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Fanfic - The Irish

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Old 03-10-2005, 23:46   #181
Volkster Volkster is offline
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How can it be that every time I read an update I end in tears for all the bad luck and the dead ends that these two seem to face???? And I read so much today that I just kept on saying to myself that something would eventually go right for them!!!

Thanks for ALL the updates and I hope things are better for you!!!
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Old 04-10-2005, 15:05   #182
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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^_^' here it is...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>


It was well into the afternoon when Lena opened her eyes and found herself in bed
with Yulia lying beside her. The blonde’s head was resting on Lena’s chest, one arm
wrapping around her waist. Lena decided to stay put for a while, not wanting to
interrupt Yulia from a peaceful sleep. And she did not want to end their close physical
contact just yet. She had just realized how much she loved it when their naked bodies
lay next to one another, cherishing the warmth from the other’s skin. Gently, she
lifted her arm up and played with Yulia’s silky, blonde hair.

Yulia’s eyes fluttered opened, her head rising and falling according to the rhythm of
Lena’s soft breathing. Glancing around, she noted the small bedroom with creamy
walls. Over the wooden desk by the window, a thick, black, leathered book was left
opened. Mild sunlight shone through the gap between the white curtains, casting
shadows over two black coats hanging over the chair. It was such a simple sight, but
she did not want to be anywhere else in the world but here.

“Good afternoon,” Lena said.

Yulia paused as she noted the abrupt absence of Lena’s hand from her hair. “Did you
have a good sleep?”

“Hmm…” Eventually, Lena shifted away from Yulia, trying to get up, but she was
stopped by a tight grip around her waist. Unable to resist her own desire to stay like
this a little longer, she finally gave in and lied back down on the mattress.

In silence, they both let their minds searched for an answer without knowing what
question would be right for the situation they were in.

Lena’s trail of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden kiss from Yulia. She allowed the
kiss to linger on a little longer than she meant to, and unconsciously kissed back.
After a moment, she gathered her strength to pull away. But Yulia hastily climbed on
top of her, feverishly stroking her face.

“What do I have to do to make you smile at me?”

Lena stayed silent. As much as she wanted to just console the blonde, she was frozen
with the sight of the diamond ring on the floor Yulia tossed away when they were in a
hurry to strip their clothes off. It shone brightly in the middle of the room, lonely and
lost in the midst of their rush to find love.

“Why did you accept his proposal?” Staring at the ring in contempt, Lena could not
quite believe her own ears what she had just uttered.

“It hurt, didn’t it?” Yulia spoke frankly as she sat up straight on top of the redhead
and began to move her hip, applying pressure onto the body beneath her.

Lena involuntarily jerked at the arousal. “Yulia, stop—”

“No, you stop! Stop doing this to me!” Panting, Yulia pushed Lena back down. They
stared at each other until tears welled up the blue eyes. Squeezing her eyes shut, Yulia
angrily turned her head to the side as Lena reached for her face, brushing the
teardrops away with her thumb.

Still keeping her gaze down, Yulia tried to quiet her sob. “What must I do… to make
you stay…?” The plea came in a heartbroken whisper.

Lena then softly sighed in realization. This ache had to stop as they both couldn’t take
it anymore. What was done was done. She couldn’t even say that she felt guilty
enough. She didn’t even know if she would be able to deny Yulia again if they could
turn back the time. The only way was to walk ahead and face whatever consequence
that would follow. If Roland would not forgive her, then so be it. She had decided
now that she would not make Yulia cry again.

Sitting up, Lena took Yulia in her embrace. She gazed up at the blue-eyed woman,
breathing her in, feeling her whole. She wanted to apologize for all the hurt she had
inflicted upon this woman or anyone else in the world. But there was no point in
looking back, was there?

Lena rested her head against Yulia’s shoulder as the blonde wrapped her arms around her.

“I will always be here with you, I promise”


Watching the thick clouds in the gray skies outside, Celia Cohen was sitting on her
bed, a bible on her laps. She narrowed her eyes a little at the calm light of the late
afternoon. She had not been able to sleep the past night, her mind burying in that
moment she rang up the fat, bald detective yesterday. What she was to do tomorrow
would ultimately ruin either one of her children. Considering her involvement, it
would most likely be Lena, whom it would affect the most. Her sad gaze dropped
upon both her bare, rough hands, which had raised the little red-haired girl. She had
loved that girl so much all her life, but she was about to destroy her tomorrow. How
cruel life had played them all.

A knock at the door pulled Celia’s attention away from the scenery outside. Sarah
came through the door with a nervous look on her face, gesturing for Celia to go


Inside his mansion, Holden was ordering his maids to pack his belongings, ready for a
few months vacation oversea. He always had a plan for himself. The night of the
arrest at the restaurant was the beginning of his plan to get Roland into trouble. It was
predictable to get Roland to agree on the murder of the witnesses, which would take
place tonight. The event was sure to cause chaos across the town. The cops would
look into everything to eliminate those belong to the underworld. But Holden would
be ready to leave the States tomorrow morning, leaving the spotlight for a while.
Without the witnesses, Roland Myer would also be cleared from all charges, but
Holden had made sure that Myer would not survive the consequences of the murders.
Everything had gone as planned, and Holden would have his revenge.

