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Love must be a Fairy Tale

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Old 23-03-2005, 09:18   #41
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Chapter 9

“I saw her today.” Sophy said with a stoic smile. It was a smile Kozlov thought to be very annoying because he didn’t know what the woman thought when she smiled like that.

“Saw who?” Kozlov almost whispered as he lighted up another cigarette. Then he started to wander around the filthy and small apartment room in a search of his lighter. He growled as the lighter wasn’t showing any signs of turning up any time soon. Sophy lazily dangled a slick black lighter between her index finger and her thumb, holding it up in the air.

“Looking for this…?” She purred, spreading herself on Kozlov’s futon. Kozlov turned to her and glared at her in irritation before snatching the light from her hands.

“Fucking cunt…” He murmured before lighting up his smoke and inhaling the fulfilling smoke. Sophy just laughed at his try at indimidating her.

“Fucking queer…” She retorted back before taking out a mascara from her pack pocket. She opened the lid carefully, revealing not a brush of the mascara head, but an empty rod filled with white powder. She poured some on her finger, in a random measure and sucked it up her nose.

“That’s fucking disgusting you slut. Don’t do that shit in front of my face again or I’ll fuck your brains out.” Kozlov said, taking yet another deep drag from his smoke burning between his fingers. Sophy cackled, the effects of the cocaine settling in her brain.

The apartment was downright filthy. No one would’ve been surprised if they found a stack of dead rats hidden somewhere, making the unbearable odor that resided in the place. Semen and blood encrusted clothes caked about the room that made it almost impossible to live in. Dead flys were strewn about, some still buzzing around trying to survive. The ripped wallpapers were barely hanging from the walls and the only source of light which was a stray lightbulb hanging by its wires on the ceiling were blinking on and off, swaying.

“That uhh…fuck…umm…what was the name of the red head again? Mmmm…fuck…hehehe..” Sophy babbled like a psycho, stoned out of her mind.

“Who…Lena?” Kozlov suggested, his voice raising of hope and excitement.

“Thaaaaaaat’s the one. Saw her today at the shrink’s office…hehehehe….” She dragged on with her sentence, then moving on to rubbing her head vigorously on the rugged futon. “I know where she lives…Her phone number… Her itsy bitsy friends… hehehhehehe…Jack….puhahahahaha!” She went on and on.

“Shut the fuck up bitch. Get your stoned ass out of my fucking apartment.” Kozlov shushed the stoned woman sharply, with a nasty snarl on his face. But soon his face broke into a light smile as he slowly stood himself up and almost galloped to the bathroom to make himself presentable.


Lena shrieked as she pushed aside everything on her counter to the floor, the glass wears shattering on the hardwood floor. Her face was flushed and her eyes were red with tears still sliding down her pale face. Her mouth was gaping at inexpressable pain and guilt, and screamings. Her hands and as well as her whole body shook into an angry frenzy, smashing and breaking everything she could lay her hands on.

‘Dammit it wasn’t supposed to be this way…Fuck I wasn’t supposed to meet her like that, everything turned out so fucked up! God damn it!! Shit!’ She though angrily as she raged at her belongings. The shattered glasses pricked into her bare feet, leaving smears of blood in her apartment’s floor.

She took her clock, sitting on a table top and hurled it across her room, the machinery shattering into unrepairable pieces among the already littered floor. Then she pushed off all of her contents on her night stand, kicking them at the beaten wall. After, she picked up the wholen nightstand itself and swung it to her mirror, cracking the glass.

Her adrenaline was slowly fizzing into a tiny particles of sadness more than anger, her torn heart baring for everyone to witness but no one to see. She resignedly stared at herself at the cracked mirror. She watched as her mosaic images of herself was doubled on each pieces of mirror, thus showing double the pain.

Everything was fucked up. She never should’ve come back here, expecting everything to be normal again.

She paused everything in her senses right then to look around her, watching the masterpiece of her anger and screeching sorrow. It only took her seconds to collapse on her knees and begin to openly sob into the back of her sleeves.

‘You’re a real angel, Lena.’


Volkova stumbled through her fairly large studio room to the kitchen. Her heart was raging again. Her old heart problems always emerged with Lena. Always. She searched for the right drawer, almost painfully trying to catch her breath.

She slammed the right drawer open, then desperately rummaged through the contents, trying to find the right container of her pills. Her chest was starting to pinch and grab at her insides, and it wasn’t a stroll through a heavenly garden. Her face slowly got red and she was struggling to breathe.

There! She snatched up the orange bottle and through out five white tablets on her hands. She quikly popped them in her mouth and immediately the drug took care of her chest aches. She plopped down on to her floor as she completely relaxed, leaning her whole body against the kitchen counter.

As her eyes lids got heavier by the second, her grip on the orange container relaxed, letting it roll out form her hands as she fell asleep.


Jack Davis checked himself in the mirror for the last time before he walked out of the bathroom, and grabbing his coat to put it on. With on final check-up on his features, he reached for his car keys and walked out of his house.

He swiftly nudged himself in his Lexus, placed the keys in the ignition and started the car. As he pulled out of his driveway, he was mindlessly driving for the precinct, before he sharply turned the car towards Kartina’s apartment.

Only his thin smile gracing his lips was the emotion he put on his face for display, then running the red light with no trace of worry on his face anywhere.


Kozlov was freshly shaven with his hair slicked back. The golden specks in his eyes shined out exceptionally by the sun glinting. His smell was rich with expensive cologne, and the smell of after shave on top of that made it all the more stronger.

A hint of smile traced his thin lips as he sped in his black car to the address Sophy had given him. Katina will be his once and for all. He glanced up the another red light and ignored it, turning left, not wanting to stop.


Jack hurried up the steps for the fourth floor in the apartment building Katina lived in. He could faintly hear the heartbreaking sobbing coming echoing through the empty endless corridors of her apartment building. He sped up his speed in part worry and part curiousness.


Kozlov was already at Katina’s doorstep and was picking the lock of Katina’s entrance to the apartment. But after a few seconds, he found out that he didn’t need to, seeing the door wasn’t locked at all. He smirked and pushed the door open silently, then closed the door behind him, and bolted it locked.

Another smile laced up his greasy face, as he watched the total work of massacre through out the apartment, seemingly Katina had caused.

He took out his mobile phone from his back pocket, and flicked it open, dialing for Sophy. He could hear Katina busy with the crying and the sniffling. He had at least another five minutes before he could make contact with the red head.

A dragging lazy voice answered from the other end. “Hello…?” Kozlov smiled. It was Sophy’s voice no doubt. And he obviously woke her up from her sweet slumber.

“Get yourself ready and come over to the Katina’s residence. We’re gonna have some fun, so you better bring some equiments of your own with you. I sure as hell ain’t lending you mine… Fucking cunt. Don’t be late.” With that he just flipped his phone shut, not giving Sophy to bitch about something else.

He carefully stepped on to the hardwood floor, avoiding the glasswears, and making no noise whatsoever He just followed the noise of the sobbing, a full fledged smile breaking his face.

But he was so focused into his intruding, he didn’t notice the slight jiggling of the doorknob at the front entrance.

He stopped dead in his tracks when the doorbell screeched in the apartment. Kozlov’s eyes widened, staring right back at the door. ‘Shit…..!” He thought sharply in his mind. He was screwed big time.

But it must’ve been his lucky day. Lena just sobbed louder and was ignoring the door bells. He supressed the urges to laughout loud, but he smirked before heading cautiously for his prey.


Volkova tiredly trudged back to the precinct, feeling slightly bi rejected and stupid. She just sighed and went inside her office, trying to find some work to occupy her.

Then someone knocked on her door softly, just bearly getting her attention. With that, a familiar face she’s seen around the precinct poked his head in and smiled.

“Hello Miss Volkova. Jack didn’t show up for work today, he called in sick. He said to do him a favor and finish some of his errends for him.” He said with a broad grin on his face.

Volkova smirked. “Alright. Thanks. You’re dismissed.” She grumbled back. The guy nodded once more and closed the door behind him.

What was so funny that he had his stupid grin on his face? Volkova pondered. Her usal grimace placed her often blank face, as she crisscrossed her fingeres together. Her sixth sense told her something was wrong. She gradually stood up and walked out of her office.

She didn’t know what she was doing but she was heading for Katina’s desk. She calmly sat down at the red head’s station and pulled on Lena’s forgotten coat involuntarily. Her fingers ran through the intricate seams of the heavy coat, and she brought it up to her nose to breathe in the red head’s scent.

It was time she sort this thing out with the red head. She had enough of being a coward. Coward to feel. To love. She hesitantly took the heavy winter coat of the red head’s and draped it on herself. It was slightly bigger than her, but she wasn’t planning on carrying the heavy thing so she had to suck it up.

She scurried back to her office and rummaged her drawers for her extra supply of her heart pills, and placed them in the coat’s pocket.

It was Lena she was going to talk to, she thought to herself. She was going to need it.

With that done, she grabbed her keys and walked to her car, her destination in her mind Lena’s apartment.


As she was driving to the apartment, the radio installed in her car hissed into life, sending out garbled words and statics. But she soon understood.

“…Any units who are close to this address please respond…”

Volkova couldn’t belive her ears. She frowned deeply at the radio and angrily punched it, ending the statics, and ruining the piece of equiment.

It was a report of screamings and disturbing noises coming from Lena’s address, reported by her neighbor. Her stomach was doing sommersaults, as she turned on her sirens and sped through the red light.

Something told her what was happening at Lena’s apartment. And it wasn’t some big ass loud noised video game.

[Kozlov...god i love that guy....only if he weren't evil.... ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 23-03-2005, 23:42   #42
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Chapter 10

“Shut the fuck up!” Kozlov screamed before spewing out his collected saliva on the red tresses. “Get up, bitch. You’re gonna fucking suck my dick and I want you to get up and get to it” He yelled once more before drawing his foot back and twisting his body for a powerful kick. The toe of the foot landed sharply on one of Lena’s ribs, a curious “pop” sound heard after the kick. Kozlov just sniggered before grabbing a handful of Lena’s curls and pulling her head up to meet his own.

“I won’t say this again, Lena. Suck me now… Or I’ll let Sophy deal with you.” He snarled right in to her face, spraying his saliva all over her facial features. Lena barely suppressed the urges to writhe in agony and beg for her life.

She closed her eyes, bit the insides of her cheeks and took a deep breath, trying to formulate a plan in her head.


Two slaps in one day, lucky her.

The redhead was beaten to a bloody pulp. She was sure that the perverted bastard had broken a few bones at least. There was a blood dripping from somewhere on her scalp, for the leakage of blood kept sliding down to her rght brow and dive into her eyeball. Although she quickly blinked them away time to time, it was beginning to be quite the burden.

Her blouse was torn apart, openly showing her red lacy bra and her whole clevage. Her wrists were bound together behind her back, the tips of her fingeres slightly turning purple. Her jeans were completely off, and so was her underwear. Her ankles were bound with various tied up towels Kozlov discovered in her bathroom, and “kindly” provided for her. She felt so humiliated by this time, she wanted to burst out crying.

But goddammit she was cop once! She could get through this if she didn’t choke beneath so much pressure…

“Fucking answer me you fat whore or I’ll fuck you here and now so bad you won’t be able to sit for 365days!” He growled into her face once more, seething from annoyance.

Lena reluctantly opened her eyes and stared down at Kozlov in a contemptous way. The ends of her lips lifted in a cold smirk, Kozlov could not believing what he was seeing, and got redder from extreme irritation. His nose stated to crinkle and twitch, though Lena was sure he was doing that unintentionally. He saw her open her mouth and lean into his ear to say something.

He heard the raspy voice loud and clear.

“Go to hell, fuckface.” Nicely put Lena, nicely put.

Kozlov’s face reddened in humiliation before his prey, and punched the smirk right out of her face. “Bitch…” He murmured.

With a defeated and an angered face, he stalked to Lena’s sofa just few inches away. On top of the sofa laid two things; A pair of sanitized rubber gloves, and a thick silver briefcase. He knowingly clipped the briefcase open, unfortunately for Lena, revealing everything inside for her to see.

Lena gasped. Kozlov looked back at Lena and his lips curled into a sick smile. Still not looking away from Lena’s face, he slowly reached around for the syringe he had stored in his bag of goodies. When he had found it, he raised it up beside his head for Lena to see clearly what it was.

Lena just shut her eyes forcefully. Kozlov laughed out loud, a menacing laugh that seemed to last for ages.

He then took his pair of rubber gloves and wriggled his fingers as the contact of rubber enclosed around his rough fingeres. As he snapped the bands at the wrist effectively to make the signature noises they were bound to make in every movies, he chuckled.

“You may be the one to get the last laughs you fag, but I’ll be the one getting the last of your pride. You think Volkova can help you now? She fucking hates your guts.” He grinned, revealing a set of pearly white teeth. He continued to talk. “But hey… A man; Or in this case a woman, can dream, right?”

He chuckled, a noise of a low rumbling throaty noise that Lena wanted to puke at. He raised up his right hand, holding the syringe, and squirted out some of the green liquid, raising a brow of excitement and amusement.

“Are you ready?” He bearly whispered before lunging for the helpless redhead.


Volokova swiftly hopped out of her car, not wasting any minute. Her ready fingeres reached for her holster, reaching for her 9mm pistol. She quickly positioned the gun with both of her hands, readying it about three inches from her face. She hastily scanned the perimeteres, searching for any passer-bys.

It was awfully quiet. That bothered her. The fingers on her gun tightened its grip, Volkova unintentionally taking a big gulp.

She raced for the stairs, soundlessly but effectively tapping up to the fourth floor. But when she reached her destination of Lena’s front entrance, she immediately lowered her gun. Her facial expression smoothed to a astounded expression, her eyes widening and her mouth gaping.

Then slowly the creases of confusion ladened her delicate features as she longingly walked up closer to the door.



10:46 pm.

Kozlov jabbed the syringe on Lena’s bare bottom, laughing. He had never had this much fun since high school. His tongue constantly flicked out to swirl his bottom lip of his saliva, his facial expression varying from a clown to a joker.

