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Old 31-12-2003, 03:44   #21
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Chapter 4

“So how far are we walking anyway?” Yulia asked.

“Oh, I’d say about 50 miles.” Lena answered.

“WHAT?! We have to *walk* 50 miles? In two weeks?!” Yulia said in disbelief.

“Would you relax? That averages out to about 3 Ѕ miles a day. Four at the most. Just think of it as a couple of circles around the mall except you have a river and the wilderness as scenery.” Lena said.

“Whatever. If my feet have bunions on them, *you* will be the one to rub them.” Yulia said.

“The day I rub your feet is the day I turn into a cheerleader.” Lena said.

Suddenly, Lena put her arm out in front of Yulia, abruptly bringing them both to a halt.

“What the hell did you do that for?” Yulia said angrily.

“Oh I dunno. I didn’t think that five foot black rat snake would appreciate you stepping on him.” Lena said.

“WHAT?! SNAKE?! WHERE?” Yulia screamed.

“Good gosh girl calm down! Watch this.” Lena said as she made her way towards the snake.

Lena approached the snake from behind as it was slithering away into the undergrowth. Slowly she picked up the tail…

“Lena! What are you doing?! Put that down! It’s going to bite you!” Yulia said as she began to panic.

“No it won’t!” Lena said as the snake frantically began trying to free itself from Lena’s grasp. “Get me a stick!”

Quickly Yulia threw Lena the closest stick she could find.

“Alright now watch. The snake is just scared. Notice how it’s just trying to get away and not bite me. You just have to put the stick underneath its belly about midsection to give it a feeling of support until it calms down.” Lena said.

Sure enough the snake stopped its wild movements and went into a slow, yet steady rhythm.

“See how it’s just gliding through my hands? It can tell that I don’t want to eat it. All it’s doing is trying to get away. See? All snakes are not that bad. You can come touch its tail if you want.” Lena said.

“Uh no that’s quite alright. I’ll just stay right here for now.” Yulia said as she took a few extra steps back just as a precaution.

As soon as Lena let the snake go, Yulia ran up to her and hit her on the shoulder.

“What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?! You could’ve gotten bit! Then what would I have done? Think before you act Katina!” Yulia said.

“Relax! Look, I’m fine. I handle snakes all the time. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” Lena said.

If only Yulia believed Lena when she said she knew her snakes, maybe she could’ve avoided what happened to her next.
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Old 31-12-2003, 05:06   #22
amikana amikana is offline
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ooh - the suspense!! i love this so far - there's such potential here and it's turning out awesome! great work dare2dream!

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Old 31-12-2003, 07:26   #23
warx warx is offline
think again....
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nice one dream...
i like their chemistry... its lke " clash of the titans" remember that movie..... they're all very good but in different way...
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Old 31-12-2003, 10:49   #24
prostrel prostrel is offline
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[i]Originally posted by warx
i like their chemistry...
Me too! Very good chapter, d2d28 !
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Old 31-12-2003, 14:49   #25
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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me likes

very good work d2d!
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Old 31-12-2003, 15:46   #26
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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With that chapter, I can relate to both of them. My brother was always handling snakes, and was quite good at it. But the first time I saw him grab a snake I nearly had a heart attack. *laughs*.

My friends would be over, and my brother would stroll by with a black snake wrapped around his arm. They'd panic and run off screaming, while I'm going, "It's just a black snake! It's a good snake, eats rats and stuff like that!" *laughs* Pretty much the speech my brother gave *me*, when I freaked out. (However, at least I didn't run off screaming. )

Ok, back to remarks about your chapter. You get both Yulia's panic *and* Lena's calm across very well in this chapter. It quickly becomes clear to the reader that the reason Lena is calm is because she's educated about animals in general and snakes in particular. We can only hope that Yulia will notice this as well, and start listening to Lena.

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Old 31-12-2003, 20:38   #27
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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gh's emotional rollercoaster through the chapter

---> --->--->
shock--->laughter--->contented--->patiently awaiting
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Old 01-01-2004, 05:08   #28
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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amikana---I hope this story lives up to your expectations.

warx---Yep, I remember that movie! I had to watch it in 10th grade. That seems like just yesterday but it's already been 4 years!

prostrel---I'm glad you see the chemistry between them, even though it's little right now.

