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Old 23-06-2003, 20:36   #21
Charles Charles is offline
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Hah! 142 despite the fact that I'm older than almost all of you. But then again, I've taken this particular test before.
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Old 23-06-2003, 20:40   #22
sheerblade sheerblade is offline
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I got 107... god I'm stupid
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Old 23-06-2003, 21:26   #23
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Just so you guys know, the IQ test has been abandonned awhile back. Its inaccuracy wasn't even the issue, rather the fact that no test can ever measure intelligence.
You cannot quantify the the qualitative and cannot find a finite value for the infinite. So if any of you are insecure about your results (like me, ) rest assure nobody holds the IQ value such a regard now than how they held it in the past.

But other than that it is interesting to see your results.

Last edited by PowerPuff Grrl; 23-06-2003 at 22:15.
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Old 23-06-2003, 22:15   #24
Charles Charles is offline
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In addition to what PowerPuff Grrl said, this is also and Internet based test. I take it about as seriously as the "which video game character are you" test.

This site wants you to pay for an in-depth IQ report. I suspect that the IQ reported is inflated, and very inaccurate. Are you more likely to pay for a report confirming how smart you are, or one saying you're dumb as a box of rock?
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Old 24-06-2003, 00:17   #25
Khartoun2004 Khartoun2004 is offline
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I have to agree with Charles and PowerPuff Grrl. Nobody cares about IQ scores anymore. It's really all about the standardized tests (stupid SAT's!). Plus internet IQ tests never take into consideration thinks like reation times and cumulative knowledge and blah, blah, blah.

I've had several IQ tests given to me on a number of occasions by several different pyschologists and they were a lot higher than my score on this test. Plus I think my brother got a 140 on this and he's a moron.
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Old 24-06-2003, 00:33   #26
luxxi luxxi is offline
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Not to mention this test favours people whose primary language is english. I mean I speak English but there were sayings and certain expressions that are easier for English speakers.

Besides IQ tests were criticised in the past. Main criticism was that they are designed in such way to favour white males, with males being better of than non-whites.

But it was fun to do it anyway.
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Old 24-06-2003, 06:04   #27
skye skye is offline
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I misunderstand some of the question
I should study harder in English first then take the test
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Old 24-06-2003, 17:26   #28
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Originally posted by luxxi
Besides IQ tests were criticised in the past. Main criticism was that they are designed in such way to favour white males, with males being better of than non-whites.
Wow, I never heard of that!
Please, tell how this came to be.
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Old 24-06-2003, 18:13   #29
Bitty2002 Bitty2002 is offline
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PowerPuff Grrl, it is because of statistics. When the test was first designed, whites and mainly men were the test subjects...although, I have only heard this about SAT tests, not IQ. I thought IQ tests were designed for children, but not sure there. However, with SAT, they chose Q's that white males would "on average" get right statistically. Not to mention, even today, where other races take the tests, there is still this bias. On SAT there is one sectiont hat is not scored, but used to pick Q's for future tests. They only chose Q's that high scorer's typically chose. Therefore, minorities will never be statisitcally int he majority and their choices of answers are not taken into account as much. Sorry ahrd to explain and I feel I am fumbling.
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Old 24-06-2003, 18:37   #30
Echoed Echoed is offline
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The IQ test started in the States, and yes, it was biased. It was used on children to classify them into different groups in school. It would differentiate the "smart" from the "less bright". :P Anyway, the test was designed in a rather racist manner, being that the testers knew that, at that time, white children had more education than black. As such, without seeming racist by using an "intellectual" test, they were able to "logically" exclude black children from white schools that had been ordered to ban segregation.

I think I'm talking out of my butt, 'cause otherwise, I think I'm remembering something I saw on TV or that some teacher told me. Quite frankly, I have no clue what the crap I'm saying. ^.^ Whee!

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Old 24-06-2003, 18:51   #31
luxxi luxxi is offline
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Originally posted by PowerPuff Grrl
Wow, I never heard of that!
Please, tell how this came to be.
When children are raised boys and girls play with different toys, boys with "technical" toys and girls with "family/house" toys. This reflects on IQ tests as they favour math and pattern recognition, skills you are more likely to develop if you play with "boy" toy.
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Old 24-06-2003, 19:16   #32
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Bitty2002, Echoed, and Luxxi thanks a bunch for the explanations.
Makes a lot of sense!

On that note: fcuking white guys, the hell is up with them?
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Old 24-06-2003, 19:24   #33
Charles Charles is offline
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The best IQ tests (and to an extent SAT/ACT tests) can tell you is how similar you are to the person who made the test.

