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Love must be a Fairy Tale

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Old 05-03-2005, 22:25   #21
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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bah. ok you have one more day
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Old 06-03-2005, 01:43   #22
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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thank you veggie!
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 06-03-2005, 06:47   #23
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[Due to Veggie's impatience heres the chapter four. if its bad, its because of veggie who made me rush. oh and by the way, i didn't check for spelling mistakes so there might be some errors. and as for grammar... i dont even know what that is so deal with it honeys. ]

Chapter 4

A light knock on her office door jerked her awake from her thoughts. She looked up, quickly hid some of the files on her desk on her bottom drawer. The knock grew restless and it slowly turned into consistent pounds. Volkova growled and kicked the drawer shut.

“Come in.”

It was Jack, his tie loose around his neck and his hair in silly looking molds. Volkova hid her amusement and stared with a hollow gaze. “Can I help you Captain?” Jack nodded curtly in greetings, hastily sitting on the chair across Volkova’s desk.

“Detective Volkova… I think this is a bad news but Lena- I mean Detective Katina is refusing to show up as your partner… Or as an officer. So, I’m uhh assigning you a new partner to work with.” Jack was stumbling on his words. Something wasn’t right, Jack was being too nervous. Or anxious. About? Volkova wondered and frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong with my current partner, Captain?” She said in a disapproving tone. She could see Jack visibly gulp and sigh before running his fingers shakily through his hair. Jack also knew if Volkova managed to slip in a little emotion or two it was damn straight serious.

“Well Detective… Lena… Has gone nuts. And no, I ain’t talking about peanuts here. She’s gone full lethal on everyone that comes near her. Her back is bleeding constantly and she won’t let anyone treat the damn thing! I mean it’s like she *wants* to die-“ Jack caught himself saying the very thing Lena might be doing.

Jack jumped up from his chair with gaping mouth. He saw that Volkova was still looking at him with those dull disapproving eyes and cleared his throat. “Detective. I’ll uhh get back to you on this.” With that he was out the door and screaming his throat out to some of his colleagues ordering them to call the emergency services.

The disapprovement was still evident on the brunette’s face. Her eyes started to ominously swirl. She bent down to her bottom drawer again and took out the file she hastily hid from the Captain. She carefully and noiselessly opened it and flicked through the papers once more.

The files were on Captain Jack Davis himself, with all his records on it. Piercing blue eyes were rapidly darting through the words and glancing back at the picture clipped on the top once in a while. The space between her brows creased and she dumped them in the trash beside her desk.

She stood, got her jacket and hat and walked out of her office. But she made sure that she locked the door to her office and checked it twice. She looked around the halls and cubicles around her for the last time before scurrying outside.

Where was she headed? I think you already know. To Katina’s.


She rounded about the house, sizing it up. It was a fairly cozy looking house, with a cute little garden gnome out at the front yard. She almost choked on her own vomit.

How could a cop live in this kind of environment?

She inwardly grunted in annoyance from the cheery and the happy theme just oozing off the house. She stepped to the backyard and saw bunch of fitness equipments. A self-hung sandbag and horizontal poles secured on more poles crowded the grassy area, as did various sized weights littering the floor.

Now these she accepted. Fitness for an officer was mandatory. She looked back up the house, observing the balcony and its doors. The curtain was slightly drawn and she could see the red head pacing about in the room. The corners of her mouth picked up. The Volkova immediately kicked herself in her mind.

‘What the hell are you thinking?! You know what love, do to you! You lose your fucking focus! Stay focused Volkova. Another girl isn’t going to fuck up your life again.’ The voice in her head screeched. That voice wasn’t her’s, but a distinctive familiarity hugged it. Volkova listened in on the voice, irritated but in agreement.

No one shall claim her heart and gnaw on its scars. Ever. Love was not mandatory. It used to be an essential part of her life… But it isn’t anymore. She’d give up on a thing called love a long time ago. Love is just a fucking fairy tal-

‘Then why are you here? Why are you here for your partner? To comfort her. To hug her, and to bring back your partner. Isn’t it? If it isn’t, why the hell are you stalking the poor girl?!’ Another voice chastised. She growled and shook her head, scrambling her voices away. But the vivid sound of the fresh new voice still echoed in her thoughts.

Why was she there?


Volkova walked up the steps to the front porch and stood in front of the main entrance to the house. She looked at the doorbell, hesitating and thinking. She reluctantly raised her hand to the little button and quickly tapped it.

There was brief muttering from inside and closing in thumps. The knob jiggled a little bit, and the door opened, revealing Jack looking more tired but restless, coffee stains on his shirt, and his fine looking unshaven face.

But to add on his grumpy tiredness, there was no one at the door. In confusion he took a step outside and looked around. No one was around.

“Damn pranksters… Gonna have to report em or something… grumble grumble…”


The night fell sooner than she would have thought. The moonshine beamed, bragging off its beautiful silver clutches on the whole town with its light. She combed the silent town’s activity with her eyes, searching for nothing in particular.

Although her eyes were concentrating on another task, her thoughts were back in that trailer and back in the alleyway. It was replaying itself over and over. She tried closing her eyes but the visions got clearer.

She groaned and leaned her head against the balcony fence. Her back ached like crazy. She figured it was because beginning to infect. She giggled a little, laughing at her own pain. Oh god, she thought, I am going insane. A sudden sharp sting jolted across her cut. She bit on her arm. When the stinging subsided she sighed and looked up at the night sky, a little light headed.

‘Not a sound Katina. Not a peep.’ That’s what her second rapist had said. It was a woman. A very kinky woman. She would remember the faces forever.

She remembered how her second superior had been nice from the start but slowly converted herself in front of Lena. She would call her forth out of the blue and cuff her to the chair and not come back to free her for over two hours. The bondages kept getting worse and worse…

She closed her eyes once more and suppressed the urge to scream and bawl her eyes out. Instead she just laughed. She laughed, giggled and snorted like a mad woman. She laughed at herself. But her laugh became strained after a while, and she started to mutter to herself.

“Fuck you… Fuck you… Fuck you…”

But she yelped out loud into the night when a cold hand slapped her on the back.


“How the hell did you get in here?!” Lena asked in horror. No one had the keys but Jack. But the person who stood with a nonchalant expression on her face certainly wasn’t Jack.

She didn’t get her answer. But she got a good tug on her arm, pulling her back into the room. Then the invader swiftly closed the balcony doors and drew the curtains. Then she looked back at Lena.

Those piercing blue and achingly dull eyes seemed to glow and stare her down for an eternity. Lena’s lips quivered before shifting in her place and looking away. The redhead heard Volkova’s infamous smirk. A shudder ran through the Lena. She hated that smirk. That lone contemptuous smirk that always made her feel stupid.

“You believe me now don’t you?” Volkova’s defined voice asked the redhead in the darkness.

Lena tried her best not to stutter. “Believe what?”

Another smirk. Lena winced.

“Don’t play stupid with me. I don’t like games.” The brunette snapped.

“No I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Believe what? Elaborate.” The red head answered back. Her voice was filled with fake boldness. But in darkness Lena was apprehensively studying her toes with her fists clenched.

“Fine. You agree with me on the love argument we had, right? You don’t quite trust that love does really exist. Aren’t I right officer Katina?!” Her voice slowly rose. Volkova didn’t get her longed for answer.

“God Katina do you really need to hear me say it?! Alright! Let me lay it out for ya! Everything you re-built, everything you had piled up so carefully was hurled down with one swift thrust the bastard gave with his fucking dick. Now you’re too fucking scared to start again cuz you think you can’t do it again. Suddenly you feel numb and it feels like you’re going insane, cuz you don’t know what to do. All you want now is to feel something, let alone love!” Volkova yelled.