$in---Always glad you like it!

Parrish---LOL That's the speech I gave too over the summer when the visitors to the park thought I was nuts. Your brother sounds like a cool person! LMAO@your friends! And yeah, I bet Yulia does wish she would listen to Lena more often.

guesshoo---I'm glad I could envoke some funny emotions there!
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Old 01-01-2004, 05:14   #29
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Chapter 5

A few miles further down the trail, Lena spotted a snake in front of them and pointed it out to Yulia. Yulia, trying to prove that she was not scared of every little creature, decided she would pick it up. After all, if Lena could handle a five foot snake, why couldn’t she handle such a little one? What harm could it do?

“I wouldn’t touch that one.” Lena said as Yulia approached the snake.

“Why not? You think I can’t handle a small snake? It’s like what, maybe a foot long? Its mouth isn’t even big enough to bite me!” Yulia responded.

“Alright, suite yourself. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Lena said with an evil glint in her eye.

“Don’t underestimate the Volkster.” Yulia said confidently as she approached the slender smooth green snake.

“Okay, so I’ll just pick it up by the tail like you did. It can’t be that hard.” Yulia said as she grabbed the snake by the tail, putting a stick underneath it’s midsection to give it some support while lifting it in the air just as she’s seen Lena do with other snakes they’ve come across.

“Ha! See! I told you I cou--. EEEWWWWW!!!!” Yulia screeched, dropping the snake and jumping back as if she was bitten. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! The little fucker sprayed me! What the hell is that smell?” Yulia said as she glared at Lena, who was doubled over in laughter.

“I told” *gasp* “told you” *gasp* “not to go near it!” Lena struggled to say as she was gasping for air in between her laughter. “That snake defecates and then lets out a horrible spray when it’s handled like that!” Lena added as she continued to laugh at the now stinky Yulia.

“Well you could’ve warned me!” Yulia said as she stomped off. “Now I have to go take a freaken dip in the river. And it’s cold!” Yulia whined as she grabbed the soap from her pack and headed off to the river.

“Maybe that’ll teach you to listen to what I have to say.” Lena said with a grin on her face.


“Have a nice bath?” Lena teased.

“Oh aren’t you funny? You’re just so funny, funny, funny.” Yulia said as she rolled her eyes.

“Hey. I tried to warn you. It’s your own fault for not listening to my infamous wisdom.” Lena said with a flicker of playfulness in her voice.

“Well, it’s almost dark anyway. I’ll go ahead and get a fire going and cook some dinner.” Lena said.


“Wow. That actually wasn’t that bad.” Yulia said.

“Oh ye who have little faith. Of course my cooking is good.” Lena said with a smile.

“So,” Lena said as she stretched out her legs to get a little closer to the fire, “Have any interesting stories from Russia? What did you do during your free time, or shall I even assume you know anything outside of a mall?”

“For your information, I can do other things besides shop. I am an accomplished ballroom dancer and pianist. And I can play a bit of the guitar as well.” Yulia said.

“Oh so you can play the guitar? Interesting. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play that. Hey! Can you play any Shania Twain songs?” Lena asked excitedly.

“Shania who?” Yulia asked, puzzled.

“You don’t know who Shania Twain is? THE Shania Twain? Girl, where have you been? Living under a rock?! She’s only the best singer out there right now!” Lena answered.

“Sorry. Can’t say I’ve heard of her.” Yulia said.

“Oh we will be changing that. You will know all her songs by the time you leave, that’s for sure.” Lena said with a huge smile on her face.

“Right. Anyway, so what do you do besides hang out with your animal friends all day?” Yulia asked.

“Well, basically that’s all I do. I’m fascinated with animal behavior and how they interact with each other. You can tell so much about what an animal is feeling just by looking at the body language. It’s amazing how they communicate with each other. They aren’t like humans; animals are true and they show exactly what they feel without hiding behind any masks or image.”

Pausing to think a second, Lena then added, “I gave up on trying to figure out people awhile ago. Just when you think you can trust someone, they screw you over so why even bother with the effort?”

“You know, not everyone is a backstabber. There are trustworthy people out there, you just have to find them, or let them find you” Yulia said. Maybe I can give you a reason to trust again.

“Anyway, I think we should turn in for the night. We have a long day tomorrow and we both need the rest.” Lena said as she put out the fire.

