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The Princess and the Pauper (Fanfic)

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Old 27-10-2003, 00:14   #101
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 15 part 3

Lena clumsily placed the drinks down on the coffee table reseating herself next to Yulia and promptly started to hiccup. “Lena you ok?” Yulia asked concerned moving closer to her and beginning to pat her on the back.

“Mmm, yeah fine” Lena said between hiccups.

“She’s pissed!” Tanya announced rolling her eyes.

“Nooo I’m not!” Lena argued back.

“Ok, if you say so Lenie” Tanya giggled at Lena as she tried in vain to convince them of her soberness; she was failing miserably.

Lena realising that she wasn’t fooling Tanya turned her attention to Yulia. “Oh I can see your tattoo Yul, I’ve never seen it properly before.” She said pointing at the tattoo that was visible on her upper back.

“Oh this one?” Yulia pulled the back of her vest down to reveal one of her tattoos.

“To be fair Lena she’d have to be naked for you to see that one properly!” Tanya interjected trying to join in the conversation. “Care to strip Yulia?” Tanya asked teasingly, to which Yulia responded with a deadly glare.

Lena simply blushed ignoring Tanya, she could be so flirty sometimes, too flirty even. “Does it mean anything?” Lena continued to probe Yulia.

“No but the other one does” Yulia responded focusing her attention on Lena. Perhaps if she ignored Tanya she would leave her alone.

“Which one? I didn’t know there was another one!”

“Yeah on my lower back,” Yulia pulled her shorts down slightly to reveal a tattoo that appeared to be some kind of symbol. “See”

“Ahh that’s really cool” Lena put her hand on Yulia’s back and traced the tattoo with her index finger. “So what does it mean?” she said still staring at the symbol as though in a trance.

“It’s Arabic for love apparently” Yulia informed her distracted by Lena’s gentle caress.

“That’s really sweet, you’re branded with love hee hee.” Lena seemed to find it really amusing and Yulia received a look off Tanya that spoke volumes, basically telling her not to bother, to give up on Lena because she had no chance.

“I bet you’re really romantic aren’t you Yul when you are in love?” Lena questioned with love now her topic of conversation.

It was Yulia’s turn to blush. “Well, I have my moments”

Tanya just sat observing them, Yulia couldn’t have been any more blatant about her feelings for Lena it was obvious how she felt just by the way she looked at Lena so lovingly, the way she smiled the kind of smile that was only meant for a lover, someone you belong to heart, body and soul.

Tanya felt rather sad for Yulia just watching the pair interact, Lena was so blind to it all, she evidently couldn’t see the effect she had on Yulia just by touching her. Tanya didn’t doubt Lena’s motives it was clear that Yulia was very important to her and that she perhaps loved Yulia in a way but not as anything more than a friend.

However, watching Lena she could see how Yulia could get the wrong impression as Lena was never that affectionate with Tanya or any of her friends for that matter but then again Lena didn’t know Yulia was gay. Although, Lena wasn’t homophobic if she knew that Yulia was into girls Tanya was sure she would be less touchy feeling with her, she wouldn’t want to lead her on, not like she was doing now.

After a while Lena started to yawn after finishing her latest drink “I’m kinda tired” She then proceeded to rest her head on Yulia’s shoulder.

“I think I’m gonna go now guys” Tanya decided it was the right time to go before Lena fell asleep. “Maybe we could go out on Saturday night?”

“Yeah that would be cool I’d like that” Lena mumbled in her drunken stupor.

“Yeah it will be. You gonna come Yulia?” Tanya turned her attention to Yulia, she wanted to befriend her maybe she could help her get over Lena.

“Erm I don’t know I have a lot on at work at the moment” Yulia tried to excuse herself, she didn’t think it was a good idea to socialise with Tanya, being around another lesbian might increase the chances of her being outed to Lena.

“You not gonna work on a Saturday night! You’re coming!” Lena declared waking up from her stupor for a second.

“Ok, ok I’ll come” Yulia said defeated, if Lena wanted her to go so much who was she to argue.

“Anyway I’d better be going, nice meeting you Yulia” Tanya smiled warmly at her.