Lena was shaking. But Volkova continued.

“Well you know what I think?! I think you don’t even wanna try to rebuild and move on with your life! I think you want to mope around for fucking attention and sympathy! I don’t you wanna work for yourself, and I think you’re fucking lazy, selfish and disrespectful. I thought better of you.”

“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! Please…” Lena collapsed to her knees, with her face buried in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking and she was crying, but desperately trying not to.

Volkova’s eyes softened. She didn’t say anything for a while, letting Lena cry. Volkova cautiously walked over to the bedside lamp and turned it on. She could see things more clearly now. The red head was crying on the floor on her knees just a few inches off from the bed.

After a while Volkova walked over to Lena. She then again watched her cry. Then her eyes turned steely again.

“Get up.” The brunette’s voice was demanding obedience. Lena ceased to cry hysterically and wordlessly brought herself up. “Look in my eyes, Lena.” Lena was a little startled, seeing as Volkova just used her first name. But she looked up into the brunette’s eyes anyway.

“I have a confession to make.” Volkova said a little bitterly, but she never unlocked her gaze with Lena. “Well I have news for you. When I said there was no love left in me to believe, and such things as love didn’t exist in this world… I lied.”

As soon as those words left Volkova’s lips, she harshly grabbed Lena’s collar, pulling her towards her and kissed her. As intense as it was, it was incredibly brief, the brunette pulling away forcefully.

“Alright, sit on the bed and take off your filthy shirt and wait for me on there. Understood officer?”

Oh no. More tears glided down her cheeks. Not again. Not Volkova too.

“Understood officer…?” The brunette repeated, this time quieter and sterner. Lena frantically nodded, her voice box in a knot. Volkova curtly nodded in acknowledgement before disappearing into the room’s bathroom at the far corner. Lena was still crying but she did as she was told and waited for her superior. Three years in a row by different superiors. How about that? She brought her fingertips up to her lips.

She smirked in dismay then slowly unbuttoned her shirt.


Lena sat on that bed for a long time. She wondered what Volkova was up to. She heard random cluttering and the water was turned on.

At last the noises stopped and Volkova was back in sight. The brunette’s jacket and the blouse were gone, and only her red tank top hid her upper body. She still had her jeans on. Lena just closed her eyes.

She heard Volkova shuffle closer to the bed. Her heart was beating frantically, her breathing becoming erratic. Then she smelled the distinctive scent of Volkova perfume, enveloping the both of them. Lena felt the bed shift from the weight and felt the invader place herself behind her.

Lena started to silently weep again. She forced her eyes shut hard, trying not to let the tears fall. But she failed.


Yulia studied the sickening welts, their openings lined with little yellow spots. Yup, it was infected. She reached back down for the floor and brought up the bucket she filled with warm water and a towel. She took out the towel from the water and squeezed majority of the waters out, pouring it back into the bucket.

Then she carefully and gently went to work. She’d have to be really cautious not to rub too hard, cleaning the wounds. As gentle as she could get, she started to brush the wounds clean.

Lena whimpered in pain. Yulia saw that she was shaking again. “Shh… Sorry. I’ll be more careful.”

Lena felt a little odd. She would have thought Volkova would rape her. But instead… She was treating to her wounds. This brunette confused her so much.

‘First she wants to kill me and now she wants to lick my wounds?? Isn’t she unique…’


Yulia was concentrating so hard, trying to put the ointment on the welts and infected cuts as painlessly for Lean as she could. Her eyes were squinted in focus and her tongue was sticking out against her upper lip.

The two of them was silent through the whole ordeal. Yulia then flawlessly patched the freckled body in front of her then sighed in satisfaction. After a pause of silence, Yulia hopped off the bed and disappeared inside the bathroom again to retrieve her belongings.

When she came back out she was dressed back in her shirt and jacket, and her hat on. With long strides, Yulia went back to the mute Lena and laid her down, carefully, on her back on the bed. Their eyes met.

They just stayed looking into each other’s eyes in long seconds, before Volkova breaking the gaze and bringing sheets up to the red head’s neck. With a swift caress on Lena’s cheek, Volkova dragged herself to the door.

She opened the door, ready to walk out then looked back at Lena once more. Expectantly, the redhead was looking at her leaving. Volkova tried to smile but it felt awkward so she didn’t.

“You’re showing up for work tomorrow. You owe me those damn reports. Then we’ll talk. Understood officer?” Although Volkova’s features of her face were back to her usual stony rigid expression, her voice was still Yulia’s.

“Yes, ma’am.” Lena replied, suddenly realizing she’s awfully tired and worn out. Volkova gave her a curt nod before walking out and closing the door behind her, leaving the red head to her slumber.

2:48 A.M.

[dun dun dun!! What were those paper works that Yulia was hiding from Jack?! Why did she play a damn prank on Jack?! Why did she kiss Lena?!?! Is Lena really going insane?!?! Why the hell is Yulia so damn unpredictable?!?! WILL I EVER GET UP TO GET A TWIX BAR FROM MY SNACK CABINET WHILE WRITING THIS STORY?!?!?!?!?!?!.... FIND IT ALL NEXT, IN CHAPTER FIVE!!!!]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 06-03-2005, 23:48   #24
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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whee an update

*sigh* ....a twix bar.....
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Old 08-03-2005, 18:39   #25
denial denial is offline
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[ that was almost!! .. I think Lena was excited about .. you know that part .. she felt eratic .. that is sexual .. right? .. okay I wait what's with this Jack.. thank you and update soon..]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-03-2005, 19:05   #26
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ sexual..? while expecting to be raped...? ]

so where's the update

you'll get no twix bars if you don't update. you have two more days
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Old 08-03-2005, 20:17   #27
denial denial is offline
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[ when Yulia told Lena to lay down on the bed and wait for her .. Lena thought Yulia going to do her too .. she got .. aroused a little .. right? ..umm.. problem with my english again? ]
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 08-03-2005, 23:38   #28
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ your english grammar is very hotttt ]
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Old 13-03-2005, 07:35   #29
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[I know Veggie only gave me two days and I think I took a little more than that, but here it is anyways… If you guys are still around that is. Sorry for the wait. I have no excuses. I slacked off. What can you do? lol ]

Chapter 5

Volkova yawned as she sorted through her files, trying to make her desktop a little more workable. She snatched up her morning cup of coffee and took a deep whiff of it before taking a gulp.

She was poorly dressed and her eyes had dark circles under them. Her hair was extra spiky than usual and she was practically running on caffeine. She yawned once more as she shoved whatever she could in her drawers, not caring which file went where.

She didn’t know why she was so tired. She was a night owl, so there weren’t any reasons to be tired this early in the morning. She thought maybe she was so tired because of helping out Katina the night before.

She groaned as a mild headache settled in and shook her head side to side, as if trying to shake it off. She yawned one more time and took another sip of her coffee before looking up at her door at the sounds of knocking. She willed her heavy lids to open fully and shook her head one more time.

“Come in.”

With the jiggle of the copper door knob, the flowing red curls cautiously stepped in, holding a grey file folder. Volkova tried to grunt in acknowledgement but she was too sleepy too. She just gave the red head a knowing glance before resting her arms and head on her desk. She could’ve sworn she’d heard Katina giggle, but trying to suppress it. But she didn’t think much of it except for her fatigue.

Then she heard the usual soft but firm voice speak up and place the folder on the desk beside her head. Volkova promptly raised head.

