What? Capitalism dead? No. Capitalism has proved itself. Capitalism is freedom. Capitalism is all good and alive. It's the fact that we have capitalism that we can adjust swiftly and well to problems, and capitalism will prevail any task given.
But what type of capitalism, however, is another discussion, and that's where the debate will be. Currently, there is international work in creating something new on big scale à la Bretton Woods. It seems like the neo-liberalistic idea of institutionalism and more government control and cooperation between countries over markeds are winning. I believe this is what EU and deffinetally Norway are working for, and I have a feeling Obama and America will jump on the bandwagon. Not sure how far into the process they are, but there have at least been discussions in all the big international organizations on this. Personally I think this has been part of the problem all the way. Big business in bed with big government is never a good plan.
Give me free market capitalism any day of the week!