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Old 02-10-2003, 19:36   #36
cirrus cirrus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: surrounded by lunatics!
Age: 38
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I'd say I love music. Whether it's in English or Russian, or any language, it's the music, the atmosphere, the emotion that gets me. I think a good song is something you can understand or get the feel of no matter the language. My music collection is all different styles and languages, and I think the creative process behind songs - the lyrics fitting with the music to create something - is amazing. I make music using computer programs, but I'm also gonna learn the guitar.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't feel the same way. They want things they can understand, and go out and buy (or download). I can understand that, but I think people don't really explore music or challenge their taste in it. They just want what's easy and popular. I can't be like that. I like more underground stuff cuz it's more interesting. It's different. Mainstream stuff is kinda boring because, in a way, you've heard it before. I respect people who make music they like, and like to be different or creative.

I think it's obvious that music is more than record companies and CD sales. It's more personal - a collection of someone's thoughts and emotions - whether through words or instruments - and that's what you really connect with.
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