“This is the report you wanted and been waiting for some time now. I know you said we could talk after I’ve handed this in, but you look tired so I’ll postpone it til later. If it’s okay with you of course?” The tone of the red head’s voice seemed like it was mocking the brunette.

Volkova didn’t have the strength to argue, and clearly stated her point through when she yawned once more. She saw Lena’s lips twitch into a smile before walking out of her office. Volkova was frowning on the inside. She hadn’t dismissed the red head, but she still had the guts to just “walk out”. That didn’t seem so funny to her.

“Oh god I’m losing my touch. No… It must be the headache. More… Coffee…” She mumbled to herself before grabbing her coffee mug and stepping to her door. But as she was heading for her office door, the sharp point of her bureau’s corner bumped her on her outer thigh. She cursed and gave the desk a light kick. Although it didn’t hurt much, it just added on her fantastic morning, which she was getting fond of by the way.

‘Next time I’m stepping into this office again, I’m gonna bring a saw and chop all those annoying bitches off…”


As she was walking to her destination (the coffee brewer), she felt a little short breathed. She thought to herself it was going to be a fever and grumbled. Getting sick was the worst thing that could happen to a cop. Yes. The best morning ever.

She pressed the button on the coffee machine and watched as quick droplets of coffee filled the glass pot. Her lids were getting heavy again, and her face felt hot. She yawned once more and closed her eyes.

“Miss Volkova? Are you sleeping?” The playfulness in the voice made her irritated. Katina. Just because she kissed the damn girl, it didn’t give her right to act all fresh with superior. She whined inwardly. It was going to be a long day.

And she was more sure of that when she felt the red head slapping on her back enthusiastically.


It was about four in the afternoon and Volkova was very much awake after the third pot of coffee. She was sitting on her office chair and reading intently on Jack Davis’s files. And every time she was finished with them, she would dutifully trash them in her garbage can nonchalantly before leafing through another one.

She was doing this not because she was suspecting him of anything but it was a routine procedure she went through every time she changed her superior officers from precinct to precinct. She would know everything about them by the third week at the new precinct. She felt the need to know her boss and be in control of anything that went on in her career.

But although she felt the need, Jack was just boring her. Not a single offence in the officer. Not even a parking ticket or a speeding warning. After her sixth file, it was just ridiculous. Not only had he not done a single offence against the city, the government files had plenty to say about him.

She yawned out of boredom. It’s been a pretty slow day and Katina stopped bugging her about ten in the morning.

Oh speaking of Katina… Volkova checked her watch and saw it was quarter past four. She sighed and stood up, grabbing her coat while at it. She walked out of her office and locked the door behind her, beginning a tedious search for Katina.


The red head was firing her sharp tongue on the phone, obviously pissed about *something*. She watched, amused, resting herself against the red head’s desk and crossing her arms. She inwardly smirked at the raging woman. Although Katina was a soft and sophisticated person by nature, she had one famous temper when someone pissed her off.

“…No, no I don’t think YOU understand ME you dumb fuck. I want those data on my desk by Monday eight o’clock in the morning. No not ten, EIGHT. What part of eight don’t you understand shitload for brains and pussy?! No not nine, EIGHT. I don’t care if you have a higher rank than me, you’re not MY superior and…”

If Volkova had been an open person like anyone else, she would have been grinning. But she wasn’t. The phone call went about for five more minutes before ending with Katina slamming the receiver on the cradle. Oh ho ho she looked pissed.

But when her cloudy green-grey eyes landed on the brunette she stopped short, obviously surprised to see her there. “Miss Volkova! How long have you…?” She stopped her question in mid sentence when she studied Volkova’s expression. With some moments of real hard staring, she could make out the faintest glow of a smile on the brunette’s face.

Katina just smiled, forgetting about her question and grabbed her coat from her chair. She briefly glanced at her clock and raised her brows.

“Are you suggesting early dinner, Miss Volkova?” She asked tentatively, unintentionally licking her lips in the process.

“That is exactly what I’m suggesting, Katina.” Volkova said back with something in her voice that Lena couldn’t make out.


They were at a near bistro, with plateful of food on their table. They almost had the bistro all to their selves, because they were so early. Lena immediately dug in as soon as the food came out.

She looked up to the brunette, expecting her to do the same thing but those dull eyes were just watching her. Lena laid down her fork before sitting back in her chair with her brows raised.

“Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten anything for the whole day.” The red head inquired, almost concerned. But Volkova just shook her head side to side gesturing ‘I’m not hungry’. But those mysterious blue eyes never left the green-grey pairs.

“Well seeing as you keep looking at me like that, I’m supposing you’re about to talk about what happened last night with all the bandaging and the kissing?” Lena asked. She was really curious about this one. Volkova was always the one trying to distance herself from emotions, but last night she threw all of her words away and kissed her. She also said she lied about love, and that’s no distancing.

But now here she is, rigid faced as ever.

“Lena.” She called to her.

“Yes?” Lena answered back curiously.

“I think I’m… Attracted to you.” The brunette said it hesitantly. Lena just smirked and placed a piece of steak in her mouth with her fingers. Volkova tilted her head, watching the red head eagerly chew on the meat. Now she got the meaning in the cheesy old movies, where the actors always intensely watch each other eating when they don’t notice. They looked so damn cute when they were eating.

Was this the same Lena Katina she was face to face with just last night? Volkova wondered. Last night Lena looked half insane, her back bleeding and a complete mess. She was raped. No one can get over things like that so quick. What changed?


A small voice in her head chirped. This made her confused, but she didn’t think much of it. Right now she just wanted to stare at the woman before her, eating contently.


Volkova was driving with Katina sitting quietly and full on the passenger seat. As Volkova parked the squad car she turned off the ignition and pressed the button that locked the whole car. The doors locked immediately with a loud click.

Lena looked over the brunette startled. The brunette was just blankly staring at the steering wheel and clenched on her keys.

“I can’t be attracted to you… I can’t.” She whispered at more to herself than to Lena. But Lena just frowned and leaned towards her superior.

“Why not?” The red head asked. This had better not be the stupid partner relation shit thing, she thought.

“Because I forgot how to love… When Sofia went away.”

“Who’s Sofia…?”

The brunette turned her empty gaze to Lena but said nothing. But something really bothered Lena when she stared back into those blue eyes. Because it was welling up with tears. She was obviously trying so hard to say something to Lena about Sofia without crying.

But Lena just cradled the side of Volkova’s face and swayed her head side to side. “You don’t have to talk right away if it’s about a personal thing. I mean… We’re not even really involved yet. Right?” With that Lena just smiled warmly at the brunette, stroking the girl’s cheek with her thumb.

And it was the smile that started to thaw Volkova’s icy dull eyes, as well as starting mend her broken heart. Maybe it was then Volkova fell in love with Lena. Maybe it was at that ambulance when she sang to her. Or maybe she didn’t fall for her at all yet.

But something shifted, and Yulia took that as her cue to raise her own hand to Lena’s on her cheek, pull the girl to her and kiss her. This was a different kiss she gave from last night. It was one of her special kisses when she opened herself to her partner and showed them everything she had inside.

The only kisses she offered to Sofia. The only kisses she had saved them for the best. The only kisses she only allowed to those who believed in love so bad that they would argue with her about it. Now the only kisses she will give to Lena.

[Now there isn’t much going on in this chapter… But… hehehe…. I swear to you next chapter you will get quite the surprise… I hope… Muahahaha… ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 13-03-2005, 13:41   #30
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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[ this was super! fantastic...! it felt like watching a very realistic movie ]

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Old 15-03-2005, 07:26   #31
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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[this is a loooooooooooooong chapter. I have too much time on my hands. Hope it fills your thrill meter tho.]