Wayne Burke came to stand by the doorway of the main hall, knocking on the door a
few times to get his master’s attention. Holden turned and their gazes met.


The sun had set, and darkness began to invade the beautiful gray skies. Celia was
sitting in the living room downstairs with the bald detective. Surprised at the sudden
visit from the detective and his men, she ordered Sarah to retreat to her own bedroom,
which was in the other building, not wanting to involve her children in this mess.
There were a few other men standing just outside in front of her home, seemingly
guarding the place.

“What is it, Mr. Johnston? I thought I am due to the court tomorrow morning.”

The bald man smiled at Celia. “Please sit, ma’am. It is our job to secure the witnesses
who can testify against the mobsters. They’re dangerous people.”

Celia gulped, trying to stay calm. Although she was scared, she could not believe that
Roland and Lena would ever hurt her. She glanced up at the man and decided to tell
him what she had been thinking through the past night.

“Mr. Johnston… Is it still all right if I should pull out of this case? I do not wish to
testify anymore.”

The smile on the bald man’s face looked cold at once. “Oh, please. There’s nothing to
be afraid of. We’re here to keep you safe. They can not possibly hurt you now.”

Celia just looked into the man’s eyes, and finally realized that she had made the
biggest mistake in her life. She thought she would be doing society some good, but all
that would be left for her was the ruins of her loved ones.


Oliver was walking along the dimming, narrow hallway, following his companions
out of jail they had been locked in for the past week. Although he felt that something
fishy was going on, considering how fast the trial was to be started tomorrow, he was
too wrecked and nervous to reason anymore. If he testified against his boss, he would
be likely to end up in the ruts, not being able to live an ordinary life anymore. The rest
of the gang would be hunting for him. He would either die inside the jail or out in the

“Where are they taking us in the middle of the night?”

Oliver heard his friend whispered to one another.

“To the courthouse. It is safer than traveling in the morning, I suppose.”

“It’s not safe anywhere for us now.”

“Let’s be positive and see what will happen tomorrow.”

But tomorrow was too far away for them all. As soon as they stepped out of the
building, heading to the truck that parked just twenty feet away, series of gunshots
echoed into the night skies. Oliver fell to his knees when he felt a bullet pierce into his
right shoulder. He lied flat on the ground and quickly hid most of his body beneath
one of his dead friends. The gunfire continued for another five minutes, making sure
that everyone was as dead as they appeared to be. It was the longest moment in Oliver
Petitot’s life, praying with his wretched heart and crying in fear. It must have been
miracle that he even lived to hear the cease of gunfire.

In the thick smoke, a cop, who was assigned to drive the truck, lit up a cigarette,
signaling the end of the massacre. Three men in dark suits lowered their machine guns
and walked around the bodies like preying eagles to see if there was any survivor.
Their minds must have been too thrilled and assured that their task had accomplished,
which blinded them from sensing Oliver’s beating heart. After a moment, they turned
to the two cops, whom were paid with handsome arrangement for this to happen.

“A gift from Mr. Young and Roland Myer.” The three men in suits then fired another
round of bullets at the cops, and left the night as cold as it was.

Oliver lay still on the ground, feeling the numbness starting to creep over his body. In
the attempt to save himself, Roland Myer had ordered the massacre of his own people.
Oliver knew the rules of the underworld well, and as much as it hurt to face it himself,
he swore never to forget what had happened tonight.


One of the men outside Celia’s home strode from the phone booth nearby and
marched into the humble building. He just nodded at the fat, bald detective, and left
again. Mr. Johnston then turned to smile at Celia.

“Ms. Cohen… There is great news. You do not have to testify against them anymore.
You’re off the case.”

Delighted, Celia suppressed her yawn and looked up at the man, a small smile on her
face. But before she could ask anything further, she was pinned against the sofa with
the forces of the bullets showering at her body.

After a few moments in silence, detective Johnston tossed away the untraceable gun
and went to grab his hat hanging by the doorway. He walked out of the building to
join his men outside. The time was appropriate to make a phone call to Holden Young
to receive the last payment the gangster promised him upon the end of this job. The
rest of the plan was left to the fate of the two young gangsters who would need
miracle to keep their friendship alive.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 04-10-2005, 16:45   #183
Volkster Volkster is offline
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OH God!!!!!Thanks for the update though it broke my heart once again!!! The scenes between the Irish and Yulia become more and more intense and I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it when the climax comes!!!!

