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Old 04-05-2004, 05:06   #21
denial denial is offline
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Okay .. this is another Zemfira song Maechki [T-shirts] - I like this song very much too.. well I like many things .. it just that her voice sound so familiar..the music ..and the lyric... especially.. that last part when she said ... "..And I'm multiplying cig butts;.." ... ... well .. I guess this song is about why smoking so much ..

Zemfira_maechki_tshirt.mp3 [1.5 MB]


Ты - белый и светлый
Я - темная теплая
Ты плачешь -
не видит никто
А я -
я комкаю стекла -

Ты - так откровенно любишь
Я - я так безнадежно попала
Мы - мы шепчем друг другу секреты
Мы все понимаем
Только этого мало

Анечка просила снять маечки
Анечка просила снять маечки

Ты - стоишь своих откровений
Я - я верю что тоже стою
Ты - гений
я тоже гений
И если ты ищешь
значит нас двое

Больно бывает не только от боли
Страшно бывает не только за совесть
опять не хватило воли
Я множу окурки
Ты пишешь повесть

Анечка просила снять маечки
Анечка просила снять маечки

*Maechki [T-shirts]*

You, you're white and vibrant
Me, I'm dark and tender
You, You're crying; nobody sees that.
And me, I'm crashing glass in my hands.
[I am a] Dupe!
You, you love so sincerely.
Me, I'm so hopelessly caught.
Us, we're telling each other secrets.
We understand everything, but that's not enough.

Anechka was asking to take the t-shirts off.*
Anechka was asking to take the t-shirts off.

You, you're worth your sincerities.
Me, I believe that I'm worth them too.
You, you're genius; I'm genius too.
If you're looking for something, that makes two of us.
Hurt comes not only from pain.
Fear comes not only from conscience.
Oddly we again didn't have enough will,
And I'm multiplying cig butts; you're writing a piece.

I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 04-05-2004, 17:52   #22
denial denial is offline
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Well .. tonight .. just going to introduce this AMAZING girl .. Yulia Mihalchik...the first song of her that I heard is Piter.. I thought she sounded fake at first .. for playing with her voice like that ...than I saw her video singing the song.. and a lot more video's of her .. it changed my view ... she is impossible .. but she's real .. she really got a voice .. like she even doesn't know what to do with it .. this song .... well .. you can also watch the video she singing the song live here here - [11.4 MB]

Yulia_Mihalchik_piter.mp3 [ 3.7 MB ]


Ну, здравствуй, Питер,
и прощай,
меня обидел
ты невзначай

души мучитель,
живи, скучай,
ну, здравствуй, Питер,
Питер прощай,

Зачем, зачем по Невскому я шла?
Зачем, зачем я встретила тебя?
Зачем тогда все развели мосты?
Зачем с тобой столкнулась я?
Зачем со мной столкнулся ты?

Я Питер знаю -
я там жила,
туда летаю,
ведь там дела.

Мне Питер дорог:
он - боль моя,
там из-за шторок
смотрю тебя.

Зачем, зачем по Невскому я шла?
Зачем, зачем я встретила тебя?
Зачем тогда все развели мосты?
Зачем с тобой столкнулась я?
Зачем со мной столкнулся ты?

Зачем, зачем по Невскому я шла?
Зачем, зачем я встретила тебя?
Зачем тогда все развели мосты?
Зачем тебя коснулась я?
Зачем меня коснулся ты?

С тобой как зритель
я сошлась.
Ты - мой мучитель,
моя напасть.

Души обитель,
из век в века
я - твой ценитель

Зачем, зачем по Невскому я шла?
Зачем, зачем я встретила тебя?
Зачем тогда все развели мосты?
Зачем с тобой столкнулась я?
Зачем со мной столкнулся ты?

Зачем, зачем по Невскому я шла?
Зачем, зачем я встретила тебя?
Зачем тогда все развели мосты?
Зачем тебя коснулась я?
Зачем меня коснулся ты?


