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Fanfic - The Irish

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Old 13-10-2005, 14:16   #201
serbiantatu serbiantatu is offline
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Hmm bookshop sounds more like Lenas then Angelas kind of thing. So there is chance that Lena is still alive! I hoped ill hear that! Im sure that no matter of how painful must be to know that all those years Lena was alive and not contacted Yulia that still for Yulia thats better then Lena being dead. Because if she get even a second to see her again it worths more then all the years of pain. Besides i believe there was some real real good reason for Lena not go back to Volkova, if shes still alive that is. Thinking about it... In one of earlier chapters young Lena said that she was the one wholl fullfil Irishes promise - maybe by getting Irish back to Volkova?

Thank you for update! I cant wait to see what will happen now! In both ways, in jurnal n if young Lena will get to see if Irish is still alive.
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Old 17-10-2005, 21:23   #202
rasoska rasoska is offline
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although i've been hoping from the beginning that the irish would return back to volkova some day im not so sure anymore! yulia is gonna be crushed if irish is still alive and hadnt come back to her. just to think that lena has been living with angela all those years irish had to had a pretty good damn reason for not retunring (hope so) cos otherwise lol

thank you for the update
Slippery When Wet
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Old 18-10-2005, 05:43   #203
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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I really doubt that the Irish has been living with Angela all this time...I hope I'm not wrong.. although I have been other times.. Anyway..maybe young Lena will found more information from Agela than Juliana did...I can't wait to see what's next!I wish it would never end..
And thx for clearing me that up...I was thinking kinda the same...but I thought that maybe is smth particular the Irish refers to when saying Yulia had lied to her...
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Old 24-10-2005, 16:47   #204
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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Thanks, you guys! I finally got my comp fixed, but the net is still a little
funny. Yes, I’m still deciding which is better between letting Lena live or die.
Aaaaaaaaah. Tough decision! But we’ll see! Sorry for the short update though. ^_^’

BTW, OMG, bigger avatar! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>


At the hour of midnight, the artificial light from streetlights outside slipped through the
window and cast glimmering outline along the curve of the red-haired figure against the
darkness inside the room. Her usually bright green eyes now looked dull, and were half
opened in fatigue. Her sore body lay limp on the bed, the result from being thrown to the
ground by the force of the explosion. The nasty bruise on her left cheek though hid itself
pretty well in the shadow.

By far, this was the loneliest night to Lena Cohen. It was far worse than everything she
had ever experienced. She had lost the person who raised her with absolute love and care,
her best friend who grew up alongside with her, and the one woman who could have been
everything in her life. There was no telling when all this pain would end. It felt as though
it would go on and on, and no matter how hard she prayed she was kept alive once again
to endure it. It was the perfect punishment for the Irish.

When everyone had left her all alone in the field alongside the wrecked Cadillac, she just
lay on the damp ground, as still as she did now, numbly letting the cold rain drown her—
the despair to suffocate her. She was ready to let life slip away. Unexpectedly, Angela
came to her rescue. The woman, who should have been her enemy from the start, instead
took her back home.

“How are you feeling?”

The gentle words crept through the thin air, interrupting the despairing thoughts in Lena’s
mind. She turned her head just slightly and looked at the woman by the doorway. Angela
was carrying a tray with a cup of hot tea, gliding towards the desk on the other side of the
room. Lena never quite understood why the dark-haired woman had always readily
assisted her in every circumstance. She could have been blackmailed and turned in to the
police since last Christmas on the charge of murdering Frederick Young. The Latino spy
could have informed the police of the hotels Lena was staying at. Without Angela’s
insight, she would have been dragged into Roland’s mess, complicating the matter. But
here she was, safe and sound once again even if she never wanted it this way. Angela just
would not let her down. The woman’s devotion had been nothing but obvious, but Lena
was blinded every time Yulia was in her mind.

“Don’t get up,” Angela said, smiling. With the cup in her hand, she came to sit down
beside the redhead on the bed.

Lena sipped the tea as she stole a glance at the beautiful Latino. The spy’s smile grew
wider when she caught the gaze from the green eyes.

“You had me worried sick the past two nights.”