As they got into their small tent, Lena noticed that Yulia’s sleeping bag wasn’t spread out yet.

“Aren’t you going to spread out your sleeping bag?” Lena asked.

At that question, Yulia got a horrified look on her face. “You mean you didn’t pack mine?”

“Are you serious?! I gave you a list of things to pack! How could you forget your sleeping bag of all things?!” Lena asked.

“Well your pack was so huge it looked like you had mine in there!” Yulia shot back.

“Unbelievable!” Lena said as her hands flew up in the air and she marched over to her backpack.

“You are *so* lucky that I packed an extra blanket just incase the weather turns cold on us. I’ll spread out my blanket on the floor of the tent and we can use my sleeping bag as a cover. You just better stay on *your* side.” Lena said with frustration. This is going to be a long two weeks.
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Old 01-01-2004, 06:15   #30
Devilish Yulia Devilish Yulia is offline
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thx for the udate dream!

its a pretty new story to me...and i love it!
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes, And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies, I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...
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Old 01-01-2004, 14:42   #31
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Julia forgot her sleeping bag.... and now they have to sleep together under same s-bag..... what a terrible situation... Thank you d2d28 !
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Old 01-01-2004, 15:08   #32
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Poor Yulia....maybe she'll learn in time.

As I told you before, I love the exchange where Lena is telling Yulia that everyone backstabs, so why put out the effort--then Yulia tries to get her to see that not *everyone* is that way...and thinks to herself that maybe *she* can get Lena to trust again.

It's only a few lines, but a *lot* is told to the reader by that. We know that (1) Lena doesn't trust easily, if at all (2) *Somebody* has hurt Lena in the past, if not more than one person (3) Despite Lena's little pranks (or in my opinion, partly *because* of those pranks...I think Yulia likes it that Lena takes no crap from anyone) Yulia is feeling drawn to her. Otherwise, why bother to try and have Lena change her mind about people? Plus, why would she want to be the one to teach Lena she can trust again? Unless she feels some sort of attraction. (4) I doubt Lena realizes it, but she's opened up to Yulia a *lot* with what she told her about why she prefers to be around animals. I think deep down, she's hoping that Yulia will prove her wrong about people not being trustworthy.

And now that I've left your other readers a few deep thoughts to ponder, I'll scamper off and update my fic.

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Old 01-01-2004, 20:07   #33
samegirl samegirl is offline
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OH! are doing an excellent job here!
Are you sure it is your first fanfic?

I have to agree with the doc Lena has been open to yulia even if she doesn't realize it...and Yulia is trusting Lena more that she knows...But why she wants to teach lena? This realtionship is going to be interesting and a new turn for us...And yes I agree (again) with parrish about lena, but i will resume in just three words: Lena is adorable...She's so boyish that i want to hug her.. well actually i always want to hug her but you get the point...Despite her "crazy" things she's nice to have around and i think Yulia is enjoying in some level this because this cocodrile-snake fan is the most different creature she has ever met...and she's impressed eventhought she won't admit it...
Just random thoughts dare... Keep It up mate!
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 01-01-2004, 20:17   #34
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Originally posted by prostrel
Julia forgot her sleeping bag.... and now they have to sleep together under same s-bag..... what a terrible situation... Thank you d2d28 !
Some people are sooo lucky...
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 01-01-2004, 20:32   #35
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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Originally posted by prostrel
Julia forgot her sleeping bag.... and now they have to sleep together under same s-bag..... what a terrible situation... Thank you d2d28 !
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Old 02-01-2004, 07:31   #36
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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DY---I'm glad you found my story and like it!

prostrel---Your thoughts wouldn't happen to be in the gutter, now would they? LOL

Parrish---Thank you *so* much for pointing all those things out! Even *I* didn't see some of what you mentioned! LOL

samegirl---Yep, Lena is definitely not the kind of person Yulia would normally hang out with so this is quite an experience for both people. And yeah, Lena is quite the tomboy, but she still has that long beautiful hair to make sure she has at least some apsect of femininity as well as erm, other body parts.

guesshoo---Tsk tsk. Another mind in the gutter. LOL j/k
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Old 02-01-2004, 07:33   #37
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Chapter 6

Once Lena’s eyes focused after waking up the next morning, she had to laugh at the site in front of her. Yulia’s spiked hair had somehow during the night morphed to look like she had two devil horns. So fitting Lena thought as she continued to laugh softly.

