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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 12-10-2003, 22:15   #41
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hello! Normally post full chapters here but here's so more for you, enjoy!

Chapter 10 – Family Fortunes

Yulia plucked up the courage to dial the phone number she knew by heart. The phone rang once, twice, three times before someone answered the phone.

“Hello!” Larissa Volkova greeted the yet unknown caller.

“Mum? It’s me.” Yulia said in virtually a whisper wanting to hang up.

“What?” Larissa was abrupt obviously completely underwhelmed to hear from her daughter.

“It’s me Yulia” she repeated numbly. Apart from the sound of Larissa breathing heavily down the phone there was nothing in way of reply and Yulia needed a response. “Mum?”

“Yes, I’m here, why on earth are you phoning after all this time?” Larissa said accusingly obviously irritated.

“I need my things” Yulia decided she should be as straight to the point as Larissa and just as abrupt.

“What? You want to come here and get them?” she barked down the phone. Yulia pulled the handset slightly back from her ear. Bloody hell was she trying to deafen her?

“Yes I do” Yulia paused momentarily. “I need them Mum, I wouldn’t call you unless I did, I understand you don’t want to see me but at least let me have my things” she said hurriedly before Larissa could cut her off.

“Ok, you can come but…when your father’s at work, he really doesn’t want to see you as far as he, we are concerned we don’t have a daughter so I would prefer it if you came at a time when he wasn’t here” her voice lacked emotion she could have been talking to a stranger.

“Fine! When can I come and remove all evidence of my existence” Yulia couldn’t resist being sarcastic, she felt bitterness flowing through her veins, how dare she treat her like that.

“Your Dad’s going out for the day tomorrow, come around in the morning, I am going out in the afternoon so don’t make it too late” Larissa warned.

“Ok I’ll be round at ten then if that’s alright? ”

“Yes, Goodbye” Larissa slammed the receiver down before she had chance to reply. Yulia breathed a sign of relief and hung up at her end, at least it was over for now. Her mother had sounded so cold and hard, it didn’t sound like her but she knew from the call that her parents were as hostile towards her as they had been that fateful day when they had cast her out. But she could live with that, she just wanted to reclaim all the things she had at home that had really meant something to her. That she thought was a reasonable request.

There was a knock on the door. “Yul, can I come in.” Lena asked through the door.

“Yeah, come in.”

Lena could see by Yulia’s expression that the phone call with her mother hadn’t gone well. Her heart went out to her and she felt guilty that she had pushed Yulia into doing it. Lena could empathize as she had still not patched things up with her own mother after the dinner party the other week. Perhaps she should try to make things up herself.

“I take it it didn’t go well then” Yulia had taken the call in her bedroom so Lena sat down beside her on the bed.

“Not great” she grinned wryly. “I can go round tomorrow and get my stuff she said about ten”

“So what time will we have to leave here?”

“Oh no Lena, I don’t expect you to take me” Yulia said not wanting to drag Lena into it.

“Well how you gonna get there?”

Yulia shrugged her shoulders. “I hadn’t really thought about it”

“I’m taking you and I won’t take no for an answer”

Yulia looked distant in somewhat of a trance. “She was horrible Lena, so cold, she said as far as they were concerned they didn’t have a daughter.” Yulia’s voice broke and her bottom lip quivered. “Oh god, I don’t wanna cry over them”

“Hey” Lena threw her arms around Yulia pressing the side of her face against hers and whispering in her ear “Well its their loss and my gain, I think you’re wonderful Yulia, I really do, I’ve never met anyone like you”

Lena pulled back to look into Yulia’s eyes to see despite her eyes shining with tears she had managed a special smile for Lena. How could she ever feel unhappy for long when she had Lena on her side Yulia couldn’t help but think. As long as she had her guardian angel she would always be fine she could feel it in her gut.

“Now come on, no more tears” Lena put her hands either side of Yulia’s face wiping her tears away with her thumbs.

“Thanks” Yulia said smiling the broadest smile.