Lena looked down, fixing her gaze upon the warm cup. “Why?”

“It seemed you had terrible nightmares. You were screaming and yelling.”

Lena kept quiet. She hated it when someone caught her off-guard. She generally disliked
sharing her privacy with others. It had happened before when Yulia was staying with her
at the hotel after the bloody Christmas, although it became something else entirely by the
end of the period. The past few nights were also an exception since she was in no state to
chase Angela away.

“I don’t remember what they were. I’d like to thank you anyway for helping me.”

Angela reached for the redhead’s hand. “You don’t have to tell me, and I don’t have to
know… You know you can always count on me. Depend on me.”

Lena gradually looked up to meet the dark gaze. Angela’s tone was soft, unlike the
commanding words she spoke. The woman was begging her to lean on her shoulder
whenever it was needed, asking her to let her in. Lena had done it before, but she was
hurt every time she let her hopes up.

Angela stopped the soft stroke over Lena’s hand when the redhead slowly took her hand
away. In cruel silence, she watched Lena sitting up and looking the other way.

“I don’t want to break the news to you right now, but I don’t see any other better time…”

Still keeping her gaze out the window, Lena kept her face straight as her heart sank. She
could barely stand anything anymore. The past two days felt like the end of the world for

“What is it?” But Lena asked with the voice as calm as ever.

“After most of the witnesses had been killed, the only survivor was Oliver Petitot. He
managed to escape and is still at large. I will try to get to him before the cops do. And, as
expected, Roland and—Yulia had already gone to New York, waiting to catch the next
liner to Europe.”

Deep down inside, Lena couldn’t deny that she had wished for Celia to be the survivor.
Even if it was all Holden’s plan, she could never forgive Roland for what he had done,
and she did not know if she would ever find peace if her hands did not kill again. Trapped
in the tangle someone else had created, she felt she was slowly dying inside. Her inner
scream would never be let out.

“But that wasn’t all. Holden Young had left for London already. He’s somewhere in the
middle of the Atlantic as we speak, looking forwards to his half-a-year-vacation. He
knew, Lena. Everything. He planned it all for you and Roland to fall apart, and he
succeeded, even if it caused his men’s lives. Now, after the massacre, the police will be
watching your every move. It’s too risky to stay here, unless you want out of this
business forever.”

Lena did not even have to decide. She had always wanted out, and without Roland now,
she did not have a reason to go back into the underworld. But that wasn’t her concern.
Sooner or later, she would give in to the force inside her that dictated her to follow
wherever vengeance would lead her. Hatred had always won.

Closing her eyes, the Irish leaned back against the wall as she let out a long sigh. “I’m so
tired… I’m tired of everything…” Before she knew it, tears began to slide down her face.
Clenching her fists, she opened her eyes, but only saw the world darker each day past.
The Irish had led her so far from where she was years ago. It took her to the other place
where she lost everyone she loved.

“I can’t do this anymore. I want to go away—just go away…” Lena muttered, burying
her face in her shaken palms.

Angela hastily moved closer and took the redhead in her arms, rocking her softly as she
kissed the top of Lena’s head. “You definitely don’t have to go back there. No. We could
go somewhere far away no one knows us, Lena. I’ll take you there.”

Although Angela’s words sounded hopeful, Lena herself had no particular place in her
mind. Everywhere she had gone was hellish to her. The world wasn’t big enough for her
to hide. Lethargically, she just rested her head against the dark-haired woman’s shoulder.
To occasionally depend on someone was easier than she had thought. She did not have to
trust Angela wholeheartedly right now, but it helped a little to have someone next to her
at the moment.

Lena looked up when the phone suddenly rang. A tinge of hope suddenly rushed through
her, that it was Yulia calling. She didn’t even have to say, but Angela could tell by just
looking into her eyes that had abruptly brightened up.



Lena froze. It was Oliver Petitot. The line wasn’t secured, and they both knew to make it
short and efficient without giving too much away.

“You still owe me a dollar and fifteen cents. Please come quickly.” With that, Oliver
hung up.

Frowning, Lena put down the receiver and scratched her head.

“Who was it?” Angela asked.

“It was Oliver. He said, ‘You still owe me a dollar and fifteen cents.’ I seriously have no
clue where he is…” Lena pondered.

