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Opinions on the expression of chauvinism, racism, homophobia, etc.

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Old 30-04-2006, 16:20   #61
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by nath
Have you read it now Argos? No provocation here, just to know....
No chance, I've read it before, but I always look for the (positive) intentions of such posts, not only the written words, but now I'm not so sure what she really wanted with this thread.
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Old 30-04-2006, 16:25   #62
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Thanks for your answer
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Old 30-04-2006, 22:41   #63
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Something interesting I found.


Free Speech Or PC?

It is late in the game and we, as a society, have finally reached the very edge of creative expression. Sensitivity has grown to enormous proportions; there is no doubt about that. Some groups will go to the greatest lengths imaginable in order to silence any critics. Freedom of speech is not important to these people, only the agendas they push make any kind of a difference in their twisted, one–sided minds.

We have come to the point where we must choose between freedom and feelings. Should something that offends some people but speaks what others are thinking be eradicated to save the few from being offended? In effect, wouldn’t an action such as this by any governing body be a declaration of loyalty to the offended side?

It could definitely be construed as such. If one man has the right to say something, another should have the right to say that what was said first was false. It is the basic right to protest. Every human should have that right, no matter whom you are or what point of view you represent.

Getting offended is the price we pay for freedom. If certain groups are going to be off limits we should make that exception for everyone. This is to say if I can make fun of Christians but not Muslims, then we might as well all cover our women and stop eating pork, because these things offend them as well. Maybe we should also forget that 9-11 ever happened and ban the use of the American flag everywhere, because these are also things that Islam is sensitive too as well.

See, this PC thing only works for certain groups. It is the ones who cry loud enough. Still, we can’t blame them completely. The blame also falls upon the ones in power who listen to them and censor accordingly. Seriously, what makes Mohammed any better than Jesus so we can’t make fun of each of them equally?

Why is it that black people can be open about their racism and whites can’t? Why is it that whites can not be openly racist against blacks, but can say whatever they want about the Mexican immigrants? Why is it that Muslims can burn our flags in their streets and run planes into our buildings but we can’t say the least little thing bad about them?

I’ll tell you why. Because people cry too much. The one-third of me that is Cherokee Indian would like to tell you “oppressed” peoples out there to fuck off and stop whining. You have no idea what real oppression is. The cold truth is most of what is said to make fun of a people is basically correct, that’s why it is so funny.

In conclusion, this world is never going to advance until people stop crying about being offended by something someone halfway across the world said. If anything, we as a people, and that means Muslims, Christians, blacks, whites, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and every other exclusive group in this world, should be offended by what isn’t being said.

Only when we delve into our problems from a serious and uncaring point of view without worrying about others feelings will we finally be able to move forward with some of them. Until then, we will hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no freedom.


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Old 30-04-2006, 22:58   #64
spyretto spyretto is offline
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What anti-semiticism are you talking about? When I expressed a view that they're a dominant force that controls the planet in the economy and the media you jumped straight away; now certain people are defending misoandric and anti-religious comments that unequivocally say that religion and men are shit. If I were a religious man I'd find this offensive.
I also don't agree that Lux thread wouldn't evolve into an intelligent conversation; alas we've had enough dumb posts in the past and always something good came out of it, so I do agree that Lux's thread was closed prematurely. I'd love to take the defense of the penis vs-the-vagina debate, just for the sheer fun of it...finally I don't think that neither me or Lux are in a position to evaluate the qualities of the dick. You need to ask the people who prefer it over the pussy. ( see, that as a response to Lux's thread reads a bit ridiculous, isn't it? )

Finally, I find religious fanatics and atheists equally unbelievable. Common people, you have not a clue.

Last edited by spyretto; 30-04-2006 at 23:34.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:57   #65
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Originally Posted by spyretto
Common people, you have not a clue.
That's a pretty bold statement for someone who thinks the Jews control the world.

Rachel, though I do partially agree with what you posted, I'd like to hear what you think of all this.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:36   #66
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Originally Posted by Rachel
Free Speech Or PC?
This is one of the most intelligent thing I've read for long time...
To tell the truth, I'm enough fed up by the Politically Correct language..

I agree that each one has to make an effort for the Life in Collectivity is more pleasant...but this Politically Correct Language really seems dangerous to me when it's pushed to its extremes as it's tended (tent?) to be from these past years....

