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Old 23-07-2010, 19:02   #881
RowerB RowerB is offline
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Originally Posted by thelastblossom View Post
even yulia doesnt sound like yulia anymore. she sounds like a dinosaur. but you could watch jurassic park for the same effect. so to speak, the t rex would be among yulia the best singer in the world
T. Rex were good, but not a match for Yulia.
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Old 23-07-2010, 19:57   #882
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
1. If you think that it's funny - sorry, it's not.
2. Bashing artists, especially if it's based on poor grounds, don't make your arguments very convincing.
3. You haven't heard her voice for years. You don't know how she sounds.
4. Some of the greatest music has been sung by people who sounded worse than crows, and people love it, and spend money on all of their albums.
5. If you want to hear perfect voices you are wrong here. Try Anna Netrebko or some other opera singer.

1. sorry, i think it was funny
2. it is not based on poor grounds, you dont know my ground. I was just telling how I think she sounds, just like rowerB. you are the one speculating all the time with detailed sketches but doesnt seem to know that nobody knows any truth.
3. that doesn't matter, as you can see, my post was not a serious argument based post. it was just an expression of my thoughts. its just pointless to bring this up. but of course, yes I based my judgement on my past hearings. I wouldnt expect her to sound like a sarah brightman suddenly right.
4. I never made the link from having poor vocals to bad music.
5. of course I am also member of forums of artists that I like, whether they have better vocals or not.

ANYHOW, T-rex is a serious match to Yulia in my eyes. let's put his vocals over a great beat for some sex-rock
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:13   #883
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Originally Posted by thelastblossom View Post
T-rex is a serious match to Yulia in my eyes.
Let me hear your T-rex. I'm intrigued how you get a sound tape from an animal which is extinct for more than 65 million years. Again, poor grounds!
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:21   #884
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
Let me hear your T-rex. I'm intrigued how you get a sound tape from an animal which is extinct for more than 65 million years. Again, poor grounds!
lol are you really taking this t-rex thing serious? look, if my observation led to the right conclusion you will endlessly write to prove your point. but it is not in my priority interest to spend my time doing, so just leave that in the dark. to me, I was just saying what came on mind, just like rowerB and everybody else. so please chill out
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:21   #885
Edgar Edgar is offline
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Originally Posted by thelastblossom View Post
1. sorry, i think it was funny
I don't think that he's kidding about that. it wasn't funny

ANYHOW, T-rex is a serious match to Yulia in my eyes.
Maybe You're blind or something like that. Come on guy go to the hospital.
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:29   #886
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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oh no! you got me wrong Edgar! I didnt mean to express that Yulia looks like T-rex. I meant that they (the artificial creature of the movie jurassic park and yulia) have the same voice! But remember, the T-rex is just an artificial interpretation of the real one. So we cant know for sure.
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:39   #887
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Ok, your bashing is based on the comparison of an artificial interpretation of a filmmaker on an extinct animal nobody knows how it really sounded with the voice of one person you haven't heard for years just remembering recordings from far pasttime, which wasn't even really live, because Lena and Yulya didn't sing entirely live since 2006. Is this so correct, or do you have to add something I overlooked?
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Old 23-07-2010, 20:39   #888
Starrgurl Starrgurl is offline
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I thought you were talking about the band T-Rex.

But to compare how Yulia's voice sounds now, it seems pretty much dead in this video.
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Old 23-07-2010, 21:08   #889
RowerB RowerB is offline
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Originally Posted by Starrgurl View Post
I thought you were talking about the band T-Rex.
I was.
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Old 23-07-2010, 21:56   #890
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well at least yulia gave life to dead tatu forums. Haven't seen so much posts in awhile. Let the cat fight begin!
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Old 23-07-2010, 22:05   #891
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Originally Posted by RowerB View Post
I didn’t forget it because I didn’t know it in the first place. None of them would make a sound like Yulia so they are second besters at best.
You're a goon. Nobody gives two piles of rat shit about Yulia. The only thing second best to Yulia's voice that we know of is a foghorn. - She is not a great vocalist, and she has never been a great vocalist without the aid of a studio. She rants and raves about supporting creativity but has so far put nothing creative into t.A.T.u. or anything else that we've seen in the past ten years. No writing. No production. And still a shabby voice. Unless she finds a good way to reinvent herself, which is going to be hard to do since she's been both a lesbian and the chairwoman for people with disabilities in the past - I don't see her being successful. And Argos, I do disagree with you here. The fact that they didn't sing live in the first place should be enough evidence to support the fact that neither of them have the ability to handle their poor and untrained vocals during a live show. In a studio, multiple takes can be done. On stage, their countless moments of being off-key are evident every thirty seconds.
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Old 23-07-2010, 23:35   #892
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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Originally Posted by QueenBee View Post
It is (...)
I'm so happy you're still alive!