Lena scrreched and struggled to keep the needle away from her bottom, wriggling profousely.

“Stay still you fucking cow!” He shouted, harshly stepping on her nape to keep her still. Her gagging for breath and the disability to move satisfied him, as he proceeded to insert all of the green liquid into Lena’s system.

After all the green contents were gone, he threw away the syringe, and chuckled, unzipping his pants.

“Lena, do you know what that was just now?” He called out wickely, his hands stumbling trying to undo his belt and zipper. “That was a serum devised by couple of very smart scientists to keep their test animals paralyzed for a temporary amount of time while they’re still alive. It’s a type of poison, discovered by some big ol’ grandpa lookin at bugs! Ain’t that a knowledge to have!”

He giggled like an idiot before undoing his pants completely and sliding off his boxers.

Lena cried then. She couldn’t hold it back anymore. She whimpered out, trying not to give him the pleasure of her suffering. She let couple of her thick curls to fall and hide her face.

“Let’s try something new.” The husky voice of Kozlov filled her ear drums. She felt herself getting picked up by her waist, so she was in form of lying down with her behind puckered up.

“Ever gone anal with a real man, fag?”


In the still of Volkova’s studio apartment, the moon beams dancd around the hardwood floor, seeking out the empty nooks and crannies to give its attention on. Then breaking the harmonic silence of the hollow space, the phone began to ring.





“You’ve reached the Volkova residence. I’m not home, so you know the drill.” The automatic message played, the tired brunette’s voice echoing through the empty househld.

The furnitures, and even the moonlight seemed to sit still and freeze to hear what the phone had to say.

“Hey Detective Volkova, this is Jack Davis calling at approximately 10:50pm… I called in sick today although you already know that by now. Since I’m not going to come to until after the weekends, I’d like to talk to you about an errend I’d like you to run that was not in the list I wrote for you to do. Call me back, eh? You know my number. Thanks!” The thick masculin voice cut short, and the high pitched “Beep” sounded.

Than shortly after a mechanical computerized voice said, “You have a new message.” Before clicking into nothing.

The surroundings in the hollow house seemed to sigh out their tension of silence before going back to their dancing and their trivial standing.


The green liquid seemed to be wearing off, seeing as Lena’s was slowly moving herself to a corner, pushing herself against the walls, clutching at her torn blouse. The tears had dried up long ago, after the fifth thrust. But she so badly wanted to cry again.

Her blood and sweat matted curls was limp against the frame of her face, sticking to everywhere because of the sweat moisture. It hurt her so bad sit down properly, she was half kneeling and half lying down to the floor, not knowing how to position herself.

Kozlov was smoking, sitting on the sofa, blowing out perfect rings with his shape of mouth. But it sickened the redhead to see his penis raise up again in a firm erection. He laughed at it as he exhaled a fume of white smoke.

“Are you gonna get rid of this or what?” He said huskily.

“Or what. Go to hell bastard.” Lena spat out.

Kozlov growled and flicked his still burning cigarette at Lena’s thighs. She yelped at the contact and inched away against the wall more heavily. He stood from the sofa and slowly sauntered near the red head.

“You are gonna suck me dry whether you like ti or not, slut. Cuz you’re mine, and slaves just don’t run away.” He said in his trademark aloofness oozing voice.

But as Kozlov was just a meter away from the red head several cracks of gunshots were heard. Before Kozlov could comprehend ananything, he felt a sudden numbness in his groin area. He eyes went big as two big plates as he looked down at his penis.

Well, not anymore. His erection was severed copmletely from his body, only his testicles barely holding onto his body.

“Oh shit! What the fuck!!” He screamed, and dropped to his knees from the sudden searing pain from his crotch. Volkova’s intense blue eyes were glossy with unshed tears, as her lips were forcefully shut from the disgust. She was frowning deeply, her game face putting wrinkles at every apropriate place on her face.

Her both hands steadied the gun in her tight grip, as she glared at Kozlov with her anguish filled blue eyes.

“Save a spot for your penis in hell, you fuck bag.” The brunette spewed out these words with pure hate dripping from every single syllables.

With her good byes done, she shot him three more times on his chest.

As his body collapsed onto the floor, the blood slowly spreading from his body to the surroundings, Volkova’s hand shook so badly, she dropped her gun and went straight to the red head.

But something was wrong. Lena was unconcious.

“Lena…? Wake up Lena… Please wake up Lena…!! Wake up!!” Her desperate callings towards the red head didn’t reach her. “I’m sorry Lena… Please wake up…” The brunette buried her face in the crook of Lena’s neck and rocked her body back and forth.

Tears gushed out her blue eyes as she tightly clung on to the red head.

Distant sirens could be heard, and she closed her eyes.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 24-03-2005, 03:41   #43
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 11 -Part I

Volkova looked at the red head, lying on the hospital bed without a care in the world, eyes closed and sleeping through the nightmares peacefully. Volkova stroked the sleeping girl’s hand, brushing the tips of her fingers inside her palms and between her fingers.

Volkova wished she could sleep like the sleeping beauty before her. She hasn’t been able to shut her eyes since the incident in Lena’s apartment. She had bags under her eyes, and the raccoon rings outlining it. She yawned often, and coffee was her only solution of escaping the pain of her insomnia. Her hair was extremely tussled, spiked here and there and flat there and here. She had coffee stains on her clothes and she couldn’t even remember the last time she had a decent meal.

She was due for her chemotherapy soon. She was a bloody mess.

Then she heard the door open behind her, and someone entering the room. She turned to look, and she was met with a curious looking man, who was very tall and thin, frameless glasses resting firmly on the bridge of his nose. He shuffled to Lena’s bed and softly and cautiously changed the red head’s IV’s.

He was wearing a doctor’s jacket, but Volkova was surprised because it was usually the nurses who did the petty things such as changing a patient’s IV’s. But she was again surprised when the doctor motioned for her to follow him out to the hall.


“Miss Volkova, my name is Yuri Komorov, Lena’s doctor during her stay here.” He stretched out his arm, offering his hand to shake. Volkova briefly stared at the hand before ignoring it and looking back up at the doctor.

“Ahem…” He cleared his throat uncomfortably, shifting his weight from his foot to another. She lowered his hand and wordlessly took off his glasses, and placed it in his breast pocket.

“Miss Volkova, it seems… That whatever caused her the shocking trauma made her dormant in a temporary coma. If she has the will, she would have woken up by now.” He said nervously, but steadily, keeping his professional cool.

Volkova looked up and cringed her face to a confused frown. “Are you saying that Lena doesn’t *want* to wake up?” She inquired, her hands at her sides clenching.

“It seems so. But that’s not the main reason I’m here to talk to you Miss Volkova.” He said uneasily.


“The semen sample we have taken from Miss Katina’s rectum… Isn’t Kozlov’s.”

“…Excuse me?”
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 24-03-2005, 11:07   #44
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[oi muchos updates!]

*wipes glasses and goes to read*
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Old 24-03-2005, 17:34   #45
denial denial is offline
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[ arrggh... I'm craving for this . but I have to wait at saturday morning to read all... go ahead Veg .. ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 24-03-2005, 19:00   #46
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ this is like a mix of reality and some weird twisted nightmare..]

update soon, k? i alredy read the next part on the us forum
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Old 27-03-2005, 05:59   #47
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[Well you asked for it....]

Chapter 11 part-II

“The semen sample we have taken from Miss Katina’s rectum…Isn’t Kozlov’s.”

“…Excuse me?”


It was well over Lena’s third week in her coma inside the hospital. Volkova, had not even thought about leaving the red head’s side even for a moment. The nurses brought her meals and Lena’s IV’s together, and they even brought her a blanket with a pillow. Kurt Hagen stopped in now and then, bringing Volkova her spare clothes and sometime her monthly if not daily shots.

Volkova wistfully eyed at the sleeping red head, sometimes wondering what she was dreaming about, or if she was dreaming at all.


It was about three in the morning, the night’s usual chilliness settling in the most secluded spot in the hospital. The lights of the hospitals were dimly lit, for the best purposes of the patients. Low buzz of the heater purring underneath each floors hummed the restless people into their sweet slumber. Whistling of the winds outdoors and the crackling noises of leaves falling from their trees against the wind made a repeating noise of a lullaby, almost competing with the hum of the heater.

The late nighters at the receptionist desks clacked away at their computers, typing out god knows what. Their lids barely up, and looking almost like drones, the only undead part of their bodies being their quick paced fingers on the keyboards and their restless focus of their eyes.

The hospital security stalked about the different parts of the building’s complexes, with a flashlight in hand and a walkie talkie in the other. They tipped their hats at any time they were met with the droning receptionists, and the nodded back.

Everyone seemed to be quiet and completely relaxed, their once tense and shrugged up shoulders now spread out and slouched.

But Yulia was still up. Volkova was long gone sleeping in the other depths of her mind, but Yulia was still wide eyed as an owl. With the blue wool blanket a nurse had provided her earlier draped around her shoulders, she was watching the red head sleep for another eternity.

She clutched at the blanket, reveling at the cuddly fabric brushing up at her skin. Although the blanket was her main source of warmth, it gave her nothing but a cold heat. She wasn’t warm at all. If she had opened her mouth, and breathed out, she was sure that she would see her own breath. So she didn’t. She didn’t want to feel cold. She was cold enough.

Worry and fatigue lined her face, her once intense blue, now a little dull for the time being. Her lips were dry against the snappy climate inside the hospital building, but she kept them moistured with her tongue now and then.

The window brought the moonbeam into the room, distinctly reminding her of a spot light at a theater. Lena was the star of the performance, awing everyone with her beauty, and Yulia was one of the audiences watching with her jaw slackened, thrown at the red head’s light.

Whether the girl was sleeping or not, it always moved something within her heart, just like Sofia had done. It was a particular feeling she sometimes avoided because she liked to be secluded, by herself. But the last three years without Lena or Sofia had proved her wrong about herself.

She was so lost. Not anymore.

Yulia slowly and steadily stood herself up and quietly maneuvered herself in the bed with the red head underneath her. She softly laid her head on Lena’s chest, her arms stringing around the sleeping girl’s waist firmly but not tightly. She rubbed her cheek against the fabric Lena had on, closing her eyes, letting Lena’s essence overtake her into a long awaited sleep.

“Please wake up, Lena… Please don’t leave me here alone…” She softly begged under breath, pleading for God to bring her back to her.


Jack was no doubtedly still in a horrible shape. He was almost always pale and clammy, and he had more pill containers than Volkova to take in his drawers at the precinct alone. People at the precinct often saw him trying to walk, but painfully so, limping horribly.

The word had been going around that he was bit by the neighbor’s dog and got sick after that incident. Volkova scoffed. If a dog bit you, than you deserved it.

But something about that story didn’t grab her as right. But she thought nothing of it anyways, not wanting thing more complex in her head than it already was.


‘What are you doing out of prison, Kozlov?’ He asked himself.

Kozlov smirked as he took out the last cigarette in the pack that he had. As he skillfully lit it, nibbling the need slightly with her lips, his eyes searched the moving picture in front of him on the TV.

The fucking media was ruining everything for him. His fucking copycat had already ruined everything for him. He hoped that whoever it was would burn in hell.

With a cigarette bit at the corner of his mouth, he lightly plucked his whisky from the bar and took a long sip. The bitter and the burning sensation playing out on his tongue gave him a sense of satisfaction only an alcohol could give him.

The bar was practically deserted exception of a lone woman sitting on a stool not far off of him at the bar, drinking a glass of Bourbon. The first glance he took at the woman struck him as fuckable, then extremely attractive. He smirked.

He made his eyes focus back on the muted TV above the top dashboard of a bar shelf. They were getting to the part where the man got his dick blown off by the detective who got there just in time. He chuckled out loud. The poor bastard.

No man was man without their proper credentials. He set his whisky down on the bar top and pushed up his aviators firmly to the bridge of his nose. The smoke fuming out of his nose when he exhaled through his nose made his surroundings exceptionally misty, but he could make out the faint outline of the woman he had been staring at just a few minutes before making her way towards him. He inwardly laughed out loud. What an easy night.

He purposely made himself look like he was really into the news reports up at the TV. But all his senses were devoted to the woman now taking a seat next to him, a smug smile on her half drunken face.

“Wanna buy me a drink, bubs?” The woman seductively purred into Kozlov’s ear. But he just shot her a sharp look before slapping the woman he barely knew.

“I’m trying to watch the news here. Show some respect to a person you hardly know, eh?” He said roughly, grinning inwardly with the pleasure of his triumphant position. Now the woman knew that if she wanted to fuck, she was going to give him the complete control he wanted.

After a pause of awkward silence, the news report ended and blacked out to the commercials. Then as sudden as he could be, he grabbed the woman by her hair and kissed her with such lust, she could only moan back.

When they managed to pry apart, Kozlov scowled at the slowness of the drunken woman but decided not to comment anything about it. But instead he leaned into her ear and whispered into it, nibbling on her ear between words.

“How…About…We…Fuck…Now…?” He whispered.

The woman moaned at the suggestion obviously all for his idea. Kozlov grinned. Although the woman before her was not the certain red headed girl he had fallen for, it’ll have to do for the night.


Volkova was already up, sitting on a chair with her legs hugged with her arms. She was lost in herself once more as she studied the sunrise outside the window, frown breaking her face as the light intruded her vision. She looked back at the red head curiously as the sun light broke on to the freckled face. She had wondered if she would wake up that day.

But she had already known the answer, for Lena wasn’t going to get up for a while. She sighed and looked back at the sunrise, savoring the “Good morning” in her own little way. But the small voice inside her head chirped, that it’ll only be a good morning when the red head wakes up with her. She smirked at the idea. Now that’s a likely possibility.

‘Why don’t you talk to her?’ The voice chirped again. She groaned in annoyance, scratching her head at the non-existence itch.

‘Umm…I don’t think you’ve noticed but Lena’s is kind of unconscious.’ She said back in her head.

