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Old 25-04-2007, 16:44   #133
haku haku is offline
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François Bayrou just had a press conference and as expected, he hasn't given any advice on how to vote in the second round (though he has clearly hinted that he will himself vote for Royal).
More importantly, he has announced that he will create a new centrist Democrat Party that will be ready for the next parliamentary elections (something that i fully support, bravo).
The UDF will most probably disappear, a few years after the RPR disappeared as well, it's a whole page of French political history that is being turned.

Originally Posted by nath View Post
By hasard, I saw 45 mn of Sarkosy meeting , yesterday evening....after was diffused 45 minutes of the meeting of Royal...

I'm sorry , but I switched off the tv....what Royal said is SO flat.....
At the opposite, I absolutely agreed with Sarkozy's speach.
We were watching the same channel as i saw the same thing. Yeah, Sarkozy is a great orator, his speeches are remarkable. Royal simply doesn't know how to talk, the way she stumbles and pauses every four or five words is beyond annoying.

Let me add that i have no particular problem with Sarkozy and people who support him, he certainly doesn't scare me or anything, he's simply following a right wing policy and i can totally understand that, i even often agree with what he says in the economic field, but there are other fields where he's going beyond what i can personally support, he sounds way too pro-American for my taste (everybody knows that i am pro-European) and the way he speaks of religion and christianity goes against my strict secularist and atheist principles, i don't want the state to push religion on me.

And yeah, Libération has become a trash paper lately.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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