Angela looked serious for a moment before she chuckled. “If it’s true, I’m amazed
anyone still remembers a debt that small.”

Lena managed the first smile in two days, agreeing with the dark-haired woman. All of
the sudden, she remembered a small encounter, which happened roughly three years ago.
She sprung up from the bed. “That’s how we first met!”

Angela looked bewildered. “What are you talking about?”

“The first time I met him, I was buying some hot bread to eat. I forgot my wallet, but he
lent me some money because he knew who I am. It was exactly one dollar and fifteen
cents!” In truth, Lena was still astounded even now that a street hoodlum in an east coast
city even knew ‘the Irish’.

“A dollar and fifteen cents. You didn’t eat all of them by yourself, did you?”

Lena chortled. “I was buying them for my bodyguards as well.”

“Hmm, where is he now then?”

Lena looked grim at once. It seemed Oliver was leading her to the one place she so did
not want to be right now. “New York. He needs me there now…”

Angela nodded and stood up, firmly taking Lena’s hands. “Someone had helped him to
the port. It means he wants to get out of the country, and he’s making the right decision.
He is the lone witness still alive. Holden must have wanted him dead. The police needs
him back, or their case would be useless. We don’t know his fate, Lena. You and he must
leave before things get out of hand.”

Lena suppressed her sigh. She did not want to think that she would be heading to where
Yulia was. After their last encounter, she did not have the stomach to see her now. She
had done her wrong, denying her and accusing her. Knowing that Yulia was traveling
with Roland only made it harder. If she ever met Roland again, it would be out of her
control. She did not want to pursue Roland and go down the dark path again. She always
remembered the pain, but for the first time in her life, she feared hate. Yulia had lit up her
world with just a simple smile, and she was now afraid to ruin it, even though that might
mean she would never see the blonde again.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 24-10-2005, 22:05   #205
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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Yey!!'re back! I kept checking this thread daily to see if there's any update.... and tonight I found it! *me happy*...I'm glad too know u're PC it's fixed and of course thx for the update uhaku!(I prefer this instead of Icemera...hope u won't mind) short or large, it doesn't matter as long it's smth new...

Now that I've read this...I have to say that I won't blame Lena that if she's still alive she prefered to stay with the end, this latino spy as u said, was always there by her side wiyhout expecting smth in return...while if it was for Yulia...maybe Lena would be dead by now...alone in that field...I dunno...but that's how I feel at this moment...
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Old 24-10-2005, 23:31   #206
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Thanks for the update!!! Seriously, you haven't decided what happens to Lena yet??? I can feel it, we are so close to the end now that I just can't wait!!!!! Some heart breaking is on the way the way I see it!!! I mean, *more* heartbreak!!!!
Dreams aren't perfect;
they come true;
not free!
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Old 25-10-2005, 01:53   #207
YLuelniaa YLuelniaa is offline
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wow, what can i say at the beginning that was so rough to read...the pain..then having to deal with Angela, hearing the news of Yulia and Roland leaving together.. the one shes loves with the one who betrayed her...the suffering.
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Old 25-10-2005, 09:25   #208
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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I still don't know whether to feel grateful for Angela, Why is it that she keep popping up when the Irish is in trouble?? and the news about Yulia and Roland (well that was expected but still a little hard to swallow after that field incident). I do hope that there is some resolution for them all, eventually( you have tough decision to make eh??) Thanks for continuing this amazing fic, I really look forward to the updates!!
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Old 25-10-2005, 11:23   #209
rasoska rasoska is offline
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its so great to see your back
yeah, i agree with showmelove2. although it was expected that yulia will go with roland to europe it was still hard to actually read it, black on white.

thanks for the update!!
Slippery When Wet
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Old 26-10-2005, 03:52   #210
Ningyo Ningyo is offline
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Originally Posted by Icemera
BTW, OMG, bigger avatar! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Aaaah! I don't know if I should love or hate you now, why that particular avatar? LOL!

