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Old 30-03-2005, 06:37   #21
spyretto spyretto is offline
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It's easy for you to say, cause you use refined methods to get the message straight away. Others may be still confused, wondering about her lyrics, and I'm sure her fans have jumped on the wagon of trying to give different interpretations.

"Is it about Afghanistan?", "is it a feminist critique?"? "is it this? is it that?

Well, I think it's what you say it is, cause Mme Farmer would rather take refuge in universal truths than refer to things so specific. She has built a myth of herself over the years and is doing a good job at holding on to it for dear life. Others have lost it.

I'll try to reduce the habit of deleting messages, so we're all happy
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Old 30-03-2005, 06:42   #22
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So the paranoid MF kills the innocent version of her - the one in the cage; but she's also a victim.
i don't see that like that ...the captive mylène "is" in a cage as a "witch" for me....i mean cut hair, prisonner robe... the interpretation of "witch" the middle age "witches" might be linked to "magie" ,bad conception of religion or Sexe....things which ere against the "moral"..

So i don't think Mylène killed the Mylène captive....think this last one was killed by the Society because she acted against the trditionnal moral....

So the Black Mylène come to "avenge" her and fights against the all anonymous, power, religious frighting members...the traditionnal society...
So she returns the situation : usally men said "Faites l'amour, nous la guerre" she becomes a warrior herself...

Who could be the black Mylène ? I mean which relations with the captive Mylène ? She could be her "emotionnal, thoughts" sister....(another person who is in the same position...agaisnt the traditionnal moral...)...she could be her real sister....she could be her Ghost, fantôme...reincarnation....I mean she could be the captive Mylène who comes back to have a when she acts she thinks about the captive Mylène , her previous life....flash-back...She has her vengeance in usisng the "society, men" weapon: the War instead of the traditionnal role devoted to women : Love..., with her friends , the crows (traditionnal friends of witches...not as a symbol of rigidity or society , for my part...Mylène awlays loved the crows...they are the symbol of all what is occulte...)....
When her vengeance is accomplish, she diseapppar in dust or little crows to fly and go further with the wind and fight again against the Injustice of Society which doesn't recognize difference way of life......

I feel it as a song against the Society linked to Tradition and Religion/Power (the allusion to Marie /Martyr is Strong in the song and dead Mylène apppears in the clip as a true Martyr... victim....The witch becomes a Saint/Holy)..
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Old 30-03-2005, 06:46   #23
forre forre is offline
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I saw a question of Nath's to help with the meaning and answered it. I said why there's a key and what purpose all the additional info has. I don't know why her fans think of her as a sort of myth. If you are searching for another weird artist with more international success, then Bjork is a good example. Farmer is good, her songs are fine.
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Old 30-03-2005, 06:54   #24
spyretto spyretto is offline
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..almost a feminist reading nath good

Well, I held on to one specific effect for my interpretation: from the blood of the scarecrows a new crow is morphed. I thought that had some significance.
On the other hand, she was always fond of playing heroines ( of sorts ) in her videos.

P.S. Bjork? Why not Madonna - with more international recognition and she's also a better dancer
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Old 30-03-2005, 06:55   #25
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The world of Farmer is : occulte, communications with Dead people, all things linked with Death, opposition to society with her "Witch Side: sexe linked to Evil, death communication..."...She loved Allan Edgar Poe and this one wrote a lot about The Double..."Wilson Wilson" and so on...
I mean ...Farmer I think was during some times in a Religious School Institution when she was a kiddie or a teenager and she is a rebell agaisnt that ...
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Old 30-03-2005, 06:59   #26
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Not really a Feminist but Religion & Power & Laaws are femisnist indeed...but i don't feel her as a feminist to "get more"...but just as a feminist to "repear/ fix" the injustice....
Faites l'Amour, Nous la guerre: Men are made to make War so have the Power, Women have just to shut up and make love..
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Old 30-03-2005, 07:03   #27
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Madonna used religion as a provocation...but she seems enough structured in her head....Mylène isn't clear at all in her head ...and I don't know Björn but she seems worse...with more creatiity and talent I think...but Björn could be dramatic but I feel her with more positive sides, more light sides than farmer who doesn't seems to advance ...she statys in the same state for 20 years...closed in her dark aspect...
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Old 30-03-2005, 07:04   #28
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally Posted by forre
I saw a question of Nath's to help with the meaning and answered it. I said why there's a key and what purpose all the additional info has. I don't know why her fans think of her as a sort of myth. If you are searching for another weird artist with more international success, then Bjork is a good example. Farmer is good, her songs are fine.
I'm sort of a fan of her work - not really a fan of her person - but when I was referring to creating a myth I meant it this way: she's avoiding the public eye as much as possible. We always see the artist (actor) Farmer and not the real person. Doesn't give interviews. So the less you see of her the more of a myth is created around her name.
So I said she's trying to preserve the myth and mystery she constructed around her name, if that makes any sense.

