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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 24-11-2003, 23:04   #201
haku haku is offline
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Roman knew about the party, he did it on purpose. In fact, i think Tanya suggested the idea to Roman. She knew Yulia would be devastated, and now she can show up and "comfort" Yulia. Nice plan.

Oh well, some things are not meant to be... *Shrugs and tries hard not to think about what Roman is going to do to Lena in NYC*
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 24-11-2003, 23:29   #202
samegirl samegirl is offline
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i need a glass of vodka...
He's going to...*shut her eyes* nevermind...
Vicky you are mean with us...
And this is no good for my menthal health...I'm so sad i could hug yulia and cry with her right now...It's not fair, it's not fair...
and haku is right...he did it on purpose...i could kick him and bit him and put riviera's baseball bat in roman's everybody knows where...
Hate-love relationships are like a rollercoaster...i'm feeling dizzy right now...poor volk!
*tries to sneak in the fic to comfort yulia, but fails and sats in a corner hugging her stuffed lena and her stuffed shark...*
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

things are getting desperate
when all the boys can't be men
everybody knows i'm her friend
everybody knows i'm her man
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Old 25-11-2003, 00:15   #203
amikana amikana is offline
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bastard!!! [scowls at Roman]
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Old 25-11-2003, 00:35   #204
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Well, well, well. That`s life. Poor Julia. And poor Lena, she don`t know what she missed. Thank you vicky7 . IMO you picked up great songs here, they suit very well to this chapter.
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Old 25-11-2003, 02:47   #205
rivierakid rivierakid is offline
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Grrrr...Boo on Roman...

And no sticking my baseball bat up his you-know-where. I'd have to burn it afterwards...>.< Although you're welcome to beat him with it all you like, as long as I can help.

And yeah, this chapter just makes you wanna hold Yuli close and tell her everything's alright. Poor girl...

Good one Vicky. You rock!
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Old 25-11-2003, 03:00   #206
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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roman is such a little bastard!
he makes me wanna hurl!

poor yuli!

thanx vicky.
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Old 25-11-2003, 03:51   #207
Violane Violane is offline
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Mad World

Great story! But just to let you know, "Mad World" was
written by Tears For Fears or more specifically, Roland
Orzabal. It's a cool video too, but you might be too young
to remember it.

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Old 25-11-2003, 05:24   #208
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I say we hunt down Roman and stomp him!

Anybody want to join me?

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Old 25-11-2003, 10:36   #209
xena225 xena225 is offline
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vicky7, you are such a meanie. Dangling the carrot before our collective noses, and then pulling it away at the last second. Tsk.

Thanks for the update!

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Old 25-11-2003, 15:18   #210
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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Im thinking that maybe Lena made the whole trip with Roman up as she feels neglected by Yulia and wants it to seem like she will have a good day after all. Knowing Lena she is probaly somewhere sulking and just when Yulia gets up the courage! I only hope that Tanya dosent show up for the "party" and manipulate Yulia. Good job with the torture Vicky (lol)

Eidted to add: I think the song fits perfectly with what Yul is feeling and sometimes a song fits the situation better as it did here so no worries
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Old 26-11-2003, 01:24   #211
denial denial is offline
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*off to Roman's apartment*
*knocks the door*
*Roman opens the door*
*kicks Roman on the stomach real hard* ..
*Roman thrown to the corner of the the room*

You are.... you are......grrrr
Stay away from Lena you bastard! or I'll kill you!

*leaves the thread*

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Old 26-11-2003, 05:57   #212
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Originally posted by parrish122
I say we hunt down Roman and stomp him!

Anybody want to join me?

You bet I will join you!!! That will be the one time I will go hunting...and one I will most definitely enjoy. Ugh that freaken bast...MEAN, EVIL MAN!!!! I still think that Roman did this just to piss Yulia off and show her up since he *knew* about this darn surprise party!!!! Damn that Roman! Damn him!
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Old 26-11-2003, 09:54   #213
prostrel prostrel is offline
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*kicks Roman on the stomach real hard* ..
*Roman thrown to the corner of the the room*

You are.... you are......grrrr
Stay away from Lena you bastard! or I'll kill you!

