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Old 22-05-2005, 06:28   #18
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Stairway to Heaven~
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 204

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Chapter 4

The cheery tone of Yulia’s doorbell echoed inside her spacious bungalow, making her jerk awake from her accidental cat nap on her couch. Pulling herself together, she made her way to the door and tusseling her spiky hair into separate linings. Pulling the door open, she almost growled out loud ferociously to the image she was greeted with. She didn’t like how this day turned out so far.

Vik, with beige khakis and a white t-shirt stood there with a kind grin and a sun glass in hand. Inviting himself in, he pushed through Yulia and walked right into the apartment suite. Giving a slight whistle as h looked around he plopped down on the couch and looked back at Yulia.

Yulia shuffling in after him plopped down next to him. “What are you doing here ass fucker?” Yulia asked, expecting a prompt answer. But Vik decided to ignore the question, trying to drive the conversation topics elsewhere.

“Nice crib. How do you ever manage with so many financial limits? And how do you manage so well?” Vik glowered, purposely shifting to “accidentally” show his fat wallet through the gap in his khaki pocket to Yulia. The brunette was nauseated at Vik’s flailing antics he tried to use on her to draw her in.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Yulia snapped, standing and heading towards the mini bar in the kitchen. Vik stood to follow, intertwining his fingers behind his head in a boyish gesture.

“Well Yulia, I give up.” Vik said nonchalantly. Yulia looked up from her glass of juice with a doubtful look.

“Define your definition of ‘giving up’.” Yulia asked rather suspiciously.

“Yulchik, you wound me! Have I tricked you that much in the past for you to say things like that?” Vik said in a mocking expression.

“Actually you did. So spill. What changed?” Yulia said losing patience and setting her juice carton on her counter as well as her glass half full with yellow content.

“Too much of a hard-to-get is a turn off Yuli, you should know.” Vik answered snatching up the juice glass and finishing it with one gulp. Yulia looked up and frowned.

“Quite the contrary actually; I love the challenge— and that was my juice, asshole!” Yulia quipped, giving him a playful punch on the arm. Vik chuckled, and lowered his head to give Yulia a quick kiss on the forehead.

“Love you too slut.” Vik replied, heading back to the living room. Then standing front of a wall slash mirror, he positioned himself to have a hair moment.

By this time Yulia was convinced that Vik actually decided to quit. She knew that he was getting pissed off and frustrated over something that wasn’t going to happen. And the nosebleed she gave him just the day before didn’t help anything either. She was glad that he could get her point of view. She was in a relationship now and Vik in her life as a bother could disturb other important things, such as Lena.

“Yulia I got to go, my mothers going to bitch or a long time about what I did to our so called engagement. How about I call you and tell you the exciting adventures of Mrs. Verustikov-- The motor mouth?” Vik called out from the living room, making it possible for Yulia to smile and get away with it.

“Sounds good homo!” Yulia called back.


“Ahh shit!” Lena cursed, making Yulia look up with an amused lines wrinkling up her face.

“What’d you forget now?” Yulia asked, checking Lena’s form from head to toe in possibility of Lena forgetting to put on her pants.

“My purse! I promised you that I’d pay for tonight!” Lena said angrily.

“Whoa Angry and Ugly, calm down.” Yulia said, a smile deepening her features, immediately converting the atmosphere into a bright one. “I’ll take care of it tonight. You just pay me back at the movies.” There was a mysterious twinkle in Yulia’s bluer than blue eyes when she had said her last sentence.

Lena looked up in a gesture of thinking. “Wait… Didn’t I just tell you that I forgot my purse and I can’t pay you any money? I can’t buy movie tickets with my boobs you know.”

Yulia snorted out a laugh before pushing Lena to her silver BMW. Then with a barely audible whisper, she replied, “Oh yes you can.”


After dinner, they made their way to the movie theater, hand to hand. Lena was laughing, clinging to Yulia’s grasp, and Yulia was also mildly chuckling beside her. The air was humid and the pavement road below them was moist with the recent rain that poured but stopped in time they finished dinner.

“I can’t believe you made us go out of the restaurant without paying!” Lena yelled, laughing hard. Yulia frantically looked around and also laughing herself shushed the hysterical red head.

“Tell the world now why don’t ya?” Yulia whispered, laughing at the sight of Lena laughing merrily.

As they arrived in front of the ticket booth, Yulia paid for two tickets for a nameless cheesy kung-fu movie. Leading Lena into a dark and very intimate spot at the back of the room, they sat side by side. The movie was already playing and the only spectators were the old man way up at the front, dozing.

Both of them were silent, eyes watching the movie but thoughts drifting to somewhere else. But Yulia turned her head to look at the lovely almost impossible sight who sat beside her. A roguish grin spreading her features, she tapped on Lena’s hand with her fingers to get her attention. Lena turned her attention to Yulia with a slight curious smile, her eyes in a questioning glance.

