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Old 26-04-2007, 16:52   #139
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by nath View Post
Patrick, you who have studied the different programs with more attention than me...what do you think?
Do you think that the Bayrou's program is closer to the Royal/Left one or closer to the Sarkozy/Right one, please?
My personal opinion is that Bayrou is now closer to Royal than Sarkozy.

Let's put it this way, if i draw a line from left to right, and i put Fabius at the left end, and Sarkozy at the right end, i think Bayrou would be right in the middle, i think there are as many differences between Bayrou and Fabius as between Bayrou and Sarkozy.
Of course Royal is not at all as far left as Fabius, on my line, i would say that Royal is right between Fabius and Bayrou, as for DSK, i would say that DSK is between Royal and Bayrou.

The problem for Royal is that she has to navigate between her left (Fabius) and her right (DSK), if she went much closer to DSK and abandoned Fabius, she could easily form a coalition with Bayrou, Bayrou and DSK could easily govern together. But i don't think she's going to do that, not for this election, and Bayrou can't accept any agreements with the PS as it is, Bayrou can't govern with Fabius no more than he can govern with Sarkozy.

My personal hope (and i think that's what Bayrou is hoping too) is that the PS will soon break off in two parts, an anti-liberal part (the Fabius line) which would constitute an extreme left party (like what the FN is at the extreme right), and a social-democrat part (the DSK line) that would join forces with Bayrou's Democrat party to create a truly modern social-democrat opposition in France.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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