Thanks uhaku!!!!Cheers!!!
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Old 04-10-2005, 19:09   #184
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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Oh shit, Cecilia, this will sure set the Irish off again, just when she was starting to trust her feelings and go with them. Ah Roland I'm afraid has done it now!!
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Old 04-10-2005, 19:59   #185
rasoska rasoska is offline
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OMG!!! poor celia!
dammit, roland surely put all of 'em in some deep deep shit!!

lenas sentence just calls for an awwwwww

as always, amazing chapter uhaku!!
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Old 05-10-2005, 00:12   #186
YLuelniaa YLuelniaa is offline
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why? why? why?
I sensed it would happen but why shoot Celia.....gah..poor woman...
The Det. was kinda stupid though...cause theres sorta a witness eh...with red hair!!

SO this is the part where Lena made that promise she didn't keep...

And damn the Holden...damn him and Roland you arsehole...see what you one will forgive you ONE
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Old 05-10-2005, 12:02   #187
serbiantatu serbiantatu is offline
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Originally Posted by uhaku
It shone brightly in the middle of the room, lonely and
lost in the midst of their rush to find love.
I love that sentece! I love this entire update, again its amazing how symbolics n yet how realistic you can describe feelings. You make reader actually feel all of their love, pain or hate.

Did Roland even knew Celia was one of ppl who will be killed? What mess he made, no wonder he was hiding behind irish all his life when he didnt know one job to do right without her. I hope irish wont kill Lena again, turn her in this revange seaking killer n forgeting all her feelings towards Yulia or put those feelings on hold. Even tho Irish did kill lots of people even that little boy i still think her biggest sin was killing her ownself inside.
People Dont Change, They Just Get Older
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Old 07-10-2005, 03:37   #188
warx warx is offline
think again....
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oh sh*t!!!!!


tnx uhaku
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Old 07-10-2005, 09:50   #189
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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Nononononoo!! ....I thought Roland will do something at the last moment...and knowing that Oliver lived and even met Lena Myer, I was pretty sure that the masacre won't happen...when in fact it was simply luck that he wasn't killed with the others.. and what's even worse is that Celia was murdered too, and she even decided not to testify against Roland&The Irish... ...what will happen know with Lena??...I got the feeling that I don't wanna know...
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Old 07-10-2005, 18:10   #190
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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Thank you, guys. ^_^ It turns out that this chapter is longer than I
thought, and I couldn’t combine it with other parts. I hope it isn’t too rushed or
become anti-climax of the story though. Keep my fingers crossed. And my, my, I
don’t think I ever wrote ‘Lena’ so many times in one chapter before! Have fun,
readers, and I’m too lazy to go back and read it again so I’ll apologize for any
typos right here.

P.S. Trojan Virus is still in my computer!!!! Okay, my comp’s been acting silly
for far too long now. I probably have to format it before I could start on another
update. Until then, everyone.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>


It was early in the cloudy, new morning when Lena drove Yulia back to the ranch.
The skies were gray with thick clouds, and the freezing wind was particularly strong
today. Parking the crimson Cadillac in front of the mansion, Yulia led Lena into her

“My father should be up by now.” Yulia smiled as she took the reluctant redhead’s
hand. They had come in hope to explain to Dimitri Volkov that they wanted to stay in
the States no matter what, and the engagement would be called off.

“Umm, wait…”

Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, Yulia arched one brow, gazing at her lover
quizzically. She knew Lena too well to let the hesitance in the green eyes to stop her.

“We do not regret this decision, do we?”

“No… No, I mean…” Lena stopped short and sighed.

Grinning, the blonde inched closer to Lena and pulled the rims of the coat together to
keep the woman warm. “It is hard, but Roland will eventually understand.” She
looked down a little and continued. “It was mainly my fault for accepting his
proposal. Whatever the consequences will be, I will face it alone.”

“It’s not just about you. I am his friend, and to do this to him is unthinkable, not to
mention that he still has other troubles in his mind. He is due in court today.”

Yulia stared up at the red-haired woman in front of her. The sight of the pale sunlight
reflecting on Lena’s face, casting a golden rim light along her beautiful, untouched
profile easily stopped Yulia’s world from turning. By just watching the angelic face, it
was as if the redhead was just a statue without a soul, nor feelings. Yulia fumbled to
grab Lena’s hands and her heartbeat fastened when she could still feel warmth and
life. She wasn’t going to let it all go again.

“I thought I had your promise…” Yulia muttered lowly, tears in her eyes.

Lena’s head shot up. She frowned as if it was the foulest word she had ever heard.
“Of course, you still do,” she said, clutching Yulia’s hands.

Lena frowned again when Yulia looked up and smirked. The blonde had her again.
She shook her head in defeat and followed Yulia into the mansion.

“Relax, Lena. Everything is easier than you think it is. Angela must have gone out to
the market—”

“She’s the least of my worry,” Lena interrupted. “Your father has a visitor.” Her tone
had abruptly turned cold.