‘All the more better. Tell her the things now before you lose the chance. You won’t even look at her in the eyes when she’s awake anyways.’ The voice said in a mocking tone. Volkova frowned. Partly, the voice was somewhat true.

‘Well… What do I tell her?’ She asked. It felt silly to ask the anonymous voice in her questions, and having conversations with it. Yes it was a little creepy.

‘Anything you want her to know that you can’t tell her when she’s awake. Whether she’s asleep or not… She’s listening.’ And with that, the voice in her head disappeared with a pop and she was alone in her mind again.

She probed in her thoughts to think about what to say. After a few moments, she smiled one her more sincere smiles, baring her teeth. She knew exactly what to say.


“I love Russia in the winter, because the cold snowy days seemed to fit my mood every time. When it snowed, I would often open my window when I got back from work, and stretch out my hand to touch each flakes. Then I would watch as they turned into drops of water on the tips of my fingers. I never smoked a cigarette or breathed out my window, in a silly fear of contaminating the white, beautiful snow.

“But everything changed when you left. Those three years of winter were frightening. The cold… It seemed to seep into my bones and never come out. It was almost always unbearable, and the snow wasn’t beautiful anymore. It turned into a mush of dirt and murky puddles of water beneath my feet, and they didn’t remind me of you anymore.

“All of your stuff is still at the precinct, did you know? No one bothered to clean them up, still have gaining hopes of you returning. Only Jack and I knew about your resignation, and we didn’t even bother telling anyone. But I learned hope didn’t preserve anything. All your stuff was started to collect dust, and the scent from your forgotten coat started to lose your smell.

“Everything seemed to abandon me. I always came back home, and instead of opening my windows, I sat beside my phone for any contact from you. It never came. For three long years, Lena, it was my same routine every single day. I wondered what had I done wrong for you to just pick up and leave like that. Whatever I did, I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t. I was just being me… Selfish little ol’ me. Forgive me…?”

Yulia took a deep breath in before continuing.

“In fairy tales… The prince always comes through for the princess, and gives her the sweet kiss that’ll save her. But… I think it’s the other way around. The princess offers the prince her lips, to save *him* from the nightmares that brought him there. Lena… I need you to be my princess. I need you to save me. Can you do that for me?

“I think I’m in love with you. I don’t think I can live without looking into your eyes one more time. I think I’ll die if I don’t see your smile or hear your laugh one last time. Lena…. I’m in love with you. I love you, Lena. I love you.”


It’s been such a long time Yulia was out of the hospital for more than an hour. Some parts of her were relieved to breathe fresh air for more than an hour’s time, instead the agitating sterile air inside the hospital. But some parts of her were hyperventilating at the thought of leaving Lena alone in her room.

But she quickly pushed those thoughts aside and resumed to organize and lay out her equipment before her, and cleaning them.

They were various types of guns and explosives, fruitful variety of weapons at one point of another. They were categorized and neatly stacked in front of her, her hands full with the cleaning materials.

But as her hands worked through most of the cleanings with no problem, there was a massive and complex blueprint of carefully devised and formulated plan in her head.

She smiled as she cleaned the last of the gun barrels before her. She set them down carefully in front of her and began to fully load them with as many bullets she could muster in each weapons.

Her weapons clicked and cocked at her every delicate but precise touches, exciting the Volkova in Yulia all the more.

The plan in her head was a plan she had wanted t carry out long ago, back at the ambulance where Lena had cried herself to sleep on her. A plan to kill Kozlov… And as well as her old lover, Sofia.

It still pained her to think of her. But it must be done. They were set on Lena, and she knew for sure they were set on their plans on killing the red head.

Lena was in no position to play her part in the revenge bravado. It was her turf now.
With the last click of the magazine being secured into place of the gun, she carefully and quickly organized them in her pre-readied black briefcase, and swiftly closed them after she had finished loading it up.

Yulia closed her eyes and called her “voice” in her head back.

“Lock and load, Volkova.” Yulia whispered. And when she opened her eyes again, it was the dull eyes staring into the space in front of her with a reckless grin. “Well said Yulia, well said.”
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 27-03-2005, 06:00   #48
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Chapter 12 Pt.1

(Symphony of Love – The tales of the blue eyed cop and the criminal.)

[Now people I know I said I’ll only be telling the story of Yulia meeting Sofia in front of Lena’s door… But I’m going to tell their storyy from the very start cuz…its necessary.]


7 years ago…

Yulia was sitting at a table with her headphnes blaring in her ears and a bottle of Coke on her table. It was long day at her training, and she always came back to this café to unwind. But that wasn’t all her reasons to always come to this café. There was a certain someone who always took her orders with a sweet smile. She smirked at the thought.

She was going to have her waitress that day. She was feeling lucky.

Yulia Volkova had a petite figure but a fit and a lean one at that. Her hair was incredibly short for a woman to have, merely an two inches spiked into every direction possible. She was very tan and something about her screamed carribeans as she slipped on her pair of aviators. Those were the only boarrier from someone to see her piercing intense blue eyes, blue eyes so clear and deep someone could lose themselves in them. She smacked on her gum inside her mouth, giving her the distinct ‘bitch’ atmosphere. That’s how she wanted it though. Especially on that day.

As usual, the music blaring in her ears deafened out everything around her, only the screaming anonymous singer in her ears hearable. And as usual, the same waitress that served her for the last three months approached the table with a paper pad and a worn out pencil. Yulia grinned like an idiot as soon as the honey brunette came in sight.

The waitress said something with irritation in her eyes, but Yulia couldn’t hear a thing. The music still blaring. So she just resumed to bobbing her head to the beat and ignored the honey brunette that just kept talking to her.

As usual, the waitress looked great. Even in her waitress garbs, she still looked beautiful. Those chocolate eyes were mesmerizing, and her clear complexion always made Yulia want to touch her face. Touch her everwhere. The same way the waitress tapped the toes of her shoes on the floor, waiting, and the same way she always tried to suppress a yawn always seemed to encapture Yulia in a trance.

The daily routine was this, Yulia comes into the store, and always takes the same seat every time. The one by the window with the high stools. The same waitress would always come over, and notice the blaring head phones. She would wait there until Yuila drops the act of a deaf and notice her. She would take her order, which was always a glass of Warsteiner beer, and a bowl of beef jerkys. After the waitress brought out her order, Yulia would ask for her name, but the waitress would never give it.

But this time, she was startled at the sudden imbalance of the daily cycle. The waitress suddenly grabbed her headphones and practically screamed in her ear, “What do you want for today, MISS!!!” Yulia almost shit her pants, losing her composure and falling backwards from her stool.

Some people were watching her laughed or smirked, and Yulia reddened with embarrasment. The waitress offered her hand and Yulia gladly took it. The honey brunette just winked at her as she pulled the petite figure up.

“Just thought I’d try something different. I’ll have your order in a few minutes.” She said sweetly, before walking into the kitchen of the café.

After a moment of glaring at the people around who had laughed, she laughed too, grazing her rear with exaggerated pain. More people laughed as Yulia flashed them a smile before getting back to her seat.


Yulia took her breakage of her daily routine an omen to finally claim the honey brunette her’s. With that decided, she rounded about the café building to the back entrance, where the employees exited when they had finished their shift.

She leaned against the building beside the door and rummaged inside her pockets to find a stick of cigarette to pass the time. She found the last one residing deep inside her jacket pocket and lit it with her favorite lighter. Placing her lighter snugly back into her pocket, she inhaled on the smoke, and glancing at her watch to see how long she would have to wait.

Five more hours.

She could deal with that.


Finally the honey brunette’s shift was coming to a close. Yulia grinned like an idiot again, watching as her watch ticked by.

It was almost 10:30pm, and she knew that the waitress always came out at exactly, 10:37pm every time. Wow, stalk much?

And she was right. She could hear the jiggle of the doorknob before the back door opened and the door opening with an annoying creak. Then behold all glory, there she was, the honey brunette with a jean jacket on over top of her waitress garbs.

“I think you owe me after the my not so graceful fall.” Yulia said, out of the blue. The waitress jumped, turning to Yulia’s direction. Than she sighed when she saw who it was and quickly locked the back door.

“Oh? And what do I owe?”

“I think you owe me your name.”

“I don’t owe you *that* much, hon.”

Yulia smirked. She wanted to play, then play they will.

“Okay. Then can I ask you out?” She asked tentatively.

“I think you’re a bit too arrogant.” The honey brunette said with enigmatic smile. Hard to get, eh? Yulia thought and scoffed. No one can resist the Volk, either man or woman. Now she was tempted to this honey rbunette more than ever.

“And I think you’re a big fat liar.” Yulia said with a laughing tone in her voice. The honey brunette rolled her eyes and started to walk again. Yulia followed in a hot pursuit.

“And how am I a liar?” She asked, thought still walking. Yulia took the spot beside the girl and chuckled.

“You’re a liar because you actually want to kiss me and love me and fuck me. But you’re just in denial.” Yulia said, enthused. It was the waitress’s turn to laugh. That made Yulia want to melt right then and there.

“I stand corrected, now I *know* you’re a bit too arrogant.” She said, now hopping steadily to cross the street.Yulia was in hot pursuit.

“I may be arrogant, but I’m right. You *do* want to kiss me to oblivion.” Yulia continued, not a breath faltering her sentence. There was a sense of pride in each of the words said by Yulia and the honey brunette noticed this.

“No Yulia, I think you just want to kiss *me* and you’re turning the blame to someone else.” Yulia raised her brow at this. How did she know her name? But as if the girl could read minds, she added, “You’re not the only cop around here, Volkova.”

Yulia laughed. Well this was amusing, wasn’t it?

“Okay. Maybe I do want to kiss you. Maybe I do want to fuck you. What you gonna do about it?” Yulia asked, half joking. The woman in front of her suddenly stopped and whirled around, facing the owner of those piercing blue eyes.

The honey brunette had a small smile gracing upon her features, though Yulia was sure that she didn’t mean it for her to see her smile. After a moment’s pause the honey brunette answered.

“I wouldn’t stop you.”

And that was her cue. Yulia grabbed the honey brunette’s collar and roughly pulled her in her arms, their lips meeting in a brusing heated kiss.


It was their year’s anniversary, but Yulia pretended that she had forgotten about it, acted a little more distant around Sofia. Of course the honey brunette was upset, her whole mood gone to crap. But what she didn’t know was Yulia had a surprise for her, and she was going to need a oxygen tank for some hot love making their were going to have later on. Maybe not on that day specifically… But hot sex nonetheless.

Yulia pretended to flick through the tv channels, lazily looking at the moving pictures. Sitting on another sofa, Sofia was gazing at Yulia in disbelief.

“I can’t belive you.” Sofia hissed. Yulia looked up, feinging ignorance in her eyes.

“What? What’d I do now?” Yulia asked, iwardly grinning like an idiot like she always does around Sofia.

“It’s our freaking anniversary, and you forgot. I think you love the TV more than me, Yulia.” Sofia was trying to swallow her tears, and Yulia could clearly see.

“Oh shit…Sofia I’m soo sorry.” Yulia jumped up from her seat and frantically ran to Sofia. “I’m so sorry. I mean. Let’s go out, ok? We’ll go out and have fun!” She said, her mouth going over the practised lines.

“Sofia, go back home and get ready, ok? I’ll meet you at La Collier’s in twenty minutes.” Yulia said, but she could still see Sofia being reluctant. “Go on girl, meet me there!”


Sofia was waiting just ouside the restaurant, leaned over to her foot, tying her shoelaces for the thousandth time. She was bored out of her mind and Yulia was already an hour late.

At the corner of her eye, she could she Yulia runing as fast as she could to her, with a phone held by her ear.

Yulia gestured her to be quiet and still as she made this phone call. Sofia rolled her eyes in anger. So much for a happy anniversary. But she got more sadder when she heard what Yulia was talking about on the phone.

“…You have a good night, beautiful. You’re the only girl for me. I love you, I love you and I love you! And I miss you already. Call me back as soon as you get back, ok?” With that Yulia hung up and looked up at Sofia with her idiot grin on her face.

“Ready?” Yulia whispered as she clutched at Sofia’s hand, and practically dragged her in the restaurant.

As soon as those two stepped into the building, the whole lights were shut down, and everything was awkwardly quiet.

“What the fuuuuck?” Sofia cursed under her breath, confused and feeling the warm hand of Yulia’s leaving her’s.

Then just as suddenly a HUGE cake with 50 candles lit on it was coming her way. The dimly lit candles shone on the guest’s and the customer’s face, their faces in a huge grin and smiles. She was still under the shadows, not knowing what the hell was going on. Then the singing started. Everyone in the restaurant started to sing.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… You make me happy! On rainy days…” The song continued as Yulia suddenly appeared and lead her to a corner booth and sat her down. “…Oh please don’t take my sunshine, away!!!! Happy anniervasry, Yulia and Sofia!!!!” Everyone shouted, with a hint of jealousy and happiness in their voices.

Yulia slung her arm around Sofia and kissed her deeply on her lips. The cake was laid out on their table, with the candles still shining. On the cake, there was a sentence written wih blue icing, saying “A year’s anniversary!! Rock on girls!!”

“Now you didn’t really think I’d forget…Did you Sophy?” Yulia grinned from ear to ear. Sofia was shedding tears without her knowing, but she was smiling too.

“God Yules… I’m so sorry for doubting that you would have ever forgotten…O God! How the hell are we going to finish this slab of calories?!” Sofia laughed amognst her tears, holding Yulia tightly beside her.

Although Sofia was happy, something still grabbed her as suspicious. The call Yulia had made just before they came in the restaurant… She was beyond sad that Yulia would call another girl on their anniversary but she didn’t show it.


Yulia was laughing, lacing her fingers with Sofia’s. Sofia faltered, and stopped short before going inside Yulia’s studio building.

“Yules… I think I’m gonna go home for today. I feel a little tired.” She said, unsure and the phone call still on her mind.