Echoed, I think you have the use of IQ test correct, even if you can't cite scholarly sources. For some history on IQ tests, see

The most damning aspect of the IQ test is its association with the early 20th century eugenics movement (if you were stupid, crippled, deformed, or the wrong race/culture/religion, then you shouldn't have the right to exist).

One of my friends has a very poor vocabulary, so he sometimes comes across as a bit slow. I'm sure he wouldn't do all that well on standarized testing becuase of this. However, his opinions are almost always backed by well reasoned and logical arguments. Thats a lot more than I can say for most politician.
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Old 24-06-2003, 20:01   #34
russkayatatu russkayatatu is offline
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Hah, I took this test again and my IQ went up 7 points Moral: I should edit my posts more often

Yes, IQ tests aren't the best; they have flaws. Supposedly Marilyn vos Savant scored highest with two hundred and something and touts herself as "the smartest person in the world"? I've read her column a few times (she's the smartest person in the world and thinks the best use of her time is to write a column in the newspaper where she solves puzzles people give her?) and she doesn't impress me at all.

Just for fun, though, here's a Swedish site (in English) about the estimated IQs of the greatest geniuses:

I thought it was kind of amusing

Edit: This test has just lost all credibility with me: I rethought a few answers, resent it twice, and my IQ has not only jumped a few points each time but I've been labelled as a "Visionary Philosopher," "Visual Mathematician," and "Precision Processor." Come on!! Make up your minds, which one?

Last edited by russkayatatu; 24-06-2003 at 22:15.
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Old 05-12-2003, 20:58   #35
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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I know this is old.. but I didnt participate before....

Originally posted by russkayatatu
Edit: This test has just lost all credibility with me: I rethought a few answers, resent it twice, and my IQ has not only jumped a few points each time but I've been labelled as a "Visionary Philosopher," "Visual Mathematician," and "Precision Processor." Come on!! Make up your minds, which one?

and russkaya, booooooo, dont spoil the test... no going back and re-thinking... you're supposed to take it only once .. besides it's for fun only, eh?

okie, so I got:

Congratulations, christina!
Your IQ score is 136

"we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher."

This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. "

awwwwwwwwwww... seeee... verbal skills all that studying for the damn GRE is finally SHOWING!!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaah....

I also got this other IQ Test... Another IQ Test

and when i took that one I got:

Your IQ score is 137. A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 129-143 is considered to be "highly intelligent".

"According to your results, your greatest intellectual strength is Computation."

awww... now I am starting to wornder if I should really believe this... since I got such close results in the 2 different tests... 136 and 137... awww... maybe i am intelligent after all
oh... o!
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Old 05-12-2003, 21:03   #36
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Nonono.. these are math questions.. I don't like math questions.. *Gets nervous* Noo.. Nooooo!!! NOOOOOO!!!! *Runs away'
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Old 05-12-2003, 21:53   #37
teeny teeny is offline
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Your IQ score is 126

You have the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences. You are also a great improviser and very good at handling change.

Creative - It really does haunt me.
Math - yay
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Old 05-12-2003, 21:58   #38
russkayatatu russkayatatu is offline
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and russkaya, booooooo, dont spoil the test... no going back and re-thinking... you're supposed to take it only once .. besides it's for fun only, eh?

awwwwww, but I loooooove to mess with tests it's called learning from mistakes, heh, better to get the right answer later than never

now I am starting to wornder if I should really believe this... since I got such close results in the 2 different tests... 136 and 137... awww... maybe i am intelligent after all
what are you talking about of course you are, I've been telling you that ... seriously ....

Anyway, I am in SHOCK right now because... with no fiddling (retaking, etc) ... I got ... well, see for yourself

thanks for the extra link, hey
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Old 05-12-2003, 22:01   #39
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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russkayatatu, link DOESNT work... probably you gotta 'copy and paste'

hmmm... i wonder what you got now...Genius level???? Show up show us rach - I bet you it is.... and I've also been telling you he heee
oh... o!
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Old 05-12-2003, 22:04   #40
russkayatatu russkayatatu is offline
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that's funny ... I should be able to figure out why it doesn't work, ha haaaa Anyway, it was to the results page: which says: Your IQ score is 165. A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 161 and above is considered to be a "genius." According to your results, your greatest intellectual strength is Logic.

Ehhhh ... anyway

Last edited by russkayatatu; 05-12-2003 at 22:18.
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