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Strange Attraction

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Old 08-08-2003, 13:00   #21
Yulia_Fan Yulia_Fan is offline
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Posts: 342

glad u are enjoying it

but as it says in the first post, all comments in this thread please

thanks again :thumbsup:
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Old 08-08-2003, 14:33   #22
Yulia_Fan Yulia_Fan is offline
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Posts: 342

Chapter 19

That night Yulia lay in bed with Lena at her side. She couldnt sleep. Tomorrow she would have to go back to school and face everyone. 'Has Nicola told anyone about what had happened in the cinema? What about Alex? Would he tell?' Sighing, Yulia turned over on her side to face Lena. She was sleeping peacefully, red corkscrews framing her face. She looked so delicate and sweet in her own little world. Yulia reached out and tucked the covers up a bit tighter around the sleeping girl.

'God, I soooo wish things could b different,' thought Yulia, still unable to remove her eyes from the redhead. Sighing again, she snuggled further under the covers, all the while never taking her eyes off the girl.

"Whats the matter Yul?"

"AH!" Yulia jumped back and fell off the bed, much to Lena's amusement. "Shut up Katina! Jesus, are you trying to kill me or something?! Seriously... don't do that!" Yulia, who was now sat on the floor, dropped her head on the bed trying to stop her heart from bouncing right out of her chest.

"Well you shouldn't have been looking at me, you woke me up!" laughed Lena as she lifted herself up onto her elbow, still giggling at Yulia who was breathing hard.

"How the hell does me looking at you wake you up?!"

"Cos I could feel eyes on me, and thats enough to wake anybody up" replied Lena, "why were you looking at me anyway?"

'Oh crap...' "huh? What are you talking about I wasn't looking at you Lena... well maybe, but um, it was more, sort of, glaring actually..." seeing Lena's puzzled face, Yulia continued her lie with the aid of her perfected pout, "I can't sleep and I am annoyed that you can."

"How come you can't sleep? Worried about something?" asked Lena, concerned.

"Yes, but its dumb, I don't wanna say" replied Yulia, still pouting, only this time it was unconscious.

"C'mon hubby, get back into bed and tell me all about" giggled Lena as she threw the covers back and tugged at Yulia's hair.

Rolling her eyes, Yulia jumped back into bed with Lena. "Ok, but I warn you, its pathetic"

"Yulia baby," said Lena, as she reached for Yulia and pulled her closer. Enjoying the awkwardness in the blue eyes, Lena lowered her voice to a seductive whisper that made Yulia drool, "after witnessing that little dive off the bed, nothing could make me think less of you!" and with that Lena exploded into more giggles at her own joke.

"Right, fine, I'm not telling you" said Yulia. Embarrassed, she rolled over and switched off the light, "Go to sleep Katina, and stop giggling!!!"

The next morning, the girls were woken up by Yulia's alarm.

"Ugh, its can't be time to get up already" sighed Lena and she threw a pillow over her head, while Yulia just climbed out of bed and got in the shower. A head poked out from under the pillow, "huh, well good morning to you too, Miss Volkova.

After both girls finished getting ready they still had time for breakfast. Lena, noticing that Yulia had hardly said a word all morning, tried to make conversation. "So, did you sleep well?"

"I guess..." came the reply.

"Yul are you still mad about last night? It was just a joke, c'mon, tell me what was on your mind last night. I promise I won't be stupid like I was last time."

Seeing the sincerity on Lena's face, Yulia opened up. "Its dumb really but, I guess I'm just a little concerned about whats gonna happen at school today" said the small girl as she played with her cereal.

"In regards to what...?"

"You know, what happened at the cinema. What if Nicola has told everyone? People will probably start thinking I am weird or something."

Lena sighed. "You wanna know what I think Yul? I think that you have more of a problem with it than everyone else. I mean, think about it, you have two options. You either act all guilty, ashamed and embarrased, making you an easy target. Or, you simply do what Yulia Volkova would do."

Yulia looked up with a slight smile, "and what would that gorgeous little beast do?"

Lena laughed and grabbed Yulia's arm, "she would go out there and face them all, and not give a flying fuck about what they think. With the support of her equally gorgeous best friend of course" and with that she pulled the brunette out of the front door and towards the bus stop, not once letting go of her hand.
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Old 18-08-2003, 11:10   #23
|capricious| |capricious| is offline
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Yulia and Lena arrived at the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. Neither girl really spoke, as Yulia paced back and forth waiting for the bus.

