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Old 25-02-2003, 08:36   #21
Veritas Veritas is offline
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Talking I knew I couldn't go wrong there!

You can ride my wave...I just hope we're not moving at different speeds to the rest here
True, chicken and milk (if it isn't in fact orange juice) doesn't sound too healthy. Which brings me to your final statement on ice cream.....Yummm!

If I ever get stuck with something I'll sure be knocking on your door.
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Old 25-02-2003, 08:44   #22
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Be sure to knock on my door and not the doorframe--it's covered in crazy glue, and you would subsequently get MORE stuck.

Yes. So. This clearly indicates that I need to go to bed now. (Because that made absolutely no sense at all.) Lol. Ahem. Have a nice night. I'm outtie. ^_~

This was verily an amusing discussion. Milk, cereal, ice cream and... chicken. (And spoons too. Can't forget the non-existent spoons. And the apple that wasn't.)

I wonder what happened to "fate". Lol.

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Le noir, la gloire... On se demande bien.
Mais comm' je t'adore, lorsque je m'endors...
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Old 25-02-2003, 17:30   #23
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Question how do you define fate.....

What is fate?
how do we define fate?

fate it seems is an explanation given by our brains when it has failed to give a reasonable explanation for any events that has occured or that we expect to occur, based on comparing those events to all the definitions we have learnt during our lives.
m.a.y.b.e. co-founder

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Old 12-04-2003, 21:16   #24
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Ahhh well

U know what they's what u make if you want chicken to taste like cereal then my word who is to stop it from being so? The mind is a powerful thing!
At least I can be thankful for not being that poor chicken that we've so pleasantly torn to shreds and exploited...roflmao
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Old 15-07-2003, 14:06   #25
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You can't tell me

that nobody else has any thoughts on this subject??? It's one of those that one just can't resist pulling in all directions....
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Old 15-07-2003, 16:17   #26
denial denial is offline
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hmm.. interesting topic .. I thought about it alot when I was ahem .. younger ...

There are 2 type of fate:

1. We cannot change
Before we were born we are only soul without a body .. so God send us to earth .. and put us (the soul) in a new born baby. But before that God already prepare for us our fate, one that we cannot change like male or female, who is our parent, where will be born and when and how we going to die.

2. We can change.
Things like what are we going to wear tomorrow... if we forget to buy the milk at store, do we want to go back or we'll just go next day.. or things like what are we wearing now..we can always change if we want .. or ..if someone hit us.. we can choose either to hit back or to run away ...

..urr .. it is both fixed and chooseable ...

anyway .. if we were to die on the way to go back to buy the milk that we forgot earlier .. than I think this one is a type 1. the "cannot change fate". Because we cannot change when and how we going to die.

...well.. fate is just like love will find its way ...
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Last edited by denial; 15-07-2003 at 17:24.
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Old 15-07-2003, 17:38   #27
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Aaah how I love these things. They're all related to psychology and stuff right? Well that's what I looove.

Well to start off, define fate.. It can be different things for different people. For me fate is something that will happen nomatter what. And so, I can say, I do not believe in fate. Well it's kinda more complicated than that... Someone can wish for something and meet any obstacles but still reach a dream, and thus, the dream was fate - it would happen nomatter what. Uh.

Okay I'm starting up.. Excuse me, I haven't slept for many many hours now and I'm sick and coughing so my mind is set off :P

I believe that life is what you make of it... You can make changes all you want, there is nothing that will be standing nomatter what, you can break down the highest brick wall. Ah and there we have the hidden message :P There is no fate, because, we can do what we want and you never know what happens! So nothing is written in stone...

Let's say my fate is.. to grow up, get myself a job, husband and kids, and die in a horrible accident. I can still change that, by, uh, let's say, killing myself at this very moment.

And who is the one to tell us our fate anyway? Nobody knows what will happen... But sometimes I tell myself "If it was meant to be, it will be", but that's more as a comfort, because fate can sometimes comfort a person.

