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Old 03-12-2010, 17:15   #241
Argos Argos is offline
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Было жарко, было так - что дышать хотелось в такт
Только с ним, он заполонил всё собой одним.
It was hot, it was so , that I could breath synchronously
just with him, he filled everything with himself alone.

Раз вокруг Полынь-трава, что ж меня он не сорвал
Я цвела, я надеялась что ему мила.
Не раскрыв лепестков завяла любовь!
Once I was covered with (mugwort/wormwood) weed, so that he couldn't pluck me,
I hoped that I am his darling.
Because I didn't uncover from the leaves, the love faded away!

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.


Был нектар, остался яд
Вместо ландышей - бурьян!
Да, любовь - тоненький росток
А бурьян жесток.
It was nectar, it remained poison.
Instead of lily-of-the valley - tall weed!
Yes, love is a thin sprout,
but the weed is rigid.

Раз вокруг полынь-трава, что ж меня он не сорвал
Я цвела, я же верила что ему мила.
Не раскрыв лепестков завяла любовь!
Once I was covered with (mugwort/wormwood) weed, so that he couldn't pluck me,
I believed that I am his darling.
Because I didn't uncover from the leaves, the love faded away!

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Которого боюсь я...
Whom I fear...

Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - палач моей души.
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души!
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он - палач моей души!
Он - палач моей души!
He is the hangman of my soul.
He is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он - мой Бог!
He is my God!
May I say I love the song (and the lyrics)? Hopefully this time I got it halfway correct...

Last edited by Argos; 03-12-2010 at 17:54.
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:35   #242
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
Было жарко, было так - что дышать хотелось в такт
Только с ним, он заполонил всё собой одним.
It was hot, it was so , that I could breath synchronously
just with him, he filled everything with himself alone.

Раз вокруг Полынь-трава, что ж меня он не сорвал
Я цвела, я надеялась что ему мила.
Не раскрыв лепестков завяла любовь!
Once I was covered with (mugwort/wormwood) weed, so that he couldn't pluck me,
I hoped that I am his darling.
Because I didn't uncover from the leaves, the love faded away!

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.


Был нектар, остался яд
Вместо ландышей - бурьян!
Да, любовь - тоненький росток
А бурьян жесток.
It was nectar, it remained poison.
Instead of lily-of-the valley - tall weed!
Yes, love is a thin sprout,
but the weed is rigid.

Раз вокруг полынь-трава, что ж меня он не сорвал
Я цвела, я же верила что ему мила.
Не раскрыв лепестков завяла любовь!
Once I was covered with (mugwort/wormwood) weed, so that he couldn't pluck me,
I believed that I am his darling.
Because I didn't uncover from the leaves, the love faded away!

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Которого боюсь я...
Whom I fear...

Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - палач моей души.
He is a treasure, it seemed, but now (just) pennies.
He is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души!
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он - палач моей души!
Он - палач моей души!
He is the hangman of my soul.
He is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он Бог, которому молюсь я!
Он враг, которого боюсь я!
Он клад, казалось, а теперь гроши
Он - плач мой, он - палач моей души.
He is God, to whom I pray!
He is an enemy, whom I fear!
He is a treasure, it seemed, now (just) pennies.
He is my crying, he is the hangman of my soul.

Он - мой Бог!
He is my God!
May I say I love the song (and the lyrics)? Hopefully this time I got it halfway correct...
thanks. can i ask. is there any news on the 10 year concert of via gra yet? the tv version?
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Old 07-12-2010, 19:57   #243
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
is there any news on the 10 year concert of via gra yet? the tv version?
Nothing yet, but I will keep track of it. I assume, it will be broadcasted during the holidays. Whenever, I will cap it and upload.
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Old 20-03-2011, 18:51   #244
Argos Argos is offline
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Springtime - and the next change is coming! Albina Dzhanabaeva will leave the group already this spring. She has already mentioned in a few interviews that she is planning a solo project and several other things, so it's not a big surprise. My last halfway 'official' information was that she will quit in May this year, but maybe we will see the new girl sooner. In a week there will be the 10-Years anniversary (the Russian one) in the Krokus City Hall and our best-known paparazzi tell us that the next VIA Gra girl may participate there. Her name is Tanya Vorzheva, and she was in the same 'Star Factory 3' as Eva Bushmina. She was disqualified at the national song contest 2011, because there were 7 people on stage. Quite a sexy girl, but not a very strong voice.
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Old 21-03-2011, 18:58   #245
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
Springtime - and the next change is coming! Albina Dzhanabaeva will leave the group already this spring. She has already mentioned in a few interviews that she is planning a solo project and several other things, so it's not a big surprise. My last halfway 'official' information was that she will quit in May this year, but maybe we will see the new girl sooner. In a week there will be the 10-Years anniversary (the Russian one) in the Krokus City Hall and our best-known paparazzi tell us that the next VIA Gra girl may participate there. Her name is Tanya Vorzheva, and she was in the same 'Star Factory 3' as Eva Bushmina. She was disqualified at the national song contest 2011, because there were 7 people on stage. Quite a sexy girl, but not a very strong voice.
Ha ha another change.