Have I been away for long? When did you become Icemera here? Oh well, this update goes to my 'To Read' list... Can you believe I'm still stuck at chapter 49?
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Old 30-10-2005, 17:10   #211
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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blueAmy – oh, thank god u seem to be okay if Lena did live with Angela.
Hmmmm…that gives me more choices to end this story. Coolie.
volkster – can u stand a little more heartbreak? I’m so evileeeeee!
YLuelniaa – erm, I remember you read 666 as well. I just hope u don’t think I’m some kind of
sadistic writer with all these suffering for my characters. LOL.
Showmelove – don’t thank me. I have you to thank, u know. U kept me writing
DW. Loooool. And this one as well.
rasoska – here’s an update for u. hope it isn’t dragging on and on. I mean to finish
it in a few chaps. This gets longer than I thought.
mel – haaaaahaaaa. U have a soft spot for this cat, I knew it! And yes, u were gone
for a while. I guessed already that u have abandoned me! But it’s okay. I’ve been busy
with Mai Otome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---------I didn't have the time to reread this chap. sorry for any mistake!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>


After two weeks of preparation, Yulia Volkova finally left the hotel she had been staying
at in the middle of Manhattan to board Aquitania with her father and her then
fiancé, Roland Myer. Under the cold, gray skies, nearly a thousand people were gathering
along the dock, shouting and waving goodbye to their loved ones. It would be twenty-
seven days aboard before the ship docked at Liverpool.

In a beige coat and a navy suit, Dimitri Volkov looked poised and confident with a shiny,
ebony cane in his gloved hand. He led the way into the ship, Yulia closely behind. This
was to be the last day of his mafia life, yet he smiled to welcome the more peaceful era.
He turned to glance at America one last time and bid his second homeland farewell here
and now.

Although Roland just had an urgent operation less two weeks ago, he was more than
happy to leave, convinced that he would be all right as soon as he left American soil.
With the lower part of his right leg cut off, the result from the car accident, he was
wheeled in on a chair by a service man, heading to his first class room. He had hired a
nurse onboard with him as well. There would be no proper farewell to his homeland over
the deck, but he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t wait to get out of here.

After seeing that all their suitcases were already delivered to their rooms, Yulia instantly
marched to her own room and locked herself inside. She was clad all in black with a wool
dress, a knee-length coat and a stylish hat. It would probably be a long while before she
would set foot on her homeland again, but she couldn’t make herself to look out the
balcony of her room. America was as though a vast, lively wallpaper of her dream now.
As she boarded the ship, everything that had happened here did not exist anymore.

There was no telling when she would ever see her ranch, or walk through that fine, oak
door of her bedroom again. And it seemed that heaven tried to erase any memory she had
of Lena Cohen, painfully reminding her of the heartbreak moment at the field whenever
the redhead came across her mind. It ache her deeper each time she thought of the chance
she could have spent the rest of her life here with young Cohen. But then the true nature
of the Irish terrified her. The dark one was here to stay, and would never return Lena to

That stormy day still haunted her mind until this day. She knew it would be too late in the
night before she could sneak out to find Lena in the field; the redhead was likely to be
dead, or had already left by then. As soon as Angela came back to the mansion to find the
lobby area wrecked, she ordered the maid to go into the field immediately and took Lena
to safety. She would have stayed on in Chicago for a few more days if her father did not
rush them to come to New York. Even Roland had to have his surgery in Manhattan
instead. Dimitri was doing everything to protect her from the police, Holden’s men and,
most of all, the Irish.

Taking her hat off, Yulia eventually looked up from the hardwood floor and edged from
the white door to the balcony. She took note that Aquitania had slowly parted the dock,
resulting in rising of the hustles and bustles over the decks. Tears welled up the blue eyes
as she stared out.

“Goodbye…” she muttered as her hands clung to the carved, wooden rail.


It was already seven in the evening when a few knocks came upon the door. In his white
shirt and a pair of gray trousers, Roland positioned himself straighter on the crimson
couch. The vacancy under his right knee was still very palpable and painful to him in his
every move. He was sent to a hospital as soon as he got off the train from Chicago. When
the doctor told him that it was necessary to cut the lower leg off, he turned from an
apologetic state into fury. The Irish had caused him the scar he would never forget his
whole life.

“Come in,” Roland said, clearing his throat.