Chapter 6

Volkova half dragged and half carried herself from her bed, tired as hell. Her skin was a little clammy and she was deathly pale as she tried to dry her sweat matted head with a towel.

She staggered into her bathroom and heavily leant on her sink. She slowly looked up to herself on the mirror in front of her and laughed at how pathetic she looked. But her low rumbling laughs slowly transformed itself to a fit of dry coughs, and the brunette trying helplessly to stop them with her bare hands. When the coughs gradually wore off, she practically swooned into the shower booth to take a shower.

As she turned the dial on the wall, letting the water fall on her, she closed her eyes letting the drops beat on her worn body.

‘Why am I so tired and getting sick? I’ve never been sick before… Possibly an infection from two years ago…?’ Her mind drabbled on as the steam from the water pocketed the whole bathroom.


Lena shot up from her bed, frantically waving her fists around the empty air. But as she opened her eyes, she saw that she was still back at her room, sitting up on her bed thrashing at the thin air. She looked around her room, watching the rays of sun poking through her curtains here and there, revealing the flying strands of dusts floating through her room.

She watched her hands as they shook. They didn’t stop shaking for a long time. She let out a shaky breath as she quickly wiped the beading sweat on her temple.

‘They’re only dreams. They can’t hurt me… They’re all at prison now. I’m okay.’

She silently sat there, trying to persuade herself into believing her state of safety. Her breathing slowed down to normal and she buried her face in her hands. ‘Don’t cry again dammit…!!’ She sighed as she bit back her tears, her toes clenching beneath the sheets.

“Ring! Ring!”

She jumped when she heard the phone shrill, snapping her back to reality. She mindlessly picked up the receiver and put on her cheery tone as she answered.

“Hello!” Maybe that was too cheery.

“My darling… We haven’t spoken for a while.” That think low raspy voice seemed to echo in her mind for eternity. She was dead frozen in her spot, her hand on the receiver trembling fingers by fingers. Then she could hear something like laughing from the background from the other end. The man chuckled also.

“Officer Katina~!” The man said in a sing-song voice before chuckling again.

Lena was literally shaking, her face drained of all colours. She felt that she was going to be sick. No. This couldn’t be true. This was someone’s idea of a sick joke. But some parts of her screamed that it wasn’t a joke, and it was the voice of her rapist himself.

“I know you’re there sweetheart. I have Sophy here with me. You remember Sophy, don’t you? I think she was your new superior as soon as I got hauled away… Answer me you fat whore.” The thick voice sharpened into a threatening whisper.

“Y-yes, sir.” Lena answered in a mosquito like voice. Why the hell was she answering the bastard?! Something in her gut told her to hang up on the bastard and contact the headquarters right away. But she couldn’t. She was frozen in her spot and all she could do was obey. The same voice ringed in her head like a bell tolling for the midnight.

‘I’ve heard that you choke under pressure Lena… But this is just too fucking easy… Haha…’ This same line repeated in her head like some broken record. But on the other end of her phone, the bastard wasn’t done.

“’Atta girl… That’s my little Lena. Well It’s been fun. Me and Sophy should be visiting you real soon. By the way, tell the head quarters if you like. Because frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. But I would prefer it,” The thick voice sharpened again. “if you kept this phone call between me, you and the cutie sitting beside me called Sophy. Mmmk?”

Lena cringed in fear and disgust, the fingers around her phone tightening.

“I saw that expression just now you slut. Apologize right now or I’ll beat your ass until your fucking face is no mere than bones and tissues.” The voice snarled, and Lena gasped. They were watching her. She frantically looked around for an opening in her home but everything was sealed with her curtains.

The woman’s laugh came throatily again from the other end.

Lena clutched at her phone hesitantly before saying, “I’m sorry, sir. And I’ll do my best to keep this a secret.” Her voice was raspy, but Lena was amazed she still had a voice to talk with. Her insides were broken in to spasms of tremors, her exterior self afraid to show any emotions.

“Good, good girl. I like my girls obedient. Now… You’re going to go to your bathroom, turn on the shower, clean yourself, showing off your amazing body… Got it?”

“…I-I-I-..” Lena stuttered.

“Got it?!”

“Y-yes sir.”


Lena avoided eye contacts as much as she could when she got to the precinct. Every people she came face to face with seemed like that guy. She desperately shook her head, trying to get rid of the image but it was futile. Her eyes were dull and glossy with agony and unshed tears, as she quickly made her way to Volkova’s office.

She hastily knocked on the brunette’s office door. There was no answer. In midst of panic, she jiggled on the door knob but it was firmly locked. She inwardly groaned and wanted to smash down the door with her shoulders.

She somehow contained herself and quickly rummaged her way to Jack’s office, her fast pace slowly breaking down to a speedy sprint.


Volkova had weakly gazed up at her door when she heard the frantic knocking. Then she saw the door knob being jiggled, as if the person on the other side was trying to pry open the door, or at least smash it down.

She would have laughed if they did. She truly would, but for now she just sprawled herself on her chair. She was so tired she could’ve fallen asleep right there. But the pounding headache was blocking her way.

She weakly reached for her left hand sided drawer on her bureau, and pulled it open. The drawer was filled with orange and yellow containers, each of them containing mystery white and pink tablets. She weakly nabbed for the biggest container, opened it, took two of the pills out and popped them in her mouth.


Her eyes lolled back to her head as she closed her eyes in sudden dizziness. The whole world seemed to be spinning. She groaned as she pulled her self up, trying to get up. Another very long day of shit was due.

Then her walkie talkie hooked on to her belt fizzed into life as it garbled out words mixed into static noises. She snatched up the machinery and frowned to concentrate.

“Detec…Volkova….Robber-y… 3852… Arborda…I repea… 13852, Arbordale Pub in Downtown area.”

She pushed down on the button and answered.

“I’ll be right there. Order in a back-up squad after me just in case.” Volkova said, forgetting about her illness.



As Volkova rushed out her office and searched the entire precinct, there was no sign of her partner, Katina. She didn’t even bother knocking on Jack’s office because it said ‘Do not disturb’ at the front. After wasting about seven minutes of unsuccessful searching for the red head, she just flipped her hand and ran to her car.


Her tires squealed as she slammed on the brakes, spinning into a perfect spiral into the parking lot. She immediately spotted the flashing siren of a squad car with its door ajar and the officer with his walkie talkie in hand.

The only problem was. The officer was lying down on the ground, and it didn’t look like he was taking a nice cat nap. She stayed on her toes and skipped soundlessly to the motionless officer.

As soon as she got there she felt repulsed at what she saw. There was no face to look at, the whole front of the officer’s body decapitated, and the groin area stained with cooling blood. This was sickening, even for the experienced Detective Volkova.

She grabbed for her gun in her holster and firmly positioned the gun between her fingers. As hated to do this, it was a routine procedure she had to do. With that in mind, she raised her index and middle fingers to check for a pulse in the officer.

There was a pulse.

“Oh my god… Who’d want to live after this…?” She mumbled to herself. The sick bastard had done this on purpose, so the officer would live after being mutated like this. The sole thought of that made her sick to her stomach. She glanced at the sewed in letters on the officer’s name patch placed on his left hand chest.

“DT Kelly”

“Detective Kelly, can you hear me?” Volkova said, clinching her nose in the putrid smell of dried blood. A groan emerged from the heap of body laid out in front of her.
“Good. You’re not going to die.” You poor bastard. “The back-up will come sooner or later, so you just stay here and cling on to anything you have left on this earth, got that?!” Another groan.