“Yeah likewise. I’ll show you out” Yulia was keen to talk to Tanya alone before she left.

Lena made to get up but Tanya stopped her “Lenie it’s alright you stay here, Yulia can show me out.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah I’ll call you”

“Ok speak to you soon bye” Lena said with a half wave slumping back down onto the sofa.

Yulia led the way to the door and was quiet until they were out of earshot. “Tanya, you won’t tell Lena about me will you?”

“No, don’t worry, I won’t. It’s none of my business what you tell Lena that’s up to you” Tanya said sincerely.

“Thanks it’s appreciated” Yulia smiled, warming to Tanya now she knew she could trust her.

“Here’s my number” Tanya said pulling out a business card “If you ever wanna talk or something just give me a call”

“Thanks” Yulia took the card off Tanya and their fingers brushed slightly. Tanya was definitely extremely attractive Yulia couldn’t help but think to herself.

“Well bye Yulia”

“Yeah bye Tanya, see you on Saturday” Yulia felt nothing but relieved, Tanya seemed to understand and it made her feel that much better.

Yulia returned to the lounge to find Lena practically asleep on the sofa “Lena”

“Mmmm” Lena moved slightly but her eyes remained closed.

“Time to go to bed”

“What?” Lena mumbled again.

“Come on bedtime!” Yulia ordered authoritatively.

“Ok” Lena didn’t protest but she couldn’t seem to get up.

Yulia helped Lena to get up and noted that she was kind of shaky on her legs “Want me to help you to your room” she offered.


Yulia wrapped an arm around Lena and practically carried her to her bedroom, her eyes were only half open and Yulia opted to sit her on her bed.

“There you go” Yulia said releasing Lena from her grip “You gonna be alright now?”

“Yeah! You’re so good to me Yul. Thank you” Lena leaned over and sweetly pecked Yulia on the lips.

“Er no problem” Yulia said not quite comprehending what had just happened. Had Lena just kissed her on the mouth?

“Are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Yulia questioned Lena once more to which Lena merely responded with a nod.

“Good night Yulia”

“Night Lena” As Yulia got outside Lena’s bedroom door and shut it behind her she put her fingers to her lips where Lena’s lips had been just seconds ago and then licked them broodingly, tasting Lena’s strawberry lip balm. If only she could have kissed her back. Oh God! This was really killing her!
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Old 27-10-2003, 00:16   #102
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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i like this tanya chick.

Last edited by guesshoo; 27-10-2003 at 00:24.
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Old 27-10-2003, 01:08   #103
amikana amikana is offline
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ooh!!! a kiss! a drunken kiss, yes but.....yay!!!! lol

this is such a great story

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Old 27-10-2003, 02:41   #104
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Wow! *Great* two chapters!

I'm loving this story.

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Old 27-10-2003, 03:59   #105
haku haku is offline
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you’re both too stupid to see
Ha ha, i really like this Tanya actually.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 27-10-2003, 07:02   #106
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Ooooh, so sweet, a little peck on the lips! Vicky, this is great, you don`t hurry things too much! You know how to keep us in suspense and you know how to get us to writhe with pain of waiting, of guessing and hoping.
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Old 29-10-2003, 07:29   #107
xena225 xena225 is offline
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Lovely update. Amazing story. Thanks, vicky7!

Hopefully Tanya will keep her hands to herself, or she will be the second most hated character in this fiction, right after Roman. On a more positive note: Maybe she'll help Yulia to forget about her fears of telling Lena she's gay, and she could also help Lena open her eyes to her true feelings... We wait with bated breath.

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Old 30-10-2003, 00:08   #108
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 16 – Double Dating (part 1)

Lena woke up with a raging hangover, so much so that she could barely open her eyes. When she finally managed to prise them open the sun shining into her bedroom made her groan; she had forgotten to close her curtains the previous night. She shouldn’t have even bothered to attempt to keep up with Tanya and Yulia, they were both such good drinkers. It was after her fifth or sixth vodka that she had lost track of the events of the evening. She couldn’t remember Tanya leaving and how she got to bed she just didn’t know but no doubt Yulia would fill her in on all the details.

