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Old 22-02-2004, 13:38   #62
haku haku is offline
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Originally posted by freddie
She's acting like 80% of the stars would aftr 3 years of fame... cold, arogant, moody... it comes with the territory.
Tatu are supposed to be different. If Yulia is like any bitchy American pop star, what's the point?

What's changed by now, anyway?
What's changed is that their career is going down the drain, the hardcore fans are all they have and they're losing even that. Yulia's diva attitude is no longer endearing, it's just tiring now.

She sure doesn't give a damn what we think of her. Lets not worry ourselves.
Agreed. And you can bet that a lot less fans will vote for Tatu at the next MTV award show (if they are nominated ever again that is). Why care to vote since Yulia thinks those award ceremonies are useless?
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]