As expected, his reluctant fiancée came through the door. Yulia looked exquisite in her
white gown, her blonde hair tied up in a knot at the back of her head. Everything had
been so hectic after the field episode they hadn’t had the time to discuss anything but the
plan to catch Aquitania in time. He still remembered it well when Yulia declared
her love for his archenemy. Nothing could ever make him forget that moment, even the
rain and the pain that had stormed into his life.

“It’s time for supper,” Yulia said quietly. She gestured for the nurse to come in to help
Roland to the wheelchair.

The dark-haired young man waved in refusal. He got up from the couch with one leg
standing and threw himself onto the wheelchair. Grinning and panting, he looked up at
the beautiful blonde, feeling the sharp sting in his ugly heart. Everything changed so fast
he could barely stand it. Now, they were beauty and the beast, only she would never love
him and he would never turn back into a prince again.

“Would you mind taking me to the dinning room? I hope I wouldn’t embarrass you, Yulia.”

Roland could see the sympathy in her eyes, and it angered and depressed him at the same
time. Still, he kept his cool, charming smile like always.

“You know that I do not pay any mind to these petty things,” Yulia said, smiling lightly.
She came around the couch and began to wheel Roland out of the room.

As Yulia brought Roland along the corridor, with the nurse behind, Roland adjusted his
collar and looked out at the lower deck. A group of men and women were playing soccer
over the lit area of the deck, laughing as they ran after one another. Although soccer was
never a sport he worshipped, Roland stared hard at those shuffling feet, realizing that
even his first class ticket could not afford him the luxury of joining this game.

“Have you heard from Lena?”

Yulia abruptly halted at his sudden question, and then resumed her walk.

“No. Should I?” Yulia said halfheartedly.

“She would be laughing until the skies fall if she sees me like this.”

“I don’t think she would.”

“Oh, no?” Roland’s tone was a little high in sarcasm.

“She’d probably shoot you before she laughs.”

“You do have a point.” Roland scoffed and turned his attention away from the soccer
players below.

“She’s gone from our lives, so let’s just forget about her,” Yulia said with a slightly
cracked voice. And Roland knew how she must have felt. He tilted his head back and
momentarily gazed up at her.

“We left her to die, Yulia. We were all in it together, weren’t we?”

“I didn’t exactly leave her in that manner,” Yulia stated, looking elsewhere.

“She’s still alive. No one could kill the Irish, no. And she’s going to come after us… Or
is it what you want?”


“Am I not making sense to you?”

Yulia knitted her brows, her body becoming rigid. “Not in the slightest.”

“Yes, she’s gone. Oh, yes, if you say so,” Roland mumbled, reaching back to grab her
hand and stroking it.

Yulia did not pull away, but did not utter anything else until they reached the dinning


In the white, tiny bedroom with two single beds, Lena began to unpack her belongings,
putting her clothes into a rather small drawer beside the doorway. She glanced at her
roommate, Angela, for a brief second, and then looked away. They were to share the
room for another twenty-seven days. She better got used to having little to her privacy. At
best, she could have the large deck to stroll along when she needed to be alone to collect
her thoughts. Although she could easily afford the first class, she opted for the third class,
not wanting any attention to her and Oliver Petitot, who was still wounded and hid
himself in his room all day and night, with Sarah Cohen. It had surprised Lena that Sarah
was the one who helped Oliver after he escaped from the massacre, prompting the
redhead to take the girl along since Celia was gone now.

“I’ll leave the top drawer for you,” Lena said.

Smiling, Angela nodded in response, unpacking her own suitcase.

Pulling a small booklet out of her coat’s pocket, Lena glanced at the new passport given
to her by her father. Elena G. Iver. She felt hot tears in her eyes as she read the new
name on the first page. Senator Iver wanted to make sure that she could start anew
aboard. It was his last gift to her; a life he had forsaken twenty years ago. He gave it back
to her now.

“Will you miss him?”

Lena looked up at Angela, puzzled at the question. “We have nothing to miss,” she said
as a matter of fact.

Angela let out a small chortle and moved beside the redhead. “When he finally retires,
he’d be waiting for you, I’m sure of that. You two would have a lot to catch up on each
other by then.”