Well, Greetings, Peter
And Farewell
I'm was offended
You're unexpected

Oppress the tirant
Live, Tediously
Well, Greetings, Peter
Peter Farewell

Why, why did I walk along Nevsky?
Why? why had I met you?
Why? why did they raise all the bridges?
Why had I run into you?
Why had you run into me?

I know Peter
I lived there
I fly there
In fact, for business

Piter is very important for me
It's my pain
There.. through the curtains
I watch you...

Why, why did I walk along Nevsky?
Why? why had I met you?
Why? why did they raise all the bridges?
Why had I run into you?
Why had you run into me?

Why, why did I walk along Nevsky?
Why? why had I met you?
Why? why did they raise all the bridges?
Why had I touched you?
Why had you touched me?

I'm ur viewer
the truthfull one
U are my torturer,
my misfortune

The home of my soul
from century to century
I'm ur worshipper
from far away...

Why, why did I walk along Nevsky?
Why? why had I met you?
Why? why did they raise all the bridges?
Why had I run into you?
Why had you run into me?

Why, why did I walk along Nevsky?
Why? why had I met you?
Why? why did they raise all the bridges?
Why had I touched you?
Why had you touched me?

source: Russian Video thread

* text in this color ... by manual translation
* text in this color ... translated by thegurgi
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Last edited by denial; 08-05-2004 at 03:58.
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Old 04-05-2004, 18:06   #23
denial denial is offline
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This is also a song by Yulia Mihalchik .. "MAMA" .. its her rehearsal .. she sent it to her fan site along with her picture playing the Korg .. first time listening to it .. I could not stop .. I just need to listen more and more ...its soft and tender.. but there's some hurt in it .. I thought its a song for mother .. so I was thinking about my mother when listening to it .. you know... mother .. no matter what .. a mother.. I just love this song .. very much actually ... but when I get the translation of the song .. its even better ..

Yulia_Mihalchik_mama.mp3 - [1.37 MB]


Не виделись с тобой сколько,
Увидимся ли - не знаю,
Ты помнишь, тепла не хватало,
А если и было, то мало.

И рано никак не погаснут
Те свечи, которых так много,
Зажженных тобою так нежно,
Всегда освещавших дорогу.

Мерю жизнь словами проходящих,
Верю в мысли высоко летящих,
Но не знаю, как же быть с тобой… мне.
Мерю жизнь словами проходящих,
Верю в мысли высоко летящих,
Но не знаю, как сказать о том… маме.

Твой образ подобен свету,
Летящему из ниоткуда,
Сберег он, когда было трудно,
Надежда была лишь на чудо.

Не виделись с тобой сколько,
Увидимся - точно знаю,
Расскажешь, как было трудно,
Поведаешь ты мне тайну.


Haven't seen each other for so long
Will we ever again? I don't know
Do you remember there was lack of warmth?
And even if there was some, it wasn't enough.

And they won't be extinguished
Those candles that are so many
the ones u lighted with ur tenderness
the ones that were always lighting my way

I'm measuring my life with the words of passing by
I believe in thoughts of flying high
But I don't know what to do with you
I'm measuring my life with the words of passing by
I believe in thoughts of flying high
But I don't know how to tell about it to... my mother.

Ur image is like the light
flying from nowhere
it saved me when it was so hard
and there was a hope only for the miracle

We haven't seen each other for so long
But we will, I know
You'll tell me how hard it was,
You'll tell me the secret

I'm measuring my life with the words of passing by
I believe in thoughts of flying high
But I don't know what to do with you
I'm measuring my life with the words of passing by
I believe in thoughts of flying high
But I don't know how to tell about it to... my mother.

I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 05-05-2004, 23:34   #24
Ann t..A.T.u. Ann t..A.T.u. is offline
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Denial great tracks i dl a track by Yulia Savicheva called highly or so thats what it translated as can u get the lyrics?? its a wicked track n im in love with ships the music is just hypnotic
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Old 06-05-2004, 01:50   #25
denial denial is offline
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Ann .. sure .. I was planning to post that song too .. but waiting the human translation .. so it will be about next week .. I hope ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 06-05-2004, 05:53   #26
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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I had a listen to those Yulia Mihalchik songs and they sound really cool, wierd but nice hehe as for Zemfira umm not really feeling this one but maybe it will grow on me thanks anyway and I can't wait for next translation of Yulia Savicheva's song. Thanks for a great thread denial.
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Old 08-05-2004, 02:20   #27
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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I translated "Vysoko" before... i'll have to find it... or do another one.