But Yulia was silently cheering in her mind. ‘Tired? Bullshit!!’ She thought amusedly. But she put on her concerned act, rubbing her fingers up and down Sofia’s arm. “Are you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, fine. I just need to sleep.” Sofia said, her face getting rigid.



Sofia was back in her house, quietly sobbing to her self. Maybe Yulia was indeed cheating on her.

She trudged into her living room and saw tha she had a voice message waiting for her in her machine. She curiously pushed the button that announced the messages. The automatic computerized voice immediately talk aloud.

“You have one new message. First message.”

Sofia gulped. But she broke into a happy smile and laughs when she heard what the message was.

“…You have a good night, beautiful. You’re the only girl for me. I love you, I love you and I love you! And I miss you already. Call me back as soon as you get back, ok?...”

How could’ve she been so stupid to think Yulia would do that to her?

She bit her bottom lip and decided if she wanted to call Yulia or not. She smirked and decided to be a tease and not call. Yulia was going to get it, making her cry like that.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 27-03-2005, 06:01   #49
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 12 Pt.2

(Toll of the Romance – Tales of the blue eyed cop and the criminal)
“Aren’t you supposed to be one of the top students in the academy?! What the hell is this?! You call this ‘Improving’?! Because of three of your team mates are injured, and because of you the rest of the drills for the other teams, other teams who came prepared and ready, were fucking canceled! Lord I’ve never seen anyone as stupid as you making the stupidest mistakes I’ve ever encountered in my life! Get the hell out of my office and stay out of my sight for the next 24 hours. If you do, it’ll be your own fault about what’ll happen to you after!”

More than ten people were gathered around small office and eavesdropping on the conversation… Well more like a one man show audio. There was a small pause of silence where they all leaned in to hear better, in thoughts of the moments of silence were the parts of conversation they couldn’t hear them inside. But they were sadly mistaken when the thundering voice of the chief cracked through the audience outside again.

“Why the hell are you still standing there?! I said get the hell out! So get the hell out!!”

An awkward tension of thick atomsphere settled around the little office and the audience gulped. They saw the door knob turn and they immediately turned and pretended to mind their own buisness when Sofia came trudging out of the Chief’s office. She respectfully and gently closed the door behind and headed for the academy’s infirmary.

As she walked by, there were at least five clumps of people staring and watching her walk without any emotion on her face, and mumbling amongst themselves. Were they talking about her? Possibly. I mean, she only almost killed her girlfriend with a carelessly thrown grenade.

That was an idiotic move. Everyone knew by now. She couldn’t feel more humiliated. Something sounded like a wet mush beneath her feet, making her stop dead in her tracks. She had stepped on dog shit. She was wrong. She could be more humiliated.

She was going to kill all those dogs back at the K-9 cage later. But right now, she wiped her sole on the grass and kept walking towards the infirmary.

Yulia was lying on a random bed with sheets covering her frail form. She knew Yulia hated hospitals. She had told her once, that the sterile air always wanted to make her want to jump out the window. She smiled at the memory.

Althought Yulia was lying down, she wasn’t sleeping like she was supposed to. She was even given a mild dose of sedative to help her sleep, but it was evident that she was fighting off sleep, waiting for Sofia. She smiled once more.

“You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Sofia said mildly. She took a seat at the foot of Yulia’s temporary bed, playing with Yulia’s wriggling toes sticking out of the sheets.

“Move up so I can touch you, ho.” Yulia said, tired happiness in her voice. Sophy complied, and moved up to the side of the bed, now playing with semi flattened hair of Yulia’s. Suddenly tears spilled out of honey brunette’s eyes, her mouth pursed in a desperate attempt to keep smiling for Yulia. But Yulia immediately sat up and brushed the tears away with her thumb, her expression turned into a worrisome frown.

“Yulia… I’m sorry I almost killed you…” Sincere tears stained the clean white sheets, the tear drops making its marks a darker shade of grey. Yulia only smiled.

“Who said you almost got me killed?” Yulia asked, the smile never leaving from her lips.

“Chief.” Sofia said, as if it was so obvious. Yulia made a small giggle, leaning in to kiss her.

“Never… Listen…To that…Dickhead…Ever again.” Yulia said between the words and the kisses. “What else did he say to you?” She asked.

“Court martial.” At the mention of this Yulia rightfully became serious. Sofia gently scoffed. “I may lose the chance to be a full fldged officer.” Tears were blurring her vision again. Sofia apruptly stood up, jerking away from Yulia’s touches. The injured woman was puzzled.

“Yulia… I have to be at the detention hall in a few minutes… I have to go, I’ll see you later, ok?” Sofia said rather too quickly and turned to leave. But Yulia grabbed hold of Sofia’s arms and pulled her back, snaking her arms around Sofia’s waist from the back. Yulia nuzzled Sofia’s back lovingly, hugging her waist tighter.

“Sophy… I will do absolutely everything in my power to help you. Because I love you. So all you have to do, is hold my hand, trust me, love me… And don’t be afraid to cry in front of me.” Yulia whispered to Sofia’s back. She felt a shudder go through her honey brunette’s body, and she knew for sure that Sofia was now crying. Yulia smiled and hugged the body in front of her more firmer.


It wasn’t fun anymore. At one point Soifa fell out of love with Yulia. Of course she still saw her as a valuable friend and more than valuable lover. But as her companion… It was all wrong. Also, their police schedule always got in the way, if someone had a field mission the other had desk works. If someone had a free time someone else had plans with another person.

It became more like a boring routine for them. At first it was annoying, but it slowly became a matter of fact thing. Almost obvious. And slowly mediocre. Of course they didn’t prefer this lifestyle, a casual romp in the sack now and then and a busy day lifestyle somewhere else shortly after, but it just became that way.

Sofia was purposely degrading their relationship. She knew very well that Yulia was still in love with her. She knew that Yulia wasn’t kind of person who belives in “The One” and wait for her true love. If she fell in love, she let herself fall in love and stick with her emotions forever. Even if her partner was not her “One and only”.

The obvious fact had made Sofia sometimes mad, and sometimes sad. Mad because she was attacted to other women so badly, and sad because she didn’t want Yulia to be sad and be hurt. She was sometimes vaguely annoyed by her too, but she felt guilty whenever she was so she ignored those thoughts.

Yulia seemed to be more clingy and more like a sticky slime that wouldn’t come off your fingers. But Sofia knew. She knew that wasn’t so, Yulia had always been that way, it was herself who had changed. She became more distant and more cold. When Yulia suggested they go out, they always went clubbing, by Sofia’s request.

Gradually, Sofia began to feel sorry for Yulia. Every time they would kiss, every time they would have sex, every time they would touch each other in any ways, pity for Yulia overwhelmed her. But more so when she had fallen in love… With another woman.

A blonde she occasionally saw around the clubs and downtown now and then. They really hit it off… Much like Yulia and Sofia had from the start.

Sofia thought about talking to Yulia about it.

And she will talk to her about it. Right after a short bathroom trip with the blonde.


It was their fifth fight in three days. It was beginning to frazzle both of them out. But it was always Yulia who tried and tried, tried to hold up the relationship together. Even if the fight was entirely Sofia’s fault, Yulia would always come back with a way to mend their broken seams.

But no matter how Yulia seemed to try and try once again, one fight resolved popped open three more fights and problems. She had a distinct feeling that Sofia didn’t care about the problems and the fights, but she thought that was ridiculous.


“God Yulia what is your problem?! Didn’t I tell you I was going to be a little late today?!” Sofia screeched, hurling her coat at the couch. She then nonchalantly plopped beside her coat and turned on the TV, mindlessly flicking through the channels.

When Sofia looked up to see Yulia, she was no where in sight. Sofia curiously searched the surroundings for a sign of the black spiky hair, but she couldn’t see a trace of her. She nervously turned off the TV and went around the living room to the kitchen.

There she found the spiky hair, drinking wine. Of all alcohols Yulia preferred, she was drinking wine. This made Sofia’s brows go up, then realizing she had made a crucial mistake. She should’ve have remembered the moment she stepped through Yulia’s front door and smelled the warm aroma of fresh baked bread.

Valentine’s day. They had made so many plans.

“Oh my god Yulia… I am so sorry…I…”

“No, it’s fine. We’re both busy people Sofia. I understand.” Yulia said, the coldness evident in the crisp way she talked. She never had talked to Sofia that way.

Sofia looked at the oven, and the light was on inside, revealing the beautifully baked cake, sitting, waiting to be eaten. ‘Sothat’s why you excused yourself early from the trainings today…’ Sofia thought sadly before pouring herself a glass of wine.

As Sofia took a long sip, she savoured the taste of the rich wine in her mouth before she spoke. She wanted to stall as long as she could before she could talk about the serious matters. The honey brunette gently placed her glass down, and reached for Yulia’s hand resting on the table. She blanketed the dark brunette’s hand with her’s, holding tightly.

“Yulia… Can we make this work? Are we still strong enough?” Sofia started, softly. When Yulia turned to Sofia, she could see Yulia had unshed tears in her eyes, trying so hard not to cry.

“I don’t know for sure… But we can try to make it work. Can’t we?” Yulia croaked out. She cursed inwardly. She didn’t want to sound weak like that.

“I feel like giving up.” Sofia said as gently as she could.

“I’ll try for both of us… Please don’t give up yet… I love you, Sophy.” Her voice was pained, and it ached Sofia to hear the gallant Yulia sounding so pained and desperate.

Yulia was a strong person in every aspects, but she choked every time when it came to love. She feared at the mystery of love, not being able to calculate and analyze anything about it. She was afraid of being hurt in general. Everything lead to emotional pain made her so helpless, she preferred the physical pain.

Yulia could’ve had any woman or man on Earth with her charms and beauty. At her giggle and shining smiles, she might as well had the ability to turn a gay man into a hetero and a straight woman into a lesbian. But she had made a deep mistake a falling for a girl who had no intention of giving those strong feelings back to her. Yulia was so lucky, but at the same time she was doomed. Screwed. Spilled water, cracked egg, gum on your ass, and shit on your shoes.

Sofia cursed inwardly again as she remembered she had to be at ‘Hush’, the new club in town, to meet up with Miranda, the blonde she had foolishly fallen for in a middle of a long term relationship.

“Yulia, it’s Valentines Day. We shouldn’t be inside and be sad like this. Let’s go out. There’s a new club in town and I wanna treat you a drink. You look like you need it.” Sofia said softly, caressing the dark brunette’s hand.

Yulia reluctantly nodded before getting up and disappearing inside her room. Sofia smiled, picking up her wine glass once more and pouring the rest of the bitter sweet contents down her throat.


[Starting where I left off at Chapter two]

She grabbed the blonde again and shoved her back against the wall. Then she bunched up the blonde’s collar, gripping it securely in her hand, and drew her fist back, her knuckles tensing for a powerful punch.

The blonde forcefully snapped shut her eyes, waiting for the blow to come.

It never came. If it did, the blonde wouldn’t have the jaw to gape her mouth open and watch what was being performed in front of her.

The tightly clenched hand was still bunched up at her collar, but the angled fist on the air was grabbed securely by Sofia just in time. The enraged woman wasn’t enraged anymore, but overwhelmed with unimaginable sorrow. Her head was down, her eyes staring at the floor, her chin almost touching her upper chest. Her both hands were occupired, so she couldn’t cover herself up from people watching her cry. But she didn’t even bother.

Drops of tears fell on to the club’s marble floor, marking it’s territory with each droplets that fell.

Her shoudlers shaking, her contracted muscles in her arms slowly relaxing. Sofia cautiously let go of Yulia’s wrist, letting it fall down at the side of Yulia’s body. The fist holding on the blonde’s collar aimlessly let go, the other hand again tumbling beside her.

“Did you have to hurt me, Sofia? Did you have to let me know like this…?” Volkova whispered in a monotone voice, her voice slightly broken. She looked back up at Sofia with her achingly dull eyes and frowned.

“I’m so in love with you.” And that was the last thing she had said anything to Sofia for a long time

That was it. Yulia was dead. There was no love to spare anymore.

[Starting where I left off at Chapter ten]

…When Volkova reached her destination of Lena’s front entrance, she immediately lowered her gun. Her facial expression smoothed to a astounded expression, her eyes widening and her mouth gaping.

Then slowly the creases of confusion ladened her delicate features as she longingly walked up closer to the door.


The honey brunette looked up mindlessly at the sound of her name being mentioned.

Volkova gasped. This was the honey brunette woman she had once knew. But it wasn’t the same woman she had once loved. The woman before her was a completely different person.

Although her honey brown hair was intact, it was a tad shorter, but filled with patches of grey hairs. She couldn’t have been that old, Volkova knew, because they were in the same classes back at the academy. But even Sophy’s eyebrows were patches of white fuzz, her lips badly chapped and wrinkles clearly visible even there was not a hint of a smile on the woman’s face. Her once full ruby lips were now thin and no where close to lucsious, and her eyes lost the focus of intelligence they once held.

“…Yules….Baby, is that you? Wow I must look like shit right now… Some heavy bongs been taking a lot out of me.” Her voice was still the same as ever. But this time it sounded more strained and sultry, as if the ugly woman before her was trying to sedue her.

“Sofia… What the hell are you doing here?” Yulia found back her grip on her 9mm.

Sofia grinned, revealing her somewhat stained teeth. “This is my house, I live here. Seeing as I left my keys inside, I’m just trying to pick the lock is all.” The honey brunette had said so naturally, if Volkova had been just passing through, she’d have belived her. But she knew better.

Her old friend was a liar.

“Bullshit.” Volkova’s monotone cool voice sliced through her pathetic attempt at a lie.

“No, no I’m not lying, I do live here and I did leave my keys in there..”

“Shut the fuck up! I know what the hell is going on in there with a certain red head! Where’d ya dump the blonde Sophy?! Did you fuck her and leave her at some dump motel?!” Volkova yelled, taking a back step and trying to ease her fury.

But the honey brunette didn’t loo slightest deflated by this. She just looked more delighted. She stood tall, toweing over Volkova by two inches or so.

