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Old 18-12-2003, 07:00   #61
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Erm...Siskia...we're talking about their relationship here. Not whether or not they're drug addicts.
Oh, so you can complain about Yulia not being a lesbian because "she took drugs", but I can't justify or defend her. That was LAME.

You telling me you still believe she's sleeping with Lena?!
Ay ay ay. I have dreamnt from the beggining that they slept together, Rachel, but my dreams aren't their reality, and what makes them happy makes me happy; do you really believe they'd adapt to you? It's us fans that adapt to them, not backwards. I always thought there was this chance that they didn't, as much as I didn't like it, but once again I'm not defending the girls themselves but their dignities which you seemingly enjoy wanking to their destruction.

You were making it out as though you were the "better lesbian" because you came out before me.
Please quote the exact sentence where I did that.

You keep on telling yourself that Siskia, and maybe you're start believing it.
Excuse me while I weep my dissapointment, o grand dyke, I was sooooo naive because I believed they were something they never said they were! I had sooooo much faith in a pop act! *Weeps.*

Seriously, Rachel. I'm not the one whose Christmas is ruined over two Russian girls I don't even know.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:05   #62
spyretto spyretto is offline
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I thnk that , basically, Real Lesbian hasn't seen the documentary yet. Correct?

I. for myself, am not discussing the documentary cause I haven't seen it either. when I see it I'll discuss it.

darje what mood swings? everybody has mood swings. But if you mean whether I'm impressed with your maturity, well yes I am

Excuse me while I weep my dissapointment, o grand dyke, I was sooooo naive because I believed they were something they never said they were! I had sooooo much faith in a pop act! *Weeps.*
so true

Last edited by spyretto; 18-12-2003 at 07:12.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:07   #63
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spyretto... you're joking. Right?
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:10   #64
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Originally posted by spyretto
I thnk that , basically, Real Lesbian hasn't seen the documentary yet. Correct?
No, incorrect. I saw it about 4 hours ago.

Darje,I'll reply to your post when I get up - it's 6am and I haven't been to bed yet.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:12   #65
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Rachel, don't even bother because I'm not replying.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:13   #66
spyretto spyretto is offline
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edit: there was only one real lesbian, her name was Sapho. Tatu should use some of her poems

shoot, now I'm the only one who haven't seen that damn thing!

darje why would I be joking?

If you want my point of view in this, no, I still believe in innocent until proven otherwise. I did a search of recent pics of Yulia and haven't seen ONE needle mark on either arm. Mind you, heroin isn't the kind of drug you have one day and can wait three days for another fix. It's a constant addiction: if you see a heroin junkie's arms, in a month he/she'll have, easily, from ten to twelve needle marks in each arm. Mind you, if Yulia being a heroin junkie was true, she would have overdosed and would be braindead by now. Her arms would be blueish green and covered in blue marks from mistreating her veins, sticking needles into her flesh. Also, heroin is seldom injected anywhere else, as injected in the thigh it doesn't have the same strenght. It's the same with cocaine: we would have noticed. Yulia would have a broken nose from inhaling, she'd seldom eat, she'd continuously faint, she would be totally tired all of the time.
Did she specifically say she'd used a needle? She may had just smoked it.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:16   #67
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spyretto, because you know I'm stubborn and pesky? :P
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:18   #68
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yes, but for all the good reasons
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:34   #69
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What's happened here?....
Passion pushes people to say all and its contrary!....
Little were sad because this forum was "burst" and you wanted it works well again , as before, in a large union of its members....
...and what are you doing ?... You are judging and in a certain way "banning" some people because they don't think as you!'s not good Baby Darje...

And what is this new stupid theme , now??!!!!! :mad

***Before we had " I more Fan of tatu than you"......Then, "I'm a TRUE FAN and you're ANTI TATU".....
Do you realize how IT WAS STUPID ?....
-->The "Hard Fans" who said to "Less Hard Fans" (from their opinions) that they were "ANTI TATU" are now judged themselves , by some of you, as "ANTI TATU" !!!

-->Forre, for exemple (she is sleeping I can say that..)...what happened with her...she tried to warn you that may be the reality could be different....and the result: She was called as a "BITCH" !....she was called as a "LIAR"....she was the one who "HATES" Tatu.....
All of you asked to themselves why she did that?...NO...It'S WAS CLEAR: she said "such lies" just by a "sadical pleasure " because she "Hated" Tatu...of course!....
Do you know something?...She could have destroyed your dreams by One post or with pics....
And she didn't do it.....
Sometimes, of course, she wrotes some little destabilizing sentences about Tatu.....But WHY, did she do that...? Hate?.....NO!.....just to try to protect you, a little....just to try to awake your critical sense...for YOU....
Because when you're a little warned, the "fall" which had with disappointment can be a little less hard... even if the sorrow is there...
Which it would have arrived for some among you if everyone had agreed and had said "All is a complete lie... All the newspapers say only lies"...the shock will be MORE RUDE for YOU....
That why i have a large RESPECT for her role as Mod....
...because she was HURT by your sentences (do you realize that?....)...Would you like to be called as a BITCH & LIAR when you know it's unfair?
She was HURT BUT SHE CHOSE to follow her "job" in the same sense....because her main purpose here isn't to be loved...but is to inform you and even if you don't realize take care of you....and to protect you in her way...