Lena winked “You’re welcome sweetie! Think that show’s on that you wanted to watch, come on” Lena grabbed Yulia by the hand and took her out into the living room where tomorrow wasn’t discussed, that was left until the morning…
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Old 13-10-2003, 01:39   #42
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Yay! Another chapter!

I like how this fic is going, how Lena is helping Yulia...but even if neither knows it, Yulia is helping Lena as well. Finally Lena has someone she can care about who cares back and isn't just using her.

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Old 13-10-2003, 03:34   #43
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Great story vicky7, very moving.

Originally posted by dare2dream28
*I'll* kick his butt! *gets out bat* *evil grin*
I'm with you on that! I hate that guy! I just read several chapters in a row and i had the same reaction as Yulia when i read about him having sex with Lena, i felt sick... Bastard... The rest of the time he's there, i just wanna kill him!
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 13-10-2003, 13:59   #44
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Originally posted by parrish122
Yay! Another chapter!

I like how this fic is going, how Lena is helping Yulia...but even if neither knows it, Yulia is helping Lena as well. Finally Lena has someone she can care about who cares back and isn't just using her.

Thank you for that comment, it's really nice to have someone understand my vision for this story as they are each giving the other what they need most which is a major theme of the story
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Old 13-10-2003, 14:00   #45
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Here's the end of Chapter 10

Chapter 10 cont...

Lena pulled up outside a tall block of apartments, this was where Yulia had grown up and as Lena now looked at Yulia she could clearly see the apprehension on her face, she looked petrified.

“Yul, do you want me to come with you?” Lena asked gently.

“No, erm I think I’d better go on my own. She’s going to be a bitch to me and I really don’t want you to be there to hear it, I’m scared you might believe what she says” Yulia hung her head not wanting to meet Lena’s gaze.

“As if! Anyway, are you sure you don’t want me to come?” Lena asked again wanting to be there for Yulia as much as she possibly could.


“But what about your stuff, carrying it down” Lena persisted.

“I can manage there’s a lift” The last thing Yulia wanted was for Lena to meet her mother, she would no doubt inform Lena why she had been chucked out and she wasn’t ready for Lena to know about her sexuality just yet.

“Alright then, see you in a bit” Lena smiled sweetly at Yulia, which gave her slightly more confidence.

“Won’t be long, she’ll have probably thrown me out before too long anyway, ha!” Yulia tried to joke but it was a poor attempt she knew.

It was strange for Yulia walking into the block of apartments, every corridor had a memory, the majority were happy but knowing that the people who had brought her up didn’t want to acknowledge her existence anymore soiled those memories for her. She stood outside the family home and braced herself; she rang the doorbell and waited hesitantly.

Within seconds the door opened revealing her mother, Yulia was shocked she had aged dramatically, her face ashen and her features pinched and old looking.

“Yulia” Larissa addressed her.

“Hello Mum” Yulia greeted her robotically still trying to get used to the old woman’s appearance in front of her.

“Come in then” Larissa beckoned her through.

“Thanks” They stood staring at each other for a moment mutely. “Erm, is it alright if I go into my room then and get my things?”

“Yes, ok”

“Right, cool” Yulia watched Mrs Volkova sit herself down and continue to watch the banal daytime television she had been watching prior to her arrival. Some things never changed, her mother sat on her backside making an art form out of doing nothing, why her Dad put up with her Yulia never could quite understand.

Yulia’s room was just as she had left it, the same curtains, the same bedding even the same posters but her desk had a huge stack of letters on it. Evidently every letter she had been sent since she had left. She was surprised that they had been kept and not thrown out with the rubbish. She got a bag out of her cupboard and started to pile her mail inside and noticed a very official looking letter propped up against her computer. She opened it, it contained a cheque for a very large sum of money courtesy of her father’s estate. Then she realised it was a will settlement; her father was dead.