“Well it seems you got me, DT. Why don’t you use that gun to shoot me?” Sofia said, licking her lips. She took a step towards Yulia, her hands behind her in a mysterious gesture.

But as she took a step back, Volkova took another step back, overwhelmed and apprehensive.

Step. Back step.

Step. Back step.

Step. Back step.

Yulia immediately raised her gun and shakily pointed it towards Sofia’s head. “Dammit stop it right now or I’ll fucking blow your brains out!”

“I know you won’t. I know you still love me, Yulia.”

“Shut the hell up, and don’t call ne by my name!” Yulia cocked her gun. Sofia only smirked. She took a step closer.

“If you fell out of love with me, you would’ve pulled that trigger as soon as you saw me.” Sofia said with aloofness in her voice. Volkova’s grip on her gun tightened. Her eyes bore into the woman in front of her with a triumphant snigger on her ugly face.

No matter how ugly she became and how much more uglier she would become… She knew that Sofia was right. She did still love her, and some part of her would always will. Everything wasn’t simple. But then again, everything wasn’t so complex either.

“Come on. Put that thing away and let’s go somewhere to talk.” Sofia said softly. That soft voice… Yulia didn’t know how much she missed it so dearly. And she hated herself for it. But loved Sofia for it. Confusion was the way to go. She smirked.

Her eyes became cold again. She knew what to do for now. She adjusted her gun’s aim and pulled the trigger. Such a simple move. Such big pain.

Sofia screamed on top of her pitch, holding her left arm in agony. Her jaws clenched with pain, and trails of blood began to trickle down her sleeves, tiny droplets marking the concrete hall. Those droplets reminded her of her own tears long ago back at the club. Volkova lowered her gun to her side and let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding.

“Get the hell out of my sight before I change my mind and shoot your crotch instead, fucking pervert.”

Sofia looked up at the cold and lifeless eyes she saw on Volkova. Midst of her searing pain burning through her left arm, she laughed out loud. It was the most ugliest thing Volkova had ever heard. This wasn’t Sofia that she loved.

“Changed or not… You do still love me. I’ll come back for you. And I’ll make sure you watch what I do to your little girlfriend in there.” With that said and a open smirk, Sofia snatched her suit case from the floor with her uninjured arm, and fled.

She didn’t even do so much as to blink as the honey brunette sped past her. She just stared on the empty space where her old lover had been, clutching at her arm with pain and laughter in her eyes.

“…Or what. Go to hell bastard.” Volkova’s head turned to the door at the sound of Lena’s muffled voice.

She wasn’t lost yet. And apparently, same thing was said for Lena.

She didn’t have the chance to blow off Sofia’s crotch because of an old wound. But Kozlov’s crotch would do for now. She grimaced before changing her magazine of her gun cock it read with her thumb and bashed into the apartment.

The first that caught her eyes when she went in was Kozlovs disgusting erection. She took aim. She pulled the trigger with a gleam of pure hate in her eyes.

Penises made her want to hurl.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 27-03-2005, 06:02   #50
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Chapter 13

Yulia secured her gun holster on her belt one last time before she hid it with her jacket. After wards, without a moment’s hesitation she came bounding inside one of the most prestigious and famous bar in town. Also it was one of the oldest.

And Yulia knew for sure that this was the guy who’s been feeding sorts like Kozlov and Sophy and the Copycat, useful information they could start on. She would kill this son of a bitch today.

‘Alight Yulia. Put your game face on.’ The voice chirped inside her head. Yulia complied and put on a grim expression telling her surroundings to PISS OFF loud and clear. She nervously, but not showing on her face obviously, rubber her inner forearm on her secured gun hidden behind her jacket at her belt.

She took a seat at the bar, leaning aginst the bar so she had her elbows on the bar. She laced her fingers together, expectantly for a bar tender to come around. Until then, she decided to look around.

It was still broad daylight, so the bar wasn’t that occuppied. Some stray wooden chairs were left fallen on their side on the floors, Aftermath of the last night’s chaos, she assumed. There were rolling around drink bottles littered all over the floors as well. The hall that lead to the bathrooms were dimly lit with a red flashing light, most likely a stolen siren hooked up somewhere, and the walls that surrounded the whole bar itself were filled with never ending graffiti. The bursts of colours gave her a head ache. But then she thought it wouldn’t be as bad for the owner, since the bursts of colours always hid the stains of random urine drunken pople managed to achieve.

Paper napkins practically made a trail around the whole bar, mapping the floors out. Some were wet, and some were ripped. She gazed back at the bar in front of her. It was neat. No patch of dust in sight. That’s good. But looking back at the tables behind her, she still wondered how this bar managed to keep the buisness going and even getting the honours of reputation as high as it went.

Suddenly the the whole bar was filled shrieking laughs and ditzy giggles. Yulia curiously gazed over at the source of the sounds. It was about dozen attractive if not sexy, women walking out of the bathroom hall, wearing half of nothing.

Now she knew why it such reputation. Both to men and women. She grimaced and tapped on the bar to catch the bartender’s attention, way over there at the corner, drooling over the trail of women that walked out of the bathroom. He irritably turned and lazily sauntered over, with a bar rag draped over one shoulder.

“Alright Missy. Me name’s Sasha. Be your bartender for the evenin’. What’s your poison?” He asked in a scratchy voice. His greying hair was greased back, his outfit consisting of an old saloon owner’s garbs. His wrinkles gathered mostly around his eyes, especially when he smiled or grinned. His teeth were all averagely white instead for one tooth at the front. That tooth was the only tooth that was coated over with a gold plating, and it gleamed with his saliva when he talked. His eyes green. Very, very green. Maybe too green. Yulia wondered if he wore contacts. But it was abnormally green and she knew it would somehow glow in the dark.

“Just give me the strongest thing you got.” Yulia said in a quiet and menacing voice, slipping a hundred dollar bill in the bartender’s shirt’s front pocket. The bartender tipped his head in thanks and put an oval shaped cup in front of her, then adding various types of alohol inside. Then with a shot of tequila, he drowned it in the oval cup filled with mixed alcolhols, then after adding exactly three drops of Tabasco sauce.

“So what crawled up your ass and died?” Sasha asked in his caring voice. He pulled the rag down from his shoulder and started to wipe off the counter from excess spill of alcohols. His eyes weren’t meeting hers. Yulia smirked. Maybe it was a routine of his. To him, if someone ordered his strongest house drink, it was because something wa gravely wrong. In some ways, his theory wasn’t wrong.

Yulia decided go with the flow. She mercilessly drowned the drink in front of her with one shot. The bartender looked over her, obviously impressed. It’s going to take a lot more to take her out than that.

“I had a man… Up and left me few years back. That hurt me pretty deep. But… After years he turns up suddenly. He doesn’t even leave a room for small talk or pleasantries. Just immediately goes into for the kill. He toyed with me for a bit more. I don’t know why I keep acting like his bitch when it finished years ago.” Yulia quickly made up a story in her mind. Thinking on her feet was harder than she had expected. But she made sure she scattered her batch of anguish and pain inside her voice to sound more sincere.

Sasha seemd to be listening more attentively than she had expected. She must’ve been a great actress. Yulia went on.

“The thing is… The damn bastard took a sentimental object of mine with him, and I have no clue where he lives.” She said and dramatically sighed to top it off. God someone give her a damn Oscar. The bartender took the empty glass away from Yulia and began to wipe then with his dish rag he’d been holding.

“Would it be rude to ask you the bastard’s name?” He asked, licking his lips.

“Well it won’t be rude but why are you interested in his name?” She asked, trying to sound she was indeed curious. The son of a bitch had bitten the bait. Now she was sure this was the almighty information pump people talks to every time they came here.

“Well… My bar has been here for a long time… I know some people here and there. Might able to help you out.” He said with a gleam of pride in his eyes and as well as his voice.

Yulia leaned to the bar and more and tiredly looked straight into the Sasha’s eyes. “Kozlov.”

Sasha seemed to root to his spot, his face paling. He immediately looked down at his dish rag and fumbled his fingers with it, avoiding Yulia’s gaze. “Sorry Miss. Don’t know a thing about him. Though his name is vaguely familiar… It seemes I’m getting old.” He said shakily, attemping to chuckle. His eyes were shifting and the paleness of his complexion failed him.

Yulia fully leaned into the bar, looking up intently at Sasha. “Sasha. Please, tell me the things that you know. He took one of my most valued posession and I really need it back.”

But Sasha sharply looked back up with a glare in his eyes. “Nothing is worth losing your life for.” He whispered. A sudden eerie breeze seemed to blow inside the bar, blowing on Yulia’s spikes. The blue eyes locked Sasha’s green eyes, both of them showing no sign of blinking.

Then suddenly Yulia grabbed the man’s greased back hair and jerked his whole head downward, smashing his face onto the counter beside her empty drinking glass. With a swift motion, she unclipped her holster and nudged her gun’s barrel against the man’s back of his head.

“You will tell me everything there is to know about Kozlov or I’m going to rape you with fucking butt of my gun, understood?!” She slowly enunciated her words angrily, especially emphasizing the word ‘Rape’.

The man underneath her grip squirmed in panic, yelling in a hight pitced voice. “Damn girl! Jesus Christ, okay okay!!”

Volkova dug the barrel of the gun in his head harder. “Put both of your hands on the counter, shitbag.” She said harshly. He did as he was told. Stealthily, she slipped out a worn out, but a carefully looked after bayonet. She gazed at the man’s hands for a minute and remembered that he used his right hand to clean the cups she had downed for the time she had spent there. She grippd tight on her bayonet and stabbed the center of the man’s right hand, then digging the blade into the counter s the hand was fixed to the counter top.

Sasha jerked up and screamed, his teeth bare and cleanched. His gold tooth shined. Volkova only stared with her unfocused eyes, her hand still on the grip of her bayonet. This reminded her of her trainings back at the academy.

With a nonchalant look on her ghostly eampty features, she licked her lips and placed her gun barrel against Sasha’s index finger. The man calmed down, but he looked terror stricken when he saw where the gun barrel was pointing to.

“Now Sasha, I know no one wants to lose their fingers. So I suggest you talk.” Volkova said. No hint of mercy could be found in her voice. The man’s face were panic stricken, and lost of all its colour. But she could see him visibly gulp and take a deep breath before he started.

“Kozlov was a cop once at the precinct West 648, the one near downtown. But he supposedly got thrown into the sack after he raped a girl there. But he busted out. He waited a few years in hidings, preparing for things y’know? But man he got in trouble with the fuzz again, an I’ve heard that he raped the same girl, I mean come on! So, so he-he gets sent the old jailer again, but that old thick blood just kept bustin’ out!” He drew in a shaky breath before continuing.

“But see-see, the first time he got busted out, he-he got himself acquainted with a syndicate drug lord, a very known one, y’know? That woman that called herself… Well the Lord! You heard, you heard! So that’s why he could bust out of the Big House the second time so easily. He’s had help! That’s when the Copycat showed up, y’know?” He went on, his uninjured hand waving about and pointing at the TV.

“Kozlov figured, what the hell, y’know? Copycat just drew away the coppers away from him, let the spotlight play someone else, y’know? The rumor has that he’s been getting it on with the Lord for quite some time now, and Kozlov moochin off the Lord non stop. I heard he’s bought some houses as well as identities, killing people off and taking names, y’know?”

Volkova listened intently, not wanting to miss details. But a puzzle she was so sure of having was riped into pieces as she heard this man blubber about. What of Sofia Ivanova? Had she not teamed up with kozlov in his sick masquerade of abuse and rape?

It was a jig-saw puzzle. One puzzle she had turned into the supposed correct direction, two more unmatching colours sat side by side. Ignorance was thickening.

“What about Ivanova?” Volkova yelled at his face. Something putrid stung her nostrils and she was sure the bastard has just pissed his pants. He was full out bawling his eyes out, begging for his life.

“Ivanova?! You talking about that woman cop?! Man why you askin about the Fuzz?! I don’t know em! I know fucking squat and why can’t please just”

Volkova pulled the trigger. One down, four more to go.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck my fucking fingers man! You fucking blew it off! Oh shit!!!! Oh fu- Goddamit Ivanova was a cop who raped the same girl Kozlov had but got off easy because of some inside connection in the higher rankings! She had no connections with Kozlov at all, but that’s all I know!! I swear to God, fuck I swear to God!!”

Volkova pushed the gun barrel against Sasha’s middle finger. “Now Sasha, do you know which address Kozlov goes by right now?” She asked in a dry crisp and sharp voice. The blood pouring out of the finger sockets were drenching her sleeve. She would have to wash later.

“No man I don’t know shit, I swear! I swear!!”

Volkova pulled the trigger. Two down, three more to go. “Are you fucking lying, Sasha?! Are you fucking lying to me?!” She barked at his face. Sasha broke into another ripping scream tore through the bar.

“OH FUCK!! Come one, man I like my fingers! I need my fingers! O shit man! What’d I do man?! Oh shit!!” His voice was slowly rising. Volkova knew now she had to be fast and swift.

“THE ADDRESS SASHA!” Volkova screeched in his ear. Sasha reached under the counter with his uninjured hand and smacked down a thick address book on the counter.

“Take the fucking thing! Take it and for fuck’s sake get the hell out, PLEASE!” He begged, tears trickling down his pale plump face. Volkova wordlessly grabbed the address book before it got drenched in Sasha’s blood.

“Now Sasha, is the address of Kozlov’s really in here?” Volkova asked, a bit too calmly for his tastes. With a pained grimace on Sasha’s face he wordlessly nodded, holding the wrist of his bleeding hand.

Volkova pulled the trigger again. There goes the ring finger. “Are you fucking sure Sasha?!” She questioned one last time.

“For fuck’s sake YES! It’s in there… It’s in there…” He drawled on, crying. Volkova clipped her gun back into her holster. Her eyes still amazingly emtionless and dull. Nothing is going to get in her way. Even Lena herself.

