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Old 27-04-2004, 19:55   #41
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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exactly. thank you for writing this.

“I’d know,” Yulia whispered, still watching the lights below. The magic shimmered and hung heavily in the air, and the dark-haired girl put out a little hand to touch the cool glass. “And I’d miss you.”
my favourite part so far. so full of emotion, in just a few lines.

and yes, you rock
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Old 27-04-2004, 19:56   #42
denial denial is offline
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huh?! ..Vicky7? ...woa... unexpected interesting....

*off to continue the updates* at $in
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
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From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
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Old 27-04-2004, 20:00   #43
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By: tatufreak

Another Interlude/Short Chapter:



There was a prod in her side.
Lena rolled over, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She groaned and stretched out a hand, plucking her alarm clock from the bedside table and squinting at it in the sharp morning light.
"Two am? This had better be good..."
Yulia hovered over her, a dark blur resolving gradually into her delicate features. She was troubled and anxious, whispering to alert her partner.
"There's someone at the door, Ta."
Lena rolled to peer over her shoulder at the door, before frowning sleepily.
"There's no one there, Volk."
Yulia knelt on the bed, leaning towards her.
"I didn't say they had knocked."
Lena stared at her for a moment as her blue eyes cleared. Suddenly she hurled back the covers, almost throwing Yulia off the bed. The dark girl tumbled over and picked herself up off the floor, but Lena didn't take the time to notice or apologise. She was already making her way silently towards the pool table where her gun and a round of bullets lay in plain sight.
"How did you know?" she tossed to Yulia, keeping her voice as quiet as possible.
"I heard them on the stairs," came the whispered reply, and Lena was a little reassured to see the girl was carrying her gun.
There's just something about the way she holds it...I know I'm safe when she's there; unless of course she turns on me, Lena thought with a sardonic smile. But somehow I don't think it would ever occur to her.
Her knuckles throbbed, reminding her of the previous day's 'disciplinary session'.
At least, it had better not.
Yulia's very soft breathing jerked her back to life, and she looked down at her hands to see the gun loaded and ready.
Edgily she motioned for the girl to cover her while she slowly moved towards the door. Tension built by the footstep as she tried to maintain as much silence as possible, while in her head questions streamed through her mind.
Who are they? What are they doing here? Why are they just standing outside, how many of them are they, and why on Earth did Volk just gasp?
She spun, paused, then lifted her gun and fired a single shot. With the muffler attached the bullet made significantly less noise than the man did as he slumped over his chest wound.
Yulia stared at him. His hand still grasped a knife, the same blade that had been inches from her eye. She looked down with utter disinterest, before returning her gaze to meet Lena's.
"They're in the house."
Instantly every potplant was a hiding place, every corner was a lookout. Without words or communication Yulia and Lena threw their backs together, guns outstreched. Both scanned the apartment furiously for intruders, and then Lena found her hand being gripped very hard by Yulia's own. She kept utter silence, somehow sensing the intensity of the wordless command. Yulia's eyes were shut and her mouth was clamped in a hard, thin line as she forced herself to listen and move through the apartment in her mind. She pulled herself through the sluggish layers of the walls and investigated the rooms, inquisitively. Her exploration told her that there were two other men in the apartment, both in the bathroom. Then she turned to outside, and levelled her gun at the door. Lena turned her head and watched the muzzle weaving slowly up and down before it froze, and then four shots rang out in a tight succession. There were two moans and three thuds, followed by a groan and the sound of the last man sliding down the wall.
The two men burst out of the bathroom and Lena unleashed metal fury upon them. Normally they would be a threat and a foe, but the moment they intruded into her house - the moment they pushed her barriers - that was when the fight had become personal. They were the no longer the enemies, they were her enemies.
Bullets riddled their bodies as Lena kept firing, a grim look in her eyes. Yulia half-turned to watch, concerned but unwilling to stop her.
Suddenly something caught her eye, and she held up a hand. Lena reluctantly paused shooting while she ran forward, crouching next to the bloody corpses. Without a wince or hesitation the dark-haired girl reached into the chest of the closest man, withdrawing a navy pin from the pulp. She glanced it, then flicked it away across the floor and got onto her knees, reaching to extract an identical pin from the next body.
“They’re the same pins as the others…”
She got no further as the blonde suddenly ran forwards towards the motionless bodies of the men and began to kick them furiously.
"Who are you? How dare you enter my home? How dare you?" She only stopped when she noticed pools of dark red spreading out across the floorboards.
She stood still for a moment, gazing at the spread. Then she turned back to the prostate men and fixed them with a baleful glare.
"And do you know how long it's gonna take for me to clean that mess up? Do you have any idea?"
Yulia gently placed a hand on Lena's shoulder, which the girl shrugged off. She put her face into her own, her shoulders beginning to shake.
"They could have killed us as we slept."
"No, they couldn't. I was awake."
"What if you had been asleep?"
"There is no what if."
Lena took her face out of her hands.
"There's something we have in the civilised world, Volk. It's called shock. Just leave me alone right now, cut me a little slack, you know?"
Yulia took this in and hesitated before she turned back to the double bed.
"Ok...but, Lena?"
The blonde remained very still, closing her eyes in the effort of remaining calm while Yulia's anxious face looked over her shoulder.
"Do you want me I sleep next to you, just for now, just so if..."
The syllable echoed throughout the apartment and died, taking a little of Yulia's heart with it.
Her shoulders slumped and she turned to her own pathetic little cot-bed.
"Ok," she whispered, barely audibly. Sitting down, she laid her gun next to her bed lamp and swung her legs up, so she was lying on her back.
Lena finally turned a few minutes later, not looking at her as she climbed into her own bed.
"We'll obviously sleep in this morning. I'll call you at ten."
Yulia's dark eyes glanced up, meeting only the huddled shape of Lena's back. She blinked and sighed, quietly.
"Ok," she repeated, and then her lids slowly drifted down, barely touching her cheeks.
She slept.
Lena tossed and turned, awake until the bright morning.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 27-04-2004, 20:01   #44
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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at $in
ok, now what was that for? little denial is grumpy again... wanna candy?