Yulia turned around to see that Lena was still standing by the door, peeping out at the
car parking alongside the fence, hiding itself pretty well behind the row of big trees.
The redhead must have seen it right when she entered through the gates.

“I’ve seen the driver before,” Lena stated, seemingly deep in thought.

“Who is it then?” Yulia asked casually, glancing at her father’s study room.

Lena looked up at the skies and noted that it started to shower. She quietly closed the
door just when Dimitri came out of the room and then walked towards them.

“Ah, you’re here as well, Irish…” Dimitri said with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

“You have a guest so early in the morning, father?” Yulia approached the big man and
planted a kiss on his cheek.

Dimitri suppressed his sigh, holding his daughter’s hand tightly. He then looked up at
the young redhead with a heavy heart and gestured her towards the study room. “Your
father is here.”

Yulia swiftly turned and saw a stern look on Lena’s face. The Irish must have guessed
right who the guest was beforehand. To her bewilderment, Lena pulled the gun out of
her pocket and aimed at Dimitri.

Without a thought, Yulia promptly stepped in front of her father. “What are you
doing, Lena?!”

“Why is he here? Who else has he brought with him?” Lena didn’t flinch, keeping her
arm straight and her finger ready on the trigger.

Dimitri Volkov looked unnerve by the sight of the gun. He gently motioned Yulia out
of the way. “He’s here by himself. There’s no one else.”

“Lena…” a coarse, grim voice interrupted.

Lena then looked over Dimitri’s shoulder and spotted Senator Iver standing in front of
the study room. She still did not lower her gun.

“Put the gun down, please. I’m here only to bring you grave news.”

“What grave news? That I have three hundreds years in jail? With all the mess that’s
going on lately, you shouldn’t even be here, Senator.” Lena glanced out the windows,
trying to see if there were any men ambushing outside. But the rain was falling
heavily now it was hard to see.

Senator Iver calmly strode towards them and stopped next to his friend. “I take that
you have not heard. There will be no more trial. Your friend is free, but…”

Lena watched the grim look on her father’s face, and her heartbeat stopped.

“But the witnesses were murdered last night. All of them but one.”

The words must have taken extra amount of time to sink into Lena’s mind because
she just stood there with the gun still aiming at Dimitri and Yulia, her expression

Iver looked down. “Unfortunately, the one who survived the massacre was not Celia

A blast of gunfire roared up against the thunder outside. The bullet must have hit the
ceiling or a window, but Dimitri fell to his knees, engulfing Yulia in his thick arms in
an attempt to block any bullet at his daughter.

Iver bent down, panicking. “Lena, please—”

“Shut up! Just shut that hole in your face!” Lena paced around, swinging her gun
madly. I’m about to do the worst thing in my entire life, Lena… the worst thing in
my entire life… the worst thing…
Roland’s words chanted endlessly in her mind.
She smashed the gun at the vase nearby, plunging it down to shatter against the floor.
Her hand was bleeding but she couldn’t care less.

“You fucking lied to me! Tell me it was all a lie!” Lena spun around and aimed the
gun at her father’s face, causing the senator to squeeze his eyes shut.

Yulia trembled in her father’s arms. At this moment, the Irish wouldn’t even know if
she had shot anybody, or that she didn’t even care. Yulia watched the redhead stalking
across the hall and destroyed anything in her path. As much as she knew how hurt it
must be for Lena, she never expected to see this side of her. She had no idea who this
woman was. She felt as though she was in Kirk Mason’s mansion when the Irish paid
the deadly visit one night.

“Where the fuck are they!? Show them to me! You expect to kill me here, then do it!”
Lena pulled all the curtains down, smashing the glass planes with her gun.

“There’s no one out there! It’s just us here! Please stop it! You’re bleeding!” Senator
Iver bent low in his post, looking worried as he saw the amount of blood on the floor.

All of a sudden, the front door burst opened, and everyone stopped.

Breathing hard, Lena gradually turned to see Roland Myer standing by the door,
soaking wet in his expensive, silky, gray suit. The young man looked bewildered at
the wrecked place and the trail of blood dripping from Lena’s hand.

Tears in his dark eyes, Roland stumbled back against the door. He had gone to Lena’s
home as soon as he learned what happened, but she had already left. He was told to
come to the ranch to catch up with his friend here. Looking at Lena now, he did not
need to ask if she had learned about the incident involving their godmother. They
simply knew what was in the other’s mind. He had always known even when he was
on his knees, proposing to Yulia.

“Please forgive me…”

Standing as still a statue, Lena lifelessly stared at the dark-haired, young man she
once believed wholeheartedly in their forever friendship. Raised by the same woman
and lived in the same house since they were babies, they had become more like
brother and sister. Even with all the darkest hours of their hard lives, she never saw
him as her enemy, even when he tried to take Yulia from her.

Yulia…Yulia…The name painfully repeated in Lena’s head. Shifting her stone
cold gaze to the blonde woman on the floor, she was tortured by the wish that
nothing—no one in the world would have worth this moment. But deep down inside
she knew that this would happen. It would happen as long as Yulia was standing
between them.