Yulia sank to her knees sobs racking her small body. Why hadn’t her mother told her, why had she lied and told her he was out when in fact he was dead. The bedroom door swung back and Larissa eyed her coldly. “It was because of you..he couldn’t take it..his heart… He couldn’t believe it, not his Yulia! You meant so much to him, so much more than I ever did and you killed him! Took him away from me! He’s left you so much and you don’t deserve it, you really don’t!” Larissa raged.

Yulia was unable to respond immediately, she felt dizzy and extremely sick to her stomach “Mum. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want Dad to get upset, it was my choice, my life, nothing to do with you or him” Yulia croaked “Oh god…Dad” She ran her hands through her hair and shut her eyes tightly, the tears still managing to squeeze their way out.

“He tried to find you.” Larissa continued in a soft tone her anger subsiding momentary to unadulterated pure pain and sorrow. “I need you to go now.” she said almost sadly.

“I just need to get my clothes and my pieces” Yulia needed to leave herself, her head was spinning.

“Well fine, get them! I’m going next door. Don’t ever come round again, ever. I don’t need you rolling up with your girlfriend showing me up” Larissa did a brutal about turn, once more attacking Yulia

“I haven’t got a girlfriend!” Yulia yelled back.

“Well, who’s the red head in the Mini?” Larissa demanded.

“Just a friend” Yulia had known this would happen and she didn’t want Lena involved in this mess.

“Whatever you say Yulia” Larissa said with utter contempt. “You think I’m so stupid you always did. I was your mother. I never should have had you, never! If I’d known what you’d turn out like I would have had an abortion”

Yulia felt like she had been struck “Please don’t say that”

“It’s true! You ruined everything, I loved your Dad so much and you killed him!” She shouted.

“Mum please don’t say that” Yulia could barely speak now, she was always Daddy’s girl and to have her mother blame her for his death felt like she was being stabbed in the heart.

“If you had loved him you would have never done what you did” Larissa eyes were now full of tears of rage, her whole body shaking with emotion.

“It wasn’t about Dad, it was about me and the fact that I loved Anouska” Yulia defended herself ardently.

“What the hell do you know about love?”

“A damn sight more than you do!” Yulia had enough, she always loved with her whole heart and soul. She knew what it meant to love and had suffered for it; Larissa didn’t know a thing.

“Look, I’m going, just give me five minutes and I’ll be gone” Yulia took the first load of things down to the car and Lena looked at her as if to ask if everything was ok but Yulia could only hold up her hand to stop her asking. Lena nodded, she knew Yulia would tell her in her own good time but she could see by the pain etched on her features that something really bad had happened.

After two more trips Yulia had got all the stuff she wanted out of her bedroom and was taking the last load down to the car. Yulia paused in the living room studying the picture of her father Oleg on the mantelpiece one last time. She picked up the frame memorising every line of the happy, kind face of the man she had always idolised. She traced his features with her index finger before kissing the picture tears streaming down her face. “Goodbye Daddy” she whispered. “I love you.”
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Old 13-10-2003, 16:49   #46
amikana amikana is offline
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[sobs] poor yulia!!

great work though vicky! i love this story!
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Old 13-10-2003, 16:57   #47
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Grrr...Yulia's mom needs to be slapped!

Well written Vicky! You know you are doing well when your readers want to smack around some of the characters.

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Old 13-10-2003, 19:34   #48
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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argh! larissa is sooo mean!
damn her!

vicky, to be honest, my mouth hit the floor when i read the first line about her father. that is sooo sad!
geez, i wonder how it happened......

ps. nice work vicky, keep it up!
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Old 13-10-2003, 23:24   #49
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hey guys! I've been very busy today, here's another update for ya!

Chapter 11 – Grieving

Yulia cried for days after she found out about her father’s death. When Lena had drove her back to the apartment after the run in with her mother she had been completely inconsolable. She had found it hard to say out loud that he was gone even to Lena and in the end she had shown her the letter, as she wasn’t making any sense. Nothing made sense from the moment she had found out, it was all she could think about.

