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Old 10-10-2003, 00:41   #71
russkayatatu russkayatatu is offline
Echoes among the Stars
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: USA
Age: 41
Posts: 770

Hello sunny poison, cool, everyone...after your kind invitation how can I stay away now?? I think this thread is a great idea and Val, you're doing a fantastic job - I like the answers to "как дела?" especially although I'd watch out with some of the later ones if you're talking to older adults...speaking from experience

Anyway, I am not Russian, but I haven't come here before because I already know Russian, or at least went through a course in it three years I don't speak it much, and my vocabulary sucks as coolasfcuk can tell you but otherwise I know it pretty well. Plus I remember sitting in a classroom and having to learn all this stuff - I mean I remember how it was taught and what it looks like to non-Slavic people - so if that viewpoint can be useful I'll be glad to do anything to help out Or anything else...really anything you need.

As for uploading, well...heh...I've been trying to record and post a file for most of the day now - so far I have a .wav file but I still need to figure out how to compress it and upload it...which I am still working on. Sooooo, will post as soon as I can. more for a possible BG (or Swedish) class - will do anything for ya in return, just ask

Last edited by russkayatatu; 10-10-2003 at 03:32.
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