“Sasha… I may look like the bad guy because I’m holding a gun instead of a wad of money for your useful informations. But because of your greed, a young lady was raped more than two times. I know it was you who recommended Kozlov the trailer park three years ago to hide out when he first busted out. Careful where you spill your beans to Sash. I won’t be the only one pointing a gun towards your head.”

With that said to the crying bartender, Volkova walked out of the putrid ambience of the bar behind and delved into the fresh air. She breathed out before clutching at her newly acquired address book in her hand. After moving away from the bar five strides out, she reached for te back of her belt and unclipped her last surprise for Sasha.

Using her teeth, she undid the clip on it with a reackless look on her face. That reacklessness always lit up her face whenever Volkova was excited. Excited about death.

Drawing her whole body back, she ficked her whole right arm towards the bar, throwing the object deep inside the bar building.

“Good-bye, Sasha.” Volkova murmured before quickly walking to her next destination.


Sasha bravely grabbed the hilt of the lodged bayonet on which was delved through his right hand, and pulled with a jerk of strength he had left in him. With a breathless yelp the blade was out, and he sighed out.

But one last gift came hopping inside her bar, tapping softly at the empty rolling bottle on his floor. He rounded around the counter to see what the object exactly was.

A grenade was smiling happily up at him.



A deafening sound of an explosion thundered in everyone’s ears, the stale scent of dust and smoky air filling their lungs. A sudden shower of debris fell from the sky and people began to either flee from their spots or run to the source of the explosion to watch what had happened.

Volkova gripped tighter on her address book. She looked back at the explosion site over her shoulder for the last time. A deadly smiled traced her lips as she turned back and resumed walking the other way.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 27-03-2005, 07:18   #51
denial denial is offline
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[ okay I read chap 7. I am very slow reader I know.. *kiss Shakrin on the forehead .. kiss kiss kiss*... thanks .. if I didnt see the there were many more updates .. I would have thought that sounded like the end of everything . okay thanks again .. I'll be back soon... today.. ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 27-03-2005, 11:31   #52
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[denial, ur bk! took ya nuff time girl...! .... but loved ur kisses..hehe.... ]

Chapter 14

Everything was either white, or transparent. They were clean, they were neat and they were flawless. Well except for the hosital garbs she had on. Her blazing red hair was loosely tied into a ponytail behind her head, and she herself was just standing on the endless horizon of white. Her eyes were closed, as if she was resting. The invisible sun shot rays down at the sheer white ground, its warmth swimming and spreading everyhwere. Lena had a sense of peace and never wanted to leave. This was her paradise, inside the depths of her mind she’d constructed so carefully over the years.

“Don’t you think you’re sleeping for quite a lot of time there, Katina?” The husky voice seemed to bounce off the horizon and echo into the endless fields of white.

Lena turned at the familiar voice. She met with a blank face and achingly dull crystal blue eyes, gazing up at her. It was Yulia, or at least someone shaped and looked like her, and who beared the same voice. The brunette only wore a simple white tank top with a casual white dress pants.

“Yulia…?” Lena softly mumbled under her breath, reaching for the smaller girls frame. Her fingeres brushed through the brunette tanned complexion, Lena’s peacefully calm green grey eyes studying longingly at the brunette.

“No. Volkova.” The blank expression turned into a twist of a smile, from the slight tickle Lena was giving her with her fingertips.

“What’s the difference?” Lena asked, stepping a stride closer, wanting Volkova near her as close as possible. Lena knew for sure that the woman who stood in front of her with the unmistakable features Yulia wasn’t actually Yulia at all. But the fact that she was a part of Yulia comforted her somewhat.

“That’s the wrong question to be asking.” Volkova added smugly, releasing herself to the delicate touches the red head had provided.

“Ya? Then what is the right question should I be asking?”

“You should be asking who I am… Because Yulia and me are whole different people mushed up in the same body. It’s almost nearing my time though.”

Lena’s brows arched as she stepped another stride closer to Volkova. She had the same scent as Yulia’s. It was awfully soothing.

“Then who are you, Volkova?” Lena leaned in to the crook of Volkova’s neck, and whispered in her ear. She inhaled the unigue signature smell the Yulia always held.

“I’m the fear in the depths of Yulia’s mind.”

“Oh really?” Lena sighed, closing her eyes and nuzzing her face against Volkova’s neck. “Then what are you doing here, inside the depths of *my* mind? I was trying to sleep here.”

“You’ve slept enough. Although it’s not a problem right now… You must be awake for the grand finale.” Volkova eyed Lena nervously as she rested her head on her shoulder.

“What grand finale?” Lena muffled against Volkova’s soft and alluring bare skin. She instinctively hoisted her arms around the brunette, pulling the smaller girl into a wanted embrace.

Volkova clicked her tongue, giving off a hint that she was amused.

“So many questions… So little time.”


Her first stop was to be Sophy. She already had plans for Kozlov, now knowing about his exact wherebouts and what he does in the town. She could easily worm her way of her own troubles with Kozlov.

But Sophy… She complicated matters. She was a retired officer who got off her raping schemes scott free over four years ago. She needed evidence. Evidence that Sophy was guilty. And that’s exactly she will get.


Yulia breezed in the precinct, almost glowing and showing off her radiant energy. She’d never feel so alive in months. The bags under her eyes were still there, but that was an inevitable problem she had to forego for planning the oh so sweet revenge.

Feeling refreshed and calm in her mind, she found the sudden peace in her head almost incredulous. The voice was always there, barking her order from the inside, saying what’s this and that. But the voice was gone. At least for the time being.

No more head aches for another hour or so, she presumed, before knocking on Jack’s office door.

“Come in.” A raspy and weak, but still containing its masculinity, voice called out from inside. It was somewhat muffled for the door barricading it, Yulia could still hear the strained note on Jack’s voice. She smirked before she went in. She hated every dog taunters, being an anonymous animal lover herself. The bastard deserved every bit of damage he got on his ass.

She distinctly remembered that she accused Jack of being the Copycat. But every accusations towards Jack had been crossed out shamelessly when she heard the voice message Jack had left on her machine. The machine had clearly confirmed that he had left it on the day she was faced with the real Copycat himself and shot him on his dick.

At least the Copycat was finished off, she thought.

“Ahh, Detective Volkova, have a seat.” Jack looked up, his face pale and his hands trembling. But suspiciously, he brushed aside all the folders he had in his hands and closed the folders, but never leaving his eye contact with Yulia.

Yulia pretended that she didn’t notice the swift hidings of his folders. She would take a look at them later.

“I was going to bring you in sooner or later,because I thought it was only necessary that I thank you for the errends you ran for me. It means a lot, and plus you got em done in time with no mistakes. Maybe I’ll slip in a good word to the higher rankings, eh?” He said in a sing song voice.

Suddenly Sasha’s voice rang in her head, the line “…but got off easy because of some inside connection in the higher rankings!...” repeating in her head like a broken record.

Yulia slapped on a belivable happy smile and pretended to blush. If she known she was this good of an actress before she went to the police academy, she could’ve been rich by now. Jack smiled back at her, curtly tilting his head in satisfied gesture.

“So, what can I help you with today, Detective?” He asked, locking his fingers together in front of him on his desk. Yulia stole brief glances at the folders well hidden under his left arm before she started to talk.

“I want in on the Katina’s rape cases.” Yulia said. She saw Jack sigh and swivel his chair towards the window. She cursed inwardly. She hated when she couldn’t see one’s face, for she couldn’t study them for any lies that coul’ve crossed their faces. She decided it to keep it to herself though.

There was a momentary pause, where she could feel Jack thinking. What was he thinking about, she pondered.

The top of his desk looked like a tornado had come through, for files, folders, datas, and coffe mugs alike, were sprawled everywhere on the desk. The plain olive coloured trash bin beside was full and over flowing with crumpled papers. There was an ashtray on Jack’s desk with a cigarette still tipped inside and burning. The blinds on the window made the sunrays slice in to narrow strips light and warmth against the whole of the room. The view from his office outside his window was the precinct parking lot, and outside she could see the limited vision of two officers having a conversation and smoking a cigarette in one hand and a paper cup, presumable coffee, in the other.

Jack thick voice pretruded her observation thoughts.

“Katina’s case is a very stern FBI case, Detective.” He swivelled back on his chair to face the brunette once more. He almost flinched at the ominous blue eyes staring back at him, but he managed to continue. “And, it certainly is going to take more than little ol’ me to get you on board. Why did you consider to take part in this investigation anyhow?” He asked, his eyes slightly squinting. Yulia didn’t like his probing. And the look in his eyes made her want to shift in her chair, jump up, run up to him and grab him by the collar shaking the day lights out of him.

“I think it’s only obvious I take part in the investigation. Katina was my partner as well as my friend. I want to look in the son of a bitch’s eyes and ask him why he did it.” Yulia hesitated a little, and looked up at Jack’s eyes. He looked mildly unconvinced, as well as unimpressed. Yulia rolled her eyes in the back of her mind.


She slowly swayed herself to a slouched but compsed stance, taking each feral steps towards Jack. She grabbed the chair’s arm rest and swivelled the chair around so Jack faced her. She slowly, leaned in beside Jack’s ear and breathed out purposely blowing in his ear. She visibly saw Jack shudder, and smirked.

“And I know you can get in to the case… If you only talked to the higher rankings… I mean you’re already doing me a favour by giving them a good word about me… A few more favours couldn’t hurt, right hon?” She purred in his ear. She saw Jack chuckles. Whether that was a good sign or a bad sign she didn’t know. She pulled back slightly to see Jack’s full reaction.


He approved alright. He was practically drooling all over his pants.

“No, it couldn’t possibly hurt. I’ll make that phone call right away.” He yipped, and Yulia smiled the most seductive smile she could muster on her face. Jack was just lapping it all up. It made her sick to her stomach. Where was the world going now a days?

Giving Jack a final wink, she stepped out of the office and headed towards her own. She stayed in there until everyone left the precinct, including Jack, and all nighters had fallen asleep on their job. She checked an antique clock that hung on her wall in her office.

It was quarter after three in the morning. It was only a few hours away until the real early starters came hopping in, waking the all nighters up and giving them a cup of coffee. She sighed. She was going to have to make this trip quick.

Standing up and heading for Jack’s door, she turned the knob on his door. Just as she had figured it was firmly locked, and she dug her hands in her pockets to find a hair pin she had stored some where in her coat for this special occasion. When he had found it, she stuck the pin inside the keyhole on the knob, going through various procedures of clicks and turns before the lock clicked and the door swung open.

The academy had taught her so much menaingful things.

Stepping inside the pitch dark office, she silently closed the door behind her and locked it. Walkinf up to Jack desk, she pulled on Jack’s desk lamp’s string, clicking the light on. The dim light filled the room, revealing the secrets the darkness always held.

She almost sighed out loud in joy as she saw the same files she had saw Jack trying to avoid from her sight, still on his desk in the same position as she had last saw them. She immediately opened them, studying the contents inside. Something caught her as odd though. Everything about these files were about the Copycat.

The space between her brows snapped shut, creasing into a frown. She leafed through more pages in the other folders that littered his desk. Then another. Then another.

Everything he had on his desk were about the Copycat. Why was Jack so interested about this guy? What was so special that he has to make sure he was up to date on every single thing that was reported about him?

Her curiously piqued as she half expectantly slid her fingers under the handle of one of the drawers Jack had on his desk. Some part of her knew what was going to come next so she wasn’t even mildly surprised when she saw what was in the drawer.

Inside the drawer, there was a clear white container with a blue cap sealed tightly on it. She picked it up and held it up to her face, examining. Her smile spread through her face as she shook the content inside the mystery container. She knew for sure what that was inside. It was the sperm sample they had collected from Katina’s rectum.


(From Chapter 11 Pt.1)

“The semen sample we have taken from Miss Katina’s rectum… Isn’t Kozlov’s.”

“…Excuse me?”

“There is another thing that I came here to inform you of.” Apprehension vaguely graced his already worrisome features, and Yulia could see him biting his inner cheek inside his mouth.

“Which is?”

“We cannot find out who the suspect is.”

Yulia scowled, knowing how well the budget was for the police force labs in each county. The stupidity of the lab workers, not being able to find out a man’s iidentity with their fancy equipments baffled her.

“Why the hell not?!” She snapped at the doctor.

“The semen sample has gone missing from the lab.”

A pause of silence.

“…Excuse me?”


She grinned at the particles of semen inside the container and safely slipped it in her coat’s inner pocket. She could get Jack kicked out of the force and lock him in the can, she knew. She then quickly sorted the sprawled out files all around the messy desk and organized them into a one thick pile. She hugged those bunchfuls of data against her chest and was about to walk out of the office, when suddenly the thick voice she recognized as Jack’s rumbled just a few inches away from the office door.

“Shit!” She cursed under her breath before frantically looking around to find a hiding spot. Clutching the massive amount of data in her hands, she quickly jumped under Jack’s desk and hoped to God that he wasn’t sitting down.

She heard the heavy footfalls of Jacks come in the room, and close the door behind him. But then she heard those footfalls abruptly stop, probably because the sight of his desk cleaned off of his precious datas shocked his balls out.

She heard him rush back out, slamming open the door. She tried not to laugh out loud as she heard the panicky high octaved voice of Jack screaming like a girl for his inferiors.

“Gage! McNabb!! Who the hell was in my office last night?!?!?!” He screeched.

She could hear muffled of Gage’s voice sounding out the words that seemed like, “Umm.. No one I have seen sir. Your door was closed the whole night.”

“Dammit Gage! Can some one please inform the Sarge my office was broken into?! Shit! Shit! Shit!” Yulia sighed as his curses seemed to be moving away from his office, taking Gage and McNabb’s trail of murmurs with him.

When she urged her body to stand it self up, her head suddenly spinned, and she fell back down on the ground, the folder falling with a light slap on the carpeted floor beside her.

Help. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.

She looked up to see nothing in particular but was disturbed when she did see something that took her as… Odd. She was seeing doubles. She felt a wave of nausea washing over her as she rested her head on the scruffy carpet beneath her.