Lena eventually smiled at the dark beautiful eyes. Hearing Angela’s comforting words,
she couldn’t help but hoped to grow old faster and then go back to her father. It sounded
too good to be true. Realizing that she had been smiling for far too long, Lena composed
herself and blanked her expression again. She stiffly turned away from the Latino woman
and put her suitcase under the bed.

“I’m going to check on Oliver,” Lena said, leaving the room in an instant.

“It’s quite nice out on the deck. Why don’t you take your time?” Angela winked.

Lena paused when she realized she was caught. They just chuckled at one another.


Strolling along the deck, Lena glanced up at the velvet skies, adoring the starry night. It
was quite chilly out here but, having staying in during daytime, she needed some fresh air
right now. Putting her hands in her pockets, she strode past the soccer players.

“Join us, lady!?” a man called out.

Lena lit up a pipe and blew out a cloud of smoke. “No, thanks.” Although her fever had
gone, but she still felt pretty weary all around. The past two weeks were very busy with
the plan to migrate to England. Managing all the money in all her bank accounts was
frantic enough.

“Oh, come on, we need another player to make it even!” another woman encouraged.

Lena shrugged and finished the urging with a kick at the brown, leather ball. The crowd
cheered, and they resumed their game again.

“Whose side am I on?” Lena jogged around. Good thing she had her trousers on instead
of a skirt.

“Him, her, him… him, her and me,” the man pointed around. The members of the team
promptly raised their hands while they were running around.

Lena frowned, trying to remember the faces correctly. “Don’t blame me if I score for the
other team!” She started to run.

“The goal is the other way!” the man urgently yelled, causing the crowd to laugh.

Raising her brows, Lena turned around and ran to the opposite side.

“And drop your pipe, for God’s sake!”


The loud chitchats deafened the grand dinning room, numbing Yulia’s mind. She looked
around as her father was talking to his possibly future business partners. On the other side
of the table, Roland was having his meal and finished his fourth glass of wine already.
Yulia barely finished her dinner before she excused herself from the table. To be face to
face with Roland was harder than she had imagined. Seeing him pretending to be all right
just stabbed her in the heart for it reminded her how Lena could become someone else
entirely. She couldn’t tell whether it was a gift or a curse that the two friends came into
her life. She couldn’t seem to run away from them, but then she didn’t know if she could
live without them either.

A smile gradually appeared over Yulia’s face again when she took a good amount of
fresh air in. Her hands over the rail, she watched the stars up above, recalling the very
same plane of skies on the night of the past New Year’s Eve. Time had flied so fast. Fall
had finally come, and she realized that it was almost a year since that hopeful night. She
had naively believed that something good could happen between Lena and her until
recently—when the Irish shattered her dream.

Yulia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. She felt as if she could fly along the cool
breeze, only her wings were wounded, chained to earth. She opened her eyes again and
lowered her gaze to the deck below, watching the third-class holders playing soccer.
Elbowing against the rail, she rested her chin on her palms and smiled lightly. Those poor
lads seemed to be having so much fun. She even secretly cheered along with the crowd
when a red-haired woman below scored a goal.

“Well done, young lady! Well done!” A man laughed, patting over the redhead’s slim

The goal keeper bent down to retrieve the leather ball and angrily threw it across the
deck. Instead of sending the ball to his teammates, the ball flew higher than expected and
landed just a few feet away from Yulia. Bewildered, Yulia clumsily ducked her head
down, glancing around. A few first-class passengers glared down at the soccer players
and shook their heads disapprovingly.

“We’re sorry, ma’am! But could you please throw it back down here!?”

Upon hearing the voice, Yulia froze. She gradually shifted her attention from the first-
class passengers to the shouting woman below. Time seemed to stop when their gazes
met. The yellow lights above Yulia’s head partially revealed her face, but she knew that
the redhead below could see her clearly now.

Lena stood still for a moment before she sharply turned away and climbed down the
stairs to where the third-class holders belong. She did not stop even when her teammates
called out for her. The game was over right then and there.