I suppose Via Gras new year resolution is they have to change at least 1 member a year :P I cant believe albina is going though. I'm so used to hearing her voice now.
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Old 23-03-2011, 20:18   #246
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And now the dementi:
«О своем "уходе" я, как обычно, узнала из прессы. Ну что сказать: журналисты опять развлекаются. Я не уйду».

I learned about my "leaving" from the press, as usual. Well, what to say: the journalists again are having a good time. I won't leave.

Good news.
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Old 26-03-2011, 18:09   #247
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haha this is so funny
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Old 26-03-2011, 18:36   #248
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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VIA GRA in Central Station

Цветок и нож

Я не поняла

Не оставляй меня любимый


Обмани,но останься



Last edited by Argos; 26-03-2011 at 19:04. Reason: link correction
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Old 19-10-2011, 22:18   #249
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New Via Gra Line up.

Project Composer "Konstantin Meladze says "Via Gra" are ready to present their new creation! The new song and video will go into rotation at the beginning of November 2011. The group have been absent from the charts and a new song had been delayed due to the fact that the team has one again reshuffled. New Soloist of the group "Via Gra" is 19 year old singer Ekaterina Gudaeva (Ex lead singer of Hot Chocolate), which she anounced herself as a solo singer on August 2011, releasing a few songs which didnt win over the hearts of the listeners. On the proposal to become a member of the group "Via Gra" the girl said yes! But who will she replace, We will find out in november!


sorry for poor translation.
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Old 20-10-2011, 02:35   #250
obez17 obez17 is offline
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WHAT!?!?! NOOOOO! i like all 3 of them. booooooo
Veseliye Ulybki --> Happy Smiles
Upravleniye Otbrosami --> Waste Management
obez17 --> monk17
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Old 20-10-2011, 16:31   #251
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
Project Composer "Konstantin Meladze says "Via Gra" are ready to present their new creation! The new song and video will go into rotation at the beginning of November 2011. The group have been absent from the charts and a new song had been delayed due to the fact that the team has one again reshuffled. New Soloist of the group "Via Gra" is 19 year old singer Ekaterina Gudaeva (Ex lead singer of Hot Chocolate), which she anounced herself as a solo singer on August 2011, releasing a few songs which didnt win over the hearts of the listeners. On the proposal to become a member of the group "Via Gra" the girl said yes! But who will she replace, We will find out in november!
Well...A fan attacked the groups 'VIA Gra' and 'Hot Chocolate'
Продюсер группы «Горячий Шоколад» , Дмитрий Климашенко с улыбкой комментирует подобную новость, так как Катя Гудаева никогда не состояла в его группе и более того, известный продюсер ранее об этой девушке никогда не слышал, Дмитрий Климашенко так же ставит под большое сомнение, что Константин Меладзе в курсе, что скоро в «ВИАгре» пройдут такие изменения…
The producer of the group 'Hot Chocolate', Dmitrij Klimashenko comments smiling about such news, that Katya Gudaeva at no time was in his group and on top of that the famous producer never heard about this girl before. Dmitrij Klimashenko questions seriously that Konstantin Meladze is informed that there will soon be such a change in 'VIA Gra'.
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Old 20-10-2011, 21:50   #252
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so what do you think argos? i dont know what to make of this news.
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Old 21-10-2011, 18:52   #253
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
so what do you think argos? i dont know what to make of this news.
Well, several months ago this Ekaterina Gudaeva brought herself into the wiki page of the 'Hot Chocolate' as ex-member with the following awards:
Miss Beautiful Universe 2011
Miss Supranasional 2011
Miss Grand Splendor 2011
Miss International 2011"
Miss Earth 2011
I guess (she)'s an internet hooligan, who is obsessed with the group or somebody who is really mad at the proceedings of the group lately. The group is three years old and has already changed the complete line-up, there seem to be 5 true ex-members (and at least 3 fake ones in the wiki page history). Interesting music though.