As for Madonna and Bjork..well, no, I don't think so. Not my cup of tea at all. Bjork is plain weird, and not evolving much as an artist. As for Madonna..well, I'd rather not say. But I understand where they're coming from.
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Old 30-03-2005, 07:10   #29
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Originally Posted by spyretto
So I said she's trying to preserve the myth and mystery she constructed around her name, if that makes any sense.
Nath informed me yesterday that the trick is borrowed from Garbo.

It's not about the myths anyway, Farmer is sending an important message. She has a very good but somewhat critical perseption of the world and she's good at telling that to the audience.
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Old 30-03-2005, 07:16   #30
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In France I think we have 2 Stars in the meaning of Garbo Or Louise Brooks: secret , who seem unaccessible....Farmer and Isabelle Adjani.....but , by my side, I think if they 'ld make the tatysite test of nevrotic pathologies , they'ld be both Very High n all the options ..hhih...
But here , the question is : "Is it possible to be a "creator", an artist if you 're without "nevrose", psychological problems or fragilities?"....If you're perfectly okay with yourself , why this desire to show you to the public , or to write to share ?
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Old 30-03-2005, 07:38   #31
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally Posted by nath
Not really a Feminist but Religion & Power & Laaws are femisnist indeed...but i don't feel her as a feminist to "get more"...but just as a feminist to "repear/ fix" the injustice....
Faites l'Amour, Nous la guerre: Men are made to make War so have the Power, Women have just to shut up and make love..

So, she sees herself as a heroine again...a bit vain for my liking but it's her. She could have done it a little more powerful in that case though. We don't see much in a way of a story.

But here , the question is : "Is it possible to be a "creator", an artist if you 're without "nevrose", psychological problems or fragilities?"....If you're perfectly okay with yourself , why this desire to show you to the public , or to write to share ?
'Cause you can become rich and famous?
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Old 30-03-2005, 08:25   #32
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it's not the first or the last who is nihilistic in her approach--> these ones lie! hihi! to say I love nobody , i care of nothing s just the protected way to say "I want everybody loves ME!" hihihi...always the same story ....hahah...these ones are the worse narcissics...
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Old 30-03-2005, 08:30   #33
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We had Arnold the Terminator we have Spy The was the nickname of Jean Reno in "Leon"....
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Old 01-04-2005, 16:24   #34
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Track 1 Avant que L'ombre, beautiful beautiful song, her falsetto at the end, amazing.
Track 2 Fuck Them All, alas, the only rocking song of the album.
Track 14 Et Pourtant, very nice ballad, Mylene's trademark.

The rest are fillers, they sound like Alizee's songs only they're WORSE.
I'm pretty disappointed but her fans seem to like this work so...

Last edited by spyretto; 02-04-2005 at 18:08.
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Old 03-04-2005, 08:33   #35
taty994945 taty994945 is offline
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I think 'Fuck them all' is a great song, except the parts where they say 'fuck them all'. It's so annoying and stupid imo.

Thanks nath!
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Old 03-04-2005, 12:26   #36
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I have the feeling that Track 13 - Peut-être Toi could work ...with a better mixage...."Shut Up, Shut Up,Shut Up..." could work in the gay night-club.....*by the way Mylène has improved in english!.. *
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Old 03-04-2005, 13:59   #37
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Well, now that I listened a bit more to her album I think that all the songs are interesting for about a minute. All the ideas are exhausted after that, and they degenarate into boredom. It's as if they had some ideas but they couldn't develop them into a 4 minute-song that'd be interesting enough, or maybe they only had few ideas for too many songs. Quantity is not always quality.
Peut-etre Toi for example, it starts well, you expect a spark to come out from somewhere but it doesn't. Same with almost all the rest of the songs.

It's intruiging, because you want to keep on listening hoping that you'll start liking the song but there's not much there, neither a grower nor an instant hook. Most of the choruses are weak ( example: Tous Ces Combats, nice start WEAK chorus ).

She has improved her English, how? Cause she uses English phrases? It reminds me of japanese pop, LOL

in silence solehwa
in silence hatehshinaku
in silence sotto
oh my heart mayotteh ita

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Old 03-04-2005, 15:35   #38
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Okay... I know this is WAY of topic... but could someone tell me how "Mylène" is pronounced? I'm wondering especially cause of the funky "è" in the middle.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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Old 03-04-2005, 15:40   #39
spyretto spyretto is offline
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the stress goes where there's a stress Mylene..last "e" is silent
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Old 03-04-2005, 15:46   #40
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Originally Posted by spyretto
the stress goes where there's a stress Mylene..last "e" is silent
Thanks. That's what I thought.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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