“I didn’t know… Lena… I really didn’t know that Celia was… that she…”

Lena eventually stared up at Roland, and raised her gun. “Yes, you did.”

Yulia watched the Irish in horror as a gunshot blasted through the hall.


In the rainstorm, Roland raced his car along the small road, squinting to see the path
ahead. He had narrowly escaped the deadly bullet just a few minutes earlier. It all still
felt like a nightmare to him. He had never imagined that he would be the cause of the
death of the woman who raised him, or that his best friend would ever harm him. But
both things were happening now he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs.

“Goddamn it!” He yelped when his car was bumped from the side. The crimson
Cadillac was making sure that he would not last to get to the city.


On the motorbike, Yulia was speeding to catch up with the black and crimson cars
ahead of her. The rain was freezing with the sharp wind slapping against her face, but
she had no plan to slow down even one bit. She needed to stop the Irish before the
biggest mistake would happen. If Roland died, Lena would never forgive herself


Looking as calm as ever, Lena watched the black car beside hers and then made a
swift turn of the steering wheel, driving the adjacent car sliding into the vast field of
man-high grasses. This had become a game for the Irish. She felt pleasant that Roland
had played it well so far. She knew him well enough to know how scared he must be,
and she was just enjoying every bit of it.

When their cars were side by side again, Lena raised the gun and aimed at the front
passenger window.



Yelling, Roland ducked his head down as the glass by his side was blown to pieces,
letting the rain pouring into the car. He clumsily turned the wheel left and right,
desperately trying to lose the menace. He sped his car eastward as he flung open the
glove compartment and took a revolver out. Thankfully, it was already loaded.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the brake out of gunshots, Yulia’s head shot up. She blindly rode in the midst of
tall grasses. Squinting in the rain, she turned the motorbike and headed towards the
source of the sound. It did help that it was still daytime, or she wouldn’t be able to
find the way. She just prayed that both of them were still all right.


Lena briefly stared at the broken window on the other side of the front seat. The bullet
must have hit the backseat. Roland had never fired a gun in his life, but he was not as
terrible as she had thought he would be. He was never bad at anything as she could
remember. He always won no matter what. At the last thought, she fiercely stomped
on the accelerator and rapidly turned her car towards the black one. Both vehicles
came crashing into one another and slid through the field until they flipped and rolled
like tossed dices.

Lena closed her eyes and let the darkness entombed her whole. She was ready to face
death. Always.


Screaming in pain, Roland lied in the middle of the bushes, clutching his right knee.
In the downpour, he could barely open his eyes. He had crawled out of the car, but it
seemed that his leg was badly wounded. Although he was bleeding heavily, he tried to
crawl away, expecting the Irish to come after him any moment now.


The darkness was torn open when her eyelids fluttered and finally let the pale sunlight
into her eyes. Lena found herself lying flat on the car’s roof. She felt the ache in her
ribcage, but it was just so painful that she was slowly becoming one with the pain
itself. It hurt everywhere, inside out.

She stared up at the leather seat above her head, trying to remind herself of the
agonizing fact that she was still alive—that she still owed Celia Cohen to kill one last
time. In the end, love always led her to hatred, and she just couldn’t fight it.

Tears began to flood her eyes as she looked around for her gun. For a second, she
wished she would not find it. But it was just a reach away from her hand. It was
always there for her, ready to let her sin again. She would never get there; her heart
would never be as light as a feather. Never.


Yulia jumped from the motorbike and ran towards the black car, which was flipped
sideway and wrecked. Roland didn’t get very far from the spot though. He was still
crawling when Yulia approached him.

“Roland! Oh, you’re hurt!” Yulia knelt down beside the seriously injured man and
held him in her arms. He was bleeding so much she thought he might die.

“Help me… please…” Roland muttered as he took a look at his right leg, his face pale
with coldness and an absolute shock. It looked as though the lower leg might detach
from his knee joint any moment now.

“My father will be here soon. We’ll take you to the hospital. Just hold on. You’ll be
all right.”

Brushing the rain away from her eyes, Yulia quickly wrapped her scarf and tightened
it above his knee, trying to slow down the bleeding. Right then, the thought of Lena
suddenly hit her. The grasses were so tall she could not see the crimson Cadillac.
Aside from the sound of thunders and downpour, it had been too quiet for her liking.
She looked up and glanced around for any sign of the car.

Her heart skipped a beat right when the fierce wind blew through the field and opened
up a path before her, revealing the silhouette of a wavy-haired figure standing before
another flipped car. Although details should have forsaken Yulia’s mind, but she
could clearly see the gun in Lena’s hand as if Heaven intended just for her to see.
Death was standing before her.