She nodded curtly her salute at the young officer in front of her before tightening her grip on her gun.


The pub’s doors were ajar and squeaking back and forth from the wind. The alarm system in the bar was screeching, getting on Volkova’s nerves. Various other bodies were displayed on the tables every parts of the bloody pub. She gulped back a foul vile rising from her stomach. Her nose unintentionally took a big whiff of the place and she almost passed out.

Her soles of her boots crunched on the floor from stepping on the spread out broken beer mugs. Some of them were blood stained. Volkova was sure that the robber was still here and the broken glasses on the floor were done on purpose. To signal her coming.

She smirked. She liked this robber’s style.

But there was a hole to the sick bastard’s genius plan. Volkova had seen him since she had stepped through the pub’s doors.

So she cocked back her gun, savoring her victory moment by moment but not showing it on her face. The robber must be puzzled by now. She slowly took aim at the tile in front of her. And before the masked robber could act, she raised her aim to the exact place he was hiding and pulled the trigger.

There was a strained yelp behind the curtains of the hallway that led to the bathrooms. She speeded towards the fallen body and saw that the robber was still alive, screaming in agony as the small bullet burned his upper thigh on his right leg. His panicked eyes through his mask were watering with tears.

A cold smile was beaming on Volkova’s thin lips.

“You just thank the gods that I’m not killing you like you killed the people in this pub.” The brunette said in a creeping whispers, then winking at the criminal.

With her last goodbyes said, she shot three more time at the robber’s chest and one final time on his head.


Volkova slowly emerged from the bar with the gun in one hand and sweat beading down her face to her neck. She heard the faint sirens of the back-up squad cars speeding their way here. She thought nothing as she dazedly dropped her gun and plopped down next to Detective Kelly.

She peered at him, struggling to breathe.

“Hang in there, DT. Kelly. Don’t about that sick bastard in the pub. I finished him off for ya.” Volkova talked quietly, as if he could hear her loud and clear. But to her surprise, DT. Kelly groaned in response and made low rumbling noises like he was chuckling. The brunette flashed a glowing smile before she looked up at the blazing sun.

The sirens were closing in and she could hear the shouting voices. Her breaths were catching up to her. She felt a last shiver run through her body before falling unconscious beside DT. Kelly.


Lena was sitting on the waiting room anxiously for any news of Yulia. She had been waiting for three hours now, but she hasn’t changed her position as the first time she had gotten in the hospital doors and took a seat. Jack had come and gone, and other work mates offered their condolences before they went away too.

She closed her eyes as she felt her tears coming on. Why was she moping about her own worthless matters to Jack when her partner needed her? She felt guilty. She sighed as she finally moved from her current position to sit back on her chair.

But as soon as she looked up, she felt her heart twist in her chest. Right before her, standing there smirking, was Captain Kozlov, her ex-superior as well as her rapist, and her long time stalker.

He was the same as she had last seen him. The same greased back hair, scruffy facial hair intruding his chin and the space between his mouth and his nose. He had a thick rimmed black sun glasses on this time and he was dressed in a fairly ordinary looking casual dress suit. Where did he get the money?

“Officer Katina. It’s good to see you without the intrusive environment we were faced with the last time you’ve visited.” He murmured in a soft sultry voice. Lena suppressed the urges to scream or shiver. Kozlov smirked.

He leaned down burying his face at the crook of Lena’s neck.

“You’re mine now. You were mine since the time we shared at that back alley, when I claimed you.” He whispered menacingly, daring the red head to challenge her. But fortunately for Lena, she didn’t. Kozlov didn’t pull away but only turn his head to come literally nose to nose with Lena. His eyes were deep brown, with specks of gold in them. He darted his pupils around the green-grey ones, searching for something.

Then soon after he was widely smiling at the drenched fear he found in them.

“You will comply to what I tell you, because you’re mine now. You don’t obey, I will not be happy.” He whispered. His cologne surrounded Lena like a thick blanket, choking her. Then without a notice, Kozlov forced his lips on hers, kissing her powerfully.

Then when he finally pulled away and flicked a strand of hair that was hanging down to his face, flicking it back again, he flashed a smile, showing off his stained teeth before turning at his heels and leaving. Lena’s gaze followed his as he stepped into the elevator, turned and waved goodbye as the gates drawled in to close.

When she was sure the elevator had traveled down to the main lobby of the hospital, she broke into a hysteria of crying, begging God to give her some answers to what she should do.


A man with aging features with a white coat came striding in the waiting room, finding Lena dozing off on her chair. The doctor slightly smiled before shaking the woman awake. Lena jumped up awake, frantically looking around.

The doctor offered his hand to shake to Lena with a kind smile.

“My name is Dr. Hagen. I was Yulia’s doctor two years ago and I’m assigned to her now as well.” The doctor said kindly.

Lena reluctantly took his hand and grimly shook it. “My name is Lena Katina, Miss Volkova’s partner in the police force.” Hagen knowingly nodded before sitting down next to Lena in the waiting room chairs.

“This may come as a shock to you, but Yulia has a typical case of Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.” He said gently, with full of care and kindness in his eyes. Lena’s breath stopped. She blinked.

“What?” She bluntly spat out, not comprehending what the doctor just said. Her gaze redirected itself to the floor. Suddenly all the memories about the favored brunette came rushing in, flooding her thoughts and plaguing her mind. Her jaw slackened as the space between her brows creased into a deep frown.

“This is a disease when immature white blood cells begins to form and the lymphcites produce more blood in the bones to produce more healthy blood cells to heal the body when it can’t. This causes the body’s immunity system to drastically drop, degrading the body a whole lot.” Hagen calmly explained.

Lena looked back up at the doctor, her eyes almost pleading. “How did this happen? Will she be okay? Will she live?!”

Hagen raised his palm to show her to slow down. “Miss Katina, with extensive and regular treatments, she has more than half the chances to survive. And I highly more doubt that she will die any time soon because the cancer genes are hereditary. It was descended down from her mother’s side. Her sister had got it and it’s only natural that she gets it too. Don’t worry about it, gene cancer cells are easier to treat.”

Lena gulped. Was this man telling her the truth or lying to save her the pain for the funeral? She felt herself shake.

“Now Miss Katina, I will have to take Yulia’s bone marrow sample, and I need you to sign some forms since you are her only known relative or friend right now. So please, I need you to do this for Yulia. Can you do this for me?” Hagen gently clutched Lena’s shoulder and asked.

Lena nodded after a pause and standing up with Hagen. “This way, Miss Katina.”


Volkova was bored out of her mind. She was told she had leukemia, but she wasn’t at all surprised. She was all the more surprised that she had gotten it so late. She wasn’t sad or mad or even worrying if she was going to die or not. She was just… Bored for now. Grieving was for later, when she had things on this earth that was worth grieving for.

She was kept at the hospital for couple of days since the pub incident. She often wondered if DT. Kelly was doing okay. She wanted to figure that out before her bone marrow checking. But she knew that was unlikely, for the check was due any minute now.

Then she heard her room’s door open and saw two male nurses browsing in and pushing a wheeled bed coming inside. Volkova sighed and closed her eyes as she was being gently lifted up and set down on the wheel bed.

As she was being wheeled to a concealed room, she distracted herself with the whooshing lights above her head, passing slowly. The male nurses kindly gazed down at her, reassuring smiling. She smiled back. As she was put into another room filled with beeping and air pump noises she closed her eyes.


She was told to lie down side ways to her whole back side was facing the doctor who was going through with the marrow check. She stayed this way for another five minutes before the doctor explained all the procedures to Yulia, and going behind her to her back.