“This is why I hate being early, all this damn waiting, I mean, where is the bus Lena?! Why isn’t it here?”

“Yul relax, it will be here in about two minutes. You really should stop worrying about all this crap with Nicola, she won’t say anything” replied Lena as she stood looking and waiting for the bus to appear around the corner.

“Whatever, I don’t care about that anyway. I am just bored of standing here” sulked Yulia, as Lena rolled her eyes, “Yeah sure Volk, whatever you say”.

Finally the bus arrived, and Lena moved promptly towards it, followed by a reluctant Yulia.

As they stepped up on the bus, Lena became aware that the song playing was one of Yulia’s favourites and quickly asked the driver to turn it up before turning back to Yulia and trying to make her dance with her in the aisle. Yulia relented at first, and kept pushing Lena further towards their seats, trying to repress her laughter. However, as Lena’s moves became more out of control and crazy with the movement of the bus, Yulia couldn’t help but laugh out loud and join in the crazy moves as all worries of Nicola left her mind.

“What the hell has gotten into you two?” laughed Andrea as she watched the two girls giggling uncontrollably as Yulia fell on some unsuspecting student before insisting that the poor boy got up and danced too.

“This song is great Andrea! C’mon, dance with us!” replied Lena, sighing loudly at the boy who had shyly sat back down when Yulia wasn’t watching.

“This song is Justin Timberlake” said Andrea, raising an eyebrow before bursting into giggles at Yulia’s high-pitched imitations of “Rock Your Body”.

However the fun was short lived as the bus pulled up at Nicola’s stop and about ten students piled onto the bus all laughing and chatting about their weekend. As Nicola approached the back she said good morning to everyone, smirking at Yulia before saying, “how do we say good morning to each other these days Yul? Can I just say ‘hello’, or do you want to kiss me again?” A few girls around Nicola laughed, telling Yulia that they had already been told Nicola’s version of events.

“In your dreams Nicola” winked Lena, returning Nicola’s smirk. As much as she knew she should let Yulia fight her own battles, the redhead wasn’t pleased about being reminded of the image of Yulia kissing another girl.

“In my dreams or yours Lena?” countered Nicola as she leaned close to Lena and narrowing her eyes as if inspecting the redhead.

“Erm, what is all this about people wanting to kiss Yulia? Did I miss something?” asked Andrea, with a puzzled yet amused look on her face.

Finally, Yulia spoke, “It’s just a crazy misunderstanding Andrea, don’t worry about it. Although lets face it, deep down, I’m sure that they would both love to kiss me, I mean, I am gorgeous”

Yulia grinned as Lena rolled her eyes, although the redhead was secretly pleased at Yulia’s carefree response – this was the Volk she knew and loved.

Nicola scowled at a smug looking Yulia, ‘I’ll get you, you little mouse,’ she thought as her blood boiled through her veins. Her attempt to embarrass the spiky haired girl had failed, but she would definitely get her revenge, she just hoped it would be sooner rather then later.

When the bus had collected all its passengers and had quietened down a bit, Yulia leaned close to Lena, “thanks” she whispered with a smile.

“For what?” replied Lena, smiling back, but looking puzzled.

“For sticking up for me,” whispered Yulia, “and for not getting mad at me for saying the whole kissing thing, ‘cos I was only joking, I know that you wouldn’t really wanna kiss me or anything and I…”

“Of course I would want to kiss you Yul, you’re gorgeous”

Yulia sat stunned. ‘What the hell?’ she thought, as she struggled for something to say. But seconds later, Lena was laughing.

“I’m joking Yulia! Jeez, you are starting to take yourself way too seriously! I mean you’re cute, but you’re not that cute” smiled Lena. Yulia smiled back, things were starting to get back to normal again, and she was pleased.


“Yes Yulia”

“What’s happening with you and Alex?”

“Nothing as far as I am concerned. I mean, he was kinda nice, but I think I figured out that he really isn’t my type” answered Lena, ‘not really my gender preference either’ she added silently with a smile.

“Good good” grinned Yulia. “So it’s back to being just you and me again huh, Kotenok?”

“Yep,” laughed Lena, “you, me and Rada against the world”.
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