“Don’t do this, Lena! I beg you!” Yulia held Roland tighter, panting the foggy

Gradually, Lena looked up at them, her gaze void of any feeling. When Yulia decided
that Lena was probably not even listening to anyone now, she left Roland’s side and
leapt at the shadowy figure. The sight of Lena raising the gun should have scared her,
but she wouldn’t stop. Nothing was going to stop her from saving the woman she

But Yulia was plunged down to the ground with a full-force blow at her face. For a
moment, she just sat there on the muddy ground, a hand over her numbed cheek, not
knowing if it was the cold rain or the love that hurt that caused it. As if being locked
in slow-paced dream, she narrowed her eyes and looked up against the rain to see the
gun now pointing at her face. It wasn’t the first time the Irish pointed the gun at her,
and even though she thought she would not last this time, she wasn’t one bit scared.
She continued to believe that something good would happen for the poor soul. She
would rather endure any pain than to let the Irish destroy the woman she loved.

“You lied to me…”

Yulia froze. All her thoughts and wishes ceased. Instead of a bullet, the Irish’s cold
words pierced into her heart.

“You. Everyone.” The Irish started to laugh. She tilted her head up and let the rain fell
upon her face, her hand trembling from gripping the gun so hard as if she was itched
to kill anyone—anything.

Shaking her head in denial, Yulia crawled backwards, away from the monster she did
not know. She finally stood up and put herself between Lena and Roland. Staring hard
at the redhead, she extended her arms to the sides as to let Lena know that she would
not budge. “It doesn’t matter what you think now, but I can’t let you do this. You’ll
regret it all your life. I can’t let that happen… because I love you too much to let you
destroy yourself…”

Lena shifted her gaze from the gray skies down to the blonde woman before her, and
aimed right at her. Yulia swore that she could see fire of hate burning in those eyes
she once dreamt about. Those dreams seemed so long ago, yet life was so short.

“Do not speak of love when you do not deserve it.” Slowly, but firmly, Lena slid her
index finger over the trigger.

“NOOOOOOO!” Roland crawled towards Yulia, momentarily forgetting the pain in
his leg.

A thunderous blast suddenly roared across the field. Before Yulia knew it, she was
thrown backwards to the ground. Coughing furiously, she opened her eyes again to
see thick smoke coming out of the crimson Cadillac. She looked ahead and found that
Lena was lying facedown just a few feet from the blasted car. She rushed to the
redhead, flipping her body up.

“Lena! Lena! Please, open your eyes!” Yulia shook Lena’s limping shoulders.

A choke finally escaped the redhead’s mouth, and she slowly opened her eyes. Before
she could gather any thought—feel any pain, nor love, she brushed Yulia’s hands
away in contempt. She tried to sit up but fell down again. Wheezing, she twisted on
the ground, unable to fight back the throbbing in her head, the crush in her chest—the
hate in her heart.

As soon as the redhead regained her consciousness, Roland hurriedly edged to grab
Lena’s gun. Shivering, he aimed it at the Irish. With Yulia kneeling between them, the
two friends stared at each other for the longest time. Roland wanted to beg his friend
to stop, or he would be forced to kill two people he loved the most in his life. Tears
and rain flooded his eyes again and he broke into a sob.

“You win again.” Lying on her stomach, Lena muttered with a sinister glare that
meant death to her foe. But her scoff quickly turned into a nasty cough. However, she
turned away when Yulia tried to approach her again, causing the blonde to stop in her

“Lena… please…” Yulia tried to quiet down her sob, hands covering her face. She
could not stand to see that cold look in Lena’s eyes.

“Yuli! Yuli, answer me! Where are you!?” With a rifle in his hands, Dimitri stopped
shouting when he reached the blasting point and saw that his daughter was still all
right. He instantly pulled Yulia off the ground and checked if she had been injured.
He stopped dead when he saw the big bruise over her cheek. Pushing his daughter to
the back, he stepped in front of the Irish and stared down at her.

“Shoot me. Either of you would do,” Lena said, her fiery gaze still remaining on

Dimitri raised his rifle and smacked it in the Irish’s face, forcing her down to the
ground. Curling in a ball, Lena grabbed her face, grunting in pain and anger. Yulia
tried to run to the redhead but Dimitri stopped her with just a strong grip around her

“If anything happen to my daughter, I will kill you, you rat!” Dimitri then pulled his
daughter away. “Come, Yuli! Now!”

“Don’t—No, let go off me!” Yulia struggled but she was no match to her father’s

Senator Iver arrive the scene with his driver closely behind. He paused when he saw
his own daughter on the ground, defeated and wounded like a dog. He composed
himself and gestured the driver to help Roland off the ground. He then approached
Lena, who was spitting out some blood and coughing. He knelt down before her and
tried to help pulling her up.

“Don’t touch me!” Lena brushed his hand away. Still struggling on the muddy
ground, she glared up at them. “Don’t you walk away from me! This is not over yet!

