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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 24-08-2004, 23:32   #841
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Thanks for the excellent comments guys, it's so nice to know that you have enjoyed it so much, so here it is, definately the last ever p&p update (I'm really quite sad and my hands are shaking a little! But never mind!)


“Do you really think it’s a good idea to go for a walk now?” Lena frowned surveying the weather outside. “It’s about to snow.”

“As long as we wrap up warm we’ll be fine, and anyway I have something to show you.” Yulia said with a mischievous grin, the type Lena could never resist.

They were having a mini holiday at the cottage and were cherishing every moment they spent together in light of the traumatic time they had endured earlier in the year.

Unbelievably, it had been five months since Yulia had been diagnosed with depression and much to Lena’s relief although her recovery had been slow, she was beginning to find herself again, regaining much of her confidence due in part to the weight she had gained and the intensive therapy and anti-depressants she had been forced to take.

There had been rough times but one moment in particular stood out to Lena as being the turning point, the day she found Yulia stood in the bathroom crying as she looked at herself in the mirror. This at first, hadn’t seemed that significant as crying had become part of their daily routine but the difference this time was that Yulia was crying with sheer joy and relief. Why was she so happy? Because her hair was growing back properly and there were no bald patches in sight and now, although her hair was still extremely short, the crop suited her and with her cheeks rosy and her eyes bright, she looked so lovely that Lena’s heart quickened with desire if she so much as glanced at her.

Their love felt new again and they were carefree and closer than ever, the support Lena had given Yulia affirming the true depths of Lena’s feelings for her. Lena had been so strong, protecting her as best she could, taking temporary unpaid leave from work to care for her. And then there were her parents. Yulia was so proud of the way Lena had handled them but in truth Lena had found it easier to tell them about her and Yulia than she could ever have anticipated. There wasn’t anything she feared more than losing Yulia so to tell her parents about their love hadn’t phased her, her resolve hardened by the fierce love she held in her heart for her girlfriend.

Naturally, she had been slightly nervous but when she had summoned them, she had simply blurted it out. Her mother as expected hadn’t taken it well, in fact as far as she was concerned Lena didn’t exist anymore. She couldn’t understand their love, probably because as Lena later realised, she had never been loved in the right way not by Boris and certainly not her father. Inessa was a sad, bitter, old woman and Lena didn’t have time for her anymore and she would no longer make excuses for her unreasonable behaviour, Yulia was her life, so Inessa and the rest of the world could go to hell if they didn’t accept them as they were, a couple.

On the other hand, her father, surprisingly, had reacted very differently to Inessa, his sadness evident as he contemplated what she was saying. He blamed himself, unable to believe Lena had made her decision by choice. In his mind, it was his desertion of his wife and daughter that had made her like this, unable to love a man but he would accept it, as long as Yulia made her happy.

Lena was grateful for his acceptance but had smiled and laughed at his theory as to why she had chosen to be with Yulia, why was it so difficult to understand? She loved Yulia, only Yulia, because well, she was Yulia, there was no one else like her, not for Lena. Whether she was a man, woman or a three-legged donkey she would still only want her, she was everything she had ever dreamed of, she made her whole.

“So what you showing me?” Lena snapped herself back to reality as she joined Yulia in putting on her coat and shoes.

“You’ll find out when we get up there.” Yulia replied coyly.

“Oh, so it’s in the bunker.” Lena smiled knowingly thinking that Yulia was ready for another bout of love making in their favourite place.

“I never said that.”

“But that’s where we’re going?” Lena pressed.

“Maybe.” Yulia couldn’t resist teasing her, knowing instinctively what Lena was thinking. She was right and wrong at the same time, as she would soon find out Yulia thought as her heart fluttered in her chest.

“Ohh, Yulia!” Lena said in mock agitation.

Yulia laughed, it made a change for Lena to be the impatient one. “You’ll find out soon enough, so quit pouting.”

“You not putting a hat on?”

“I wasn’t going to.”

Lena walked over flattening Yulia’s dark crop with a bright stripy beanie. “That’s better.” She said wrapping her arms around her neck. “I can’t have you getting ill can I?” She said planting a slow, lingering kiss on Yulia’s mouth.

They walked hand in hand in silence for awhile enjoying the tranquillity of the sprawling hills, which was tempered only by the squealing noise of the wet grass beneath their feet as snow began to smother its greenness. Night took hold, the stars peeping out behind the dark curtain of sky. It was their favourite time of any day, the time they spent reflecting on the past and pondering their future, revealing new things to the other that made them like and love each other all the more.