If I had 2 friends and One is telling me: "You're Right in all you do, you're just so fantastic..." and the other told me "You have good sides , but this point of your personnality doesn't have to change it because it's very's very unpleasant for the other people who are with you"....
I think i would have a large respect for the second, for me he would be the true friend , just because he wants that I improve because he loves me..
These kind of words are not easy nor to be said nor to be listened...but they help to grow up...

By the way , Forre does not require for anybody to speak and especially not of me !!... so, please, avoid statement that Forre sends her girlfriend to distribute the I have already heard it... because it is false, and saying that is just not knowing Forre , not knowing me.
I just speak with my brain and my emotions as Nathalie.

***Now i see a new theme: "I'm more Lesbian than YOU...or "I was Lesbian before you were a rank above.."....WHAT DOES IT MEAN??!!!!!.......

On this planet they are girls who love girls, and girls who love boys....What is the difference???!!!!!!....It is the same thing!...It's ALWAYS LOVE, JUST LOVE!....

We all learn with our past, our experiments.....we are on earth to learn and improve ourselves each please,think to the past on this forum, think to some judments mistakes which were made...and try to not repeat them, now.....
Please, not a new war, now : "The true vs the fake Lesbians!"......just because it's too stupid...

By the way , i consider myself not as a "Lesbian" but as an "homosexual girl"..or just "a girl who loves another girl"(ha! ha!...sorry , it isn't a words's just the truth) you see , you have here a 3rd class.. more "CASTS" want freedom, egality and you're creating yourselves "CASTS".....

Think to that....Think to the Past to ameliorate the Futur, on this forum...
And don't forget a forum has just its interest in the fact of exchanging different points of view...

PS: this post isn't just for Darje...just...i wanted to you..People are free to live their emotions as they want...even they don't think like you....

EDit: if it's incomprehensible , a mod might correct my english please...thanks..Cool? Ruskayatatu? advance, thanks

Last edited by nath; 18-12-2003 at 07:54.
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Old 18-12-2003, 07:37   #70
spyretto spyretto is offline
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it's all Fidgeting ... and sleeplessness
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Old 18-12-2003, 08:07   #71
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sunwalk, she, as in RACHEL, is banning everyone that still belives in Tatu, from our sexuality. In her judgement, if I support them, I'm not a real lesbian. I have reasons not to be amused.
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Old 18-12-2003, 08:58   #72
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spyretto, I became a verb. Cool!
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Old 18-12-2003, 11:22   #73
TIEN TIEN is offline
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i've just read all of this and being surprised because all of u turned the main theme"fan left" to a fight about "lesbian or not?".
hey, we did care of the girls and now,we still do.but can anyone take the fans back to them or change their mind just by fighting in the forum?the acts of the girls are the only way to solve the problems but how we can affect them to do things wrong or right?
lot of news and both tabloids have been updated.that why it's hard to know the truth!however,by my side, the girls seem still doing a pretty good job and i hope they will.i'm crazy about waiting their next allbum
trust and be honor with them.stop all the accusation on them,please! or do you just love them because of your sexuality?if they lied,god will kill them or they must pay the expensive all, i really do love their message!
*darje,i love the way you started the thread
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Old 18-12-2003, 12:05   #74
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So many people seem to have always known Y&L have been acting! I knew the number of believers was low on this forum, but i had no idea it was that low.

Fans don't have to worry. Tatu is not going anywhere. They have clearly revealed they're not a couple but they are still two beautiful girls who make out in skimpy outfits. That's enough to sell. And obviously Pasha doesn't mind watching his girlfriend kissing and groping her band partner. Well, who would?

As for the message... whatever.

Who said there was a cultural gap between western and eastern Europe? Casting, fabricated image, marketing plan? It seems exactly the same to me.
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Old 18-12-2003, 14:35   #75
teeny teeny is offline
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Do you know something?...She could have destroyed your dreams by One post or with pics....
any chance of more exclusive pics then?

We were all laughing at the we are/we are not responses before. Never said they lied when they implied that they weren't. Why now say they lied when the situation "changed"?
Stephen Gately waited 7 years before he told he was gay. 7 years in the public eye responding: "I haven't met the right person" whenever asked why he was still single. Then he came foreward. Not because he thought the fans deserved to know, but because someone from the staff sold the story to the news papers. Did the fans get disappointed? some did - most didn't.