One of the kind looking male nurses who transported her here offered his hand to hold but Yulia just shook her head no. Then she felt a needle getting injected, freezing her whole midway down. She suppressed a giggle at the thought of not feeling her toes.

But her thoughts were happiness clouded away when agonizing pain very slowly probed her from the back. Her mouth opened, trying to scream but no sound came out. She snapped her eyes shut and then opened them again. The needle was still in her back, and another piercing pain made her break into tears. The male nurse who was watching had a deep frown on and offered his hand again.

This time, Yulia grabbed onto it, clinging to the stranger with her dear life.


She was wheeled back to her room. And to her delight Lena was waiting there. She was very gently transported back to the un-moving bed and the male nurses placed the IV’s back into Yulia’s wrists. They did it so carefully as if Yulia was fragile.

The red head and the brunette whispered their thanks and the male nurses nodded before stepping out of the room. Lena took a seat beside Yulia’s bedside and smiled proudly at her.

“Miss Volkova… I know that was so hard for you. I’m proud of you.” Lena said with no hint of doubt in her voice. At that Yulia made a hint of a smile. Lena carefully reached for the brunette’s forehead and brushed some strands of hairs aside. Her hair was matted with sweat and her face was warm. But Lena couldn’t have cared less.

“Miss Vol…”

“No. Yulia.”

Lena smiled, resuming to stroke the frail girl’s face. All this time, the brunette looked so fierce and so much bigger than her, but now she looked too young to be in her position. Lena tilted her head as she ran her fingers through the brunette’s hair.

“You did good, Yulia. You did really good. Go sleep now.” Lena whispered, trying to soothe Yulia into sleeping. And it was working. The lids on Yulia’s eyes looked very heavy.



“Hold me…”

Lena smiled and climbed on the bed next to Yulia underneath the sheets. And as gently but firmly as she could, she held Yulia close, letting the smaller girl breathe in her scent. Yulia smiled one of her real sincere smiles at Lena before glancing at her one last time and dozing off in her arms.


Captain Jack was in the men’s bathroom in the hospital, watering his hair to fix it. Then after two minutes of hair hassle, he promptly took his index finger and softly pressed his eyeball with it, detaching an oval contact lens. He did the same with the other eye. He blinked a several more times before fully looking at himself in the mirror and grinning, revealing his nice and white teeth.

He gathered all his stuff and shoved them in his bag before casually walking out of the bathroom and to his car down at the parking lot.

[how was it? what do you think? ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 15-03-2005, 16:34   #32
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i'm a bit confused about lena's rapist. or rapists. how much of them is/are there and who they are..?
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Old 16-03-2005, 03:01   #33
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
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now *that* is what *exactly* i intended to do my friend Veggie. kukukuku....
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 16-03-2005, 12:09   #34
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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yah then you did a fucking great job

[ dee where are you? what if he doesn't update regularly, you know i can't kill him alone...?! ]
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Old 18-03-2005, 03:30   #35
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*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 18-03-2005, 12:24   #36
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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uhm... you better go update now
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Old 19-03-2005, 00:10   #37
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grumble grumble....

Veggies got me whipped!

(goes to write chapter seven)
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 20-03-2005, 05:19   #38
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Chapter 5:

Originally Posted by Veggie Delite
[ this was super! fantastic...! it felt like watching a very realistic movie ]

[uhuh uhuh uhuh - I agreed with Veggie delite. I like this one too .. its light and soft ...]

[ *off to read chap 6* ]


[I'm here .. don't worry Veg.. I would never leave you alone .. to kill him/her...]

[oh that was a long reading .. I like this more and more... thanks for the moments Shakrin.. sorry I waited to nice time I could read this peacefully.. and focusly.. ]



“Hold me…”
[ aahhh .. ... V...Veg.... ]

I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Last edited by denial; 20-03-2005 at 05:57.
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Old 20-03-2005, 06:52   #39
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Chapter 7

Lena was quickly but soundlessly checking each room per room with her rifle in hand. The place was so quiet; she could hear the agonizing shuffle of each grain of dust and sand beneath her feet. Her eyes flickered about, searching for the slightest movement.

She slowly rounded about the hallway and turned a corner. Then she was faced with a slightly open door, inside, nothing but darkness. She was half sure there was something in there to scare her non-existent balls off, but still she wasn’t sure.

These training facilities and courses really pissed her off.

She took a deep breath, checked behind her back and kicked the door all the way open. “Get down on the ground with you hands on the floor! Now!” Lena swiveled her gun and her self around the room. There was a tiny red florescent light in the corner of the room, exposing nothing in it. The room was empty.

Lena’s eyes flashed with confusion and sudden panic. She was so sure someone was in here! Then she quickly turned back to the door and saw a masked supposed “villain” of this training course emerge from the back of the door and quickly run out of the room.

‘What the hell?! If I’m dead, they’re supposed to point their gun at me, not run away…’ When she was about to pursuit a small object clanked on the floor. She quickly backed away and cursed in her head. It was a fucking flash grenade.

A crack of explosion filled her ears and the sudden flash of light made her eyes dark. This was not good. In the midst of explosion, she had dropped her gun and the ringing sound in her head blistered her brain. Panicking she reached around stupidly for her weapon. The ringing in her head slowly eased, revealing the tiny footsteps coming her way. Her vision was still pitch black.

Okay, the game was over. The speaker should be sounding, bitching about how bad she did. The masked villain should be taking off his mask and helping her up now. The florescent light should be flashing white and blue, marking her failure.

Then… Why was everything quiet? She still couldn’t see though it was clearing up some. But that didn’t help her situation. What the hell was going on?!

Million thoughts flooded her mind as she reached for the wall behind her. Than a cloudy fragrance of a woman’s perfume enveloped her as her eyes widened.

She felt a cold rough hand grab her by her breasts. A husky sultry woman’s voice purred in her ear. A sharp intake of breath on Lena’s side was heard. The villain giggled. The masked person slowly withdrew her hands from Lena’s breasts and just as slowly made its way to the waistband of the red head’s pants. A soft tug at Lena’s belt revealed a sleek grey handcuffs. Lena knew all too well what her intruder was going to do.

She was flipped around and slammed against the wall with the oppressor harshly taking her wrists and cuffing them. “You know officer Katina,” A woman’s voice started. “I realized we always have our sessions in the same place over and over again. My office was getting boring… So here we are. I dismissed everyone since you were the last trainee to come through at eleven thirty eight in the night.”

Another rough tug on the red head’s right arm was cast, cracking her shoulder joints. The voice continued more firmly. “Just because you were personally transferred by Captain Davis himself, doesn’t make you better than me, you fucking faggot. I mean look at you, still running training courses… Fucking rookie...”

With that the woman shoved Lena down to the floor and reached for her own belt, pulling out a bayonet. The woman ripped off her mask off, revealing off her pleasant features. With a flash of reckless grin she brought down her bayonet to Lena’s left leg, stabbing her.

Lena screeched hopelessly pressuring on her cuffs to get free. A quiet low rumble of the woman’s laugh pierced through Lena’s screams and cries. Then the woman slowly dragged her bayonet down to Lena’s knees, the knife part still embedded in Lena’s leg.

“Please!! Please!! Stop hurting me… Oh god…. Please!!!” She screamed, her restraints digging in her skin on her wrists. After much begging and pleading the intruder harshly pulled out her bayonet out of Lena’s leg and ripped off her pants.

When Lena’s was completely naked waist down, the intruder plunged her two fingers in Lena’s raw core, her other hand pressuring Lena’s body to hold still.