Lena could hear Yulia in the kitchen singing happily to herself, cooking what smelt like a fry up. Half of Lena fancied some breakfast but the other half thought she shouldn’t even try to eat because it would only make her sick.

At that moment Yulia shouted through to her “LENA, BREAKFAST!”

“Ohhh, do you have to shout?” Lena moaned putting her hands to her head.

“SORRY!” Yulia grinned impishly at Lena as she poked her head around the bedroom door.

“I said don’t shout ok?” Lena whined.

“Do you want some breakfast? I saved you some” Yulia asked in a virtual whisper.

“I don’t know if I can get up” Lena continued to whinge but Yulia couldn’t help but smile; considering how rough Lena was she still found her incredibly beautiful.

“I’ll bring it to you ok?” Yulia offered kindly.

“Thanks” Lena said attempting to smile, Yulia was so good to her.


Yulia burst in through the bedroom door with a tray full with a plate of bacon and eggs, two slices of toast, a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea. Lena was very grateful for it, she couldn’t have gotten up and sorted it out herself she would have been nauseous cooking all that for herself.

“So are you feeling bad this morning?” Yulia asked already knowing the answer.

“The worst ever!” Lena complained.

“You weren’t in the best state last night it has to be said” Yulia smiled wryly.

“I can’t even remember Tanya going home and…I can’t remember going to bed” Lena said looking thoughtful, no she couldn’t remember going to bed.

“You nearly fell asleep out on the sofa but I got you up and brought you in here” Yulia filled in the blanks for Lena though she completely omitted the part where Lena had kissed her. It had only been a peck, a quick kiss on the mouth but Yulia had savoured it and had lovely dreams about Lena last night.

“Was I embarrassing?” Lena asked looking unsure of herself.

“No you were just drunk. Do you remember that we are going out with Tanya on Saturday night?” Yulia skilfully changed the subject.

“No” Lena said confusion now evident on her features.

“Yeah she asked us if we wanted to go out next Saturday night and we said yes” Yulia once again filled in for her.

“That should be fun” Lena smiled but it faded promptly as she recalled another thing that had happened. “I’m remembering something else now.”

Yulia cringed inwardly, had Lena remembered the kiss? “What’s that?”

“Did Tanya hit on you?” Lena enquired.

“Errm, slightly” Yulia didn’t want to make a big deal out of it especially if it would bring her own sexuality into question.

“I’ll take that as yes then” Lena looked slightly distant and Yulia found it difficult to read her expression.

“Only a little. I just figured she was kinda flirty anyway”

“Oh yeah she is but she liked you” Lena said continuing to eat her breakfast.

“What can I say? I’m gorgeous!” Yulia light-heartedly struck a pose pouting at Lena.

“I know! I don’t know how she could control herself last night, I mean you’re just so damn cute!” Lena got into the spirit of things pinching Yulia cheeks playfully revived at last by her breakfast.

“Oh get off!” Yulia reprimanded Lena her cheeks now reddening with embarrassment. Thankfully Lena didn’t notice her awkwardness as she was saved by the sound of the phone ringing in the living room and she ran out to get it. “Hello!”

“Hello can I speak to Elena?” A male voice on the other end of the phone demanded.

“Who is it please?” Yulia knew who it was but she wasn’t going to acknowledge him.

“It’s Roman” he replied flatly.

“Ok I’ll just pass her the phone” Yulia went back to Lena’s bedroom and held out the phone to her. “Lena, it’s Roman”

“Oh right thanks” Lena didn’t really want to speak to Roman right now as he would no doubt go on at her when she told him she had a hangover. “Hellooo”

“Hello, you ok?” A concerned sounding Roman asked.

“Umm,” Lena started “A little hung over, I had a few drinks with the girls last night” she decided to answer truthfully.

“Elena what have I told you about drinking? I don’t know why you bother you should just quit while you’re ahead.” Roman bellowed.

“I get the picture! There’s no need to nag, we can’t all be perfect like you!” Lena responded somewhat irritated; like he never went out and got drunk.

“Well that true.” He laughed conceitedly. “Anyway I’m just calling because I have a business deal I have to close and I want to take him out for dinner and I need you to come along and bring a friend for him.”

