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Old 28-10-2004, 20:37   #1
Kate Kate is offline
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Genetically altered foods

Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
I suggest you come to USA if you wanna see fat
I think I saw enough on the "Super Size Me" documentary. I swore off McDonalds ever since. It's true, I don't eat fast food.

I won't have kids, I'll adopt. The world population will reach it's climax point around 2025, so it's better to help a child that's already born to grow up then to add your own offspring - even if it contradicts the Natural Selection. But, I'm not married yet, so my husband and I will decide depending on the circumstances.

Last edited by haku; 29-10-2004 at 22:42.
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Old 28-10-2004, 20:47   #2
Kate Kate is offline
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coolasfcuk, just noticed your comment about genetically altered foods. They don't contribute to increase in weight gain, FYI. Their genes are identical to normal crops, the only genes that are altered help them resist cold weather, pesticides... in some cases GM food can contain vitamins and other nutrients, e.g. golden rice. They don't harm a person's health, as far as I know - and I'm building my career around genetics.

Last edited by haku; 29-10-2004 at 22:43.
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Old 29-10-2004, 17:20   #3
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
They don't contribute to increase in weight gain, FYI. Their genes are identical to normal crops, the only genes that are altered help them resist cold weather, pesticides... in some cases GM food can contain vitamins and other nutrients, e.g. golden rice. They don't harm a person's health, as far as I know - and I'm building my career around genetics.
you must be kidding, right? first of all, do you eat genetically altered foods? all the time - as regular as every day for your 3 meals? Second, you dont know exactly how or what those foods could be harming yet. Third, not to go in huge lengths, but dont make me be like you and tell you what my father is/does - becuse i would have to be using the word genetics .. and believe me he already has a career built ... one of the big reasons americans ARE so fat is their food (and ive lived here 7 years) - altered food, meat full of hormones, etc, etc
oh... o!

Last edited by haku; 29-10-2004 at 22:44.
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Old 29-10-2004, 21:43   #4
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coolasfcuk, meat full of hormones - that I believe is one of the causes. All of us eat GM foods everyday in milk, bread and other stuff since all of them contain GM soy. Anyway, just a second ago I tried to search google for a single scientific article that said anything about GM food contributing to weight gain and found nothing... maybe you can find some solid evidence to support your claim?

Last edited by haku; 29-10-2004 at 22:44.
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Old 29-10-2004, 21:50   #5
teeny teeny is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
maybe you can find some solid evidence to support your claim?
if she did are you sure you would think twice about it anyway though? cos normally you just make a u-turn and go in some other direction when something is looked further into
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Last edited by teeny; 29-10-2004 at 22:38.
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Old 29-10-2004, 22:05   #6
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teeny, I'm scientifically open minded person, and if coolasfcuk can provide a scientific article that supports her claims with proper evidence, then I'll just say, "Cool. I'll keep this harmful effect of GMOs in my mind for future reference". Anyway, I found a page listing 50 harmful effects of GM foods, and weight gain isn't one of them.

Last edited by haku; 29-10-2004 at 22:45.
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Old 29-10-2004, 22:13   #7
Taty_rox Taty_rox is offline
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I have a question for you, don't get me wrong... we all have our OPINIONS... but I think you believe you know everything. So basically what is the use in trying to prove you wrong??
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Old 29-10-2004, 22:31   #8
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Taty_rox, let's not get off topic. But FYI, as I said to teeny, I'm very open minded to scientifically proved theories. And, if coolasfcuk will be kind enough to find me an article that suggest that GM foods do in fact contribute to weight gain, and why they contribute to weight gain, then I will admit that I was wrong and move on.
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:38   #9
freddie freddie is offline
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I don't know why, but people in the US didn't seem THAT fat to me. Infact they were in average a little smaller then Europeans. At least the ones in Massechusetts and Maine.
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Old 30-10-2004, 19:23   #10
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by freddie
I don't know why, but people in the US didn't seem THAT fat to me. Infact they were in average a little smaller then Europeans. At least the ones in Massechusetts and Maine.
hmmm, Ive personally never been to Mass or Maine, but you must've been in the wrong places and not for too long..... you gotta go to the MId-west first if you wanna see really fat. You know what ill do ... ill carry my camera for a week and take pics of FAT americans just like that - on a regular basis of my normal life - without looking for them on purpose Lets see what happens

and Kate, I have absolutelly no desire to make big arguments with you about the subject. I will say: genetics and any sort of science like that for that matter is absolutelly NOT my field of interest - so I only have basic knowledge about it - and have no problem admitting that . Sometimes it is interesting to talk about those things. At the same time though, I still cant take you as a very credible source of things - for lots of reasons - to name one: your number one source being the internet.... your desire for me to post internet information on the subject. In the academic world, (where you want to be, right?) that just doesnt look good.

On the other hand you have heard it a lot - you need to work on attitude (dont know how you are in person, but on the internet it is not 'interesting' to talk/debate/converse with you). I really get off this subject now. Lets be happy....