“M-Miss Ivanova…Please let me go… Please… That hurts…Please, fuck that hurts!!” Lena shirked again when she felt another fingers being inserted in her.

“You fucking know my first name Lena. You better say it if you don’t wanna get fucking hurt. Say it bitch. Call my name. Say it!” The intruder shrieked.

“Sophy! Damn it, Sophy!”

“Good girl…” Lena almost sighed out in relief as she felt the fingers pulling away. But the expression of terror struck her face as Sophy said these two words, “My turn.”


“Katina! Wake up!”

Lena jumped up and practically dived out of the bed and dragged herself to the bathroom. She clung on the toilet bowl and threw up in it, pouring her stomach contents in the toilet.

When everything was out, she mindlessly flushed and set herself on the sink, turning on the cold water. She needed a cold shower.

Then a reluctant touch on her arm made her whimper. What the hell was that? She wasn’t in her dream anymore. Snap out of it Katina.

“Lena… You were crying in your sleep. Did you dream of…?” Volkova trailed off, not exactly finishing up her sentence. The brunette had followed her to the bathroom after she had woken her up. Lena nodded before submerging her face in the cool water in the sink. When she pulled herself back out she turned off the water and hastily wiped her face on her sleeves.

“Don’t worry about it, Miss Volkova. I just get like this sometimes.” Lena said curtly before dismissing Yulia completely and walking out of the bathroom with hollow space in her eyes.

Miss Volkova. Lena had just called her Miss Volkova. What had happened to Yulia?

Volkova’s eyes followed the figure walking off and made a hint of frown. So this is what Lena felt like when she had dismissed her so many times before, she thought.

Lena briskly walked out of the hospital and sprinted to her car. She immediately placed her keys in the ignition and sped out of the parking lot. Her she was still sweating. Her insides shook and it felt as thought she couldn’t breathe.

She needed a cold shower.


Volkova was motionlessly and as well as expressionlessly sitting up on her bed with a blanket covering her legs. Her eyes were directed to the open window, which strands of her flattened spiky hair blew in the tickling breeze.

Tapping of knocks echoed in the motionless room. Volkova did not show any sign of acknowledgement that she had heard the knocking on her door. But without a hint of doubt the door opened, and Jack Davis walked in. He looked neat as his usual self with a bloated grin on his face.

“Good morning Detective Volkova. How are you feeling?” He asked casually, but the grin on his face did not go away. When Volkova failed to answer his, he just smirked.

“Detective… You don’t like being stuck in this place, treated like a patient, am I right?” Jack asked playfully. Volkova turned her head to look at Jack but there still nothing shown on her face. ‘Well at least I have her attention.’ Jack though inwardly as he suppressed the urges to pump her fist in the air with victory. Maybe that was exaggerating.

“How about you come back to work. With chemotherapy here and there, and day off here and there… If that is what’s required to have you back at the office, I’d do it gratefully. So how about it?” A pause of silence seeped into their room. Talk about awkward. But Volkova just watched Jack curiously before getting up wordlessly and collecting her clothes to change.

Jack smiled at that and took out the release form in his pocket and signed it. He hurled the piece of paper on the bed and happily escorted Volkova back to his car when the brunette came back out.


The next few days, a permanent grimace on Volkova’s face never went away. Even when she was doing paper works, drinking coffee, looking out the window or an emergency services she was called out to do. The bitter expression never left.

It was partly because Lena didn’t show up for work since she had left from the hospital. And it was partly because the chemotherapies and constantly being cautious and taking pills were such a bother. That’s why Jack’s been limiting her emergency services out in the streets. That annoyed her.

But mainly it was because of Lena. She would often look out the window and ponder about her, think how she had connected with the red head and she had connected with her in some ways. She would wonder if the red head indeed did not care about her enough to no to show up for work or even call her notifying why she wasn’t going to show, why would she have held her during that night after she had her marrow checked? Why would she kiss her when she desperately needed to be loved once in while, and why she had watched her cry like she cared.

Was it all a lie?

She would growl at the thought. She so hoped it wasn’t just for show, and that everything was just a sick joke or a risky chance of a lie. She was hurt enough.

Maybe Lena did this for that. Maybe Lena did that for this. Maybe. Maybe.

Lena. Lena. Lena. Lena. Lena.

The damn girl wouldn’t leave her alone. Those green grey eyes would haunt her in the midst of her deepest sleeps and her smile shone through her pitch dark room. She would hear her laugh when her stereo in her car was blaring and she would hear her voice whispering in her ear when she was asleep, waking her.


It was the third week since Lena began her hide and seek game. Though some officers went to her house just to see if she was safe, they would briefly see her before she shut the door on the faces. At least she was not harmed, Volkova would think.

But as time passed more and more, she got disgusted with herself for even caring for the red head anymore. Katina had abandoned her. Left her for dead. Maybe she found someone else she could have a fling with. Maybe she thought the brunette was too much was an icy heart to thaw out.

Volkova hated her. Despised her with all she was worth and would shoot her if she just pranced in her office at any time.

But Volkova loved her. Loved her so much that it made her hate the red head all the more. Everything about Katina plagued her, contaminated her, and infected her.

Volkova sat in her chair looking out her office’s window again. Her face set on her usual grimace, and her arms were crossed in a defiant gesture. But after a while in the same position she stood herself up, grabbing her coat.

It’s time she visited the red head an overdue visit.


Apprehensive. That’s what she felt. Those piercing and grimacing intense blue eyes just staring her down. It made her apprehensive. She was pretty sure that it showed because the brunette welcomed herself in brushing past the red head.

Lena looked down at the floor not knowing what to do, before closing her front door shut and follow her superior.

Volkova plopped herself down on one of Lena’s couches. And once again those knowing blue eyes stared her down as Lena sat not too far beside Volkova. Those eyes knew her so well. Those eyes looked, read, analyzed, calculated, measured and weighed everything she was, everything she did and everything she thought. That was what made Lena so apprehensive. Because every movement and thought was scrawled on her face in a haste handwriting all over her face for Volkova to read.

Her voice punctured her thoughts.

“You thought you could run away…? That won’t help.” Volkova said, in her signature monotone voice. Lena just nervously fidgeted with her fingers. “No one can run away from their past.” Volkova continued. Somewhere along the line, Lena was sure that her voice cracked. “Because your past is dark, running to a bright place would only make your shadow of the past leap higher. Running to a dark place would only eat you alive right then and there.”

Lena looked up then, watching those blue eyes glossed with unshed tears.

As sudden as her entrance was, Volkova stood up to exit.

“You’re showing up for work tomorrow Katina. That’s an order. If not, I’m coming back here to pay you another visit.”


It was ten thirty in the morning. Katina was always here at six.

Volkova openly frowned looking out at her window with her arms crossed. She hated waiting.


It was nearing 9:30pm. Slowly one by one officer left from their posts to their families. Katina didn’t come. Just as she picked up her coat to leave for Lena’s, Jack stepped in her office. He had a white envelope in his hand. He wordlessly placed it on Volkova’s desk. Avoiding her gaze, he nervously said, “Good night” and left for home himself.

Volkova curiously peered over at the white envelope. It couldn’t be pay day. It was too early.

She reluctantly picked it up and slid out the content from inside. It was a letter, addressed to Volkova herself. It was from Lena, she had immediately recognized the expert like hand writing scrawled all over the paper.

But it wasn’t a personal letter like she had hoped.

It was a resignation application.


Volkova swerved all over the road as fast as she could to Lena’s house. Something of a bad feeling gnawed at her heart, and somewhere at the corner of her mind begged and pleaded for it didn’t want to get hurt. No more pain.