But, i'm currently in love with "Tsepi i Kol'tsa" so here's a translation [D, did request]:
Под завалами в тёплых сомнениях
Рисовала твои откровения
В иероглифах,
В строгих столбиках.
--- Under obstructions of warm uncertainty
--- I drew your revelations
--- In hieroglyphs,
--- On strict columns

Целовала в ладони желания,
Танцевала на воздухе раненом
В перламутровом небе утреннем.
--- Kissed the plams of desire
--- Danced in the air over the injured
--- A pearl in the Morning Sky

Лёд там, где три года была вода.
Лёд там, где два сердца сплетались
--- Ice there, where three years ago there was water
--- Ice there, where two hearts were weaved together

В цепи, цепи и кольца.
Целься, стреляй в моё солнце,
Добивай меня, чтобы не было больше.
--- Into chains, chains and rings
--- Aim, Shoot at my sun
--- Finish me, so i'll be no more

В цепи, цепи и кольца.
Целься, стреляй в моё солнце,
Добивай меня, чтобы совсем не стало больше.
--- Into chains, chains and rings
--- Aim, Shoot at my sun
--- Finish me, to where's there nothing left

Умирала за тёмную воду,
Разъедала стальную свободу.
И закатами
Время падало.
--- Died for dark waters
--- Corroded Steel Freedom
--- And declines
--- Time falls

И ракушками слушала звёзды
И ловилась на лезвии остром
Это не со мной.
--- And sea shells listened to the stars
--- And was caught by a sharp edge
--- Silent-war
--- Not with me

Лёд там, где три года была вода.
Лёд там, где два сердца сплетались
--- Ice there, where three years ago there was water
--- Ice there, where two hearts were weaved together

В цепи, цепи и кольца.
Целься, стреляй в моё солнце,
Добивай меня, чтобы не было больше.
--- Into chains, chains and rings
--- Aim, Shoot at my sun
--- Finish me, so i'll be no more

В цепи, цепи и кольца.
Целься, стреляй в моё солнце,
Добивай меня, чтобы совсем не стало больше.
--- Into chains, chains and rings
--- Aim, Shoot at my sun
--- Finish me, to where's there nothing left

I love that song, and i like it's English version... which by the looks of it, is very very faithful...

Now... for Vysoko
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Old 08-05-2004, 04:08   #28
denial denial is offline
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Greg, Thank you for translating the missing part of Piter ... I added in .. and also this song "Rings and Chains" .. .. thank you .. oh I like the lyric very much .. example this part .. this translation things began to feel like a drug to me ..

--- Into chains, chains and rings
--- Aim, Shoot at my sun
--- Finish me, to where's there nothing left

--- Died for dark waters
--- Corroded Steel Freedom
--- And declines
--- Time falls

Angel girl ..thanks for downloading .. well . we just wait for greg now ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-05-2004, 04:12   #29
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Denial... in the english version she sings:

Chains, Rings of Bondage
Aim, Shoot My Sun Down
Do me in, so i'll be hurt no longer
Chains, Rings of Bondage
Aim, shoot my sun down
Do me in, So i'll be gone and feel the pain no longer

I love it!

As for Savicheva's Vysoko, here it is [and i did most of this translation without outside help :: ie. my dictionary :: ] :::
Не забывай,
Помни меня.
Ты не один -
Навсегда вдвоем.
Не забывай
Пламя огня,
Где мы с тобой
Греем себя.
--- Don't forget
--- Remember me
--- You're not alone
--- Forever together
--- Don't forget
--- The flame of the fire
--- Where I'm with you
--- We heat each other

Я улечу
в себе,
Я улечу
к тебе.
--- I'll leave
--- From myself
--- I'll leave
--- To you

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко
--- In the sky beyond the stars
--- Higher
--- Silently fly
--- It's Easy