Since then she had spent her days staring into space lost in her memories, which were all she had left of her Dad apart from the huge cheque. She had stashed it in her bedside cabinet and would occasionally pull it out to look at and think how poor a substitute it was for her Dad. How could money ever compensate for her loss?

Yulia couldn’t eat at all because her stomach was so tied up in knots. She pondered whether she had really been the cause of her Dad’s death on an almost hourly basis. From what her mother had told her or rather screamed at her, it was his heart. She didn’t even know when he had died or where he was buried, having no details made it worse, she should know he was her Dad after all.

Also, the way she had been tricked and had read about his death in the will settlement left her cold every time she thought about it. Larissa Volkova hated her own daughter she had made that clear and Yulia hated her in return for laying the blame on her, she felt like she had been orphaned.

Lena was extremely worried about Yulia because as the days went by she seemed to be descending deeper into depression. From the first night they had brought her belongings back from her parents apartment Lena had found it agonizing to lay in bed and to try to sleep when she could hear Yulia’s strangled sobs through the bedroom wall. In the end although she had wanted to give Yulia space to grieve she couldn’t bear to listen to her friend’s anguish any longer.

The last few nights Lena had resorted to sleeping with Yulia in her room cradling her in her arms until the tears subsided and she eventually fell asleep finally reassured by Lena’s loving embraces. Lena would watch her sleep desperately wanting to take all the pain away. It tugged at her heartstrings to see the sorrow in Yulia’s eyes, the grief consuming her whole being. Lena wanted to protect her from the world and especially that mother of hers.

As Lena looked down at Yulia who was at last sleeping soundly for the night, she kissed her gently on her rosy cheek admiring the beautiful profile of her best friend. How could any mother treat their child like Larissa Volkova had treated her only daughter? Lena felt extremely angry and bitter towards Yulia’s mother to the extent that she would have loved to go to the apartment and had it out with her but she wouldn’t for Yulia’s sake, she knew deep down that would only make matters worse.

To Lena it was the cruellest thing Yulia’s mother could have done to Yulia to blame her for her father’s death. She had clearly hero-worshipped him and the double burden of guilt and grief was proving too much for Yulia to live with. Did Larissa not think Yulia had been through enough?

Even when they had sorted through Yulia’s mail together and she had received the good news that due to her tutor submitting her final examination piece she had been awarded an exceptional degree, it was a hollow victory for her. For Yulia there was no joy to be had from it, what was a degree certificate if she had no parents to be proud of her? Lena had been very enthusiastic about it but for all Yulia felt for her it wasn’t the same as having her Dad beaming at her his face full of pride, if it hadn’t been for him she would not have even gone to university.

Lena looked down at Yulia again wanting more than anything to see Yulia smile again. How she was going to achieve it she wasn’t quite sure but she would help her to grieve and to move on with her life, she was determined not to let her down.
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Old 14-10-2003, 00:55   #50
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Oh yay! That was a quick update. I love it when the writers I'm reading update fast.

Poor Yulia. I can relate to this chapter a bit. I got my 2 year degree not long after I'd come out to my parents, and it hurt that I couldn't share that with them. I wouldn't have bothered to go through the ceremony if not for my partner Barb. She made a big deal out of it, which made me feel much better.

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Old 14-10-2003, 02:03   #51
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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Originally posted by parrish122
Oh yay! That was a quick update. I love it when the writers I'm reading update fast.

Poor Yulia. I can relate to this chapter a bit. I got my 2 year degree not long after I'd come out to my parents, and it hurt that I couldn't share that with them. I wouldn't have bothered to go through the ceremony if not for my partner Barb. She made a big deal out of it, which made me feel much better.

that sounds pretty deep parrish. i'm sorry to hear that.
but i'm glad that you're doing better. for you:

nice work vicky, and like parrish said, "i love it when the writer's i'm reading update fast."
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Old 14-10-2003, 03:24   #52
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Originally posted by parrish122
Oh yay! That was a quick update. I love it when the writers I'm reading update fast.