Miss your posts!!!
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Old 24-07-2010, 00:06   #893
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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I honestly don't know why I like t.A.T.u.! Seriously!!!

Untalented, insecure, crazy, enigmatic, not really beautiful anymore... Wah! Not even their fans support them. First, the ones who were frustrated they were NOT REALLY lesbianskis. Now, the ones who just realized these girls are nothing compared to those so awesome and marvelous artists.

Oh. So long, t.A.T.u.!


Since the last album, it's funny to listen to their songs and think about how better they could be. And think about how the girls don't even sound good in a record! They're off-key at many moments. LOL, so funny those girls!

Now, lipsy lipsy Yulia only makes scandals and lips. Fans who think others are just too hard on her fight for her rights. Great fans!
And little chubby Lena... Ah, Lena! Now she's improved and so many people are happy. The 100 and something people who still are left. Oh. What a beatiful smile you've got there, Lenka! So smart girl!!!

Anyways. I'll listen to them and watch them. They're part of my life, after all. I was 13 when I first got to know them and was intrigued by them. Back then, I didn't think about who could or couldn't sing or any of this complex business. All I liked was Pearl Jam and Silverchair, but these girls just had something to them! Something that, actually, doesn't exist. I wanted them to have it. Why? Go ask my mind. Everything's crazy. It doesn't have to make sense, it just is. For all of us.

So, here's where I'm trying to get: there ARE, it's obvious, FAR more interesting and talented artists out there. I follow them. However, everybody deserves a chance if they mean something to you and especially if they are good people to your eyes. Lena fits in here. Yulia fits the first one.

So, let me follow them. I don't need a reason. And ALSO, let me get mad. Let me think without raping my thoughts. Just think for yourselves and be the nice people you are.

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Old 24-07-2010, 04:07   #894
MalchikGeiBrand MalchikGeiBrand is offline
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I think I'm the same way. I still follow Tatu somehow even though there's not really a defined reason I can think of as to why. I was attached to them so much when I first got into them (I was 12, and this was back in the summer of '05 so it was kind of late in their career) and it's one of those things where I can't detach myself. It's not like I'm being delusional and over optimistic.

Myself compared to some fans of Tatu on YouTube and facebook... It seems I'm definitely not as delusional and over optimistic.

My case with Tatu is quite similar with this case. It's like this one pop group from Thailand I liked since I was about 8... I thought those girls were the "coolest thing ever" even though I now know they were totally completely manufactured. They can't sing, they have cute looks but their attempts at being sexy are just so awkwardly hilarious. I don't often listen to their music anymore - only the old ones for my nostalgia, but I still follow them somehow? And I don't really need to explain the reason why I do, because there isn't really one.

Personally, I don't imagine Lena's current stuff reaching outbreaking success, but I still find myself casually looking up for her updates.
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Old 24-07-2010, 10:49   #895
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
I don't see her being successful. And Argos, I do disagree with you here. The fact that they didn't sing live in the first place should be enough evidence to support the fact that neither of them have the ability to handle their poor and untrained vocals during a live show.
i don't see where we disagree here. I'd sign every word of your comment. I don't believe in success for both of them. For an international career, especially when English is not your first language, you need a lot of important people working behind you. And I don't even speak about the fact that you need to be really unique and creative in your artistical work, which both of them haven't shown until now even once (although we don't know whether they ar capable or not).

Lena is singing better than Yulya, but certainly not good enough to compete with the first league of international music scene, and Yulya, even if her vocal chords were ok, wouldn't be much better. Their skills are far behind a typical mid twenties pop artist on the international scene.

Their only fair chance is the Russian market and the neighbouring countries. Even there both of them are considerably behind, but Yulya has at least a tiny chance. She has more contacts in the scene, she is regularly together with other singers, producers, sponsors (her oh so damnable partying), and therefore gets echo from professionals, some advice (we know, not everything is a good one --> lips) and she may find a way through this labyrinth. She is about to take a position, which isn't occupied so far by another Russian artist. If I'm not misled her concept should be similar to the Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda (you may know her from the ESC 2009), and if she gets MUCH professional help, she could grow into it.