Yulia groaned. She needed to see Hagen soon. The sudden wooziness and the uncalled for fevers were practically becoming a hobby now. After a few minutes of resting on the ground, she weakly collected the folder beside her and stood, aimlessly walking out of the office and heading towards her car.

She forgot where she needed to go.

She decided to go to Hagen’s anyway.


The grey surroundings of Hagen’s clinc bothered her somewhat. Because it was so fruitless and so… Well grey. Before three years ago, she would’ve felt right at home. But now… Something told her otherwise.

Hagen himself came out of his examining room to call forth Yulia. She slowly stood up, not wanting to get another dizzy trip, and followed Hagen in the all too familiar office of Hagen’s.

“Yulia… The scans we just took… Well I’m going to be frank with you, the results are looking grim. And because you’re my friend as well as my best cared for patient I’m going to be completely honest with you.” His gestures and his expressions had told her everything she needed to know.

She was dying.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 27-03-2005, 12:51   #53
denial denial is offline
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[ heh heh .. okay I read chapter 8! she slapped her? LoL .. thanks.. I'll be back again ...huh!? laundry.. my mother bought me lots of new soft t-shirts with the label said 'hand wash' only... now they are full pile.. ]

[chapter 10 done. wow .. there were lots of images watching nightmare movie.. thanks Shakrin]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Last edited by denial; 28-03-2005 at 07:05.
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Old 28-03-2005, 18:40   #54
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ how did you come up with this story? you should write scripts for movies dude ]
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Old 28-03-2005, 20:03   #55
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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hahaha thanks veg, that means the world to me.
and i'm not *that* good stop flattering me or I'll go aloof lol
anyhoo thanks!

and denial....u betta catch up fast....
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 28-03-2005, 20:33   #56
denial denial is offline
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[ I've completed chap 11 pt1 and pt 2. Can't continue .. I'm on cough medicine .. guns and murder blue print?!!- YAY!!! @ Veg ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 29-03-2005, 08:24   #57
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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Dieu Me Pardonnera, C’est son metier.
God will pardon me, it is His trade.
-Heinrich Hien

Chapter 15

“Dammit I said it already Kurt, I ain’t having no fucking operation before Lena wakes up!” Yulia screamed, slamming her fist down on Hagen’s office desk. Spilt tears were drying on the desk as well as the floor, and some blotched and streaked on her sleeves.

Everything was getting fucked up. Everything wasn’t going as planned, and she had 50:50 chance of living even she had the operation now. She was scheduled to die on the date of truth, justice, and revenge. Did God have other plans for her? God must be blind as hell if he was planning on calling her up this early into her plan of action.

Her head spun, as she stood from her seat. She closed her eyes and her hands shot up to her head involuntarily. Hagen quickly reached for her elbows, helping her up. Yulia sharply jerked away from his touches, a little offended.

“I still know how to stand up, dammit.” She snapped, nabbing her coat, clinging on to her current seat. Hagen sighed and sat back down resignedly. Yulia immediately softened. She had realized it wasn’t easy for Kurt either.

She made the expression of frustration and the hand waves of an angered woman. She plopped back into her seat staring straight ahead at Hagen.

“Kurt… I’m sorry I’m being a total asshole to you lately. I just… I can’t have the operation right now. I can’t- I can’t lie around on the bed, feeling helpless and take the time to recover… It’ll take too long. And as you said, even if the operation happens, there’s a chance the transplant would go wrong and my body won’t accept the new marrow. I could die both ways.”

The truth was an abstract thing, far from happy endings. It also had a long way to the bad endings, but it also had a long way between the neutral things too. That truth about the truth itself… Was a bitch.

“Are you sure you’re not taking the operation because you have something going with Lena’s rapists?” The brunette snapped her head towards Hagen in surprise. Does he know something that she didn’t? Her gaze towards her doctor turned into a glare of suspicion. Hagen’s face was neutral, stripped of its emotions. Everyone was trying to copy her nowadays. It couldn’t have killed them if they were a little more original.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She forced on monotone pitch of her usual conversation tactics. This was game she could not lose.


“Fuck you.”

“Tell me the truth.”

“... You can kiss your truth good bye, because there’s nothing such as truth left in this world anymore.”

“No. The truth is you’re dying and you could live by taking the fucking operation but won’t because of some revenge plot you got against the rapists.” Yulia had never heard Hagen swear before. It meant he was getting completely serious, as well as honest. It scared her, just seeing the massive transformation her friend had undergone to persuade her, trying to save her life. It almost touched her. Almost.

Yulia didn’t say anything. The heavy silence that over took the room seemed t choke both of them, neither of them wanting to continue the conversation. The brunette shifted her blue eyes so it seemed as though she was looking through Hagen. She watched as Hagen squirmed in his seat, uncomfortable about Yulia staring through him like that. Good.

Truth was overrated. But her thoughts… Her personal inner feelings… A truth to her expense would be enough for Kurt, she knew.

“I can’t take the operation now, Kurt. I’d die, I’m sure of it. Because I won’t have Lena beside me, awake, with life and laughter in her eyes. I didn’t even get to say I love you in person to her. Do you know how sad that is? If I die on that operation table, I’m never getting the chance to say that to her. That’s why I’m going to die. The limp body in her hospital room isn’t her. It’s just her shell. That empty shell isn’t going to hold me like she does. That empty shell isn’t going to laugh for me for the last time. That’s why I’m going to die. That’s why I won’t have the operation. Do you understand?”

Kurt seemed to comprehend what the woman in front of him had just said, absorbing the information. To understand was such a powerful thing. But at that time and space, he couldn’t understand. But he got the point, and the point was she couldn’t take the operation. He reluctantly nodded.

He sighed as he saw the brave woman before him stand up and leave the room with her thanks and respect in her big blue eyes.

For whom the bell tolls indeed.


Yulia was looking into some clubs, trying to find the Lord. Or Lordess. Or whatever the dealer called herself. She knew that if Kozlov had a weakness, it was going to be the Lord. Because she had paid everything for him and protected him and hid him from the cops and the feds, she knew that the Lord was a vital part of his sick plans.

Finding the Lord wasn’t a problem. Her name was spread in every single of the clubs and bars all over downtown. She was carrying some serious heat as well has coke, with everything of the best there was and available for the taking. She smirked. She found out it was practically impossible to get within five meters to the Lord without extremely hardcore supervision.

This was why she was going to succeed. She was going to break everything Lord owned. Why? Because Everest was there to be conquered.

If indeed the Lord was some seriously rich, well connected, and had well tastes about everything to have the aches of money, she figured she owned the biggest fucking mansion in the town. She smirked once more as she closed up her database on her computer and pick up her black brief case, well hidden under her desk. And the biggest mansions were always beside the biggest golf courses. So predictable.

She hastily slid open her drawer at her bureau, and took out three orange and blue containers, sealed with a black cap. She opened all three of them, took two of each out of the containers and popped them all in her mouth at once. She closed her eyes and forced her throat to swallow, her expression going sour at one of the pill’s taste.

After she had swallowed every one of them, she took all three of the quarter empty containers and trashed them in her garbage can. That was the last time she had her pills before she succeeded her mission. If she were to die, she will die. But if she were to live, she was going to her operation straight away.

She had contacted Hagen to explain him f her plans. He agreed, knowing that it was the only way the brunette would take the operation.

Time was of the essence.

She took a deep breath and calmly strode out of the precinct.


“This is so different from Yulia’s mind, the paradise she perceived as she was growing up.” Volkova mumbled, turning her head to look at Lena’s place of hide out at all four sides. It was… Interesting to say the least.

“Yeah? Then how does Yulia’s look like?” Lena said her face smiling. It wasn’t a smile was telling Volkova anything of giving off any other emotions that needed to be noticed. It was just a smile of happiness, the happiness she thought she was receiving from her place of paradise. Volkova turned her head back to the owners of those mysterious green grey eyes, and smiled too. But it was a sad smile.

“A room. A large spacious with everything she owned that she thought were the most precious things she’d ever touched. Her parents are in the room, her sister, lots of lined papers and sharpened pencils, you, Sofia… And there is a door that leads outside of that room, and it’s safely locked. But someone’s pounding on it, trying to smash it down. They never can though. The idea of her in a room with everything she had loved, and a door with the evil trying to smash it down, trying to take away her loved ones, but never can… Gives her a sense of paradise.” Volkova looked back out to the fields of white and the horizon of blue beyond. It seemed as though the invisible sun was setting right then.

“Who’s Sofia?” Red head questioned. She had heard the name before, when Yulia was crying that day in the car.

“You know her as… Sophy.” Volkova quietly mentioned, trying to break it the red head softly. Lena remained quiet for couple of moments.

“But you said Sophy was in the room in Yulia’s mind?” The content smile had vanished form her lips, and only the cold and empty gaze remained.

“I am not in position to tell you her story about Sofia. It is up to her to decide whether you have the right to know about her past, not me. I’m just a small part of brain with no control of her thoughts whatsoever, Sure I talk to her sometimes, but she does as she chooses, not me.”

Lena’s stare went to the white and grainy ground beneath her, obviously disappointed.

“It is time for you to awaken.” The brunette whispered, turning back to Lena, squeezing her shoulder.

Lena held the soft curled up hand squeezing her shoulder. She looked up with pleading eyes. “Just a little bit more.” She insisted, prodding at the hand she held tightly in her grasp.


Yulia leafed through the pages of Sasha’s address book. It had nearly every criminal’s address, and she was absolutely dumbfounded. Everyone on the list needed Sasha’s knowledge about the town, and some of them were one of the most well hidden criminals in perhaps the whole country. She would turn this into the head office as soon as she was done with it, and half of the scum on the face of the earth would be locked away.

“Ivanova… Ivanova… Ivanova…” She murmured to herself as she gave her index finger a slight lick before going back to leafing through the pages again.

She had found it. She smiled. Maybe this was too easy?


With Sofia’s address stored in her head, she promptly ripped out the page with her information on it and took out her lighter. With a swift click of her lighter, the paper caught on fire, its edges turning into a colour of deep grey and absolute black with the blue fire intruding it. With a careful flick of her fingers, the burnt paper was carelessly thrown outside Yulia’s car window.

Yulia grimaced as she felt her daily head ache settling in her temple. She glanced at her watch and scowled. It was already coming close to noon time. Why was time going by so fast? She looked around the confined space of her car, searching for her weapon of choice.

Her eyes analyzed the transparent sac, displaying a quite a lot amount of white powder inside. She grinned. This would do.

With a perfect plan in her head, she drove to her destination, pulling out her shades and a toque to partially hide her head.


“Well… It’s been a long time.” Sofia said aloud, grinning with a satisfied sparkle in her eyes.

“Sure.” Yulia mumbled before brushing past her old lover to come inside of the stuffy apartment Sofia supposedly called, “Home”. It was fucking disgusting. The air inside was stale and there no light with an exception of an old worn out lamp that stood broodily at the corner of the living room.

When Yulia went farther into the apartment, she could smell the stench of alcohol and piss, and even sex. She felt like puking right then and there. But she decided to save it for Sofia face later.

“Well… You look as beautiful as ever, Yules.” Sofia said, behind the brunette, trying to fix her hair up some and trying not to get noticed by Yulia that she was doing that.

Yulia stopped walking inside the apartment and abruptly turned, facing the rudely interrupted honey brunette.

“Yes well… You still look like shit.” Yulia said with a twisted grimace on her face from the awful stench of urine emanating from what it looked to be the master bedroom. Presumably Sofia’s room.

Sofia smirked before rolling her eyes and taking out a cigarette and lighting it. “Well what the hell are you here for then?” She said crossly, getting the point that the brunette wasn’t here for kiss and the make up sex.

“Information. Hear you’ve been running low on these lately?” Yulia said holding up her package of white powder from her coat’s pocket. Sofia’s eyes went glossy and wide before suddenly whipping her hand out to snatch the package from Yulia’s grasp. But Yulia moved the package from its place before Sofia could get to it.

“Nuh uh uh uh! I’m here to negotiate, not for your birthday.” Yulia said with a hint of laughter in her voice. Sophy scowled before hurriedly taking a deep breath in from her cigarette.

“What the fuck do you want?” Sofia growled.

Yulia smirked before lowering her hand with the package of white powder in it. Good girl.

“I know it wasn’t Kozlov you worked with. I know it was the copycat. Tell me who he is.” Simple. But Sofia scoffed, turning away from Yulia.

“I ain’t giving any information like that for a pack of coke. That’s shit.” Sofia whispered. She sounded doubtful though. Yulia let out a long throaty laugh. She tucked the package back into her pocket.

As soon as her laugh ended she shot an unsuspecting punch to Sofia’s side. She let out a yelp before getting hurled from her feet to the ground. When Sofia was scrambling to get back up to her feet, Yulia gave a nerve numbing kick to her belly.

“I didn’t say you could get up you fucking slut. Doesn’t sound so pleasant when you aren’t the one who’s saying it, right?” The brunette screamed at the woman at the ground before sending in another kick.

“Who the fuck is the Copycat and how the hell did you get together to work with him?!”

There was no answer from the woman on the floor. Yulia snarled a string of curses before going over to the honey brunette, flip her around and groping her harshly on her collar. “Am I getting a fucking answer, you heap of shit smelling fuck?!” Yulia screamed at her ex-lover’s face.

Yulia curled her hands into a tightly balled up fist and brought it up to the side of her neck readying for a punch. When she sent her fist flying, Sofia unexpectedly blocked it with her forearm.

“You’re not the only cop around here!” Sofia hissed. Yulia glared at her, struggling for her punch to get through her forearm.

“Helloo, you’re retired bitch!” Yulia yelled back before moving her hand which was grabbing Sofia by the collar to the woman’s throat. “Ever felt what it’s like to be choked to death?” Yulia said with a hint of menace in her eyes.

She’s actually fucking serious about killing me, Sofia thought, a sudden fright making her freeze in her spot. Her occupied arm that was blocking Yulia’s punch slid to Yulia’s tightly grasped hand on her neck, weakly trying to pry the fingers open.