Poor Yulia. I can relate to this chapter a bit. I got my 2 year degree not long after I'd come out to my parents, and it hurt that I couldn't share that with them. I wouldn't have bothered to go through the ceremony if not for my partner Barb. She made a big deal out of it, which made me feel much better.

Sorry to hear your parents treated you like that Parrish, but glad to hear Barb was there for you.

Vicky, this story is awesome! Argh I feel like bringing out my bat and using it on Yulia's mom. How could someone be so mean and heartless?! Can't wait for the next update!
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Old 14-10-2003, 20:03   #53
amikana amikana is offline
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[breaks out her baseball bat too] i'll totally join you dare2dream28! larissa is a bitch, plain and simple.

vicky - can i just state *again* how into this story i am? i freaking LOVE it. great work
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Old 14-10-2003, 22:30   #54
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Originally posted by parrish122
Oh yay! That was a quick update. I love it when the writers I'm reading update fast.

Poor Yulia. I can relate to this chapter a bit. I got my 2 year degree not long after I'd come out to my parents, and it hurt that I couldn't share that with them. I wouldn't have bothered to go through the ceremony if not for my partner Barb. She made a big deal out of it, which made me feel much better.

Sounds tough Parrish, graduation is such a weird thing you go more for others especially parents just glad you had your special someone there to make it a happy day for you! And another update with follow on the next post, enjoy!
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Old 14-10-2003, 22:37   #55
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 11 cont.

“Lena its here” Yulia said standing in front of a large marble headstone. It was her Dad’s grave. She read the headstone, he had died last November, nearly five months ago. Oleg Volkov, loving husband of Larissa, 1950 – 2006. No mention of him being her loving father. Had he really despised her in the end and if so why had he left her all that money? She felt herself shiver as reality finally hit home that her Dad lay underneath the ground where she was standing, she felt physically sick.

Yulia racked her brain trying to recall what she had been doing the day he had died but she drew a blank as her days on the streets mostly blurred into one. All she knew was that she should have been there with him. To know he had died before they had managed to patch up their differences broke her heart and she was once again filling up with tears. Then she heard a soothing voice in her ear and felt two warm arms wrap around her waist from behind.

“Hey, I know this is hard but you just take your time.” Lena was greeted by a wall of silence maybe she shouldn’t have come here with Yulia after all this was a very personal issue which she should let Yulia deal with in her own way.

“Do you want me to leave you alone for a while?” Lena eventually asked.

“No” Yulia placed her hands on top of Lena’s which were still around her waist and pulled Lena’s arms even more tightly around her “I need you here Lena” she said turning her head to look Lena in the eyes.

Lena didn’t move. “That’s ok,” She nodded and whispered before simply resting her head on Yulia’s shoulder enjoying their closeness.

After a while Yulia opened the large bag she had brought with her and pulled out a bouquet of white lilies. She placed them on the grave and knelt down. When Lena had suggested that she should come here she had thought it was a bad idea but now she was there she felt better now that she could say a proper goodbye, it was the least she owed her Dad.

Yulia started to talk out loud as if he were still around to hear her while Lena just watched her closely listening to her heartfelt plea for forgiveness. “Dad, I’m so sorry I let you down,” Yulia paused struggling to catch her breathe, “please don’t think I ever stopped loving you I never did and I never will. I just had to do it Dad because I was…”

Yulia hesitated remembering she had never told Lena the reason she had fallen out with her parents, she wasn’t prepared to tell her yet. “If it wasn’t for you,” she continued her voice hoarse, “I would never have had the guts to do anything or be anything, I got my degree in the end you know, all because you gave me so much love and support. It meant so much to me to make you proud, and even now you are gone I promise I won’t let you down again, I’ll make something of myself.” she finished on a determined and optimistic note.

Yulia stopped and stared at the grave once more before getting to her feet all her memories flooding back. Oleg Volkov had been a fighter, a man who was proud and strong who had worked hard for his family and had given Yulia as much as he had to give. The adoring expression he always used when he had looked at her would be forever engraved in her head; that would never die. He had loved her no matter what her mother had told her she felt it now she was at his resting place, it was like he was watching her there at his graveside, she felt he finally understood.