I say we hunt down Roman and stomp him!

Although you're welcome to beat him with it all you like, as long as I can help.

...i could kick him and bit him and put riviera's baseball bat in roman's everybody knows where...
So much violence here. I`m scared. We all might end up to a gail...
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Old 29-11-2003, 17:17   #214
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 19 part 4


“Please Yulia just calm down, I don’t understand why you’re crying. What’s the matter?” Tanya asked completely bewildered by Yulia’s distress.

“The party…” Yulia sobbed.

“What about it? I’m about to come round now”

“It’s off!” Yulia once again whimpered forlornly unable to stem the flow of tears.

“What do you mean?” This was so confusing, she had only spoken to Yulia a few hours ago and everything was fine, so what had happened?

“It’s off…cancelled.” Yulia said choking on the words “Lena’s on the way to New York… with Roman”

“But…he said he was going on a business trip!”

Reminded of Roman only served to agitate Yulia her tears now of anger rather than sadness. “The b**tard lied! And now Tanya I just don’t know what to do! Everyone will be turning up soon, it’s all such a mess ”

“Hey I’ll come round and I’ll phone everybody to tell them what’s happened ok?” Tanya said soothingly trying to comfort her.


When Tanya arrived at the apartment she was greeted by Yulia dressed only in a dressing gown, her face pale and tear stained, her short hair scrapped back and still damp from the shower.

When she saw Tanya she immediately burst into tears to which Tanya responded by encircling Yulia with her arms. “Hey, it’s ok Yulia, we can sort this” she whispered in her ear reassuringly gently rubbing her back.

Yulia pulled out of Tanya’s embrace and looked at her questioningly with big sad eyes “How can we sort it? Lena isn’t here so all the time and effort was for nothing.” she said gesturing towards the decorations she had so carefully put up all around the apartment.

Tanya didn’t answer, Yulia was right, it had been a waste of time but she didn’t have the heart to agree with her. “You got everyone’s numbers?”

Yulia handed her a sheet containing all the names and numbers of the people they had invited. Her hands were visibly shaking and she looked so physically ill. “Now while I do this you go and dry your hair and put some clothes on before you catch your death of cold.”

“Like it would matter!” Yulia shrugged unhappily, “who would give a s**t anyway?”

“I would, you know I would” Tanya said softly putting a hand to Yulia’s cheek and caressing it delicately and smiling at her sweetly “Now go and I’ll take care of this”

“I’m gone.” Yulia said smiling gratefully at Tanya before going into her bedroom.

Tanya saw the door close behind her and stood for a moment lost in thought. She felt so sad for Yulia, she looked so depressed and world weary and all because of Lena. Tanya would never have thought she could resent Lena like this; so much had changed. She was beginning to fall seriously in love with Yulia but hadn’t realised how deeply her feelings ran for Lena. It was all so frustrating for her; she wanted Yulia so much.

An hour later Tanya had finally finished phoning all the people who were due to attend the party. She needn’t have bothered because they all already knew it was cancelled having received messages from Roman informing them that there would instead be a birthday dinner for Lena on Monday night when they returned from New York.

All the while Yulia had just sat there stony faced in disbelief until Tanya hung up from making the last call on her list. “Let me guess, she knew it was cancelled”

Tanya nodded. “B**tard! B**tard! B**tard!” Yulia swore having finally reached the end of her tether. “He’s f**ked us right over!”

“I know but what can we do? It’s done now and it looks like we’re the only two not invited to this dinner thing on Monday.” Tanya was perplexed by all this Roman had sounded so charming on the phone so why had he so blatantly set out to ruin the party for Lena?

Yulia crossed her arms stubbornly her face set in a scowl “I wouldn’t want to go to the stupid f**king dinner anyway”

“I know you won’t wanna hear this but you don’t suppose he’s going to ask Lena to marry him do you?” Yulia looked mortified as Tanya continued. “It just seems like he’s making too big deal out of all this for it to be just for her birthday”

“DON’T BE SO F**KING STUPID!” Yulia snapped.