now be a good little girl
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Old 27-04-2004, 20:02   #45
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By: tatufreak

The second brilliant guest chapter - short, but most definitely sweet.

Nunzilla - The Perfect Mango


The warm Parisian wind blew lightly, causing the new-fallen leaves in the cobblestone street to dance with the breeze. Tourists and locals alike strolled aimlessly about the walkways, enjoying the gentle weather. Parked near the classical buildings were stands: hat stands, clothing stands, watch stands, and several fruit stands. At one particularly cheery fruit stand, an elderly woman bent over and scanned for her startled pet.
"Come on you little devil," the old woman whispered, coaxing her little kitten out of its hiding place underneath the rickety fruit stand's wooden timbers.
"I've got food for you, kitty kitty." She held out a piece of mango and dangled it above the pure white ball of puff that was her hiding cat. Finally losing all its fear, it crept slowly out and sniffed the small offering.
“Mrrrow?” It questioned, and quickly nibbled at the orange edges.
“That’s a good kitty,” the lady coaxed, petting her tiny friend. In the distance, one young woman, and what appearing to be a young girl walked toward her. The sun overhead shined brightly over the merchant’s goods. It was good day for fruit, and the juicy morsels had been selling all afternoon. The two strangers continued to get closer. Her kitty licked his lips and stared curiously at the prospective customers.
“Oh, mangos!” Lena cried, stopping to pick one up and examine it. “That would be a perfect snack for lunch...”
Yulia, suddenly distracted, merely nodded but kept her eyes fixed on the kitten in the old woman’s arms. The kitten stared back, unwilling to back down, unafraid.
“I think he likes you,” the old woman spoke, her voice soft and friendly, “You can pet him if you’d like.” The cat almost instinctively began to wriggle from his owner’s arms. Yulia held her own arms out and scooped the little kitten up. Such a small thing, so fragile and innocent, unaware of her pain, uncorrupted by the dark aura of suffering that seemed to seep from within her.
“He’s very beautiful,” she whispered, almost choking on her words. One hand clinging gently to him, Yulia stroked its white fluffy fur, still gazing into the cat’s glowing honey colored eyes. Lena, having found her perfect mango, huffed quietly and reached into her purse, pulling out the necessary funds for her purchase. The lady took it and artfully produced the correct change, and a bag to put the delicious fruit in.
“Come on Yulia, we need to get back before dark,” she demanded, breaking Yulia’s trance; causing her to turn towards Lena, who merely shot a glance to the cat in the short haired assassin’s arms and back again. The young girl wore a look of pure felicity on her face, and the rareness of that look struck Lena hard. She flinched and motioned with her hand for the girl to come along.
Yulia took one last look at the kitten, and handed it back to the woman. “It was a pleasure meeting you,” she uttered tranquilly, “what is his name?”
Yulia and Lena then departed, the old lady following them with her eyes as they made their way home. “What a strange pair those two were,” she mumbled, playing with her purring pet’s ears, “weren’t they kitty?”
Quickly, the cat squirmed from her grip and dashed out into the street.
“Come back Noir!” The old women cried, but her plea was lost in the scattered chatter of Paris’ pedestrians.
The white kitten padded onward, bent set on following his new-found friend.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
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Old 27-04-2004, 20:10   #46
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by $in
ok, now what was that for? little denial is grumpy again... wanna candy?