A general note on the subject is that it is NOT known what the Genetically modified foods really do the human - they tested rats and chickens and god knows what else... and? besides - this is such a recent thing that HOW can you know the exact impact it will have on humans/animals/plants/ the world say in.... 5, 10, 15, 50 years from now?!?! They are modifying things that take millions of years to occur naturally so that they happen in 2 years for example?
I guess all that i can say is that: no matter what the scientists say right now - I just dont find it pleasing that it takes 6 months for a chicken to grow in europe before it could be sold in the store while it takes 6 weeks for that process in America
I can only talk about Europe and North America - (and Europe excluding Britan, where they do lots of GM) and all i can say is that I CAN tell the difference between food quality - not how good it tastes - but I can tell how different my body feels when i come back to America after spending 3.5 months in Europe. And thats most that matters to me - i FEEL and live the difference
oh... o!
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Old 30-10-2004, 20:10   #11
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Give us the article to support your claim. You cant' continue to say stuff about stuff and not have other stuff to support it, girl. That's some bad manners.
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Old 30-10-2004, 20:53   #12
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
hmmm, Ive personally never been to Mass or Maine, but you must've been in the wrong places and not for too long..... you gotta go to the MId-west first if you wanna see really fat. You know what ill do ... ill carry my camera for a week and take pics of FAT americans just like that - on a regular basis of my normal life - without looking for them on purpose Lets see what happens
A'ight, do it! That sounds interesting.
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Old 30-10-2004, 21:12   #13
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
Give us the article to support your claim. You cant' continue to say stuff about stuff and not have other stuff to support it, girl. That's some bad manners.

katbeidar, I thought I made it obvious - there is NO article !
'My claim', as you call it, is that GM of foods is so recent that there is NO way you can know the exact outcome of it in this present time. Here, I said it short and simple - I hope you got it now. It was simply my personal view, expressed after I made it clear that I am NO expert in the subject, but lets say I have talked about it with someone who works in genetics and that's what they think as well.

I do have bad manners sometimes, yes ... after all i am a barberian, im sorry i CANT be the sweet, well-mannered daughter like you

dont give up though, you go ahead and post lots of internet articles on how they know everything about GM foods after they tested some rats ... i even will read them... im sure other people would love to discuss the subject with you, ill just watch now.

edit: okie freds ... *off to charge the camera* .. hihi
oh... o!
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Old 30-10-2004, 21:32   #14
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coolasfcuk, I rest my case.
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Old 30-10-2004, 21:52   #15
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
coolasfcuk, I rest my case.
very good choice... the whole thing was aimed at that!
oh... o!
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Old 31-10-2004, 15:37   #16
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Does anybody have any good idea how to provide enough food for rising population with current strand of crops? I don't, so we either reduce popualtion or increase crop yields. Since reducing population is impossible (baring nuclear war between countries with largest populations) crop yields have to go up. Any ideas how t do that without GM food?

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Old 31-10-2004, 17:00   #17
forre forre is offline
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The problem is that we have GMO foods without any clear reasearch on hazards for the human health. Scientists from the UK and Germany ran series of tests on mice that were fed with GM potatoes. The results showed altered health conditions with severe damage of mice liver. Still there is no research on how GM products would affect human weight.

My logic tells me the following though:
1. If we don't know whether there's any connection between fatness and GM foods or not, it doesn't mean that there's NO connection.
2. US is the only country in the world that uses GM foods for several years now and this country is considered to have the fattest population in the world too.

I guess, there's no clear answer to the question if the GM foods contribute to the increasign weight or not.

P.S. Cool, is it possible for you to have a conversation with "your source on genetics" and tell us if "your source" thinks that there's a connection or not?
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Old 31-10-2004, 17:20   #18
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by katbeidar
All of us eat GM foods everyday
I'm not an expert and i don't really follow that kind of stuff, but i don't think we eat GM foods in the EU.
As far as i know GM foods (as well as food with growth hormones) are forbidden in the EU.
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Old 31-10-2004, 17:24   #19
teeny teeny is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
As far as i know GM foods (as well as food with growth hormones) are forbidden in the EU.
I think that most are forbidden in Denmark aswell. So I believe you are right. Denmark being a part of the EU and all
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Old 31-10-2004, 18:23   #20
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
I'm not an expert and i don't really follow that kind of stuff, but i don't think we eat GM foods in the EU.
As far as i know GM foods (as well as food with growth hormones) are forbidden in the EU.
that's right .... as far as I know, the only European European country (EU i mean lol) that uses GM is England, but i will have to double check on that. Other than that EU doesnt allow any GM foods or hormones .... that is precisely why i was saying i completely feel the difference in my body from switching from Europe to USA, since in USA almost ANYTHING you eat is GM or hormones!
If you dont want to eat GM or hormones, well then you need to go to the 'Organic Markets' ... and there kids, you end us spending at least 3-4 times the money that you would spend buying the same things but GM or hormone modified!!!

forre, I will ask no prob ... and very good reply
oh... o!
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