As for VIA Gra: Meladze is attracted to sexy Nadya, loves bitchy Albina, and of course adores Eva's voice. It won't be his choice if the line-up changes again. Probably they are currently working on an album ( the second real studio thing in VIA Gra's long history).
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Old 15-12-2011, 02:51   #254
obez17 obez17 is offline
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Goodbye Nadya...
Veseliye Ulybki --> Happy Smiles
Upravleniye Otbrosami --> Waste Management
obez17 --> monk17
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Old 15-12-2011, 11:49   #255
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Originally Posted by obez17 View Post
That went unexpected. The new one is Santa Dimopoulos, from the third star factory, where Meladze was the producer. She has quite the Nicole Scherzinger look, but unfortunately not so much her show talent. Her singing is excellent, but she is a little bit boring, couldn't gain a foothold in the Ukrainian showbiz at all. A character is gone, a calf has come. By the way, Albina looks as young as never before!
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Old 17-12-2011, 01:42   #256
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
That went unexpected. The new one is Santa Dimopoulos, from the third star factory, where Meladze was the producer. She has quite the Nicole Scherzinger look, but unfortunately not so much her show talent. Her singing is excellent, but she is a little bit boring, couldn't gain a foothold in the Ukrainian showbiz at all. A character is gone, a calf has come. By the way, Albina looks as young as never before!
It was circulating for months that this was gonna happen.
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Old 17-12-2011, 18:03   #257
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
It was circulating for months that this was gonna happen.
Rumours about the next change are common with an average of 1.1 changes per year, nothing to really bother. Anyway, the surprise wasn't about a change, but about the choice. Both Nadya and Albina have to leave in the near future, but I was quite sure it would be Albina. She made no secret that she is preparing for a solo career, while Nadya was brought back into the group not so long ago. And Santa is the next surprise, she is definitely the least talented showgirl among Meladze's fosterlings, she simply doesn't know what to do on stage and isn't attentive at all (the vid above is quite a proof for this). Not the best qualification for a VIA Gra girl. Tanya Kotova was far better in that respect from the beginning. By the way, she launched her second single three weeks ago - Red On Red.
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Old 25-12-2011, 17:19   #258
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
Rumours about the next change are common with an average of 1.1 changes per year, nothing to really bother. Anyway, the surprise wasn't about a change, but about the choice. Both Nadya and Albina have to leave in the near future, but I was quite sure it would be Albina. She made no secret that she is preparing for a solo career, while Nadya was brought back into the group not so long ago. And Santa is the next surprise, she is definitely the least talented showgirl among Meladze's fosterlings, she simply doesn't know what to do on stage and isn't attentive at all (the vid above is quite a proof for this). Not the best qualification for a VIA Gra girl. Tanya Kotova was far better in that respect from the beginning. By the way, she launched her second single three weeks ago - Red On Red.
But it doesnt make sense how she is singing on here and she sounds good. Yet the whole time she's been in VIA Gra she hardly ever sang? And even when she did the vocals were terrible.
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Old 05-01-2012, 23:42   #259
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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There is a Rumor that "Танцуем диско is VIA Gra's new song. Its sung with Konstantin Meladze. They have gone back in the 70's :P Here is a clip of them singing it. I actually like it. Also clips of other performances.

Танцуем диско

Новогодний Голубой огонек: ВИА Гра - День без тебя!

Сергей Лазарев и ВИА Гра - Звенит январская вьюга
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Old 06-01-2012, 11:51   #260
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
There is a Rumor that "Танцуем диско is VIA Gra's new song.
Unlikely. a) Not Meladze work - b) a song from 1979.
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