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Old 18-05-2007, 20:35   #11
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Then make your definition of Anaïs then! People are allowed to add their own definitions I believe.

Morten came out like this:

1. Morten
a Morten is a person who by pure ignorance does something really silly, and by accident causes extreme disaster

When trying to disable a nuclearbomb, the Morten goes "Look at me, im disarming the bomb by biting the wires" *BOOOOOOM*

2. Morten
A "Morten" is a male person with a speech impediment and/or a tendancy for geeky behaviour.

"Hey, look at that guy with the braces!"
"Yeah, he's such a Morten!"
What the hell? Hehehe. What is "the Morten", and can one be "a Morten"? I thought one could be like Morten, or similar to ...and so on. Hehe. I'm making my own definition! The real one! I'm hoping it passes through the review. If it does then I advice everyone to check it out! Hhehehe.
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