22-10-2003, 22:10   #78
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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here's the first part of chapter 14 for you all. Enjoy!

Chapter 14 – Making Amends

Yulia threw herself down on her bed burying her face under a pillow. Her cheek was stinging, she could feel it beginning to swell and her body shook as tears sprang from her eyes. Why had she got so angry with Lena? She wanted Lena but at the same time she had to accept that the only thing she could have from her was friendship. It hurt knowing that she would never get to lavish her affection on Lena, to show her what real love was. Maybe that was the problem. Her ego wouldn’t allow her to accept she didn’t have a chance with Lena.

Why Yulia didn’t know but sometimes when Lena looked at her or touched her, the gazes seemed to linger longer than they should have and the touches were often so tender. Now she was in no doubt she had imagined it all and that Lena just was ultra tactile with people in general, Yulia wasn’t a special case at all as much as it pained her.

When Yulia thought about it, she knew that she had been very wrong to say those things about Roman to Lena but she hadn’t been able to stop herself. She hated the guy. There was something about him that just gave her the creeps. She had only met him twice but the way he looked at Yulia and seemed to view her as a rival for Lena’s attention was strange especially the way he treated Lena. Yulia had seen the way Lena would often get ready to go out with Roman only to receive a phone call at the last minute which would enviably lead to her changing back into her casual clothes and spending the time with Yulia.

Not that Yulia was complaining about the fact that Roman standing Lena up meant she got to spend more time with Lena, not at all. She loved being with her even if they were just slumming around in front of the television, going shopping or cooking dinner together. Lena was so special to her, very different from herself but completely fascinating. Now she had seen another side of her, a violent Lena. The slap itself had hurt but Yulia was more worried what affect the argument might have on their friendship, was this the end?

Yulia had never seen Lena angry like that but she hadn’t just been livid about the Roman comments she had made, it went back to when they were watching that television show. Lena had really pushed her for her thoughts on whether a previously straight girl could fall for another girl. It was almost like Lena had wanted Yulia to start making a speech about gay rights or something, so while Lena had been pushing her to answer the question Yulia deflected it above all not wanted to expose herself.

Although, Yulia would have liked to answer that it could happen she didn’t believe it in her heart, it reminded her too much of what had happened with Anouska. Anouska had boyfriends before she had started to go out with Yulia including a long-term relationship with a boy who she admitted to Yulia she would have liked to marry as she had loved him that much. When Yulia thought of it that alone should have sent alarm bells off in her head as it was evident that her love hadn’t been enough for Anouska. Yulia still felt bitter about it after all this time and here she was again falling for a straight girl. Why would she never learn?

She wanted to go out into the lounge and talk to Lena but she didn’t want to have to face her again if she was still so angry, that would only make things worse. Yulia buried her head further under the pillow, she just wanted Lena to come and give her a hug and tell her it was all going to be ok, that their argument was just silly and that she still wanted to be friends. Yulia didn’t notice the bedroom door creak open…
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Old 22-10-2003, 23:54   #79
WhoCares WhoCares is offline
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Whoa!! Major cliffhanger! Now I'm being driven crazy waiting for what happens next! Awesome chapter!
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Old 23-10-2003, 00:19   #80
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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no no no!!!!!
please don't leave us like this!
please vicky, i promise i'll be a good girl. .........
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