She sloppily parked her car on Lena’s driveway and ran to the front door. Something quirked her senses as she saw the house’s lights were all on. Every one of them. And she almost cursed out loud when she saw the front door ajar.

Something was wrong.

She quickly went in and the sight that met her caused her to gasp out loud. She combed every inch of the house with her eyes and tears flowed from her eyes. But she took no heed. Everyone she showed her true self to, killed her.

Elena Katina was no exception.

The house was empty. No furnitures, no coziness, no Lena’s fragrance, everything was gone. The house was just an empty shell. She ran up to Lena’s former bedroom. It was the same thing in there too.

No clothes thrown about, no bed, no drawers, closet’s doors ajar revealing the empty coat racks.

With one more sweep through the house from a hint of Lena’s passing, she staggered out of the house, stepping one step at a time.

She ignored her car, and walked straight by it, her eyes again achingly dull and her feet dragging her back to the precinct.

As she stepped inside the building, couple of all nighters nodded her in greetings, not noticing her despair. She slowly made her way to Lena’s desk, and collapsed on the red head’s chair. All her stuff was still there. Some photograph frames here and there, and the red head’s coat still clinging on to the chair. This was the coat that the red head always forgot to take with her every night.

She pulled on the coat and draped herself with it. The sudden perfume of Lena’s shrouded every senses Volkova had. With a last holding breath she let out, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

[more turns up ahead... I aint done yet ladies and gentlemen. or should I say Ladies and ladies? anyways... Cheers! ]

[oh and by the way... I promise I'll make the updates a lil more faster... just ease on the death threats lol thanks for reading this! ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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Old 21-03-2005, 21:13   #40
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Location: Stairway to Heaven~
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[This is a short on compared to the other chapters.]

Chapter 8

Lena was crying when she was unpacking her thing on the scrungy motel bed. She thought about how Yulia was going to get when she finds her gone. Even though she acted oblivious to Yulia’s behavior, she knew that the brunette was getting too attached. She knew that somewhere inside that she was breaking, believing in love again.

But she cried harder at the fact that she didn’t. Each and every dreams, and the fact that Kozlov and Ivanova was back didn’t help her stand up high as she hoped. If she could block everything out as Yulia did when she first came, it would be easier.

Yes, Volkova was right, love *is* just a fairy tale. Only obesseity and attachment. Hormones. All hormones. But the tears did not cease. But she knew it was only for that day. By tomorrow, she will be the new stony face, whatever she may be feeling.

That was a comforting thought, that no matter her rapists would do she wouldn’t give them the pleasure of her emotions.

Her thoughts drifted back to Yulia. How she kissed her. How she held her. How she breathed in her scent. How worried she got when she got the news that Yulia had luekemia. Yulia’s black spiky hair, her blue intense eyes, her lips when it quivered in curiousness. And how Lena thought that she would be the savior or some kind of angel to save Yulia from all the dark.

Lena smirked as she threw the last remaining clothes on to the pile on the bed.

‘You’re a real angel, Lena.’ A voice in her head snapped, making the red head break down on her knees and cry in her hands.

3 years later…

Doctor Hagen helped Yulia off the examining bed and scratched his head. He looked at her longingly, holding a clipboard of several different coloured papers.

“Please Yulia. I know you don’t want to take the operation but please rethink this through. And even if you agree, we have to find the doner first so it’ll take a while for you to actually take the operation. Please Yulia. If you keep going on like this you’ll die.” Hagen implored.

Yulia glanced at the doctor briefly before shrugging on her coat. She sighed as she snatched the clipboard from him and taking the pen from the deswk she swiftly signed her name. A broad smile broke on Hagen’s face.

“I’m only dying when she comes to see it.” She said in her monotone voice. And Hagen knew exactly who she was talking about.

“Well I’m late for my shrink’s appointment. My old one got fired because he tried to seduce me. Hope the new ones better.” Yulia barely talked above the whisper volume, but Hagen was used to this.

“Knock ‘em dead, girl.” He said richly. At that Yulia threw a small smile, so small you could’ve missed it if you blinked. But Hagen got it. And he was happy. He knew how hard it was for Yulia to show emotions here and there like that. But she was improving.

“You smiled!” He exclaimed. But Yulia just waved him off and slowly walked out of his office. But Hagen continued. “I’m gonna hold you to that, Volkova!”


It was near christmas so the streets were filled with jolly and merry people. She hated Christmas. Holidays like that always drew crowds in the tiniest nooks and crannies, so she didn’t have time to be alone.

She slipped in a lone coffee shop that looked quite inconspicuous. It was quiet in there, no crowds. She sighed and plopped into a seat. Her shrink would have to wait. The coffee shop had a clear window at the front of the shop. It showed everyone that walked past, what they were doing and what they looked like. They looked so happy.

She closed her eyes and sighed. She was getting tired too easily now. It was annoying. As she almost fell into a light cat nap, her sixth sense told her to open her eyes and look the fuck out the window. She grimaced and reluctantly opened her eyes, letting her sight focus outside.

She froze. She blinked. She rubbed her eyes and looked again.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, as those firey red curls marched past the coffee shop. She watched in awe as the red head stopped to stoop down to her left shoe to tie her loose shoe lace.

Volkova tilted her head with widened eyes as she looked at the girl in wonder. Was it really her? Was it really her Lena?

Those rosy cheeks and those green grey eyes… It *was* her. But the red head slowly marched out of her sight, passing the coffee shop completely. Volkova stood up immediately, and blurred out of the coffee shop, pursueing the red curls.

The way thousands of people on the same street tried to squirm past disgusetd her and angered her. She needed to find Lena. She couldn’t lose her now.

She saw those red curls pass the street to the other side, and Volkova followed at a distance. She quietly followed Lena, not caring where she ended up.

Then she saw her and herself walking into a building she vaguely recognized. She stopped herself as she looked around the building. It was her shrink’s office and where other shrinks resided. She frowned.

The hell with her appointment.

She silently trudged out of the building and casually sat on the steps leading to the entrance of the building. She hastily took out a pack from her back pocket and shook out a cigarette. She searched for her lighter and lit her cigarette.

She inhaled deeply and captured the sweet smoke in her lungs. She softly exhaled, breathing the smokes out.

She stayed like that on the steps for quite a while. A hour? Maybe two. Her cigarette pack was getting to be empty.

‘What are you waiting for, Volkova?’ The small voice in her head chirped. Volkova sighed as she took a deep drag on her god knows how many she had smoked.

‘The inevitable.’ She replied back to her voice.

‘And what would that be?’ The voice chirped back.

‘You’ll see.’ She said, cutting the conversation short. Talking to herself like that creeped her out anyways.

But as she took out the last cigarette from the pack and lighting it up, she heard those familiar footsteps behind her. Those footsteps told her that whomever was walking towards her was a little unsure. She frowned.

What the hell.

She got up and turned to look.

…What the hell.

Lena was standing there with utter shock on her face. Her hands on her sides were clenched into a tight fist. Her eyes were welling up. Well tough, Volkova’s eyes wasn’t.

Volkova smirked and climbed the steps one by one. When the brunette got close enough, she flicked away her last cigarette out on the streets and looked up at the red head.


Lena’s head was turned to the side, with her holding her cheek. Volkova was shaking. She had slapped Lena.

“Bitch…” Volkova murmured before turning out to the streets and heading for the precinct.

As she walked to her destination, she ordered for her voice to come back. The voice chirped again.

‘Was *that* the inevitable?’ It asked. Volkova sighed.

‘Yes.’ She replied.

*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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