Over the balcony, Yulia felt her hands trembling as she picked up the ball. She lightly
tossed it back down to the lower deck. Although she could see the men and women
shouting at one another, possibly about the sudden leave of the redhead, she could not
hear a word. Everything went mute as soon as the red-haired figurine walked out of the
deck. The sight she had just seen rushed her back to the field of madness and despair. The
Irish was here onboard with her—with Roland Myer. The Irish had come after them as
Roland had suggested. There was no guarantee of their safety and harmony in the middle
of the Atlantic now. But, with all her fear, a tinge of hope still managed to surge through
her heart. Lena’s familiar laughter she had just heard a few moments ago still echoed in
her ears, effortlessly brightening her heart. She could not decide whether the next twenty-
seven days would be in haven or hell.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 30-10-2005, 17:25   #212
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Oi!!!!!I think Imay suffer a heart attack before the end of the story!!! Or its possibe that it will happen with the end of the story!!!

Is Lena aware that Angela found her on the field because of Yulia? And 27 days on the same ship? All 4 of them???? Well, this is gonna be beyond interesting!!!

Thanks for the update!!!

EDIT: I read again 2412 today which got to me to reading 2437(at least as much as you have posted) and I wanted to tell you that along with DW its one of the fics that I'm waiting for impatiently!!!
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Last edited by Volkster; 07-11-2005 at 22:54.
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Old 31-10-2005, 01:45   #213
warx warx is offline
think again....
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Old 31-10-2005, 02:03   #214
YLuelniaa YLuelniaa is offline
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well how exactly to comment to what i just read.... I dunno....I am definitely stunned beyond words.... your never fail so surprise your readers....

do continue...
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Old 31-10-2005, 04:58   #215
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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They are all on the same ship, and Yulia and Lena saw each other!!! This I know, will be an interesting 27 day voyage! So, Yulia sent Angela back to the field; that makes sense because I couldn't see Yulia (even though she was hurt by the Irish) leaving her out there to die! Looking forward to the upcoming updates but thats nothing new
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Old 31-10-2005, 13:48   #216
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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No...I'm not exactly ok with the fact that lena may live with Angela, but I haven't expected that Yulia will send exactly her to rescue the wounded and full of hatred Irish...but I was deceived by the apparences... ..anyway..I'm totaly impressed by the way your story goes...
They both being on the same ship..reminds me of Titanic..will this mean that the tragedy will fallow here too?...
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Old 01-11-2005, 00:45   #217
rasoska rasoska is offline
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olala, all four of them on the same boat!!! this shall be interesting!!!
wow, hearing the voice you thought you left behind for good and pretty sure you wouldnt hear it again must have been of a real surprise and shock, as well as seeing the one person you thought you wouldnt see ever again. great twist, even more so cos i didnt think lena would ever leave for europe (im not sure why i put the pic of lena staying in the usa in my head but as i said before great twist as i really didnt see this one coming), and to add they will be on the same boat for 27 days

uhaku im pretty sure that u know very well what ur doing so theres no worries of this story to be dragging on and on.... and to add your talent i think i mentioned this somewhere before but i really dig your style of writting and this is coming from a person whos not really into reading
but believe me, if i would ever think this story is dragging or becoming boring you would know it

thank you for the chap cant wait to see what will happen next

EDIT: now i remembered that you r called icemera these days, i wrote uhaku out of a habit and cos i liked it more, hope its all right.
Slippery When Wet

Last edited by rasoska; 01-11-2005 at 01:00.
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Old 01-11-2005, 23:28   #218
Ningyo Ningyo is offline
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Originally Posted by Icemera
mel – haaaaahaaaa. U have a soft spot for this cat, I knew it! And yes, u were gone
for a while. I guessed already that u have abandoned me! But it’s okay. I’ve been busy
with Mai Otome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I can't really tell when I'll be completely back here... But when I do, you won't know what hit you, lol. To my dismay, I also have two Mai Otome scanlations pending.
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Old 01-12-2005, 16:26   #219
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Sniff!!! Where are you???? Please please update!!! I'm being driven mad with worry of what will happen on that ship!!!!!
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Old 01-12-2005, 18:10   #220
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I never ask her to swallow my spunk until I go down on her first. It's just common courtesy
Die Bug Die!!!!!
Its urs osita..
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