now be a good little girl
grummpy? me? :::aims her gun at $in again ....:::..squinting eyes::: ..

oii! that was the last one .. no new update yet.. well .. I hope new chapter arrive as I finish reading this...

*looks at the clock* .. 3.19 am ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 27-04-2004, 20:18   #47
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i liked both vicky's and nunzilla's chapters very much.
and the little kitty... i hope lena won't shoot the poor thing... she's such a cold bitch sometimes...

awww...little denial is just sleepy

and don't point at me with that gun! it's rude, u know. daddy told me, u never point a gun at person. even if it's empty!!! he also teached me how to clean a gun, so i know how to put it into parts...

*puts denials gun into parts, and puts it back (without the trigger)*

now there u go. clean and harmless
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Old 28-04-2004, 13:47   #48
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Originally Posted by $in
*puts denials gun into parts, and puts it back (without the trigger)*

now there u go. clean and harmless
::::tears began to stream slowly down denial's... her fingers; silver-clear dripping down ....:::she looks at her un-trigger gun..::: ..

waaaaaaa!!! put it back!! put it back!!

:::goes to get another gun::: :::aims at $in ...on her face... focus.. sharp::: ...then .."Click!" see...I am not rude ... but I am heartless ... you're lucky .. this gun is empty....

==okay back to fic review==

Dear tatufreak .. phew . oh well .. was an intense moments reading this - to kill James Donahoe .. so I listed my favorite moments again .. anyway .. there's something about Lena character that I think doesn't fit the beginning of the story .. with the appearing of Yulia .. Lena has become more like an amatur and weak instead of sharp and focus like before .. she seems careless and made mistake .. she even forget her route on the map .. and she just guessed to go left ... her judgement became weak .. now .. what happened? She can't be that weak I think .. she was well trained .. and heartless.. something is wrong .. was she putting Yulia on test .. or .. she's not suppose to trust her ..

“So we’re flying tonight. You’d better go pack for us while I get some more information.”
“Pack what?”
There was a pause, then Lena pressed a button on the computer and swivelled her chair sideways to face Yulia. Resting an elbow on the table and her chin in her hand, she looked at the girl with her big blue eyes, an expression of something halfway between amusement and annoyance flickering across her face.
“Figure it out.”
The dark haired girl put out a little hand and began to count off her fingers.
“Well, we need our pyjamas, toiletries and that…” she paused as Lena began to shake a finger, and then began to wonder how she could have made a mistake already.
“You don’t know Japanese hotels, Volk. They provide PJs, toiletries, stuff like that. Think more technically.”
“Well, obviously we need our guns, ammo, cleaning fluid, cases and laser sights…main suitcase.”
“Main? We’re travelling light.”
“Then we’ll need a change of clothes, and our fighting gear. Is that it?”
--- hahahaha .. my mind couldn't help but to cross with the More than Bargain For fic .. when Yulia has to pack ..

Maybe she was so careless because she didn’t know she could do it, so finding out that she could dance like a spirit would have been a pleasure too great to pass up.Now the look of confusion passed from her eyes and she straightened up, her mind set on one objective.
No matter what, I have to find out who she is…

…even if I have to kill her.
Yulia lifted the binoculars to her eyes, searching the Maxman building. She let her gaze travel past Donahue - he didn't interest her; he was just a target. What interested her was the layout of the office.
And Lena had bought her the Mickey Mouse underwear, which Yulia now admired on herself in the mirror. She tipped her tousled head sideways and smiled at herself.