Yulia leaned in to whisper in Lena’s ear. “Do you remember when I said that you’d have to pay back at the movies?” Yulia pulled back briefly to see Lena’s reaction. She watched her nod with a side stare of suspicion. She leaned back in. “Well I think it’s time that you did.”

Lena giggled, looking around to make sure that no one was in fact watching from an innocent looking dark corner. Then she second checked the old man sleeping through the movie at the very front of the theater. Then she stood up, then swung one leg over Yulia’s knees and sat down, straddling the smaller woman under her.

Lena dipped down to give Yulia a deep and throaty kiss, muffling Yulia’s squeak of joy.

“Time for pay back.” Lena whispered, before roughly taking a hold of Yulia’s jacket and slipping it off of her.


As they quietly but contently made their way to the car, Lena yawned, squeezing Yulia’s hand in her grasp as she did so. Yulia gave a little laugh, taking Lena’s form into a half embrace, letting her arm snake its way loosely around Lena’s neck.

“Hey dykes!” A coarse and bitter voice yelled out from behind them, making them both jump and look back at the source.

It was man they had never seen before with a metal bar in his hands. He had screeching eyes, unknown color in the dark. His lips were curled up in a snarl, his bushy blonde hair dancing in the sudden blowing wind. Then suddenly he broke into a run with the weapon in his hand and charging towards them.

Just in time Lena sharply pushed the brunette behind her body, advancing to take the blow. “Lena!” She heard Yulia scream. She shut her eyes into a firm close, waiting for it to come.

But it never did. Slowly but surely opening her eyes and squinting to see well, she saw a wide and heavy body in front of her. He had threw something at the charging man, as she could see the charging man just before on the ground squirming on the ground and clutching at his face.

As their savior turned around, he had an expression of mixed emotions, his eyes evidently searching for injuries or anything. His voice was gentle and low, giving off something she couldn’t quite reach.

“Are you alright? Yulia? Are you hurt?? He sounded almost frantic.

“Vik?” Yulia called, moving from her rooted spot to embrace her rescuer. “Oh god Vik… Thank you so much.” Yulia cried in Vik’s chest.

“Come on. I’ll take you girls home.” Vik murmured, leading both of them to his ride.


“So, who’s this lovely young lady?” Vik asked in a teasing voice, eyeing at Yulia, and gesturing at Lena who was sitting quietly beside Yulia. . The brunette scoffed as she reached for Lena’s hand. As they laced their fingers together, Yulia held their hands up for Vik to see.

“I see.” Vik muttered before eyeing back at the road. He made a turn, clearing his throat and turning his head to the side so the girls couldn’t see his expression. “And uhh… When did this begin?” Vik asked.

“Couple of days before I was hired to be the construction industry’s new architect.” Yulia answered cautiously. But Vik revealed his expression and Yulia smiled. Vik’s face was broken with a huge grin, a hint of curiosity marring his eyes.

“You’re not… Mad are you? I heard from Yulia that you guys were…Ahem.” Lena spoke up, then trailing back to silence.

“No, we got it all untangled. It’s okay now. We’ve decided it was better we be friends, and I think now I know why.” Vik chuckled.

“Vik… Thanks. Really. For tonight with saving us from a damn near insane lunatic…And you know.” Yulia murmured. Vik flashed Yulia a hefty smile through the rear view mirror.

“It’s not problem really. I mean I could’ve done that to anyone.” Vik answered making another turn. “Although you could repay your debt by inviting me to one of your dates.”

The girls giggled. “Oh ya? Where do you want us to go?” Lena asked.

“Let’s go clubbing! Well at least for me. But come with me for the company.” Vik said laughter evident in his voice.

Yulia looked at Lena with raised brows. “Clubbing it is.”


“Oh shit!” Lena cursed.

“What’d you forget now?” Yulia asked letting out a sigh. She was having a major case of déjà vu.

“I left my jacket in Vik’s car.”

The brunette started to laugh. “I don’t you’d want your jacket back then.”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind.”

“No really, why? I liked that jacket. Why wouldn’t I want it back? And what’s that got to do with Vik?”

“Oh my god even if I told you, you would just forget by tomorrow anyways. So shut up and let’s go to sleep.”

“No really tell me! Why wouldn’t I”

“Night! Love you.”





Kolya poured the golden liquid in the glass, and then pushed it towards Vik. Vik curtly nodded in gratitude before letting his fingers embrace the glass before him.

“Well, are you still going with the plan?” Koyla asked coolly, a glass of his own in his own hands.

Vik looked up with a scrunched up face. “Why would I stop with the plan in the first place?”

“Vik… She’s gay.” Kolya sighed.

“The hell with that! I’ll fucking rape her if I had to. I want her. And I’m going to have her. And even after that if I can’t have her, I’ll just kill her.” Vik snarled then poured the contents in his glass in his mouth.

“And if you get caught? Those CSI shit ain’t there for shows my intelligent friend.” Kolya smirked before pouring Vik another glass of the golden liquid.

“Don’t worry. This is one fool proof plan that no one has ever thought of.” Vik said with oozing confidence.

“I wish you all the best than.”

*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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