Tanya tried to keep a lid on her temper but she was struggling, she was the last person Yulia should be getting angry with. “Hey! Will you stop shouting at me please!”

Yulia didn’t want to shout but why was Tanya trying to add to her torment couldn’t she see she was already suffering enough. “I’m not shouting but why the hell did you have to say that?”

“It’s just…” Tanya started before Yulia cut her off.

“LOOK I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT, JUST SHUT THE F**K UP!” Yulia lashed out wanting to hear no more about Lena, Roman, the party or…anything else.

Tanya grabbed her bag “I don’t have to listen to this I’m going” she said heading for the front door.

Yulia followed halting Tanya in her tracks pleading with her desperately to stay, “Please don’t! I don’t want to be here alone. Please Tanya stay with me!”

Tanya softened, she would stay, she hated to see Yulia so upset. All she wanted to do was take the pain away, kiss her and soothe her better, release her from the shackles of her love for Lena and make Yulia hers.
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Old 29-11-2003, 17:36   #215
prostrel prostrel is offline
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" don’t suppose he’s going to ask Lena to marry him do you?”
You dropped a bomb vicky7 , I haven`t thought that possibility. To Roman Great chapter vicky7, thanks!
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Old 29-11-2003, 17:56   #216
denial denial is offline
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*sigh*... I don't know.

Originally posted by prostrel
To Roman [/b]
That ..... is ... sexy ....Prostrel...
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Old 29-11-2003, 18:02   #217
haku haku is offline
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Ok, Tanya was not involved in the ruining of the party. I've lost my ability to think lately LOL. Oh well, that was bound to happen, i'm getting old.

Marriage? Argh, i'm going to be sick.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 29-11-2003, 23:29   #218
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Here's a short update, figured it was better than nothing!

Chapter 20 –All That Glitters… (part 1)


“Tanya? Is that you?” Lena asked. Why the hell was Tanya answering the phone in her apartment? Where was Yulia?

“Yeah hi Lena! Yulia’s just in the bathroom” Tanya replied chirpily.

“Oh right”

“So you having a good time in the Big Apple?”

“The best!” Lena said forcedly, she had wanted to talk to Yulia about something important, she hadn’t prepared herself to talk to anyone else especially not Tanya.

“Good, good that’s what I like to hear!”

“We’re back tomorrow and I was just phoning to check that Roman left a message inviting you and Yulia to this dinner he’s arranged. He can’t remember who he has invited, can you believe it?”

“He’s a man what do you expect? He hasn’t invited us but we heard about it off other people” Tanya said nonchalantly.

“You’ll come won’t you? And make sure Yulia knows about it?” Lena wasn’t really bothered if Tanya came or not but she wanted to see Yulia there.

“Of course I will, no problem”

“Great thanks Tanya, it’s at the Polanski Hotel in the Harvard suite at eight O’clock.”

“Got it!” Tanya declared as she finished jotting the details down.

“Good! Will see you both there then,” Lena cleared her throat almost nervously “Tell Yul I said hi. Anyway I’d better go Tanya, Roman’s calling me so I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Ok Lena see you tomorrow”

When Lena got off the phone she felt incredibly disappointed, she had wanted to talk to Yulia so badly but typically she had been unavailable to her. She hadn’t seen her since last Wednesday and it was now Sunday. She’d also not even received a card or a present off Yulia for her birthday obviously she didn’t care about her now that Tanya was her friend. She was sure Yulia would always make herself available for Tanya, it was just Lena she couldn’t give a s**t about.

The jealously she felt hung over her for the rest of the day even when Roman took her out to do some shopping. Wherever they went she kept seeing things that reminded her of Yulia. If only she could just forget her…
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Old 30-11-2003, 02:35   #219
denial denial is offline
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vicky7, thanks for the update .. for you

*suddenly from distance*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! *bangs head on wall* bang! bang! bang!
I will forget my dreams
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From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
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Old 30-11-2003, 15:25   #220
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Wow....I'm starting to really feel sorry for Tanya too.

It sounds like she truly cares about Yulia, and it is frustrating to fall for someone who wants someone else, who doesn't want them...or at least doesn't seem to.

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