Twisting gracefully upwards in a spin kick, she turned, slashed her hands forwards into a combination cut, and managed to stop them an inch from either side of Lena's neck as the blonde stepped out of the bathroom.
"Save it for later," the blonde remarked, completely unfazed.
heh heh ..

Twenty five floors below, Lena stared up at the building in rising horror. The power! The power was back on!
She closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands, ice settling around her heart.
They knew we were coming...they knew.
Suddenly her eyes flew open and she stared upwards in utter terror, uttering one word in a strangled half-sob.

At first she thought she was alone - that Lena had deserted her. Had she been set up all the time? No, she couldn't believe that - she wouldn't. As she turned a movement caught her eye, and as her watched beeped the final count, Lena stepped out of the shadows.

She'd realised how close she had come to losing the younger girl, and it had terrified her. Tomorrow she would once again become a cruel, heartless antagonist - but for now she could cry, and she did.

A passing young man stopped and sneered at them, displaying a mouthful of gold teeth as he shouted, "Lesbians! Get off the streets!"
As one, Yulia and Lena quietly drew each others' guns from each others' belts. They didn't have to look as they aimed, still holding each other with one arm.
Two identical shots rang out in the night, and then all was still.
--- hahahaha! cool !

:::: on Vicky7's chapter :::

Well .. Vicky's writing style suddenly felt different .. maybe Vicky noticed too .. that Lena can't be weak .. she should be strong .. I guess ..

As he swung the knife at her again the sharp blade cut the air menacingly just in front of her face. Yulia instinctively reached out for the knife grabbing the guard’s wrist and twisting the knife around in his hand and slashing his throat wide open from ear to ear, his body crumpling to the floor as he choked on his last breathes.
-- oii!! denial past out

This is all your fault. You’re so selfish. Why did you do it? What do you have to prove?

She did as you asked. You sent her there alone. You’re sorry now aren’t you?

It’s hurts doesn’t it?

The blood, it didn’t seem like it was ever going to stop… Lena sighed as she raked her hands through her blonde mane. Why is it the more I push her away the more I think about her?
...hmmm... this is Lena? ...awww...

She pushed her off wanting as much distance between them as possible. She was meant to be alone; to have any form of attachment to another human being would make her weak, she would not allow it. She was Lena Katina, an ice maiden, a consummate professional and Yulia’s boss and she would make her pay for making such a big mistake tonight…

“Do you know what happens to people who let me down?”

“No.” Yulia said softly preparing herself to find out.

“They suffer.”

“And then they suffer some more.”

“And some more.”

“And some more.”


I need to get some fresh air and smoke at the balcony for a while .. I'll be back to read the Intrusion and Nunzilla chapters.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
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Old 28-04-2004, 14:32   #49
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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reading u'r reviews is so fun so i'll put back the trigger. but u cnt aiming at people anymore! ok?
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Old 28-04-2004, 15:10   #50
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by $in
reading u'r reviews is so fun so i'll put back the trigger. but u cnt aiming at people anymore! ok?

Well there's something about reading .. you get to read whats in their mind .. compare to watching movie don't..

"I heard them on the stairs," came the whispered reply, and Lena was a little reassured to see the girl was carrying her gun.
There's just something about the way she holds it...I know I'm safe when she's there; unless of course she turns on me, Lena thought with a sardonic smile. But somehow I don't think it would ever occur to her.

"They're in the house."
oh-oh ..

They were the no longer the enemies, they were her enemies.
I like this very much!

:: By Nunzilla ::

Yulia took one last look at the kitten, and handed it back to the woman. “It was a pleasure meeting you,” she uttered tranquilly, “what is his name?”
okay .. so .. how do I pronounce "Noir"?

Okay .. I'm done!! *pats herself on the back* .. well done!! .. goes to line-up in queue waiting for update ..

::: but she won't forget her gun ..:::.. navsigda ... nikogda...
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 01-05-2004, 10:04   #51
tatufreak tatufreak is offline
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Back to me!