Truth is that people can get hurt by knowing too much. If they had been less open about everything, fans would be kept in the dark and idol status kept since no "flaws" would be seen. Does it even matter if they kept some things unsaid for a period of time? We got no right to know all the things we know by now. It is an offer we have been given. If one doesn't want to have the perfect status ruined - don't look for information that would do so. Because no one is perfect.

Starting to feel like a broken record.. I'll stop.
If still needed to be said: Yes - count me in as a fan, and I don't feel like lies have been told.
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Last edited by teeny; 18-12-2003 at 14:56.
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Old 18-12-2003, 15:00   #76
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Don't tell me there are people here who are just a bunch of liars and nothing more. I thought you said that "It doesn't matter what their sexual orientation is, it's about the music"? Or maybe that was because you were SURE that Tatu were gay, and so you wouldn't have to be bothered because they were the way you wanted them to be?

Sadly the big issue here IS sexuality.

Would a real lesbian then support two girls who are pretending to be something their not?
Are you telling me that you supported them just because they were "lesbians"? I thought almost everyone liked "the full package".. I thought the music actually mattered!

I think it's okay to be gay.. Shouldn't I be supported just because I am not gay myself? So the message I bring out isn't important, just my sexuality? I thought that sexuality didn't matter.

So, when the girls were "gay" it was all great, but now that they are straight, it's horrible? What's wrong with being straight? What's wrong with being gay?!
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Old 18-12-2003, 15:11   #77
teeny teeny is offline
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well said, QueenBee.

And the music is the most important thing.

BTW: you weren't talking to me, right?
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Old 18-12-2003, 16:45   #78
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Shap wanted to make an underage sex project, not an underage lesbian project. He's not telling us what was the impetus that engendered the latter. It may have been someone else, perhaps Kiper? Kiper seemed a lot more sensitive about the whole thing in recent interviews.
Another speculation: Shap says that he saw something in their relationship and decided to develop it further. I trust that. Why? Because, unlike the girls, Mr Shap didn't lie about anything. He was acting as the voice of discord all the while, discrediting himself, whereas Tatu were reassuring everybody of their feelings. Afterwards things became a little blurry, I presume Tatu came to a point where they wanted to have a personal life, boyfriends, etc. They also entered the stage of legal adulthood. They had new contracts. They would keep it up for as long as they wanted to and as long as it was meaningful. But their underage lesbian personas and the project Tatu in its former state had run its full circle.
About the documentary: Somebody said that it is possible that Shap may have planned the whole thing from the beginning. And why not? They hired Mansky, they decided to show their real selves to him and in turn to the public. The whole thing seems orchestrated by the same people who brought us the project Tatu..
I don't know what they have in mind. It's a make it or break it situation. Perhaps Shapovalov has something else in store for us, perhaps he hasn't. Perhaps they'll go on for another album as a normal band, or Shap will present us another ingenious idea. Giving the cirmumstances I'm not optimistic but we'll see.

Yes, it's the end of the depression era I expect the tabloids to have a field day about this, and what better timing now that in the West, Tatu are gravitating from the "waning" to the "forgotten"

Lets watch this space, speculations are as ripe as before...

I like the fact that they've started singing live, perhaps it is the shape of things to come? See, I'm not all that pessimistic

Last edited by spyretto; 18-12-2003 at 16:55.
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Old 18-12-2003, 16:58   #79
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I am deff still a fan and deff damn confused over this damn "documentary" still. I mean I have come to realize that it is obvious the girls are not "Lesbian". They could be bisexual, but then again it really dont matter to me about their sexual orientation. I mean I am a straight guy, and really dont see a problem with them or anyone being bi, straight or gay. I can see how them sorta not being to honest can hurt ppl tho. However, what they sing about is love, don't matter if your bi, straight, gay or martian, love is something that can happen between anyone.

Some ppl are prob losing interest or feel hurt by this film, hell even I was a lil shocked and disheartened some-what at some of the of the things in this "documentary". Only I keep in mind of the I first time I heard of the girls, and what they made me feel when hearing and learning about them. I can go on and on about why I came to like them, but simply put.... I am a fan.
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Old 18-12-2003, 20:30   #80
shizzo shizzo is offline
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So, when the girls were "gay" it was all great, but now that they are straight, it's horrible? What's wrong with being straight? What's wrong with being gay?!
A lot of fans see this as their past beliefs being 'betrayed'. And
rightfully so - the sensitive issue of homosexuality was exploited
via their music, and I think this backlash is warranted. It's not
so much a question of right and wrong as it is a question of
morality. Confiding in something which ends up being believed
a hoax is what's driven the anger from fans.

[This observation, however, doesn't contradict the point of
my previous post, which emphasized a comment made by darje
at the beginning of this thread. It's not worth giving up on
enjoying the music and reflecting on how t.A.T.u. influenced
any aspect of your personality or experiences.]

As you yourself said, Queenbee - the most beautiful thing
in life is the illusions about life. It's odd how quickly people can
forget their own happiness, regardless of what caused it.

Last edited by shizzo; 18-12-2003 at 20:58.
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