Thread: UTIMTA
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Old 16-10-2010, 05:59   #39
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
Can You See Them Now?
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I've listened to all of the clips you've posted from your new album. I'm going to break down my critique by each individual song, as well as looking at the material as an entire collected work.

In my opinion:

1. All Because Of You

The song has a strong foundation in terms of both the instrumental and the structure that I can hear. In my opinion, an artists lyrics and the music behind them should work in a synergistic way. Not in the sense that "Yes, the music and the lyrics match up" - not the idea. A song with lyrics indicating emotional turmoil should be supported by an instrumental that conveys the same emotional turmoil on its own. This track doesn't do that for me. The instrumental needs to have a heaver bassline, the lead synth needs to be louder and it's also a really basic loop. In respect to the vocals - the autotune needs to go. Your pitch can clearly be heard leaping from one level to the other. Re-record the vocals and find somebody who knows how to properly mix vocals in order to turn this diamond in the rough into quality work.


The same issue! The instrumental just needs work. Aside from that, from the bottom of my soul I absolutely fucking love this song. I listen to this song leisurely quite often. Your timing with the music could be cleaned up a bit. This song is really good at showcasing your range from one pitch to the other. I'd also recommend making the "oh-eh-oh-oh-eh-eh" into a hook.

3. love ditch

To start off, I do not like the instrumental. It sounds cheap and under-produced to say it directly. This song is absolutely excellent otherwise. If your vocals could always sound like they do in this track I'd enjoy listening to more of your music for recreation. The harmonization and variation in your pitch are great ear candy.

4. Can't Take This -interlude-

Add a distortion effect to the vocals and it would sound a lot better. The track needs some slight touch ups, but overall - not bad.

5. Say Goodbye (Feat. Destiny Flora)

I'm probably going to end up picking on all of your instrumentals because I honestly believe that's one of your weakest points. They're not awful. They just need tweaking. The vocals on this track however are excellent. The harmonization is beautiful, as are the lyrics and the structure is ok, a little weird though. Very little I'd change other than removing the auto-tune and placing in some ear candy in the vocal department.

6. How Far I'd Go

I dislike the instrumental again. I dislike the autotune. I also think that the song would sound better at a faster speed.

7. Loveless Sex

Wow! First off, that opening in the preview needs to be the opening to your entire track. I hope it is. I dislike the autotune again, the word don't flow as well as I'd like them to. The build is weak also. This song should get progressively more aggressive as it goes on. It starts out exciting, but I'm quite bored by the end of the clip.

8. The Way My Heart Feels

This song has the potential to be one of your greatest. But the autotune needs to go, the track (despite not being that bad) needs a little touching up and your timing is not good. I see the direction you're going in, and I know what it sounds like in your head. It's going to be a great song when it's finished.

9. For My Mother (Newly recorded edition)

I've always though this track was a great one, but in need of a lot of work. If I were producing this track, it would be a ballad and the entire instrumental would be scrapped. I do really like the lyrics, and I think the speed on this track needs to be changed too. It's much to fast.

10. rumours (Feat. Jessi Cox)

The instrumental is your best work in my opinion. Get rid of the autotune. Get rid of Jessi Cox. He should never be featured on anything ever again. That part was indeed awful.

Overall: Your ability to write a good song is not in question. You have amazing material, the production just isn't being done correctly. Your improvement is evident, but your relying on autotune is still no more impressive than it was when you first discovered how to use it. Cut it out get rid of it. Other than that, I think you're on the right track to finding a sound that is distinctly you. The flow of the album is great in my opinion.
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