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко
--- In the sky beyond the stars
--- Higher
--- Silently fly
--- It's Easy

Не забывай,
В сердце моем
Песни мои
Навсегда с тобой.
Не забывай
Ночи без сна,
Где мы с тобой -
Я не одна.
--- Don't forget
--- In my heart
--- My songs
--- Forever with you
--- Don't forget
--- Nights without dreams
--- Where we're with you
--- I'm not alone

Я улечу
в себе,
Я улечу
к тебе.
--- I'll leave
--- From myself
--- I'll leave
--- To you

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко
--- In the sky beyond the stars
--- Higher
--- Silently fly
--- It's Easy

На небо за звездой
Тихий полет -
Это легко
--- In the sky beyond the stars
--- Higher
--- Silently fly
--- It's Easy

Не забывай
--- Don't forget
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Old 08-05-2004, 04:36   #30
denial denial is offline
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ohh this was quicker than I expected!! thanks Greg!

btw, the BEST effect of Vysako are here Combination of Savicheva and Mihalchik - 13.9 MB video life performance

I'm still looking for the originall free download Vysako video by Savicheva alone.

source: Russian Video thread
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Last edited by denial; 08-05-2004 at 05:59.
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Old 08-05-2004, 06:38   #31
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Thanks so very much thegurgi for those two translation...I love Linda's songs that you's her voice, crazy but sexy in a way...hmm I love the english version as well as the lyrics for that song. As for Vysoko, ahhhhh I've been waiting for a translation thank you thank you and congrats on doing that without using the too much outside resources. These songs are so amazing, I have been listening to them nonstop like on constant repeat, thanks thegurgi and denial! Thanks for the vid denial...I wow what a voice that Mihalchik chica has...ohhh that was the best part when she came in damn that voice!!! thanks denial.
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Old 08-05-2004, 17:22   #32
denial denial is offline
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Angel girl .. ne za cto

So .. next I just add this girl .. it just that this thread won't feel complete without her ... she is special in her own way too .. well they are all .. so here is .. Gluk'Oza!

Sneg.mp3 - [3.75 MB]

Глюкоза "Снег"

Серый вокзал завязал
Холодными ветрами секретами
Каждый гудок со всех ног
Горела кометами где же ты

Я по капиллярам не запустила
твоих телеграмм
Тай-тай тай на руках моих снег
тай превращайся в слезы
ответы мои м-м-м...

Серый вокзал наказал
Твоими обманами ранами
Ждать и курить не забыть
Зрачок сокращается не считается

Я по капиллярам не запустила
твоих телеграмм
Тай-тай тай на руках моих снег
тай превращайся в слезы
ответы мои м-м-м...

Gluk'Oza "Snow"

Grey station... Tied up... With cold winds... With secrets...
For the every hooter... At the full speed... (I) was burning like comets...
Where are U?
I... Through the capillaries... Haven't send... Ur telegrammes...

Melt, melt... Melt on my hands... Snow...
Melt, turn to the tears... My answers... mmm...
Melt, melt... Melt on my hands... Snow...
Melt, turn to the tears... My answers... mmm... mmm...

Grey station... Punished (me) with ur lies... wounds...
To wait and to smoke... Not to forget... The pupil is contracting... Doesn't count...
I... Through the capillaries... Haven't send... Ur telegrammes...

Melt, melt... Melt on my hands... Snow...
Melt, turn to the tears... My answers... mmm...
Melt, melt... Melt on my hands... Snow...
Melt, turn to the tears... My answers... mmm... mmm...

source: Russian Video thread
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-05-2004, 17:53   #33
denial denial is offline
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Next another Gluk'Oza song .. I don't know what to say about this girl .. I just like her very much .. and listening and watching her video is really good time for me .. I just glad that in my life..I've came to this path .. I just love it .. and I'm thankful for it ..

This song title is Vokzal means "station" but I don't find word "station" in this song lyric translation, strange?.. but still "telegrammes" and "snow" were mentioned.