Roland glanced over his shoulder at his friend. It hurt him just to see Lena this way.
But it was over, or so he hoped. He looked at the gun in his hand and threw it away as
far as he could. He then limped out with one arm over the driver’s shoulder.

Up over Dimitri’s shoulder, Yulia tried to get her feet down to the ground. “Let go off
me …! Lena! Lena! Lena…!”

“Don’t you walk away! Kill me! Kill me now or you’ll regret this!” The Irish roared
in fury, clutching the grasses in her bleeding fists.

Standing up, Iver closed his eyes and tried to shun off the screams that became one
agonizing, deadly desire. He knew nothing about this young woman at his feet—
nothing but her hate that seeped into his soul. It threatened him. It scared him. Slowly,
he turned to follow his friend back to the car. And his mind questioned him for the
last time that how many times he could turn his back on his daughter. Her heart was
broken countless times beyond hope to repair.

In the downpour, the Irish was left to live, or to die in the cold field of hopelessness. It
was all up to the cruel fate and the brutality of a heart.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 08-10-2005, 06:07   #191
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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I never wanted that chapter to end! I had a feeling Lena would retreat back to the Irish and have that hate engulf her heart again. The death of Cecilia probably sealed her fate. I must say though that I was shocked that she would hit Yulia but then again I think she was blinded by the hate. That was excellent and I do hope you get your computer problems worked out! Thanks again for this update!
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Old 10-10-2005, 16:30   #192
Crampaholic Crampaholic is offline
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Brilliant... one of the most thrilling chapters ever...
I never ask her to swallow my spunk until I go down on her first. It's just common courtesy
Die Bug Die!!!!!
Its urs osita..
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Old 11-10-2005, 10:34   #193
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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hmm...well...yeah...a great chapter...I enjoyed reading always...only that it was so sad..first time I read it I couldn't get myself to say anything...why does life must be so cruel with the Irish? ..It like I can feel her hate..her crying, craving for salvation...but exactly when it seamed she found a gleam of hope...everything has to fall aprat?!!...and now she's left in that field all alone?.. as if is her fault or all that happened...
...but it's one thing I don't understand...why does she says that Yulia lied to her?... or it's smth I can't remember right now?..dunno...anyway great writing!
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Old 11-10-2005, 11:31   #194
rasoska rasoska is offline
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why, why, whhhhhy??? so sad about lena, it seems that girl wont ever find her peace and happiness
so much pain, so much anger, so much love that cant seem to blossom, so much emotions!
just when i think you are TOTALLY awesome and cant get much better with your writting you go and do this masterpiece!
absolutely amazing!!!
Slippery When Wet
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Old 11-10-2005, 21:13   #195
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Unbelievable!!! Just when things seemed to make a turn for the best!!! There are two hearts REALLY breaking in this chapter!!! Lena is gone and Yulia is going to be! This has to be one of the most tragic stories ever!! At this point I hope this wasn't their last encounter with each other (Yulia and Lena)! And I do hope for Lena to make another appearance and for the Irish to re-treat!!!

Thanks for the update!!!
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Old 12-10-2005, 03:58   #196
warx warx is offline
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wait ...... wait...... WAIT!! what's nxt

tnx uhaku
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Old 12-10-2005, 17:11   #197
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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My comp isn’t fixed, but it allows me to get online for at most five minutes each
time. Lovely! Now, I’m typing in Words before posting this. Let me reply first.

Showmelove – yes, u have thought everything right. ^_^ The Irish did
everything out of hate and she didn’t even care when she hit Yul. I’m happy to
know you liked the chapter!

Crampy – in teeeeeears. Thank you, yow.

BlueAmy – “You lied to me” was like Lena’s every response to everything
at the moment. She was supposedly having seen how Yulia cared for Roland and,
immediately, everything was like… Yulia and everyone shifting side to the
murderer of her godmother, or something of that sort. Everything became her
vs. Roland. “You lied to me” = “You don’t love me (like you said)”.

Rasoska – I’m glad I could make you feel! and thank you for your
compliment. ^_^

Volkster – This is not the last time for sure. Too many loose ends. ^_^’
And it’s always my pleasure to write and share it with you guys.

Warx – wait… another small update for you. ^_^

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>


Sharply at midnight, I stopped reading, dreaded to go on. The entries had
pulled me in so deeply I felt I was suffocated along with the author. My heart ached
for her—for the Irish.

Over the past few days I’d been staying at Juliana’s apartment, we had
discussed a lot about what we each knew of the myth, and where we could go from
there. Juliana seemed to be more experienced than I was at this stage. She had done
some extensive research on Lena Cohen’s life, but there was little to none existence of
the woman’s record. The Irish lived as a monster and died a ghost. Except the few
people who used to know her from the old days, none other had ever heard her name before.

Sitting on a chair with both her knees up, Juliana looked out the window, holding a
cup of hot milk in her hands. Her dark hair fell wildly over her face and her thin
shoulders. With the pair of black-rim glasses on, she looked adorable in her blue
pajamas and a pair of white slippers.