“Why do I have to come?” Lena asked bluntly.

“It just makes it more social, I’d be very grateful” Roman put on his most charming tone of voice.

“I don’t know if I want to get involved with your work” Lena answered honestly.

“I’m surprised at you Elena I thought you would be more supportive!” Roman snapped.

“I am supportive but..”

“Please!” Roman pleaded.

“Ok, ok,” Lena conceded not wanting an argument “So when is this dinner thing?”

“Ciros, Wednesday night at eight”

“Italian, my favourite” Lena perked up, she loved going to Ciros.

“So you’ll get a friend to come along?”

“Yeah I’ll try to drag Yulia if that’s ok?” Lena knew Roman and Yulia didn’t get along very well but if she was going to have to go and sit in on Roman’s business dinner she wanted Yulia there to relieve her boredom.

“Yes that’s fine. Just tell her to be on her best behaviour, this is a very important deal.” Roman forewarned.

“Ok then I will go and talk to her now and speak to you soon to arrange plans” Lena wanted to ask Yulia to the dinner as soon as possible, she knew she would take some convincing before she would actually agree to come but Lena was prepared to beg.


Lena stumbled out of her bedroom and into the lounge where Yulia was drawing frantically on a large notepad. “You busy?”

“A bit, we have this big fashion show coming up at work in a few weeks, we’ve got loads of designs for it but a few extra wouldn’t hurt” Yulia said barely looking up from her sketch at Lena.

“Sorry to bug you but would you like to do me a big, big, big, big favour?” Lena made big eyes at Yulia and smiled extra sweetly.

“It depends! What it is?” Yulia asked suspiciously.

“Come out on a double date with me on Wednesday?” Lena invited her hopefully.

“What? You, me, Roman and…..?” Yulia waited for Lena to inform her.

“This guy he’s trying to do a deal with, Roman’s asked me to bring a friend along for him”

“Lena do I have to?” Yulia grimaced.

“Well I have to” Lena pouted childishly.

“But Roman’s your boyfriend!”

“Oh but, but… please Yul it will be soo boring! At least if you come I’ll have someone to talk to and you never know he might be a bit tasty” Lena said winking at her. “You could do with a man that way we could go out on double dates all the time.”

“ I dunno Lena.” It sounded like Yulia’s idea of hell but she would have to pretend to at least consider it “Mmm”

“Please Yuliaaa” Lena enunciated “I don’t want to go on my own” Lena stuck out her bottom lip, which always got Yulia, Lena was beginning to get her own way with her as usual.

“Can’t you get someone else to go with you?” Yulia attempted to excuse herself once more.

“But I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be there with me. I know if you’re there I’ll have fun.” Lena answered persuasively. “And if the guy’s a dog we can just leave in disgust” she chuckled.

“Well if you put it that way, go on then you’re twisted my arm!” Yulia gave up she might have known she would.

“Oh you’re a star! I could just kiss you right now!” Lena shrieked happily, Yulia simply smiled.
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Old 30-10-2003, 01:16   #109
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Oh wow....that's a twist I didn't see coming.

Should be interesting to see where this goes.

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Old 30-10-2003, 01:58   #110
haku haku is offline
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Ha ha, that Roman is not subtle. Knowing him, he'll probably tell the guy that Yulia will sleep with him. I'm sure Roman would even consider pimping his own girlfriend to close a deal. Sad thing is that Lena is so letting him walk all over her that she'd probably accept to do it if he begged enough for it.
And of course he probably has over a dozen female friends he could have asked to go to the date, but he can't let them meet his girlfriend because he slept with all of them!
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 30-10-2003, 02:00   #111
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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a double date huh?

i hope roman doesn't say any nasty comments to yuli at this dinner, cuz i would hate to see her kick his a$$.................oh no i won't.

nice chapters vicky.
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Old 30-10-2003, 10:14   #112
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Aaah, can`t wait that dinner! I`m hungry to read more! Good work Vicky7!
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Old 02-11-2003, 17:11   #113
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 16 part 2

“Lena you ready?” Yulia asked impatiently.