That apple thing is the coolest. It proves how much media and society controls our lives. We get brainwashed and believe in the craziest things... From there you can move on to homosexuality, which isn't that much accepted these days. And why is that? It's because the media "shows" us that gay people are bad and disgusting.

For example, let's take.. uh.. god. I am sorry if this post will offend anyone who believes in god, it's not meant to - it's just an example God rules :P Anyway, imagine this, you aren't born yet. Your parents live in a house out on an empty field with no other human contact. They don't have a tv, radio, nothing. There are no roads where they live and so, no cars ever drive by. They don't have any friends and they aren't connected to their family. It's like they're in the middle of a desert. Then they get you, and raise you without forcing any believes on you. They have grown up the same way you are growing, without contact of any kind. They don't teach you about god, they don't teach you about tv, computers, or any modern things. They don't teach you about witches, ghosts, spirits, etc. So how can you believe in god? How can you believe in anything?

Our lives are based on our believes. If this was true, and you were living in a "desert", there would be no god in your life while others say there would be no life without god.

But because people have taught eachother about things, we believe. If no-one ever said there was anything meant to happen, we wouldn't be here discussing..

I don't know where I'm going with this, really... Just trying to explain that life is what you make of it, and nothing is for sure. At least that's what I think at this very moment. I change my mind every three seconds...

If there were scientific proof on that there is in fact fate, and we cannot control anything, I would still move on, of course. Because how can I know what awaits me? I make decisions that result in the things that were meant to be (fate). So, the decisions I make are also fate, because if there is fate, I am MADE to make these decisions and I WILL make them nomatter what. So, the consequences are meant to be, and blahblahblaaah.

Life would be boring if we knew our fate, but since we don't (if there is such a thing as fate) it is still an adventure. Because even if I am going to die in a week I don't know about it now, do I? I don't know my fate.

So, let's say, in a week, I am supposed to die when I am going to go to the store to buy some milk. On my way to the store I will be killed in a car accident.

But what if in the morning I realise I still have some orange juice left and decide not to go buy milk? Suddenly things change Which leads us back to.. uh.. point 1? We can change everything.

I can cut all contact with everyone and go life in the woods when my fate tells me I am supposed to be a famous rockstar... Because I can do anything I want now *waves her hands* like this.

See, now, I just wrote this and look back on page 1 and see two people who already have written that maybe they will go to the store to buy milk! I don't know what that says, but probably the media has shown us that most people go to buy milk because milk is needed. And we found that out by going to school and learning about all the damn things milk has. And all that because someone showed us things, without people and media we would be nothing.

Uh, as I said, I am weird and... weird. So basically, uh, what am I trying to say here anyway? Lol. Media is the source of everything evil and good... Well in this world at least. If we would be without it, we would be living a different and maybe happier life... Whatever that has to do with fate.

Sometimes the things that control us are small accidents. I mean, what if.. and only WHAT IF my friend sperm would pop inside of my moms egg instead of me.. Then I wouldn't even exist. It COULD happen, because anything is possible.

Which brings me on the next topic.. *everyone sighs* Possibility. I have always said that everything is possible, because it is. Do you ever get the feeling that something is gonna happen and then three seconds after it does happen? Or maybe feel that someone is gonna say something to you, and when you turn around they stand there and say it? Oh, and psychosomatic things are very interesting things I think. To be able to control your body only with your brain. If I reaaaallly believe that I will have a headache, I can have a headache!

ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE. Which also brings us to fate *some more people sigh*... Nothing is impossible except the impossible. If everything possible, there is one thing that IS in fact impossible - doing the impossible (when everything is possible). Uhhh. I warned you.

Then we have visual and auditory hallucinations. Things may seem to happen when they aren't really happening. And this can drive you nuts and your brain is having a serious problem. I don't know how I started writing about this, but it seems like it all has a connection because fate is something you can't change and it will always be... Which is weird, and which I don't believe in. (and I know you can define fate in many ways but this is just one of them).

Basically... Uh. Many things. Fate doesn't exist for me. Except when it is for the good Yes, he does love me, because we are meant to be. I won't let my life be controlled by anyone or anything. But it's already happening, the damn media again. I thank you for this computer, my tv and everything else.