When Yulia looked behind her she could see that Lena’s cheeks were tear stained much like her own and they both shared a knowing look before respectfully standing side by side in front of the grave until Yulia moved to leave. Her eyes lingered momentarily on the gravestone, which bore her father’s name as she recalled what he had said to her on her first day at University, it reverberated around her head. “This is just the start for you Yulia, you have a gift, please do not waste what is a god given talent.”
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Old 15-10-2003, 00:02   #56
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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awwww, so sad!
poor yuli!

i'm lovin how careful lena is being w/ yuli, she really needs it.

good work vicky!
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Old 18-10-2003, 04:46   #57
samegirl samegirl is offline
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this fic is so sweet....I really love the girsl in this fic.
It absolutely awesome keep writing Vicky. You're doing great!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 18-10-2003, 15:41   #58
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Here is the first part of chapter 12,hope you all enjoy it! Any feedback would be really apreciated! Thanks

Chapter 12 – Like I love You

A month had passed since Yulia visited her father’s grave. Since that day she had barely paused for breath as she was on a mission to start her career as a fashion designer. She was almost a year late in starting out because of her stint out on the streets so she knew she had no time to waste if she wanted to get back on track.

Ever since she had been a little girl Yulia had dreamt of designing clothes for a living. As she had grown up she had taken great delight in making her own clothes, coming up with weirdest and most wonderful outfits. Yulia didn’t want to dress like anyone else; she was an innovator with her own vision that she had honed to perfection in her three years at University. Now she was rekindling her obsession with designing having finally cashed her father’s cheque and putting it to good use by buying the materials and other equipment she needed to make up her designs.

Recently, Yulia had been literally working through the night racking her brain in an attempt to come up with concepts for her designs, often screwing them up into balls and launching them into the rubbish bin like paper missiles, cursing in her impatience to create something she liked, something that could have only been designed by Yulia Volkova.

In the meantime, Lena was bemused at the new facets of Yulia’s personality that were emerging each day, as she became more and more engrossed in her work. The biggest difference as far as Lena could see was that Yulia was now carrying herself with an air of confidence as she knew she was good at designing, with her confidence at times being almost confusable with arrogance.

Lena revelled in this shift in personality loving the way Yulia looked so intense and passionate when she was absorbed in her work, usually covered from head to toe in ink as she scribbled her designs down rapidly like a woman possessed. Lena had to keep carrying Yulia to bed as it was becoming routine for her to fall asleep at the kitchen table pen still in hand, face down in her work.

In addition to creating a new collection of clothes that she was putting together as a part of her portfolio of work, Yulia was ringing around all the fashion houses in Moscow in an attempt to get herself a job. She was rejected off hand what seemed like hundreds of times until she managed to secure two interviews, which coincidentally were scheduled for the same day.

The day of the interviews soon arrived and when Lena dropped Yulia off for the first interview she felt like she was sending a small child off to school on her first day. “You look very smart Yulia and your designs are fantastic, so you go knock ‘em dead” Lena leant over to give Yulia a peck on the cheek.

Yulia smiled weakly and climbed out of the car “Thanks Lena, I’ll see you later.”

“Good luck Yul, you can do it, I know you can” Lena said offering her further encouragement.

Yulia shut the car door and watched as Lena drove off. Yulia was ready and she was determined she was going to succeed. She had a burning desire to live up to the reputation as the next big thing that she had cultivated at University. As she walked up to the large glass building in front of her she gripped her portfolio tightly under her arm before confidently sauntering inside.
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Old 18-10-2003, 15:46   #59
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Ooohhh! Interesting!

I really enjoyed the image of Yulia falling asleep face-down in her work. For some reason, I could picture that so well.

Keep up the good work!

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Old 18-10-2003, 16:34   #60
amikana amikana is offline
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Age: 40
Posts: 191

heh, she sauntered!!! lol that's *so* yulia

great work vicky!!!!
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