“Just about” Lena said fixing her dress while eyeing herself critically in the full length mirror in her bedroom.

“I don’t wanna go!” Yulia moaned. She had been waiting around for Lena for about half an hour now and just wanted to get the dinner over with so they could come back.

Yulia had only taken about fifteen minutes to get ready opting to wear a pair of black trousers and a black strappy vest top with a white shirt worn open over it. Nothing too sexy as she didn’t want to give her date for the evening any ideas, if he even dared to hit on her she would have to put him in his place and she didn’t want it to have to come to that.

“I don’t want to go either. Why do you think I’m driving? At least this way we can make a quick getaway if it’s really bad” Lena tried to appease Yulia.

Yulia looked deep in thought for a moment. “We should have come up with a code shouldn’t we?”

Lena worn a confused expression, “Code?” she asked.

“You know like if I want to go I’ll just say I don’t feel well and then you’d be like oh really Yulia I’ll have to drive you home then and then we go, simple!” Yulia chirped, happy with her escape plan, she had a feeling they were going to need to use it.

“Yeah we could do that.” Lena agreed.

“Is the reservation for 8 O’clock?” Yulia asked looking at her watch.

“Yeah so we’d better get a move on” Lena said grabbing her coat and car keys.

“Well you’re the one keeping me waiting missy!” Yulia grinned, “Ohh I’m dreading this!” she groaned following Lena out of the apartment and down to the car.

“You never know it might be love at first sight!” Lena said optimistically while unlocking her car.

Yulia climbed into the car, “Doubt it, it’s definitely a good idea to drive! I’m actually thinking about getting a car.” Yulia said changing the subject.

Lena looked surprised. “Really? I didn’t know you could drive”

“Yeah I can drive alright, just wait until I get my car and I’ll drive you about in style”

“I dread to think” Lena rolled her eyes.

“I’m great at driving!” Yulia exclaimed “Honest!”

“I’m sure you are sweetie.” Lena laughed.

They arrived at the restaurant about twenty minutes later and as Roman and his dinner guest hadn’t arrived yet Lena and Yulia were shown to their table and ordered drinks while they waited. They both finished their first drinks and there was still no sign of them, time was getting on, it was 8.45pm already and they hadn’t even ordered their starters.

“Where are they?” Yulia exclaimed tapping her fingers on her second empty glass of wine with irritation written all over her beautiful face. “I mean we don’t even want to be here, they are seriously taking the p**s now!” she grumbled on.

“Ahh, there’s Roman” Lena said standing up to wave at Roman who waved back and headed to their table, he was accompanied by a podgy, greying man who was in his late thirties at the very least.

Lena and Yulia shared a look. “Is he serious? That’s my date?” Yulia questioned Lena.

“I know what you mean he’s not the best.” Lena said tactfully wanting to calm the increasingly irate Yulia.

“He looks like he’s been dug up!” Yulia said failing to hide her disgust.

“He’s not that bad” Lena lied.

“I’ve never seen anyone look that grey! I suppose he’d look alright on a black and white tv but jeeez” Yulia bellowed down her ear.

“Shhh, stop it, you’re making me laugh” Lena said trying to suppress her giggles as Roman and Yulia’s ‘date’ finally got to their table.

“Hello girls” Roman acknowledged.

“Hello” Lena and Yulia said flatly in unison, both feeling like it was going to be a long night.

“Elena, Yulia this is Milan Stepanov” Roman introduced them.

“Hello, pleased to meet you both” Milan smiled goofily at them both, first shaking Lena hand before moving on to Yulia. When he shook her hand Yulia couldn’t believe how weak his handshake was and now her own hand felt all wet and slimy due to the contact it had made with his cold and clammy hand. When he sat down opposite her she slyly wiped her hand on the napkin trying to make her hand feel clean again.

They all studied their menus and the waitress came over to take their orders. The starters arrived quickly and Yulia was temporarily relieved to be distracted by food, she was so hungry and the three glasses of wine were taking effect because she had eaten so little in the day.