Here also a video of her live performance ..[ 3.1 MB ] the way this video was cut .. its short but if you play it in loop .. its endless.. LoL

Vokzal.mp3 - [3.52 MB]


Стелется граммами-метрами под ногами снег.
Тянет как будто магнитами на простой ответ.
Белые бабочки кружатся осторожные,
Сколько же можно в простом видеть сложное.

Прямо под облака
Но на пока
Я попробую зажигать звезды
Не жалеет любовь огней
Я на мушку попала к ней
Ей две тысячи телеграмм

Слезы дорожки оставили непривычные,
Бьется сердечко мое к тебе неритмичное.
Руки от ветра холодные обжигаются,
Девочки стильные модные улыбаются.

Прямо под облака
Но на пока
Я попробую зажигать звезды
Не жалеет любовь огней
Я на мушку попала к ней
Ей две тысячи телеграмм


The snow under my feet... Creeps with grams, metres...
Drags like a magnet... To the simple answer...
White butterflies are flying around... Careful...
For how long is it possible to see difficult in something so simple?

The moon has flied right under the clouds... yet...
I'll try to light on stars...
The love doesn't spare it's lights...
I was caught on it's foresight
I will send it (love) 2000 telegrammes...

Tears left unwonted roads (on the face)...
My heart is beating... Unrythmic to U...
The hands, cold from the wind, are burning...
Stylish, fashioned girls are smiling...

The moon has flied right under the clouds... yet...
I'll try to light on stars...
The love doesn't spare it's lights...
I was caught on it's foresight
I will send it (love) 2000 telegrammes...

source: Russian Video thread
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-05-2004, 17:53   #34
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Denial, I love that song "Sneg"... it makes me cry.
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 08-05-2004, 17:58   #35
denial denial is offline
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Awww.. little Queenbee .. don't cry .. lets have some pop-corn while listening .. then it won't be so sad anymore.. or .. a cigarette ? LoL

I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-05-2004, 18:19   #36
Ann t..A.T.u. Ann t..A.T.u. is offline
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Denial thats wicked thanks for the heads up of the new tracks dl as i type so thanks
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Old 08-05-2004, 20:48   #37
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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thankies miss dee, we all luuuv u
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Old 08-05-2004, 20:52   #38
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Speaking of Glukoza....

you might want to go visit the page now

... this one -->

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Old 08-05-2004, 21:41   #39
denial denial is offline
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Thanks for the two songs Greg .. I just downloaded them!! heh heh .. love the Gluk'Oza music .. *shakes shakes* ..

Quote from Greg's page:
Glukoza and Verka Serdyuchka - Zheniha hotela [ Groom Wanted ]
A new one by Glukoza? Well it's definitely her and it's her style, but
Who's this dude? Well you know, I really don't mind him. It's a very nice
Duet with her, no?
I don't mind him too .. LoL .. I like this song .. sound funny .. but fun .. well its about a girl who get pregnant so she could get married .. LoL ..

Quote from Greg's page:
Yulia Savicheva - Believe Me [New Version]
This song grew on me, but then i got sick of it.
Then i downloaded this new version, different vocal performance,
And some tweaking of the accompaniment, and a chorus.
YAY! I hope she does well at Eurovision with this song
Well I do like this song very much . but somehow I still prefer the first version .. well I just love the strumm of the guitar at the back ..well I watch the video of this song mostly .. so .. hardly got sick of it .... .... but this new one seems a little mess .. with that background vokal ..I guess ..

Thanks Greg !!

Ann .. thanks for downloading .. hope you'll enjoy them

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Old 08-05-2004, 21:49   #40
denial denial is offline
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Gluk'Oza ! Gluk'Oza ! Gluk'Oza !

Got another new song from her - Karina .. its a girl name ..

Glukoza-Karina.mp3 - [ 5.1 MB ]

I wait for translation .. but this song is about ... nymphomania ... *gets a dictionary* - [ excessive sexual desire in women ] ..well its about a girl who has crazy sexual drive .. but the song is really nice too .. make you want to dance also .. oii .. I just love Gluk'Oza songs!

*Plays Gluk'Oza again* .. *shakes left .. shakes right ... shakes head .. left right .. up down .. shakes everything..* oiii!
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