Small things make your life, small things can ruin your life, accidents might happen - is it fate or not? Maybe, maybe not. We don't know. Maybe our fate is not to know Maybe we aren't supposed to know. Well, we will never know.. Just try to make life into a great experience, and, well, the things that happen, they happen, and I don't really care if they were meant to happen. :P

Which now reminds me... *everybody sighs and some people put me on ignore list and leave thread* Think of all the things you can stop!

Let's say there is fate... I go to the store to pick up milk and a car drives.. It is about to kill me, but I see it and jump away. Oh, so now THAT was fate...

My friend is going to kill herself (eh its just an example) and that is her fate - to die out of suicide. But I talk to her and help her get through hard times and she doesnt do it. So was THAT fate?

Maybe, maybe not. :P But the smallest things can change your life... Maybe god is just playing around with us, maybe we are just playing around with ourselves.

Because think about it.. What things have changed your life the most? The time a book fell on your head or the time your mother passed away? I would say second option. Maybe that book changed your life more... Because you actually opened it and found out great stuff about how to survive in the woods that were written in that book. And one day you lose yourself in the woods and luckily you had a book fall on your head and now you know what to do! But who wrote that book? A human!

So.. we change our lives, others change our lives, media changes our lives, many things can happen and all of these build up the wall of life and ends anyway.

So what's the point? Is there fate? Maybe, maybe not.. Maybe that book was meant to fall on your head... By who? Who said it was meant to? It was just an accident. Or was it? Maybe someone threw it? Who controls fate?

My brain is boiling.
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 16-07-2003, 12:58   #28
Veritas Veritas is offline
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[font=garamond]Then again, when something bad happens to someone else more often than not the respose is "God forbid" is it not? Well I've heard it in any case.

Quote: I don't think fate is choosing our paths for us but rather that fate KNOWS what paths we are going to choose and thus = Fate.

Perhaps Fate isn't at all what we think it is, just what we lead (or others) one another to believe. Maybe Fate is psychic and has this notepad jotting down our every "choice" and from that determines say 100 different destinations for us. Then the closer we get to the end of our time on earth in this life, the less destinations there are (keeping in mind that from the first destinations there could've branched another 1000 or whatever. Like a mathematical problem with more than one formula type effort thing. Or maybe I'm just mornal I don't know.
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Old 16-07-2003, 13:54   #29
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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Veritas, I like the way you think.

Then the closer we get to the end of our time on earth in this life, the less destinations there are
Half of me agrees, other half doesn't, lol.

The one that doesn't agree: I think you can always choose a new path.. Even though you've settled down you can always break that, and do something else. It will probably be a shock for everyone but it's possible. Although it might not happen often.

The one that doesn't agree: You aren't capable of doing the things you did when you were younger. When you're young you have so many chances and well, you learn alot and there are more paths because you experience more.

What the hell am I talking about? Weeell I just love to speculate.
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 16-07-2003, 15:43   #30
denial denial is offline
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Originally posted by queenbee
The one that doesn't agree: I think you can always choose a new path.. Even though you've settled down you can always break that, and do something else. It will probably be a shock for everyone but it's possible. Although it might not happen often.
It happens because fate urr God inspires you ...
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Old 16-07-2003, 22:07   #31
russkayatatu russkayatatu is offline
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I haven't read through this whole thread - I am way too tired to think clearly about this right now - but about the Russian thing, freddie, you're right: for a guy, it is Ya Soshel s Uma, although it's pronounced Ya Soshol s Uma.

"I" is "Ya" - no separate words for masculine and feminine - like in English you have separation in the 3rd person singular, "he" for males and "she" for females, but "I" and "you" for both. Same in Russian. Although FadingAway, you're right that most nouns that end in a vowel are feminine (but not all: notable exception: "papa," i.e., dad, which is masculine and takes masc. adjectives although it declines as though it's fem.). Generally rules like that work for only for nouns, though, not pronouns.

Maybe we should resurrect the Slavic thread? We can talk more about stuff like this there
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