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Old 30-06-2003, 17:56   #19
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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*claps hands* Yay!! I'm so excited to get to talk about Xena and X-Files again! As far as the X-Files, I was completely obsessed. I had all the mags, figurines, computer games, shirts, movie, etc. And get this--the x-files even used MY TOWN as a set in one of the eps!!! Talk about dream coming true!! But them my dumb ass principal DEMANDED the producers cut our town out of the show b/c she said it would portray the teenagers at my school as murderers in a cult since that was what the ep delt with. Talk about raising hell...I had petitions, letters, bad mouthed her every chance I got...needless to say I was pissed but in the end the producers left us in the ep. *x-files one, principal ZERO...take that biatch!* Even though I loved the show, I absolutely despised Dogget. I HATED him. I was so mad b/c I thought he ruined the show. I was like "There is NO X-Files without Mulder and Scully. The show isn't Dogget and Scully. WHERE'S MULDER?!" Needless to say I was not as into it once Mulder left and I thought the ending was WONDERFUL...until the last 2 minutes when Mulder made his last speech. Ugh I felt screwed because what I gathered from it was "Forget the whole point of the show that there could be aliens out fight for the truth...just forget it and believe that God will save us all." Ugh.

Now as far as Xena, that was my SECRET obsession..well, not really obsession...just short of it I guess though. LOL I was dedicated, but no one knew I watched it *yes I know I'm weird like that* To answer the questions though, here I go:

1) I'm more for Xena all the way. Ahhh I remember little me running around with a frisbee as a chakram and a stick as a sword. LOL
2) Wellll for the longest time I was like "Romantic Friendship" but after having them pretty much "come out" in the 6th season, I'd have to say yes, they are lovers
3) Season 2
4) A Day in the Life ( parrish, the ep you're talking about is "Is There a Doctor in the House?" yep, I'm sad hehe)
5) Ares was one hottttt god. ESPECIALLY with the short hair cut *drools*
6) Ending... Bad ending, not what I expected
7) I have no idea how they could bring Xena back. She's died and come back so many times...her and Gabby both. So however they do it (IF they do), it'll be a big surprise

Here's one more question though:

8) Ever read fanfiction for either of the shows? Which one? Me? I read Xena fanfic...I was quite satisfied with M&S relationship so I didn't want to read anyone else's opinion on it, but X&G...well, diff story. Well enough with my rambling.
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