Chapter Three - Kitten

Pitter patter.
Yulia stopped and turned at the strange noise, her senses calling her to look around.
Behind her the street basked in the sunshine, reflecting warmth and late summer sleepiness. Lena had called it the calm before the storm, a sure sign it would snow in a few days.
Paris, it seemed, had notoriously unreliable weather patterns.
For the time being the street was empty, so Yulia turned again to walk fast and catch up with Lena, already several meters ahead and chatting away to the air.
Pitter patter, came the noise again. Instantly Yulia's head whipped round and she instinctively crouched to the ground, expecting danger.
Instead, she was confronted with the purring, smiley face of the fluffy white kitten.
Before she could stop herself her little hand had reached out towards the baby cat. She began to stroke him, and was enchanted as the animal nudged her fingers with his nose before pushing his way into her arms.
She straightened up, marvelling at how little Noir weighed. He was adorable and innocent, lifting his tiny face to peer into her own - his big blue eyes shining with inexplicably certain kitten-love.
Lena turned, suddenly aware of a lack of her crime-partner's presence.
"Come on," she waved, beckoning. "it's starting to get dark, and I really don't want to hit rush hour in the car."
Yulia reluctantly knelt to let Noir scamper from her arms, hands still tingling from the soft fuzziness of the kitten's baby fur. She rubbed them together and gave the little animal a last tickle before straightening herself up and turning to follow Lena.
Behind her, Noir gave a tiny meow of hurt and confusion, begging with his eyes to be treasured and loved again by his little dark-haired admirer.
Yulia paused at that moment, eyes closed. If they'd been open, she knew they would be brimming with unshed tears. She knew it was stupid and over-dramatic, but something about the unassuming, unconditional love of the kitten made it almost impossible to walk away.
Then she caught Lena's repeated call, tinged with impatience. There was no choice, she must do what she must.
Leaving the confused kitten behind, she walked towards her blonde partner, half a smile on her face as she blinked back the tears.
Behind her Noir stared after her for a while before getting bored and scampering off to find new things to play with.
Yulia felt him go.

Darkness smudged the apartment's clean lines as they entered.
Lena flipped on the lights, chucking her keys onto the table and dropping her bags by her feet.
"That took ages" she yawned, while Yulia carefully began to water the potplant near the window. "I haven't seen traffic like that in a while...sure hope there was a bad enough accident to justify it. Go make tea, ok?"
As she disappeared through to the kitchen, Lena turned to watch.
She's really attached to that kitten, isn't she?
Yulia busied herself with the kettle, industriously emptying, refilling and checking it. She was in her own little world, trying desperately not to think about the little fluffy ball of tumbly innocence that she had held in her arms only a few hours ago.
This desperate concentration on anything other than Noir let her hand find its way to her pocket. She slipped it in and unconsciously withdrew the round silver watch. The lid flipped open, the tune began, Yulia's mouth opened in a round O of horror, and Lena calmly looked around.
"Playing with the watch again?" she asked, a lot more gently than Yulia had been expecting. The lid snapped shut, the melody ceased.
"I didn't mean to..."
Lena unexpectedly walked toward her, eyes fixed on the little silver timepiece. She had a look of resignation on her face as she approached; resignation mingled with curiosity.
"Let's have a look at it, then."
Yulia instantly thrust the watch out to her, but while Lena's eyes stayed absolutely fixed on it, she made no move to touch or take it.
"Open it again," she commanded.
The little silver lid flipped open, and very quietly the ringing melody echoed into the air.
Lena studied it with her narrowed eyes, pursing her lips.
"I know that tune."
Yulia nodded, staring down at the ticking hands, mesmerised by the hypnotic motion.
Next to her, the Parisian blonde's head began to spin as with every haunting note a flash of memory came shimmering through the darkness.
A few views of a room from waist-level, a tickly teddybear clasped tightly. Sunny breeze, humming bees, big yellow butterflies...but no, they were big yellow flowers instead. They melted and ripped apart, stretching and flattening into spinning tiles; murderously slotting together with the space for darkness in between them, then a field of flowers, now a growing, stretching floor of black and yellow...
Yulia heard her gasp and caught her before she fell, taking her hand and placing it firmly on the counter so she could steady herself.
Lena recovered quickly, shaking her head to clear her vision. She leaned heavily sideways and passed the back of her other hand over her hot forehead before steadying herself and burying her face in her hands.
Yulia disappeared for an instant, returning a few seconds later with a glass of cool water.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, I just don't know what came over me. I'm probably just tired."
"Drink this." Yulia pushed the water into her hands and Lena took the glass with clumsy-feeling fingers.
A few minutes later and Yulia had returned to her task of making the tea, while at the same time pondering her partner-in-crime's confusing faint. Could a watch have that much effect on her?
It must have brought back some serious, maybe very old memories...but for a little watch to do that it must have been central and quite tied to her previous life.
She turned to the bed and offered a cup of tea to Lena, who was resting casually. Just in case she fainted again Yulia had pushed her bed next to Lena's, anxious to keep an eye on her and make sure she would be ok.
Surprisingly Lena had allowed the gesture with minimal fuss, content just to close her eyes and relax.
They slept.
The morning came early, stealing into the apartment and waking a sleepy dark girl.
"We need some food for today," Yulia commented to herself as she woke.
Lena's eyes flickered open for just a moment.
"Go and get some, then. The money's in my purse, don't spend it all."
"And you?"
"I rest. Scoot."