Lena on the other hand does what hundreds of Russian singers do. Standing there, singing ballads, everything random and not really touching or intoxicating. Yeah, nice, thank you. Some may say now, it's her nature, but Michael Jackson was shy and polite and reclusive too. This is what the main problem of the Katina project is - lack of an active image of her, something which makes all people interested, not just a handful of overly romantic teenage girls. The singing skills are not soo important, in Russia most of the shows are playback anyway and it's more important for pop stars to sell dreams than great musical achievements. That she concentrates on the English language doesn't help her much, most Russians don't understand it at all, and lyrics are far more important in Russian pop than in western. A band on the other end of the world isn't exactly a good solution too. So I see many handicaps, which I can't see to be resolved, if everything remains like this.
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Old 24-07-2010, 11:17   #896
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
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but is it that important to reach succes? maybe lena just wants to do music she likes and grow as an artist whether she will gain a lot of succes or not. maybe she is already happy with a handfull of fans? if thats her interest than what is the problem? I dont think anybody here believes that Lena is getting international succes
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Old 24-07-2010, 11:39   #897
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^There is absolutely no problem with that, on a first look. But we have to accept that this can only go so long, as Renskij wants to support her. His investments will always be more than they can get back. If he loses interest, or if he dies (unfortunately he is considerably older than Lena), Lena will be left alone. She has no other profession, but has to begin with something else then (and probably something she doesn't like). It's always better if your artistical career can feed you well, just my view.
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Old 26-07-2010, 16:05   #898
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Originally Posted by crazy malchik View Post
I mean. What's the problem in singing "Not Gonna Get Us"?
Not really. To repeat the discussion of ont that topic: Lena was the one who most of all rejected the old tatu image, but had no problem singing all the hit songs of the first album (five of them). Furthermore the tatu songs, she chose, are not just any songs, nor are they songs which suit to her new project, no, they are the best of all tatu songs. She sings twice as much tatu songs than her own new ones. This all gives the image that she just exploits tatu's creative work for her own project, which hasn't much to offer.

On the other hand in the USA were many tatu fans, who never heard tatu live in concert and so could hear the best of tatu at least with one participant. Furthermore the versions of Craving, Cosmos and Fly On The Wall (and to some extent Running Blind too) were really an enrichment. I think the point is here - a better choice of the tatu songs, which connect more to the Katina project and not to give the impression that the new songs are just alibi and the real intention is to keep the tatu products alive as long as possible (until Yulya returns or nobody is interested anymore).

Originally Posted by crazy malchik View Post
Is she planning to perform only her songs on her shows (if there are any)...?! C'mon.
She has no choice. She doesn't have copyrights, Renskij has. Therefore she would have to pay him for performance rights. This is certainly not an option for Yulya.
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Old 26-07-2010, 16:58   #899
MalchikGeiBrand MalchikGeiBrand is offline
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I know there's some people who talk about how Lena doesn't sing the old Tatu hits as well as Yulia did... But Yulia recorded those hits almost a decade ago and she barely sang them live. The famous, early Tatu songs are very high range and I'm surprised even Lena can sing them. Even if Yulia wanted to (which she's made it clear she doesn't) I don't think Yulia would be able to perform the Tatu hits, since in her recent Tatu performances, when she'd sing the "hits", she would sing an octave lower or let Lena sing it, due to her voice change.
But then again, we don't really know if Yulia's regained her capabilities.

I can also understand the displeasure with Lena performing the Tatu songs, but I originally didn't think it was that much of a problem. I thought, "well, why not perform them?" Part of the reason her project performs it is likely fan service, like Argos mentioned. I can see people thinking she's riding off of her previous Tatu days for attention, though I also don't see it as a huge deal.
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Old 26-07-2010, 22:10   #900
Edgar Edgar is offline
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Originally Posted by MalchikGeiBrand View Post
I don't think Yulia would be able to perform the Tatu hits, since in her recent Tatu performances, when she'd sing the "hits", she would sing an octave lower or let Lena sing it, due to her voice change.
But I really don't enjoy the voice of Lena on Not gonna get us and I don't think that she got to sing so well. The fact was that Even song doesn't sound good, I really think that was too lame. I think the same thing about Yulia perform the t.A.T.u. hits. But I don't think that Lena would be able to perform Not gonna get us either. (I really tried to listen Not gonna get us again)

But then again, we don't really know if Yulia's regained her capabilities.
You're right, Who Knows? I remember that I've listened a voice more healthy of Yulia during last performance
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