Because I have the feeling that this PC language is applied just by the same part of the goes in an unic direction...
If you're Caucasian type and if you're not poor: you become the target...of the ones who don't apply this PC Language....
BUT, you, you have to behave, to apologize to be born Caucasian and to apologize to not belong to the poor social have to apologize because 150 years ago your country had colonies.... and You HAVE to continue to use this PC language....
What a such hypocrisy !...

I wonder when people would have the Honesty to recognize that chauvinism, racism... aren't just the "not poor White Caucasians "qualities" !! It's everywhere!

We are all chauvinist, racist...with different degres...
We have to improve to be more tolerant in knowing others, it's true....But let's stop this so easy old song: "White are bad, Rich are bad....Coloured people are always good, Poor people are always good" becomes really boring..

I just give you an example of these extremes:
When we got the riots in Paris, a Russian friend told me: "Oh! Your police isn't, the Russian Police would have fixed the situation in 24 hours"....
Of course our French Police is good... *chauvinistic here...* even if we don't have the "Poutine's style" to fix the extreme situations....But the government couldn't act....if not it would be interpreted as "Not Politically Correct"!
So instead to fix the situation in some days, people had to wait one month during in watching their burnt cars and their destroyed shops...

Last edited by nath; 01-05-2006 at 09:25.
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Old 01-05-2006, 13:46   #67
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Ok honestly, what the hell has this got to do with race? While I agree that some forms of political correctness has been abused by less than honest individuals and organizations tell me who in this forum is guilty of such things?

We have had discussions of about Islam and Ebonics, among other things, in this forum that both teetered on "political incorrectness" and nobody expressed any signs of being deeply offended. Lux posted something that was politically incorrect, or stupid as some would say, but not once have I heard anyone actually saying they were offended and it gets locked up and trashed while Rachel's posts something also politically incorrect one person verbally expresses being offended and nobody gives a shit because we all (including myself) don't share her beliefs.

I really don't care what thread gets opened or locked up, I just care about the reasoning behind it because as far as I'm concerned the reasons given just don't hold up. This has nothing to do with being PC, please don't make this into something it is not.

Originally Posted by nath
I wonder when people would have the Honesty to recognize that chauvinism, racism... aren't just the "not poor White Caucasians "qualities" !! It's everywhere!
We do, thank you for your concern.
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Old 01-05-2006, 14:05   #68
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Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
Ok honestly, what the hell has this got to do with race?
I think the problems linked to the "racism" are something else than a simple link to the "race"..

May be it was the case 50 years ago, when people weren't used to meet colored people , for example....
I don't think that (in the big towns, for exemple) the conflicts which still exist could be linked to the color of the skin... (except in some very well known racist "states" in the United States...or other places I have no time to mention here...)...

So I'm not so sure we could still base the ""racism" about the colors or the definitions of a race....
I mostly think it's linked to the different cultures, to the different mentalities, to the different ways of life and of thinkig....

That's why I said it's boring to listen that Black people are "victims of racism" because of the color of their skin , for exemple...

We collide because we have different cultures, because when people are disturbed in their cultures they become angry....

So could we still call that RACISM or a shock of the cultures?

Sorry ...will continue later cause I'm working here...but I'll come back to try to answer better to your questions.

PS: by the way, sorry I've just realized that your thread was about this forum...I thought it was a general problem.
Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
one person verbally expresses being offended and nobody gives a shit because we all (including myself) don't share her beliefs.
By the way , I don't "don't give a sh*t" about the reaction of Madeldoe and I understand very well that she could have been offended...and I'm sorry about that.
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Old 01-05-2006, 14:39   #69
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by nath
by the way, sorry I've just realized that your thread was about this forum...I thought it was a general problem.
The discussion started after an androphobic thread was locked and a satirical thread of religion was not, so indeed it is about this forum and the limitations it sets.

I'll repost here what i added to the first post:
This forum sets limits to the expression of certain opinions like chauvinism, racism, homophobia, etc. This thread is an outlet to express opinions about those limits and where the line is drawn between what's acceptable and what's not.
For information, a similar discussion happened three years ago, except that this time many people were asking for stricter limitations to the expression of homophobia and racism.
I'll add that 'chauvinism' in the title is meant to include misogyny and misandry of course, the expression of misandry being what started all this.

Please also notice that the expression of misandry is not totally forbidden on this forum, i'm sure you've all noticed that 'man-hating' comments regularly pop up in many threads, like in this thread for example, it comes with the territory on such a forum and can't really be avoided. However we have to set a limit to just how far people can go.
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