Yulia dropped a paper bag of them into her basket.
A carton was added.
"Red wine, frying steak, onions, cream..."
The items were dropped in one by one as she moved down the aisles.
When she had finished, the dark-haired girl paid and packed her own bags. She stepped blinking into the bright light, balancing her food and navigating the busy street.
People were bustling and pushing. Somewhere a baby cried, but closer the air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter. Cars hooted amiably, children played underfoot, mothers scolded, and Yulia Volkova stopped dead.
Somehow, through the dense atmosphere of noise and laughter, she'd heard a tiny sound that had filled her heart with hope. Making her way towards a dark alleyway she placed her bags on the ground and peered in for any sign of...
Noir looked up from his garbage-can scavenging, a wide smile of recognition crossing his kitten face. Yulia stared down at him halfway between pure joy and horrified sadness.

Lena opened her eyes as the late afternoon sunlight slanted through the window slats. Her stomach growled as she lifted her fists to her eyes, yawning as she wiped the sleep away.
"What's the time?" she mumbled, shielding herself from the golden light with a hand. "It's quite late, isn't it?"
Something nudged her memory, niggling at the back of her mind. Lena glanced sideways and caught sight of the second bed.
"Oh...Yulia...where's Yulia?"
As if in answer, the apartment door opened. A dark-haired girl walked into the apartment, carrying a few brown paper bags in her arms. With an apologetic glance at Lena, she moved to the kitchen and was about to start unpacking before the blonde could say anything. Unfortunately, Lena's tongue was quicker.
"What took you so long, Yul?"
The other girl had been wincing, expecting a lashing rebuke. Now she opened one eye, questioning and surprised.
Lena yawned widely, stretching herself in the warm sunlight. She caught Yulia's confusion and smiled reassuringly.
"I'm always nice after a good long sleep. And," she indicated a button flashing on the computer screen, "we have a client, by the looks of things - pretty agreeable day, isn't it?"
Yulia stared at her, looking extremely uncomfortable. She had a thick jacket on due to the cold wind outside, and seemed to be cradling one of the bags closer to her than the others.
Lena met her gaze, then very slowly her eyes travelled down towards the brown paper bag. It rustled.
Lena took a step closer, a look on her face not unlike that of a shark baiting a swimmer.
"So, Volk...just what, exactly, did you buy?"
Yulia kept her eyes on Lena's, even when the bag she was holding unexpectedly squirmed. She didn't need to look to feel the little white paw emerge and push down the side of the bag, followed by the nudging through of a happy white face. She didn't need to look to know the big blue eyes were shining, or that the fuzzy muzzle held a happy kitten smile. And she definitely didn't need to look to know that the innocent playful little kitten was in full view of Lena's piercing gaze.
The blonde stared at the kitten for a few moments before looking up to Yulia. The dark girl's eyes had never left hers, holding a deep expression full of fear, desperation and pathetic hope.
The moment was shattered as the little cat meowed. Lena glanced at him, before finally jerking a thumb towards the kitchen.
"He can stay until the snow comes and goes. Get him some milk, I'm gonna look at the client request."
She turned and strode fast towards the computer, not looking back to see the flood of relief and quite joy in Yulia's eyes. She knew it was there, she just didn't have time to see it.
"Our target," she murmured, after a while. Yulia glanced up at her. "He's an ex-KGB agent. Long list of war crimes, seems a pretty nasty guy. Looks like he made a lot of enemies in his life."
She sat back, meshing her fingers behind her head and yawning.
"He'll be a really easy take. You can do it." Lena turned in time to catch the strong look of sheer dismay and fear in Yulia's eyes. Her mouth widened into a smile. "Don't worry, Volk. I'm not about to let you slip up again. I'll be with you, but you do the actual killing. Got it?"
Yulia's face cleared, and she gave a barely perceptible nod.
"Got it."
Lena reached for her gun, examining it. Her accomplice had spent many hours polishing and cleaning both weapons, and the care showed.
"We strike tomorrow," she said, abruptly.
Yulia glanced up from playing with Noir. "Tomorrow?"
Lena nodded, meeting her gaze.
"Tomorrow night. For now, get some rest."
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Old 01-05-2004, 10:14   #52
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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she agreed to keep noir ?! maybe she isn't such a bitch afterall