As they reached the top of the highest hill and were stood beside their oak tree Lena shivered. Despite the cold freezing her nose and lips, she was contented watching the pretty snowflakes gently fall to the ground, taking her glove off to catch some in the palm of her hand, marvelling at how they tickled her skin before dissolving into small puddles, this was such a special place.

“Are we going to go into the bunker?” Lena asked finally needing to warm her bones.

“In a minute, just wait here, I need to get something.” Yulia blocked her path, seemingly trying to hide something from her.

“The something you’re going to show me?” Lena smiled, excitement warming her, she loved Yulia’s surprises.

“Kind of.”

“Ok, be quick, I’m dying to know what it is.”

“I know,” Yulia smiled weakly, “I just hope you won’t be disappointed.” She said her eyes revealing a seriousness that Lena couldn’t understand.

Yulia’s sombre expression made her feel queasy as a million thoughts crossed her mind. It couldn’t be anything bad could it? Surely Yulia wouldn’t have brought her all the way up here if it was, she tried to rationalise.

“Ok, I’m back.” Yulia said lugging a large telescope behind her.

“Are we star gazing?” Lena relaxed running a hand through her long red locks to brush the snow out.

“We sure are.” Yulia said kicking some snow out of the way to make a spot for the telescope before squinting through the lens and glancing at a large piece of paper in her hand. “Ahh, there it is,” she said happily, “Lena, come and take a look.”

Lena peered through the lens admiring a plectrum of stars. “So am I looking at anything in particular?”

“The stars on the left hand side, the third one down.” Yulia consulted her sheet again. “That is, if I’m reading this right.”

“I see it.” Lena said still failing to see its significance.

“I suppose you’re wondering why I’m getting you to look at one star out of millions.”


“Well,” Yulia said in a small voice, “it’s your star,” she paused, “Lena Volkova.”

“It’s called Lena Volkova?” Lena asked in shock, her mind racing, was Yulia really going to? Really?

“Yes.” Yulia said taking her hat off and placing it on the ground. “You see,” Yulia crotched resting her right knee on her hat as the snow began to turn her hair white, “That’s what I want you to be, a Volkova, my Volkova. God, I’m so bad at this! What I mean to say or rather want to ask, is if you’ll marry me?” Yulia said grabbing hold of Lena’s hand and kissing it.

Lena was in a daze, unable to articulate what she was feeling. “I…don’t know what to say…”

“Yes would be nice.” Yulia said softly, fear tightening her jaw as she braced herself for rejection.

“I just can’t believe it,” Lena laughed nervously, “do you really mean it?”

Yulia’s blue eyes sparkled. “Yes, of course I do, I love you Lena, I want to commit to you in every way I can.”

“I love you too sweetie, there’s nothing I’d like more than to be Lena Volkova, it would truly be an honour to be your wife.” Lena’s voice quivered as pure joy shook her body from inside out.

“So, that’s a yes?” Yulia eyed her hopefully.

“Yes!” Lena shouted without hesitation, this was everything she had ever wanted.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Yulia jumped up and hugged her catching Lena off balance so that they fell into the snow, laughing and rolling around in it with glee. “I’m going to make you so happy Lena, I promise.” Yulia said kissing Lena’s face.

“You already do.” Lena responded warming her cold lips on Yulia’s, still quite unable to believe that Yulia had proposed.

“But I want to make you happier still, to love you in a way nobody has ever loved anybody before.” Yulia said throatily. “We’ve been through so much together and so many bad things have happened that have really hurt, but I wouldn’t change a thing Lena, not a thing.”

It was the end of another chapter in their lives, but there was going to be another story to tell, a bigger and even better one and it started now…
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Old 25-08-2004, 10:08   #842
teeny teeny is offline
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Originally Posted by vicky7
*jumps around* Never thought there would be more updates in this story.. *out of breath* thank you, vicky7

LOL.. while reading I got so disappointed when the telescope was put up.. Mostly thinking: "dammit I thought you were going to propose" So really glad she actually did. And what a cool way even. Even I ended up not expecting it..

Originally Posted by vicky7
there was going to be another story to tell, a bigger and even better one and it started now…
So one should surely go look for that one soon?

Thank you once again vicky for providing us with such a lovely story
Don't waste your time on me you're already
the voice inside my head
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Old 30-08-2004, 15:09   #843
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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and nothing abot the wedding?! oh come on!
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Old 30-04-2007, 12:49   #844
becksgirl becksgirl is offline
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well ima read it now.. it all at once.. XDDD
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