“Wilkins… Diana Wilkins…”

Crouching on the bed, I looked up at the whisper. Juliana still fixed her gaze out into
the rainy night, deep in her own thoughts. Impatiently, I sat up and stared at her,
waiting for her to continue. It must be something, whoever this Diana Wilkins was.

Gradually, Juliana turned to meet my gaze. “Do you know how she is?”

“If you haven’t heard the name slipping from my mouth yet, take it that I don’t know.
What is it?” I edged to the end of the bed to get closer to Juliana.

The dark-haired woman chortled. “She goes by the name Diana Wilkins these days.
But, thankfully that she hasn’t been as mysterious as Lena Cohen, I found out her old
name. She used to work in police forces during 1930s; that’s why she couldn’t hide so
well. Her name was Angela Varela.”

I paused. The spy was still alive. I wanted to smack my own head that the thought
didn’t come across my mind earlier. Aside from Volkova and my grandfather, I
should have expected that Angela would be the one to know the Irish the most.

“She’s living in Santa Barbara. Huge-ass house with a grand swimming pool and a
garden. She used to own some small bookshop before she retired twenty years ago.
But don’t you think she’s a bit too well-off for an ordinary shop owner? She didn’t
own chain stores, mind you.”

“Are you saying that she bought the house with dirty money?”

“I’m saying that maybe Lena lives there as well.”

I stared at Juliana for far too long, I supposed, because she eventually looked away,
adjusting her glasses as her cheeks slightly blushed. It was a few moments later before
I found my voice again.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Juliana scratched her head a little, her face twisted in disappointment. “Because it
seems to be only a wishful thinking. A few years ago, I flew over to California to give
Diana Wilkins a visit. Although I wasn’t allowed to go any further than the living
room, she did appear to be alone in the house. She didn’t deny the fact that she knew
the Irish… but she confirmed that the Irish had died long ago, just like what my
grandmother said.”

“I will visit her then,” I said firmly, refusing to believe until I saw it with my own eyes.

Juliana gazed out the window again. “If the Irish is still alive… why wouldn’t she
return to Volkova?”

I nodded at the same question I’d been asking myself, too. Before I knew, my hand
shot at the thick journal beside me as a thought ran across my mind.

“What…? What?” Juliana looked puzzled at my action.

“Could it be that the Irish never wanted to see Volkova again?” Chill ran down my
spine as I thought of the day the Irish was left in the field, failing to avenge Celia’s
death—or perhaps, failing to forgive anyone again even herself.

“Why? What happened? And, yes, when are you going to finish that journal?! I’m still

I chuckled at the blushing Juliana. “I will try to finish it tonight, Okay?”

“I really wanna know what’s in the book! I can’t believe my grandmother never
mentioned it to me. She knows how obsessed I am with the Irish!”

I laughed. “Same as you never told her that Volkova is still alive.”

“I have my good reason,” Juliana grumbled.

Smiling, I rubbed the bridge of my nose, getting ready to continue reading.

“I was just being a bitch. Take your time, really.” Juliana smiled and strode towards
the door. “Good night, Lena.” She then turned off the light for me and closed the door.

Slowly, I lied back down and let out a long sigh. I lowered my gaze to the black-
leathered book at my feet. At this point, I wasn’t sure if I wanted the Irish to be alive
or dead. How Volkova would feel to know that, during all these past decades, the love
of her life deserted their promise and had been living with someone else all along?
What would Volkova choose between having her lover really dead, or having her
alive but must give her up to another woman?

I began to slip into slumber with endless questions clouding my mind. It seemed to be
another restless night. But if Volkova could stand it after all these years, I could as well.

Before long, I suddenly crawled out of the bed and sat down at the desk, turning the
small lamp on. I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write a letter to Diana
Wilkins. If I just showed up like Juliana did, I would probably get the same result as
she did. But letting Ms. Wilkins read and reread the letter might give her some extra
time to ponder before rejecting me right out. This seemed to be my last hope, but I
intended to cling to it until the last minute.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 12-10-2005, 22:07   #198
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Oh by Zeus!!!! This could turn out to be really hurtful!!! I've been hoping for Lena to still be alive but to not return to Volkova ... *shakes head*!!! There has to be another explanation and it has to lie in the journal!!! So read, read I ask you !!! Please??????

Thanks for the update!!!!
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Old 13-10-2005, 05:50   #199
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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I didn't expect an update so soon but I am glad there is one! I shudder to think that Lena has been living with Angela all this time.... I have to agree with your lines about what would be worse to think that the Irish was dead or to know she broke her promise and has been living with another woman all this time. I am glad to know that the field was not the last interaction between Yulia and Lena/Irish. Thanks!!!!!
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Old 13-10-2005, 12:09   #200
warx warx is offline
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waaajejeje tnx for the updte uhaku...sweet
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