“What are you laughing at?” Yulia asked groggily.

“Your hair is trying to tell me something.” Lena commented.

“Aren’t you the comedienne? At least I can contain my hair. I bet you let birds nest in that monstrous afro, don’t you? That way you can always have something to talk to.” Yulia said. She was not exactly a morning person.

At Yulia’s last comment, Lena visibly flinched and got ready to leave the tent. Seeing Lena’s hurt expression, Yulia actually felt bad for being so harsh.

“I’m sorry. I had no right to say that. I mean, I barely even know you. It’s just that I’m not exactly the friendliest person in the morning.” Yulia apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. Come on. We need to pack up and get a move on.” Lena said as she rolled up her sleeping bag.

“So what’s for breakfast?” Yulia asked, trying to change the subject.

Deciding to have some fun with Yulia, Lena said “You tell me. You’re the one that has the food.”

“*I* have the food? I thought *you* had the food!” Yulia said as her eyes got the size of saucers.

Lena put on a shocked face and said, “What do you mean *I* have the food?! I put F-O-O-D, in capital letters on the list I gave you! You were supposed to bring the food!”

“Oh my gosh! We have no food! We’re stuck in the middle of no where and we have no food?! We’re going to die! We’re going to die! We’re goi---Owww! What was that?” Yulia said as something bounced off her chest.

There lying on the ground was a strawberry breakfast bar.

Lena couldn’t help herself and began to laugh as she saw the recognition of food come over Yulia’s face.

“Like I would leave you in charge of something as important as food.” Lena said.

“You’re going to pay for that Katina. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I *will* get you back for that.” Yulia said.

As they were packing up camp, Yulia heard Lena humming a catchy tune.

“What are you humming?” Yulia inquired.

“It’s ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ by Shania. It’s from her Come On Over CD.” Lena said proudly.

“What is it about her that you like so much anyway?” Yulia asked.

“It’s hard to explain. I’ve looked up to her since I was young so I’ve basically grown up with her music. Her music has always been there for me to turn to when I couldn’t rely on anyone else. Her life story is amazing. No matter what life dealt her, she never let it get her down and she overcame any obstacle put in front of her. She’s just the best role model I could have.” Lena said with a far off look in her eye. Lena’s eyes suddenly lit up and she added, “You know, she would’ve become a veterinarian if she wasn’t a singer.”

“Oh yeah? Do you want to be a vet?” Yulia said.

“No way. I love animals and all, but I can’t stand to see them in surgery.” Lena answered.

“So the big tuff Lena isn’t so tuff after all.” Yulia teased.

“Hey. I’m not the one who’s scared of spiders.” Lena said.

“Who said I’m afraid of spiders?” Yulia asked, confused.

“Well I guess we’re about to find out now, aren’t we? Look on your shoulder.” Lena said with an evil glint in her eye.

“Very funny. I’m not going to fall for that. How stupid do you thi--” Yulia stopped mid sentence as she felt something crawl up her neck.

Yulia started to jump up and down, frantically trying to brush the spider off her neck. “GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!!!!” Yulia screamed as she was still flaying her arms wildly in the air. “LENA THIS ISN’T FUNNY!!”

Lena was beyond words right now. She was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes. Why didn’t I bring a video camera? She thought as she made her way towards Yulia.

“Stay still for a second.” Lena managed to say in between her laughter.

Lena gently put one hand on Yulia’s neck as she used her other hand to slowly guide the spider off of Yulia. Once the spider was safely on the ground, Lena commented, “You know, I think I’ll like having you around. You’re good for one heck of a laugh.”

“I’m glad I could provide you with so much enjoyment.” Yulia said through clenched teeth as she put on her backpack. I’m going to get her back for this. I’m going to get her good.
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Old 02-01-2004, 20:49   #38
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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dare, my sister thinks i'm nuts whenever i start to read this. and that food thing, that was mean
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Old 02-01-2004, 21:40   #39
Ann t..A.T.u. Ann t..A.T.u. is offline
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lol thats so funny i would've reacted the exact same way as yulia ugh yuck i hate spiders.
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Old 03-01-2004, 01:31   #40
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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awww, thats so mean.
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