However, her appetite diminished quickly as she witnessed Milan slurping his soup, and chomping loudly on a buttered bread roll. He managing to get crumbs all around his mouth and had already clumsily dipped his tie in his tomato and basil soup twice. When he had finished eating and wiped the soup around his mouth onto the back of his sleeve he noticed Yulia looking at him in disbelief and winked at her. Yulia promptly looked away but could see that he was still studying her with his beady black eyes, looking her up and down, attempting to peer down her top.

After a while he turned to talk to Roman and Lena and Yulia look at each other communicating silently, Lena looked as miserable as Yulia felt.

“Fashion designer huh?” Milan said smiling at Yulia.

“Yes” Yulia replied simply.

“Are all designers as sexy as you?” Milan flirted running his foot up her leg while eyeing her lustfully the whole time. His foot travelled higher and higher until it reached her groin area and then went even higher. Yulia was incensed, what the f**k did he think he was doing? She kicked out booting him hard in his genital area.

Roman and Lena who were chatting avidly at the time did not noticing the commotion to the side of them until Milan yelled out in pain. “Arggghhh s**t!”

“What’s the matter Milan?” Roman asked.

“Nothing, nothing” he said through gritted teeth his face red and his eyes watering.

Yulia just staring at him coolly showing no emotion, “Lena I’m going to the toilet” she said turning to Lena, hoping she would realise that she wanted her to come with her.

“I’ll come with you” Lena knew Yulia wanted to talk to her

“Off they go, why you women can’t ever go to the toilet alone I’ll never know! Women are so predictable aren’t them Milan?” Roman joked.

Milan nodded trying hard not to cry, that little bitch had kicked him so hard and his testicles were throbbing unrepentantly.


“Yul what happened out there?” Lena asked Yulia as she stood reapplying her lipstick in the ladies toilets.

“The b**tard ran his foot up my legs and to my… know” Yulia said looking down at the floor embarrassed.

“Oh s**t! What a prick! Lena said in disbelief. “I can’t believe he did that to you the f**king old pervert! I’m so sorry Yulia, I shouldn’t have made you come and let that b**tard…touch you!” Lena ranted enraged by Milan’s behaviour towards Yulia.

“Lena it’s ok I just want to go home now and forget about it” Yulia said dismissively.

I’ve got a good mind to go out there and kick his ass.” Lena continued to rage her face now almost as red as her hair.

“I already kicked him in the balls” Yulia smiled satisfied that she had punished Milan sufficiently. His face had been a picture when she had kicked him; he certainly knew he had messed with the wrong girl.

“Ha! Really? So that’s why he yelled out? What are you like!” Lena smiled back at Yulia slightly calmed by the fact Yulia had got revenge.

“Shall we go and make our excuses to leave?” Yulia desperately wanted to go home, away from Milan and Roman and back to their safe haven, just Yulia and Lena like it was meant to be.

When they headed to the dining area there was a stony silence as the two men stopped talking when they saw the two girls returning to the table. They had obviously been talking about Yulia, there was no doubt about it. Roman was glaring at her with an intense hatred while Milan still seemed consumed by the pain Yulia had inflicted on him, he didn’t appear to be sitting too comfortably.

Lena was the first to speak. “We’re going to go now Roman” She decided that she wasn’t even going to bother making an excuse as there was no point, they all knew Yulia and Lena were leaving because of what had happened with Milan.

“Right that’s fine, I think you should go and take that little bitch with you!” Roman spat scornfully.

“HE F**KING SEXUALLY HARASSED HER!” Lena screeched oblivious to the fact that all the other diners were looking over and listening in on their argument.

“SHE WAS ASKING FOR IT!” Milan defended himself shouting at Lena.

“OH SCREW YOU!” Lena angrily picked up the plate of Tagliatelle in front of Milan that the waitress had just brought to the table and dumped it in his lap. He yelped with pain as the steaming hot pasta landed on his already delicate nether regions.

“Come on let’s go!” Lena commanded Yulia who had been rendered speechless by the surreal scene, which had just taken place. They both threw down some money on the table to pay for dinner with Lena storming out of the restaurant ahead of Yulia who trailed behind her noticing the other diners observing their departure.

When they got into the car Lena was still extremely angry while Yulia was now completely bemused by what Lena had just done. “I can’t believe you just did that Lena!”