Yulia pulled her free hand to the back of her belt and pulled out her 9mm pistol. She loosened her grip on the neck and pressed the gun barrel against the floor only a few centimeters off from Sofia’s head. She pulled the trigger, the crack of the gun getting shot making Sofia jump.

“Fuck, what the hell is your fucking problem?!” Sofia managed to choke out.

“Sofia, listen carefully or I’m going to fucking shoot you here and now. Every time I hear a wrong answer out of your fucking lips I move the barrel of the gun three centimeters until it mounts on your head and fucking blow your brains out. Understand?!” Yulia said, dead serious. It could be the last moments of her life and she didn’t want to waste any minute of it trying to cajole a pathetic drug drowned woman.

“Fuck, okay okay! It was Jack, alright?! JACK DAVIS! After you fucking blew his dick off he’s had some plasma or some shit or another and tried to revive his credentials! He only said a diseased dog bit on the ass because it was believable! Happy?!?!” She spilled. Yulia was laughing on the inside. The sickening girl under her actually thought that she would spare her life if she spilt everything she knew. What an understatement.

“How did you end up working with him?” The brunette’s eerie blue eyes seemed to pierce through Sofia’s own chocolate ones, staring at her corrupted damned soul, reading every truth, studying every brink of insanity Sofia had crossed so many times.

“Kozlov paired us up. To distract the fuzz from going after him.” Sofia said.

Wrong. Yulia smirked, dragging the barrel on the floor a bit too dangerously near Sofia’s head. “You think I’m that fucking stupid? I know enough to know that you don’t even know what Kozlov looks like you lying twat.” She snapped.

Sofia’s pupil was staring at the very side of her sockets, to see the gun barrel just millimeters away from her head. She started to tremble. “The real answer Sofia.” Yulia probed.

“I…I… Jack… Jack’s gay.” Sofia stuttered out, out of fear. Say whhat? Yulia thought. So, all the perverted acts of him towards her were all an act to hide from what he really was?

“Go on.” Yulia said. She was actually curious about this one.

“He fell in love with Kozlov. He loved him so much, that even when Kozlov had rejected him, he offered his best officer, Lena Katina, for Kozlov’s urges. That’s why the first time, he busted out from the jail so easily. Jack had provided everything for Kozlov for his escape. That’s why he masked himself as the Copycat… All the disguises… Just to look like Kozlov… To help the guy and partly he wanted to take revenge on the red head for taking Kozlov away from him.”

“Continue.” Yulia prodded, dragging the barrel closer to the honey brunette’s head.

“The year I was transferred there, he told me everything. From his love to helping Kozlov escape. He threatened to kill my former girl friend Miranda, the blonde, if I didn’t help him with the work he did for Kozlov and to Lena, and the works involving the higher rankings. Each time he as accused of something I had to be his alibi or another. He fed me dugs, got me hooked on it, kept me working for him… I was used so bad…”

Sofia looked sincerely sad, not trembling nor struggling anymore. It was like she wanted to spill everything now, pass the burden to someone else. But time was running out for Yulia. The sadness inside Sofia’s eyes made her angrier even more.

“You regret everything you did NOW? You think that’ll turn everything back?! You think it’ll turn Lena back as she once was, and all the rape you filths had done to her will be undone?! What the fuck is matter with you?! Forgiveness… The thing called forgiveness was terminated for you five years ago when you I found you in that bathroom stall.”

Yulia took out the white package from her coat pocket and poured the contents on Sofia’s face. “This is baking powder you dumb fuck.” She said coldly, watching Sofia choke on it.

She cocked the gun, and dug the barrel between Sofia’s eyes.

“Good Bye Sofia. I love you.” A tear found its way down Yulia’s face.

“No! You said you won’t kill me, you said you won’t kill…”

Yulia pulled the trigger.


Yulia was bawling as she made her way down the apartment to her car. She struggled with the latch on her car’s door and quickly jumped into her seat before someone saw her and strikes up a pity conversation with her.

She locked the car from the inside and threw her gun in her glove compartment. This gave her a weird feeling of a déjà vu, recognizing that she had done the same thing six years ago with a burning cigarette.

She turned on her stereo and put it up to full blast. She didn’t want to think right now. She needed something painfully loud to distract her.

As her car sped off the street Sofia’s apartment resided on, the twelfth floor of Sofia’s grungy apartment exploded, engulfing Sofia’s stiff body with the thunderous explosion and fire. The glasses shattered, showering the passersby with the sprinkles of glass bits. The apartment seemed to breathe out the immense fire to the outside.

The other people who also lived in the apartment building were hurriedly running outside, their faces pale and panic streaked. They were all safe except for Sofia because of a mysterious black haired woman had evacuated them to the first floor long before the explosion, flashing her police badge.

The inhabitants and the passersby stretched their necks, looking up to the dancing fire shooting up to the sky.

Later, it was harshly blamed on the poor insulation systems and the ragged gas pipelines. The only body that was found was degraded and burnt so severely, the stench and the damaged tissue distracted from the smaller than small bullet hole on her head.

1:27 pm.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 29-03-2005, 11:14   #58
denial denial is offline
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[ wo! thanks Shakrin! you're lightning speed! *goes to read chap 12* ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 29-03-2005, 14:41   #59
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ dee, i think yulia is our copycat. we are supposed to be the assasins ]
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Old 30-03-2005, 10:30   #60
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Chapter 16

It was starting to rain. The thick smog of clouds gathered up ahead, masking the clear blue sky that seemed to hide behind its curtains. The deep shade of grey clouds prodded at each other, the lights and hopes of sunlight vanishing from the earth’s surface. Heavy rumbles of thunder and claps of lightening started to begin its daily basis of frightening little infants in their cots and napping dogs in their houses. It was dark all around. The lengthy drops of rain splattered on the dirt, slowly collecting pools of mud here and there. Darkness overshadowed the whole city. The windows of each building were lit one by one, open windows getting closed.

The thunders raged the heavens repeatedly. Once, twice, and thrice it rang the sky, and shook the surface beneath, resulting in every little movements ignored with the rumbles of low thunders. People looked up to the sky with their hands over heads in wonder, rain was a rare thing now and then.

In a solid squared building of a hospital at the center of a vast city, a certain red head slept soundly on her bed with her sheets draped over her. She was in her same position as she was first brought more than four weeks back.

Another thunder clashed noisily, a streak of lightening jolting dangerously close to the hospital building. But as the thunder clashed and the temporary habitants scrambled to the closest windows to witness the drastic weather change, they never seemed to notice the sleeping red head’s middle and ring finger twitch and tense up, before setting back down to their former place. If this was witnessed, it would’ve been a miraculous buzz, seeing she hadn’t moved or done anything for herself rather than breathe for more than four weeks. But the eyes were all out the windows, watching the lightening instead.


Oh beautiful. The thick rain drops bombarded on Yulia’s windshields, painfully reminding her of the vague memory that had been fighting to play in her memory banks for quite some time now. She was ignoring the urges and made herself think of Lena. How she was hurt, and how those awful people used her for their own greedy purposes.

She sighed, shakily opening her glove compartment and taking out a fresh new cigarette pack. She ripped the top lid open, quickly snatching out a stick of the white cylinder and clamping it down with her lips. With a random stick of an old match she discovered beneath her car seat, she lit up her smoke, and calmly parked her car.

She was at her destination. She silently waited in her car, trying to look inconspicuous.

She was across a rather wide street road, across from a small cozy house down at the suburbs. Her eyes were trailing the basic outline of one particular house she had her thoughts fixed on.

The house was light beige with red bricks lining the front door entrance and the steps that lead to it. The large window on the main part of the building concealed the contents inside the house with an also deep red drapery. It was a typical house with the white picket fence that poked out not far from the house itself and the wild un-mowed lawn wilted at the tips.

This house was Jack Davis’ residence. And she was patiently waiting for the occupant to get his stinking ass out of the house so she could eave a surprise for the lucky guy. She chuckled to herself as she pulled up her hood over head, hiding her sooty brunette hair which was extra spiked involuntarily from the humidity of the rain. She didn’t want to attract any attention now, would she?

Immediately Yulia slightly ducked in her car, seeing a limping figure with a sturdy wind breaker on slowly and carefully step into his own car, a black Lexus. So predictable.

As the black car sloshed and gushed out of the street swimming through level water the rain had raised in a short amount of time. She counted to twenty, making sure the car had gone with Jack inside of it. She reached for her bag sitting on her passenger’s seat and flung it over her shoulder. With one last check at the mirror and pulling up her hood once again, she hopped off her BMW, locking the door with her keys as she splashed to the house.


It was about two hours later a disgruntled and scruffy Jack Davis limped back into his house. It was really dark out, making the innerds of his house pitch dark. He flinched at the crack of thunder that had sprouted from the dusty sky, the trickling sounds of the rain made when hit against his window making him somehow a little anxious.

He nonchalantly threw his keys on his kitchen top counter, before proceeding to open his fridge, poking his head in a scavenge of immediate food resource. He took out the milk, though hesitantly, before drinking it straight from the carton. Another crack of thunder made him choke on his milk, making him spill some out of his mouth from the corners of his lips.

Today was all going wrong. He cursed as he angrily hurled the whole milk carton across the kitchen, and wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeves.

At first, he finds out Sofia is dead, the second at the doctor’s office the news is broken to him that he could not save his disembodied penis and now even the fucking rain was out to get him. He growled before snappily kicking his fridge door shut and striding to his living room.

But before he could flick on the lights a numbing punch struck him across his face, making him stagger back a bit. He narrowed his eyes to adjust to the dark and see who it was.

“Detective Volkova?” He asked, holding his nose. It was bleeding. Another delightful thing to add, on his list of beautiful things that had happened on that beautiful day. Just fucking perfect. “What the hell are you doing here? And in my house?”

Yulia glared at him, the silence almost deafening if not for the clashing thunder outside. It matched exactly how she felt and she was grateful for it. She made an inward thanks to the above as she took another swing across Jack’s face.

He yelped as he staggered back once more, looking up at his detective in disbelief.

“Volkova, this is trespassing, with assault! I could nail you bad with this! Can you at least talk what I’ve done wrong to make you behave this way? It could all be just a misunderstanding that we could sort out!”

“Fuck you.” Yulia hissed, then giving him a cracking kick to the back of his left knee. He groaned and went down on one of his knees, looking up at the brunette his hand still on his leaking nose.

“What the fuck is the matter with you?! Volkova you’re fucking under arrest for abusing a fellow officer as well your fucking superior!” He snarled, now taking his hand off his nose. The blood had trailed down to his chin, a line of blood now passing his neck line and staining the collar of his shirt.

Superior. That word made her sick. It made her want to take a gun to her head. It made her want to kill Davis so bad. And that’s what she had intended to do.

So they wrestled for a good long thirty minutes, before Jack had gotten the upper hand and got Yulia pinned to floor. Jack had both of Yulia’s wrists with his one hand up over her head, him straddling her and smoldering her with his immense weight.

But Yulia had laughter in her eyes. “Oi, Jack! How’s your dick? The last time I saw it, I blew it off with my 9mm!! Hahahaha...”

Jack slugged her with his one available hand, pounding his knuckled over Yulia’s face crossly. Jack quickly grabbed a handful of rings he always had for display on the living room counter, and slipped them on. He then resumed to pummel the woman beneath him.

“You fucking ruined me! You fucking ruined me! FUCK I could’ve given up my life for him…Did you know that?! Lena was fucking nothing compared what I was ready to give him, did you know that?!?!?” He spat in her blood welting face, and jumped up. He took his foot and began to kick her on her sides and belly as she groaned and yelped aloud in pain on the ground.

Yes Davis, kick your enemies when they’re down, and add some extra kicking if they happen to be women. You fucking bastard. Yulia’s train of thoughts never ceased in her head as she was getting beaten by the man towering above her. She didn’t mean it to get out of hand like this. She managed to scowl with her welted face. She was losing time right at that second.

She scrambled to her feet and gave his already circumcised big time groins a sharp kick. He screeched before falling down on his knees and covering his privates with his hands delicately.

“You bitch!” He hissed through his clamped teeth.

“You sick fuck!” She hissed back. But she was taken aback when Jack had pulled out a switch blade from his back pocket and flick the blade out. Yulia jumped at the sound of a soft click, backing away immediately. Her hand reached for the back of her belt and she cursed, feeling her holster empty. Her mind reeled back to her earlier memories where she shoved the gun at the back of her glove compartment and closed it.

She clenched her jaw, trying not to show her enemy her worry. They wordlessly circled the spacious living, one with a weapon held out, and one with just her hands held out in front of her.

Their eyes had adjusted to the dark ages ago. But this was a big problem.

As Yulia’s back was facing the front entrance, she was studying Jack features, trying to read him. But something confused her as she saw Jack’s face crease and his eyes narrow, forming an expression of utter shock. His eyes seemed to look through her, looking right at the front entrance.

And indeed he was. His hands of ready stance immediately dropped, his grasped switchblade hand falling limply at his side.

‘What the…?’ Yulia’s mind was racing and as well as her beating of her heart. Something was going wrong. Her sixth sense was going crazy. Then her stomach churned at what words befell on ears from Jack’s lips.

“…J-Joris Kozlov…Oh my god Kozlov… I-Is that you??”


Yulia’s head snapped back to the front entrance and the sight that met her eyes shocked her too. She was going to die. She could hear the continuous laughter behind her from Jack.

She was going to die because there was no Kozlov at the door. She had fallen for the oldest trick in the book.

Seeing as Yulia had her back turned to Jack, he took to the chance and lunged at the smaller frame. With his left hand, he bunched up whatever amount of hair he could grab and snapped the brunette’s head back. And with his right hand, he raised his switch blade to her neck.

Yulia drew in a trembling breath as she thought was her last.

With a swift movement of his blade, Jack slit Yulia’s neck.

[muahahahahahahahahahahaha *thunder clash*]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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