i loved the part about noir squirming in the paper-bag

and now i'm very curious abot lena and that watch...
*scratches beard she doesn't have*
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Old 02-05-2004, 09:41   #53
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Yulia stared at her, looking extremely uncomfortable. She had a thick jacket on due to the cold wind outside, and seemed to be cradling one of the bags closer to her than the others.
Lena met her gaze, then very slowly her eyes travelled down towards the brown paper bag. It rustled.
Lena took a step closer, a look on her face not unlike that of a shark baiting a swimmer.
"So, Volk...just what, exactly, did you buy?"
ahahahaha .. I could really imagine Yulia face and Lena face at this moment ..

"We strike tomorrow," she said, abruptly.
Yulia glanced up from playing with Noir. "Tomorrow?"
awww... so cute .... hehehehe

I like Lena sound strong that way .. denial can't wait for next action!!

:::::squinting eyes at $in::::

Thanks Tatufreak for update ...please update again soon!
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Old 02-05-2004, 18:52   #54
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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:::::squinting eyes at $in::::
what did i do again

i see progress here. no aiming u'r gun at me. u being a good girl, i brought u something. now eat u'r lollypop
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Old 03-05-2004, 03:53   #55
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Originally Posted by $in
i see progress here. no aiming u'r gun at me. u being a good girl, i brought u something. now eat u'r lollypop
... $in ... don't trust me .. :::::denial plays with her kalanshnikov::::::

back to topic, LoL ..

Well .. I just curiuos what is this "Noir" about.. I thought its just a name at first.. but then I dont think so .. so I looked in doctionary ...and I can't find it .. so I search internet .. then

"The females in film noir are either of two types - dutiful, reliable, trustworthy and loving women; or femme fatales - mysterious, duplicitous, double-crossing, gorgeous, unloving, predatory, tough-sweet, unreliable, irresponsible, manipulative and desperate women.

Film noir films (mostly shot in gloomy grays, blacks and whites) show the dark and inhumane side of human nature with cynicism and doomed love, and they emphasize the brutal, unhealthy, seamy, shadowy, dark and sadistic sides of the human experience. An oppressive atmosphere of menace, pessimism, anxiety, suspicion that anything can go wrong, dingy realism, futility, fatalism, defeat and entrapment are stylized characteristics of film noir. The protagonists in film noir are normally driven by their past or by human weakness to repeat former mistakes.
... so how do I pronouce Noir?
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Old 03-05-2004, 15:49   #56
tatufreak tatufreak is offline
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...Noir...French for black...Nwar?
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Old 03-05-2004, 19:43   #57
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Nwar .... okay! thanks tatufreak
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Old 03-05-2004, 19:49   #58
tatufreak tatufreak is offline
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Although...they pronounce it a bit weirdly - Nuhwar. ...and for future reference, it's Klo-eh.
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Old 03-05-2004, 20:16   #59
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Klo-eh? you changing them? for new concept?
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Old 03-05-2004, 20:20   #60
tatufreak tatufreak is offline
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Perhaps...what about Nastya :P
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