“He deserved it the b**tard!” Lena said furiously.

“I know but still it’s not like you.” Yulia reasoned.

“He shouldn’t have touched you then” Lena said, the very thought of Milan touching her Yulia fueling her rage once more.

“All I can say is I’m glad you’re on my side!” Yulia smirked; Lena was so sexy when she was mad. “But what about Roman?” she asked curiously, she had never seen Lena lose her temper with Roman.

Lena shrugged. “What about him?”

“He’s going to be so mad at you as well as me now”

“If he thinks it’s alright for that pervert to touch you up like that then he can f**k off too!” Lena raged yet again.

“Lena, Lena chill out!” Yulia said gently trying to soothe her friend, she was getting too worked up to drive.

“I’m sorry but I’m just so angry. How dare he?”

Yulia nodded. “I know but we’re going home now so it doesn’t matter”

“I just wished I hadn’t forced you to come tonight. This is all my fault” Lena said regretfully.

Yulia tried to comfort Lena who now looked more upset than angry. “I could have said no if I’d wanted to.”

Lena looked pained. “But you tried to and I wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Lena, don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s not your fault! How were you to know he was such a creep? Lena didn’t say anything still blaming herself. “Oh come here!” Yulia reached over and gave Lena an affectionate cuddle. “Now have you calmed down?”
Lena smiled in answer and Yulia gave her shoulder a quick squeeze “Good, now let’s get home”

Last edited by vicky7; 02-11-2003 at 17:34.
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Old 02-11-2003, 17:33   #114
amikana amikana is offline
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awwww - hooray for beating up icky perverted men!!
great chapter vicky!! i love how lena is so protective of yulia

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Old 02-11-2003, 18:39   #115
prostrel prostrel is offline
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"...he’d look alright on a black and white tv...". That was funny ! Well, this was a nice "action chapter". Thank you Vicky7!
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Old 02-11-2003, 20:05   #116
haku haku is offline
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icky perverted men
Basically a pleonasm.
man who was in his late thirties
"F**king old pervert", go Lena...
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 03-11-2003 at 02:33.
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Old 03-11-2003, 02:21   #117
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Go Lena! Woo-hoo!

Great chapter!

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Old 03-11-2003, 02:36   #118
rivierakid rivierakid is offline
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*ahem* Yeah...Anyway, that was awesome vicky! I love how the girls handled the dirty old man...You know, with the kicking of the balls and the throwing of food. That was cool. ^_^

Anyway, great chapter and I'll be waiting oh so patiently for the next one...yeah...patiently...^_^;; So, yeah. You rock!
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Old 04-11-2003, 02:27   #119
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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i really didn't expect lena to react to the situation in that manner!

my only wish is that yuli had kicked him hard enough that he would have keeled over!
nasty old pervert!

great chapters vicky.
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Old 06-11-2003, 00:06   #120
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
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Chapter 17 – Two’s Company Three’s A Crowd (part 1)

It was Saturday morning and while Lena lazed around at home Yulia had gone into town to have her hair cut in preparation for their big night out. It had seemed a long week and Lena was tired and in a way almost wished she could pull out of going out that evening.

Yulia and Tanya had decided that they would go clubbing and Lena wasn’t looking forward to it one bit. She loved music and dancing but ironically she hated clubs; they were too much like meat markets for her liking. The girls dancing while the guys looked on weighing up which prime filly was to be theirs for the night.

She was glad she was out of all that, well at least she hoped she was, she had yet to hear from Roman after Wednesday night’s dinner fiasco. Lena’s anger had embed away now and she was scared, what if Roman didn’t want to go out with her anymore? She didn’t want to be single and so she contemplated biting the bullet and calling him to apologise.

Lena wasn’t sorry for what she had done but she was willing to put aside her feelings in order to save her relationship so she picked up the phone and dialled Roman’s number. What was she going to say to him? Would he even listen to her?

“Hello” Roman answered on the second ring.

“Hi Roman, it’s me, Lena.” Lena could feel her nerves jangling.

“What do you want?” He barked rudely.

Lena sighed unhappily. “To talk, to sort things out.” She could tell she was going to have to practically beg for forgiveness.

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve caused me?” Roman asked sharply. “Milan pulled the plug on the deal and I got landed with a huge bill for the dry cleaning.”

“Look I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me, I just got so angry about what he did to Yulia.” Lena tried to explain in vain.

“Don’t you think she may have overreacted?” There was a long pause. Lena thought that Yulia had been well within her rights to give Milan a good kicking after all he was a dirty old pervert for touching a young woman in such a inappropriate manner. Surely Roman knew Milan had been out of order deep down.

“Well? Roman asked insistently demanding a response from Lena.

“Maybe a little” Lena lied, she wanted everything to be all right even if she had to sacrifice the truth on this occasion.

“I’d say she went way over the top the evil little bitch! And you, well…the way you showed me up in that restaurant, I still can’t believe it, I’ve never ever been so embarrassed in my entire life, that girl is such a bad influence on you Elena” Roman said in an attempt to shame her; it was working.

“I know I lost it but I’m sorry! I’ll do whatever I have to do to make it up to you, please forgive me honey” Lena begged. Lena’s plea hung in the air while Roman deliberated her fate.

“What you doing right now?” he asked.

“Nothing” Lena responded feeling the tension easing from her body, it seemed she was to be forgiven.

“Can I come round? I know exactly what you can do to make it up to me” he uttered provocatively clearly requiring sex in return for the forgiveness he was prepared to afford her.

“Sure, if you like” Lena conceded weakly.

“Be ready for me, you have a lot to make up for Elena Katina!”


Yulia arrived home to be met by the sight of a bare-chested Roman helping himself to a snack in the kitchen. She was so stunned to see him in their apartment that she could only stand and stare while he munched away fervently seemingly just after having slept with Lena; after all why else would he have been half naked? Yulia really couldn’t believe it, she had only been gone for about three hours and he had managed to worm his way back into Lena’s life.

“Look who we have here, it’s the ball breaker!” Roman sneered at her, enjoying the discomfort he could see his presence caused her.

“Take it you made up with Lena then” Yulia said frowning at him.

“In every sense of the word!” He smiled smugly. “You disappointed?”

“Why would I be disappointed?” Yulia was bitterly disappointed but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how gutted she was that she didn’t have Lena all to herself like she had hoped.

“Because you’re jealous!” Roman told her knowingly.

“Jealous?” Yulia played dumb, had Roman picked up on her feelings for Lena?

“Yes, bet you wish you had a boyfriend, only there’s no one crazy enough to take you on!” Roman said taking great delight in winding Yulia up.

“You couldn’t be wrong!” Yulia shook her head smiling, if only he knew she had eyes for his girl. “And if I had a boyfriend like you I’d shoot myself” With their eyes deadlocked in looks of mutual hate neither one of them noticed Lena come into the kitchen in her dressing gown.

“Hi Yulia” Lena said shyly seeing the stand off between Yulia and Roman, knowing that Yulia would be less than thrilled that she had patched up her relationship with Roman.

“Hi” Yulia turned her back on Roman to face Lena forcing a smile, attempting to hide her disillusionment with Lena for being so weak and needy that she had let Roman back into her life.

“Wow! Look at your hair” Lena exclaimed. Yulia’s black hair was now tipped with blonde highlights, her hair now collar length but still styled in her traditional spikes. Lena thought she looked amazing, and at that moment wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through Yulia’s perfect hair.

“Yeah, what the f**k have you done to your hair?” Roman sniped looking for a reaction from Yulia.

“Oh f**k off!” Yulia replied angrily rising to his bait, she was sick of him getting in the way and spoiling her otherwise perfect relationship with Lena.

“Oohh the liddle girl’s all p**sed off, what you gonna do now, kick me?” Roman taunted Yulia further.

Yulia looked to Lena for support and saw that she wasn’t going to get any as Lena had detached herself from their spat and was busying herself by cleaning the kitchen work surfaces. It was obvious whose side Lena on to Yulia’s mind so she stormed off to her bedroom.

“That girl has such an attitude problem” she heard Roman say as she slammed the bedroom door as hard as she possibly could, she still didn’t hear Lena defending her and it hurt.
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